HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-12-6, Page 5010k0111111MIWOR. 40, ,00(00.0a, ,-Nrozvittardet, THE SIGNAL • GODERIail ON14410 Old Tea 1.22kiliall Right Old tea and fresh tea, poor tea and good tea, all look alike. No wonder a woman often gets a bulk tea she doesn't like. Red Rose Tea in tbe sealed package is always fresh, always good, always worth the price on the label. Kept Good by the Sealed Package BUITISH THURST AGAIN. Theory by 11°00110d Nortst 01 Passidiesdaele. LONDON, Dec. 4. -The British a little before two o'clock Sunday moralist Made • leeal attack la moonlight oa the German posirions north and uorth-east of Passebea- dealt. and about the manse time a minor assault &Latest the meal' frost north-west of Gathers. These attacks appear to have gone well as a whole. The Brttish were held up in the centre slope the ridge for a time, but for tbe most part were reported to base reached their objectives' and to have penetrated from 300 to 400 yards at numerous points. The at- tack about Goeebrg Involved two strong German fortifications. If the gain to the north along the ridge is eonarmed, it will. mean -that the British have added much to the m leteuess of their obeereation in this region. , Sir Douglas Haig reports: I A QUESTION OF LEADERSHIP. ineatnrry, lip:rdas Rifle, North County. and Home Coun- ty Battalions nortb-east of Ypres. ty“mmorynalling riyadtelrie den. Mr. Rowell may tour Ontario as Some fortified strong Points on the the chief apo:ogist for Ltordenism, but he mein ridge north of Passcbendaele cannot wipe out the record of the oast ---- I were captured and a number of pigs - three years of misgovernment at Ottawa, onus taken... nor convince the people of this Province that the man who failed so ignontiniously as the leader of one party is now peculiar, ly qualified to lead two parties as the re- sponsible head of a Unionist Government. Let the readers contrast the ominous THURSDAY, Dec. 6, 1917 PRICE 'ASKED BY IMY 'RHEUMATISM WAS Wanted Territory Restored to the Nation. Bolshevik. °overspent Haa Pub- lished Secret Agreement Made Between Allies by Which Large Slice of Territory Was Promised in Return for pestanee--Pope Was Not to Intervene. PETROGRAD. Dee. 4. -The text of a secret agreement among France. Great Britain, and Russia and Italy has been published here hy the Bol- shevik' Government. The agreement gives Italy sanction to annex certain territory in return for entering the Entente Alliance. and embraces the inadmissibility of the intervention of Pope Benedict, with a vlew to stop- ping tbe war. The document was 'signed in Lon- don, April 26. 1915. by Viscount Grey, former Foreign Secretary; Paul Cnmbon, French Ambassador to Gerat Britain, And Count Bencken- dorff, the Russian Ambassador to Great Britain, and Count Bencken- andum from the Italian Ambassador at London to the Foreign Office and the allied uinbassadors. Italy was to have the assistance of the French and British naval forces until the Austrian naval force was destroyed. After peace Italy was to ,-,00me the Trentino. the Southern Tyrol to the Brenner Pass. Trieste and Tatra and Dalmatia, with addi- tional geographical boundaries out- lined in great detail. Italy was to govern the foreign re- lationehips of Albania in the event that that country became an autono- mous Government, but Italy W88 Dot to oppose objections if it were decid- ed to appoution parts of Albania to Montenegro:, Serbia, and Greece. The agreement supported Italy's contention in the principle of the bal- ance of naval power in the Mediter- ranean Sea, subject to future_defini- Hon. Italy was to have rights In lila enjoyed by the Sultan on the is of the Lausanne Treaty. Italy eed to the proposed independent Mussulman Barred places in Arabia. In the event of France and Great Britain Increasing their holdings in Africa at the expenge of Germany, Italy. was to have the right to in- crearte .her holdings.' Great Britain was trefacilitate the cause of Italy in boreowing L5000,000 in the Brit- ish imarket. France, Great Britain. and Russia were.to support Italy in preventing the Papal influence