HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-12-6, Page 1A Chance to Save . Aftet New Year's the sub- scription price of The Signal will be 11.50 in advance. Yon can save Fifty Cents by paying for 1918 now at the old dollar -rate. Your Money Fights •t t t e When you buy Victory Loan Bonds. Lending money to your country is a good investment, too I Q' i al sttR It itrlteatr A atZlll NINIrrH TRAY -toe ars THE STERL1NGBANK OF CANADA GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. DEC. 6. 1917 THE LADS IN KHAKI I FOR THE MEN OF THE NAVY. 6. W. YVL11lA111 COUNTY CLERK. THE SIGNAL PRINT1NU CO., LIMITED. Pt•al mem - Christmas `Shopping Number Nest Week. LIBERAL COMMITTEE ROOMS North Street OVER UNION BANK SAVE, Because -- Habits mold character. Saving is a valuable habit. Open Every Evening F011 SALE ON RENT. •EETINOS. RENT -A WARM FURNISHED A NNUAL MEETING. be annual meeting of the Colborne Farmers' Club will be held in the Temperance Hall. Hen- milkr, on Thursday. December 6th, at a o'clock p. m., 1« the election of officers and. the tratsac- tron of other bonne. A gerjeral invitation is extended to thedpuhla. D. F. SCIjW AN2. Secretive. T° atom. Apply at THE SIGNAL. It A�stree ; SE M en RENT.-ON alll maaveafa0a, re g�aaaaU, repatra4 Stable ou lot. Apely to J. W SAL%YLD, Ocdertoh R. K. No. & reMpb0se *a7. SHINS 180 STORES TO RENT.-ONK lately occupied by W. H. Bardeen &al lbs r by James F. Thos.+ •d Both oo tM tg,.are. Apply J. P. RROWN. f .tf UOUKE 1Y) RENT.-II(ODKKN boor on Oloses-ter Terrace. Apply to YPH GRIFFIN. Gaoler. LOST OR FOUND. OST. -ON THURSDAY MORNING, on the Square or on East street. a heavy overcost. Finder will be rewarded on leav- ing same at THE SIGNAL OFFICE, OST. -AT PORT ALBERT ON MON- DAY. •'puree containing $75. Finder will moulted on returning it to JAS. UUNBAR. Albert. L•Ot1NA.-ON THE ROAD SOUTH j` of Sftr)wpg imi Wn• on November 8th. a sum of m,,,ey, ( may have same on proving i nQpa7� ng for this advertisement. Ap- ply Al aJ. i1NLAYSON. Lorne P. O. Ont. LiC NOTICE. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. Thermion! of the corpeirat.on of the county of Huron will meet in the council chamber. in the town of (.odtnch, on Tuesday, the 4th day of December next. at the hour of 3 o'clock. W. LANE. Clerk. Dated Nov. 70th. 1617. 91.2t All citizens interested in the election of Mr. Arch. Hislop as member for North Huron are invited to attend. C. A. NAIRN, Chaimtan ANNUAL HOSPITAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the Alexandra Marine and General hospital will be held inthecourt house on the evening of Frday, December 7th. at 8 o'clock. A repot of the work for the past year well be submitted to the meeting and the Board o1 Trustees will be elected for the ensuing year. Ah citizens are urged to attend. JOSEPH KIDD President. 81-41 H. E. HOUGENS, Secretary. FOR SALE CREDITONS' NOTICE. , NOTICE TO CREDITORS. William Laos APOoiated County Treasures to Succeed the Late Dr. Holton. The Christmas Shopping Number of The Daughters of the Empire. I The will be issued neat week. Adver- t-- Users should make acneek for space I is meeting this Mrs. Campbell received a cablegram Vital and urgent are the needs of the and send cheer "copy as earlys in the The county council On Monday conveying the intelligence Navy League, which is caring for the work I week a poen th election is iniirh- week, the scoters opening on Tuesdaying k Christmas trade The some extent, dist rb- tend nce. All the members are in at- that her husband, . was oampbeat se lookingnafter the needs of torpedoed ter>darKe. of the 161st Hurons, was in hospital at seamen of t. mercantile marine and perhaps about as much business as ostial The Ctlling of tbe office of county trees- . Walley amp with a broken ankle. I naval service. Canada has surprised