HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-11-22, Page 1A Chance to Save Aftet New Year's :he anb- scription price of The Signal will be $1.50 iu advance. You can save Fifty Cents by paying for 1518 DOW et the old dollar rate. lxn.tINIPru YIAR.-Me MIl ,bar-r.rr„1�. ele7 --- When you buy Victory Loan Bonds. Lending money to your country is a good investment. too O M aurtoo 1staa It 66 Bortoo Eouievard w 1" QODBRICH, ON -T ( THURSDAY, Nov. 2,?. 1917 TEE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED. PO^Itswa/ Canada Calls and asks only your money for the Victory Loan Canada from ocean to ocean guarantees pay- ment of principal -and interest. ItssUishrinamtiolimmtit FOR SALE OR RENT. HOUSE TO RENT. -ON KEAYS .faces i seven room. as eon vealeeeaa. re. count♦ y. ,d. Stable tie set Appiy to J. W. Gelation R. IL No. Y. tetephme 10 r 7. Illihn T1WO STORES TO RENT. --ONE lately occupied by w. H. Harri.on ani the older by Jas*. F. Thomson. Both on the Sonarr. Apply J. P. BROWN. 984 OUSE TO RENT. -MODERN �oeii. ea ter Terrain. Applyu EPH OklrYIN. Gaoler. 71141 FOR SALE FOQRR SALE. -QUANTITY OF GOOD ands. WM JEWELL. R. R. No. a. h Phar 8 r 3 Cadent Rural. I l -I en V'OR SALE. -GOOD BIG WORK Jr HORSE.. fourteen yeas old Prize $30. Would trate for feed. G. M. KIDD. 1t VOR SALE. -ABOUT SiXTTY CEDAR r POLES. 18 feet bw suitable er tekp,one gat or .oddar other thpurposes. Alio a betted number of atLa c.dand TA er posts. s and 9 feet long A CARD OF THANES. UISS INGLIS WISHES TO THANK Al aNYew friends for their help and sympathy its her meet maim sad beravemmet. CRAiGiE'S REAL ESTATE BARGAINS Victory Loan Canvassers' HEADQUARTERS - AT - J. W. CRAIGIE'S OFFICE BEETINOS. MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. ROBERTSON & WOODS INSURANCE AGENTS Announce that they have taken over the insurance business of the late W. R. Robertson and are agents for British America Phoenix Caledonian Alliance North British and Mercantile Liverpool -Manitoba Equitable Hartford Monarch Firs. Insurane•t• Companies and Great West Life Ineurance Co. Your patronage is selieited Prompt and personal attention given to all business, A. M. Robertson - Geo. Woods 'Phone No. 1711 The council of the corporation of the county of Huron well peat in the council chamber. in the town f (:oe ft.. on Tuesday. the 4th day u1 December 8IW at the hour u( 3 o'cloct. W LANE. Oerk. Dated Nes. 9ath. 1911. 91.21 ANNUAL HOSPITAL MEETING. eJ AMES CONNOLLY, AGENT POR Barak. Fertiliser, Foe, Wird and Live Stock Ine.roce, an4 attk Buyer Phase 173. Gode- j 1 ODERICtfe EE LIBRARY. 'h. T The annual meeting d the Alexandra Marine and General Hoopes] will be held ,n the court houseon the evening of Friday, December 7th. at 8 o'clock. A repot of the work our the pot year will be submitted to the meeting and the Board d Trustees will be elected for the ensuing year. An elisions we urged to attend JOSEPH KIDD, President. 81-41 11 E. HODGENS, Secretary. WANTED. PO C NOTICE. %L OMEN WANTED. -A FEW MORE WOMEN wanted at HAMLINKSCAN- NING FACTORY. Apply at Factory. AUCTION SALES. UCTION SALE OF YOUNG On trod aka pp December 3rd, this Labia,y will be c at 9 30 p. m. By order, J .ADESFOWLER. 81-x Secretary. THE LADS DS IN KHAKI Kit 1 ENUMERATORS APPOINTED. el Following is the list of enumerators a Word was received here this week of pointed to make up the voters' lists for t the death of Pte. Reg. J. Love. aged coming election in North Huron: twenty years, a former Goderich boy Bruaels- who died of gas poisoning atter friss in No. 1 Geo. Muldoon Fence three weeks He was a son of the 2 Thomas McCall A CATTLE, HORSES. HA� AND - late Fred Love. who was killed at the Wroxeter - RTcs. TOWN OF GO1)ERICH. 