HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-11-29, Page 3TUE
Additional Sewer Construction Decided ---
Upon-The Fuel Situation. Wultamson Overcomes Troubles of Five
Yearn' Standing by Taking Teslac.
The regular nteeling of the own coun-
cil was held on Friday, 16th inst., with all "I have never been so surprised over
the members present. anything as I have over the results of
Arming the communications received Tanlac in my case,"mid ,William William -
was one from Sir Adam Beck, chairman son. a wee= :mown brick mason living at
of the Ontario Hydro -electric Power 1115 St. Clarens avenue, Toronto. re -
Commission. stating that payment for the cently.
O. W. S. Railway rails now being shipped • "My kidneys have been bothering me.
would probably be made to the muntci- I for four or five years." he continued,
palities before the end of the year. "but during the past year other ailments
From the local board of health was a I set in and kept me feeling miserable
recommendation that, in addition to con- nearly all the time. 1 had terrible pains
stuction of sewers as reconmended on across my back, especially when I stooped
September 20th. a sewer be constructed I over or tried to lift anything; then rheu-
on Victoria street from St. David's street matisnl settled in my right leg, and at
to Britannia road and on Britannia road times 1 simply suffered torture from it
from Victoria street to Cameron street, The pain was so sharp and cutting at
these sewers being necessary on sanitary times I would almost drop in my tracks,
grounds and desirable in the public in- My appetite went square back pn me and
terest. This recanmendbtiow was adopt- nothing 1 would eat tasted right. 1 was
ed very nervous -could hardly sleep -and 1
The finance committee recommended would just roll from one side of the bed to
payment of a number of accounts; also other, and many a night I have not
that 1w action be taken on the request of closed my eyes for sleep at all. I just had
the National Sanitarium Association for a that dejected, wornout feeling, had no
grant energy and didn't care for anything.
The special committee recommended "One day a friend of mine said: 'Why
that the resolution as submitted by the
Ontario Municipal Electric Association
with reference to the appointment of a
Senator to look after Hydro municipal
interests be adopted and forwarded to
the Government; also that no advertise-
ment be placed in "Heaton's Annua."
this year.
The public works coxnrnittee recom-
mended that nu action be taken on the
request of Mr. Allen Jones for permission
to cut down a tree on Napier street; that
the trees on Sinks street be trimmed,
but that no action be taken on the re-
quest to repair the drain on Hincks street
at present; that the town lot south of
Victoria school be rented to W. A. Wa.ton McKibbon, m,
Harley -Malting. Si 2s to 31.e, pet
Chisholm for cultivation next year for the Wingham by J.la IR,BI 111th btuhel
Veit. GEO. HkILEMANN, os•rEco
PATH. epeiMll.t In women's and obs
n's dr.earss, at nit.:bionic end oervooadla
ord. ie, esti, ear, r.ae .td (Meal...partial deaf
•.., lumbago and rheumatic 000deinea Ade-
solur no,ovet ebb. ut the knife. Onto* at
resideoce, oorner N.1 un u.d tit. Andrew's
Berta Al tome of ice Moodayr, Thursday,
.ad Saturday. al y esroing by eppo4utmeot.
Ureduate '1 ,a• neo University. Uraduate
o) • k allege of le ntal Surseour.�M Ualue•
Buoose.a.r to the late Major
tier eoeue sad Wow signet. (Sod•rk•h.
6..a R. Oodeelcb. All lost' actions by mail
M lett et Signal . alt a will be prulitte11 at
torrid to X Idesee tel. I hon. 0e _ -
BAIHKIWI ICH , 134.11(w1uH, noTARY
rm,.-N�erllnn Hark H1.a k, Memetas exist.
ddedel.. Teleebuee ee
lasal lunate 1 out.. .rid liourai.ce.
BVibs'I LIoa. 501.11 1101515. N(YTAR1I8
Pt:BLit', Ell'.
Odie a ihe8yua'e,.sit.uddour from Bam-
Miro.t ..1. boot b.
4'rlr..,• ler, d. to sue. al Wwrat ratan.
