HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-11-8, Page 5RAW
INfer n dltv. )reams
East Street Garage
We'U Soon Put Your Car
back into liood cuaditiop
after we once get it here.
We have every facility for
auto repairing and plenty
of skill and experience to
enable us to do quick' , and
thorough work. Don't
neglect your little auto
troubles. The sooner you
have us attend to then[ the
better for your car and your
"Owned _� and Omitscl `y a
Arthur M. Glover e
McEwea's Specials
Choice Picnic Hants, 30c lb.
Choice small sugar -cured
Hates. Just right size for
family use, 82c lb.
A quantity of Litton's mixed
Tea bought before the ad-
vance. The only package
you can buy at this price,
40c a lb.
Men's heavy wool Under-
wear, bought last season,
worth $1.25 per garment.
Special $1.011 each.
Men's fall Underwear, bought
last season, worth $1.25 a
suit._ Special $1.00 a suit.
Butter and Eggs taken in
exchange. Best prices paid.
J. J. McEwen
' Phone •46
For Good Reliable Shoe
Repairs, try
Smith & Ring
30 East Street. Opposite Knox Church
Gil,* Us a Trial
Or. Tremain s Naturae Nair aeatoradw,
dal as dined. n su.r.nt..d re nor. e• hair ca n
natural oder w loo refunded. Pew ntMd
non.,nwr Ku. 1t.bI, ode.MrL Wn,. rtsara
$.Ce.. Trsata, Or.
On tate M GddvKh ai J. A. C.resbR i Oros Adm,
co. NsnhSt. and Square.
Top Notch
for Fall
We are now showing our
greatest variety of the very
latest style ideas in good- sub-
stantial, serviceable footwear.
Shots that hold their
shape and last the longest.
Shoes that our customers call
for again and again.
All stiles of Rubber foot-
wear are now in stock at the
lowest passible prices.
Geo. MacVicar
North side of Square, Goderich
al IWe Apolturscsnir ogizairoto e
Our sale was a great success but we
are sorry that we could not begin to =
;_ `w`att on all the customers last Satur- I
d4\imd, in fairness to all, we have zd
deckled to continue the sale until E.
at the s't shivering pric s. �,° m
and can ass a ou we will take care
of your wants hip time, "' "
To Inaugurate Victory Loan Campaign.
A demonstration will be held- on the
Square on Moaday morning next at 9
o'clock to mark The inauguration of the
Victory Loan campaign in Goderich.
A House Party.
A special car containing a party from
Winderor and vicinity arrived with the
evening G. T. R. train on Friday. The
party, numbering about a score, were
guests of Mr. O. E. Fleming at Ridge-
wood Park for several days, celebrating
the closing of the Fleming summer resi-
dence for the season.
Next Week at tits Model.
The Model Theatre offers a good pro-
gram for next week. Those who like a
good serial mouldier the first episode in
"Gloria's Romance." which commences
Monday and Tuesday heat. On Wed-
nesday'fand Thursday Sessue Hayakawa,
the famous Japanese actor. will be seen in
"The Bottle Imp," adapted frau the story
by Robert Louis Stevenson. The scenes
for this fascinating tale are laid in pictur-
esque Hawaii.
After Many Ygrs.
One day this week Mr. A. M. Polley re-
ceived a call from a man who handed him
$5 with the explanation that it had been
coming to him for eighteen years. The
man, who lives some miles away in the
country, eighteen years ago sold a h
to Mr. Polley, and was overpaid $5.%.:
had always intended to return it. but
there was usually something the te. do
with the money, or he didn't happen to
be in town when he was "flush. Mr.
Polley had never missed the five dollars.
Sixty-three Years a Subscriber.
Mr. John Leckie, of Brussels, the well-
known ex -Warden of theca y of Huron,
was in town this week on alliin business.