done by (:ttrisjmaa Eve. and urn, made vacant by the death of Dr. Sun- . patriotic purposes, bu g t that share by advertising Canvass to be Made on Saturday by i eye world in Ole 'generosity of her people t the olden showers F,odaich merchai.ts should be sure they pa their holl- R. Holmen, was one of the import- I A report was circulated around onhave practically all fallen on the army, I y goods. vv. J ant matters on the seder of business and day, due to a mistake. that Flight-Lieut.li�while the men of the seas have received was dealt with on Wtdnesdayafternoon• •Worthy Ryan, Royal Flying Carpe, little attention,, A motion was presented that the offices been killed at the front. His parents.Last year many Canadian municipeli- ot clerk and treasurer be combined and Mr. and Mrs. R. Ryan. Albert street, ties made :grants for ,Navy League ob- that Mr. William Lane, the county clerk, white thanking friends fur kind exprea- ects• and the proceeds were sent to be appointed to the dual position. This alone of sympathy, wish to correct this the Motherland This year. a Sailors' motion was lost. report and state that as far as they are Day will be held on December lith.The temperature must have risen h was then decided by unanimous vote aware their son is alive and well and at which is the anniversary of the Falkland that Mr. Lane be appo nted to the office present in Italy. Islands victory, and His Excellency the several degrees over at Saltford this of reasurer, and two nominations were - Duke of Devonshlrc, who is vice-president afternoon, as the result of an attempt to made for the clerkdtip thus left vacant Four soldiers returned from overseas on of the Navy League of Great Britain, has introduce Unionist party politics at a appoinMeterstment Baro . and r. G. W. moved the Thursday evening last and were given a issued a statement. in which he lauds the sewing meeting of the Saltford Red Cross appointment of IIIc. G. W • Holman, and rousing welcome. A great crowd gathered excellent work of the League, and ex- Society. The meeting was held at the Messrs. Nairn and McNabb nominated presses the hope that Canadians w1111 give hone of Mrs. George Fowler, and as the Mr. J. M. wasGov17uck, Reeve of McKillop, at the station and tremendous cheerspatriotic ladies of the village and vic nity foe vote was 17 to 12 in favor of Mr. greeted the returning heroes as they left to the cause. were engaged in their splendid work for Holman, who accordingly will take the the train. The Mayor and other promin- As a class, the men of the merchant the benefit of the wounded soldiers two enc citizens were on hand with carriages marine and naval servile are very 1poorly (;oderich women of Conservative per - R. C. MEETING DISTURBED. Woman Politician of Two Weeks Under- takes to Instruct Saltford Ladies. The creditors of Alexander Scrimgeour. late of the town of Goderich in the county of Huron, re-. tired farmer. deceased, who died op or about the 2:Nd day of February, 1908. and all others having claims against the said estate are herebynotified to send by post, prepaid, or otherwise deliver to the undersigned solicitors herein for Thomas King and John Wilson Smith; executors of the last will and testament of the said deceased. on or before the pith day of December, 1917. their Christian and surnames, adduces and.deacrrp- Oona. and full particulars of their claims. and the nature of the secunties UI any) held by them. Immediately alter the said 20th day of December, 11117. the assets of the said testable will be dts- tnbuted among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the clams of which the efecuton shall then have had notice. and they will not be liable for the said assets. or any part thereof, to any person of whose claim they shall not then have received notice. Dated at Goderich this 20th day o1 November, 1917. PROUDFOOT. KILLORAN & COOK E. 4-31 Solicitors for said Executors. COR SALE.