HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-12-20, Page 66 THURSDAY, Dr.c. 20 1917 - THE SIGNAL - GODERICH ONTARIO {•+ti -•i••: ++4-1-1- ;+ ++4 14 1 1 I- I I 1 t :444-1-441-+++++++ r. Mother, Go to Pridham's for Dad's and My Christmas Present HE ALWAYS HAS' THE BEST The boy is right. He knows what he is talking about. This stcre is filled with useful and handsome presents for father and son. Come early and get the first selection. The following is a partial list of good, sensible gifts for husband and son :-- GLOVES, NECKWEAR, SHIRTS, NECKSCARFS, SOCKS, UNDERWEAR, HANDKERCHIEFS, SWEATER COATS, BATH -ROBES, HOUSE COATS, TIE PINS CUFF LINKS, L'MBRULLAS, SUSPENDERS, GARTERS, WATERPROOFS, HATS and CAPS, SUITS and OVERCOATS. Walter C. Pridharn Special orders for 20th Century and Art Clothing Open, Evenings 'Phone 57 HERN' GROCERY is ready for the Christmas sea- son with a f stock of seasonable goods. NEW HUTS HAVE JUST ARRIVED We have a large assortment of Candy, including a very fine line of Chocolates. New Navel Oranges expected in time for Christmas. 'New dried Prunes, Figs and Peaches have also arrived. Fifty kinds of fancy Biscuits to choose from. CHINA All our China was bought be- fore the big advance in prices, so we. are in a position to give •ou extra good value in Christ- % gifts. til . H ERN THE HQ 'ARE I'HtiN 43 CREWE. TUESDAY, Dec. 11th. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Blake visited Crewe friends last week. • Our school teacher. Miss McCallum. leaves for her home at Kirkfield on Fri- day. Mr. and Mrs. John Gauley'have re- turned home after spending eight months in the West. Mr. Cecil Blake has left here to take a position in a bank near St. Thomas. We wish Cecil every success. CARLOW. WEDNESDAY, Dec. 19. Miss Barnby is the guest of Miss Min- erva McPhee. Quite a .number of our young farmers attended the fat stock show at Guelph. Mr. Milton Tyndall, of Knox College. Toronto, is spending a few days at the old home. Our pastbreRev. M'. Ross, preached a very instructive sermon on missions last Sabbath. Mr. 5Conoor purchased and shipped some well -finished cattle from Mr. Wm. Cunningham last week. It. is up to the Union Government now to "prove itself." Remember, the farmers can't get along without the boys. !, If you want more pork` bring forward the guarantee. COL MOURNS HIM -Everyone Li'ie Cas hildren's hristmaS tor����3 �It er $ t/7orlorccoacccl 7�it xxxxxxxrr1 x cxsntxrflof1sxxx CL ' MR. a MRS. SANTY CLAUS )RN E OURN Will be sorry to learn of the death of Lieutenant-Colonel Young. who passed away at the home of his sister, Mrs. Andrew Johnston. on Sunday evening, the 1tith. His death was not unexpected. as he had been ailing for some time. For many yefirs he occupied a prominent tine: in the public affairs of this town- ship.- Everyone will remember Mr. Yoking as a good friend and neighbor, always ready to do a kindness, always ready to help a friend. ST. AUGUSTINE. TUESDAY, Dec. lsth. Miss May Boyle is visiting her Hullett friends. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Robinson were Wingham visitors on Tuesday. Mrs. John Reid. of Ashfield, is visiting . and Mrs• Mason McAllister. iss Mary Callahan. of Whitechurch. visited friends in this vicinity last'we).k. 1. Mitts Iona McCainchev, of Auburn, is . visiting her sister, Mrs. Chas. Robinson, at present. ! Mr. Jas, Greaves accompanied by his mother and sister called on Goderich friends last \week. • Mrs. Wm. R. Andrews returned home on Monday aer a week's visit with Jamestown fri s. Mr. and Mr John Shanahan. of Hullett, visited their daughter. Mrs. J. W Boyle. last wee Mrs. Annie Mcln h, after spending six weeks with fnendsin this vicinity, re- turned to Lucknow last.week. NiLE. N CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT.