HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-11-29, Page 6i 't • 6 TH1'Rsnvv Nov.29, 1917 • THE SIGNAL - GODERICH ONTARIO S+++++++++4-+O+++++++++++1-S+•H-+++ S+++++++++++++++I \ las •I 1 BIG VALUES IN SUITS AND OVERCOATS We are in a position to save you money on your Suit or Overcoat, because in buying our clothing we looked ahead and bought extra heavy, knowing prices were bound to advance. We have a large selection to choose from and in most cases much below present values. Come to us and let us demonstrate to you that our values are extra good. SUITS $12.00 to $25.00 OVERCOATS $12.00 to $62.00 A few more suits of all -wool Underwear at per garment $1.00. Walter C. Pridham 'Phone 57 20th Century and Art Clothing looks as if the farmers have had good crops this year. Mr. and Mrs. Dickson. Mr. Thos. Dickson and Miss Mae attended a recep- tion last Monday nightiat Laneagiven in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Farrah, who were married October 2lat. ON THE CASUALTY LIST -Word was re- ceived last week that Pte. Stanley Brister, infantry. had been admitted to the l lth field hospital suffering from gun- shot wounds in the head. Pte. Buster en- listed at Vancouver and has been in the trenches fourteen months. He is a nep- hew of Mrs. Grey, of this place. and of the Rev. W. B. Hawkins of Blyth. was fractured during the historic battle of Vimy Ridge last spring and since that Ilene he had been in hyspital. Every- body welcomes the young hero ba:k and is pleased that he Easel so well during his three years of heroic and hazardous service. SHE PRAISES THEM FOR SHE FOUND THEM 0001). What Mde. Tremblay Says of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Tremblay Settlement. Gloucester Co.. N. B.. Nov: 26 (Spacial). -Every corner of Quebec has someone ready to tell cd sppl1e�n�did results secured from the use of Dodd's Kidney Pills. In their thirty years of relief work among the sufferers from sick kidneys they have made many friends everywhere. Mde. Pierre Trem- blay. of tnis plaice. is one of them. I praise Dodd's Kidney Pills because I have found them good. I had bad kid- ney's. I took Dodd's Kidney Pills and they cured me. I think Dodd's Kidney Pills are the best of all kidney remedies. ' The reason so many people so cheerfully bear testimony to the benefit they have received from Dodds Kidney Pills is that they make a person healthy all over. HAYFIELD. TUESDAY, Nov. 27. Miss Carter and the Messrs. Atkinson left fur Detroit on Saturday. Mrs. A. M. Campbell, of Strassburg. Soak., is visiting her sisters-in-law the Misses Campbell. Rev. A. Macfarlane was in London last week attending the Ontario Library Association meeting. Mr. Thos. McMillan, of Seaforth, the Liberal` candidate in South Huron. ads dressers a meeting in the town hall on Monday evening. DEATH (W SERGT. MACDOUGALL.-Much regret is felt over the news which arrived yesterday of the death of Sergt. Gordon MacDougall of Porter's Hill. Sergt. Mac- Dougall went{ overseas with the 161st, and shortly after arriving in England was drafted over to France. In order to get to the front at once he had to drop his rank and go as a private. but in a short time, so good a soldier did he prove. he had again worked up to his for- mer rank. A few months ago his friends were delighted to hear that he had been decorated with the military medal. , an honor received for conspicuously good Iwork. He was twice wounded. the last being a bullet wound through the thigh. His mother received a letter from him, however, since he received the wound. GODERICH TOWNSHIP.) stating that he was recovering nicely and hoped soon to be around again. A letter The regular monthly business meeting of was also received from the Y. M. C. A. + the United Patriotic Society will be held saying that he was doing well and was at the home of Mrs. D. Cantwell, 4th shortly to be removed to an English concession. on Wednesday. December 5th. hospital. The sad news of his death — As special business is to be transacted a which the cablegram brought was there - large attendance is desired. Goods cen- fore quite unexpected. The whole corn- . on November munity m•urns the death of this fine, Top Notch Quality Footwear for Fall We are now showing' our greatest variety of the very latest style ideas in good sub- stantialLserviceable footwear. Shoes that hold their shape{ and last the -longest. Shoes that our customers call for again and again. All styles of Rubber foot-' wear,are now in stock at the lowest possible prices. --REPAIRING Geo. MacVicar North ,ide of Square, Goderich 5 LEEBURN. WEDVEDAY, Nov. 2s. I Mr. and Mrs. J. Rapson, of Blyth, 1 vent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Will Cook. Miss Anna Stewart has returned home after a lengthy stay with her sister, Mrs. L. Gray. Stratford. Mr. Hugh Chisholm had the misfor- tune to let a heavy piece of iron fall on his foot. rendering him quite lame. