HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-12-20, Page 1THF: SIGNAL PRINTING CO:, LIMITED. Ptiumala TME TOWN COUNCIL. • -CHURCH NOTES. Preeeedia(i at Regular and Statutory The Baptist Sunday school invites the MeetinRs public to the annual Christmas concert on Friday evening, December 18th. I A cablegram was received by Mr. and couAt the regularmeetingof the tool- Rev. R. C. McDermid's subjects at Mrs. R. Ryan, Albert street, on Wcdnes- bers were lrep present bee 7th Reevel the mem- Knox church next Sunday will be: Morn- day, to the effect that Lieut. R. W. and Con prorent except Nairn Ing "The Birthday of the King " Even- Ryan. R. F. C. had been wounded on and Councillor Clark. ItelialateeMweeramiewwwweill A Chance to Save, After New Year's the sub- scription price of The Signal will be $1.50 in advauoe. You can save Fifty Cents by paying for 1918 now at the old dollar rate. ssoigiossisakstsisossesessmoosearsioiNeessele Twelve Pages SIXTY•NINYTH TEAR -Ne Jllb GODERICH, ONTIR10, THURSDAY, DEC. 20, 1917 THE STERLING BANK 9F CANADA .... .•. s ,,,^oleo• M SAVE, Because -- In the near future a savings account will count for comfort. SAILSEENT. OR FOR HOUSE TO RENT. -ON KEAYS .Irwet ; Nevin room+, all c nveuleonces, re. coolly mustred. Stable on los- Apply to .1. W. $ALKbLD, Goderich K. R. No 2. telephone gag r7. SI Wu LOST OR FOUND. i OST. STRAYED OR STOLEN. ON 1J Sunday night, from Anglesey street. en aa- whaM rat. medium sou. littleal's pet. Finder rewarded on returning to MISS BILLIE HEF- iERNAN. Angkes street. (udefah. PUBLIC NOTICE. rtt TICE.--THE PARTIES WHO tookthe coal chute from the corner of et and Montreal streets please bang it lack isemed.ately. as you are known by the under- moaned. owner 01 same. No questions asked, just pry for this lid. EDWARD REID. TAMES CONNOI:LY. AGENT, FOR el Buffalo Fernbert. Eire. Wind and Live Stock 1, seams. and Cattle Buyer. Residence Newgste street. l:udersch. WANTED. ,-DRUG APPRENTICE. wgr ady er tkwisi. Apply to J . A CAMP MEL SALE AMP SALE L OR SALE.. --QUANTITY OF GOOD j` winter a{{ople% WM. JEWELL. R. R. No 4, (;oder ich. Moor h r a Outlands Rural. IN -ins CRAIGIE'S Assurance and Real Estate FORi RENT 2 -story brick -veneered dwelling, hot aster heating, large fireplace, electric Tight and bath. situated on Wellesley street. This is one of the most desirable homes in town and was lately occupied by J. H. 1inrsbali, C.P.R. agent. Inimodiate pxmserosion. 7 roomed brick -veneered dwell. Ing. all modern conveniences, situ- ated on ht. David's street. Lately occupied by John Youngt.on.. Im- mediate Ixmsession. FOR SALE OR TO RENT •! peaettcally new reel-hrlek mrxd- ern hourw•s On Limon (load, with, considerable land attached. Also several other properties for sale or event. J. W. ('RAiGIR AUCTION SALES. ICTI Nr SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS. MR. ARTHUR JONES will -moll by pubes -auction on. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 'Pah. on Pot'5.I rt eon 11. W. D.. Colborne' town- - iluP cotemencina at 1 o'clock sharp: Live Sloth. -.Ilse matched team of Percheron mares. Maud snd May, one in foal to Nue Boy; 1 moire 12 years old. su1tPkd to he in foal; 1 good driving mare. Flossie, 5 peau old. • hrsl-clay drlvet; I spring colt, aired by NileBoy; 1 Perch- erun about 1300; springstallion. colts tired by Nile yMack weighingThitle; spring colt. sired by Dema IJWonbhiarss; good bull, 10 smooths old, sired by Fyvie Chief, good hull. 7 months' dd,dwaed by Fyvie Chief:. good roan bull, 11 months old. sired by Fyvie5t, hal. good roan cow. 6 years old, supposed to c S;ran March 241h.pu ood red cow. 5 years.,old, psed to calve anuary 20; good red heifer. c ing 3 years old. supposed to