1 Goderich elevator some years ago. and No. 1 George Town L Pte.. PUBLIC NOTICE. Love enlisted with the 241st Scottish No. 1 Frank J. Hill I2 Goderich several times before going overseas. There will be sola by public suchen et "barman's his mother now lives at Detre W ingham- W mark OR OTHER k by day or week. MRS. LAWS. Regent street (in rear of North American Salt B lock).. It (ECOND OOK WANTED AT BRIT- ') ISH EXCHANGE.-Hiessf�rtt wages paid w the right party. W. H. HAINES. Hotel Steers. m Godsrich, un fl`�lRf.es WANTED.-APPLYOODE- U MICY KNITTING Co. CREDITORS' NOTICE. TAKE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29th, coommnencing at 1.30 sharp. Seven good grade Durham cows, b (Pod grade Durham heelers, 7 good grade Holstein cows. 3 good grade Holstein hales, 4 steers. 1 year old; 1 new covered buggy. harness, single driving harns, 1 cutter. 2 robes. 3good-as-new bora "blankets. 4 driving colts. and other articles. Taros -All sums of 8under. and c . over troths' amount, 6 oths' credit will be given on lurntsbing approved joint notes. A discount at sh rate of 6 per cent. allowed tar caon credit .,counts T. GUNDRY. Auctioneer N oTtcx TO CREDITORS. :.t\a �iAiaaeadae aatat rorr, hose e- Gee " h, in the county a Huron, re- tired e- tir dfarmar dd.sceaaasa.eedd who died on or about the 23rd day f i•:ebruary, 19118. and ale others having claims mimeo the said estate are hereb na/kd to senndd�byygtreoustt. yreepettd. whores ver to thehes for Kong and ken Wilson �irthh. 4 dlexecutors f the last win and testament of Hee said deceased. on or before the 2001 Any of December, 1917, their Christian and .urnamea, addresser anddserip- tioo . and lull particulars of their claims. and the n ature of the weenies of any) held by them. Immediately -atter the said 20th day of December. 1917. the warts of the said testator will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled thereto. having reseed only to the class of which the executors shall then have had notice. and they will not be hark for the rid wallets. or any port thereof. to any person of whom claim they shall not then have received notice. Dated at Godench this 20th day of November. 1917. PROUDFQOT. KILLORAN & COOKE, 91-31 Solicitors far acid Executors. SPECIAL LUNCH COUNTER In connection with "The House, of Plenty" When clown town look us over. It you are hungry we can relieve your hunger, it you are thirsty we can relieve your thirst. Our prices are rirhr. You are all welcome. W. H HAINES, BRITISH EXCHANGE HOTEL GODERICH ILEARING AUCTION SALE OF • HORSES AND COLTS, LIVERY SLEIGHS. CUTTERS, ROBES. BELLS. ETC. MR. T M. DAVIS will sell by public auction at hes barn. South street. Goderich. on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24th. commencing at !o'clock sharp. NOTICE THAT 1. The council of the corporation of the town of Goderich intends to construct as a kcal improvement a sewer on Vic- toria street, between St. David's street and Britannia road, and intends t0 spec- ially assess a dart of the cost upon the land abutting aireccly upon the work. 2. The estimated cost of the work is 81,870.00, of which $1,470.00 is to be paid by the corporation. The estimated special rale per foot frontage is '17.139 mills. The spatial assessment is to be paid in twenty annual Instalments. 9. A petition against the work will not avail to prevent its construction. Dated this 15th day of November, 1917. L. L. KNOX, 81-2t Clerk. Pearl, brown mare. 16 hands high. 8 years old, TOWN OF GODERICH. TOWN PUBLIC NOTICE. TAKE NOTICE THAT 1. The council of the corporation of the town of Godench intends to construct as a local improvement a sewer on Brit- annia road, • -ween Victoria street and Cameron street, and intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly upon the work. 2. The estillaated cost of the work is $1,170.00. of which 8947.00 is to be paid by the corporation. The estimated special rate per foot floatage is 27.89 mills. The special nommen is to be paid in.twenty annual Irldalmeete. 