HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-12-13, Page 3•'ew ! ' >, lor,!q • "1r,. i r;° ,4r7 k.L •11(111"'" , THE SIGNAL • GODERICH ONTARIO THURSDAY, DEC. 13, 1917 11 THE Ot16INAL AND ONLY IENOINE BEWARE OF IMITA- TIONS SOLD ON 1HE MERITS OIi IINARD'S LINIIENT MEDICAL DR. GEO.H151LEMANN, OSTEO PATH, specialist In women's end abl duo's diseases, acute, 'Atomic and oervossdio et'aars, alle, ear, nose sod throat, ppearrt1►1 deaf ea. lumbago and rheumatic ooudItt000. Ade soles remove wittiest the kulfe. (Moe at residence. corner Nelson and tit. Aodrewl. treas. At home (moe Monday., Thursdays fad Saturdays: any rvenlug by apyrr4stMout. DENTISTRY H. G. MACLMNELL-HONOR 33 tireduete 'lbrouto Uni endty. Oraduat• oyaa,ollege of lh:utal Surgeon,. btrooresur to the late Major Sale. Oakes rase r4guare sun N est street. Ooderich, AUCTIONEER /1111OMAS UUNDKY 11 • AUCTIONS/1R Sox s7, UodeHCb.All Instructions by mail ar Isle at Signal omce will be prowpup et dded to. itesideucti telephoue,l19 LEGAL j�. C. HAYS �1+L BARR)yTILH W uLlt'ITtft NOTARY PUBLIC. STC, /fc., terItug Bank Block, Ham$1W i B.reet, oderlch. Telephone in Real Kstate Loans and Insurance., PROC LFOUT, K I LLORAN A COOK E BARRISTERS, BULICITORS, N(YTARIK$ `PU&IC. ETC. Office on the S,yuur. sewed door from Ram. 1314'u .tree(, tiodtrich. • Yrly ate fund.. to luau at lowest rated. W. Paocuyurr, K.C. J. L. klu.oaak H. J. D. COU U. CAMERON, K. C., HARKIN TKR solicitor, notary public. UIDoos Mos Street. Uudertcb, third door tr., `bare. At t loam •1 bur -day of each week In o�w on Albeit Street occupied by Mr. Hooper. r,fhce hour. a a.m. toll p.n.. 4tl.ItLEti UARROW, LL.B., BAR HISTLIt, attut hey, 'sohcltor, etc.. Gado- _. h. M.• .v t. '. 11 s. lnwr-. n.tr. I bEAGER, BARRISTER, SUL- •eiicl1.r, Soiiry Public sad l'onvryanoer, oe-cants Hou*. Ou.terirh, 111e12m INSURANCE LOANS, ETC. McKILI OP MUTUAL WIRE IN a CR A N G l; C O. -Farm and Isolated town proptrty Insured. Omcrr.-J s. t'ouuolly, Pres., Goderich P.O.; Jar. Et ma., Vloo-)hes., Beechwood 1'. O.; nowise le. Hays. Sec.-Treas., Seefortb P. U. Directors --1). F. . McGregor, Sestorth ; John :), Urleve, N Inthrop ; N' ll .am Rion, Constance: Jobe Benner,.. Brodhsge0 ; Oro. Mcl'srtury. Simla th-: Re Vermis, Har&Ools t MNeoLu McIDwen, Bruoeteld. Agrnl.: J. N. Yeo, Gods rich • Alex. Leitch, Clinton : William Chesney, Seefogth ; L Nimble), Seale; th. Polity -holders can pay araeo49,tn to sod get their cards realigned s R. J. llorrnh's Clothing More. Clinton, R. N, l utt. Ussery-, U Iniad on street, Uuderlch, or J. H. hind's General Store. Hayfield. »') i uPRIVATE FUNDS TO G V U V i0 loan. Apwy to M. O. CAM RROP. Barrister Hamilton street, Hoderbd MUSIC. ct J: W. TAYLOR, OR(GANIST. and ('hoirtna.ter of Kuux church. Teacher o Piano. Vocal end 1 beery. Pupils prepare] for looser Valory examination.. idtudlo-corner Britannia road and South street. Telephone No. Yet. se-tm • Iy(' ABEL R. SOTI', 'TEACHER OFVoice, Plano and Organ. Pupils rePared for (bn.w.retory examination., Apply at MR. 1'. W. 1.l'RIt1k'S. Britannia ro.td. PATENT PROMPTLY SECURED, In s'1 countries. A.8 for our 1N'VF:Y. 2011 d Af VISER,which will be sent free, MARION elk MfAE:OM. 1S4 University St.. Me:ntrfat TORONTO MARKETS. TORONTO, Dee. 11 -Tbe Board of Trade otDeial market Quotations I( for yesterday; I( No, 1 northern, 12.2314.' No. 2 northern, U.11u11. No. 3 northern, 32.1715. NO.. 4 wheat, $2.101s - Manitoba oats (In story, Fort No, 2 e.W., 80i'.c. No. 3 C.W. 77%c. )55r Extra Nu 1 feed. 77%c. 1R No. 1 (red. 7315c. American Corn (Track, Toronto). No. 3 yellow, nominal. Ontario Oats (According to Freight' Outside). No. 