W. P.t„ orotrr, K.U. J. L. l.rl.•nsaa
H. J. U. COQ a
t,. t aMERub, Y, U.. HAKE'S
.ulklta. aetuy pubIle. UOees
may,. v,irrl R.drr Mh t fid door fr
Mho onAihit At t lair. et tarp,a d ch bymit .
Hosper. -r arta batt a s.m. to 6 p.m.
GO S _ R C 1 ONT
4 µ,tug✓N., ••✓.• - , ---
XXXXXXXXXXXX>sf>.f> >rX>,r>. X•XX>slX><>rX>rX>~>rXXXXXXXX
TORONTO, Nov. 27. -The Board
of Trade official market quotations
for yesterday:
Manitoba Wheat (In store, Fo.t Wuuarllr
Including 2'/ecu Tax).
No. 1 northern, 33•
No. 2 northern. 33.205,,.
No. 3 northern, $2.1754.
No. 4 wheat, 33.10%.
Manitoba Oate On store, Fort William).
No. 3 C.W., 79tyc.
No. 3 C.W., lac.
Nitre No. 1 feed, Tac.
No. 1 feed, 72,4c.
American Corn (Track, Toronto).
No. 3 yellow-Nomlual,.
Ontario Oats (According to Freights 011t -
side ).
Nu. 1 white -74e to 75c, nominal.
Nu. 3 white -73c to 74c, nominal.
Ontario Wheat (Basis in Store Montreal).
Nu. 2. winter, per car lot, $2..12
Peas ``According to Freights Outside).
No. 2-33 70 to $3. s0.
A▪ rley (According
50 )Freights Outside).
MaltBuckwheat (Accordingto Freights Out.
Buckwheat -81.45 to 81.50.
R • (According to Freights Outside).
don't you try Tanlac, 1 have taken it, N. 2-$1.75.
Manitoba Flour (Toronto).
and it surely did do me good So with gtr,t ),atemta, in )rte nag■, 31[.60.
[)tat l began taking Tanlac and improv-
second palenls, m jute baga, Ill.
ing every day. l have now taken four Strong bakers', In jute twgr, 110.60.
bottles, the rheumatism .never troubles Ontario Flour (Prompt Stopmtnt).
me at all. and my kidneys are in fine
shape. My appetite is line and every-
thing I eat tastes good and agrees with me.
Winter, according to &le. 39.1e
Montreal, $9.70 Toronto, $3.70' bulk, sea-
Mlll• rfdsed (Car Lots Delivered, Montreal
Freights, Rags included).
MY nerves are strong and steady now. I I Bim, per ton. 337, shorts, per tool
sleep like a log, and all my tired. de- $42: nllddlines, per ton. I45 fp f1'
pressed feelings are gone. I now have forces tour, per bre, 13 25.
my old-time strength and energy Hay (Track, Toronto).
No. 1, per tun, $16 to 317; m
and feel like myself again. Tanlac , 40, 315.
has certainly been a great thing for me I • straw (Track, Toronto),.
and 1 can't praise it too highly.' Car Iota, per ton. is Se to 39.
Fa mo s' M rk t
Tanlac is sold in Goderich by E. R. gall wheat-dtrlun r. is Ile V•1
in Seaforth y r
b C Abe hartm I
Wigle, Coude wheat -Mies to i3.ln per buah•L
sum of 820, the town retaining sufficient Hensall by A. M. E• 1Smenim Wroxeter
land off the north side of the lot to ex- by White City Drug Store, John
tend Raglan street through the -property if by J. N. Allen, in Londesboro'W. S.
so desired by the council. O. Loundsberty, in Exeter by
The fire committee reported that the Howey, in Bruceheld by Peter
draft bylaw submitted by the Provincial Bowey and in Dashwood by Tiernan
Fire Marshal had been comparc'tf with the Edighoffer. ADVT.
present bylaws of the town and thathe tthe draN
latter cover the provisions
bylaw as submitted.
These revels were all adopted.