In conversation with a representative of
The Signal, he said he had taken this
paper since September 1st, 1t(4—over
sixty-three years. He was also good
enough to say that in all that time he
had never enjoyed The Signal's editorial
page more than he had the last few
The Signal likes to hear from its old
subscribers—especially when they have
pleasant things like this to say.
Successful Production.
The farce comedy "Why Smith Left
Home" was given in Victoria Opera
House on Fnday night by the Exeter
Yietoria Opera House
Wednesday and Thursday
November 14 and 15
"The Chin -Chin Girls"
in Musical Comedy
The Latest Musical Hits.
Different program each
Prices - 25c, 3Sc and 50c
Plan open at Edwards' on Monday
Amateur Dramatic pub under the aats-
pices o( the United Patriotic Society of
Goderich township. There was a good
house and the play was presented in ex-
cellent style. While the leading char-
acter, Jonn Smith, was well portrayed lby
Mr. W. Fiske, the others al o did splen-
didly. especially Mr. Joe Follick as Count
Buttinski, wh tee numerous mistakes in
English caused great mirt t . The n t
proceeds were $t'2, of which the United
Patr.otic Society r.ceived one -hal(, the
other half ggoiOing to the funds of the Sol-
diers' Aid Society of Exeter.
C. A. S. Annual Meeting.
The annual meeting of the Children's
Aid Society kr the county of Huron is to
be held at Saforth on Tuesday, Novem-
ber 13, at 3 p. m., in the council chamber,
for the election of officers and the trans-
acting of general business. In the even-
ing a public meeting will be held in Card -
no's Hall, at which Rev. W. Ashe-Everest,
of Bayfield, will give a lecture on "Na-
tion -builders After the War," and Mr.
G. M. Elliott, county secretary. will give
an address on the work of the Society,
illustrated with splendid lantern slides
under the charge of Rev. A. L. G. Clarke,
of Goderich. A tote program of music by
local talent will intersperse the evening,
and Mayor Stewart will preside. Every-
body is cordially invited to both meetings,
and an offering on behalf of this worthy
work will be taken at the evening meet-
ing. This is an unusually promising event
in the history of the Society in this coun-
ty, and a very large gathering is hoped
for at both meetings.
Former Goderich Boy Wedded.
The following is from The Guelph
Mercury of November 1st:
At eight o'clock this morning. the
marriage of Elizabeth Ruth Monkhouse,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joesph Monk -
house, 21 Nottingham street, to Frank
Henderson Beattie. son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Beattie, of Goderich, was solem-
nisedat St. George's church, the Venerable
!Archdeacon Davidson officiating. Both
bride and groom are well known among
the young people of this city, the happy
bride having been until recently a valued
member of the millinery sales staff of D.
E. Macdonald & Bros, while the lucky
bridegroom is well known as the popular
telegraph operator of the Grand Trunk
.Railway. Immediately after the wedding
y, this morning, the bappy couple
k - vu the G. T. R. on their wedding
trip (or points east, the charming bride
1 wearing a becoming travelling suit of
tetre de negre broadcloth with beautiful
. hin of brown velvet to match, and lovely
beaver (urs. On Hallowe'en, last night,
what proved to be the eve of the nuptial
ceremony, the bride -elect of that evening
was visited by a sy of fellow -
members of D. E. surpriee
ac gnald & Bros.'
staff. The Hallowe'en Pdrty took I the
form of a bridal masquerade. with mystic
bridal ceremony, the giving of bridal
gifts, the entertaining of bridal guests,
the taking of wedding photos, and many
other interesting features, a merry time
being spent by the large. "any which had
assembled at the home of a neighbor
for the surprise visit. The important
event of the everting was the Presentation
to Mrs. Beattie, then Miss Ruth Monk -
house, of a handsome cut -glass water set
by the staff of D. E. Macdonald & Bros
The actual wedding this morning came as
quite a surprise to the guests of last even-
ing and the many friends of the happy
couple, who are now on their honeymoon,
as the date had been kept a close secret,
but a host of hearty good wishes follow
them for many long and happy years of
confugal bliss. t . 1
Clinton News -Record: There has
been on exhibition in E. Munro s win-
dow this week a very handsome piece of
workmanship in the shape of a carved
parol. It is the figure of a piper in full
Highland uniform carved , entirely in
1 wood...It is the work of Mr. John Story
of Goderich. brother -in -laver -of - Mr.