3. A petiticg against the work will not avail to prevent es construction. Dated this 15th day of November. 1917. L. L. KNOX Clerk. extra good road marenot afraid f autos or steam. and a perfect ladies' driver Also her colt, 7 months old. by McPhul's Eel, and a perfect beauty Four blood road colts, rising 3 years old HOne chestnut gelding, 4 years old, sired bye the ill hone. with trial in 2.15- dam R Whiting, record 2.09 1.2, trial 2.07. in good hands this should be a splendid race prospect He is lave - headed. good -gaited and not aired of enytl,mg. He is to be sold at this sale, as cont has not stable room for him. One set of blocks. with about 309 feet of rope; (arks. shovel., brushes. measures, etc. I rub tar- tfired buggy. In t condition 1s Portlandu a,d cut - lent ICadstone rUller,I family cutter. 1 piano- tee cutter, I set of driving 'highs. 1 set tease ceni- merc,al weighs, I at dray sleighs. 1 3 -seated pleas- ure sleigh, 13 -,sled surrey sleigh on springs. 1 2 - seated surrey plesure sleigh on springs. 1 Brews- ter road wagon, .old leather tnmmrig. used three seasons; 12 black gest robes (heaver -lined). 3 black goat robs (plush - heed). 4 new grey goat robe. (plush -(fined). A11 robes Racteally new. This is a clearing sale of everything left of Mr. Davis' livery business, and ail will positively be led without reserve. Tanis. -All sums of 810 and under, cash. over that amount, 6 months' creel will be given on turnohing approvedcont notes. A discount at rate f 7 per cent. allowed fou cash on credit; amount.. T. M. DAVIS, T GUNDRY, Proprietoe. Auctioneer. 1 11 ■ Required Large quantities of SCRAP IRON Terms --Cash on delivery Please phone or write us and our wagon will call. The National Shipbuilding Co., GODERICH Limited X L_ L >< lI It A UCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK. IMPLEMENTS AND GRAIN. MR. ROBERT HUSTON wilt offer for sale by public auction ;at la 7. 9(1 cerce.apn. Colborne. on WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 5th. commencing at 1 o'clock.• Borderers of Windsor, Ont.. and visited '2 Thos. . Bennett 3 Allan M. Fralick Capt. Cyril Carne, who has been en- gaged in Y. M. C. A. work with the Can- adian troops in France. returned home 4JohnW.Dodd 5 Alex. E. Porter Turnberry - No. 1 John Kerr 2 Robt. Musgrove on Tuesday night on a visit to his 3 Robt. Breen mother, Mrs. E. W. Carrie, Cambria I 4 John F. Abram I road. He speaks very optimistically of Morris--- conditions at the front, and says that the N.'. 1 Wm. Pollock Canadians are in excellent spirits and 1 2 Wm A. McCall full of fight. He has seen many of the 3 Robt. McMurry Godench boys in France and brings good 4 Wm. Smith reports of them. Capt. Carrie has a 6 Eli Casemore three months' furlough. 6 ATthur Shaw - Grey - Pte. Ernest Clark, son of Mr. and No. 1 Bernice Payne Mrs. William Clark, Walnut street, has 2 Wm. Rands arrived at Quebec on his way home from 3 John Bolger England. 4 Frank Woods - 5 Jas- 1(cCklland Sergi. Gordon McDougall, of Porter's 6 Thos. Molls Hrxas. --Aged mare. driving horse, 8 years old. hackney, driving colt, 2 yeses ad. her; 3. Cerng.---Two farrow cows, 8 years old; Jersey coo. a mold. apposed to be in calf; cow. 5; yeas old. due to (Member; 2 heifers. 3 years old, • �tpaoaa0 to be u calf; steer, name 3 ears old; he+kr, !yarn old: steer. 1 year old; 2 heifers. 1 I year old, 2 spring calves FIGS. -Brood sow. 6 store pigs. Sep.-Thvtsen Ozlorddown ewes. Oxford - down res.{ ewe Iambs. iear rnerrs -Otte 6 -ft. Niamey blade (nearly sew): Maley /tower. doss harrow. boggy. cutter. wagon, wagon hoz. 1 set spangs, I set sleighs. road cart. horsepower walkmg plow, cutting -hoz. ; 1 set harrows. fanning` a.11. 1 set wanes .2.Uta) 1 poundso; 2 sets single hornets. saddle. set double harness. gravel hoz, apple rack, grindstone. tur- nip tmlper. boggy pole, hayrack. scuffle, a quantity f apple barrels. a Quantity of tile.' douhletrees. whifletreel. neckyoks, 2 cr,wscut saws. 3 5 -gallon demijohns, a quantity of sap, pens and •piles. Snowball washing machine, Daisy churn. ladders, forks. 