HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-11-29, Page 7• THE SIGNAL - COPERICH, ONTARiO A. era molds sKeos/ti 6srarry tutu 1a. &aa..rr lessor why oar, When You Put Up Your Car for the Winter don't leave the Battery on the car. Deterioration will surel) te,.ult. Bring it here and have It properly • eared tor. Wm inspect and test It pertodloally ,'Mining your bat- tery to be iu A-1 condition in the spring. The charge is nominal. "Owned and Operated �y East Street Garage Practical Man" GODERI(H t - - - ONTARIO Arthur M. Glover a r SINGER SEWING MACHINE FREE FOk our contest this year we are able to make an unusually attractive announcement—one of the celebrated Singer Sewing Machines, in solid walnut, worth $60.00, to be given away absolutely free on Christmas Eve, December 24th. HOW TO WIN IT A coupon will be given with every 25e purchase at this store, on which the holder will be entitled to guess the number of marbles and bullets in the jar in the window. The following have consented to act as judges : Messrs F. \Voollcoinbe, Thos. Mitchell and W. H. Robertson. THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY to buy your Christmas Gifts, Children's Wear, Fancy Goods, etc., at the SINGER STORE, and perhaps win this valuable Sewing Machine. CONTEST COMMENCES SAT.. NOV. 17 Prices ot goods at this store will not be raised on account of this contest. You will get good value for every cent you spend here. MISS SUSIE NOBLE, "The Singer Store" Succeswr to M,s. i., How the Ch ldren Will EnThat Wo aderfd Tree ou olei�twaamnruing. Have you thought tiow unteblar-twi,y' grand- ma suit grandpa. err Uncle Jelin or Aunt Lily would enjoy' llaa photo cr.,Ith tot Own. ,l. to fa,.,.- ' Have The Children Photographed Here at Ones .o the portraits will he coaly in time to reach their destination 1'bristntai.. How about your own picture, too? .L T. FELL. to J tr. row6" G©DERICI I J LOCAL TOPICS British Red Cross Fund Mr. Geo. Williams. local treasurer for the British Red Cross fund, announces that the total of contributions as the re- sult df the canvass last Month is 83,0.sti, with some subscriptions still to come in. Arrivals at the Harbor. Arrivals at the harbor for the past week were the steamers Hutchinson on Monday, with 19:3,000 bush. of wheat for the mill; Manska, on Sunday, with 120.000 bushels of wheat; Atikokan on Monday with 112,000 bushel of wheat. and the Valcartier today, with '250,000bushels ot wheat and oats—all for the elevator. Huron Old boys of Toronto. The annual meeting of the Huron Old Boys' Assoxiation of Toronto will be held at the Royal Cafe, 14 King street east. Toronto, on Friday evening, December 7th, at S o'clock, for the election of of- ficers and transaction of general business. Ladies from Huron may become members of the Association and will be eligible for election to any of the offices. Luncheon will be served at h o'clock, and at the conclusion of business the meeting will be favored with an address on live topics by Rev. Dr. W. R. Young, pastor of Dunn avenue Methodist church. Died at Brantford. The death occurred on Wednesday, the BACK- ACHE 41st inst.. at Brantford. of Mrs. Richard Sillih, the cause of death bring heart failure following an operation for tonsilit- is. The deceased was a daughter of the late John Farden. of Goderich, and both she and her husband were residents of Goderich until their removal to Brant- ford a year or two ago. The remains were brought to Goderich. accompanied by the bereft husband and Mrs. Ford - en, mother of the deceased. and on Satur- day afternoon the funeral took place from the home of Mr. Alex. Forden, Elgin avenue, brother of the deceased, Rev. J. H. Osterhout officiating. The interment was in Colborne cemetery. Ladies of Knox Church Entertain. The bean and salad tea served by the ladies of Knox church on Friday evening attracted a large gathrrin; ani was quite successful in every respect. The menu was a satisfying one. and after it had received due attention the gathering listened to an excellent program. Vocal solos were given by Miss Hildred McColl, Miss Little and Mrs. McLean. readings by Miss Gibbs and Miss Elda Stoddart, and vocal selections by a ladies' trio (Mrs. Dunlop and Misses Nairn and Mc- Coll) and a male quartette (Messrs. Sexsmith, Saunders. Thomson and Tay- lors. Mr. J. P. Hume discharged the duties of chairman. If you Dyauir �e. l(hy you hive Kidney Disc 1f you neglect Backache i will develop into something worse—Bright s Dis- ease irease or Diabetes. There is no use rubbing and doctoring your back. Cure the kidneys. There is only one kidney medicine tutJ it cures Backache every time-- Dodd's Kidney Pills 414 ;1r�� AHS MODEL THEATRE PRICES 10c and 15c FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ATTRACTION EXTRAORDINARY Clara Kimball Young in "Dr. La Fleury's Theory A drama of a doctor who believed crime was a disease and found love was its cure. CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG and' EARL WILLIAMS in "Love's Sunset" Big V Comedy "PESTS AND PROMISES" SIDNEY DREW in "JERRY'S UNCLE'S NAMESAKE" MONDAY AND TUESDAY BiLLIE BURKE in the fourth Episode of GLORIA ROMANCE TOM SA TSCHI in "The Country That God Forgot" A big smashing love drama of Western wastes Also a Musty Suffer Comedy "PARTLY CLOUDED" WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY ALICE BRADY in "The Hungry Heart" From the fatnou» play "Frost Front" and a Mutt and Jeff Comedy Coming Friday and Saturday, Dec. 7th and 8th Thos. H. Ince's Million Dollar Spectacle ' "CIVILIZATION" GRAY HAIR To Cheer the Soldiers. THURSDAY, Nov. 29, 1917 7 stuff with pendants ,old flags of the Allied nations, the Union Jack predomina- ting Every person had bell) asked to wear sunwthing representing sone tamd- tar town or city, and the first part of the even ng was taken up with much guess - int n excellent program had been pro- vided. Rev. R. C. McDermid was chair- man and opened with prayer. The audience then stood while singing one verse of the hymn, "Trust in God and do the Right," which is the notao of this or- ganized class. Mrs. McLean. of ve- land, formerly a member of the class. favored the gathering with a snlb, "A Mother's Heart." Miss McColl was at her best in the rendering 04"Ye Banks and Braes of BonnieDorm" Hearty applause greeted Messrs. Pinder and•Wil- son as they appeared on the plat'ornt with five girls—Jean MacEwan, Ethel Stokes, Jean Bogie, Mary Newell and Elda Stoddart —with their "shamrock" and "the wearing o' the green," typical of the Irish horse of."Eileen," which the young men rendered so acceptably, 'after- wards responding to an encore. Mary Pinder and Olive Clark were • leaders in a cross question and crooked answer, and Jean Bogie and Emma Wallace in a geog- raphy contest. Three groups of twelve each were called to the platform and sand impromptu "The Maple Leaf Forever, ""Tipperary," and "Away down upon the Swanie River." Jean cKenze, Flor- The W.C.T.U, is planning to raise in ence Bell, Irene Early, with their Scotch Ontario a fund of 825.0110 for the supply- plaids. glengarries and thistles,. were ing of free tea, cocoa, coffee and lemonade typical of the "land of the heather" dur- for the soldiers at the front, and the local ing the rendering of "The Bonnie, Bonnie Union is taking part in the movement. Banks of Loch Lomond" by Miss Hume. The W.C.T.U. has already sent to France The accompanists were Misses Wallace, considerable sums for similiar pyrposes McLean and Pinder. The audience after and the present scheme is an extension of mating the "proverbs" handed there this work. In addition to the free drink- were served with coffee and cake by ablesthe Ontario W.C.T.U. has become Agnes Saunders, Hanna Leonard, Marion respmsible Inc the cost of pnnting a Bogie, Elsie Elder. ina Muir, Oral Stod- weekly leaflet of cheer and spiritual help dart and assistants, which is being sent through the mails to Invitations had been extended to Mrs. all the soldiers in the orward trenches Urquhart and her class of young men and who express a desire to receive it. the staif o( nurses at Alexandra hospital. To provide funds for the purchase of j The "at home" isan annual event and 'dnnkables for the soldiers,.. a Silver this was one of the moo successful the Thimble and Trinket Day will be held class has ever given. later. at which articles of jewelry, will be received and afterwards melted down, the proceeds to be used as indicated. Or, Tremain a Natural Mair Reatoratiye, used as d.reeted. a aur.nteed to restore vet h.,r to its natural color or money refunded Posonuele not . dye and non,nnanosn Prtc. 11 ,1,, post -pard. Write Trssla Serpi, Co., Tomato, 1141. o. s.le ., Goder. h .t J. A. Cernekeirs Oro Store. cw NonhSt .nd Sewers. ,� OF CANADA i A Savings Account Creates Capital To :rise above. depen dunce . on the daily earnings, Capital is essential, and the surest means of accumulating Capital Is through a Savings account. Face the facts as they are, figure where you can economize, and save money systematically. _Goderich Branch—F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. 