---Q�t'ANTITY OF GOOD , d.richwinter PphiaansS r S GaleeriicWM h JEWELL. . R.No. 4. Gadvich. Phone 1. PUBLIC NOTICE. TOWN OF C.ODERICII• To secure 'semen* tbs year of accounts ligninat the corporwtton of the town el Goderrch, aft each account. must he rendered 00 or before Bar 14th day of December. L. K X. 53-n a* G.ark._ Jurs66 ES CONNOLLY,IseAGEP>lJ Learascs�and Cattle R ire, uyer.noose 17 rick. FOR e seas node- CRAiG1E'S REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Have You Insurance in Case of Accident and Sickness? The (Mean Accident and Guar- antee Corporation is the largest" Accident Company in the world. Its policies are liberal. re your life in the Great W Company. A. M. ROBERTSON GEO. WOODS INSURANCE AGENTS an - position of county Berk. paid, and in many cases ttxu faint fes arc Mr. Holman ars a well-known school buttering great privations, and there ii a suasion apprarad; accompanied by remarkablean- teachrof the township of twenty-five distrtssuyC lack of fonds to send them other lady. a stranger from Toronto. It iswhen M that was appointee to the a proper assistance. The last-mentioned. a Mrs. Stewart, ob- Mo, wben Mr. Lain o testedd the the However. it is hoped that the S. O. S. tained permission to address the gather- potnta with Holfnan contested a{.- call on December 8th wilt receive a very ing. but instead of talking about Red p Mr. G. him. generous response, and that the men Cross work she launched into an election Mr. G. Children's Elliott, county agent onof the guarding the high seas and carrying our harangue. She confessed that she didn't council with Aid Society' the waitedu ha the commerce to all parts of the world will be know anything about politics until about aou til breferenceuilding to the erie g- made to feel that the people at home have two weeks ago. but since then she lected suitablech sire , ex for a shelter for that nut forgotten them. Their families must had studied and prayed and had exists or suchn, t explaining the need that be looked after. come to the conclusion that jhe Unionist exists for such an id Beaicxl. - cause was the real article. She got off Messpes Kan aiBeavers moved that A pub is meeting for the furtherance of some brilliant things, one particular gem • the purchaseseial committeetbe empowered t is the objects of the Navy League was held n the statement that if 'saucier were o, the 3,9 0 property for this • in the court house on. Monday evening. ret hed to power the first thing he would purpose, for i 3r000. Themotion was w ` Mayor Munntugs occupied the their and do would be to take the money ralttied by lost. - addresses were given by Sherif' Reynolds. the Victory loan and spend it in • ying Reports were heard from the Reeves , ' Judge Jackson, W. Proudfo ot, M. P, i'., French books for the schoilst under whose direction I farm tractors ent of Rev. A. L. G. Clarke and Rev. J. IL Of course there were some ladies • Agriculture were tiyl the reovjaeial Department thiss Osterhout. The fact was emphasized whose interest in national affairs a pure were used is the countyaedone - that the soldiers are being cared for by more than two weeks old,' And they u fall.o The cappear the nfav . the Red Cross and other organizations, ant d told ths e sheitodfrom Torontoi her get - where g woad work,.considering unfavorable r but he sailur, who is equally imports were used i on tnra - safety of the country'. gets hardly a wise -quick survey of the national sittia- w•eather. Theyto the sat y was that the sewing was . of fallcplowing was behind a age :•iy thought; hence the need of such an or- ton. The result count of lack of help,about and .3e average ganizatnn as the Navy League. • . somewhat