calve January 24 good Aberdeen Angus hewer, coming a years old supposed to calve January 10; steer, Y years old; 4 -year-old Hereford cow,due to calvt.trd March; 3 -year -1 old Durham cow, due to calve in January; a -year- old Ayrshire cow, due to calve an February, a rightlgoo d cow; 7 -year-old Ayrshire cog. due to calve in May. milking px,d; b -year-old racow. nf der. due to calor anMarch.yearling Ihtrham cath r Durham heifer call. Y spring calves; forhue brood sor,due in February; 4 fat hogs, 5 Wore hogs, ' sows. supposed to farrow in March. thor- oughbred Chaster white. Istesssigvr..- So -foot Massey binder with trucks (nearly new; 2 Marey seed drilla to hoes (nearly new). mar delivery rake. Massey hay - loader (nearly new;, Big B mower. 10 -foot Deer- ing hay rake. Deering land cultivator (as gout an new). disc harrow. new 2 -horse King cultivator. 2 -horse Blackhaek corn planting machine (as good as net,, 21 horse cultivators. pea harvester. tobacco planter. suitable fur planting tomato ,r cabbage plants; open buggy, rubb.i -ured bug4y. cutter. rout puller, Hud cart. trotting cart. pair of hobbles• cutting hors. 1 21. Fleury walking plow. 3 -horsepower gasoline engine (nearly nems. two -furrow Oliver plow. fanning mill, Mehrate coram separator .,as goaX1 a• nt•w I, •tort Lana r,41#r timid a• nee i. •tact and hayrack combined. hay rick gravel boa. light wagon (nearly new heavy u I r til Ile h . ht trod as new). 1( g • to Mut g yetgW, seti}nngk harness. 1 act heavy tram har- ness. pig crate. stoneboat; a quantity of corn tad - der in barn; incubator. 1 set slings, new, never used: Foist.- black turkey hens, black gobbler (prise-armner), 10 African geese. Fowl, cash. Everylhrng must be sold. as Mr. Jones has rented the farm. Tram. Allsum of 1110 and under. cash; over that amount. to month,. credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. 'A discount at rate of 5 per cent. straight allowed for cash on credittarn0unt,. - ARTHUR JONES. THOS. GUN't7RY. Proprietor. Auctiesi er. GETA Signal Calendar by paying your subscription now for 1918 --and SAVE FIFTY CENTS. The subscription price of The Signal is to be raised to $1.50 on January 15th. Persons paying for 1918 before that date will get the old rate of *1.00. SUBSCRIBE NOW and make sure of your Calen- dar. They have just arrived this week and are going fast. N.B.-Subecrihersl who have al- ready paid for 19114 are requested to call at the office 0 they want a Cal- endar. We 'will try to send one within the next few days W each subrccriber living at a distance who has already renewed for 191a. The Signal Printing Co., Ltd. Goderich, Ont. APPLES We have a few barrels of, nice Apples for sale. Different var- ieties -Nos. 1, 2 and 3 at $4.50 to *5.50 per barrel. Enquire of D. F. HAMLINK TENDERS WANTED. >)1ENDERS FOR D. •lL• 1 will receive tenders for cords of green cordwoxl up to December the '9th pest. The wood must to good body wo Xt, tour Itet king. Split and delivered at the gaol in Goderich be - foe end of March neer. ,W.LANE, CO., Dated December Ifieb4917. .. Have You Insurance in Case of Accident and Sickness? The Ocean Accident and Guar- antee Corporation is the largest Accident Company in the world. Its policies are liberal. Insure your life in the Great West Company. A. M. ROBERTSON GEO. WOODS INSURANCE AGENTS THE LADS IN KHAKI. A contmunicatton from the Board of Railway Commissioners of Canada en- closed a certified copy of an order of the Board dated December 3rd, also a cer- tified copy of plan. in connection with the proposed G. T. R. siding to the Paget factory. This was referred to the public works committee. The finance committee recommended the payment of a large number of ac - mints and of