HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-11-29, Page 4• 4. wr,aggillYiaillal100111101111111111111004414."Pa. •/ • l'enishing with 1 pound per Elevator screenings, as sold from gov- ernment elevators, containing a mifl profit on his investment during the ings, etc., may also be the heapest 1 Tell Child He's a Cow? rd It is quite possible for the farmer I are economical in the grin ration.; A Delicious Menu That Covers These Points: Home Production, isnum of blaekaeeds (mustards, etc.) to establish a flock even at present Various grades of these screenings Economy, Patriotic Food Conservation. MY CHRISTMAS DINNER [reach Courage; Never prices and realize 60 to 70 per cent. such as scalping*, burkwhea‘screen- A Country Womari By Agronomist I first year. Intelligent care must grain for cattle and swine. I. Somebody said "Christmas" and 1 oats, sugar, salt and fat. Let stand' It rometimes Utkes a lifetime to ThiDepartment s for the use of our farm readers ant the ad vie* be taken to prevent all undue losses , Never confine eheep too closely in woke to the' fact that Cundo careless, thoughtless re Christmas din- : until tukewarm. Add yeast softened marks. e , The cheap but efficient w • again and place in pans. When light ,,,,a coward. And while be was tit an export on any question regarding soli, seed, crops, etc. 0 your question in quantit- y and quality of mutton, winter. Leave doors on • protected ner this year cannot be as it has been in warm water. Add flour and knead. One day a well-meaning father sug. is of sufficient general Interest, it will be answered through this cotumn. If lamb and wool. aide of ahed open a'. all times. Over- in our family. The food shortage Let rise until double its bulk. Kneed gested to his 6 -year-old son that hi stamped and add d envelope Is enclosed with your letter, a completintering of h'eating is the direct ceuse of colds, has. changed conditions for all of us. s iwho w answer will be mailed to you. Address Agronomist. care of Wilson Publishing the flock largely governs the annual , pneumonia, shedding of fleeces and Being a patriotic woman and having a bake forty-tive minutes to one hour --s 4 . • Co., Ltd., 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto. • therefrom.I rimilar troubles which are often fatal. ' patriotic family I am shaping our in k moderate uven. playing with a little friend os the . street we overheard this remark: Sat ing Labor. ; not have done this if it had not been "Father iutys l'm the biggest coward If infested with tickii, dip at once; • days to these new conditions and 501 lif, dried yeast is used, a sponge We are feeling now the scarcity of , taken care of. Clean, oil and repair and feed. The loYusy sheep not only n the whole family." thus save near; one-half the b de 'rum about une-half • s• labor. Another season this will be all harness. A wel$ oiled harness -consume more Led and remain thin still more noticeable. We must there- will last twice as long as the one mis- and weak, but produce less wool and - d must make the Christmas ay - , s, In the first place we are not spend.! 1 cupful licesid taken from the amount Looking hint straight in the face patriotic as possible. fore, start now to prepare for the i that of a lower grade. Inthe growth and development of ing as much money on ourselves as 1 we pre-warhave years.feltwe Therehada arerighttotoo mdo in tie; 0 flour. our . This is al wed - to rise arcoswitaidnito. : Wfine boy:: yon given in the proportiona, and some of Ii.rfciti labor sitisption at that time. • I Make gates that are light, service - n, U washed wool v.orth 65 cents per hogs it is important to kill the lice.i ore adding betthe o al and the couldn't pwatibly be a coward." think how many minutes, as well as calls for help for the Red Cross, Vic -1 Pear Salad a ith Honey Dressing The boy %,+ g y amazed, ...” 