Munro. it was done as a pastime for
leisure hours by Mr. Story and it is
certainly a very fine piece of work.
anniversary of Dungannon Presbyterian
church will be observed on Sunday and
Monday. November 25th and 26th. On
Monday evening a grand entertainment
will be held in the Agricultural Hall, with
a first-class program.
The monthly meeting of the Red Cross
Society took place in the jury roomy( the
court house oh October 22, with Mrs.
Colborne in the chair. The committees
reported as follows:
Sewing committee — expenditure,
Week of November 12th.
are the
medicine that
will cure Dia-
betes. Like
Bright's Dis-
ease this dis-
ieease was in -
c urable until
Dodd's Kidney Pills
cured it. Doctors
themselves confess
that without Dodd's
KidneyPills they are
poweagainst Dia-
betes. Dodd's Kidney
rale are the first medicine
that ever cured Diabetes.
Imitations— box, name and
pill, ane advertised to do so,
but the medicine that does
u Dodd's KidneyPigs.
Ile de's Kidney Pills are
fifty cents a boa at all
Hern's Groce
Two Good In-'
Victory Bonds
at Hem's
Corner Hamilton St.
and Square
Our Banking Service
Coven Cam
Through this Branch,
one of over Three
Hundred established throughout the -Dominion, the
Osler wk 11 Cauda is prepared to give you every
service which a progressive bank can render, either in
connection with your business or your private finances.
Goderich Branch—F.
$180.58; shipment. 21 'suits pyjamas,
18 dressing gowns, 22 day shirts, 4 pil-
lows donated by Miss Washington; value
1244. Yarn committee — expenditure,
$182.16; shipment, 168 pairs socks. value
11118. Maple Leaf Chapter—expenditure,
114.92; shipment, 54 towels, value 1:0.65 .
The financial statement was: Balance
from annual meeting. 1400.40; receipts
during the month, 1340.69, as follows
Miss Grace Strang, 12; Edward 11.
Pasmore, Chicago, 125; Miss Bertha
Yates, 12; Archdeacon and Mrs. Jones -
Bateman, $4:ward collections—St.
Patrick's, $85.32; St. George's, 887.47; St.
David's, $38.78; St. Andrew's, $73.92;
W. C. F. M. employees. 120.20, making
130.5.69 through monthly collections. J
Expenditures—bales, $377.66; Star account
for collection cards and stationery. $9.95.
Total expenditure, 1387.61; balance
available for next month, $:153.48. Pur-
chases for next month's bale were auth-
orized as follows: Sewing committee,
8195; yarn, 1200: Britannia Workers, •
825; Maple Lear Chapter, 115.
The meeting then adjourned.
The Society thankfully acknowledges
the following contributions of socks: A
Friend. 29 pairs; Mrs. Reynolds, sr., 17
pairs; Mrs. Saults, 13 pairs; Mrs. George
Williams, 12 pairs; Mrs. Hay, Mrs. Jane,
Mrs Lane. Mrs. Gordon. 10 pairs each:
Miss Swaf ieid, 8 pairs; Mrs Tancott, 6
pairs; Miss Sherray, Mrs. Gamow, Mrs.
Millian, Mrs. Jos. Wilson. Miss Whitely,
5 pairs each; Mrs. J. Clark, Mrs. Shar-
man, Mrs. Ball, Mrs. Foster, Miss W. Ball,
Mrs. Davidson, 4 pairs each; Mite Dick-
s n, Mrs. Doolittle, Mrs. Burritt, Mrs.
