HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-11-8, Page 1A Chance to Save After New Year's the sub- scription pace of The Signal will be 11.50 in advance. You can save Fifty Cents by paying for 1918 now at the old dollar rate. 0 If a --Too sautrioJ i'ItlrR9riA1l, N ' as. ,y yy�y Y �A,�3SVS�s Your Money Fights When you buy Victory Loan Bonds. Lending money to your country is a good investment. too a1Err.NIN1ITY YiAgt--Na - GODERICH, ONTARIO, ..TIIURSDAY. NOV. 25. 1917 THIO 110NAL PRINTINGCO.. LIMITED. 1 t et is r- s LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. ThE STERL1N6BANK OF CANAA wl.ar+-+Ir.a.w• s. SAVE, Because -- Thrift is a war -time necessity. FOR 111.1 OR 11117. RENT.-COMFO RTABLE apartments over Mr. Wight's drug More. • cttmagee on IB•yfield road. Apply 10 MRS. JAS. WTLSON, North area. R SALE. -COTTAGE; A BAR- GAIN, vex roma and bath- Large lot. y deirrabk location on West street. opposite Hrbor Park. Sae BERT MAcUONALD. town. OUSE TO RENT. -ON KEAN'S .meat; ammo moms. all ounvsulenoaa. e- ntombed. Stable on lot. App to 2. W. ELI), Oadariob K It Na 9. Apply ale 7. 34 -lin f11Wi STORKS TO RENT. -ONE 1 lar ocoopled by t•'. H. Harrloon as 1 We x►ar by os�,l� F. Thoasow. Roth on the goners. A ply J. P. BROWN. abut 1misfit 1hoarse tow • lo. .tar .Ter ace. A70-pp1ly1' to PH ORI .Oaolar, PO SALE L'OR SALE. --A s II s COAL HEATER. 1 Apply to No. 11, Ne • to street. FOR SALE. -A PAi ' OF WELL MAItHED heavy -draft h - . rising 2 and 3 years Will sell sisal* or . GEO. B WILSON. R. It .No. 2. Goderich. 811-44 LIOR SALE.-FiFTEEN HD OF Polled Angru cattle weight Nfx) . . J. A. aM W. W. WALTER. ft R. No. 4• - • • kb, Gederrh Rural phooe,6 r 9. CRAIGIE'S REAL ESTATE BARGAINS FOR RALE North half Lot 6,L,ake Range, Ash - Aoki Towards* 14 miles nets of Port Albert. 84 acres best farm land in the Township, well watered, good orchard. On the lam in a gored 14 story frame house. New barn, brset 1913. All buildings rodded and in Lin class condition. Rural mail delivery. Fano rune from the gravel road to the lake. Can be purchased on easy terms or exchanged on Town Prop- erty. FOR BALE Fine red brick house, fully modern, hot water heating, brick garage. Minuted on the corner of Colborne and Church .etreeta. This Ix one of the most desirable properties In !!^Town of Goderich. Lately occupied by the late Dr. Holmes. Possession can be given at once. THE BIG INSURANCE AGENCY J. W. CRAI(;IE, INBURANCR AND REAL ERTATX ROBERTSON 6- WOODS INSURANCE AGENTS Announce that they have taken over the insurance business of the late W. R. Hotr.•rtson and are agents for Hritish America Phiwnix ('aledtmian Alliance North British and Mercantile Liverpool -Manitoba Equitable Harttnrd Monarch Fire insurance Companies and Great West Life insurance Co. Your patronage is solicited. Prompt and personale attention given to all business. A. M. Robertson - Geo. Woods 'Phone No. 178 AUCTION SALE s-- Al'CTION SALE QF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND `f U •N;SHiNGS. (Property of the late D. J NAFTEL, on SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 170, at 1 30 in . in the Vacant store corner Hamil- ton and St. Andrew's streets The oat includes Thirty yards revertible wool carpet. one aide never,.us.d, 2 ti's lana end 3.4 yards), also several smaller ruga and mats, 1 large walnut sideboard and 2 .made sideboards. 1 dining table (two leaves). t drop-leaf table, 7 small tiles. I couch, I secretary. 3 double bedsteads. 1 single b.datead. 2 double mattresses and 2 single mat- stand,1rssa4 est of dwM springs. 1 rosewood music 2 pano atoi 1 Columbia gral000la, sa a wall mirrors. pclures.3 hanging lamps, 1 clock, 4 eels book -shelves, 4 pocking chars, net of 4 up- holstered chairs. 