- On Wednesday evening. December 26th, a Christmas entertainment will„ be given under the auspices of the Sunday,• school. The program will be in two pacts -the first pats consisting of drills, pantomimes. quartettes and monologues, and the, sec- sa- Iand part being the rendering of the. cred cAntata "The Hope of the Christ City." The program promises to be o of the best yet given at Nile. Do not miss this specialereat. These are days when it is both patriotic and n opu;ar to make every dollar count. In the drug business quality is a more im- portant consideration than price, . but now ; when everybody is striving to econo- mise. the question 01 price is often con - side ed in connection with duality. Every - thin you buy from us will be of right qualit and the price asked will also be tight. 1•e are satisfied with a reasonable profit, use we realize that through this polio a lafger volume of business will come to us. Quality Goods, Superior Service and Fair Prices is our motto. E.R. Wigie, druggist. Goderich. COLBOR..E TOWNSHIP. The council of lborne township met in the township hall December 15th; members all present, Minutes of last meeting read and adopted, on motion of Councillors Snyder and Fisher. The_ followingaccounts were passed and orders drawn on the treasurer for same: Macl;wan Estate. expanded metal:151.85: , W. J. Allen, 283 loads gravel. 142.45; W. C. Robertson, refund statute labor road division 30. $46.50; John Levy, in- specting sheep, 16; work at II, $ 3; cleaning ditch on county road, 1; re- pairing Young's bridge. 12; W. Mc 'hin- ney. scales inspection, 14.25; W. W. Fisher, refund statute labor. $7.50; gravel, 13.90; John M�'�pQolden, 56 loads gravel, 18.40; R. McMillan, burying dog, al; W. J Allen. refund S, L.. 16; Mrs. S. Mitchell, refund ` S. \J... 14.50; John -Moulden, 15 loads ravre1. 12.25; Elmer Robertson. work add `cutting weeds Young's sideline. $1'2;\W. Kerr. error in assessment.$6; A. M. Straughan, sheep inspector, $3: gravel. 113,65; work. con. 1. 19; John McPhee. cedar posts for McPhee's pond, 18.60; filling washout, 12; Owen Moore, wire and staples for McPhee's pond. $19.10; Ward Allen. re- fund S L., $3; Thos. Good, refund's I. 13; Mark Mugford, 31 loads grave IT WAS Christmas eve in Durgan's department store, and to the hap- py children aim accompanied their parents to see the glittering lights and the gorgeous Christmas toys the big store was a palace of splendor. But It was not one to poor little Edna Gray, the tired little cashgirl. This Christmas eve Edna was very and. She had planned to give her mother a nice Christmas present. and to crown 1e all she ,was going to hide the present In one of a pair of new atoelange to hang on the chair beside her widowed and sick mother's bed. A well dressed man and women smlied as the little girl took a pack- age of gloves to the bundle counter. "She looks like Beatrice," whlepered the woman softly, and the man nod- ded. with a smil- ing recollection of the little daugh- ter tucked be- tween the sheets at home dream - Ing of Santa Clans. , "Poor child," he murmured. And when Edna returned with their package he slipped some- thing crisp and green Into her little hand. "Merry Christ- mas!" he laughed as they disap- peared In the crowd. "Oh, thank you!" breathed Edna as • h e peeked at the bill In her thin head. "Now I can get Slipped Something mother's dressing Int* Her Hand. sack and stock- ings and tea and other nice things!" Full of happiness, she tucked the money sway' In her pocket and grasped • package handed over the counter by an impatient clerk. 51.65; W. Moore. refund S. L., $3:• “Cash" took the package, and It Stephen Butt. refund S. L , $2.25; Jas. dropped from her tired fingers to the A. Elliott. cement culvert at S. Johnston's. floor She stooped to pick 1t up, and 1;36.25; W. Thom, 20 loads gravel, 13; sh as e did so her angers came In coa- l.). Schwanz. 