6 kitchen chairs, and other articles. Tattles All suns of $10 and under, cash, over ' that amount. 11 months' credit will he given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of 5 per cent straight allowed for cash on credit ■mount■. Everything will bs sold without reserve. ROBERT HUSTON.' T. GUNDRY, Proprietor. Auctioneer. 81-21 Public Notice. It you are entitled to a vote, get your name on the list- , The following are the enumerators under the Franchise Act for the dif- ferent polling tiub-ttiviaions In town, and all woman who are entitled to vote shoakl report to the enumerator In their divisdon, as to this way they can make sure that their names are on the list. Wives, widows, mothers, sisters (including half-sisters) and daughters of soldiers weer/was, • or who have been overeei , whether ..tgi the Im- pprW Agog ,,pend' Navy or In the Canadian y, hate aright thecae, it of age. List of enumerator'. for Goderich : Div. No. 14 -Pte. Thos. Pritchard. 2,--C. A. Rid. s= W. Carupbell. 4-H. J. A. MacEwan. 5-P. L. Walton. 6 -Jac Connolly. ' 7 -Jae. Newcombe, Sr. Mr. Wm. Campbell will he pleased to give anyone desiring it any in- formation in regard to the Franchise Act and qualifications for voters'. MISS CAMPBELL \FFERS A Remarkable Sale of Millinery - IN Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats, Trimmings and Veiings SALE STARTS NOVEMBER 24 This is a genuine sale and early callers get the choice Miss C. M. Campbell, KINGSTON STREET • • DERICH a Wanted Several cars good sound Potatoes James Lloyd & Son • Goderich I ' owe i user*.. stager ra1we.eu, *WO- I APpentteal,J._D. Aastlen- It01. 1 ole la:wecoro% coilliPsiae. Hill, is reported among the wounded. 7 John Hunter Sergt. McDougall some months ago was Howick - awarded the military medal for distinguish; No. 1 David Weir ed b revery. '2 Geo. Hubbard Word was reoeived last week that Signaller Leslie Inkster. son of Capt. Jas. and Mrs Inkster, was on the casualty list with gas poisoning. i-eslie enlisted at Toronto in August. 1915, Battalion and h' asbeen in with the 74th in France since August of 1916. A brother, Pte. Chas. Inkster. has been in France since March, 1915. Pte. Geo Thompson Ross is reported ad m'tied to hos ital at Boulogne October l p 276. with a gunshot wound in the head. He is a son of Mr. James Ross of Gode- rich township Pte. Ernest Albert Kemp is reported missing October 26th, having no doubt been in the heavy fighting in which so many of his comrades were killed or wounded. He is the second son of Mr. Henry Kemp. the well-known watch- maker of town, and went overseas with the "Hurons" a year ago and was shortly Blyth - afterwards drafted to kranee. No. 1 A. W. Robinson 2 Jonathan Emigh Word came last week that Pte. How- Goderich-- ard Marshall. Jones, son of Mr. James No. 1 Thos. Pritchard Jones,Colborne township, had been slight- I 2 Chas. A. Reid ly wounded and had returned to duty. Pte. 3 Wm. Campbell Jones was in Manitoba when he enlisted 4 H. J. A. MacEwan with the'222nd Battalion. After training , 5 Percy Walton at Camp Hughes, near Brandon, he went ilt...„LitollY overseas in November of last year and he1 combs has been in France since early in the Cot present year. No. 1 C. A. Vanstone 2 C. C. cNell Gunner Roy A. McLean, ran at Mrs. 3 Alex. Sllrpperd Margaret McLean, Saltford. is on the 4 John A. peon 3 I hos. J. Nicholls 4 Adam Graham 5 Thus U. Johnston 6 Jas. M. Leonard E. Wawanosh- No. 1 John E. Ellis 2C. W. Scott 3 Robt. G. Kerr 4 Stewart McBurney 6 Robt. J. McGee W. Wawanosh- No. 1 David Glen 2 Matthew Lockhart 3 W. J. Thompson 4 Win. McQuillan 5 Jas. Durran Ashfield - No. I T. G. Allen 2 Jas. Alton 3 Chas. McDonagh 4 W. B. Hawkins 5 Maurice Dalton 6 Donald McLean 7 Jas. McNain • • casualty list. Word was received Thursday last that he was suffering from a contusion in the back. It has come to the notice of the mili- tary illtary authorities that military and naval uniforms. decorations and medals are being worn by persons not authox,2ed or entitled to wear them, as laid down by! orders -in -council. The public is hereby , warned that the military and civil auth orities are taking action to see that these regulations are strictly enforced. Building tor Hale. Mr. W. G. Coutts, of Big Stone Gap., Va., who owns the property at the har- bor known as the Detkir property, is disposed to sell the building and have it i torn down. Anyone interested should.) communicate directly with him. Mr.' Coutts is very optimistic about the future of Goderich.. as it is the natural gateway for the C. P. R. to the -great j Canadian West and after peace is de- clared big things are possible. • Heir -.Win the War by baying Victory Mar Loan bonds. ply to Union, Bank of Canada. Gode Eat Pure Ica Cream and give your childran noon other. Edwards' is pure. Phonb'1.M), THE NOMINATIONS. Candidates for Coming Election Placed in Field on Monday. The nonunatwns for North Huron tor the Federal election on December 17th were held at Wincham on Monday. Arch. Hislop is the Liberal nominee and James Bowman is the Conservative can- didate. Mr. Alex Saunders. of Godench. also filed nomination papers, but after- wards withdrew. The nominations for South Huron were held at Clinton. Thomas McMillan (Liberal) and J. J. Merner (Conservative) are the nominees. OVER THE MILLION MARK. Harm County Now Starts oo In Second Million for the Victory Loan. The Victory Loan campaign is making good progress. and although there is still much hard work before the canvassers it is hoped that the objective' for tbia county will be reached by the eral of the month. Up to Wednesday night of this week the sum of $1,(1'11,0(1 was announced as the total of the op- tions to the loan in Huron county. Now the canvassers are starting on the second million which Huron is expectid • to raise, and as the time is growing short • those who can subscribe in any amount. large 0 small, are earnestly requested to t the canvassers have their applicatio ns • once. • new scheme has been adopted where- by .persons who are not in a position to invest a large amount at once may make payments on the instalment plan -35 down' and 31 weekly. In case the sub- scriber for any reason should not be .ably to complete the payments.provision is made hor.a refund. The canvassers for the town of Gode- rich have, secured $75.000, this sum not including amounts subscribed through the banks. Rev. J. O'Neill. of Parkhill, was here last week on a Visit to his mother. Mrs. J. L. Christie. of Boston, is visiting at the home of her brother, Rev. J. Ham- ilton. Mr. and Mrs. John Young left on Thursday last- to \ visit relatives at Buffalo. N. Y. Owing to the tea be given by the Victoria Helpers Bible lass on December 1st, the ladies of the, General Brough Chapter, 1. O. D. E., Will not open their tea room on that Saturday afternoon. Mr. J. J. McDonald,' who has been accountant at the Steling Leuik, left on Saturday to take over the managership of • the Bank at Bayfield. ML McDonald during his term of connection with the local branch made many if pends who wish him continued success ,and promo• tion. He is succeeded here by Mr. W. J. Oram. of Montreal. Mrs. Bean. after spending several moath4,, in the hospital at Coboj*rg, (s now at the home of ffer parents, Rev. E. and Mrs. Ford. Wellington street. • She has made wonderful progress towards recovery from the effects of the burning AP• which she received in the destruction of rich. her home at Comecon in August last, but 1 there is•still much suffering ahead of 1 before the wounds arc healed. Mrs. Bean was accompanied on the Journey home by her sisters. Mrs. Scott