1 loading screen, I easel, I pair of chenille portieres, other cur raining. curtain poles and now, 1 chain& mad I felt table. -cover, 3 bans - bol Jardiniere stands. several blanket tugs, 4 washstands. a crockery bedroom seta, I pair leather pillows, 2 seta brae suit rods, I boa Move and a quantity of stovepipe. I refrigerator, 2 kitchen chain. I wagon' machine, 1 wringer, 2 tubs. 1 lawn mower, I hos. reel, fancy and kitchen arteries and dales. ' Terms cash THOS. GUNDRY. f udaoeeer. SPECIAL LUNCH COUNTER In connection with "The Horne or Plenty" When down Irian lots us over. It you are hunkry we ca • relieve your hanger, If you are thi ty we can relieve your thirst. Our prices are right. You ;are 1 welcome. W. It HAINES, BRITISH PeCCHANOE HOTEL OODERICH 'The Chin -Chin Girls." in musical comedy, are coming to Victoria Opera House (or two nights next week- Wed- nesday and Thursday. There will be a change of program for the second night. ' Plan at Edwards' restaurant open on Monday. AUCTION SALES. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE AND LOTS AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Plcton street, the p roprrty of WILLIS BELL. on the premises. on SATURDAY. NOVEMBER Nth. commencing at 1 o'clock. The lurd,ture Includes One HappyfThought cooking stove, 1 3 -burner coal of stove. cupboards, chairs. sole' bedroom sets. kitchen tables. fancy tables. linoleum, car- pets. curtains. olkloths, dishes. bedding, sewing machine (nearly new), 1 uprigh4 organ. pictures. lamps. 1 boa tools. lawn mown, nm barrels and other articles too numerous to msntean. Taws. -On furniture• cash; on house and luta, can be arranged at time of mak to suit purchaser. W ILLIS BELL. THOS GUNDRY. Proprietor Auctioneer. WANTED. AUCTION SALE OF HORSES, CAT- TLE AND SHEEP. MR1LEWIS ALDWORTH will sell by public auction. at lot 37, concession 2. Goderich township (Bayheld road) ,on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12th, commencing at 1.30 o'clock sharp. Hoasaa.-One useful driving horse. 1 heavy, draft gelding, rising 3 years old, 1 hcavydralt huy.-nane 3 years old: '2 heavydralt geldings, naing 2 years. 2 heavy -draft foals (Arita -but beavy steers. soli weigh about 1200 pounds each. 4 two-year-old Meeh. 2 one- year -old steers. 3 one -year-old heifers, 4 spring calves SHaar.-Three Leicester ewes, 1 Leicester ewe lamb, 2 Leicester wether kmbs,l:. icester ram. 2 years old. Taws. --All suns of 410 and under, cash, over that amount. 12 months' credit wad hegiven m. furnishing approved joint notes A discount of 4 per cent. allowed for casHon credit amounts LEWIS ALDWORTH, T. GUNDRY, Proprietor. Auctioneer. CLEA RING AUCTION SALE OF ' SHEEP. LAMBS. CATTLE AND HORSES. MR. W. T. MURNEY will all by public auction at, lot 2. concession 3, Goderich township t Bay held road.. on TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 13th, commencing at 1.30 o'clock sharp, Sixty good breeding ewes and ewe lambs:7 pure- bred Leicester ram lambs, 2 purebred Shropshire ram lamb.; 1 purebred regatered Shorthorn bull call,) rose, calved March Pith. 1917. bred by J. W. Salkeld: sire. Nonpareil Stamp. 1(547..4: dam. Primrose xrd, 1(5)I64, 25 yearling heifers and steers: '2 good &livery horses; I extra good road horse; 1 set of double driving hernias; I set of angle driving Mere. and other articles. TRIMS. All sums of 410 and under, cash; ova that amount. 7 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved tont notes A discount of 4 per centstraight allowed for cash on credit amounts. W. T. MURNEY. T GUNDRY. Proprietor, Auctioneer. Ha -21 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS, MR. ROBERT HIGGiNS will sell by public auction, at lot 1, concession 5, W. 1).. Ashfield, on WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 140. ;commencing at 1 o'clock sharp. HORSES. -One team matched Perehero ns, 4 and 5 years old; 1 driving mare. 7 years old. in foal to Henderson's horse. 