from ending the war and in regulating questions concerning the war. Italy's co-operation was to begin one month after the ratification of the agree- ment. A despatch from London, NOVPM- tnan be was a week ago,' said the ber 30, quoting a belated Petrograd bartender of the Tin Can Hostel. advice, said that Italy alms was to -Has he reformed?' asked a eiti- have eertain Islands in the Grecian, seri. Archipeligo and territory in Asia "The bartender rubbed down the ' Minqr, as conditions to her entrance bar with a grey rag. Into the war.' ' 'No,' be said; 'he's had two fin- gers bit off in a light. There's less of him now, you know.' "-Exchange. is the.iteue before the electors. questions will be Solved auto- ly once the country is free to its own Mader. W t the country wants is leadership. Sinc the beginning of the war it has suff ed from lack of leadership. Union- ism stands for the return to office of Sir Ftobert Borden who in the greatest aisis in Canada's history has proved to be ... w holly lacking in the qualities essential silence 01 the Liberal -Unionist press re - to leadership. Who among the Liberal- Larding the 4 new leader, Sir Robgrt Unionists, on the platform or in the press. rden.with'"the scathing criticism of his has anything but apologles to offer for leadership a brief month ago. What has his adopted leader? -siet with stammerIlorden more - ing ext -uses and halting apologies on their lips the Liberal -Unionists ask the electors to express their confidence in the dis- credited leader by voting for • the Union - 111 Government of which Sir Robert Borden is the head!.Never in the history of party government has paM ism dis- la ed such contempt for the decencies occurred to make Sir Robert acceptable to the people of Canada? Was it the selection of Mr. Hugh Guthrie as a decoy duck? Was it the flagrant jobbery that characterized the dying acts of the Borden Government? Was it the nefarious franchise act that outrages every sentiment of liberty and justice? Was it he electaofleeflflg measures that strike at of public life' or proved more indifferent the foundations of democr-atic government to the standards of public conduct that in Canada? When the LiberabUnionist should guide the nation in the selection liewspapers set out to advocate Unionist of its leaders. To vote for Sir Robert li('vecruneRt why do they practise Borden ri to condone his record for the em00m1' of truth by a shamefaced pest three years as the head of a war silence that can be felt regarding the qualifications of Sir Robert Borden as vernment that stinks in the nostrils of every decent Canadian. The formation their leader? If what they wrote a of a so-called Union Government does month ago regarding Sir Robert was true not relieve Sir Robert Borden of responsi- and unanswerable. then out of their mouths nhey now stand condemned as rnent. nor does it deprive the electors of the faint praise of old-time friends. and Sulehtir for darkening grav, ' streaked The old-time mixture of Sage Tea awl bility for three years of grtk•Ls misgovern - blind leaders of the blind. Damned by their nght to pass judgment upon the record of the Borden Administration. leaning for support upon former opponents who have to make apologies fffethe Gov- and faded hair is grandmother's ree•pe The attempt of Mr. Guthrie and Union. and folks are again using it to keep tiltei. ist candidates to foist Sir Robert Borden ernrnent they formerly condemned,Sir Rob- hair a good, even eolor, which is quite r at the twig critical ert Borden presents a humiliating spec_ sensible, as we are living' in an age csidiene juncture in its affairs can be justified the Unionist colors, for the public confid- I a yoUthful appearance is of the greatest upon the country tacle as he appeals. under the oRsguiSe•of only on the grounds° of party extediency. ence which al a Conservative leader he I No,,. , advantar. , • It cannot be defended on ally higher forfeited. ' a ays, thouglt, we don't have the grounds.The cloak of unionism cannot I troublesome task of gathering thie sage Under which leader? Let the people hide the defects and limitations which i have made the Borden Government a i chwse- hiseing an& a byword among Conserva- ' fives as well as among Liberals. Can the Austria Wants Peace. leopard change his spots.