HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-12-20, Page 3• • THE SIGNAL • GODERICH ONTARIO THURSDAY, DEC. 20, 31? 8 THE ORIGINAL IND ONLY GENUINE BKWARK OF IMITA- TIONS SOLD ON 1HE MKKITN OI /INIRD'S LINIIEN1 MSDICtAL UK. l4KU. HiI:ILEMANN, ONTKO *'ATH, .pectaltet In wuowu'■ and ebU Deo'. dl.s...., a. ule, :brook and nereou.dle marcs, ere, eel. nu.e sod throat, partial deaf ens, lou.bagu .nd ' heulnallo oouditbna Ade roto+ rewo e i nub. ut the knife. Umoe at reelder.oe. cos ue. 1st W . and at_ Andrew. name At bou.,r umo Moodare, Thursday+ .M Mata/day.: any r t ening by oppolatmSOL DENTISTRY hit U. MACUONELL-HONOR (Indust. 1'utonto Univentty.Orsduate u) • a alleys Of Mental Surgeons. buuos r.r.to the tete Major Pale. Oakes fun r Square and N'e,l street, Uud•rk:h. J AUCTIONKER I1t1UMAN UUNDRY L AutTloNggR: H a M, Uoderleb. Aa instruction* by omit oft et Signal trace will be pywwp4J7 al -• d lo. Bs/deuret telephone 11.9 LEGAL R. V. HAYS BABKIOTYK, W'LI('ITOit. NOTARY Pt. BLit', rise-tllerllr.g Hank Block, Hamilton a,rest. p,atitrb. Telepbno.sa I eel *tam , $.rasa Sad lasaranea. • Phut UM'UiI r. K I LW RA N & COOKE aAttKis"LKtI. SoLICIToRS. N(yr ARIICI PUBLIC, k'TC'. UM • w. the Pig 1111.1 e, ,eou.ai Uool from Ham - UI t.e1,thAl.'a ll. .1....e local. I. Mees at lowest ratan. W. l'nutU000'r, ILA:. J. I.. Littman H.J.I),Uo us �1 tr. CAMERON, K. C.. HARRIS W . 1 LK, eouugun. uol.l y public. officers Mo , Street. u. der, h. third door fr.. %ne r. At Clinton 'I bund•, of each week In Imo on Albert novel, occupied by Mr. Ho.,µ r. office bootee. a.m. 1011 p.r` C�HARLE'S (UARROW, LL.B.. BAR KWHTklt. attorney. eollcl1Of, 010,. Gose• . Mueey 1n lend e' lowrid rate I bliAUKR, BARRISTER, SOL. - V: Mier. Notary Public and Coevemacer. 'aM a -Court Movies Uaaerlca, 1/11. ISMSANCS, LOAI4S. ETC. 1 K1W GP MUTUAL Flirt IN 8 U It •N C Y C O. -Farm and bowel c»n property insured. Uodrrlcb 1'. U.: M -ere -J +. I .goodly. Pru. Ise. Kram. Vioe-Prs., Dkwrhwual 1' n.. thesis. b.. Hays, tier-- 1 res... tisatorth P. U. Tirol.•tors-I). Y. 16,•Ureg0r. deaWrth ; John 4. llrteve, Winthrop: William lUnn Cooetanca, M o Fier nese Brodhagen • Uro. liccartuey. a.srorth . Ko Perris, Harlon) ; Makelo •oYwer., Hrnoiteld. Dods. rich Ale:. Ager t.: J. W. Yso. Leitch, Chalon; Witham Chesney. He.tortb; L b. W. bits. neatot U' Polley -bo en can pa) t-sesonstgu mid 1pitst their cards reoelpled a' EL J. Morrt.b's CWthlnd afore. CKntoo. 12. H. 1. N. 1..44'..U°revereus al&ore.Bon �e70 Hayfield. u. or 20,000 2.vtilB FUND$ To tR[l loan. Apply to M, U. CAM - N, a.n,Iter Hamilton date. God.leb. MUSIC. What the Christmas "waits" Sing 0 J. W. TAYi.UR. ()Rt1ANIY7' •.d Choi. ms•lmrof Knot rhun•b. Teach i f Plano. Vocal and Theory. Pupil. prep. 1 for Gorr.,-, valor y exsminat Studio -co ,er Brlts'.uia road and ,loath .IIMMI. TR our- So. ur 1• o. YLL ISAREI. K. MC01.1', '1'KACH ' OF Voice. Piano and Organ. Pupil. •revered foe Conservator examination.. pply at 811.1'. W. l,(:KRIk'S. Britannia 4- - - 1 G. W. MILLER HAS GAINED at' ' 6 tf lF I THIRTY-TWO POUNDS BY say' "Oh, we didn't mean to steal any - TAKING TANLAC. Ing," when I said. "Boys, would you each like one of these harmonlcoosT' improvement o! Postmaster SW - `Thee said g' that he has not only gotten complete e d out of sight I turned to We Joung • 1 noticed the tears In her eyes SANTA CLAUS being about to de- sert the city streets for his apnoea reludeer ride over the roofs, the "watts" prepare to sing their centuries old carols. Is several Amer'fcau cities has has. revived the beautiful old custom of the "waits" going about from house to house staging the familiar old songs. Light the Christmas candles In your window It you want them to stop be- fore your home! GN rut you merry, gentlemen; let nothing you d4snsy- they will rarely slag that, perhaps the best known of all old English carols. And this too: Markt The herald angels sing. Glory to the newborn king. And, ut course, "O Little Town of Bethlehem." Perhaps, too, they will sing what