'as reatl an How can we do this? First by co-op- pound, which is more than butter, Crude oil is effective for this purpose,flour. selves. Each neighborhood planning hsrd work, could be saved by having animal products, surelydeserves pro- destroys the nits and makes the skin tory Bond • Honda and all our own community I One -hal( of a large canned pear or , as we walked on, we heard him mar , tildes ch gates? You get accustomed towork. Therefore my Christmas din- two halves if the pears are small. i mur softly: "I'm not a coward. sh. , easy to operate. Did you ever , erating more intensely among our- cheese, beef, eggs or other perishable for it not only kills the lice but also seeing and using your own gate, but clean fleeces bring the toe price. A There are 'many hog dips on the • • ner must be planned not to cost too much. Instead of • ' going to town to 3 egg yolks, 1-3 cupful extracted ' e ea The ()reeving - said I'm not a coward," finally adding, I "Sh id I couldn't be a coward." as a whole the maximum use of cer- per care in preservation. Onl Pand h hofthesoftand brit. y the a • hog nu t n of these ars angst- 1,u . 1 • .• s ( aliases, carund and otherwise, honey, 1-3 cupful vinegar, pinch of nth, one thought, repeated to him -several times and turned over and tain farm machinery that may be too . • better results. This oil may strictly home-grown products. Just expensive to buy individually, as nia- notice those of someone else. Some o few mom ents spent now in repairing you have spent heurs, possibly days of racks, feed chutes and pens to keep isfaetory. Crude oil has been found the home feast this year will be fro salt, whipped cream. Beat the egg OYCF yolks slightly. Add the honey, salt threw the false fear instilled by the over in his mind, eventua y economy to buy fertilizers in advance repairing fences. but only in a make- shift way to keep the cows out for the, be applied by the use a patent hof its I came to this decision my o and vinegar. Cook it: double nure spreaders, silo cutters, ee d valuable time durmg the nsY grinders, ditch diggers, etc. It is seasOn chaff, dust and cobwebs from t e w will be well repaid. the barn during the winter for spring time, only to be compelled to do *itet 8:0•d- of1 dgeeTdsede wrhidlehd. pfast thte window imndowmeannd until it thickens. Beat with egg fat:h(e)rt. long ago the daily press con - and fall use. Each person should be again in day or two. Suehplaces weak lambs and a light fleece. This many do' not .apply the oil evenly. goose. 1 cieinnotie feed the brit birdus, with expensive grain. Jbeit amtietri he es smooth.itthick e n Setinhoder toso etohoait , tained the story of the 10 -year-old son so they can be hauled and stored in lowed The tsete epompo:wr weak kw wintered androdnaele- 1),,ifl earcat,orb5rut for a theyrule otrhee seex pa or are sni vo great saving can be made by buying winter,Crcips daamn aged y the cattle would duced during the unthrifty period. I drive as many of the hogs as possihle pound due to weakness of fibre pro-, methods of applying crude oil is. .to inclosure having floclt I recalled that this patriotically As. 1 •picked out the fattest of the amount of whipped cream just before adding to the salad of a New York builiness man who drew his few dollars from the ,savings able to know how much he needs. A in many cases the loss of fleece is alwayit of low value per I One of the most satisfactory Before serving fold ••in a moderate pladmed dinner must fall closely , rentembecipg that ; bank' • • • . and, after three days o amt boarded a train for Chicago, • f •ment 11 gone, canbefixedd. at odd times during in. **are all now economising in . otemrreyamor. cranberry yish ownittzh;anned red and loneliness. his money Honey Brownies was found in a hotel- bitterly weep - cupful shot telling, E., cupful ex, ,.1 o(pa)rents were notified at once, and. the . I ing. His identity was revealed; the y was sent on the first train back his home. Open Door to Evil Chance n c way to the station he sobbed u ii his tears, "Well, my in carlots. - have paid for t e labor several times. Good wintering -pays in every way. , at o The planning of work far in ad- Besides getting mad at oneself on ac- line with Mr. Hanna's counsel to cense will in many cases make many count of one's own carelessness is, Don't sell