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Farrish enter- tained the Midnight Club to a turkey supper one night recently. The even- ing was spurt in social talk. old-time songs. etc.. and the ladies lost no time. for while they talked they knitted for the soldier boys. Evenings such as these do not seem altogether misspent. - PORT ALBERT. - . WEDNESDAY, ESD, Nov. 28. Miss Drennan, of this place. is visit- ing with relatives ir. Huron at present. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gauley,"jr., en- tertained a number of their friends one evening this week. Pte. L. Burrows. of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Burrows. of Goderich. spent Sunday with relatives in the vil- lage. Mr. J. A. Green finished threshing this week. He reports a No. 1 season, which i Often the Cheapest (ways the Best WALKER F Mare Dealer and ,Undertaker 2 nouse Furnishing& The Store of Quality PHONES STORE BR RLS. 107 Save Your Eyes To neglect the eves is to take chances with your moat precfouis t,udily' posseM4ton. Good .Glasses accurately fitted may he just the thing you need to tone up the Ay'steru and In- crease the effectiveness of your work. Have your eyesight corrected before it Injures your health. Examinatiom'ii preferably by ap- pointment. , - sored from this Society 19th *ere 50 pairs of socks beside tt capable young soldier and deeply sym- pairs given to the ladies of the Union pathizes with his bereaved relatives. church for Gdderich township bons The Cause of Backache. overseas) and 30 pyjama suits. _— CARLOW. TUESDAY, Nov. 27. Our enterprising merchants are ship-. ping in a carload of bran. shorts and flour. Mrs. Jas. McBride spant a few days in Goderich visiting her brother. Mr. C. Girvin. Mr. Jas. ' McBride and son have in- vested nvested in a number of stockers to fattens this winter. �1rs. Robt. Henderson left a few days ago to visit'her brother, Rev. John Young. of Pittsburg. Mrs. W. W. Walter has returned to her home after spending a few days with her sister. Mrs. A. Culbert, of Dungannon. SMITH'S HILL Ae-ivesSARY.-Anni- versary services are to be held in Smith's Hill Presbyterian church .on Sunday next at 10 a. m. and 7 p. m. The pastor. Rev. Mr. Ross. will preach and special music is being prepared On Monday evening. Every muscle in the body needs con- stantly a supply of rich. red blood in pro- portion to the work it does. The muscles of the back are under a heavy strain and have but little rest. When the bfood is thin they lack nourishment. and the re- sult is a sensation of pain in those muscles. Some people think pain in the back means kidney trouble. but the best medical authorities agree that backache seldom or never has anything to do with the kidneys. Organic kidney disease may have progressed to a critical point with- out developing a pain in the back. This being the case pain in the back should always lead the sufferer to look to the condition of his blood. It will be found in most cases that the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to build up the blood will stop the sensation of pain in theill- nourished muscles of the back. How much better it is to try Dr..Williams' Pink Pills for the blood than to give way December 3rd. a social evening is to be to unreasonable alarm about your kid - held in the spacious rooms of the townsh p neys. If you suspect your kidneys any hall, recently purchased by the council i doctor can make tests in ten minutes that from Mrs. Jonathan 'Miller. There •iii t will set your fears at rest. o r tell you the br usic and amen during the evening. worst. is welcome to come. A silver collection condit on, and for this purpose no other medicine can equal Dr. Nems' Pink Society. Pills. l'ou can get these pills through any KINGSBRIDGE. dealer in medicine, a by mail at 50 cents TUESDAY. Nov, 27, a box or six bones fur $'2.50 from the Dr. Williams aledicine Co. Brockville, Ont. m K But in any ny event to be perfectly Refreshments will be served and everyone healthy you must keep g the blood ingood will be taken in aid of the Red Cross DEATH OF MRS. M. WALLACE.