Is said to be the earliest known Christ- mas carol, dating from the Anglo-Nor- man days of the thirteenth century, which begltle: Lordllsgs, listen to our lay - We have crone from far away To seek Christmas. In this mansion we are told He kit yearly feasts dot) hold; 'Tis today! Molt joy come from God above To ail those who Christmas love. This carol ends with the toast of those days: "Here, then, I bid you all wasn't, cursed be he who will not say drtgk- hall." Wassail" meaning your heal and "drinkhatl" being the usual an courteous acknowledgment. One of the best known of all the old carols, although not one of the oldest. was written by Nahum Tate In 171)3 and Is called the "Moog of the Angels." it begins: While shepherds watched their pocks by night, All seated on the ground, The angel of the Lord came down dnd glory shone around. Many are the carols In which B tt- tln's ancient holly figures. "T.ren drink to the holly berry," pledgee ore writer of songs, while another In "Un- der the Holy Bough" summons "All ye Id oothln but the look of sur- mprovemea Former os r i {else (gratitude they knew nothing of) proles All of His Friends. when 1 put one In each boy's dirty lit- 4]♦ Remarkable, indeed, was the statement Ile hands I shall not forget to my dying fa made by G. W. Miller of 23'2 McNab y and before you could say "Jack start, IiamUtun, who recently declared d Robinson" they were out of the store Am he( ro leostl rheumatism and stomach wumau, saying, "1 will pay for them," trouble by takingTanlac, but that he has ("� am ■ K K Kx K K K K K K K K K )•I K K K K K K K K K K K K K 1K >rt)• Rams*. actually gait thirty-two pounds in when no. weight besides. Mr. Miller was for When she Dually found her voice she twelve years postmaster and merchant at 419 Corners, Brant county, and is well known and respected throughout Southern Ontario. Mr. Miller's complete statement follows: '‘As a result of rheumatism and stomach tumble 1 had ,alien off to one hundred and lifteen pounds. 1 now weigh one hundred and forty-seven pounds, which puts me even beyond my normal weight, and 1 don't think 1 have ever fell better in my life. I was so sick and crippled up that 1 had to sell out my business and get a man to take charge of the pogtuffice. My legs had perished away until they were no larger than my arms -1 couldn't bend them -the leaders seemed to be tied in knots and hurt me so 1 could hardly bear anything to touch me. 1 dust could manage to hobble around by the use of a walking stick. My stomach 'was so upset that I could hardly eat anything. hly appetite was all gone and 1 just seemed to be slowly starving. 'Sometimes all I could take was a glass of milk and even then I suf- terell. "For several months I was under treat- ment at a considerable cost without get- ting any relict, but my improvement on a few bottles of Tanlac has astonished inc and all who knew of my awful con- dition. It seems that everybody I see asks me what 1 have done to gain so much weight and make me look so much better. My appetite is so big now,I cat) hardly eat enough to satisfy me, and 1 can eat anfthing--meats and all kinds of vegetables -and nothing hurts me. 1 was badly constipated, too, but by using the Tanlac tablets in connection with Tanlac 1 have been relieved of this trouble. The rheumatism is all gone out of my legs -I don't have to use a cane any more -and 1 can walk any place I want to go. My legs are getting back to their regular size, my muscles are getting lirm nd I simply feel altogether different in way. Of course I owe my present g... health to nothing but Tanlac a • am glad to make a statement that 'ill reach others who may be suffer- ing as did. for I honestly believe Tanlac will hel. them." R Tanlac '8 sold in Goderich by E. R. Wigle. in aforth by C. Aberhart, in Wingham J. Walton McKibbon. in Hensall by A M. E. Hemphill, in Blyth by White City Drug Store. in Wrojceter by J. N. Allen, Lo ndesborti by john 1). Loundsberry, Exeter by W. S. Howey, in Brucet d by Peter Bowey and in Dashwood b Tieman & Edig- hoffer. ADVT. x111111 11•111.l 111111111. 