HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-11-29, Page 10A
ae� aa�ai:'t+., , ,'�G .+ ` ,' 't _ �..•u . F'. y, -S i, r, r �1l' �
Pte. Wm Bart has returned home to
Blyth from England. being physically
incapacitated kw active s icier. -
Pte. trennedy, arm of David Kennedy
of Wt Waaaissh, has returned home
from overseas, accttnpanied by his- bride.
Pte. John Hayden has returned home
to Jamestown from overseas. Ile was
wounded w the knee at 1'uny Ridge and
had since been in hospital.
Mrs. Ecti `mrd Driscoll. of Walhm, afro tfi
over seventy years of age. has knitted
250 pairs of socks and made :,'tett shirts
and over fifty suits of pyjamas for the
Ked Cross.
Thos. Clark, 5th line of Morris, has
purchased fifty acres of the adjoining farm
d David Hill, who bought the McCracken
farm a short time ago. Mr. Clark now
has 200 acres.
Jct:: Whitfield, i4 Grey tosnship, who
recently sold his farm to Fred Tuck, t4
Clifford. has purchased a residence in
Brussels and e. noting into 11, with his
fancily, this week.
Prior to her removal to Walton the.
neighbors and friends of Miss \lura hie•
Rathered at her home at R'inthrop to hid
her farewell, and presented her with an
address and a handsome mantle,cloek.
Miss Mur( hit's father w: s the first post -
Could anything be more trying
or more exhausting? Peps will
end It The Pine vapor brew hed
down thealr passages when a Peps
1s dissolved in the mouth relieves
thea rritatlon, soothes the t n l lamed
place and stops the cough.
Mr. John Duussept of Little
Current, Ont., says: "1 was
troubled with an irritating cough
that kept me awake at nights.
'Nothing 1 took gave me relief
until I used Peps. This wonder-
ful breathe -able remedy, however,
has entirely rid me of the cough ."
For asthma, bronchitis, laryn•
.gitis, sore throat and colds tufo
ops. All dealers. 56c. boz.
at Winthrop.
Mr. and Atrs. Wlliamlamon
les, of the
nth aincrssit)n of Mullett, have received
surd of the death of their ton. James.
from gunshot wounds at the front. The
deceased enlisted in the West.
Will Livingston. of the 11th concession
of Grey township, has sold his sixty -acre
tarot to James 11. Fulton. of Broads,
and will visit•relatives at various points
hetuie deciding where he will locate.
The paper's still record treks of monster
pigs. W. F. Patterson. of the l:lth coo -
cession of Grey township, sold one the
other day that weighed 1211) pounds and
brought hum the nice link sum of CIO.
• At the Wingham Mentalist patscn-
age. on Wednesday of last week, George
Frederick Stevenson, of Brussels, and
Margaret Jane Ril y, of Mullett township.
were united in marriage by Rev. E. F.
Armstrong. •
The death occurred. at Toronto, on
Wednesday of last work. of Mary S.
Hancock, wife of Reeve W. R. l}lliott of
Stephen. Mrs. Elliott, who was hfty-
leve years of age, had been in poor health
for several years.
Reeve Con. Reis and family are about
to !rave Wroxeter, bar. Reis having
rented an oatmeal mill at Galt. Mr. Reis
went to Wroxeter seventr.n years ago
from Port Albert and was in partnership
with R. Black. in the flour mill until this
Mrs. Jas. Murray. a well-known rrsi-
dent•• of t1 altun. departed this fife on i
Sunday, Pah inst., at the age of sixty-
eight years. She was in Brussels at the l
tune of her death, which terminated a l
long illness. Tw•o sons survive, Alex. and
• Family Almost Wiped Out
'.. By Consumption.
From hovel in the rear of more
pretentio buildings comes a ghastly
tale, one t at in this fair Province of
ours seems (most incredible; yet, to
those who k • w the ravages of con-
sumption, it i_ but a typical cane.
Grief stricken the mother tells us
- of her five sma habit buried from
this lowly home d ing the past three
years, of her only r ajp�,,,mg child, suf-
fering from a tube ulousl hip, and
then as though in m kery of their
misery, the father, too, was at-tcken.