° The rising tide of indignation throughout the Ihnninion is significant of the sound common sense of the peopleof Canada. They cannot be deceived by the incarnation of the high 'rigs of a spurious unionism., Guided • • MOST SEVERE "What Shall I Give My Friends?" Dreadful Palm All The Time Datil Ho Took "FRUIT-A-TIVES". Lose Naturalisation Papers. OTTAWA, Dec. 4. --Many applica- tions are being received at the Secre- tary, of State's Department from per- sons who claim to have been natural- ized, but have lost, or not received their papers. The department re- quires that each application be ac- companied by an affidavit setting forth the facts, and the sum of $L50a8 payment for copy of the certiti cate. COMB SAGE TEA IN HAIR TARN CHRISTMAS comes on apse*, and the usual question confronts ev- ery woman. "What shall I give my Meads this year?" If the outlay eannot be very much then It Is a good Idea to make some useful article to serve. Purchase enough white georgette crepe to make a eollar and cuff set. Perhaps the collar can follow the out- line of a coat ditficelt to fit with • ready-made collar of white. or a dainty shape may be deeigned for use with a A Woman's Burdens are lightesed when she turas to the right seedless. If her mistime is & made gloomy by the reale weakeeemo, deli - este derangements, and painful disorders that afflict womankind she will fiad relief sad emaneipation from her troubles In 1 Dr. Pierce 's Favorite Proscription. If she's overworked, nervous, or "run- down," she finds new life sad streagth. It's a powiev erful, igorating topic mid uervine whish was discovered aad nod by an eminent physician for many yams, is his large medical practice amosig women. For yoliag girls just entering woraaohood; for women in middle life, the '•Favorite Prescription" is the *sly medicine put up without alcohol, mid eau w be had in tablet as ell as liquid form. It's not a secret preseriptios for its in- gredients are printed on wrapper. Bend 10c for trial package to Dr. Y. M. Pierce, Invalids' Hotels Surgical IhstiVate, Buf- falo, N. Y.. or briech in Bridgeburg, Ont. Hamilton, Ont: - "Wien passing i through middle life, as in most eases of I this kind, I began to fel in he•Ith. I hadeevere..pains in toy,head, dizzy spells, my back &Chid- aud-1. _ had palm in my side. I became very weal and nervous. I toolr, medicine without gettiqg relief uutil I took Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre- seription *1 this medicine built me up :n health, awl strength and I came through this er;tical period in a good health, ' state. WOtliell will find Dr. Pierer, a 'Favorite Prreeription very helpful dur- ing this trying tiine."aa -M. BARAK CAYES. 106 Rubins Ave. It's Grandmother's Recipe to keep her Locks Dark, Glossy, Beautiful. and the mussy mixing at home. All drug attires sell the ready -to -use product, improved by the addition of other ingred- ients, calk! "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound° for about, 50 cents a bottle. 1 AMSTERDAM, Dee. 4. -The Inert- it is very popular becauSe nobody can 0/11 Neue Frele l'resse invites Great discover It has been applied. "iimply Britain to consider whether it is not moisten your comb or a writ brush with Possible, to open peace pourparlers. it and draw this through your hair, tak- I nsiders that such an- invitatien ing one small strand at a. time; by morn - should properly come from Austria, ing the gray hair disappears, It what y the experience of the pas - • because the dissensions between delights the Indies sith Wvetl's Sage ' be id with its unsavory record (if investigations Great Britain and Germany, dating . that revealed an orgy of corruption, in the from the death of QUeOrl Victoria, de gra t t •ring unexampled history 4 government in Canada. the el- nOt y A t 'a vajive, The paper argues that a war of day of destruction has already been rejected 1 by Lansdowne and probably by As- ectors of