A special xu'lrttt� ittee on sewers, com-
posed of the Mayor. Deputy Reeve and
Councillor Moser, reported as follows:
Your committee appointed to kook into
the matter of construction of a sewer on
Victoria street from St. David's street to
Britannia road and on Britannia road
from Victoria street to Cameron street
beg to report that the board of health
has passed a resolution recommending
that this sewer be constructed. \'our
committee has also made arrangements
with the Bank for sufficient funds to con-
struct this sewer to Elgin attenue this
fall and to carry amount advanced over
until next summer when the sewer can
be completed and debentures issued. We
have also had the necessary notices
published in the paper and the solicitor
prepare a bylaw which we herewith sub-
mit. AM we recommend that what we
have done be approved of and adopted
by the council and that the sewer be con-
structed to Elgin avenue at once.
This report was adopted by the mun-
cil and the action of the committee ap-
file matter of putting a new roof on ry
the stable at the tire hall was left with towards the exhibition to be
the public worksget d thatttee. in Goderich next January.
It was suggested that the town might Bylaw No. 17 authorizes the additional
sewer construction as already decided
A vote of thanks was passed to Mrs
Hamilton and the ladies who assisted her
in collecting the funds for the town's share
of the cost of providing Christmas dinner
for the men of the lli ist Battalion who
are now in England.
KIWI lilt, etwi i,, N. esiteltor, eta., Oode•
kinsr. Notary Public sod Uavefaeeer.
lite -1 oast Hoses Ooderiok. IS'&
&oI ItJ 0P MUTUAL Fist. Ili
sURANCE CO. -Pons and Imleted
5.,w n property Insured.
Oaiwr.-J r. t,u.,,a,ny, Pre... Oodericb P.O.;
ler. k:vao. Vice -Plea. )lerabw."d P. O.;
I'homiar h. Ite1 Sea -Tress., 8eaforth P. U.
u.reotoee-ll. lF. McGregor. /Sealant' • Jobs
]. Ur lean Winthrop ; w' Ilhem Hann Coa tens;
lobo Bonnews iirod hasten ; (leo. Kinn,
Soefortb ; Ito Fortin Matlock ; Meledm
Mel wen, b4 upatdd. Uudt rich ; Alex.
Agents: .1. N. Yeo. ,
L 1 InLeitchcbleyWl f„•t 101k9n; William -bbolder, oso pe/
aeew,aesors and their cards r elpted , ed a.
R. .1. Moert.b's Clothing ul.ore.
1 012. Orooery, glneetuo at loderfo5. or
J. M. Head's General Slur., Hayfield.
EVy loss. Appy to IL 0. CA]t
N. Bordater Hemline. Omit. (i0A0tleb.
'h. Y. s der L W. d ri We not rates
Cl end Cboirma.lerof Knox cherish.Hp Teacher
of Pingo, Vocal and Theory. a PupilsStudi-corner
for Comer tato• y
B.Itaeola road and eoutb street. Telephone
No. 21R.
A BJSL H, [sod Ora, TEACHER l',revered
\ V Woe. Piano 1and Organ.
MR. W.rl_l1 HBI k'9 Britannia read.Apply at
town whose owners have not complied
with the bylaw. A notice was passed
renewing the instructions to the police to
enforce the regulations. I
The fuel situation was up for dissension.
The Mayor said he had some days before
received a letter from the Fuel Controller,
Oats -74c to 75c p.- hostel.
Buckwheat -Nominal.
Bye -According to sample, nominal
Hay -Timothy, 317 to 119 per tun; mtg-
ed and clover, 815 to 315 per tun.
Winnipeg. Nov. 26. -'there was an ex-
cellent demand fur all tosoles of oats to.
day. Including both cash and sutures, 1a
spite of the higher pricer. Spreads were
unchanged to Sac higher, Offerings were
fairly heavy.
Cash barley. was also In fair demand.
Prices were a fractleo higher.
