HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-11-22, Page 44 Tnuasowv, Nov. 22, 191
•. . - ,: + gave a party to about twenty of her
young friends, the evening being spent in
progressive 'euchre and dancing. Mira
Hunter and Mr. Reuben Bogie were the
winners of the prises. After lunch dancing
was indulged in till the eerly hours of the
morning. Mr. Bogie with the violin, ac• 1
companied by Miss Farrish. of Goderich,
and V. Bis on the organ, supplied the
music. The young people dispersed to
their homes voting the young hostess a
fine entertainer.
Saturday will be Suit and
Overcoat Day at
OV EtCC ATS in the new Trench and Shp -on models,
in Meltons, Cheviots, fancy Tweed mixtures.
Prices $13.50 to $26.00.
SUITS. A large range to choose from, at prices much
below present values. $ 12.00 to $25.00.
This is old stock. We have only a small quan-
tity left, so be here early on Saturday. Per garment $1.
When an '
get on their
Walter C. Pridham
'Phone 57
Black as Dirt
About the Eyes.
Liver Was All Up,et and
There Was Pain Under
the Shoulderblade-Two
Brien attended , the funeral of their
brother-in-law. Mr. D. Martin, at White-
church on Monday.
Mr. Robert Stalker was ailed to Flint,
Mich.. last Saturday `o be with his
daughter. Miss Ethel. who was operated
on for appendicitis. We are sled to hear
favorable reports of her conditions.
SAD News. --A message was received
this morning telling of the death of Mrs.
(Rev.) J. L. Small at Hespeler, from
pneumonia. The sad event has cast a
gloom over her many friends here who
had loved her from childhood. She leaves,
besides her bereft husband, two young
children: also her mother. Mrs. McDon-
ald. a sister, Miss ZeUa. and a brother.
William. in Toronto. The sympathy of
the people of Auburn goes out to the
sorrowing ones in the loss of one so
TUESDAY, Nov. 20.
Interesting Letters. Hamm, who was reported wounded in the
fighting in France, is not getting along
very well. and the chaplain of the hospi-
Toronto. Ont.. Nov. 22. -So many people tai sent a letter to his parents on Monday,
suffer from derangements of the liver that stating that it had been necessary to am -
we feel sure these two reports. just re-
putate the right leg, that his right arm
Gently received. will prove int resting was badly shattered and that he was suf-
fering considerable pain. Pte. Hamm en -
reading and valuable information to
many readers of this paper.listed with the 161st and when he arrived
Mrs. F. L. Harris. Keatley, P. 0.. Sask..
in England he was one of the first to offer
writes: "I was suffering from liver trouble his services to go to France. His parents
had a heavy pain under one shoulder- feel very soaowful over the suffering that
blade all the time, and was nearly as has come to their oldest boy.
black as dirt around the eyes. so I con- I PROPERTY CHANCES. -A number of
eluded to try some of Dr. Char's Kidney- changes of town property have taken
.Liver Pills. I did so. and before I had place here this week. Amongst these is
taken one 25c box the pain had left me the sale of the flour mills. which Mr. C.
and I commenced to gain in flesh. and by i H. Geese has owned for a number of
the time I had taken two boxes i was years. Owing to ill -health he found that
completely cured and felt like a new per- , he could not do the work, so he has sold
son. My trouble was caused by heavy I it to a Toronto syndicate which takes
work out-of-doors. and, of curse, heavy n on December 1st. Mr.
I would advise i ler, who is one of the purchasing
lostP eating and constipation eg
ave honor some men GODERICH TOWNSHIP. I anyone suffering from kidney or lives , company, will reside here and have
Your Eyeglasses
should be given very careh
Perfect -fitting Spectac 's and
Eye Glasses can be obtain:: only
atan establishment where t' : ut-
most care is exercised in every
You are invited to call upon me
for OPTICAL. SERVICE with the
fell realization of absolute secur-
ity in the selection of sour gtaases.