neglected, and arguments, in-- Thestaocounciluiwaspassed v e of 8100 acre. It was decided to form a branch of the stead of needles. flew thick and fast: The thf rent ve to beThe members of the Society were indig- hjvf le aht tar the Plows, Reeves who League in Gelecteti:, Pre the fol. LI G. nant at the introduction of politics into ��ff officers were elected: President, A. I-• G, their gathering, and were particularly thefar the traction wows and hereafter vice-president, M •Geo Williams' tanners having work done by, the meetto the expense. AUJTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF SHEEP, CATTLE ANI) PIGS. The undersigned has received instructions to . Nell by public auction at N. W.TREWARTHA'S farm," Holmesvi lc on WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 12th. at 1.30 o'clock sharp. the following: 1 Ssssr. Twenty-five choice breeding ewes, all Runup• bred to rine 01 Neter Arkeu s °eke d - downs. CATTLE. One cow, newly -calved. 7 years old, with call by sde"t springer, 7 years old. in calf to a Durham: 1 spfiheer. 4 years old, in calf to a ..-Durham; I Holstein springer, 4 years old; 1 cow, 5 years old. due in January: 1 Jersey cow. due in February;. t cow, 7 years old, due early in March; ' l cow. 11 years nod. due m April: 1 farrow cows day, December 8th, mal ° y Temperance l Tall tonight. years old. making: 3 heifers, rising 3 years, due in ••Hringing Up Father" coming Here. enc'^, Mr. and Mrs. H. Kemp, and the February; 2 heifers, ruing 3 years, due in March; other members of the family have the League. The following committee was 1 Jerry heifer. due in March; 4 heifers. rung 3 Tom Marks, ' with his popular dam- appointed to arrange for the collections: ears old, nearly tat: 2 heifers. 2 years as this alit and vaudeville company and High- heartfelt sympathy of the people n( Code- fall, 5 sh rsolp steres, rising1yrli years ole; 2 t in Victoria Opera rich in the loss they have sustained. One Mrs. Macdonald, Mrs. Eliot, Miss Clif• NEAKLY TWO AND A -HALF MiL- ateers, zyears old this fall; Y yearling teens. and exon. wig appeararm- more brave Goderich boy has paid the ford and. -Miss Nairn. the four regents of - LIONS. Plus. --Two pat three and a -hal( month old;, House one night only, Tuesday, ce for liberty and honor. the I,O.D.E., and the following were apt -- _. 10 q Iwo, and a -nun months old; 7 pigs. 2 bee lith, presenting the funniest Pripointed captains: No. 1. district. hits yurew Lounty's Subscriptions to Victory months old. TeRMt.- Seven r cent credit f approved d comedy yet, ' le acts. T Father," and ,Cry Edwards' homemade candy. It is hitel ; No. '2, IOliss Milllar; o :3, Mrs Loan ea y PTE. ERNEST CLARK Clarke; y-treasur, en , r. displeased because of the embarrassment __ _- Mr.C 1...Jackson A caused to - b her of members were rn- A further report of the, proceedings will const ary'-treasurer. their hostess, Mrs. Fowler, who plows are considers le num be given next week. and automobiles and a procession was rolled and the (ioderich butch of the orf course was riot to blame in the matter. formed and made its way down town and Navy League of Canada ofs launcheduandn ThemagSaltford Re theu cauciety has'done e Lauder's Voting Contest. around the Square before the soldiers its career with proand membershavecause on their The standing of the leading competitors were escorted to their various homes. usefulness. ship tern are: For active work the the best -.ofharmonyand.good in the voting contest at Lauder s drug The returned men. all invalided home, are work Itis to be hopedarm that the fcrlunur me; for a'l:rc. fortunate display of misguided party stois as ellows this wefk: Pte. Ernest Clark. Crap. Mew.y Pte. Geo. member. me; for absolute members, ='1• zeal on the part of a few ladies who are un - Miss Emily ir, Sir . ,. i 25 Cockfield and Pte. Frank Riley. Musk. E. Kir, 1825 not members of the Society wilt soon be Adds Lilian Fou'.:' Miss Alma Sturdy reported uta Word has the Daughters of the Empire f the ...men of Seltford will m thefuture Airs. S. Drew_ . Miss E. Watson Miss Lois Challenger Miss E. Elder .:...105 Two weeks ago Pte. F.mest Albert , At a meeting of theunited Cluj:aws'of forgotten and that the patrlctic tabors ...1545 Kemp was repo miss het in St, q .1095 now been received to the effect that he George's schoolroom on Wednesday, of pursued as' harmoniously as in the ...97:i is oflicially rtported killed in action Ihcember 5th. with Rev. A. L. G. past. • 890 October 26. Pte. Kemp went overseas Clarke. president of the Navy Lea(ue, to Mrs. Stewart, the centre of disturb 88e with the 1lilst Battalion and was shortly the Chau, it was decided to make a ince a this afternoon's gathering, is' to afterwards drafted to France. His par- systematic canvass of Life town on Satur• address a Unionist meeting in the o ( the atu a r n ht vaudeville acts Tom ars as yN I trouble What Was Williams No 4 bars mar, - and 50c. Seats on Sale at Edwards' cafe. for Sale -in -the Town of A big event at the Model Theatre will collectrs were app}nnted: No. 1, Misses ebristmas Gremlin, Carnet be the production of the stupendous Jordan, Carey and Saints; No. 'l, Miss Gbderich by the Canada Co. Have your name and greeting printed spectacle; 'K rvitizacion" on Fr day and Dickso Dickson, Mrs. A. Saunders Mrs. F. on an elegant Christmas card. Your Saturday of this week. This great pie- Saunders, Miss Durnin; 'No. 3. Mrs. friends will appreciate such a remem- tore has had a phenomenal run at Massey (:ritFtn, Miss Griiiin AW-NtfssSaunders; The following town lots and park lots brance. Orders left with The Signal will Hall. Toronto. where 1t played twenty- No. 4, Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. Jackson, Miss in the town •of Goderith are for sale on receive prompt attention. The production of this picture to t is said to Reynolds,ouses. fMissNoraflairnlilton, Miss four The Handy H Bottle. Hat 1s have cost h II n de Mars Helen Co.rke, Miss Helen Kidd; No. 6. easy terms at the prices given, or for Misslcksrn ales; Roberts. Miss Sherry, joint notes. or 4 per cent. straight n fur cash. eight cod and tasty. - N. NPTREWART)iA, THOS. GUN DRY, •lOrn " and Gracie Marks as -Maggie." q•S (.,CO.Mra, Horton; No. 11, Miss Dickson; Asked. Propnetor, Auctwnnr. It you can'i laugh don't come. Prises 3:rc fir at Spectacle. No 7. Mise Doris Hays. The following The Victory I a • 1Lands • • What is better than a Victory Bond ? A Policy in the Canada Lif e SPECIAL LUNCH COUNTER In connection with\ "The House of Plenty', ,cash at aldiscount of 10 per cent. Town Lots. Acres. Price. S. W. 340 1-8 $ 86 (10 343 1-4 180 00 (44 1-4 150 110 418 1-4 150 00 ' 349 1-4 150110 350 1.4 • 150 00 351 1.4 150 00 376 14 150 00 503 14 125 (N) 676 1 4 150 110 Z 1-2 450 01) .1. \V. ('RAiUIE APPLES We have a few barrels of nice Apples for sale. Different var- ieties -Nos. 1, 2 and 3 --at $4.50 to $5.50 per barrel. Enquire of D. F. HAMLINK 1 When down town ,look us over. it yon are hungry e can relieve your hunger, it you are thirsty we canrelieve your thirst. Onr prices are right. You are all - welcome. W. H HAINES, BRITISH EXCHANGE HOTF,1. (i(tt)F.RI(•H Perk ts- 1. 3-4 41000 2. 2 1000 00 Rem.1 1-4 70 Rem. R. 1 1 4 70000 I(8q 7. 1 1.2 ((10 00 Rem. 8. 3-4- 4011 OD Hem R. 3.4 •41(3) 0) Hem. 11. -2 :31e) 00 THE CANADOMPANY, 1170 Yong St., Toronto. 