lastsspring's lambs in • I a cement floor. Oil may then be ap- , light, unfinished state. Finish them I plied to the hogs with an -erdinarY housekeepers to conserve fats, meats, difference in the course of the year's 1 r Christmas or Easter, and by thus springling can. The hoge-"Will rub sugar, *heat. The goose will furnish working days and possibly months hard on a person's morals._ ...., Replacing a brokers hinge, on the m keting hame-grown feeds, make againstall his own grease and grease to spare ivork. We should also plan on grow- barn door or putting a cheap fastener each otherand thus distribute , for shortening for many days to Com..! , ,_______4,_1-3 teaspoonful soda. 1 big such crops that require the least El $1.50 per lamb, over selling the oil evenly. The hogs should not Amount of time for harvesting com- on it instead of v zing a prop may save r..inutes which, taken as a whole, are 'fianish4 r fattening rations:—Roots done. e fly" •tt the unfinished state.- Winter be let out of the enclosure until this is Patriotic bread appears daily on our i traet-ed, honey, pared with the money and nutritive valuable. Repairing buildings, stop- • • (turnips \preferable if there are any . home table and as- we like white , egg, bread for gala occasions at .1 2-3 cupfuls flour, '4 teaspoon - value. We should also plan on having the ful salt. 1 square mel•ed chocolate., • such crop e that will make •use of a feed because it makes the t•ows pro - and roots, ual parts, 4 to 5 pounds; for biscuits, using suet instead of but- white although the usual amount of ; 2-3 cupful.raisins, 2-3 cupful c op , out th ping cold draughts on the cattle saves wethers) 4tt;is 6 pounds; or ensilage • Apple Dumplings.—Make a c bit as yeast oatmeal bread. The color is farmer's time ars weil as that of the educe more economkally. hqy (clover and fine grass) 11/2 to 3 ter. Roll to a quarter of an inch. white flour is reduced. nuts. Warm honey slightly but do all the work pile up at one time. . in their work more this year1. Oats, 3 parts, bran, pat; I Sprinkle over with sugar and unisn* my stored foods for 1 know brother cat: call me a coward any that this everlast- hired help continuously, and not have ' Farmers as a ss hole have co-operated • pounds; grain mixture as follows,— Cover with a layet• of finely sliced ap- At this point I took a mental walk not let it get hot. Add the soda . s and then the shortening. See that all machinery is well greassi before. There is a great difference, Add the well -beaten egg, the melted 0 . • neat well.. ent're'ilaY Y - ed to prevent rust, housed as soon as ' however, in the amount of work done 2. Oats, 4 parts; , an, 2 pal- cloth!as for Rolly-Poly. Fasten the and yet be et:onomiCal, conserve , chocolate, then the flourand salt sift- ' ingWhtsout nin1;1""vuta child with the ac - cake, isa Part. pound la ends.1Plunge into boiling water, necessary products according. to Mr. nuts cut and floured. Stir stiff, add., cusation being a bah". ot berg a not needed, ass well as all repairs with the same help in a given time on Ithe ed together,eand lastly the raisins an 1 part.. 1 • .thatwe tan have a delicious dinner cinnamon Sew this into cheese • made, each machine being looked over I the different farms. One rnan is amb peorday, and boil rapidly forty minutes. itig more flonr if necessary. coward ha much Worn parts that need to be replaced. advance, another takes plenty of time — yes! eat correctly. I try to remem- by spocinfuls on well -greased thisparnoP bake in a moderate oven. such escape s and o ploits on the Pert of the very carefully to see if there are any hustler and had everything ready in Start with ss Hanna, use home products an h, One binder I saw this summer had for everything and being unable to ber that three times a day and shall i are chafed by\ such. In intuitions? ' been used every. seaso h I t are ter a certain kind of work 1 Thom of us who are acquit' ted with to mi er daring ex- hiveniles who twenty years. It cut venty-two I until the moment it is needed. causes \ acres of grain this year. It could a great