HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-11-22, Page 5,1 J2 !t THE SIGNAL 7 GODERTCH ONTARIO the majority is Robert Gibbons, who died at the residence of his dattlthter. Mrs. Andrew S. Dempster, 1712 West (:rand boulevard, Friday. Mr. Gib- bons was born rn Potsdam. N. Y. When the war broke out he joined and served three years in the Twenty-fourth Michigan inlantry. Returning toDetruit he married Miss Helen Thorburn, and for a time was on the staff of the old Post and Tribune. When The Michigan Farmer. which had been discontinued during the war. was revived, he became its publisher. and after the death of R. F. Johnstone in 18000 becamefitsteditor, a position he occupied thirteen years, in which time The Michi- gan Farmer became the leading agricult- ural journal of the midwest. Later, Mr. Gibbons was connected with the Twice -a - Week Free Press, remaining with the paper until the edition was discontinued. As editor of The Farmer he became identi- fied with Michigan's agricultural and livestock interests. concerning which he possessed a mine of information. and was regarded as an authority. He always took a deep interest in Grand Army affairs. was a member of Fairbanks Post, of which he was past commander. sec- oonnd to hold the positron; later he was Post No 384. Of his • a tilt.. 98� •Qo,.id Batt.,, toll. elk. botary keen Amuroar. When You Put Up Your Car for the Winter don't leave the Battery .n th. cu. Deterioratiou w 111 surely result. Bring It here Sud have it properly cared tor. We iunpect and tart ft periodically, tururtug yuur bat- tery to be in A.1 condition In the spring The charge to uouiival. East Street Garage GODERICH - - - ONTARIO Arthur M. Glow "Owned cad Operated by a Practical Man" For Good Reliable Shoe Repairs, try Srrilth & Ring 30 East Street. Opposite Knot Church Give Us a Trial GRAY HAIR Dr. Tr.n.ain • Motor& Hour R.•lorativ., .n.d u erected. r p,.r.nt•ed toelm..v. pe 1414 dr0 n.t.r., o.* w on5V ,. ,...a.. 1Y non..n,.. R.c.:I pow.pud W,.. Tr.-ara agrir C.' Tei was. Ow. On M• .n Gad.nch u .1 A Cunpb.ir. Dn.• Ston, cos. N.rdtSr..nd Saw, Many a so-called self-made man is the Handiwork of his wife. Life wouldn't be worth the living if it were a continuous succession of pudding aid ice cream. GENUINE RUBBER GOOna.—If you are not a good judge of rubber, you must rely upon the word of some responsible druggist. Buy tubber goods from ua and avoid the cheap made -to -salt kind. in sav- ing you this risk we can consistently claim to have aided You. See our rubber goods and compare quality and prices with those found elsewhere. Household rub- ber goods, sickroom supplies, rubber gk,ves. bottle fittings, etc. We buy rub- ber goods in jobbers' quantities and save their share of the profit, which we give to you. E. R. W IGLE, druggist, Goderich, Ont. r Singer- Sewing Machine Free 1. OR our contest this year we are able to make w : 5 an unusually attractive announcement—one of the celebrated Singer Sewing Machines, in M sj solid walnut, worth $60.Ot1, to be given away absolutely free on Christmas Eve, December 24th. HOW TO WIN IT A coupon will be given with every 25c purchase at this store, on which the holder will be entitled '• to guess the number of marbles and bullets in the jar in the window. \The following have consented to act as judges : Messrs F. Woollcombe, Thos. Mitchell and W. H. Robertson. THIS, IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY T to uy your Christmas Gifts, Children's Vb'ear, Fat v Goods, etc., at the SINGER STORE, and chaps win this valeable Sewing Machine. CONTES COMMENCES SAT.. NOV. 17 Prices of . at this store will not be raised on account o \this contest, You will get good value for ever'y; cent you spend here.'z, MISS SUSIE NOBLE, " err LOCAL TO1ICS Grain Cargoes. Arrivals at the harbor fur hthe �Post week were the Atikokan, bushels of wheat, the Glenfirutan, with 135,000 bushels of wheat -both for the m.11; the Mariska, with 133,000 bushels of wheat and barley; the 1'alcartier, with 225,000 bushels of wheat and oats, and the Hutchison, with 11)3.000 bushels ut wheat -all for the elevator. Judge Morrison Drowned. Duncan Morrison, judge of the County Court of Prince Edward, was drowned in the Bay of Quinte at Picton on Thursday