He is now a patient at he Muskoka
Free Hospital, where eve - endeavour
is being trade to save his life. The
Muskoka Free Hospital for Consump-
tives is appealing for help to carry
on this fight against the Great White
Plague. The money you give will help
them see ut these unfortunate fami-
lies and ave them a fighting chance
for their lives.
Contributions may be sent to W. J.
Gage, Chairman, 84 Spadina Avenue,
Toronto, or Geo. A. Reid, Secfetaty-
Treasurer, 223 College St. Toronto.
11ord has been'received of the death
at Long Beach. California,ofAlbert May of
Stevensville,. Montana, formerly of Gude-
rich tonnstup. 'Mr., May alter leaving
ti parts engaged in the ranching busi-
ness in Montana, but returned several
tun to visit his old friends_ The last
tau gars, owing to ill -health. he had been
ding in Calilornia.
An old resident of East Wawantleb, in
the person of -William Alartin. died on
Wednesday. November 14th, in his seven-
iy•second year. The immediate cause of
death was pneumonia. though he had been
in tailing health tor several months. Be-
sides his wife. he leaves two sons and one
daughter: Dan H., at home: Rev. J.
Henry Martut, of Strathclair, and Mrs.
Andrews, of Winnipeg. Another son. Dr.
Crawford Martin, died ten years ago.
The death of Christie MacDonald,
widow of the late Kenneth McRae, oc-
curred in Ashlield on Sunday, November
1 Ith, at she great age of eighty eight
years. Thr deceased was born in Scot-
land and came with her husband to Can-
adaa few years alter their marriage. sett-
ling on the farm in Ashfield on which she
had since lived for half -a -century. She
was a member of Ashfield Presbyterian
church. Two sons and one daughter
survive: Angus, of Mayo, Sask., Donald,
of Duluth. Minn., and Miss Jennie, who'
has been at home with her mother.
Union evangelistic services are being held
in Exeter, Rev. E. De Witt Johnston
being t he leader of the campaign.
The death occurred at Snowflake. Man.,
on November 9.h, of Mrs. L. F. Boston,
eldest daughter of Samuel Handford. a
former resident of Exeter
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snell announce
the engagement of their youngest daugh-
ter, Meryl G., to Lynford Raymond Fran-
cis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Francis
of Ustxrne; the marriage to take place
in December.
George S: Huston, an old Huron
Accountant in the Seaforth branch of the
B ank of G dnmerce.
Up to andjacluding November 20th !
ezemptton tribunal sitting in Sealorth
beard 104 claims. Number of claims
wed for medical unfitness. 98; allowed
other reasons, 49 (principally from the •
1; cases adjourned. 14; claims disal-
diedAtOritIia, In the 17th inst.,
John Downey. ftlrmerty a well -
resident of Seaforth. The deceasedi
xn in Ireland sixty-eight years
t spent the greater pert of her life
town. Her husband died four
and she had been livinglatelyy
+titer, Mrs. P. G. McDbrtald,
The remains were brought to
Miss Ma Graham has gone to Wing -
ham to act • business college,
Mrs. ' • , Mullin has gone to Tor-
onto to under • medical treatment, hav-
ing been in health for some time.
Crawford & ' nut have sold their
inteoest in the g rage agency
to Etl. Renneck, ho comes trom near
Neil D. McKens has bought the
grocery business of C. McMorran and
has already taken • • • . Mr. Mc-
Morran will remain in the store for a
time to assist Mr. McK ie.
Pte. Harry Abbott, w enlisted here
in September. 1915, wa killed in ac-
tion in France on October • . He was
an English lad and wor • for some
time after coning to this • y with J.
C. Murdoch. He was the fust
from Lucknow to enlist wit the 71st
Bat taboo.
Mrs. John Ansley has returned
an extended visit in Winnipeg and
Barber Cured
of Eczema.
Oenerously Tells Others
flow Cure Was Effected.
Toronto, Ont.. Nov. 29.—No one is
better qualified to judge of treat -....45.,o,.