amount of wasted tiime. ----;--- - — in maintaining a healthy constitution for a lengthened period. It is not to 1 lif ed from what has been said nieP'ffie By John 11 Huber. M &. M.D. Goose—there is my muscle builder I combinatiOn of juices, such as grape . • 1 . . • mon juice. Crab-apple the vice and crime of a great •ty can pened if this boy had been a litstle &der, if bis heredity had not -been .4 be happy when I have made a perfect \ Fruit -Juice Drink ' habit of thought along this line. I Use lonade, grape fruit juice or a imaginis just what might have haP- jelly can I* boiled to- food, if his money hadn't run out, if it -le water, strained, he had been able to remain in the big e juice of lentons. c:ty long enough to make undesirable fruit juice can be acquaintances. •cious fruitade. Many criminals have confessed be - bars that when they implest of re- hind prison were children they were called cow- - • ', ards. After a while they actually Four meals daily. 7 a.m. Corn- i toast or'a drink of milk mssy be given groups and take care of the sugar- brea ut very thin, win t:tettheee• prtihne: came -to believe that they were neer- meal, hominy, oatmeal, with butter if it does snot take away the appetite group. I can use }limey to make my . civil 'he1 ards, • and in their efforts to acquire allowed e ercise get up a healthy circ- and sugar or milk and sugar or • eat salad' dressing, saving sugar. 1 sary for ese. Pert of the sand - Day -old bread i neres- courage and demonstrate their bra5- they were led to desperate and ulation w •ch enables them to with- eersYen criminal acts. They pebwled needech A well-filled stomath, even ter and salt. A soft boiled egg eery • The ostmeel, hominy and cornmeal Look over my menu as it is going to wic ett j aye jelly or'peanut ot- ' food material, seems i0 act as a pro- toast occasionally. A (Fink of milk. ed 4 hours the day before they are ered all the points: economy, food con -1 stituted for butter. . sab- Mound the dark alleys just to con - though it be of coarse food with little 1 2 or 3 days. Minced chicken on , above mentiorted should such be cook-, be and congratulate me on having cov- , ter or a tout- of salad dreing • 1 bread used The cereal should then be of servation, home -production, patriot -1 Hut coffee or tea for those who „vim* themselves that th,•y were not afraid, that they were not cowards. stand chilltiSand if ' ey can get rough against loss of temperature; but the • chicken are given cereal in smaller ; is strained through a colander and . . Roast Goose with Stuffing . 1 t have it milk, or a fruit drink. and there they, made the acquaint - increase of cold should be met by ad -1 proportion or cut out. 9 am. the should form, on cooling, a jelly like • ctomirgoo Apples Browned Potatoes : Perhaps we shall just lei each one an of the criminals who led them four hours, and. standing in cold I will be served by one of us F eat ed or draughts, such as are found in most , ditional starchy or fatty matter, which juice of an orange. 11 a.m. Rare mass. I help himaelf. - ' s in'o rew and dangercua paths. Even when assimilated will eenerste heat. ' beef, minced or scraped; the heart of a QUE.OTIONS Ab A.' WEBS: I Creamed Onions , if a hilt1 enter* this world handi- The well-known experiment on pigs Iamb chop, finely cut Minced chicken., Large is a 2 Year Id. Patriotic Bread capped by heredity let us not lessen i and draught - • ^ Doilies take the place Of the table- ' more defenceless • , 1 for the ani- carried out years ago by Sir John Baked potato, spinach, asparagus, 1 Pear Salad with Honey Dressing hi. chances of suceess by adverse together and do and, glassesonl platesandnainpdh tii n a Ir nit , cups, 'Lewes showed 'what a large proper- , squash, strained or stewed tomatoes,I. Will you kindly send me a feeding Brownies with Coffee or Fruit Drink : ed. slauciller d great cold flop of the food 'consumed went to stewed carrots, mashed cauliflower. schedule for my 19 months of baby. Hickory Nuts 0 maintain respiration, to which starch ' Baked apple or apple sauce. Steed He is very healthy and