of last week. It is supposed that he tell off the pier. his body being discovered some tithe later in the water. He was seventy-tive years of age and is survived by his wife,'two daughters and two sons. Mrs. H. I. Strang, of Goderich, is a sister of the deceased. A Good Performance. • "My Irish Cinderella" was played ba- 1 fore a large audience at Vidona Opera' House on Wednesday night. The com- pany was a good one and the production was well received. A feature of the per- formance that was especially pleasing was the program rendered by the Gode- rich Orchestra, which played some ex- cellent music in a very creditable manner, under the direction of Mr. Taylor. Stars at the Model. In keeping with the policy of getting the very best ,obtainable, the manage- ment of the Model Theatre has procured the latest release of the two popular stars, Ethel Clayton and Carlyle Black- well. "Broken Chains." the story in which they will appear /next Wednesday and Thursday, is,one which will especially appeal to patrons of the Model, as it THEATRE MODEL PRICES 1Oc and 15c FRIDAY AND SATURDA *"ar NOV. 23 and 24 ""' All-star Program br CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG and SIDNEY DREW in "Jerry's Mother-in-law" AND Norma Talmadge and Courtenay Foote in. Just Show Folks" ALS() James Aubrey and a Paula Blackton's Coun- Company of Vitagraph try Life Stories .. Fun Makers in "Dubs and Drygoods" "The Collie Market" MONDAY AND TUESDAY NOV. 21; ,,TUESDAY Attraction Extraordinary, a Super Feature WILLIAM GILLETTE in ttA "Sherlock Holmes" 7 reels Episode No. 3, GLORIA'S ROMANCE i "A Perilous Love Featuring charming BILLIE BURKE Also a Musty Suffer Comedy One show ( o'clock) ADVANCE IN of length of program NO WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY WM. A. BRADY presents Ethel Clayton and Carlyle Blackwell --- IN ". `-Broken Chains" and a Mutt and Jeil Comedy ` i� !J .,, IIOne of the most danger- ous and repulsive forms of Kidney Disease is BOPS for which Dodd's Kidney Pills are the only certain curs. In Dropsy the Kid- neys are actually dammed Lai: the water, which should be expelled in the forst of urine, flows back and lodges in the cells of the flesh and puffs out the skin. Remove the frith which plugs up the drain. Restore the Kidneys to health. There is only one Kidney Medicine DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS OPERA HOUSE WEEK of DEC. 3rd xy; The Master of Mental Mystery ZELL HUNT' SEE The Operations The Hornets' Nest The Fishing Fiends The Dancing Bugs The Local Subjects The Strength Tests The Lover's Dream Doors open 7.30 Performance 8.15 ONE PRICE ONLY No reserve. 25c sti 'tom.-• , 70171arr'r: '.1 a 41 'THURSDAY. Nor, 22, 1917 5 teems with life and action from start to finish. Read the program in the advertising columns for further information as to the plays to be produced at the Model the coming week. M. C. C. Smoker. The Menesetung Canoe Club held the first smoker of the season on Tuesday night. A number of guests were present and the hospitality of the Club seemed to be enjoyed by all. The president, Mr. P. L. Walton, did the honors, and brief but interesting speeches- were given by Rev. R. C. McDermid, the Club's chap- lain, and His Worship Mayor Munnings. Mr. W. H. Robertson also contributed a few remarks on behalf of the Club. An excellent musical program was provided. the Godericli Orchestra playing several selections, a quartette—Messrs. Thomson, Sexsmith, Taylor and Saunders—giving vocal numbers. and Mr. Bell'contributing some good piano music. A light lunch was served and a very enjoyable social hour was spent. Bra, Walter Shipman w s missed during the evening ut he ap- peared before the boys had all dispersed and sang several songs in capital form. .11110 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIinll111111111ggl1IUNlll MIMIP gMMi rpOf1 s at n�ome without MIMEO ictory r d p MOM GIMP 10/0 AMP ammo mom mom BA 'OF CANADA. The Problem of Funds when Travelling Is most :aHsfactortly whs.