-News of the death of Mee. -Maurice Wallace, for- merly of Ashfield. and mother of Mr. The annual Christmas entertainment James Wallace. of Ashfield, was received of the Evangelical church will be held on I here on Saturday. Deceased had been Monday, Christmas Eve. A good pro - living in Dakota Inc the past few months. gram is being prepared. Everybody in - It is probable the remains will be brought voted. home for burial. he anrtµal meeting of the• Colborne ON THE CASUALTY LIST. -Mr. and Farmers' Club will be held in- the Tem - Mrs. Michael O'Re.Ily have received penance Hall, Benmiller, on Thursday advice from the War Office that their son , evening December 8th. All interested Pte. -Melvin J.. had been admitted to hospital mvtted toattend. hoses t I with b 'I t wound in his leg. COLBORNE. Store 'Phone THE COLBORNE STORE 'meg ora 86 EARLY CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Do not let the thief' time steal your days and leave you in a big rush to do your Christ- mas shopping at the last minute. Start early and have your buying all over before the big rush begins. Tbis store has he Christmas spirit and has prepared and selected goods for Christ- mas shopper*that will make buying easy when choosing from our stocks. Make an early visit to the store and get the choice of the good things. We have just put into stock for Christmas a line of couifortables in beautiful patterns and with pattern ou both sides. These have been greatly used for bathrobes and make both com- fortable and attractive gowns. They come 72in.x84in. at $4.50 each. They will make sensible gifts and are easy to make. $4.50 each. Handkerchiefs for Christmas Handkerchiefs are always in great demand at Christmas time and no matter how many a person has he (or she) can always stand a few more. You will make no mistake in giving hand- kerchiefs. Our stocks are complete in every style for women, men, girls, boys and the children. Children's handkerchiefs from 2 for 5c up in colored and pure white. Girls' and boys' handkerchiefs from Sc up in both colored and plain white. Ladies' handkerchiefs from the lawn handkerchief at 5c, 10c;( 15c, linens at 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c, 30c, 35c, and fancy lawn and linen handkerchiefs at from lOc each to $1 each. If it is a handkerchief we have it. Meet's khaki IOc each. A uew collection of dainty camisoles in either satin or silk, in pink, white or gold These garments are daintly trimmed with lace and ribbon, while some have beads embroidered on them. Satin -trimmed with beads $2, silk camisoles III each. Our new stock of the latest collars is wonderful. Never have we had such a variety to choose from. Remember the high collar is correct and most appropriate for a gift. They come in many styles of lace and embroidered lawn and silk at from 65 c to $3.50, each. Also a large range of flat collars in the best designs and shapes. We have collars that please. We Specialize in Gloves Kid Gloves in black and white in all sizes at $1.75 and *2 a pair. These gloves' ere made from real French kid and will wear well. Washable cape gloves in grey' in all sizes, at $2.25, or in the natural color in 'all sizes, at $1,75 a pair. Washable doeskin Gloves in white in all sizes at $1.75 a pair. Ladies' cape Gloves iq all sizes in tan at $2 a pair. Children's cape Gloves in all sizes at $1.'25 a pair. Ladies' chamoisette Gloves in white with either black or white points in all sites at El '25 a pair. THE STORE WITH THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT. Buy a VICTORY BOND, and then another VICTORY BOND i s a u, a r Melvin went overseas with the 111th AL'BfJRN. .! Perth Battalion as a stretcher-bearer and WEDNESDAY. Nov. 28. 1 I has seen considerable active service. Mr. Geo. H. Ball had the misfortune His many friends hope that his injuries to break his arm last Saturday' while are not serious. I A SOLDIER HOVIE FROM THE WAR.