2 white --77c to 78c, nominal, No. 3 where -76c to 77c, non:Beal. Ontarlo n Wheat (Basis In Store, Montreal). x No. 2 winter, per car lot $2.22. Peas (According to Freights m,blde). No. 2-23.70 to 13.80...,0 Ia■i■•■■>tXXXXXXXXXXXX>rXXXXXXXX■■>a■XXXX>•■•>.XXX11■■I•'1r■>•■>•)•■XINNIXX 1Y■■■) XX 11111 N 1 x ■ 1i 1K 1/ 1111 x Barley (According to Frelrhts Outside). Malting -11.23 to 21.24. aR B uckwheat (According to Freights Otos. Id•).I $111 Buckwheat -81.45 to 11.50. Rye (According to Freights Outside). No. 2-41.75. Manitoba Flour (Toronto). Pirat {*.tents, ;u Jute bergs. 111.50. Second patents, In Jute bags, 311. Strong tethers', In Jute bags, 110.60. Ontario Fleur (In Bags, Prompt Ship. Winter, according to sample. 39.95 mint). 1 Montreal, 13.75 'loront°. $9.74.0 bulk, semi - Mead Mlllfoed (Car Lots. Montreal Freghts, git Bags Included). Bran, per tun 137; short., per tog if 143; middlings, Per tun. $47 to 115; good Iced flour, per bag, 13.25. Hay (Track, T ). No. 1. per tun. 115.50 to 11650; mia•d.. per tun, 113 to 115. Straw (Track, Toronto). •)t Car lots. per tun, 49 19 39.50. I a J. 4'. Bickel) A Cu.. Standard Bank 1111 Building. report the following prices ua the Chicago hoard of Trade: Prey. Open. High, Low. Close, Close. 1111 1111 I1[ CHICAGO (.RAIN MARKET. Corn - May .... 116% 119 116 119 - 11814 $ Le.. .. 12. 124 123 124 12414 on1l- Map 701.72381 "6914. a•.. . . 72 4 '72 4 7034 7114 Pork- 15g May 46.00 47.'--11 46.60 47.10 46.80• y11t I.ard- Jan. . 24.40 24.65 24.37 24,65 24.25 a Ribs- . 1Jvv rt••a 1, De,. 10.-I;rr(, extra India ■ plena. _5r 1'o'k prime mess, western, 34,5. 6d. liar ,....hurt rut, 11 'to 16 lbs.. 1:37s. I;aeen, e'umb. rland rut, 26 to :3D Iba., 111 137.. N'lltsh,re cut, 15 to 65 lbs., 152s. Clean bellies, 14 to 16 lbs., 160e. It I.'ng ,'lear7 mideflea• light. 28 to 34 lbs.. lag 166'1 • long clear rr:iddle.. hussy. 35 to 40 lbs„ a 355e. )55r Short r tear hark... 16 to 20 the., 157., /R Sh...luler!, Mluare. 11 10 13 Ih,.. 1241. Ila rel, Lr1mr weste611. -in tierces. 133e: America reftnil, pu l., 1361 3d; Americas teftn.d. 1.':ea, 135x. Australian tnlhrw in London, 72a. \Tor P• -refine spirits. 11:'.. Comm. ,.•mmun 6•t, • I tn.lrum. refined; t1 6tid. N' r kits en. , Nn 2. 1. 24yd. 14nm-ea oi;. 011 Cc tt..nsr•d oft, 681 6d. 1l ERP(H)L MARKETS. 1111 Ill 1111 �■ 1 CATTLE MARKETS UNION STOCK YARDS. 1111 TORONTO, Dec. 11. - Receipts 1111 at the Fnion Stthck Yards yesterday 1111 were 194 cars -173,213 cattle, 145 calves, 1,601 bogs,' and 2,627 sheep and Iambs. x EAST BUFFALO L14i t: STOCK. F..urt Rt-ffaln. Dee. 10:, -Cattle --16e- M)pta, :o•oo. Steady to atng: i.rlme .leets. 113 to 515; shipping ,t .,!, 111.50 00 113 5. butchery., 34.50 to 2; veer - 'hags. 911 50 In $13; beaten.. 17 t 111.25; cow... 51 te 510; bulls, 36.75 to 19.50: workers and feeders, 16.50 1'..311 5 resit cows end Apr Inger., slow, 55a to 114 ✓ eal--I:trerbts, 400. Strong: 17 '.o 116 Hoke-l:•re.ptl, 409. strong: heavy, 318 1., 1. $1s.25: n,Ixrd, 116 to 318.15; ,farknrs- 11. 1, to 31 1414--Perkere. {.04,69 'to 116.75. pigs, 316.25 to 516.50:- roughs. 116 75 to • SIC 90; ,tags. 914 to $15. • Sheep and I:unho-Rncelpta, 2000. Ac- tive and strong; Iambs. $12 to 118: year- ling!. 111 to I15: wether,, 17.75 to 312.25; CHICAGO LiVE STOCK. Cheer-. Der. 10.-Cattle-ltw•nitrt,. 211,- 000. Firm: western steers. 36.30 1.0 11170: porters andfeeder,, 56.10 to 311: cows and heifer's, $5.10 to 311.40; calves. 58 to 11S. Hogs -Receipt., '17.0M. Strong; light, 110.75 to 517.95; mixed, 117 to $17.61; heavy, 516.90 to 117 65: rough. 116.90 to 117.15. pas. $12.75 to $15.85: -Milk of sales, 317.20 to 317.80. Sheep and lanml..