the firemen's payroll for the year. amounting to $450. The com- 1 mittee also recommended the rebate of 874.83 to the National Shipbuilding Co., this amount representing taxes from January 1st to March 15th. before they got of the old Doty plant. T fire committee reported that the firemen's payroll for the year had been examined and recommended that it be accepted. At the suggestion of the Mayor. it was ordered that a message of sympathy be sent to Use citizens of Halifax. Messrs. C. L. Jackson and A. M. Robertsol were appointed auditors fur the corn year at the same remuneration as last y On mo Moser it n of Cotincillors Cutt and tb decided to ask for exemp- tion from,Vtilitary service in the case of Lauder'$ Voting Contest, Geo,rgethe Mayor being author - The voting contest at Lauder s is ized to he matter. nearing its close, and great efforts will be The Rssve and Deputy Reeve were made during the nide few days by the ' appointed;$ committee to look into the friends of the various competitors. The matter of • any distress caused through leaders up to Wednesday night of this lack of fur. week were: Bylaw No. les. appointing auditors or woo - 1918, and bylaw No. 19: fixing pollii 4925 places and appointing polling officials f Miss F. E. King Miss Emily Griffin Miss Lillian Fox Miss Agnes McDonald Miss Lois Challenger Mrs. S. Drew ... . Miss E. Elder . . "P 'e and Goodwill " December 12th, and was admitted to No. ng, sac 111 general hospital, Genoa. Italy. At the The pastor, Rev. Gordon M. Holmes. same time a cahlegrarfi was received from will conduct Christmas services in the Lieut. Ryan himself saying. "Feeling fine, Baptist church next Sunday. Morning Merry Christmas," so hopes are enter - subject: "No Room in the Inn." Even - I tained that his wounds will not prove to Ing subject: "If I (Christ), had not be of a serious nature. come-,' the sixth sermon of the special Sunday evening series. Bright, helpful Pte. Eddie Bennett, a former Goderich services and a cordial welcome. boy. has returned from overseas to his Special Christmas services will be con- home at Toronto and is expected to visit ducted .in Victoria street Methodist his Goderich friends in Christmas week. church next Sunday morning and even- - ing by the pastor, Rev. J. 11. Osterhout. I Corp. Mew and' Pte. Ernest Clark, Subjects --Morning: "The Christmas Mee- Who recently returned from overseas, sage": evening, "Peace." Sunday school have received their discharge. Ptes. and Bible class at 3 o'clock. Sunday Riley and Cockfield. who returned at the school Christmas tree Thursday evening, same time, are taking further treatment December 27. I at Guelph. - Lawrence Fraser, who enlisted a week ago with a labor battalion. is already on his way to Eneland. He is a brother of Cyril .Fraser, who recently returned from the front. Wallace Duckworth recently made an- other effort to get view the fight. enlist - study will be : "The Preparation for Ing with the ti3rd Battery at London. but the Messiah." I the doctors-hav • sent him to hospital for The choir of Knox church will give a I treatment of his arm. which was broken program of Christmas music • on Sunday -some time ago when he was with another next. The program is as follows: unit. - 11krRN1Nc. Mr. Walter Moore had a letter this s '. h Neus' CJohnston,. vonwho at -"She he o hn, t Organ Prelude p week from Pte. Pere J ILemmens he time of writing (November 22nd was Anthem -"Arise, Shine.". Maker enjoying himself in England on a four- Sdo--"Nott•' • Adams teen -days leave from France. Ile was Anthem -"The First Christmas Morn' . . spending a few days with the lsilst at INewtun Witley Camp, and after' thirteen long gun Prelude-Cht+istmus March Alerkel months at the $runt he said it was good 1 to get back am g the boys from home. EVENING. I "The boys are all (poking line." he says, n recital of -Christmas music from ':and having a pretty good time, but they 11.40 to 7. I are sore, because they can't get away to tt-"Sing. O Heavens' . Tours France. 