as large a a Make Bees Work Overtime I !inner Lamb chop, baked taking the bottle from him entirel - and of ceurage may just as els' y • and oils mainly contribute. !prunes. Stale bread and butter. two year old. 2. Would you ad se • ' Roast Goose tato, stewed carrots, baked apple, Does a baby at his age require one or about ne poun o eat p . s . Stt a bird of weight to allow Plans , are being worked out ins d t ‘h er on to be h ith rin season bees will be le oney-g e g I, instill into the mind of the normal .. \served. s Dress and scrub snssile anti ild should never have sug- ughts of fear and coward- -___40,-- California wherehy at the end of the • y can get GOOD HEALTH QUESTION BOX and my fat product; patriotic bre r- juice ltb If 10112 there is my starch content; I will have' jelly and gra f itether with a 011estion Is of genera: interest It win be,answered through these columns ; ' apples with the goose and a fruit ge Dr. Huber will answer an signed letters pertaining to Ilea . it not, it will be answered personally If stem*. addressed envelope Is en- salad and—for those who like it, a seasoned with Closed. Dr. Huber will not prescribe r individaal eases or make d'agrosla fruitade—these are from the Igroasi Any unspiced, aci Experiments carried out in recent\ thatnim a als should be left to face address Dr. John B. Huber. care or W a Publtibing Co.. 73 West Adelaide LL loroisto. depended on for niineriA matter, vegess used to make a de he full brunt of wet and wind, snow bl 'd rid body -regulating sub- . We shall have the ani mala show that the falling off in milk su ly from cows lying out is little'. needed depends very much on the and frost, and the amount of shelter she first four years of lite are th or none as compared with those kept ' breed, and whether it is in its natural FROM 18 TO 24 81 constkntly tied up, provided the ani - climate.. mals he well fed, and reasonable • cold dnd the colder it is the more is uman formative period. THS. stances; potatoes, onions, canned freshments for our pears, hickory nuts, all home products chhistmas Day. give me more foods in the other Br d -and -butter san shelter is found. Animals which are Food the great defender from shelter they idapt t se yes to tection against cold, the bulk of warm Bran biscuit an winds. AniMais tied' up in undue substance acting as an inner lining and butter. When egg or minced the consistence of thin paste. This ism, deliciousness. warmth during part of the twenty - cowsheds, are in condition._ Ventilat practically always go not work harmonious mals.\ • Aninsals are able to sta with- impunity so long as t under shelter to keep their and can lie'dry. It is the ev of moisture from an animal th es chill, and eensequently the n ty for_sheltering hovels in land Pastures. Wheif topping up fatte, cattle there is no doubt that meat more quickly laid on when they a • restricted in their movements; but in doing this the ultimate object is not e eleed I suggestion. To inspire Courage Faith-thoughts,,thoughts of bravery ins y, oration t caus- cessi- and HIGHEST PRICES PAID For POULTRY, GAME, EGGS 8 FEATHERS. fl rite for I.8111, P. /POULIN CO, 39 BOIIMIC0111111 litarkst, Illoa Qo stile bread and butter. After the two naps a day? Out with • -------- new region where to him that he is afraid. Ile 1 21st month well cooked string beans Answer—Read to -day's article. 2. • By all means. Babies should be tpt vvater in which baking hi flowers are bloomng to see if they , shodbe conatantly assured that he ,, may be g • ng water and dry with clean n dissolVed. Rinse well will continue their work and thereby 13 bra •e, v loyal and fearless. The There are many late -hatched chicks' broth with rice or with stale bread naps. He will most likely take them thwe Rub th outside ''.1th flour mixed with Stuff, and tie into shape. increase the output. daily repetition of these suggestions- ' will contribute much to the actual 2.30 p.m., Chicken, beef or mutton weaned at 1:2 months. 