There was a fair trade in cash flax,
with quite a lot being placed against,*lte
futures. Prices we,e a little ttrmer 1■
• • T� 11>r
sympathy with markets in the south.
who said he had intercepted a car of coal The wheat situation was unchanged, In
and sent it to Goderich. He understood
odea future,, the volume of trade wily
also that several cars had been received in the day w4 fair, and some good buy.
ars were 1n evidence. Later the market
by the MacEwan ttrm during the last few was quiet. oats futures closed 3c higher
for November, 2%c up tar December, and
No action was taken, it being under- 154c higher for May.
Barley closed unchanged• fur November
stood that the Mayor would continue his "1,.11424c higher' roe May.
correspondence with the Fuel Controller. closes 3Y.c nigher' for. Novemwr,
A committee, consisting of the Reeve seg for December and 4c for May.
and Counctllors Clark and Wallis. was ap- Winnipeg market : Oats -Nov„ 79tsc
pointed to six: what could be done to have ttoo 79'ic; Dec.. 750 to 75c; May, 77 yrs
Goderich made a training centre for Barley -Nov. closed 85,23, May dosed
soldiers to be drafted under the Military 11.26.
Service Act. It was suggested that the t lax -Nov., $3.06 to 13.10:._,Dec., 32 03
Wheel Rigs factory building could be to 32 9353: Mar. 32.92 to $2.94%.
Cash prtces : Oats -No. 2. C.W., 73e•
used as an armory..v No, 3, C.W., 76%c; No. 1 extra feed.
Two bylaws were given their three 74Yac; No. 1 lead. 725Sc; No, 2 do
readings. 165ic.
Bylaw No. 16 makes the following Barkei-No. 2. 81.244: No. 4. $1.l$%;
grants: Goderich public library. 8900 for rejected and teed. 11 09.
1917. to be paid in instalments as requir-
ed: Alexandra hospital. 1.100 for 1917, on gsmeary. 3ov. C. W., 0a66tic: No. 2 fee
the usual conditions; Huron County 69'5c;
Poul[ and Pet Stock Association, 525 Barky -No. 3. $1.06%: No. 4, 31 02"4.
urs of Quality Popularly Priced
• We are showing some exceedingly smart styles in Fur Sets which, for richness
X and moderation in price, would be hard to equal. We quote a few of the leading
numbers :-
Misses' Smart Natural Fox Set. A
most attractive set of natural Wolf.
Stole trimmed with head and bushy
tail, and Targe Pillow Muff. Special
$18.75 set.
Handsome set of natural Red Fox,'
$ Stole and Muff in the season's latest
X style, beautifully trimmed. Special
• $39.75 set.
■ Children's White Thibet Sets.
In all countil-es. Ask for our INVLft-
Q'OItS ADVISKR,whlch win be sent tees
114 Univefsltr at.. Muntr4M '
invest in the Victory Loan bonds by tak-
ing 125.000 from the furniture factfiery
sucking fund for that purpose
it is p ibi Pe ailvisable to do that is to
be reported Duplin by the (thence com-
mittee after consultation with the solicit-
The question of dog licenses again came
up, there being sell some canines around
The council then adjourned.
TORONTO, lifov. 27. -Trading at
the Union 9t1 Yards yesterday for
practically, "atirffasses of cattle and
small stuff as 'deep, Iambs, and
calves, was marked by a good steady
to etron-g dtmand,__Nilb_an_pdvan_e
lite Leading
Funeral Directors
asd Embalmers
Orders carefully attended to
at all tents. night or day.
r► -s^^ +..... v.....--e-
The Best Newspaper
in Western Ontario
the 1Lonbon
all Mail Editions SP Per Year
THE KAt83ER:-=near Madame Canada, you've given your sons; why ahocld you give y',ur money so welt!
JACK CANU:K:-Because a good housewife knows that a hones hall -swept Isn't swept at all. Cana4a's
Victory War Loan mem a clean Weep!
Misses' handsomely trimmed natural Wolf
Set, extra Targe, and Muff in pillow
shape trimmed with head and tails,
Special $25.0) set.
Most attractive set of Black Manchurian,
Fox Set, Black Wolf Sets, Stoles in the
latest styles, and Muffs in pillow or the
new round styles so popular this season.
