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-i .. FE atS*our• o
Watt tn.
Ts(IMMAY, DEC. 13,, 1917 11/
The low cost
per cup
It is hard to believe that a cup of good, rich
tea only costs about a fifth of a cent, but,
you see, Red Rose consists chiefly of Assam
teas -the richest, strongest teas in the world.
Red Rose easily yields 250 cups to the pound.
And it's a tea of ,
rare economy and
Kept Good by
the Sealed
oNs MM.es.t I
Reeve Reis and family left Wroxeter
on Monday. for their new home at Galt.
Pte. Laidlaw Strachan, son of . Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Strachan. of Ethel, is reported
Rev. G. F. Powell, late of Milverton. is
the newly appointed rector of ithe Angli-
can chureh at Wroxeter.
Miss Jemima Johnston has sold her
75 -acre farm on the south boundary.
Stanley, near Drysdale, to Frank Corri-
veau, of Stanley. -
John Abrahatlt, one of Howick's oldest
settlers, passed away on the 2nd inst.,
following a paralytic stroke. He was in
his seventy-ninth year.
David Dewar, of• the Sauble line. Stan-
ley, has purchased the property at Bay-
field known as the Whiddon estate and
has moved to that village.
The 100 -acre farm ensile and a -quarter
east of Belgrave, recently bought by Ah
drew Taylor, has been sold by him' to Joe
Miller, of Belgrave. The price is said to
be $5. 800.
tss The death occurred at Cranbrook on
Friday,. November 30,. of Miss Aggie
Duncanson, in her thirty-second year.
She had been suffering .from a form of
nervous paralysis.
Alex. Campbell, of Cromarty, has sold
his farm to a neighbor, James How, and
will move to Seaforth. The farm con-
tains 13t) acres, with good buildings. and
the purchase price was 611.000.
The marriage of Hiss Julia M.,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Baker, j Lover Brothers
Cranbrook, to Leo F. Killoran, of Saska- "w Larnacatoon. formerly of Stratford, took place at j a ,. TORONTO
Winnipeg on the 1st inst., Rev. Father
Blair ofliciating-
Word has been received of the death.
in a hospital in England, of Pte. Edgar C.'
Ardell, son of Mrs. Wm. Ardelh of Win-
nipeg, formerly of Gerrie.' He was severely
wounded in Prance several 'months ago.
The young man was born in Gerrie about !
twenty-five years ago. years ago and fourteen, years ago retired
James Hoggarth. one of the best- from the farm and.came to Wingham.
known residents of the Cromarty section, His wife died five years ago and seven
died Monday of last week at the good sons and tier daughters survive.
old age of eighty-five years. He came to James Mulvey, auother pioneer resi-
Canada from England when a young man, dent, pasted away on Thursday. Novem-
and for nearly -sixty years was a' residegt ber ' 3th. He was born in Ireland and
of the locality in which he died. • came to Canada in early manhood. He
An old resident of Cranbrook passed farmed for a number of years ih Wallace
away November 21.th, in the person of township. Perth county. and later in
Mrs. Agnes sgrown. at the good old age Turnberry, and thirteen years ago carte
of eighty-foue years. The deceased had to Wingham. He is survived by his wife
s ; been a resident of Grey township since and a family of four stats and • seven
the year 1874. Mr. Brown died many daughters.
years ago, and of a family of twelve
eleven are living. THEY CURED HIM AND THEY
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Gardiner. of ! DID IT QUiCK.
Kirkton, have received official, notifi- ---
cation that their son, Pte. Edward Gard- - What George W Ggrdoer Says . si
iner, has been killed in actin. This is ; Dodd's Kidrse►.Pills.
the second son to make the supreme '
sacrifice, Pte. Earl Gardiner having been Fern Creek. Alta.. Dec. 10 (Stieciall-
killed last June. Two other brothers are After suffering for three years from kid -
still at the front. Of a family of five ney trouble. Geo. W. Gardner, a well -
boys four donned the khaki: the fifth is known farmer living near here. is again in
a member of Parliament in Saskatche- the best of health and he gives full credit
wan. I for his cure to Dodds Kidney Pilis.