1 heavy -draft gelding. ruing 3 years old CATTLE.- Onecow. 7 years old, due to calve in March; 1 cow. 9 years old. due to calve in March; 1 cow, 5 years old. due to calve in March; 1 farrow cow. 5 years old; 5 yearling heifers. 2 yearling steers, 5 calves, t purebred Durham bull, S years old. Ssai►. Five ewes, 1 lamb, 1 ram lamb Psis.- One brood sow. Y young sows (bred). 1 aged hog, a pigs. 4 months old IsetwgNTS.- One n -ft. cut binder, 1 5 -fl. cut mower, both McCormick crake: 1 hay loader. 1 I rill (nearly new). 1 cultivator, all Massey -Harris ke; 1 1041 cut Maxwell rake, 1 walking plow, 1 n plow, 1 scorner, 1 land roller, 1 set irOw har • a, 1 cutting box, 1 fanning mill, 1 root 1. 1 set scales (2,0001bs. 1, 1 set bobsleighs, 11 stock rack. 1 low wagon, 1 light rig, 1 avel box. 1 wagon box I nearly new 1 pangs. I wheelbarrow, hay fork and • ow harness y hay.. quantity of cedar posts; t gasoline engi forks, shovels, meal box. and many other anti es too numerous to mention. s Everything mu he old. as farm ha• been I rented Tears. -All sums 510 and under, cash; over o at amount, 11 mnt credit will be given on , furnishing approved joinar. notes. A discount of 5 per cent straight alto for cash on credit amount S. ROBERT HIGGINS, T. GUNDRY Proprietor. Meetioneer. JURY SAGREES. ' Proudfaot, K. C.t. a se 124 (�., THE LADS IN KHAKI. NO VERDICT IN ilitc:RACKEN MUR- DER CASE. Traversed to Nest Assizes -Statements of the Accused as to How the Shooting Oared Told by Several Witnesses--.Oafenee Is that the Shooting Wes Accidental. The cast of the -King vs. James Mc- Cracken. in which the accused, a young farmer of Maris township, was charged with the murder of his wife on the 22nd of July last, was heard before Mr. Justice Sutherland at thlseizes hereon Tu.sday. After over four (tours' deliberation the jury (ailed to and the case was ad- journed to the t amens for this county. The assizes este Monday after- noon. when the 'airy was sworn in. The member jury were: Joshua Johns. forentapt; John T. Allison. U ah Colville; Cen- tralia: William rd, Bayfield; John., Mason, Wi as. A. Nairn, Gode- rich: Oswald 'ch; A. F. Ciuff, Seaforth; W. S. dies. McKillop' A. J. Irwin, Wingham:�.. as Sloan, Hullett; Oliver Clark, Culdatich; J. A. Case, Sea - forth. On Tuesday 1r''nning the grand jury returned a ' tru11" and the petit jury was sworn in.* follows: Albert Towns- hend. Hullett; John Colwell, Centralia; W. G. Bogie, Colborne; James Elaley, Mullett: Wesley S. Cdr. Exeter; John M. Pearson, Grey; Albert Godson, McKillop: Don•kdfFowler. West Wawanosh; osh; Witham Ceaaor, Ash(eld; John S. Ritchie, Grey; Frank Tyndall. Hallett; John L. Mc - Ewan, Turnberry.r Mr. T. R. Fergtlnn, K. C., of Toronto, the Crown prosecutor, was assisted by County Crown Attorney Seager- and the wagon. - set "rat GOOD "GENERAL" TO GO TO TOR- roR qufr ONTO, small house. two in family. must be good plain cook: sood wages. Apply for par- ticulars to MRS. D. MACDONAL Wellington street. Gode ch, either by kola a personally. SECONtED COOK WANTED AT BRIT, tthe.Hhp)ltHy.AWN-HHAdeES.wag.paP WANTED. -BY NOVEMBER 1.5th, men to work in the woods. Big wages for the right kind of men. Apply to the undersigned byy letter or phone. WM. FULL, R. R No. 14, Gpderich. Phone 4 r9 . 88-2t i1IRLte WANTBI).-APPLY ()ODE- 1`TT RICH KNITTING c0. TENDERS .WANTED For the rental of Goderich ('nrl- ing and skating Rink. for one or more years, addres.led to the un- dersigned on or before November 26th Inst. An advance payment on signing lease; balance by April 1st next in monthly instalments Size of rink about 161Sx70, W M. CAMPBELL, Secty.