59 Ioads gravel, 1`;.85; A. t with a small square leather Allen. inspecting. 17.50; Municipal World. tact aucas men carry. She supplies. 15.15; John Flick. 2'2 loads pocketbook gravel, $3.30;, refund S. L., $10.50; John found a corner of the stairway quite Munnings. refund S. L.. $12; John vacant of shop- Symington for Mrs Symington. 70 loads pars. and o u t gavel. 110.50: Harry Freeman. light on there she peeked Flick's bridge, 12; Jas. Buchanan, int) the pocket - gravel. 112.95; Nathan Walter, 114 Toads book. It w a gravel, 117.10; refund S. L. 113.50; crammed with Ith D. Pitblado, filling washout and folded repairing culvert at Jenkins', $20: neatly Geo. Ashton. gravelling at Gert. bills. Inside was taster's, $110.55; R. Bogie. 73 loads a name stamped gravel. $10.75; Joeeph Thompson. gravel- In gold letters. ng con. 12. 136; James Young, inspect- "George B. - - , $7.50; Geo. McNeil. tilling at Mc- ton." with an FOOTWEAR what is more useful than real warm cozx� Slippers, Moccasins and fell-lihed Hockey Boots as a Christmas present?. We have them in all colors and styles for the little tots as well as the grown-ups. Quite sprinkling of o14 stock as well as new lines, bought at a price early in the season. and -we can assnte you of !mist reasonable prfcet t. 1 ir w e pleased to show you. es {rut on free if boots bought here. Wm. Sharman ' Phone 158 Goderich, Ontario 1 G r/5trrlirf'ltrfltrfkrl Xd5trflcrfkrflCrrScrAC,fltXrAcrl1ci11c,flc/1crilerhX The Sanitary Meat Market ttiN'TIIL SQUARE: We have scoured the country and have secured a choice supply of Beef, Pork and Lamb fir the Christmas trade. CHOICE BABY BEEF The best that can be produced. Turkeys will be very expensive, also very scarce. Why not cut down the high cost of living by securing a nice tender juicy roast of our baby beef for the Christmas table ? We also have a good supply of Fowl, chopped and bulk Suet, Coleman's Kincardine smoked Meats, pure kettle -rendered Lard, etc. The very finest grade of Oleomargarine is here. Try a pound, 3&ts. It takes the place of butter and goes farther. Wishing al! a Merry Christmas PHONE 2 THOS. LEGG,,BUTCHER XXXXXXXXXXXXXXTCtiXX Ash refu fund Walter, culverts, $7.50; Mrs.Hetherington, cement tile. $27.30: Jas. 112.45; Clare $:,; S. Gardne Brindley, retia; n. refund S. .. 17.50; John Feagan, S. L.. $10.50; James Feagan, re - `L., $13.56; John and Warner fund S L., $18; putting in three i; ‘2. Walters, refund S. L.. Feagan. 83 loads gravel, Potter, stove for hall, refund S. L.. H. g culvert, $6; John Clark, repairing ulvert, 11.50; T. Car- roll, refund S. L.. 7.511; Jas. Glen. re- fund S. L., 19; G. 'reen, 2 lamps for hall. 13; B. C. Munni s. telep.tone. $1; John Barker, fencing ' : vel pit, $12; R. M. Yong, 'salary. 190. postage, 110; gravel, 155; Gordon You reeve. 135; extra services. 110: Levi 'der. salary, 135; extra services. 110: Jose McCann, salary. 835; extra services, $ 0; Aaron Fisher. salary, $35; extra servi $10; G. Curry, salary, 135; extra servic $10; Gordon Young. selecting jurors, : C. C. McNeil. selecting jurors. 42; R. c "Twain, salary, $50; weed notices. $15. telephone. $2.00; postage, $111; care of hal 15; selecting jurors, 12: copy of assess- ment roll for county clerk, 120; C. Gar - row, for services re lienmil,er bridge and conveyance of Miller property. 111,20; Mrs. R. M. Young, Mrs. Hamilton. Mrs. James lemg and Miss McManus. $15 each. Red Cross. Moved , by A. Fisher. seconded by Jos McCann, that the town- ship pay for lumber to build a hugoen at cGaw not to exceed 1110 for ltim'ser, in Allen agreeing to do the work free ;harge. Moved by .McCann and that the co lict(xs' time be ex- ill Fehruiry 1.. Pals. Carried. 