The Signal, 1917-11-8, Page 4+
4 THURSDAY, Nov. 8, 1917
Suits $25 to $12
Overcoats $30 to $12
Take your choice of any price from $25 to $12
and get extra good value foryour money. Our clothing
is not bought with a view to cheapness but with a
QUALITIES. This is the only way to get real value.
See our popular style Admiral and Trench Over-
Walter C.-Pridham
20th Century and . Art
Help defeat the Hun by buying
a Government War Loan Bond.
Beware of the man who neer overlooks l LOLBORNE.
an opportunity to tell you that honesty i
the best policy.
MacEwen Estate
E:cllisive agents for
for Goderich
and District.
Best Coal Mined.
SiTHURSDAY. November lei
illness of several months, Mrs. Jas. Jon
I passed away shortly before noon today,
in her fifty-ninth year. The deceased
was a native of Simcoe chanty, but had
lived in Colborne nearly all her file.
Besides her sorrowing husband. she
leaves one son, Howard, who is with the
Canadian troops in France. and four
I daughters: Lottie, Minnie Elsie and
seemed unable to detrrnune what the
trouble was. This made the death of the
'tar Otte more keenly felt by the parents.
The funeral took place on Friday after-
Study and Exercise.
thenblooudy dlesssand lack hildrenotStudyidoes not
usually hurt a child at school unless the
studies encroach on time that should be
spent in out-of-door exercise - But lack
of exercise and overstudy is a combina-
tion that bnngs on St. Vitus dance. If
your boy or girl at school is
thin and pale, listless and inattentive.
has a fickle appetite, is unable to
stand still or sit still. y.)u must
remember that health is mut more im-
portant than education, and more time
should`begiven to exercise and recreation.
See tO it at once that the child does not
overstudy, gets plenty of out-of-door ex-
ercise. sleeps ten out of every twenty-four
hours. and takes a safe. reliable tonic like
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills until the color re-
turns to the cheeks and Zips and the appe-
tite becomes normal. For growing chil-
dren who become pale and thin Dr. Wil -
tams ' Pink Pills are not 'only safe but in
most cares are the very test tonic that
can be taken. These pilin build up the
blood, strengthen the nerves and assist
'nature in keepin,1 pace with rapid growth.
You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
through any dealer in medicine or by mail
postpaid at 50 cents a box or six boxes
for $').50 from the Dr. Williams Medicine
Co., Brockville. Ont.
TUESDAY. Nov. 6. 1
Mr. P. Clark spent Friday visiting in 9
ningham, 1 field shirt each.
Thanks are due also for the making of
pyjamas to Mesdames John Menary, 4
wits: Mesdames Bert McWhinney. J. P.
Campbell. Wm. Bowles. A. Helm, Alex.
Woodrthb, Thos. Par
andel Mss MelindaJohn Helm,ABlack. and Mrs. D
Mcllwain, 2 wits each; Mesdames John
CI. N. Graham, T. Dougherty, Jas.
ohnston. anonymous, Jas. Ritchie, John
Reid. Richard Gardiner. Harry Gaidiner,
R. Nixon (Zion). Chas. McDonagh,
Misses M. Cunningham, Marie Hawkins.
1 suit eaeh.
Thanks are also due the following knit-
ters for the same time:
Mrs. R. J. Durnin, 8 pairs socks: Mea -
1 dames J. B. Graham. R. McKeith. D.
Andrew. 7 Mesdames
each; Miss Hazel Gar-
diner, W. T. Gardiner, John
Reid, Harry Johnston, A. Gordon. 6 pairs
each: Mesdames Wm. Blake. Jas. Ritchie.
R. Higgins, 5 pairs each; Mesdames Ed-
mund Andrew, Jas. Saunders, R. Henry,
Miss May Saunders, 4 pairs each; Miss
Jennie Maize. Mesdames W. Irwin, R.
Webster, 1 Bennett, sr.. N. Saunders,
Charles Ritchie. R. Nixon. John Helm,
Fred Anderson, D. Stroud, Bowers, J.
Petrie. U. Cook, 3 pairs: Mesdames Wm.
Johnston, J. Barclay, J. Stothers, S. Phil-
lips, Jas. Lane. Erwin Johnston, Isaac
Andrew, T. McDonald, T. Hall, Wm.
Kickley, John Hackett, R. Fiitsgerald. J.
Saunders. Wm. Stothers. Jas. Clarkaon.
Thos. Green, W. H. Maize. J. Kilppaatrick,
2 pairs each; Mesdames R. McWhinney
Topp. Sam Reid, J. Hunter, A. Helm. .
Ferguson, G. Johnston, T. Dougherty,
Misses M. Johnston, M. Menary• 1 pair
September shipment.
25 p )ama suits--.... $ 50 00
24 field shirts .... .. . 00 00
pair towels
1 pairs socks
Mrs. C. Shackleton he
end at Kincardine.
• driver from Mr. Ed. Taylor, Westfield I J
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Phillips have
moved oved to Abe. Durnin's farm on the
and Mrs. Houston and babe, of
' Wtlam, visited at Mr. Geo. Webb's !
I over y i
Miss) yrtle Phillips expects to attend
the public i braxy convention to be held
at Guelp his
spent t week -
Mr. W. 1. Miller has purchased a new 3
4 suits pyjamas
2 pairs towels
63 pairs so:ks
91 00
Total ....r401 30
October shipment.