-Treasurer, R9 -2t Goderich AUCTION SALE OF A CA' eAD OF MiLCH COWS AND HEIFER MR. JAMES FERGUSON will ,e11 by public auction at Lannan'. stables. Goderich. on THURSDAY,INOVEMBER 15., commencing at 1.30 o'clock sharp: About 20 head of cattle. consisting of several , cows to freshen in January and a 'somber to' freshen in the spring. Also a number oT heifers in i calf. Tames. -Six months credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount at j rate of 7 per cent. allowed for cash. JAMES FERGUSON, T. GUNDRY, Proprietor. Auctioneer. ILEAR1NG AUCTION SALE OFI HORSES AND COLTS, LIVERY SLEIGHS. CUTTERS. ROBES_ BELLS. ETC. MR. T. M. DAVIS will sell by public auction at his bare. South street. Goderch, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24th, commencing at 1 o'clock sharp: ,- Pearl, h. -own mare. In hands high. a old. ;lc extra 'owl road mare, not afraid of autos or steam. and a perfect ladies' driver. Also her colt. 7 months old. by McPhail's Eel, and a perfect besot y. Four blood road colts, ruling 3 years old. •One chestnut gelding. 4 years old, sired by the Hall horse, with trial in 2 15 dam R. Whiting. record' 2.09:1-2, trial 2 (17. In grand hands; this should be a splendid race prospect He le level- headed. good -gaited and not afraid of anything. lie is to be ad at this sale, as owner has not stable room for him. One set of Mocks, with about 109 feet of rope; a forks.. shovels. !rushes, measures, etc. 4 rubber- ttred buggy, in gond condition; 15 Portland cut- ters, I Gladstone cotter, 1 family cotter I plan- t box cutter, 4 set of driving sleighs, 1 et team com- mercial weighs, 1 set dray sleighs. t 3-aared pka.- i ere sleigh. 13 -seated surrey sleigh on spinp. 1 2 - Mated surrey pleasure sleiigh on aprino. 1 Rres.s- ter road wagon, *rel Teat her trimming, al ,.clod three %earns, 12 lock goat rotes (Seaver•lined). 3 black grant roles 'plush - 'lined). 4 new grey goat robes (plushrincd). f All roles Radically new I This is a (leering sale of everything left of Mr Davis' livery business, and aul, will positively he sold without reserve Taame.--All atom rel gin and under, rash; over that amnugj. A months' «colt win he elven on Turn Mimi approved joint notes. A discount at rate of 7 per cent allowed for rash on credit arnmints T. M DAVIS. T GUNDRY. Proprietor Auctioneer. y g II if II ■ Required Large quantities of SCRAP IRON Terms -Cash' on delivery Please phone or write us and our wagon will call. The National Shipbuilding Co., GODERICH Limited X11 Poultry Wanted Our feeding plant has opet.ed for the season and from now on 'we will be in the market for all the poultry that you havetor sale. Poultry will be. taken in at Holtnesville e'.ry Wednesday morning .and every day at Clintopa Special prices will be paid for properly finished milk -fed chickens over :i lbs. each. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO., LIMITED CLINTON N. W. TREWARTHA Phone 190 MASA(' ER or Holmenville . 4 on 142 of Wingham. Capt. (Dr.) Joss Mc- Cracken, of the Army Medical Corps, 1 ---- brother of the accused. was in court, having returned from France to attend at Bomb. L. E. Robinson, of the 64th the trial. The little five-year-old son of Battery, Guelph, was home over Sun - the accused also was present in the court- day on his last leave. He expects to go room with his grandfather and uncle. but overseas shortly. We regret to say that did not appear to realize what was gtang he leaves his father, Mr. Alex. Robinson. on. The prisoner sat in the box during East street, very ill. the trial with his head bowed and a hand- I - kerchief to his face. Sunday morning saw the return from The first witness called was Thomas overnal of Pte. H. Vickers, Albert street. Welsh. of Hensall. who verified a plan Pte. Vickers enlisted with the 161st Bat- he had drawn of the prisoner's farm and talion in March. 