1 Snyder and Currey that the •ouncillers receive 810 each for extra wt on account of washouts and culverts ca 'ed away with the heavy rains. Carried. droved hy Snyder and McCann• ghat we ave each of the Red Gross Societies 135 ch and an equal share of the count grant. Carried. Moved by Currey and yder that the tuwn.hip hall may be used for any re- ligious or philanthropic scrt't$ es free of charged Moved i ina- of Curt tended Moved Reeve a arge; all other meetings to 3 for, each meeting. Carried. by Fisher and Currey that the Lions for Reeve and councillors be he on Monday, December 31, at the hour oh,l o'clock p m., in the township hall. Car- ; low, and if a poll he demanded it shall be taken on Monday. January 7, 1918, at i the following places. with the deputy re- ' 'turning officers as stated: No. 1. Temper • - ance hall. lienmiller, C. Oke. Dz uty R. 0.; No. 2. Temperance hall. Saltford, A. , Na.J. Goldthorpe, Deputy R. 0.; 3, Township hall. Carlow, A. P. Shepperd, Deputy R. 0.; No. 4. Temperance hall, Leehurn, E. Shaw, Jr., Deputy R. O. MciLNAIN, Clerk. eaa ow Edna's hear t sank mite went back to her work. Of course she must return the pocketbook to its owners, and she suspected It might have been the man who bad given the money and wished her a Merry Christ- mas - the lovely lady with him had called him ••George" -and yet if she went to that acldresk she would not have time to buy the things for her mother. When she was outside the store at the closing hour she found herself in a Mist of flying snowflakes. A friendly policeman told her how to retch the ddreu4 she wanted. pretty housemaid opened the door cried out in alarm when a very cold and bewil- dered little girl tell In a heap at her feet. "Why, It's the little cashglri!" exclaimed Mrs. Lawton, who had followed her hus- hand Into the hill. tin's hand struflled Into her pocket. and she brought \out the k. I ours. It. 1 Naked Into The Pocketbook. an At Walker's two stores you will certainly see what you want for Christmas. pocketb guess It la What time 1 please? will have time to ge mother's pres- enter Mr. Lawton Carried Her Into a picked her op In Beautiful Room. his strong arms and earned her Into a beautiful living roam, and the maid vanished to fetch a pup of hot broth. A half hour later the iswtons took Rina home In a great warm motor- ear. otor ear. •T,s Chrtstmns F.dna will lot he a ^ishgtri In a store she 1s In school new. and her ft ture looks bright. tLacks to lar friends the Lawtood. Black and White Chamoisette Gloves Black Chamoisette Gloves have been hard to get. hut we have been fortunate in receiving a shipment of both plain black and plain white, Perriu's nuke, in. all sizes, to sell at $l.2.i, This is the ideal Glove for warm wiuter wear. 81 .12-t. STOCK COLLARS This is thee pop- ular Collar, and comes in many dif- ferent design4, and made of the newest laces and georg- ettes. They comer at 60c, 75c,' SSc, 11.00 up to 13.00 each. They are the best. Why-' not give a Sok Collar, for it will he sure to please. ,/ SILK SCARFS '. In the newest cloth, in paddy, rose, fawn, white and purple. A real Scarf in good shades. $2.75 each. ITALIAN SILK HOSE This is an all -silk Hose made of glove silk, and conies in grey,green, black, champagne and sand, at 12.25 a pair. No, one can have too many silk Hose. HANDKERCHIEFS Are always good for gifts. Vl'e have all styles iu ladies', children's and men's, from 5c each to $1 each. , Be sure and see our 13r range. We have andkerchiefs that please. SILKS and CREPE DE CHINES Are leaders for dresses, and the range we are showing is the best. 40 -inch Silk Crepes at $1.60 a yard, and guaranteed. GLOVES OF ALL KINDS Our Glove stock is large, and in Kid