Goldthorpe, Miss Burntt, Mrs. Bullard,
Mrs. Rhynas, Mrs. Black, Mrs. Lynn.
q Mrs. Geo. Woods, Mrs. John Robertson,
Mrs. H. Hawkins. Mrs. Bishop. Mrs. W.
McMath, Miss Aitken, Mrs. C. Girvin,
Mrs. Lee, 3 pairs each; Mrs. R. Clark,
Miss Dark, Miss C. Dark, Mise E. Foster,
Miss Aitken, Mrs. Weller. No Name, Mrs.
W. Forster, Mrs. Jeedan, Mrs. John
Sturdy, Miss Nellie Catling, Miss Mc-
Pherson, Mrs McDonald, Mrs. R. Cott,
Mrs. C. 1.0. Mrs. W. Bullard, Miss B.
I Porter, Mrs. W. Pridham, Mrs. Dalton,
Miss Farrow,2 pairs each; Mrs. T. I-eckie,
Mrs. Stothers. Mrs. Gundry, Miss S.
Clark, Mrs Leech. Mrs. ' Waite, ' Mrs.
Snyder. Mrs. W. Jtlorrish, Miss M. Stew-
art, Mrs. John Tigert, Mrs. J. M. Mar-
shall, Mrs. Aitken, Miss Gertrude Porter,
Mrs. W. J. McNevin, Miss Helen Cooke,
Mrs. W. G. MacEwan, Mrs. L. H. Dick-
son, Miss Cunningham. Miss Tiffin, Mrs.
D. Bell, Mrs. Jennie McMath Mrs. P. Mc-
Farlane. Mrs. Snyder, Mies S. Dark. Mrs.
S. Hoek, Mrs. Dinsmafe, Mss A. Mc-
Clinton, 1 pair each.
Comforts for the Soldiers
Some of the Most Practical
Gifts t. Send
Sternean Stoves, very com-
pact and useful.
Chocolate Bars Bocrjl
Chewing thins Oxo
Auto Strope Safely Razors
Gillette Safety Razors Soap
Gem Safety Razors Conib'
liver -Ready --Safely Rizors
Tooth Brushes Tooth i'a'tes
Fountain Peas
Also aid the soldiers iiy
Ooderich, Ont.
'lone N North St. and Square
The Saults Coal Co.
Succorer' to McDeemoi a tilerti:dl
We deal in Hard and Soft Coal,
Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, !lire
Clay, also Hard and Soft Woad,
Maple and Hemlock Slabs.
Fresh cars of Lime and
Cement just received.
Cornea PIIONR - - - 75
B. ). Saults' Residence 275
W. W Smits,' Residence 902
Phone 4a
First Episode of. the Greatest of all Serials
"Gloria's Romance'\
By arrangement with F. Zcigtteld, .ir.
Featuring charming BiLLIE BURKE
Goods at the Same Prices
Peabody's Overalls, all si s. Sale price
Special Overalls at
Men's Mackinaw Socks, t\cle
'Lost in the Everglades
Also a powerful five -act drama
"The Greed Cloak"
Do you have headaches?
Do your eyes ache?
Do your eyes water ?
Do you have difficulty
when reading?
Does the print blur?
Starring IRENE FENWiCK and a Musty Stiffer
Comedy. Fullof laughs
These are all indications of de-
fective eyesight.
To have gained first place as the largest
selling grim in the world means that
Using both the objective
and subjective methods
of testing we can guar-
antee correction of all of
these troubles.
The Gum of Gu&nptlon
is liked above all others.
That its quality, lasting flavour and its
sealed package are the kind most ap-
And that its benefits to teeth, breath,
appetite and digestion have been proven.
"After every meal"
The people's favorite—SESSUE HAYAKAWA
The Bottle Imp"
A startling story of Hawaii
in a wonderful five -act Photo -play
"Golden Fetters"
and a funny Christie Comedy
Talk the matter over
with Mr. Sexsmith, our
eyesight specialist. if
you require lenses you
may depend on getting
them at the moat reason-
able charge.
Your examination Will cost
you nothing.