the Dominion • conser Liberal and Laborite on the the election prove thetr a at ----theif-cd their deep comern in quail, and that it becomes impossible the iiistdt-IFCCITh't otr by -re- _on_ the day Russia and Germany jectingthe leadership of Sir Robert I3or- agree upon a and Sulphur ( °attained. is that. s beautifully darkenitm the hair after a few Bpplie&Li0118. it LIku produces that soft lustre and appearsnee el abundance which is so attractive. '1 his ready -to -use preparation is a delightful toilet requisite or thsC wlo lesirea nl,re 'vouttiful a - pearanee.' It is not intended for the cure, mitigat-ion ei_prevention of disease. Union Government is concentrating its efforts to win the War. It has gone about raising reOforcements in the only prac- tical way; under the Military Service Act, 1917. Laurier, Bourassa and their adherents admit their intention of holding up reinforcements so urgently needed in the trenches. Where do YOU stand? To Back up the Boys - To Hasten Victory - To Win the War - SUPPORT UNION GOVERNMENT To Women Every *roman may vot, who is a British subject 21 years of age, resident in Canada one year, and in the constituency 30 days, who Voters: is the mother, wife, widow, daughter, sister or half-sister of any male or female living or dead who is serving or has served without Canada Fretria:1; of the Military forces, or within or without Canada in any of the Naval forces of Canada or of Great Britain in the present war, or whe has been honorably dis- charged from such services and the date of whoie enlistmeat was prior to fieptesabes 29th; 1917. Unionist Party Publicity Committee. MR. LAMPSON Veronit,Out., Nov. Ilth., 1915. "I suffered for .a number of years with Rhtumati.im aged se:ere Pains in Side amd Bark, from strains and heavy lifting. When had given up hope of ever being well agaio, a friend recommended "Frilit-a-tives" to me anal alter using 3/' box/ Jell so much better that I coUtiatied to take them, and now I eei enjoying the best of heath, thanks to your remedy". W. NI. JAMPSON. If yoti - who are n•atli lig this - have any Kidney or Bladder Trouble, or suffer with 111u•umatism or Pain In The lkick or Stomach Trouble --give "Fruit - a -tires" a•fair trial. This 'wonderful fruit medicine will do ydild'world of good, as it cures when everything else fails. 50e. a box, .6 for $2.50, trial size, 25c. At dealer's or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, fancy naist. The point is to keep the edges straight boiler than rounding. for we e ill have the border it •h .1 or the isigi1 can he stitele Ottawa, . . tle.11”4 ( 4 I , eil or hemstiteheill with tine 4.1tite silk unit L1111S1W11 Milli, tiny embroidered ' dots of white silk or French knots of a faintly isintrnstIng color. • :Tne 5!. by of It. • Or make sister n fetehing breakfast , "Germany wants peace; but the . jacket 'id' georgette crepe. voile or illm- Allies want pieces. In theheginning "Y. "1""' ie "11 11(' 1.11 'id". 11"nd "l- it. was the other way about." tumbler the front and gird It with her The speaker was a novelist. fnvorite shade of satin Wilma. "If the Allies iviu," be resumed. "I ', Cnnille shade pesterns may he stamp - for 'oue shall be in favor of their an- ed in a grape design, which could be nexing ' considerable parts of der - many. I'll tell you why. 411 tell you with a story -a story about Red -lace Leary of Tin Can. " ted -face Leary is a better man Poles Dying From Hunger. AMSTERDAM, Dee. 4. -At a sit- ting of the Reichstag main commit- tee Friday, the Polish deputy, Heyde, declared the food supplies for the Luthuanian population was insuffi- cient and that Mortality had Inerbas- ed alarmingly as a consequence. The Polish population of Lithuania, he said, 16 'OW suffertng- more ender the German administration than it did tinder the former Russian regime. NOTD9MINATED BY BOURAS,SA. Sir Wilfrid Laurier Is His Own Man. Speaking at Ottawa last week, Sir Willi id Laurier declaret: that the opposition to the Nlilitary Service Act in the Province of Quebec was the /result of a feeling created by the Conservatives and Nationalists. The Liberal chief