1 ju; t wish 1 had, the chance to igjlt of Nights" .V:andewater stay here for the winter. hut i guess there -'U Little- Tow of Bethle- is nothing doing this winter anyway. 1 ..Barnby have seeo some queer things since I left LT. -COL WM. YOUNG. • that old town. seen some good times and some hard times: But we must expect 3770 the cominsmunicipal elections. were put ti 29)10 through the three readings. 2.530 The comma then adjourned. _ .1:100 - - 1935 ,r k"" . .1790 The sta'atory meeting of the council CIGARS. -Usually women select cigars was held i A Saturday evening last, all without knowledgeof his favorite smoke. the rnembe. being present except Reeve tiairn and T ,uncillors Cutt and Clark. We probably are fanitliar with his tastes nd , s were given far the print. and can aid you in selecting one of his ing of the annual financial statement. avorite brands. We also carry a nice A coffin-.rrication was received from Messrs: i'roudfoot, Killoran & Cooke, notifying th'. council that on December 2nd Misr Ellen McIntosh met with arOjic- cident on Church street. caused by a wire running from the fence to a tree, presum- I ably to petect the boulevard. The !Mayor and the chairman of the public ( works cosan tee were appointed a com- m ttee tv the town solicitor in the matter. • The council then adjourn of pipes and smoker's supplies. Send Acing materials to the soldier boys. Wigle, druggist, Goderich. W not kt until be at Walker was the lady who said' she would r husband sleep another night )tight her that kitchen cabinet The informal dant Wednesday eift sink December 26th. Dance starts at dvo'clock.. C Or era willgive an h on inthedlgsdfel1oe•s' Hall Oddfellows' matter what else a woman receives for Christmas. there will be nothing more prized, than the attrac- tive bottle of perfume. ` We have an ex- cellent line of choice pe umes. selected from the best producers. 'e have them and fancy gift es. E. R, in bulk ina ac P B Wigle, druggist, Goderich. In the absence of Rev. Dr. Rutledge, vacation, tion on his Christmas as a a who is away ser- vices -t both Fordconduct tic Rev. J. E. will in North street Met ist church next Sunday. The subject the morn- ing will be: "The Coming of a King:" for the evening: "The Reception of the King.- Sunday schtxl and adult Bible la in the afternoon. The subject for Pictures as Gifts.\ Anyone with four walls of a room to call their own cannot fail to appreciate the gift of a picture. A picture hanging on the wall is a constant reminder of the giver. You will find all the latest at Thomson's Musics :\ Art and Stationery Store. Picture (rattling our specialty. TWO SLANDER ACTIONS At County Court Last Week -Verdict for jsoo to Ooe Case. County Court was held last week before His Honor Judge Dickson. The docket was a long one, and the hearing of a number of the cases was adjourned to January 15th. Four cases were disposed ot, as fellows: Wolsh v. Harris et al. -Action for breach of contract on the sale of a quantity of junk. The plaintttl, Max Walsh. of Blyth. claimed damages of $100 by reason of the alleged iefusal of the defendants, Harris & Co.. junk dealers at London, to carry out an agreement for the purchase of two carloads of junk from the plaintiff. L. E. Dancey counsel for plaintiff; W. Meredith (Lund( n) Or Anth Solua Qrtett DEATH 0 ' things like that in war -time. 1 have Member of Weil -known Colborne Family b• een pretty lucky set far • went through Passes Away After a Long illness. h V' Rid last April. hill 70 the imp Ridge sera as p i. n • The death of Lieut. -Col. William last August, and ?