1111 11111111011111]Ix111I111 [11111111. X KK D. H I LLAP tJ ON K K said, "Oh, madam, I am so sorry I spoke as I did." "Well, never mind," 1 said; "you didn't understand. I am the mother of two boys and know what u boy craves." When she handed inc my change and package she said, "I shall never forget this day; It has taught we a lesson." texwevrinnivirtm A Lesson In Christmas Spirit Ictrtelfec 11 was the .lay bef..re Christmas last veer. Ail my shopping hod been done .(or so 1 thought) when i suddenly re- membered hearing my eldest son, a lad of eight years, say. "Oh, I hope Santa will bring me a harmunicon this ('hrlstmas," says a writer In the New York Evening Sun. Of course I could not disregard such a wish. and. although It was ratning, 1 put on my storm coat and rubbers ass with umbrella in hand started out for one of our large department stores. On arriving at the counter where this particnllr article, was displayed I found every, one so busy I could not Tuning Up For Christmas. With a whirl and a swirl and a serfs ble rogr /t blew in at evening from as gate shore; Trade it blocked and the troleherot1 street Glitters and twinkle* .with silvery sleet. Dolls in armies and soldiers aplenty Gilts for kiddies and sure( and twenty, Gifts for grannies and aunties and dads, Gifts for using and losing and fads! Gifts for nurses and chauffeurs and cooks. Gifts for bookworms, who read all - their books! Gifts for sinners and sneerer, and saints, Tops for spinners and pastels and paints. Music, mechanical, mirrors or lamps. Turkeys for orphans and newsboys and tramps. Gifts that are puny and gifts that are grim L necklace for Jessie, s scar/pin foe Pull sets of the classics and gleaming gold pieces Suitable -very -for sweet little niece*. Calendars, virtuous, witty or wise, Flowers and bonbons, and puddings and pies! Cynics there be ieto deride sad deft them, But we, 4s our dream even buy thew and tie thew! As ever old winter, with s%oiedeift and' sleet, Transmutes the whole town into. Santa Clads street! -11001103 Newport Mgbs)rf1 In a!1 countries. A•k TOIL 'a A U VISER,whlc MARION & • t:ON. 114 University t.. M.,ntr4il r our ItVP:N- II'' be sent free. Brophe3 Bros • OOUKRICH IDe Leading .Funeral Directors sad Embalmers • Orders carefully attended to •1 all hours, night or day. The Best Newspaper Value In Western Ontario Che Bonbon Rbverttser mil Mail Editions SP Per Year tinging at the Doers. who have scorued each other or injur- ed friend or brother, come gather here." And then there's thut grand old hymn ' "Adeste Fideles." sung In every church In this land end In others, at this Christmas seasou Oh, come, all ye faithful, Joyful and triumphant! Come ye, oh, come ye to Bethlehem! Christmas would not he Christmas, of course, If the "waits" were to neg- lect one other of the most beautiful of old carols: Holy night, peaceful night, Through the darkness leans it light. Holy night, peaceful night! Through the darkness beams s eight! Tender, where they sweet vigils keep O'er the babe who, in silent sleep, Rests in heavenly peace, Rests in heavenly peace. if there are any of you who have In mind an after Christmas dinner even - Ing of song to the accompaniment of a harpsichord, • spinet. a lute or a piano or even the modern and much adver- tised disk machine, It might be well to try this on the company : "Hark the Harald Angels ting." Berk/ The herald angels sing, Glory to the newborn king; Peace on earth and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled! Joyful, all ye nations, rise, Join the triumph of the skies. With the angelic host proclaims Christ is born In Bethlehem'. Mak/ The herald angles Mesh Slowly l• fke *1410rn Mel The Two Boys Looked at Me. get attention for 'some time, and while waiting my turn I noticed two sadly neglected looking little toys of about six and eight yearn respectively stand- ing very close to the counter and look- ing, oh, so longingly at these same har- monicons, when suddenly one of the young saleswomen turned sharply around and In a loud voice said, "Now, then, It you two boys don't get away from here at once I'll call the floor- walker and have you arrested." At the time this sudden attack was made upon these poor little waifs I was holding In my hands two of these same mu- tant instruments, trying to decide which of the two kinds i would take. -TM lsriM' Mud (ALDQ7l1Q46111. 