1 New Winnipeg Train. Travel between lantern and Western Canada is always heavy in the winter months., particularly during December with its holiday season. To )feet the re- quirements of the public, therefore, a special daily ss-rvlye between Toronto • nd Winnipeg is announced by • the Canadian Northern Railway; westbound, December '3rd to January 2nd. 1915, only; east- bound, December 1st to January Sth, 191ai. only. Thereafter regular tri- weekly service will be renewed. A through tourist sleeping car will also be operated daily between Toronto and Calgary as part of the above special ser- vice. and connection will be trade with regular daily traits between Winnipeg and Edmonton. Service between Tor- onto and Vancouver remains tri -weekly as at present, leaving "Toronto Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. For further particulars see local timetable folders, or apply to town agent, J. W. Craigie. A friend in need is a surprise indeed. Water and Light Commission. • The water and light commission is still having some difficulty in settling up accounts with the Provincial Hydro- electricCommission. The local commission having proposed an issue of 110,000 of debentures to clear up the arrears, the Provincial Commission refuses its sanction to this procedure. taking the stand that 'the arrears could be met by an adjust- ment between the water department and the electric light department. At the meeting of the local commission last week it was decided to send the chair- man tri Toronto to interview the people flown there in the matter. Mr. Murney went to Toronto on Tuesday for this purpose. At this meeting of the commission a list was presented of persons who ate still sixty days in arrears for ele:tri: light, and the superintendent was instructed to have the services cut off. It was decided to order several cars of three -quarter - lump coal as an addition to the stork now on hand at the pumping station. Tete Navy League of Canada. A movement in the interests of the Navy League of Canada is being inaugur- ated in Goderich under the auspices of all the branches of the Daughters of the KIIIIIIINNIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIUIII llX -Empire. A public meeting will be held in I the court house next Monday night to =MO =1 consider the formation of a branch of the Saturday League in Goderich and to make arrange- merits fur a tag = day, December the ga 1011. and organization. Addresses are to be given by several prominent citizens at Monday night's meeting, and it is hoped there will be a large gathering of the men and women of i the town. undo C The principal objects of the Navy y League are to stimulate interest in mat- ters pertaining to the navy and the mer- � cantile marine; to raise funds Inc the relief of British and Canadian sailors and their = dependerfts and Inc the upkeep of sailors' eeials somas and similar institutatns, and to en- ,- courage volunteer naval brigades for lot and young men Inc instruction in seaman ship. day tube held on Satur- th, in aid of the funds of Men's (grey Sweaters, with plain stitch shawl:collar, two pockets, close ribbed caffs, the est Sweater - value in the l d $1. A good, strong Pant for - working nta,n,halflined and of,high-grade material, $1.69 Yung Men's and Boys' Odd Vests, size '25. Clear- ing at 45c Boy4' Fleece -lined t'nder wear, sires 20-30. Can't he heat at 46C IHave You any Coal?" Coal is a "burning (petition" in Gode- rich these days. Rather mare "ques- tion" than "burning" about it, however. So much questioning. indeed, that one ' of the coal dealers, , in order to secure a respite- from the continuous bombard- =' ment of ipgdries, cut the telephone