1 field starts. $ Off 75
24 fel
1 20
h t week. l MRs. J. B. GRAHAM, Secy.
To Secotln National French1161
quilts: Mn. T. Dougherty. 2
quilts, Mrs. Carey, Mrs, T. Richardson,
1 quilt each.
Clara. Lottie arrived }tome (cern Man- t ike a Letter from Home.
iu>ba a few days ago a
Signal a letter from home."
g to see her mother:
the others all live at h one. The funeral
will take place on Sunday afternoon to
the Colborne cemetery, the funeral ,ser-
vice at the house to commence at '2
•o o'clock.
Any quantity beet all Maple i
`Ilane, Mixed Wood, Hemlock
i and Kindling fC.-dar or Pine.)
t TELEPHONE$, omeey$
jz r.sideace ata tStt
SALES DAILY AT 2.30 AND 7.30\P. M.
1 WEDNESDAY, Nov. 7.
h, spent Sundav at the, hoMrs. Jas. me of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Saliows.
Miss M. Sallows has returned to her
home in Alberta, after a two months'
visit to her friends here.
Robt. Scott is winding up the silo -fill-
ing and threshint this week and the
farmers are well pleased with results after
having such a wet spring.
Deep sympathy is extended to Mr. and
Mrs. Kingswell in the, loss of their twii
baby. Georgie, aged six, months. T he
little one died very sudienly after only a
Yew hours' iliness and even m • dicai skill
Toronto subscriber writes: "The
is like
1ahfi.ld Soldiers' Aid Circle.
The Ashfield Soldiers' Aid Circle with
gratitude acknowledges 'Wowingdonations to the Society during the
months of September and
Mrs. Henry Gardiner a Mrs. J.
Olver, patriotic teas.
Many thanks to the follow'
for sewing: Miss Mary Alton. 5
shirts: Mrs. John Menary, 4 field shirts:
Mesdames Jas Hayden, Harry Gardineev
Wm. Johnston, 3 field shirts; Mow- �,
dames T. Ferguson, John Campbell. Jas.
Cook, D. Johnston. sr., Wm. Sherwood.
Alex. Woods. E. Gardiner, Wm. Blake,
Wm. Finlay. Bert Johnston, Helm.
Wm. Carey, 2 field shirts each; Mes-
dames Jas. E. Ritchie. Chas. Ritchie, W.
T. Gardiner Roy Alton, R. Webster, R.
Nixon. D. Stroud, T. Elliott (Nile). D.
Mcllwain, Jas. Johnston, Miss M. Curt -
This Heine .l the Red Deer
and the Meese
DEER -.November 14 to November 15th
MOOHE—November let to November 13th
inclusive. In roast of the North.
aro Metric a M Ontario, including
T1myr••mf, the open ,ee-,on M
from Nsvevaber l.t to November
Stroh incleove.
In that Dario( Ontano lying north of the
Canadian Government Radvay from the
(Quebec to the Manitoba boundary, the open
aeon to moose is from October loth to No-
vember 30th.
Write for copy of ••Yls•e,ounde—The
itaumnof Irish and Grime." eiv,ne Game
Lar., Hunting Regulation , etc., to L. Z.
Hol-nl,, L'nton 8,auoa, Toronto, Ont.
Town Agent* Phone 8
&ore''ss'`"e THE COLBORNE STORE "°Th °°
Caps, Mitts and Gloves, Hosiery
and Underwear
Now is the time to get ready for the very cold weather. Our stocky are complete, but
when lines get broken it will be impossible fo replace them at the same price. Every day woollen
goods are advancing in price. Buy now and save 'our pennies.
Caps in all colors with Scarfs to match and Mita; ,the name color, for children, boys, girls
and women. They range in price from 25c to 50c. \
Hosiery is a line that everyone needs. We have a wonderful stock in fine Cashmere,
plain or ribbed, and heavy woollen for boys. They come at from '25c to 11.00 a pair. Children's
colored Cashmere Stockings in all sizes, in white, black, red, piuk, tau and light blue, at 40c
and 54k a pair. If it is Hosiery we have it.
Underwear for ladies and children, in all -wool, part -wool, and all -cotton. All grades, at
prices ranging from 35c a garment to $4,50.
WAISTS. A Silk Crepe de Chine Waist th-t is good quality an well trimmed with 5ne
lace and ha.s large collar, in white, flesh and maize, at 13.39 each. Just Blouses to men. This
value is exceptional.
BLANKETS. This weather reminds us of warm bedding. Flannelette Blankets in the
hest quality made, "IBEZ," in the large size. 12x4, for 12,:50 a pair. We have them in smaller
sizes at less money, Pure -wool Blankets in a fine Saxony wool, large size, with 'blue borders,
silt pounds, of 112 00 a'pair.
Do not forget to buy Khaki Handkerchiefs, Wash Cloths, towels and
Socks for the Parcel you are sending to the Soldiers.'
Diamond Rings, Gold Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Silverware
and Spoons, Cut Glass, Umbrellas, Cane
In order to sell out the entire stock within a week Mr.
OE' 8
Lyon has been instructed to sell
will be an opportunity seldom had for securinghighest-quality goods at your own price so close to the Christmas
Rogers Knives, Forks
quickly at any price whatever.
Remember Opening Sale, Thursday Evening.7.30
S. HOWARD LYON, - Auctioneer J. S. DAVEY, Jeweler