-Rerelots. 20.000. Firm: Iar.M.. native. 112.25 to $16.85. WiNNfP1;G LIVE STOCK. Winnipeg. Dec. 10 tock yards re. crept, 214 cattle, 1500 hogs. Cattle mar- ket lower on :Common to medium Mitchell_ steers. 51.50 to 110; cow,. $9.237. be1Teeti;. 35.50 to 510: bulls, $5.25 to 37.511; oxen, 14.50 to 35.00: stockers and (endive, $5.95 Gds or the Wiioie fa, This season we again impress the desirability of giving practical gifts, and we do not hesitate to say that our stock is better assorted than ever before. Doing your Christmas shopping at our store will be a real pleasure. Handkerchiefs Daintier Than Ever Our stock of Hand- kerchiefs is most com- plete at prices that are amazingly mod- erate under preserlft conditions. Ladies' and men's initial linen Handker- chiefs, pure Irish linen, hand embroid- ered. Every initial jn stock. Special 25c each. Handsome real lace Handkerchiefs. Every lady appreciates real lace Handkerchiefs. they are' so handsome and different from the others. We are showing them as low as 75c each, and up. Exceptional values in ladies' embroidered Handkerchiefs. Dozens of dainty patterns to select from, at 10c each, 3 for 25o, 15c each, 2 for 25c, up to $1.50 each. Khaki Handkerchiefs at all prices. , Children's Handkerchiefs in great variety. Furs Furs The ideal gift. Our 'selection of popular-\, priced Furs is sure to meet with your entire approval. Natural Wolf Sets from $18.75. Children's White Thibet Sets from $6.00. Crepe de Chine Waists of Real Beauty Charmed indeed will be the lady who on Christmas morn re- ceives one of these dressy Crepe de Chins, Waists. We have' them in all colors and every size in stock, and the moderation of price will at onct appeal to yo'i. Priced from $3,75- up. try 11.50: veal calve, 16 to $9. Hogs --Se- 1 1 last., 916.2E to $16.50; sows and heavies„ It 312.50 to 314; light, 915.25 to 516. Russians Are Offered Armistice. PETROGRAD, Dec. 11. - Tbe Russian delegation from the front which took part in the armistice ne- gotiations reported to the central ex- ecutive committee and the soldiers' and workmen's council Saturday. The terms for the armistice were out- lined by one of the delegates as fol- - lows: The Russian)] proposed that the (� duration of the armistice be .Ix Brophe) Bros. ( months, with three days' notice of re - gumption of hostilities, the armistice to embrace all fronts in all coun- GODERIOH tries, no troops to be transferred; Moon Sound and Moon Island to be evacuated by the Germans. lite Leading The Germans an made the following s Counter proposals: The armistice to last 28 days; to embrace only the Russian front; the transfer of units lees than a dlvisioo to be permitted; Moon Sound and Island to remain in German occupation; the Russian troops to be removed from the Mace- donian and French fronts; Russlae and Turkish troops to evacuate Persia. The eeasideratlon of the report was postponed. Funeral Directors and Embalmers Orders carefully attended to at all hours, night or day. The Best Newspaper Value • In Western Ontario Che London Elbvertteer A11 Mail Editions SP Per Year Troops Reach Ragland. OTTAWA, Dec. 11. -It is omclaliy announced through the chief cen- sor's omee that the following troops have arrived safely In Englatld: In- fantry drafts from central Ontario, Winnipeg, and Kingston for P.P.C.I. Infantry. Infantry draft from signal training depot, Ottawa. Drafts for horse, field, and stege artillery and howitser ammunitlon column from Loadon, Toronto, and Montreal. ' Medical Corps draft, cyclists, pilots, Royal Flying Corps, Newfooadlsad- ers, impsr.1 recruits, details. ':