wires at his offi'e. A few cart of the Precious black diarxliis fro: ban ar- = riving the last week or two. but they did not last long on:e'the p_onle kne.v they ' were in town. The dealers are in hopes i that conditions will improve when lake • navigation chisel: but -. = 1 Mayor Munnings has been in cam- - . munication with the D nnini-xt Fuel Controller's ofti _e for s'veral weeks and • has been urging that everything nos- - little be done to relieve the scarcit. here. A few days ago he wired to the Control- = ler's office at Toronto again calling at- = tention to the acute situation in (sale - rich and he has received a reply as fill - lows: "Will rush coal supply to G ide- rich earl in week." M. Robins Store Open Evenings IMMO mime eemei salMN For the Prisoners of War. here was a gond tendance at the pat otic progressive 'ochre party at Odd .laws Hall last Thursday night, (went $,.four tables being occupied. The ``size-wi iters were Mrs. Simpson. Mrs. W. G. A Ewan, Mrs. Geo. 1 oble, Mr. W. A. C lthurst, Mrs. Duckham and Mrs. Arms( g A centrepiece will; rallied and Miss Ta art was the winner. The affair s given by several of the women's isaielies of town Inc the henetit of the three Goderich boys— Messrs, Robinson. Johnston and Bell— who are prisoners of war in Germany. In connection with this event The Sig- nal is asked to publish the following: The Rebekas, G'nerat Brough Chapter, Ahmeek Chapter and M inje Leaf Chapter of the 1.0. D. E. and the Sodality wish to thank the Oddfellows, the press Mr. J. lirophey, Afr. Newcombe. jr., those who contributed prizes, and all who sit kindly assisted in the success of the euchre Inc the Godrrilh war prisrmers' fund. -The SUM of 81':3 was realize and will'he for- warded immediately to the Red A. office, London, England, for the benefit of = the Goderich boys. = A Succrssf,rl Social Event. The lure o' Oa "at h t n of the young woman's Bible (lass, of which = Mrs. Strachan is teacher and Miss Stirling 2 president. brought tol(Fther a large gather mg of young people in Knox church lecture room Monday evening of last week. The room was gaily decorated for 1 he occa- Hern's Grocery Two - Cttood In- vestments Y Victory Bonds and Groceries at Hern's W. HERN Corner Hamilton St, and nquara Phone 43 Do you have headaches? Do your eyes ache? Do your eyes water ? Do you have difficulty when reading? Does the print blur ? These are all indications of de- fective eyesight. Using both the objective and subjective methods of testing we can "guar- antee correction of all of these troubles . Falk the matter over with Mr. Sexsmith, our eyesight specialist. if you require lenses you may depend on getting them at the most reason- able charge. Your examination will cost you nothing. H. C. DUNLOP m. Store, GOi)E:RI( 11 - PNT. Don't Put it Off Any Longer Cone int today :stud leave .your measure for that Suit you need: Or, if it is an Overcoat that is on your mind let, 115 show you what we can do for yon. .We believe we rem please you. Let its try, anyway: ' i R. J. A rmst rung . MERCHANT TAILOR !Rooth Side Square, tiisleri.'h. For Good Reliable Slice Repairs, try Smith 8+, Ring 30 East Street. Opposite k'.e. CI..t. h Give Us a Trial 1 • STOP THAT BARK WITH Altiar WHITE PiNE AND SPRUCE BALSAM l l you haveva •.l uldha n euut;h. t y;onr Nags ars inflamed alai° 5 our air passages in Statist. this y,Ien,lisl 1'ough Syrup uell ,:19.11 the relict you see le tl1 aptly • and without any 1 ,lrinful after .•Rens, Pen«lar White Pine and 4( ruee Bial•.am is a beating i, wetly eoullhatnd.•d et 1'n,.• Dark, Spruce limn, auuuae Dark. WWI Cherry ell kn10.511 Sur;reslirgts err 114- „4;11iatvl merits. 1 lit a Is,t.tle of this .1Tertis.' r.'i.i.'.ly as whtll as 151s4ihb• 1115.1 ,,.I • -,.ti id 11141 I',-u•1h. tu1t1 1 1 t con 441n 25c and 5oc J. A. Campbell, Ph n B. "Central Drug Store" North St. -and Square, 1:,5.lr1ith 11 To Somehridy \ Somewhere at the Front— Every day boxes from home are going to the boys in the trenches. And of the things they get, a great prize is !WRIGLEY'S — the Gum with Lasting Flavour. It takes the place of food and drink in case of need—which is often. It keeps spirits up—gives vigour and vim. A packet in the pocket lasts a long time. The Flavour Lasts I Chew It after every mea]