27th September, 1917 , Required Large quantities 1)f SCRAP IRON ( Terms--Cash on delivery Please phone or write us and our wagon will call. The National Shipbuilding Co., GODERICH Limited UNION GOVERNMENT HotWater a more than a million r y handy in the curing of many ailments. Goderich people have a rare opportunitypictures as G.fts. Toothache, neuralgia , earache or deep- in being able to see this magnificent pro- Miss Msabe�Strang and MissArmour, M No. sea ed pain of any kind will yield to the duction. Besides the evening perform- 7, Miss st andi Min Hays, Miss There is always a bare space on arwall isa persistent heat. Our new stock of hot ances on Friday and Saturday, there will It is hoped everybodyAr hue.will respond to which would bark better with an attrac- tive picture. Call at Thomson's and pick real rubber variety... A hot water bottle out your Christmas pictures. Christens also provides a world of comfort for cold Dance Uecemb�r 14th. Fur Sale.- About sixty ced r pules, 20 and New Year magazines always ccm- feet. Our prices are s i reasonable that you (cej long, suitable fur telephone use or tain some nice pictures; bring these can buy several toe meetayour various Asocial Temdanplee, will be held at the other purposes. Also a limited 'number to us and we will frame them household needs. We have them in two Masonic Temple, Good mus Frday. ioo- of large cedar and Tamarac posts, 8 and 9 around bl '. Skilled w•willTracer frame shj and 1 P sizes, one and two quart. Abut water comber 14th n will music and at (eft long. MacEwar`Estate. artistic taste enable us to excel. bottle packed, in a pretty holiday box manager. Dancing will make an ideal gift for some member 8:30 p.m. Come and have a good time. It is a misses if you. think you GUNORY'S SALE Rt(,ISTER1 of the family. E. R. WIGLE, druggist, KeEvating, A. McGregorwerCommittee A. ;ran dodgesagrave the undertaker, and think make Goderich, Ont. Keating, and J. Stacy. a:graver mistake if you do not buy your SATO/MAY, Dec. Ir, Clearing auction sale or clothes friim ••-Pridham the Tailor.' household furniture and furnishings. property of -1- Mr. Marshall. C T. 14. agent, who is wavier (( quality Counts, use Blackstone's•' Fr'os't rh- saaarlhiee sell he at Mapls' 1.•11 store. Hamilton street, at delicious ice cream in bulkor bricks for t re - ►.:a1 sharp. all occasions, Phone 240• wunNRVniT. Irrc 12, Auction sale Of large • Malt of ,ht -ell, mach cows, young cattle and pigs -"- at Mr. N. w. Trcw,ertha's farm. llolmesvak. f farm CAMPAIGN NOTES. im ilrnhnl arul Rtr0Aion 1R tresniir, IR, Ist4>t rtymlo(rrMe. Chane ---- - Wm..% kart 12 concession 2. East Wawamsh Tugiin4Y, Dec. 11. -Clearing auction sale of h' n has been a• great suc- cess and Huron has done its share by almost doubting the mount originally asked from this county. The subscriptions (rum this county, as announced by Mr. Torrance, the County organizer, amount to $2,490,100. The members of the county committee are to be congratulated upon the • uccess that' has crowned their hard work. sIg MEETINGS rpil lie meetings in the interests of of the Unionist Candidate for North Huron will he held as follows: . MONDAY, DEC. loth PORT ALBERT, • Foresters' Hall KINTAIL, - - • McDonald's llall TUESDAY, DEC. ittb BESMILLER, - • Walters' Hall MIRTH'S HILL, - Township Hall THURSDAY. DEC. t3th 1ITnNOANNON, - Agricultural Hall FRIDAY, DEC 14th ST. HELENS, - • - Public Hall Mr. ALEX. 8Al1NDERM, a prolate- ent Liberal 'Unionist ; A. 11. MUS - GROVE, M.P.P., Pte. BELLAMY, Pr. MACKLIN, and Mr. JAMBE BOWMAN, the Unionist eandldate b North Huron, *111 aridreas thee, meetings. Ladies especially invited. Meet- ings start at 8 p.m. OOP SAVE THE KING SOLDIERS AGAINST BORDEN. Unionist Editors Scheming to Stem Tide of Over- seas Vote. The following is a copy'of a telegram sent by G. F. Pearson proprietor of The Halifax Chronicle. a Unionist newspaper, to J. E. Atkinson, of The Toronto Star, who is one of the then in charge of the Unionist publicity campaign in Ontario Halifax, Dec. 2nd, 1917. J. E. fttk'.nf(on, Star, Ti:ronto, Ont. • i