}schendaele last Young. which occurred at the home of so 1 th and have not had a scratch yet; his sister. Mrs. Andrew Johnston. Col- so I think that is pretty god, don't you :' borne township. on Sunday last. removed 1 suppose you have heard before this prominent in the affairs that poor Alex. Chisholm and Joe' Yufll a figure formeriy pr of the township and district. The de- both diad of woundare certainly at 1'asaclserr dude. They were certainly two good ceased was torn in Colborne fifty-seven boys and 1 can tell you our boys felt years ago. a sun of the late Alexander pretty bad when. we got the word. 1 am }'Dung, our of .the pioneers of the town- the only Gtelerich buy left in the battery ship. He lived in Colborne until about now and there used to be quite a hunch thirteen ' years ago, when he came to of us; but there are some of them that Goderich and engaged fora few years in will be back again. I hope they don't the real estate business. 'fen "years ago have to come till next spring, for it is not he went to Cochrane, in Northern much fun over there in the winter, the Ontario, and was afterwards joined by mud is awful. When you get this Inter 1 I• who have since made their his family. o n magain d x1 1 )aroundyy Lens K backK home there. I fro cellar While a resident of Colborne he took an from ' to pce thisar. Oh, it is a great active part in municipal affairs, being we have '10 putme, but I hope in vershebe laGive winter township councillor and reeve on sev- tryst to all the boys around the lire -hall 1 occasions. He was also prominent in and tell them I am well." Military affairs and rose to the command ____ - of the 33rd (Huron) Regiment and was a UNIONISTS WIN. very, popular officer. }le was also active in Masonic circles. being a member of Morning Star Lodge. Kindly and genial, he made many friends. and his death. fullowmia protracted illness, is the cause of widesppi`rad regret. He is su ivid by his wife and a family Particulars as to the results throughout o(three da filers and two sons: Mrs, the Dominion are given on page .i, Stanley i)rin oat r, Miss Mary. Murray In Huron both seats w•exe won by the and Colin,. all of Cochrane. and Miss Government candidates. In Nltrth HuronClara. of Tonl ito. Four brothers and James Bowman won over A. Hislop. two sisters also`survive: Alex. and R. the Liberal Candidate. by a majority of M. Young, of Colborne, township; Rev. over 1,400. 1n the South riding Mr. John Young, of Pittsburg. , 1'a.; Rev. Merrier be re-o'Ired alsoo, nim Colin Young, t f S skattx,n. Sask.; Mrs. majorityapppears over "rhtoos. McMillan;rtLiberal, Andrew Johnston. of olhorne township, being a narrow one. i and Mrs. Henderson. kt present of !hits- •l'he official figures are not yet available. burg. but the majorities by munit•ipalitrs ale The funeral took place (rom- the home reported as follows: • of Mr. and Mrs. Andreiv Johnston on NORTH HURON. Wednesday to Colborne ce tery. Rev. Bowman. Ilislop. R. J.11oss was the oweretin , to thman, and Masonic honors were pall to the de- parted by members of Morning `• Star and Maitland lodges. The pallbearers were Messrs. Alex. and R. M. Young. Robt. Glen, Gordon Young, C. 4. Robertson and Dr. Weir. Mrs. Young, Miss.Clara and Mr. Olin Young. of the deceased's family, are nd Mrs. (Rev.) Colin Young was the funeral. action was tried His. Honor gave ainti8 for $55.70. for defendants. T without a jury and judgment or the No order as o costs. Stewart v. 