1916, and accompanied bulldmgs. that Battalion overseas. After trainingF. T. Bryans. M. D., of Brussels, gave for some time at Witley Camp he was evidence as to the postmortem, held the stricken with pneumonia. Complications day following the shooting. The wound developed and after spending nine months was just in front of the lobe of the left in hospital he was returned to Canada for ear. Death was caused by the severance treatment. He is now on ten days' leave of the spinal column by the bullet. The and at the end of that time he reports to course o(' the bullet was practically Guelph for six months. Pte. Vickers straight. There was a smoky mark speaks well of his general treatment since around the wound. Thedeceased would be enlisting. He has a brother serving in twenty-eight or thirty years ofd and was France with a trench mortar battery. a woman of considerable strength and vigor. Thos. McRae. M. D.. of Brussels, also Pte. James W. MacVicar, son of Mr. testified regarding the wound. Witness, and Mrs. James MacVlcar, is still in hat - who had been canted to the father's hour pital in England, receiving treatment for Rhe night of the shooting, took the pets- the very serious wounds he received in honer to Magistrate Leckie at Brussels in France over a year ago. On the 1lth of his auto. The prisoner made a state- last month he completed a year in hos- ment to him as to what had happened. pital. and the anniversary was very I¢ndly He had the revolver in his pants pocket remembered by the nurses, who prepared and was holding it with his right hand a special dinner for him in honor of the He said to his wife, "1f this sort of life occasion. Afterwards he was wheeled is to continue I will do away with myself." about the hospital in a chair and visited She said. ' Let me have th.t" (the revol- the other patients. ver) and grabbed his atm. He said. 1 -i, • "No chance." and pulled his arm back.The 'casualty lists main have brought and the revolver went oil.sad trews. Corp. Alex.. Chisholm is re - The revolver was proeduiced and the rted killed in action and Corp. Joe witness gave a demonstration of bow the 'uul dangerously' wounded. Both are shooting might have occurred. When Goderich township boys who enlisted in witness saw the prisoner that evening fife 71st Battalion. the latter was in a highly excited state and was not in a condition of mind tot - HERE'S A LI [ TLE REQUEST manufacture a story and it was witness' I belief that the prlsner was telling the , truth. William Kearney, a cousin of the prisoner, [old about toing for theauto. ride. Witness' wife and two children and James Tbynnr were in the car. They called at McCracken's and asked Airs. MdCrackerr to go for a ride with them. There was room fort only one more in the car. When Mc- Cracken made an objection his wilt asked him why. and he said something about being left alone. She said it was only fcr a few hours and she was sometimes left alone for a week at a time. Mrs. Mc- Cracken went with them. Witness had never taken her out before. They drove to Listowel and on their return were met by McCracken, who was very angry and l told the witness he did not want him to be coming and taking his wife away. Jdrs„ ;rptlett los$ 1st i alflplcryYing(t lie and said, You see, there e a t mT ." Witness replied to McCracken that a viii the first time he had called and it would be the last. Mrs. Nettie Kearney, wife of the pre- vious witness. and James Thynne told the same story. The ladies' Aid of Knox church will hold a salad and bean tea on November 23rd. There will be a short program. Don't fail to attend the Rebekah socia( in Oddfellows Hall on Friday. November 16th. Proceeds to go towards soldiers comforts. That Must Be Attended to -Boys Mast Have Their Christmas "Eitel" The following