3. Better, two now arriving at roosting age, and the broken into the broth. Custard, corn- anyway:- Babies seem to have just pper. Place in roasting acquirement of\•the very traits of rick of getting them safely to roost- ' starch, plain rice pudding 'or junket. about three functions in life. Take salt an." HIGHEST PRICES PAID without losses from crowding, Bran biscuit and butter or pale bread nourishment, sleep, and wriggle when .•quently with pan dritipings. Add one }Or RAW FURS parr -with reast sldwn. Baste fre- , • haracter thaU,are thnbsuggested; but this does net mean at a child rheating, and thus lowering, their and butter. 6 p.m. Farina or cream neither eating or sImping • 401.1W111. 1 vi So amon 'poultry be set houses an chicks fr ' cupful of water to the an after the andrGINSENG should not be taught eatik.ion ` and ity, is no small problem. ' of wheat (each cooked 2 hours); from Fracture of Collar Bone. ' first half-hour a roastin . forethought. e helps that are saving losses 1 to 3 tablespoonsful with milk and In ease of a brOken clavicle on an , To determine 'time for misting al- N. SIL Never tell children that you suspect • • wire covered frames that caa-eand salt. Drink of milk or malted fore the doctor comes? 2. What is. To make the- •y, eskirit\ off as : Iteferi.ni .. Union lik of Canada • very slow to accuse and suspect them they are i o d'sh nest or un•ruthful. Be progressive poultrymen are sugar or butter and sugar or butter athletic field -what should be done be- low one-half hour each 'pound. 220 St. Paul. St. W. lifostresl. FA. the corners of the brobder milk or weak cocoa. Zweiback or stale the length of time required to repair much as possible of the fat -in the pan. ' of falsehood or theft " Tell them over • Answer--sPut the sufferer flat on Thicken the liquor that, is left with W R ADAMS CO . and •c: again they are the best boys brood coops to prevent the bread and butter. Wheatsworth bis-' the break. first wet with a little cold mill, when sleepY time comes. 1 After 18 months many children will his back, arms by his sides, no pil- and stirred until perfectly smooth. • • • and iris in the world; that they are FREMONT, NEB.. U.13 A. going \to make the noblest of men and Pays The Highest Prices women; that they love honesty and truth.—Dr. Lena Sadler. crowding into the corners cwt. - pATENT YOUR INVENTIONS er Ainnogtetnagi t lar help to be used lat- have better aretthitednand ottbr7ivaernmolre2 Isvoviinebusto rantshetrhea scbut:uhlitolenrsunsdbearti thbe Add boiling water gradually to make Stanley Lightfoot icoawnnivotosgtestauronldsero, t 2 cupfuls bread crumbs, 2 .cupfuls : stewed apples, 1 cupful cureinta, 14 1 teaspoonful salt. Add the stew apples to the bread crumbs, mix well,'11 add the salt and the cleaned currants. Cinnamon Apples These are used as garnish for the goose. cupfuls sugar, 1 cupful wa- ter, 6 medium-sized firm apple*, 1 teaspoonful red cinnamon car.dies. Boil the sugar and water together for live minutes, add the candies. Core , and peel the apples and put into the syrup. Cook very slowly until the apples are tender but not until they break or mash. The red candies give color and flavor. Let the apples: stand in the r•„•rup until ready to use. They should he clear and a bright red' color. Serve round the goose on plat -1 tem. Give one to each guest with dal helping of goose. , Cremated Onions Boil rather small white onions un- til tender. While hot pour over them for each cupful of onions, one -1 half cupful medium white sauce. The sauce may be prettily garnished with finely chopped fresh or finely sifted dried parsley, one level tablespoonful to each half cupful of sauce. t Patriotic Bread 1 cupful liquid, 2 tablespoonfuls sugar, 1 tableapoonful fat, 1 teaspoon- ful salt, Mt cake compressed yeast anftened in 14 cupful liquid, 1 cupful rolled oats, 214 cupfuls *heat flour.; 'mi., proportion makes one lost of Tread chicks to roost early on . ire -covered portable o'clock, and 5.30 p.m.. At about 3 thrown back as far as possible. to the level of the p.m. a cup of broth and a cracker or About six weeks, de that the chicks1 _ e the gravy e right consistenc\ 14,,rne simple dr‘lee )OU thought og at; slatted