'terling et al. -An action for slander. T plaintiff was Miss Anna Isabella Stewart, of Cofptune township. who sued by P y Stewart, her father. the defendants • Alexander Sterling xthe plaintiff and his wife. neigh Nes ,t p rhe plaintiff charg • that at various times within the last t 'o or three years the defendants had •e statements reflecting seriously upon her character. The jury • retuned a dict for the plaintiff for $.,4l0, and in its inding asked His Honor to "pronounce the most emphatic words at your com •.. d against the sin of slander of this ,-, titular nature." His Honor added Cusum l.0 the IMES alfa f g Required Large quantities of SCRAP IRON Terms -Cash on delivery Please phone or write uta' and our wagon will call. The National Shipbuilding Co., GODERICH Limited "`the IIoure of Plenty British Exchange Hotel coderich, Ontario \\ pricy CHRISTMAS DINNER MENU Lobster Salad Olives SOUP Tomato Bisque FISH Stuffed Trout BOILED Ham with Mustard ROASTS Celery Turkey with Oyster Dressing and Cranberry Sauce Goose with le Sauce Spring Lamb w Mint Sauce ENTREE Spanish Cream`, VEGETABLES Boiled Potatoes Reed Potatoes Creamed Corn Green Peas Glazed Carrots t , DESSERTS Christmas Plum Pudding with Hard Sauce Apple Pie, Whipped Cream Mince Pie Orange Pie Neapolitan Ice Cream Tpperary Jelly with Cream Oranges, Grapes, Candies and Nuts Coffee Cocoa Tea All Soft Drinks charged extra DINNER Mill $1.00 jury's verdict. Pollard vs. M cbichael. -Thn V Na an- other action for slander. The plai tiff was Thomas Pollard, a farmer of Hulk t, and the defendant was Alex. McMi ha a McKillop farmer. Pollard claimed that statements had been made by the defend- ant falsely charging hint with having stolen, oat • sheaves out of defendant's field. The defendant disclaimed any in- tention of charging the plaintiff with theft and the jury threw out the plaintiff's claim. J. M. Best (Sealrth1 for plain- tiff. W. Proudfuit, 'K. C.. for defend- ant. Newcombe Piano Co. v. .Fee. -An actlin for the price of a piano. The plaintiffs, the Newcombe Piano Co., of 'l'oro to, delivered a plant, to the defend- ant. Oliver 1.. Fee. farmer, of Hay township in March. 1910, the price being $214.. The defendant refused to pay for it, claiming that the piano was distinctly inferior to the one he had ordered, and he notified the plaintiffs to remove it and claimed rental at the rate of four dollars a month for the space it occupied in his Ixuw. Judgment was entered by con - relit. a new agreement kr tbe sale of alt other piano tD be entered into and plain- tiff to pay defendant's solicitor &rot) on ac- count of hes costs. Chas. Carrow for plain- tiff j. G. Sta[tbury (Exeter) for defendant. Court was adjourned to January- Lith for the hearing of the other` cases on the docket. These are: liurns v. Wallace et al.; Cook- et al. - v. Grand Trunk Ry. Co.: Waterville Fruit Co. v. Ilambnk; Mulcahy v. Mul- cahy et al.; Nat•gete v. Logan et al.;i McLennan v. town' of Seaforth; Seldon v. Crown Milling Co.; Inglis v. Nichol- -•-- (Both Hares Seats Go to Government Candidates. The elections on Monday gave the Government a substantial- .ma Deep, PERSONAL MENTION. h Capt. Hugh Davidson has returned to town after the season of navigation. Cappt. E. C. Robinson is home after ndin the season on the lakes. Mr. and ts'1 s. W. J. Blair will spend the holiday seast)n at Peterboro' and Tor- onto. Mrs. Chas. 5Simons left this week for Brantford. where* she will spend the winter. Miss Sharman. principal of Central se•htol, will visit relatives at Detroit dur- ing the vacation. Mrs. McCartney has Se jrned from Saskatchewan, where she seen the sum- mer with her son. Mr. Chas. Washington has arrived from Regina to spend the winter with his sis- ter, Miss Washington. Mrs. D. Stoddart left on Tuesday for Detroit. where she will spend