MOM frit' skin troubles, than the bar-
ber. Ile finds his customers bothered
with barber's itch. pimples and enema 11'. "'"14
Seaforth and has his own itticultiep in treating Seaforththese conditions a ter shaving,
Mr. Lewis learned from a customer
about Dr. Chase's Ointment, and when
he contracted eczema. applied this treat-
ment with most satisfactory results. He
is naturally enthusiastic now in recom-
mending this ointment to anyone suffer-
ing from similar skin troubles.
Mr. George Lewis, barber, 202j Welles-
ley street, Toronto, writes: "1 was for
some time troubled with tin eczemic erup-
tion on the scalp and obtained temporary
relief by the use of a tonic. About six
months later littk blotches broke out on
my (ace and the doctor prom unced the:
trouble to be eczema. 1 head of Dr.
Chase's Ointment through a customer
who was cured by this treatment
after trying many remedies in vain. so 1
began the use of this Ointment In a
short time the eczejla entirely disap ared
from my face and scalp. You can im-
agine my relief, as 1 am a barber by ti'
and having. a face covered with pimp
and blotches was not conducive to good
business. 1 shall take great p:easure in
recommt n ling Dr.Chase's Ointment to any
customers with facial or other troubles of
this nature."
Dr. Chase's Ointment, di3c a box, at all
dealers, or Edmanron, Bates & Co., Lim-
ited, Toronto.
county boy, died suddenly an the 17th
ins.. at his horde near Seattle, Wash., in
his fifty-eighth year. He was born near
Centralia and about forty years ago went
to Manitoba. afterwards to Dakota and
later to Washington. H. E. Huston, of
town, is a brother of the deceased.
Lyle McCracken, sen of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred;McCracken, Brussels, is reported
wounded in France.' He went overseas
with the Uilst Battalion.
The death occurred on the 15th inst. of
Mrs. James McDowell, in her sixtieth
year. The deceased, was a native of Mc-
Killop township. Her death was due to
The G. N. McLaren stock of drygoods,
boots and shoes, groceries, etc., has been
sold en bloc to Carswell Bros„ of Elora,
who are now in possession and will re-
sume the business here.
Miss Lizzie Woods died suddenly on
Friday. lath inst., when about to undergo
an operation. The deceased was the eldest
daughter of the late Henry Woods, and is
survived by her mother, a sister and two
E. T. Roberts, an English buyer,
shipped from Seaforth station a.tew days
ago eighty-four hors, Ibe which he paid
*21.000. Mr. Roberts has been in Sea -
forth for several Months purchasing these
horses for the Oki Country market.
Duncan McMillan. one of the oldest
residents of Seatorth, died at his home
dere on Wednesday eveniag of last week,
st the age of eighty-three years. He is
survived by his wife and one son, Joseph,
Miss Jessie L. Wilson, , daughter
Gavin Wilson of the Bluevale road,
home (Or three months from England,
where she has been serving as nurse in
a military hospital.
Mrs. Alexander Dawson. a former resi-
dent of Wingham, died at Toronto Mon-
day of last k at the age o( seventy-
five years.I: e remains were brought
here for in t.
CHURCH NOTES.—Anniversaryservices
are to be held in the 'Methodist church
next Sunday, the 25th inst., when Rey.
Dr. Barnby, of Lucan, i to pouch at
2.30 and 7 p. m. D r. Barn y is a former
pastor- of this congregation who is al-
ways welcome here. As no tea -meeting
is to be held at this time, liberal, offerings
are requested. In the Pr yterian
church last Sunday anniversary rvices
were held. Professor Law, of Kno Col-
lege was the preacher. Needless to\say.,
excellent sermons were the order of \the
day. The large congregations were tie -
lighted. Mise Little, of Goderich, a
listed the choir and in the evening ser-
vice sang a solo very acceptably. On
Monday evening a fowl supper that was
largely attended was given. Miss Little,
of Goderich. sang some splendid solos and
Mrs. Wm. McLean. of Seaforth, recited.
• well. Mr. S. McCready, of Guelph, gave
an inspiring address on pre,ent needs and
future prospects for this country. -
TUESDAY, Nov, 20.
Several auto -loads of men from the vii-
lageatterded the nominations at Clinton
on Monday. ..