•The death occurred at Londesboro' on
"1 think Dodd's Kidney. Pill are won
Saturday, December 1st, of Mrs. Riley, derfud, ' Mr. Gardner said in telling of
widow of the late W. J. Riley, aged his cure. ' -My trouble started from a
sixty-eight years. The deceased was a strain or a cold and I noticed it first
native of Devonshire, England, She is about three years ago. My eyes were
6 survived by three sorts and four laugh- puffed and swollen and had dark circles
12. ters: Harry, of Londesboro'; Joseph and under them. i was very irritable at times
Forest, of Newark. N. J.. Mrs. L. and my skin had a dry, harsh feeling. My
9 Mair, of Hullett; Mrs. G. W. Bradford, sleep was broken' and unrefreshing, and 1
16,00 of Goderich: Mrs. F. L. Moss, of Wawa-' had a bitter taste in my mouth in the
. , and Mrs. L. D. Walters, of London. • morning. i took medical advice. but got
Wednesday. November 31st, the no permanent benefit till i used Dodd's
is of Grace, daughter of Mr. and Kidney Pills. Just two boxes of them
Mrs. Wm. A. Johnston, of Ashfield, too did...
Wilfri Farrish, son .i ofixed me up art! 1 feel as well as i ever
f Mrs. D. ' 4;
Farrish, of Lanes, took' place at - SEAFORTH
the Ash Id mane*. Rev. J. S. Hardie
,officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Farrish will C. Dowson, of Zurich, has purchased a
reside on t groom's farm on the 10th residence in Seaforth and .bas nwved his
concession o Ashfield. A reception at- family to town. -
tended by abo 250 persons was held in Alex. Campbell, of Cromarty. has pur-
honor of. the wly-wedded couple on chased the Sutherland residence and in -
their return from a wedding trip. tends moving in from the farm in the
CLI spring.
Dance December 14th- manager. Dancing will coonmrnce at
A social dance will be held at the 8:30 p.m. Carte and have a good time.
Masonic Temple. Goderich. Friday. De- Everybody welcome. Committee - A.
ember Illth. Good music and floor Keating. A. -McGregor and J. Stacy.
Chris 18
Su**es' ' •
S . If
,b Two Stores ..°
!-1/ T the Furniture Store we
month getting ready for the Christ
have assembled together the best selecti
gifts ' ever shown in this store. We
interesting prices: - i
only Library Table, fumed oak yrs}f .11.,
only Library Table, fumed oak -
only Library Table, fumed oak
only Library Table, golden oak
Tapestry Library Table Cover
Mahogany Parlor Lamp (electric)
Floor Lamp, fumed oak, 2 -light, complete
Smoker's Cabinet, fumed oak
White enamel Dressing Table
Sectional Book Case, 3 -section
fumed oak, complete
Oak Rocker
Arm Chair
Carpet Sweepers
O -Cedar Mops
6 ladies' Work Baskets
Health Triumphs
over dimes, every time you
use Lifebuoy Soap. For it•
mild beeflieg and cleansing oil•
sre .barged with cleans's&
properties that make it simply
Mild and pure enough for
Baby's ski. -therefore emi-
nently suitable for yours.
The mild, aati•eptie odor
vanishes quickly after use.
At all
busy this last
s trade. We
of suitable
uote some
top and base, in
• 11
$2.50, 2.75, 3.00
$2.50, 2.75, 3.00
75c, $1,00, 1.25, 1.75
Special $2.50 each
Suit Cases
$2.00, $2.50
$3.00, $3.50
Club Bags
$3.00, $4.50
46.50, $10.00
$8.50, $9.00
,., $ 10.0 .t
PICTU RES -We have a real Christmas section
in both stores.
To make your wife's heart
hound with indescribable joy
bring her home a
We have them at all price.
from SI7.00 to $250.00 at the
et Annex Store. You will find
fifteen models carried in stock.
We are the only authorized dealers for the famous
Columbia Grafonolas.
There's a real bargain awaiting you at the Annex, in
a fine Piano. Could not tell it from new. Only used a
short time. Regular price was $450.00. We will sell it
now for $250.00. Easy terms or cash.
Coal is scarce. Don't worry. Drop into Walker's
store and buy a nice Comforter. Prices from 53.00 to
Picture Framing Promptly and Neatly Done
Special Prices on Kitchen Cabinets
Take your wife home a Columbia Grafoaola
The Store of Qiality. Often the ataspast-Always the dot
N. Newton McTavish. of Toront:t, editor
Mrs. Chas. Twitchel eft last week en of The Canadian Magazine. and his
route to Calgary, w she and Mr. dau •hter spent a few days here with his
Twitchell intend making t eir home. brother, Mr. J. McTavish.
Jack McCaughey, who h been spend-
ing several months in New ntario and
has. also been in New Brun wick and
Quebec. is spending a holiday at is home
here. He has joined the lkoya Flying
Corp• and commences training at onto
in Jen.rary and later will probably to
Texas to complete his training.
A highly esteemed resident of Wingham,
Mrs. Malcolm Lamont, died on Wednes-
,' iy, November •28th. in her sixty-ninth
ear. She is survived by three sons and ....... r
oak daughter. ad.