10 TORONTO MARKETS. TORON*, Dec., 17.-Tbe Board Trade official market quotations fdr Saturday: - Ma)titoba Wheat (In Store, Fort Ilam, Including 2/ac Tas). No. northern, 82.2354 No. northern, 12.20%. • No, 9 orthern, 82.1754. ...eat, 32.10%. Manitoba to (In Store, Fort W11111016. No. 2 C.1%. 791%. No. ,3 C.W, 76%c. No. 1 extra 765ic. No. 1 fend. 7 c. American Co (Track, Toront•). No. 3 yellow, n InSI. Ontario Oats (Ac rding to Fie Outs o). No. 2 wi to -77c to 78e, nominal. No. 3 white -76c to 7c, nominal. Ortarlo Wheat (Basle In Store, Montreal No. 3 winter, per car lot 82.22. Pea. (According to Freights Outside). No. 2-42.20 to 3L80. B army (According (According tq Freights Outside). Malting. 51.25 to 11.26. B uckwheat (According to Freights Out. side). Buckwheat -91.45 to 11.50. Bye (According to Freights Outside), No, 2. 11.77 Manitoba Flour (Toronto). First patents, In jute bags, 811,50. Second patents, In jute bags. 111. Strong bakers', In jute bags, 810.60. Ontario Flour (In Bags, Prompt Ship- ment). Winter: according to sample, 19.15 Montreal, 19.75 Toronto, 89.70 bulk, sea- board • Mnlreed (Car Lob, Montreal Freights, Bags Included). Bran, Per ton. 138: shorts. per ton, 144• middling., per ton, 148 to 849; good feed flour. per bag. 13,25. Hay (Track,, T ) No. 1. per ton, 115.60 to 51160; mixed, Der ton, 813 to 515. Straw (Track, Toronto). Car lots, per ton. 89 to 89.50. WINNIPEG GRAIN MARKET. Winnipeg, )lee. 15. --Oats opened %o lower for Dec. at 75c and y4c lower at 81e. Flax opened le higher for neo. at $3.05S4 and May 3c higher at $3.07. Inspections were 573 cars yest'rl*y, -against 1055 last year. Contract grades of wheat were 114 cars. CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. J. P. Blckell & Co.. Standard Bags Building, report the following prices SOB the Chicago Board of Trade: Prep. Open. High. Low. Close, Clogs. Corn- \h.>- 119 11914 111V• 11914 119 Dec 124% 129 124% 125 1214 OaOr- Ma y ... 71', 72 70% 72 7114 De.•. :. 741. 7554 7314 7654 74 Pork- .. Jan...44.25 14 40 42/ 5 44.30 44.70 r.e rd - .1 „ 21 27 23 50 21.15 -23.47 23.60 1tlbs- JnM. ,..23.39 23.47 28.V 23.35 23.72 WB. 5 CATTLE MARKETS K EVERY PREPARATION MADE FOR 7he fast few 5hoppircg gap STOCKS are in splendid shape for the last few shopping days. The last few days have been our busiest days on record. Many new shipments to hand to make stocks complete. Gifts for every member of the family and for the home. For Mother, Sister or Sweetheart Handkerchiefs, 5c to $2.00 each. Kid Gloves, all colors, from $1.50 a pair. Ladies' Handbags, from 50c. 'sy Ladies' Neckwear, from 25c. Ladies' Sweater Coats, from $3.00. Misses' Skating Sets, from $1.75. Ladies' Furs, all styles, popular prices. Ladies' Dainty Boudoir Caps, from 50c. Ladies' Bungalow Aprons, from 50c. Ladies' Parasols, at all prices. For For Father or Brother Men's Initialed Handkerchiefs, pure linen, hand embroidered, 25c each. Men's Cotton and Silk Khaki Handkerchiefs. Men's Underwear: Men's Ties and Scarfs. Men'.s Braces, Garters and.Armbands. Men's, Umbrellas. Men's Cashmere Sox. Men's all -wool Sweater Coats. Men's all -wool Travelling Rugs. the dome \ K K Bissells Carpet Sweepers. Hearth Rugs. K Carpet Squares. Shaker BlanR ts. K Wool Blankets. Cotton and Down Comforts. K Tapestry Curtains. Table Covers. Scrim Curtains. • Table Linen. Bath Towels. • - K Congoleum Rugs. Pure linen Towels. IN /11 K111* ' 1' The Store with the Christmas Spirit. ' K KKKKKKKKKKKKKK■KKKKKKKKxxxxxxKKKKK KKKKK K 1 K SHOP EARLY IF YOU CAN X K ., X PHONE 56 III r_r