insisted that the French-Canadians, if they had not been influenced by the Nationalist propiganda,. would Lave been eager to enlist under the voluntary system. "The Conservatives,", said Sir ''had started the National- ist cry. They say I have formed an alliance with Bourassa. How proud they would be if they could prove that I am as disloyal as they are theimelves ! They , say I am dominated byt Bourassa. I would like to say that there is no man alive who can dominate Laurier. Mr. Bourassa is an able man. I know all the harm he has done me and all the good he has done the Government, but he shall never dominate Laurier. In fact, he was opposed to our participation in the war. 1, On the contrary, I want, to win this war, and I appeal to veryone to rise up and do their duty. The war is the great issue of the present titne. But I have already stated my attitude on the war, and I stand or fall for my principles." Inefficient china. China has the wool, the cotton, and the hides necessary to clothe a great army, but she lacks facilikies to convert these Into shoes Old clothing. Raw material and labor exist in China in abundance, but there is no effective industrial orgall • Ization. • The Saults Coal Co. liitieeessors to MelionAgh Gledhill EXCLUSWE. AGENTS FOR LE1-1161-1 VALLEY THE COAL 'MAT SATISFIES We deal in ..liard and Soft Coal, Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, also Hard and Soft Wood, , Maple and Hemlock Slabs. Fresh cars of Lime and Cement just received. ovricE ruosv. - - 75 11. 3. Saultso Residence 275. W. W Satilts' Residene‘ e 202 . .tr. .jerLAW,/".ril .e•, , „ • •-• The Double Track Route WA WEI N Toilovro Drritorr and I I UM 10 . Unexcelbli Dining (*at° Service Sleeping ((1 01 night trains mid parlor eiti.snIl printipal day trains. • Fiiiiinfornottion fr, 111 any Grand 'Dunk Tichet Agent, 1 1. E. Horn nag, Dist riettl'iti4setigur Agent, Tie rialto, Ont. F. F. LAWRENCE & SONS Town Agents Phone /i Delco Light Means city comfort and convenience for - - the farm: - - When you are in town for the Fair next week:icall and let Us show you how you can have all the advantages of electric light and domes- tic ,ower at small cost. Many up-to-date farmers are now installing Delco Light and find it a great boon. •••••••~0.• Robert Wilson The Massey -Harris Shop atn ilton St. Goderich effectively earrled oat in cid work, awl another design is Of 7111 ills pattern. The shade pictured is• more vonven- Donal, beim: ili1e11...1 foe nit electric candle. Fluted paper le neatly pasted together the desired size andiheeortated with gold or silver gimp. Toddlers and babies always need new dresses..Try the pattern Illustrat ed in either chambray or linen Idol That Plumbing Job you have been thinking about ad. summer NOW is the time to get. it done, before the cold weather sets in. If you .want a bathroom fitted up, you will find it to yirttr ailvantage to consult- us. FRED. HUNT 1"THIC PLUMBER - Hamm on Street P8888. 135 41••••••••••••••••••••••••eeeses . McEwen's Specials Wc 11 .e a mice assortment fo overseas Boxes from 5c package, up. 'so some Tin Boxes suit- able to send by mail. A FRESH SUPPLY OF PEELS Letirui, Orange and Citron. Also shelled 'Walnuts. The kind tliat makes the cakes taste good for overseas and for Christmas. /- smock the front in )04 harinonfitIng ehlor or a c2ntrnst. / A dozen or. so of homemade crullers wrapped iuepsriifrPly In oiled paper and reeked In a ti nty basket such eis can he purehn for from 10 to 25 cents should he n acceptifile gift for Nome man friend who lives in a hotel. For a inichtr friend a gift of etrAlhir natnre Is omemaile cake done up In white 4: p er and placed In a holly trimmed 4 1. Most men have a secret Meet Moth, snd Chrestmas seema to be the time to have It filled. Men as a rule do not dire to recede, wearing Ilpparel es glfta, especially socks, but embroider a melee mono- gram ori the field socks and you will Ind him delighted. • We ha‘e new Carrots Beets Cabbage Onions Turnips Parsnips A help to make the dinner taste „good. J. J. McEwen 'Phone 4f1 'eeseseselealletwews".."""'""fsee 11. a. • • • • • •. it