From $15.00 set.
Handsome Coon Sets.
Lovely Warm Sweater for Every Member of Family
Our stock of Sweaters is now most complete and includes all the best makes of
Monarch Knit, Penman's Pen -Angle, Turnbull's Shaker Knit and Dr. Jaeger high-class
Sweaters and Hug -me -tights.
Women's Monarch Knit Pure Wool Turnbull's Ceetee Australian Wool Shak-
Sweaters, heavy rib weave, shawl col- er Knit Coats for women and men,'
lar and sash. Colors, ,Paddy, Melon, shawl collars. This coat is one of the
Copen, Scarlet. A handsome garment best values
toBrown, beWhad. Special Colors,
for dressy wear, at $9.50. Navy
Dr. Jaeger All -wool Plain and Brush Knit Sweaters in newest styles. These
Sweaters, though light weight, are exceptionally warm. Colors- Rose, Cadet, Maroon,
Melon, White. Special $10.00 each. ,
Sweaters for Boys and Girls, in all styles. Largest stock in town to select from. -
1. PHONE 56M illar s Scotch Store PHONE $
011`.1.■1a■111u■■■■■■l.■iiiiiii iiii*S III[)1111111101111R1K><I/x
MU Mensal_ COUNCILS, I Rise and Flight of a Winged Insect," an-
tnnearly all 1'neb of cattletom ". t 5c I - other of his inimitable Fables in Slang. -
4U t
to c per cwt.
EAST WMA' ANOSH. recti , of course, the three vastly M-
receipts were_27a cars, 4,331 Minutes of council meeting held on teresting and' absorbing serials are con -
5.020, 322 calves, 3,641 hogs, and tinned -(liven Johnson's "Virtuous
5,020 sheep and lambs. November 19th. All the members prestnit. Wives," "Camilla,'' by Elizabeth Robins,
LIVERPOOL and MARKh`IS. Minutes of last meeting were read and 'The Restless Sex," by Robert W.
and -Confirmed. More witnesses were Chambers.
L;verpool. Nov. 26. -Beef. extra India present giving information regarding claim
meas. .•2k. of George T.Robertson for sheep worried News Needs for the Moine.
seri proms moss, western, 3061. y Everyone in Canada is eagerly watch -
Hams, cline cut. L4 to 16 Ins.. 300. and des[ro •ed do,gslalrly. Mr. Currie
Bacon, Cumberland cu:. 26 to Iba, moved. seconded M' Mr: Irwin. that Mr• ing for w,rld•t ide and war news, and
152x. Robertson's account of 8120 in this matter a,s'ti ono i. -o ..,:,,,.,•H,' a' t„ be in-
Wtltrhlre cut, 152.. be paid. Carried. 1'he sum of $. K) was •
Cleoarheliiea, 14 to 1s It's., 160x. scold (1d1et'cnl L tl . 1 , i,�5't, Petri
Long clear middles, Ilgfit, 29 to 34 las.. order o be paid J. Logan on the Walsh an l distr.ct 'l he \L,i..dut F.u4nrc�(nd'1'' s
160• drain. he usual bylaw for appointing Sigea1.onsie.01 .. :,,.nbinahon of\news
Short clear hacks, 16 to 20 the . ,STs,- duh' read and passed. The following ac- rrar)gemenls by which we ran er
Long clear middles, hea
vy. 35 to 40 ohs. place of nolninatlon,'D. R.0.'s. etc.. was that is worth while, and .we have ad. -
15 lift
Shredders. square. 11 tlt''13 1hs., 128a.
Lard, p:imc western, In tlerh,t, 113e;
American refined, In palls. 1361 3d; do..
In boxes, 1:P.'s
Tatlow. Australian in London, 72e.
Turpentine spirits, 1013.
Rosin, comn'un. 49e W.
Petroleum. refined. 1■ 0%d.
War kerosene. No 3. is 3%d.
Llneeed nil, 61s 6d.
CottonReed oil, sag 6d.