Mr. A. E. Erwin, the district canvasser
r 121111111111111111111111111111■11111111111O17
11 I, ▪ A Woman a
▪ Advises Women II
Tyneside P.O., ant a
' 1 received your sample of GIN ■
1 11.1 S .ud after using them 1 reit so ■
nia,'h Getter that 1 got • eros at my 1
.•t ,y t.t . and DOW .1 aw taking tae
-The pale across -my bock and
tarn.) • has almost entirely`oneand
1 ani better than I have been for
yew.. 1 WAS 5 rest sufferer from ■
rh-umnti.m but a hes all left me. f ■
toton* ly 11.101Aralrwumen who',offer ■
t ..m twin in the M•k and weak ■
kidneys to try 0155 Plt.f,S." III
Gin Rae nettler p cis, a boo w 'boast •
4 for Sap at alt good dealers. Sample a
fene Wynn writ. 1. Mahout Drag & ■ •
•chemical Co. .Currie, Limlt.d, ■
Torose: w t. U. S. address Na -Ora a
1 Cw, Le., sea M&. lit.. Ps its M.Y.
■ TRY to
IKI1Y. ■
Just out of the trenches.—Some sleep whilst others rlay cards.
—Photo by cowrfesy of C. P. It
artillery eto/stag abs Ys:r. —taut„ os warts., N O. t. a
Farmers Like'\
he Toronto Daily Star
They tike it, because it is
o -the -minute newspaper.
A d they lie it even more, ,because it he a 3
the ' to ma money, by giving them th
markgllotatios while prices are still "hot."
You get t ' live stoc'k, grain. and produce market reports
from Toron • , Montr 1, Buffalo,- Chicago, and Winni-
peg from twe e hours o one full day ahead of your re-
ceiving the sa quotatibns in the next morning's papers.
And you know h
I had known earlier
could have made mon
often` ou have said to yourself, "If
ust ho v the market was going, 1
. \
In addition to its splendi. t arke>t service, the Toronto
"Daily Star" gives you the * =t comprehensive war and
general news service obtainab through any, daily paper
in Canada.
Then, too\there are pages to inter
children, an4 a good comic cartoon
the women and the
In fact the Torrgnto '`Daily Star" is just s a newspaper
as a farmer who is interested in the world ws likes to
read, and he eventually comes to regard it : = the insep-
arable companion of his leisure hours.
&tbscribe for it To-
• We guarantee that you will thor ghly enjoy it. Send
your subscription direct to this office, or through the pub- \
fisher of your local newspaper. \
The price direct is $3.00 a year in advance or together with The Signal $3.80
for the Victory Loan, is busy these days
and is meeting with considerable success.
Dr. Woods received his official appoint-
ment to the postmastership last week and
will no doubt t*ke over fits duties in the
near future.
The Bible Society held a meeting on
Monday evening at Mr. H., W. Erwin's
house and appointed collectors (or the
village and district.
Bethany congregation held a fowl sup
per at the home of Mrs. Peter Mcl)otgall
on Tuesdayevening, November I:fth. There
was a large attendance and a most pleas-
ant social evening was spent. This gath-
ering has now beconie a yearly occurrence
and helps to promote goodfellowship
among the members of the congregation.
An Alban Enemy.
"Mr. Schmidt," complained Mrs. Ten
refl. " L.ordered a doyen fresh eggs,"
"Chase ?" inquired the grocer. "Hal
dey not come already ?"
"You sent no nine ria declared the
irate customer, "and three poison gas
tomb."—Prom the Thnkagfvtng Puck.
"Woman, krt y women." seems to be i
tProPer, but oted good,1. so 116.lovely task" (locant
The Signal to new subscribers to
January let, 1919 --� 1'�
Toronto and_ Winnipeg
Westie■■d, Doc. 3rd to Jam. tad. Eastiewld, Dec. lst to•ls■e�str
tore--Trtivepkly senses will be resumed thereafter.
Winnipeg and Etas■taa E.sseM udYsais ver
Par Tickets, Reservations, Ltssrsturs end Inlernnaslen, apply to
Oe. welts R. L ralrbalrn, O.P.A., M King It. 1., Toronto.