and Miss Jessie, Ford, and also by Mr. -Ford, who had gone to Toronto to meet his daughter. The executive committee of the Bible Society will meet at the Baptist church next Tuesday evening at 7.30 o'clock to discuss matters of business in- connection with the Society's work in town. You know of course that every industry of any importance has a paper of its own. one to which it gives its united support byy way of advertising and subscriptions. Ttgse interested do this that the paper may live and continue to be useful to them by aggressively advocating their in- terests. You have a paper that for -over twenty-six years has beer) looking after the interests of the farmer. Have you given it your support 7 if not. see that you subscribe for The Weekly Sun, Tor- onto, the farmers' business paper, from the present time to 1st of January, 1919. It will cost you only one dollar but you will find the dollar well and profitably spent. A PUBLIC Mass Meeting - will be held in -- VICTORIA OPERA HOUSE on the evening of TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27th, 1917 at 8 o'clock to discuss the questions before the electors in the coming elections. SIR GEORGE E. FOSTER, Minister of Trade and Commerce in the new Union Government. MR. JAMES BOWMAN, Union Government Standard Bearer in this riding, and others will speak on the issues of the day, especially with regard to Canada's great effort in the war. Everybody is invited and ladies are especially welcome. GOD SAVE THE KING. Fur Prices Advance, Mr. John Hallam, of Toronto, who at- tended the recent auction sale of furs in New fork City, states that the prices of furs showed an advance of from five to seventy-five per cent. if quality counts, use Blackstone's delicious ice cream in bulkor bricks for all occasions. Phone 240. Pictures and Picture Framing. The art picture and picture framing department. lately added to Thomson's music store, is now complete with a fine assortment of the latest art pictures and picture frames; also the newest designs in Americaand Canadian mouldings suit- able for icture framing. This depart- ment is charge of Mr. Arthur Smith, an expert in art pictures and picture framing in all its branches. My wife's eyes were like a watering cart nearly all the time before 1 started to get my clothes from Pridham the Tailor. Now they are like sunshine after rant. OUNORY S SAL E MASTER. Feiner, Nov. 23 - Auction sale of a number 'of mdch coeeand heifers, property of Wm. Lobb,d' at hue. farm, Maitland c„nccs.mn, Goderich town- ship. SATURDAY. Nov. 21 Clearing section sale 01 horses and colt.. I've), sleighs. robes, gee.. the propel of Mr. T. NI Davis, at his barn. Sesah street. Goderich. commenrinr at 1 o'clock Sharp. Mornay. Nov 26 Auction sale of farm Steck and implements, properly 01 Mr Sampson Carter, concession 3, East Wawanosh THIIRSDAT, Nov. 29' Auction sale of rows. young cattle. horses and rug r9 Lannan's hotel .tables, Goderich, at 1 30 sharp. MARRIED. JORDAN - PROUIDF(Nyr. - At St George's church, (:eoicrtch, on the 21st inst, by the Rev. 1 33 Fetheringham, assisted by the Rev A. L. G. Clarke. Isobel%mHs11, only daughter of Wm I'rtrud(oot K. C.. M. P. P P. and, Mrs. Proudfora, to Ernest Hastier. Jordan. 1.ieutenant Canadian iMri h. Field Artillery. on ofrs. Jordan, ('.ode DIED. CLIFTON. -In Jwfton, aged 87' on years and It) Months. McDONALD.- At Townsend, Mont., November 19 Mrs. JJ 1. McDonald, sister of the lata J F. Cassidy, M D , of Goderich RADCLIFFE In Goderich, on Monday. No- vember 19, Elisabeth Warren, wile f Rich- ard Radcliffe, aged a4 yeas. RICHAN - in Binghamton, N. Y, on Sunday, November 11. Emily Bichan, sister of the lase Wen. niche). of Goderich township. Interment took place at Fergus, Ont. NW MOM r.Aa1 it. A. 18!21/4.tower Inc November. reber erre Uglnalet: •A. 6. May, 1.111ey j. I %lea higher. and. May clewedDeeeitunchaaewl i