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Pringle have on a de set donated by several citizens,
arrived home from the West, where they and' of Of - 11(11 has been cabled to Eng -
had been residing for some years. Mr. lair( for t • Huron Battalion Christmas
Pringle will remain nn his farm in Turn- dinner fend rid the balance is to be used
berry and his son will take charge of the for the chit. en of the soldiers on this
farm in the West. . side of the wa r.
William Merkley. one of the pioneers of As mentioned 'n these columns last -
this district, has been gathered tis his week, Corp. Howa Hays, son of , Mr.
fathers. his death taking place November and Mrs. James I . s. is reported as
211th,. in his seventy-ninth year. Mr among the wounded. France. He.. was
Merkley came to Turnherry forty-nine struck by a piece of s II. which tore a
large gash in his hip. hile no bones
were fractured, the woun i3 'a serious
one and will take a long t e to heal.
A Grippe Epidemic When admitted to the hos. tal Corp.
Hays found his nurse to be M s R.ibb,
daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs. Joh Robb,
next-door neighbors of his own fi s in
Corps, arrived home last week, Ile has I,
heen working in England, France and 1
While threshing at the farm of Chas,
Kerslake on the London road Clifford
Hilt had the nu -fortune to be severely
crushed between the engin and separator
and aornewhat burned.
The remains of the late David Hill,
who died at Guelph on the :9.th ult.,
were brought to Exetee for interment.
The deceased was a resident of Exeter for
over thirty years, and for some years was
connected with the Exeter salt works. Ile
was in his eighty-fourth year. Mrs.
Mill died only about live weeks before
her husband.
Goderich township council ntet Deeeni-
hrr ;ird, iii Holmes' hall, Holmesville,
with all members present. Minutes of
last meeting as read were confirmed.
Moved by Councillor Holland, seconded
by Councillor Lindsay, that bylaw No. 7.
appointing places and Mtaers for nomina-
tions and election as read be passed,
Carried. Norninat\ons to be held in
Holmes' hall, HolmesviJle, on Monday. I
December :IL at 12 o'clock noon; and it
an election is necessary, the following
polling booths, deputy. returning officers .
and poll clerks are appointed:
No. 1 --(range Il'all. 4th concession.
Chris. W. Johnston. D. R. 0.; Geo. Mc-
llwain, clerk.
No. 2 ---George O. Sturdy's house. How-
ard Sturdy, -D. R. 0., Austin Sturdy,
No. :I -Albert Harrison's house, John
Woods, 11 R. O.; Albert Harrison. clerk.
No. 4-W. H. Elliott's • house. Robert
Cluff, D. R. Ir.: Lewis Anderson, clerk.
No. 5 -Bert Murphy's house. Bert
Murphy. D. R. O.; Ir Merrill. clerk. •
licks' house, (.uy
received the
orders were
of the same: Thomas Ilett s, gravel.
117.01: councillors, services at be rd, SI30;
A. Cantelon. services as clerk. SI ,; J. E.
Whitely, sarvices as treasurer, DRYS; neve,
clerk and assessor. selecting juror. 110;
Mrs. Falconer, lumber. for bridge. S:.' A.
Cantelon. postage and stationery. $8.
No. o. - Mrs. Hart
Hicks D. R. 0.: Robt.
The following accoun
sanction of the board a
drawn on the treasurer for
IMP =IMP t1 1
Christmas Novelties
W1: have .t .full line of C.:h; istmas
Novelties. Everything. suitablt
for men's wear. ).
i• :,,.
13races, Garters, I Ioleproof 1 I osiery,
Gloves, Shirts, Caps, Sweaters, Linen
lIan(Ikerchicfs. In fact everything to
be found in an up -t( -(late Gents'
Furnishing 1-1oust ,~6,, .•, •,..: etas
Buy Him His Gift at This Store I
Semi -Ready Tailors The Square, Goderich
=I REM 1
Chas. Williams, jr., gravel, 11.00; Mr: -- - - --
W. Weston. gravel, 112.4',; Mrs. Potter.
gravel, 52.80; Geo. Vanderburg, oversee-
ing work, 12; Jas. McMillan, winter road,
12; Chas. Fuller, winter road. Sl; T. K.
Mair. gravel. $5.n0, plank, 117, supplying
plank and work, S.I.50; board of health.
132.70; James Thompson. gravel, 15.25:
James Blair, sheep killed by dogs. S25:
Richard Porter. sheep killed by dogs. 1116;
Geo. W. Sturdy. valuating sheep. S4: Ad.