or 2. fur Itir own use may be 'teluable. bri ges leading uSt ffing for Goose Sooklot of Isfoesnatlos f;e0. Throniu AW R OUR ADVICE Ship to us at once and Reap Benefits of High Prices now prevailing. Prier, Llst and Shipping Tees FRES %eke fur Cu. L Richard Man't. end Aletrat?Jr,WINNIPEO Can4i/3 We Also Buy HIDES and strorA ROOT YOU WILL MISS SOMETHING If fail to attend The Eighth Annual Toronto Fat Stock Show Union Stock Yards, Toronto ough, or behind the bridges and roo s. The chicks will then naturally w ik up to the l roosts when trying to et to then7 former sleeping place on e floor lit -1 ter. It is important to pl e the low flat resists just above the pl e where, they have previously slept n they floor. More entries then ever before, in. chiding rse te•s• that °assets pro. dere. Judging commences 10 a m . Friday, Denember 7th Auction Sale of Show Stock 10 a.m., Saturday, Dscember Ith. .4' The first roosts hr the yottn can well he made in the form movable platform having the roo two inches wide and a foot apart, an the entire under side of the roosting platform covered with poultry wire to keep -the chicks frotn going do through and behind the roost to Sleep on the floor. Even when hundreds of 'chicks are housed in one brooder coop, this plan will prevent them ;rem crowding and overheating, since there is always air below and they will na- turally prefer to sit nn the roosts rather than on the uncomfortable • *ire. , s Amused The King. The King and Queen had an en- thusiastic reception when they visited , the Western General Hospital at 1 Liverpool recently. One man, whol had been first wounded at Mons, told I the King that he had been visited! sifter that battle by Lord Kitchener,' who had mild: "Well, well, bullet wounds don't matter much nowadays!" "But they ain't good for yoar 'ealth,. Majesty," said the veteran, ruNkyrste CUT OUT AND FOLD ON DOTTED ,LINL.1", •••••••••.•.••••=•••••••=100. Willie thought the skating tine, Didn't me the d taster sign, Till- -kersplash -and be Wag in, Icy water to his chin. nab For RAW FUR -3 Ilit 6 .... P Farm Efficiency. ,z; R I watched a farmer some time age while he was feeding the horses, says i a successful stock grower. Th. re were C lc, head in two parallel rows of stalls. Press or i•arcel• mat. 8147) dutyl i•tl ronf urras.t of uarsda ImniliebUy7: n E '1 he oats for the feeding were at, one end of the stable in a vacant stall. Thebar!tails headed to the outside of the The man who did this feeding car- weovivarrreiatpearri,iftothrsx pii,,rt:ei cd: ot ehLeitahtfeeimrisilana ried each horse's basin of oats from that vacant stall to the feed trough of each horse. With sixteen of the mireene.b,.... V:Itz' . RIR:. 7..4:::11roMs.a..S.h:i.C.787........z....A... animals that meant quite a few trips. It meant a good many feet of travel- ing because the barn was about 40 feet ong. I uldn't it have been pretty easy To to have carried a bushel of those oats 0 . along to each stall and saved all the wallyng, or maybe placed the barrel on a wheel -barrow? With a lot of Nchores on hand a few such unneces- sary trips as this would make a differ- , ence of a good many minutes in the datY:1114nwynoruic. think of any unnecessary ' when the chores are being done? steps that yetil....___ake around your barn Maybe it will pa to look a wilil.e. . A rubber, heel has been invented that can be slipped over the high heel of a woman's shoe. • hi while the King and those around him Scald liquid and pour over rolled • your laughed. ,•• Get Highest Prices From the World's Gluiest Fur House Th. Mr nowilt hrrg Al. liskanfe,tnr-r. An In th• III•r1r0 • .Ont Figunk, cnnol Mink. mo•It 1......,if-siwatrig- 5.. turd pion dent waft! 3'.p ay while tt• market le gond Year cheek env!, 4.1 by restore aaall. woUlts. 11000, II rtc. Ira . 111.4.01M dee. ru:grnmKAti.r0:1144Zik 00 1.41•111. 414 P.m..., sm. Recluse locusts are riAt in nitrogen and phosphoric acid the government of Uruguay has appointed a commission to ascertain if the bisects cannot e utilized in fertilizers, soap and lubricasts. e agell.1111111101massommammum"-----