Fast Buffalo, Nov. 26. -Cattle-Re-
erupts, 6200; active !land Rem. Prlgte
steers, 613 to. 315; stripping steers.
611.50 to 313; huterhers, 39.50 to 612;
yearlings, $11.60 to 313; heifers. 37 to
$11.25; cows. 34 to $10; hulls, 36.75 to
39.76; stockers and feeders. 16.50 to
3r ung cats tsum
pnneeM, active
and er
Veals-Reee4pta, 300: firm; 37 to 615.
hogs--ltR'elPUI. 13.600; easy. Heavy.
317.75 to $15; mixed and yorkers,
317.65 to 317.75: light y orkers. 117.26
4,o $17.50; islg's, 617 to $17.25; roughs,
$16.25 eo $16.50; stags, 614 to 115.
CHICANO LI t'K 511114 K.
Chicago. Nov. 26 -Cattle -Receipts.
36,000, market weak. .peeves, 37.35 to
514.55, western steers, $6,15 to 313.65;
stockers and feeders. $6 to•3:1.15; cows
and heifers, 35 to $11.75; calves. 87 to
313, -
Hoge -Receipts,. 55,000; market weak;
light, $16.80 to $17,85: mlxe1, 117.30 to
317,30 to' 317.50: pion. $13 to $16.25; rough,
"1 sales. $17.50 to 317.9e.
Sheep and Iambs -Receipts. 27.000;
market unsettled. lambs, native, $12.21
to 517.10,,
Calgary, Nov. 36. -Cattle rerelDte were
may and -310 rte 110.50, Pe -
p steady. D
mond was keen. Over 100 carr of stock
were shipped from this market over Sun.
day. the largest hualneen ever done 1n
twenty-four hours at these yards. Hogs
are steady' at 316.50, and sheep are firm,
counts were paid: D. Robxrtsoo, repair-
ing culvert on concession 9, 110; I lowsonl
& Lawson, bridge plank, 74.05; William
Love, balance contract building bridge,
copctssion 9, 139; Robert Shiell. inspect-
ing ::hove bridge, $11; Jas. Logan, part
payment contract 11'alsh dram, 3.15);
Thomas M. Walsh, ihspectinptr above
drain, 340; Geo. T. Robertson, sheep de-
stroyed by dogs, 1120; 1'. Scandrett, wire
for fence on east boundary. 310; J. N.
Campbell, attendance IT drainage mat-
ters and inspecting on east boundary. $10;
R. Chamney, posts for guard fence; 310.2(1;
M. Fitzpatrick, building culvert on conces-
sion 4, $4; A. I3;or, gravelling on ..cones
cions 8 and 9, $71, IS; Wm. Lowe, Inspect -
them both - the two together -from
now until January I, 1919 for 74.75. T
bi : city daily and your best foal paper
leave nothing to be desired, and contain
all that .is Ilnssible to know. Send or
bring all orders to office of this paper.
To thr 'Editor of The Signal.
DEAR.SIK, -The strong arm of Great
Britain reaches out tar tonight across the
western front of a foreign land, and
backed up to some extent at (east in ac-
tual lighting men by whatever army the
United States has thus far been able to
ing same, '37.;0, J. Wilson, lumber for send to the war -hacked up by every
ytuard fences, $411.•-,',t; fie gravel William loyal patriot oftlle Republic to the south,
Salter 110.140. 5: Morton 11.40, William and, greater still, hat ked up by his "bank
Fothergill ' 12.1(1, J. J. Kerr 12.60, W. F. roll" the British and allied 1. rces at this
Vanstone 32.540, Robert Shiell 31:40: 'M. moment are t ereateni g t re pas a es ay
Henry. shovelling gravel, SLIM). Council I to the Rhine. It cannot be denied that
adjourned to meet again o'er December .1S, at this very hour Cleat Britain feels the
at 10 o'clock`. A. I'ORTERFIELD, Clerk. assistance of the U.. S A. as her armies
are hushing forward, on to Berlin.