Gloves we have real values. Pure French Kid Gloves in the best makes, at $2.00 each. Cape Gloves, in washable or non - washable, in colon, at $1.75, 12.00 and, $2.25 each. • or IW A Merry Christmas to You All In this month of joy, may you get and give much. May your home be filled with good cheer through the warmth of happy hearts. May the world be made a Christmas Universe in which -,happiness and goodwill shall reign over all people. We hope your very goodwill may extend to this store and its personnel as• freely as ours goes forth to you in making your Christmas a pleasurable and lasting satisfaction. MAY OUR GLAi)NESS REACH VOI' ALL IR a Store 'Phone 86 Tri E CO L BO RN E STORE Hous235bone xsecx�csss�x xxxxsac�cx \ DINGANNON. • THURSDAY, Dec. 20th. Mr. Will Ft lay. of Goderich township. 'sited friends a this week. t r. George C, se arriv..1 home from Tor to Universitk last week. We R \ '311 e v Wee lad to see Ralph Disher in the alt again. and, hope he continue• s ,the improv b \ Mr. H. M. Duff is improving as well as his friends woul ike. We are plea. to see Ca an Stothers in the village Ince his eturn from France. The Methodist anniversary vices last Sunday 'dere • well at nded. v. Mr. Craik, of Walton. wast preach . The choir rendered excellen tnustc. The services at Erskine chur were -ith drawn for the day. A load of young people accorpanied hy the Ihmaann n orchestra drove to Var` coe's school house on Wednesday`s even. ing. when the orchestra took part in the school entertainment. The orchestra also took part in a program at Camer school house on Thursday evening. Miss Clifton returned to her home at Streetsvife last Tuesday. A number of young men from this section will go before the appeal tribunal at Goderich on Friday in connection with their applications for exemption from military service. The regular meeting of the Dungannon Women's Institute will he held in the basement of the Presbyterian church on Thursday. December 27th. Miss Bailie w II give an address. RED CROSS NOTES. r WARN FRIENDS should eschange Photographs frequently. 1t has boon said that "1.110, holds nothing; better than a true friend." if you were to lose your hest friend tomorrow, think hew 111,4,11 a NATURAL PORTRAIT taken recently would uman. Wo an. particularly anxious to show yon our newest'samples of arta lighting and np•w-data+ finishing. J. T. FET.T.. burrow,, t-1 w meal - 1c (;OT)F. w . CH The following ladies have worked for the Red Cross sewing committee during November and December: Cutting out: Mesdames Aitken. Dunlop, Hume. Col- borne, Field and Miss G. Saults. Sewing: Mesdames Beavers. Parsons, Coats, B. J. S . H , McClachertJ. A, MacEwaMcKay, n. H.B ack tie. C. Black. Platt, Galt, Cornell. sr., JR Coai Ithurst, Craig, Barton. McKenzie. isg Mac'Ewan, Cornell. jr., Davis, John Robe >tsnn McCreath, jr., C. Bates, McIN - Donnel Nairn. Wm. Taylor, Misses Mc- ikonald. Craig, Bluett, Whitely, Mac - Vicar, Maargaret Robertson. O'Rourke. Miss Cox anti the pupils of the industrial I. sewing classes. Miss Sturdy and ladies of Victoria street (*surch. An advantage advantage in haying gifta at Wigle's ■ is that something suitable may be found I. for every member of the family. The compelling power in low prices is an- other reason why you should shop here. .................. ARE YO OOD GUSSER? Mammo C ristmas Stocking �iN OUR WINDOW TO BE Given Away Absolutely Free 1" the ne.trtml rurr.•rl qura.rr til t hr numlter "t brans m the jar in our window EN Each 1 Oc TO A D CHRISTMAS @NTiTLES YOU AUESS Get your Christmas Candies here and make some guesses Creams, Chocolates and Jellies at 25c a Ib. The largest and finest display of Gift Roses, frons 2Sc to $5.00 Blackstone's Restaurant, West Street N ■ ••••_• „u1111l611.ldblt_IWOe•OS • T •