Christmas with her daughter, Mrs. I). Witmer. Mist Helen Howard, of New York. is spending the Christmas season with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Mc- Murchy. Mrs. (Rev.) G. F. Salton. of Winnipeg. and her brother, Mr. Lynn Gordon, of Kamloops. B. C., are visiting in Ontario and spent a few days in town this week. spe K if quality counts, use Llackstone's delicious ice cream in bulk or bricks for all occasions. Phone 240. Ashfield. Colborne me (;rey Howick Morris Turnberry.. West Wawanosh East Wawanosh Hlyth.. Brussels Goderich.. _. W'ingham. Wroxeter 11 11tSi Majority for Bowman, Unionist, SOUTH HUIt( /N. Merner. 43 ZCt les t< 111!4 12 illi Hay ... ........ . :473 Tuckersmith 1114 McKillop 21111 Stephen ... 112 IIullett ....__ 411 11444 1Rf7 Majority for J. J. Merner, Unionist, 47. rlstmas and New Year's les. G. T. R. offers a rate of a fare and a -third .for Christmas trips. wird going Saturday, '22nd, to Tuesday. 2.ith, and returning Up to Wednesday. the :Stith. For New ear's tickets will he issued at a fare and a -third going -Saturday, 29th. to Tuesday, January 1st, and returning Wednesday. January 2nd. (;et your ticket from F. F. Lawrence & Sons at the (IoWn-town office and avoid delay at the station. Seaforth Clinton Exeter Bayfield Hcnsall Gederich Towns Stanley t;storne p.. 27 8 1428. McMillan. son. The annual Christmas tree entertain= ment of Victoria street Sunday school will be held on Thursday evening. Dec- ember. 27. A. _ cla m v.. program will be rendered Y the scholars. • Santa Claus will be pre.nt to distribute gifts to the children. A mission --adults 204, children , I(Ic, childrrrlof Ux.Sunday school free. ' Try Edwards' home-made candy. It is good and tasty. The dance at the British Exchange - hottl on Monday night -was well at- tended and those present had a good time. The Blackstone orchestra fur- nished tbe - music. The election returns were received during the evening. add- ing much to the interest of f he Occasion. Mr. Lach. Kennedy, of Wingham is the new proprietre of the Model Theatre. No performance - have been given the - last ten days or so, hut the theatre will likely be reopened very shortly. Since the fourth Monday of the month coneys on Christmas •Eve, the monthly meeting of the Red Cross Society will take place on Friday. December 21, in the jury room of the court ;Nouse, at 8 p. m; ' • What would be more suitable for a man than •atnice club -bag Goo to \Valker's; he has a large shipment just arrived. For Sale. -About stray cedar poles, 20 feet long, suitable for telephone use or other purposes.. Also a limited number of large cedar and tamarac pests, s and 9 feet long. MacEwan Estate. Young genius (who has had the talk to himself and. as usual, about himself): "Well. gad -bye, Mrs. Meltham. It always s.,_,_ dews me good to come and see you. 1 had such a headache when I came, and now I've quite List it." Mrs. Meltham: "Oh, it's riot lost: I've got it." -Punch. BORN. HARRISON. - On Wednesday. December 12. to Mr. and Mrs. John A. Harrison. a daughter Lucy Maud ,. DIED. YOUNG.- In Colborne township on Sunday, I5-cemher ti. Lieut. -Col. William Young, in his Ssih year. STEWART, - At Brantford. nn Thursday. De- cember 20. Margaret Leslie. elder daughter of Mr. James D. Stewart, Goderich. Funeral from the family residence. Fast street, Goderich. Saturday afternoon. to Maitland ceme- tery. Funeral service at the house at 2 o'cl k. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -Dat. 20 Pate Auction Sale -Arthur Jones 1 Tenders for Wood W Lane • Cat Lost -Meet Billie Heffernan' 1 Reader-. Victoria Street S. S re Christmas Meats -Tho. Legg w Not it - Edward Reed ....... .... 1' m .s ,,i Mamiecolows, wiser"' ' r re