Examinations preferably by ap-
. RIOT Ar int POST DrFF t
frays lane
WEDNESDAY. Nov. 21. trouble tD give Dr. Chase's Pills a trial. ' I charge of the mill. It is Mr. Geese's in -
Mrs B. Wilson. of Goderich. is visit- Mrs. Charles Terry, Tweed. Ont.. writes: tention o take it easy for some time, to
ing her daughter, Mrs. John McMillan, -Before I was married I was troubled see if he can regain his former strength.
of the 6th concession. ' with enlargement of the liver. My lives i Another change is the purchase of the
A memorial service will be held in be ame so enlarged that you could detect residence property of Mr. A. Taylor on
Union church on Sunday afternoon, the swellings on either side. and it was Dinsley street by Mr. B. Harrington.
December '2,at 3 o'clock. for the late only with difficulty that i could get my I POLITICS. -TM first gun in the polis
Corp, Joe tuill and Pte. Arthur Mc- clothes on. A friend advised me to get ical campaign was fired on Thursday
Cluskey, who fell in the advance on Ur. Chase's Kidney' -Liver Pills and take evening. when Mr. W. H. Willis, of Wing -
Ridge. them. I commenced this treatment ham, delivered a political address to a
Mr. Robs, Spackman. bean thresher and used nine boxes. which cured me at t very small audience. a very
for this township. who has recently our- that time. Then: about two or three good but it.Hes made a rather
chased a new outht. has been given two years afterward, i was troubled again with oaddress. He wa noto herean ter
weeks' notice from the Clinton exemption the swelling. but only on my right side. I ramblingterests nature.orpe was d rl•
tribunal to sell his outfit and don the secu ed some more Kidney -Liver Pills and marks he knockedterboth and
hisIt was
khaki with the first draft. took them, which finally cured toe. I thought at one time that he would be the
A cable was received from the Y.M C.A. have not been troubled in this way since. ! candidate for a third party in the present
in Er.gland by Mrs. Stuart McDougall, I can cheerfully recommend Dr. Chase's campdate but denied in and statedee
stating that her sots. Sergi. Gordon Mc -Kidney -Liver Pills to anyone having I that he simply wanted to educate the
Dougall. M. M., who was reported kid-
ney or liver trouble. le towards political purity. as he
ounded last week. is in a senors condi- "We have also found Dr. Chase's Lin- cpe need that both parties at the pas
n. He is in a Canadian hospital in seed and Turpentine excellent for coughs time were rotten with graft and prese -
inld. and colds. In fact. any of Dr. Chase's tion. We are afraid that its mission was
o OLD RESIDENTS DEPART. -An old medicines which we have used have been t fn. as we notice that the partisans
of Goderich ash' the per g�
son of
Kth inst..
hire, E
when a you
Streetssille he
took up Landon
had lived ever
member w hen
crowned and lived to\
grandchildren. He is
sons and three daught
and Jacob, all of this
enc tow , i . in
n Marshall, passed away on the
t the great age of ninety-eight
Marshall was born in York -
and came to Canada
man. After two years at
e up to Huron and
Bayfield line. where he
He could well re-
Victona was
see his great -great -
wed by three
Edward. John
IP: Mrs. W.
Johnston. of Holmesvillet Mrs. James
Johnston. of Ashfield. ands Miss Jane
morning. 13th inst.. Rachel Crik. widow
at the
Marshall. at home
Often the Cheapest- of the late John 0. Elliott. d
age of eighty-seven years. The
Always the Best - was born in Tipperary. Ireland. a
to this couutry when a young w
W. WA L KF R The family remained at Georgetown f M
short •rs ago and a so
Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. one
pill a dose. 25c a box. five for $1.00 at all I
dealers. or Edmanson, Bates b Co., Lim- i ••
ited. Toronto
Alexander, and a daughter. Mrs. F. H
Powell surr,ve. Mrs. T. Webster, o
Furniture Dealer Lucknow, is a sister.
and Undertaker
nuuse Furnishing
The Store of Quality
time before coming to Huron.
i Elliott died four yea
STORE 'q RLS 197
.• S•
Owing to the scare
Coal, and the fact the
sales have, of necessity, to
be made in very small
quantities, we have found
it absolutely necessary to
make a rule that
TUESDAY, Nov. 20th
A Social. OCCASION. Wednesday
Mr. Harvey Pentland. of Toronto, vis-
ited at his home here for the weekend.
Preparations are being made for the
Christmas concert. It will be fully' up to
the high standard of previous years.
Rev. G. McKinley, of Seaforth. took
the service here on Sunday evening.