Trustworthy advices received here from overseas indicate that there is very i stmng resentment among soldiers at treatment which they have experienced ! from Perley and headquarters' stall there. This feeling coupled with war weariness is likely to result in their voting very strongly against Unidlt Gov- ernment. Borden is being very generally condemned. What do you think of idea of Liberal newspapers supporting principle of Union government I)oining in a cable message to the overseas forces to the effect that our attitude has principally been dictated by our desire to back up the boys at the front and that we believe if returned to4xrwer the (Inion Government will be an effective instrument to remedy the intolerable conditions which have ,a0 far obtained, message to be published prominently in all British papers 1( you agree will you take • matter up with Ontario papas. Am wiring Defoe. Please advise tonight if possible what you thihk. 4 (sad) (;. Fred Pearson. Camenrn left yesterday to !Arm stock and implements, p"prty of Thomas o Mr. M. G. Fraser. hit IA, u.ricrssi m•3 Stanlr r Notrserve; take part in the Norfolk and East Iamb- term is rola. ton campaigns in behalf of the people's .-___ candidates. Mr. Cameron is in great BURN. trim and will make himself felt in hath SIIACKLETON In nshhrld, on November 20 thee ridings to Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Shackleton, a son THORNEI.OE•-(1tit .Sunday. December 3, al• Arrangements arse being completed for Alexandra Mantle H„spitat Goderieh, to a meeting to be held in Goderich root �URhf f`rlx•rt F, and Mrs. Tn.xneloq a week in the interests of Mr. Arch. Ihslrrp. DIED. Announcement will be niade'by poster in due time. ELDNovernber. 1Gass-kis ,.0 sa Switzer, id w ofthe --- late James EEliott. aged 66 years and 8 Liberal committee rooms in the Horton •,,,,,,,hs- bloxk. over the 3 nioln hank (entratxr 'in ititt';E In Godrrrch• on Mondry. Deeemter 3. North street), are opo•n every evening• John sW`11 amoDruce. son of Mn. John run, Everybody intercxted'in good KKovernmcnt snturdar,(Decrm- fox Canada and an efficient handlin • of Riixr i, linnndh i R :glow of the• late wd- 1 Canada's war problems is ineit(d to at ham Raey, aged as Y+'ars. tend at the rooms and give his assistance I4o.F in (:ode ich. on Tve«lay. December 8 In the work of organization. James Rohe, afire at years. 6 months and 1 days. The "union" Government is composed NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PeePwd of two millionaire manufacturer's, one I trust company manager, one ,pro professional Auctione. Sale --N. W Trrwart politician, Jourtren lawyers, one railway S:oiloxs' Der --Th, Navy League o(Csnada to man, one merchant. one physician, one wood cox sae -Cha.. Penrourd 12 nal 1 fruit -grower, and a manager of a gra�nnVt Pubbe Notice-Tn Rent -Apply Room to n( Goderich. 1 t Mr. Atkinson in turn sent copies of the telegram on to several newspaper editors in this Province and one came to the editor of The Signal. They are careless down at the Toronto Star office. While Unionist editors are telling their readers that the soldiers Overseas are voting for the Government, they have this evidence front '00e of themselves that the opposite is the case -the soldiers are cOn- 1 _J demning Borden. While the soldiers' relative's are being asked to vote for the Government, we have this admission from a well-informed a budding genius than a Unionist editor that the soldiers are suffering from INTOLERABLE Better ing idiot. CONDITIONS for which this Government is held responsible. as a "union" of millionaires and corpora- Apptee for Sete D. F. Ilamhnk tion lawyers Overcoat Iota -Leave at The Signal ..... )_ ----- �--- union Government Meeting* bloom- Purse Lest Jas. I)unbar Money Found M. J Finlayson 1 • -r ,r..ria,.rrs..ar •