Tlx: United States was late in coming
to the tight, but nevertheless it came in
Canadians Receive Decorationss,
LONDON, Nov. 27. -The follow-
ing Canadiens have received
tions: liar to Military
Harold Portal Durrell, railway
troops. Military Cross -Capt. Oliver
Marteg of the infantry; Capt. Wil'
Ilam ()erring Cheep; Lieut. Thos.
Wallace Clarke, rattwaya, ee )1 110.
Rotated Conduct Medal
Hunter, railways; Corp. H. Percival,
Infantry; R. F. Strpe, artillery.
To Exempt Mennonites. •
KITCIIENEit, Nov, 27.-A depu-
tatIon of Mennonite bishops and
Clergymen waited on Slr Robert
Borden, Prime Minister, during his
visit to Kitchener. and asked that
Mennonites be exempted from com-
batant military service. They were
gillte willing to be disfranchised.
Air Robert Intimated that tbo request
would be granted.
will prove a mental itlrptlltl5 to those' Who I the crucial mo,menl: the fact remains
love good literature. Articles, serials and that Uncle Sam and his sons and their
short stories by the world's foremost ' cash are today playing a part in the drive,
writers, illustrated by the most brilliant in view of this would it not, sir, to
artists of our time, are not only interest- . on y filth( to call the attention of your
ing and entertaining, but highly inspir- readers at this time to the statements
stromal as well, ` made by.Sir R. L. Borden and his col -
Fannie Hurst, with her characteristic leagues - the same R. L Borden who is
skill, has woven a beautiful tale oftrue at the head of the Union Government of
and unselfish love in "On the I leights." today and who seeks re-election on Der -
'•The Other Lobster," the first instalment ember 17 next --to the fact that prior to
of a two-part story by Gouverneur September, 1911, his warning•to the people
Morris is written m the customary
of Canada was to "Beware of the Yan-
fascinating manner of this versatile writer, I ser... i leave it with you and your
and Edith Macvane offers a problem for readers, sir, to decide -is the Yankee 0 a
deep and serious discussion in "For She rogue that Borden would have had us be -
Loved Much." There is another enchant- ! lieve in 1911? 1f you decide in the af-
ing Henry the Ninth story. by Samuel r firmative, then go to the polis and vote
Merwin, entitled "The Stimulant." and - for R. L. Borden and his associates; but
"in Came a Fat Man," by George Ran -if you decide that Borden was wrong -
eolith Chester. the IOlst story written i and surely he was grossly wrong -then
around the chara:ters of Wallingford and •how can you trust him now? The ti"an-
Blackie Daw. . kee, sir, is fighting side by side with Can -
Rex Beach reveals himself lin the new ada's hest today; the lkxxl of the boys
light of a humorist in ' On the Trail of the of the Union Jack and that of the fol -
Cowardly Cougar," which relates his and, lowers the star-spangled banner are
Fred Stone's experiences when they went' mingled on the faraway fields of France.
'mountain -lion hunting in the wilds of Can R. I.. Borden "pull the bluff" again
Northern Arizona. -'as he "pulled" it in 1911? What would
"Some Axioms of War Work," the have happened --where would you and 1
second of a series of brilliant articles by be tonight, had Uncle Sam remembered
the slur and joined the forces of Germany?
inspiration to the women of this country This is only one. but one well worthy
Arnold Bennett, will Drove a real
who are anxious to assist In war work. of note. (Inc example 01 the weakness and
I lerbert Kaufman has written another narrow vision of the leader of the Union
capacious article, "Stars, Not Scars," Government. Yours truly,
ber Cosmopolitan
Cosnoixdrtan, now 00 sale.
while Eila Wheeler W'ilmx writes of
"Knowledge" as only a brilliant and
gifted woman may.
Lillie Langtry. the famous beauty, tells
) old KLeopold of
Things you can't explain are generally
none of your business, anyway.
of het meeting h r int 1 r King
Take care of the tomorrows. the yes-
B(Home e elgium in her nterestin terdays will take care of themselves.
Ad contributes "Tmemoirs--are he 1• -able of the