He made a splendid missionary appeal.
The annual prayer meeting for the
Women's Missionary Societies of the cir-
cuit was held in the church on Wednesday
I The Farmers' Club will hold its meeting
on Friday evening. November 30th. All
members are requested to be present, as
this is an important meeting for appoint-
ment of delegates.
•'next Su
Mr. o
MONDAY, Nov. 19th.
nice will beheld in Crewe church
ay, owing to the pastor's going r
evening of last week Miss Beth Fags: R ;day.
finished threshing
here last Sah rday. Bob repots a good
Mac Ewan Elate
Top Notch
for Fall
We are now showing our
greatest variety of the very
latest style ideas in good sub-
stantial, serviceable footwear.
Shoes that hold their
shape and last the longest.
Shoes that our customers call
for again and again.
All styles of Rubber foot-
wear are now in stock at the
lowest possible prices.
Geo. MacVicar
North ,idle of Square. Goderich
Quite a number from here attended the
anniversary sere es in Blake's church
last Sunday.
The business meeng of the Ashfield
Soldiers' Aid Circle h here last Tues-
day was well attend
Anniversary services wi
Smith's Hill church on
and on the Monday evening
social wilt be held in the new hal
The Kintail branch ot the Women's In-
stitute wilt hold its regular monthly
mg on '1 hursoay. Ltcemb r 6th, at t
home of Mrs. Robert Hamilton. All are
be held at
ber 2nd,
Rowing a
a Photograph is the one m►'t desire1. Let ns give )cot
a sitting Oat at this time
We make enlargements or do any Special work mit-
able to tbeitiolida\A. • .
.i .
94. H`uma
McEwen's Specials
We have a nice assortment
for overseas Boxes from 5c
a package up:
Also some Tin Boxes suit-
able to send by mail.
Lemon, Orange and Citron.
Also shelled Walnuts. The
kind that makes the cakes
taste good for overseas and
for Christmas.
We hale new
A help to make the dinner
taste good.
J. J. McEwen
' Phone 46
're:wit THE COLBORN E STORE "°t"er
BuyVictory a Bond and help end the War
Now is the time to buy Gloves. One stocks are complete in all lines, in Chamoisette, Kid
and washable Gloves. Also Woollen Gloves for ladies i an i'' hes00 ren. n i3 Ladies' a washable Cape
Gloves in all sizes, in grey, white and champagne,
Ladies' white Chamoisette Gloves with plain back or black back, in all sizes, $1.25 a pair.
-. French Kid Gloves in allIkzes, in black, tan and white, at $2.00. Children's and' ladies' Cape
Gloves at $1.2.5'and $2.01) a pair. Black undressed Kid Gloves at $2.25 a pair.
Everyone is busy getting ready the presents for Christmas that they intend to make at
home. Our stock of accessories for snaking knitting bags, camisoles, yarn for knitting, cotton
for crochet work. satins and ribbon for trimming. and many other tuaterials for your work are
here for you. Buying at this store makes shopping easy.
Table Linen by the yard, in either bleached or unbleached. These cloths have been-
eesbought for a long time and we can sell you Table Linen at less than today's wholesale price.
Pure Linen Tabling from $1.25 to. $3.25 a yard. Unbleached Tabling at 50c and 90c a yard.
Table Cloths with Napkins to match, in good patterns, tC t fromne $2.75 Stor5. to 16.00. Napkins in all
sizes from 11.00 a dozen up. Buy your
Tookes, Caps, Tams and Scarfs
Our stock of woollen Caps and Scarfs is large, in all the best colors, for boys, girls and
ladies. They come in all the new colorings, rose, copenhageu, white, at from 50c to $1.50 each.
For the little ones we have little Sweaters in colors, Pull -overs and fine Caps in all -wool at mod-
erate prices. This is the time to get winter Underwear for the children. We have the grades
you need.
Buy another Victory Bond, for the country needs your help
234)/ J. 11. COLBORN E
of each side still claim that their party is
pure and it is the other fellows who handle
the money m Two auto -loads went to
the nominations at Winghaon Monday
an i they had a surfeit of speech -making
from the five speakers.
Scuts are busily engaged fixing up
building they have secured at the north
end of the town for their winter head-
quarters ... • . The Methodists are holding
revival meetings. here, but it is .expected
they will conclude on Friday p*gbt
MONDAY, Nov. 19.