( by carrying there In Oa. form of Lepers d Credit or Trkvdters' begets Issued by the Ullioti Bask o1 Casada. You can draw against thorn practically. anywhere, In Canada or abroad, aid no one vias can realize on thorn.;,,r- , • Godttr• ich Branch—F..WOQLL:CQM. BE. Manaker. rreji�ef kine chi the ent when a tee anniversary services of ,Ers- acil to be held ne'it Sunday,. and rrtamrnent on Monday evening, grogram will be given in the Agri cultural lien bytirst-clasatalent , ominent in the organisation of Detroit I zeal for and service Catch a( cold before it latches you. 111 to the agriculture of the State there are the truest sYdse you do not ober a cold. many to testify Those who knew him but you fat it catch you. Do you. know. 1 derider him the tribute of re- that ala7ny people never. have colds' spect anpersonaNd esteem due to the sterling tT There is no reason why yoi 'should hay' qualities of his character. Eight children ( them. When you feel **Cold .coming on servive him. do as they do, take Ir: Brown's Cold The above is from The Petroij' l: see Tablets.• , It Will Only take a few doses to Press. Mr. Gibbons was in his early I completely rout it. Keep a box un hand. and begin treatment at the start- Handy days a resident of Goderich. He was ucated here and served his 1!e rues , to carry, i E<, R. WIGLE, Druggist, Gode-) ship in the Signal office. He - nephew' of the late Sheriff Gibbons and rxh an uncle of Messrs. C. A. and J. B. A5}IFIELD. . \ Nairn. • t • • Co*tcE}tT.—A patriotic concert, *»'last- cam+ I)UNGANNON. ing of music, recitations. dialogue* and 1 N►1mNEwAv, Nov. 21. drills, with •be' given in the Agncuttural I Hell, Diittgannon, on Friday, Navert'n\ber THE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE.—The regula •tOth, under the auspices of the Ashfield meeting of the Women's Institute will be Sofdierd' Aid Circle. The clergymen con - held on Thursofdaythee , November the29th Lowhen I netted With the ' members of Circle the report dlegattto nd°n ,have been asked to give short t►ddrethe tisea convention will be given. There will also l Mrs. Allison also will give an address. be a disctsrion on Christmas baking. • • � _. • , ERSKINE CHURCH ANNIVERSARY,. R44- �'-',- 1 - U. C. I, "LUL" The G. C. 1. Literary Society held a meeting on Friday evening last, with the second vice-president, Miss Agnes Saun- ders, in the chair. There was an interest- ing program, including a debate un the subject: "Resolved. that the pen is mightier than the sword." The affirma- tive speakers were Mr. John Donald- son and Miss Thelma Laithwaite, of form 111. B. and those for the negative were Mr. Lionel Macklin and Miss Dorothy Dancey. of form 1I. The affirmative won. An Honor Roll containing the names of the boys and girls representing the G. . C. I. in military service was unveiled by Dr. A. Taylor, and a patriotic address was given by Sheriff u Reynolds. Other n Ewere an instrumental by Missieve Spahr, the reading of the Journal by Miss Emma Wallace, a solo by Miss Esther I iaae,'vatid a play, '.Mary Stuart," by Miss Olive Alien, Miss Alice Nairn-, Mr. Ted Johnston and Mr. Frank Chambers. Rev. Dr. Rutledge also gave a brief ad- dress. Jordan—Proudfoot. On Wednesday morning, the 21st, in St. George's church, G:dench, the mar- riage was celebrated of Isobel Hill, only daughter of William Proudfoot. Esq., K. C., M. P. P., and Mrs. Proudfoot. and Ernest Hastings Jordan. , Lieutenant of the Canadian Field Artillery, at home on wounded leave from the front, only son of Mrs. Jordan. Goderich. and the late F. Jordan. Esq. The officiating clergy were Rev. J. B. Fothenngham, of Brantford, = and Rev. A. L. G. Clarke, rector of Goderich. The bride, wearing her travel- ' ling suit of royal blue velvet with ermin C I furs and a corsage bouquet of sweetheart (roses and violets, entered the church on the arm of her father The bride and = bridegroom were unattended owing to 1 the relatives of the families being on - service overseas. Besides the immediate families. guests from other points were present, including Mr. and Mrs. Hutchi- • son of Montreal, Mrs. McKinnon of De- i • troit, Mrs. Crassweller and Miss Dickson = , of Windsor, Mrs. W. Douglas, Miss 1 Stevenson. Miss Charles and Miss Berth of Toronto. After a short wedding trip the grdom returns to his battery at the front. A Clinton Wedding. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Saunders were at aClinton in attendance at the wedding of Mrs. Saunders' sister. Miss Bessie Glen. The News -Record gives the following ac- count of the event: A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mrs. Margaret E. Glen. Joseph street, at t3 o'clock on Saturday morning, El November 10, when her daughter. Miss 1 El zabeth (Bessie). was united in mar - a riage to Mr. Francis Watkins How, of l monton. Alberta, son of Mrs. How and.of the late Rev. H. How of Annapolis, a Nov Scotia. The Rev. J. E. Hogg per - s.— form cerernony. The b ide entered - the draviingrttom leaning on the arm of SE her brother, Mr. Edward, Glen. to the strains of .hengrin's wedding march played by h V. F. Saunders, the s bride's sister. he bride looked very alchaining in her : artly tailored suit of beetroot vellum t coed with grey fox I fur, hat and shoes to atch and bodice of NS old Chinese lace. Salso werethe groxxn's gift, a very atdtrcxre wriot- watch. A dainty pair of arrings which 1 the bride wore were the o her mother • had worn upon her wedding ay. After te ceremony and while the r ster was being signed Mrs. Saunders • • very sweetly"Because." The groom's ift to• he: wasa pretty cameo ring. Owen o a recent bereavement in the groom's fa 'Iv only members of the immediate famih s = we a present. After partaking 01 a dainty • wedding breakfast Mr. a Mrs. How left on the early train on a honeymoon space , ' =trip which will include Paris, (hitiia ,onto and Niagara Falls and they will then go nn to Edmonum, where te grorxn is E in business. The very many friends of o"Ethe bride in Clinton and surrounding country extend good wishes to the young couple for a happy- and prnrots life uy one or more. M. ROBI Watch this r. Hern's GrOcery Two Good In -vestments Yicrory Bonde and Groceries at Hern's W. HERN Corner Hmmon at, f';:ett Phos. 43 andSqu•r• � iN Do you have headaches? Do your eyes ache? Do your eyes water ? Do you have difficulty when reading? Does the print blur ? These are all indications of de- fective eyesight. Using both the objective and subjective methods of testing we can guar- antee correction of all of these troubles. Falk the matter over with Mr. Sexsmith, our eyesight specialist. If you require lenses you may depend on getting them at the most reason- able charge. Your examination will cost you nothing. H. DUNLOP Stint " week.i together. Death of R ibert Gibbons Oetrnit Ci�npsrp . w ONT. •••••10I One after another. Death claims the G men who marched under the Stars and in 1llllnliumi u itililUtNWlllilii Stripes in the sixties. The latest to join gni li 1 1'. _L _1 Nothing T`oo . Good for 'aur customers—tb*t's • our working principle. It is not extravagance, but • tjie .truest economy,, when you are buying clothes to get Material that will wear, Workmanship that will stand the test, Style that will make for a good appear- ance•, Vont good dollars are well spent, in buying the garments we turn out. R. J. Armstrong MERCHANT TAILOR South Hide Square, (.o•lerieh. Comforts for the Soldiers Some of the Most Practical Gibs te Send Sterpeaa Stoves, very cool pact and useful. • Chckblate Bars - 1t)ovr,l Chewiug Gaon •Oxo Auto Strope Safety Razors Gillett Safety Razors • Snip Gem Safety Razors Comb4 Ever -Ready Safety RAEO.TS , Tooth Brushe* Tooth Pastes Fountain Peas ' • • Also aid the so -fillers by " buying VICTORY BONDS - J. 'A. CAMPBELL Oodericht Ont. nose* NNlb St. W Swan The Se its Coal Co: • Sooeea,oiw to boaaRa t Masan . ExcLUstvie. Galen von .. LEI -1101i VALLEY THE COAL THAT, T1Sl'Itltt We deal in Hard tela' ft Coat,: Lime, Cement. Fire 'B . Fire Clay, 'also Hard and Sof ' ooit, Maple and Hemlock Sla; Fresh cars of Lime a Cement just received: OFFICE PHONE - - - 75 B. ). Saults' Residence 2;5 W. W Saults' Residence 209 li 0 ,t r •A 1t k9 i The Gum of Gumption Cleanses the teeth—sweetens the ' mouth—allays thirst and fatigue. , The Forces in Europe are finding it a great comfort. .rvl r.s'4jp It gives them vim and staying power. 9 It is refreshing to workers everywhere. Smokers will find it soothing and cooling Chew it after}t, every rf meal Mt91111E IN :. CawADA WRIGLEY'S SP. EAPM/Nrr it4Ta Tar 1Yo ull T1,1 PERFECT GUM AVOVAt,„,../.7. Ai SEALED TIENT—BEET RIC.! 1111 II i'."wlrlGEv7s' 1111111 .J u r cY 1 F'R U IT E.47I, 1. tilt F..wtN ll 7NE�LAVUrYh1ASFSY�j q ••TMt FL4VMLIN LAS S" k.: • • 4.7 • it