McCartney,• grading and drawing gravel,
57.50; John T. McGee. statute labor
work, SI. .4 communication was • read
from S. W. Miller asking the privilege of
installing a gasoline tank • opposite his
report} in the village of Helmesville
Aubrey Crich. son of Mr. and Mrs. W.
A. C ich, has enlisted in the Naval Air
Service and left last week for Toronto,
wlrenhe he will proceed overseas.
The wedding is announced of Pie .
Francis George Habkirk. a Seaforth boy'
now ove. seas, to Miss Fanny Robina
Gautby, of lllackp■ol. England. The
wedding took place November Lith.
The old-time dance for the benefit of
Belgian relief fund was a ereat suc-
c s. The net proceeds from the dance
nerd to 1139. which has been handed
o the local treasurer of the fund.
tion the sum of 1142.511 was raised
Every winter Health Boards
warn against this weakening
disease which often strikes
.those who are least prepared
to resist it. You should strengthen
yourself against grippe by taking
which is the cream of cod liver oil,
refined, purified and so skilfully
prepared that it enriches the blood
streams, creates reserve strength
and fortifies the lungs and throat.
Don't delay It may mean much.
Refuse Substitutes
This met with the approval of the board.
on motion of -Councillors Lindsay and
Holland. Council adjourned to meet as
per statute oo Saturday, the 15th day of
December. ADAM CINTEtov, Clerk.
Will Stewart, wan of the late Donald
Stewart. has been renewing old friend-
ships here. His homer now is at Nassar o,
F. S. Scott. of Brussels, was re-elected
president a; the recent annual meeting of
the Canadian Independent l'elephone
Association at Toronto.
On Sunday. December •2nd, Mary
Neat widow of the late James Dudley,
passed awa) at the age of seventy dears.
The deci•a'cd came to Brussels forty
years ago. She leaves three sons and four
daughters, her husband having died over
two years ago.
Mr. N. D. Hendon, after spending the
summer with his sour George at Port
Frank, has returned to town, for the
John C olwia has purchased front Wm.
Russell, of town, his 1(1Lacre farm on the
London road nrth, the purchase price
being 17 aro
A Soldier's Letter's Journey.
This' is what the pk toffice did for a
pe y in order to deliver a letter to a
Senit first to the Topographical
Sectio R. E., East Africa.
QForw , • it to D udoma, IAO miles in-
•Traftsmit it to the Military His..
pita', Capeto
Sent it back • home address,
Forwarded it t a camp in Englani.
Returned it he • again.
Delivered it at rnlough. Antrim,
The letter. posted -i' January, was rt.
ceived in August and \le. R. Mcuten,
Woerdvak road. Belfast, who has kir -
warded the envek.pe • for inspection,
estimates that it has p,urneryevl NAV
miles Back and front the envelope is
covered with addresses, • /
Woman's incone+iteney is the grab st,
of her charms.
-Christmas Greeting cards.
Havesyour name and greeting print,.
on : an elegant Christmas card. 'Your -
friends will appreciate sock a remem-
brance. ()Mere left with The Signal will
receive prompt attention..
The Signa
to new 'sulcribers to $ 1 .00
January 1st, 1919
416/01L16ibibiblead/ ie/ UtWi11/tlr1b1b11/kb11/1blie rib11/ibtNU1t1/t,$it iUIth11.t1/11/11/110
« x0....m. ,w C.;gr,t! 7rWrz as .»wrussrw+.r „ea,aiK'
• . Make Your Wife Happy as Well as Your Home
Electric -- - nc
3 4v Toasters i T
Toaster Stoves
,• 1 pmy° fr'i•1
• Heating Pads
Hotwater Cups
Bedroom Heaters
a y I
All above appli-
1. ances will be kept
1 • i% in repair, free of
1 I!
1 charge.
A New Line of Flashlights ,
+ l •N _ 'gig
ectric Hetoting,
AA ompljete fine of Vacuum Cleaners, 4F'ans,
ortable Lamps, Cooking Ranges; Domes, Shades,
Tungsten and Nitrogen Lamps.
▪ Let us give you an esti-
sti mate on wiring our home,
office, garage or place of
3 business. r•1 q
and Batteries on Hand'
tticfat: LION
•mu. 'WOO rens
Res. 193
.Office 82
tTs4.a e'",u
Capt. S. R. D. tt,,,;tt. , ho has been ®orotThlfefo/p/oreftwpfeff r'^ reirTTloTTophIyp►1 frftlifvfwe efflfltfefolupa
ere • a..e.. I•sss•, out Vet saving overseas with the Army Medical
T A I T ••t n6 °o,Ifi:w;r
(!lurid•• tlamales% Carse DistetplM.
! ED. 7.
ENSUE !M-'17.
60 Front St. West. Toronto