Rev. J. Little will preach at Holatein
next Sunday. Mrs. Little will accompany
Miss Nina Woods, Miss May Cameron
and Nike Littre spent the week -vim at
Mr. Horace Wood,ey has been engaged
with Mr. J. Joynt to work on his farm ror
the year.
Miss Ida Currie. of Milverton, was the
guest of Miss Niyrtie t'hiilips over the i
Messrs. Ed. Thom and James Purden
attenrlea Inc funeral 01 :sus., thorn at
Auburn on 1 uesclay.
Mrs. hew, of l,mcago. returned home
on Monuay. atter speiiuI.ig a wee aim
sister. ivirs. bUcnanah.
Mr. w. J. lodd win ol
nolo a sale of farm
stock on Wednesday, Pith list., atter
which Mr. load anu tennis intend mov-
ing to Lucknow.
ecru. Ln. Strang. superintendent of
missions in Jaskatcnewan, Si.ioccupy the
Canonpulpit in Cain cnurch next Sunday,
ssovember lath. at i in the esenung.
1 hese will be no service in tar morning;
Sunday schaii as u,ua,.
-1 he november meeting of the St.
Helens %%omen's institute sill use held at
the home of Mrs. Davin Toon on 1 huts -
nay, ANth Inst., at Y.SU o'clock. 'the
hour will be spent in Knitting. Kindly
bring it atontg. A c'oro,al invitation is
extended to au the padres to be present.
WEDWaepAY, Nov. 21.
Mr. sad Mn. Irl, Dyer slaw sewn on
the sick ilii.
Mr. J.C. Clark is having his dwelling re -
tided and reshingled.
A memorial service will be held in the
Methodist church on Sunday evening.
Mrs Wm. Jacksand Mrs. Wm. J, Mt -
....t . r •rte.
School of Commerce
Courses in
EFFICIENCY is the motto of
this School and it is the aha
to fit students for positions
in which they will do credit
to themselves and command
good salaries.
Girls may room itt the School.
a or -
iously i11. is gradually improving
Mrs. James Nesbitt, who been
Mr. H. Thomas was at London on Satur-
day in attendance at an 0. R. T. meeting.
..Mr. Attain Spafford, who is work-
ing at Kitchener. spent a few days of this
week with his mother here . Dr. Mc-
Taggart, who has been practising den-
tistry here for a number of sears. packed
up his office equipment and moved to
' Toronto on Saturday. where he is opening
out an office. We are without a dentist.
the first time for a great many years. and
there certainly ought to be a good opening
here. The Doctor always took an active
interest in the school board. having been
staviary-treasurer for a considerable
time. When he restppned Mr. LuxGxa
Hill was appointed to the position....
The mild weather we have been havineof
I late is greatly appreciated. especially by
those who have empty coal -bins. The
, wood question also is a serious matter. as
1 those farmers who have wood are very in-
dependent about selling it and are asking
a tremendous price.
For particulars write to
B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts.
PHONE 20S Principal
Lauder's Popularity
Contest /1
Christmas Season -1917
Contest is now running - The early start tells. Remember, every cent means a vote.
A handsome mahogany -finished Playola Cabinet Phono-
graph will be given away absolutely free to the person ob-
taining the greatest number of votes in this contest, which
will continue from
November 17th to December 24th, inclusive
All Christmas
Goods now on dis-
Special lines for
1 Any person may enter this contest.
Contestant's name will be on every
Votes counted, and bulletin in win-
dow every Wednesday.
4. A vote with, every lc worth pur-
chased, in denominations 5c, 10c,
2.5c and $1.00.
Final count made December 24th at
10.95 p.m. by three responsible
Saturday Special
Willard's Forkdipt
Regular 50c
Saturday 33c a Ib.
The contest will be under the supervision of three well-known
gentlemen : Mr. Geo. Williams, local manager of the Bank of Com-
merce; Mr. W. E. Kelly, J. P., and Mr. L. L. Knox, Town Clerk. The
key ot the ballot -box will be in the exclusive possession of Mr. Kelly.
J. H. Lauder, Phm. B., Goderich
(Everything in this line sold under
money -back guarantee.)