- cranking his car. Last Saturday the community was agree- Miss Erma Pfeffer has gone to Kitch- ably surprised by the unexpected arrival ener to train as a nurse. Her many • home of Driver Stanle • O'Reilly is ho is friends wish her success in her work. a younger brother of Melvin's. mentioned Mr. Matthews. manager of the Ster- ahovei. Last week his parents received ling Bank. has moved his family to the a letter from him stating that he was en apartments over the Bank for the ain- route home, but he was not expected for ter mouths. a month. Stanley went into action with The Baptist congregation held a axial the first Canadian contingent as a sa vening in the basement of their church per with the engineering corps. His leg on Tuesday evening tis welcome their 1'4 AND MFC PI OPTICIAN RIGOR AT tMf POST Of7ICE ham /OSI!' Gur.tr're. Ost new pastor. Mr. Forrest Carter had the misfortune J. H. COLBORNE brie dlonAXi�lriflciAirf)rrflrrfL�'ticrlloftixxX)=rls>rinrlrf)crllrih rflrrflr>trlr c Follow the Crowds to the , BIG SHOW to ditch his threshing engine, the ac - J 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIII ing-: cadent resulting Detect the breaking cf else E MmIM eMIM mit YOUR Friends in Flanders Must First be Served i) 44?ettvavir awmr-rcw.t,AIM �,� LIMIT T1lE millions of fighting men in Europe now require most of the wool which ordinarily went into your clothes, and their garments are burned every few weeks for sanitary reasons. This has caused an alarming short- age of wool in the world. England has placed an embargo on all wool, besides buying mil- lions of dollars' worth from America. Aus- tralian wool is now almost impossible to get. LOOK carefully to the fabric in your next suit or overcoat. 124. W. C. PRIDHAM SELLS THEM 7-1 steering chain. Miss Mary Houston fell down the stairs and received a severe shaking up and a hasty cut, which was dressed by Dr. B. C. Weir. The auction sale of stockers belonging to Mr. 0. E. Erratt on Tuesday did not bring prices. to please the; owner and he held part of the stock over. Mr. John McClinchy received the sad news on Tuesday that his son, Pte. Wes- ley McClinchy',- was missing and was supposed to have been killed in France. Pte. McCtinchv was taken to France in the first draft from the 161st Ba.talion last December and had been in the trenches since that time. The many friends of the family sympathize with the family in their sorrow. = THE New BAPTIST MINISTER. -Rev. C E. 0. Forde, the new pastor of the Clin- ton and Auburn Baptist churches, it an Irishman by birth. having been born in Limerick and educated in the public and high schools of Dublin City. The family came to Canada when Mr. Forde was yet a lad and settled in Toronto. Later on he spent some years in the United States, taking his theological course and graduat- ing from the Nyack Theological !Baptist) Seminary. About three years ago Mr. Forde returned to Canada and accepted the pastorate of. the Baptist church at Hopeville, which was his first charge here. Mr. Forde like most of those who hail from the Emerald isle, is strongly at- tached to the land of his birth. He re- grets very deeply the unrest and turmoil in Ireland, but points with pride to the splendid achievements of his compatriots on the field of battle and looks forward with cheerfulness to a satisfactory settle- ment of all grievances. He is intensely interested in the Allied came and has a brother in the trenches in*Franer. S OEM IMMO _ III IIIIAl111111111111111UIIIIIUAIIIIM11111111AUII111111NIIIIIM1111111111M111111111 U11111111M 11MM1111111111111111111111M111MIIli1MIirNr The average woman is willing to stand up Inc her rights anywhere exce t in a crowded Street car. Fnr the traveller the best guide is a check hook. Victoria Opera House One Week, Commencing Dec. 3rd EVENINGS ONLY The Master of Mental Mystery ZELL HUNT Artyst, Musician, Hypnotist, Physician, ,, Born Deaf, Tot- ally Deaf, Still Deaf, and this Mental Marvel Reads Speech by the Lips in Three Languages and Articulates Fluently. A rare combination of Instruction, Amusement' and En- tertainment in which Dr. Hunt Explains, Demonstrates and Proves Telepathy and Hypnotism. You will have to see this to appreciate the Scientific, Sensational Demonstration. As a SPECIAL LOCAL ATTRACTION, DR. HUNT will Hypnotize a Young Lady in Oode- rich, Miss Shirley Kent, and her body, still relaxed and asleepo.vill be on view in Walker's Furniture Store Window Tuesday, Dec. 4th. She AI be awakened on the OPERA HOII 5E STAGE TtJtSDAY NIGHT. .. The Operations The Hornets' Neat The Fishing Fiends The Dancing Bugs The Local Subjects The Strength Tests The Lover's Dream Dr. Hunt will convince Skeptics He is a Wonder Don't Follow the Crowds Get There First Program Changed Nightly. Positively the Limit for Laughs and Thrills Doors Open at 7.30. Performance 8.15 9 r NO RESERVE. ONE PRICE ONLY LifilC