UNiON STOCK YARDS. TORONTO, Dec. 1l, -Receipts of Iles stock at the Union Yards yester- day for to -day's market amounted to 90 cars, comprising 1,330 cattle, 41 calves, 2,440 hogs, and 300 sheep and lambs. in addition to this, and not included in the report, are 23 earn of north-western cattle unloaded late In the day. EAST BUFFALO LiVE STOCK. East Buffalo, Dec. 18. -Cattle re- ceipts t25. strong. Calves receipts, 10; steady, 87 4 517.50. Hogs: Receipts 4000. slew and easier; heavy, 917.71 to 917.A5; mixed, 917.50 to 517.10; yorkers, 81760 IA K K K • K •K •K K K K K •K • K ■ K K K K K 1/ K •K II\ SHONE S6 Millar s Scotch Store ■■ t ■K11.1T111K1/11KKKKKKKKKKKK■■■1111[1[1[■ ■K11*1K1K 917.76; . light yorkers, 517 to 217 25: Pigs, 116.75 to 217.00; roughs, 516.50 to 916.75; Made, 514 tri 216. Sheep and lambs, receipts 400; lambs strong at 112 to 219; others unchanged. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. Chcago, -Dec. 16.-Cattle-Recelpu, 2000; market steady. Beeves, 87.15 to 914.35: western steers, 36.20 to 213,10; stockers and feeders. 36.10 to 810.50; cows and heifers, 15 to 911,10; calves, 59 to 816.25. - - . Hogs -Receipts, 30.000; market. weak: Light, 215 25 to 516; mixed, 515.50 to 516.40; heavy. 811.65 to 516,15; rough. 515.65 to 915.90; pigs. $11 to 813.50; bulk of sales, 215.60 to 516.10. Sheep and Iambs -Receipts, 2000; mar- ket weak; Iambs, native,' 212.50 to 516.75. Advanced In Palestine. LONDON. Dec. 17. -An nodsi statement bearing on the campaign in Palestine says: "General Allenby reports that on Dec. 16 his left centre, north-east of Ludd, advanced on a five -mile front to a maximum depth of about one and one-half miles, without meeting much opposition. Ktbbiah, Khlban- neh, Ebel, Ilornat, and the ridge overlooking El Tireh were occupied. "Our airplanes dropped fifty-six bombs on motor boats and sheds and on troops at the mouth of the Jor- dan with --good effect, obtaining twenty-four hits." r1 An earlier war onee report from London states the British have mads another advance In Palestine north- east of Jerusalem. "General Allenby reports that he further extended his line north-east of Jerusalem Thursday, capturing 140, prisoners. Otherwise the situa- tion is unchanged. Since Wednes- day three enemy airplanes have been destroyed and another has been 'brought down." Would Avenge Nurse Cavell. CAMP GORDON, Georgia, Dec. 17. -There is one lad wearing khaki In this camp who entered the army with a fixed determination to avenge a deeply -seated private wrong. He is Lawrence R. Cavell of Chi- cago, first cousin and boyhood com- panion of Edith Cavell, the English fled Cross nurse who,,e execut4-on at., the bands of a German firing squad In Brussels sent a thrill of horror through the world. Austria's Man -Power. PARIS, Dec. 17. -The total man- power of Austria-Iiungary's armies, the latest enemies of America, now has reached 1,170 battalions of in- fantry, 240 squadrons of cavalry. 2,950 field gun's, 1,600 light howit- zers ,and 922 heavy guns, according to approximately exact figures ob- tained by the correspondent. Serious Coal Shortage. CLEVELAND, 0., Dec. 17. -One hundred thousand men were out of work and hundreds of Cleveland's largest manufacturing plants were shut down Saturday because of the shortage of coal. xxxxxxxxxx xxx XXXtfllrfltyfltrtltxXXxXX 1f11 'We ha1'e a large assorted stock of Victor Victrolas at prices from $27.50 to $370.00 Call and see them and be.convinced of their superiority. Violins, Bows and Cases Harmonicas and Music Rolls Latest Popular and Patriotic Songs Holiday Gift Papetries Christmas and New Year Folders Hymn. Birthday and Psalm Books Bibles, Testaments, etc. Art Pictures and Picture Framing Pictures as gifts are appreciated. We have a nice collection of choice art pictures at reasonable prices. Let us have your picture framing orders early. JAMES F. THOMSON �ytffM�tussiyic,,��cAt��rtl and�tlSStttartt�i�ont�erry�y Store North Side Square xxxrRM11rn1rrtlr>r1 x xxx flrr/b3fletflt3A x 1