letter from Capt. ,Fred Sturdy has been received by Mrs. Hamil- ton, president of the Woman's War, Auxiliary of Goderich: \ Waley Camp, Oct. 10, 19 Dear Mrs. Hamilton, --Perhaps this letter will come as a surprise to you, but 1 recall our last leave in Goderich, a little over a year ago. and a statement made by you that should the boys of the 181st ever require anything to let the ladies know. On the strength of this i am writing you to ask for your assistance towards providing the men of our Battatton'a of the Battalion provided the dinner to the men and I think it was well enjoyed and much ap- Chnstmas ditcher. Last y•ear the officers " pre l*ted; ...The year we hive many new and strange officers among us and the or- iginals 1lrecortaderahle in the minority, so we are looking to the people at htrne for assistance. knowing that at this time of the year your thoughts are with us as ours are with you. It is our desire to provide a dinner large enough so that all may have as much' as he can possibly eat. It will cost in the neighborhood of one hundred pounds and we are asking for cash donations at the rate of one dollar per man from places who have men on the strength of our unit. Goderich is at the present . time '.repre- sented by seventy-four men. and allowing twenty-six for men who have come into the Battalion and whose home addresses are not known makes the share for Gode- rich one hundred dollars., This amount may or may not seem large to you, but last year with our strength of 700 the dinner cost 75 pounds. This year our strength is over slat and f/od prices have increased considerably.. Perhaps l an presuming too much by asking you and the ladies of Goderich to furnish this arreiunt. knowing that your time is well taken up with war work of different kinds, hut trust that if you do not care to do so you will place it in the hands of someime who will. Trusting that thin will meet with your support and to hear from you at an early date, 1 am. Yours truly. FRE]n STURDY. This matter has been taken up by the Woman's War Auxiliary and each society in the town has been asked to contribute S5 to this cause and it is; the town council will supplement thedonations and make up the required sum. John O'Neil. jr., of Morris, said he was passing MCCracken's place about 10 minutes to 8 o'clock that .evening and saw Mrs. McCracken leaning on the fence and 'crying. He asked what was (Continued on page to EXEMPTION TRIBUNALS MILITARY SERVICE ACT 1917 For the Attention of Class One Men The location of The Exemption Tribunals in this district is as follows:- Tribunal ollows: Tribunal Ont. No. -133--Goderich 134�Clinton 135 -Dungannon These nals will commence to deal with claims for exemption o ovember 8th. All claims for eamption must be made not later than November 10th. Those who make or hiave made their claim for exemp- tion in writing through the Post Office will receive notice by registered letter 0( date on which their claim will be dealt with. Those who neglect to make use Of the Post Office must present themselves in person at a Tribunal on November 8th, 9th or 10th, and they will then be informed as to when their claims will be dealt with. Reports for service must be made on or before November 10th through the Post Office. Severe penalties are provided by law for failure to report fcr service or claim exemption as above. Ifuued by aIle The Milliary Service Camel The W. C. T. U. will meet on Monday, November 12th, in the Temperance Hall at 3 o'clock. Please come and bring a friend with you. -Press Supt. The annual meet ing of the Goderich Horticultural Society was adjourned to Friday evening of this week, when it will be held at Secretary Lane's office at 4 o'clock. Mr. Horace Stone Wilcocks, managing director of the North American Chemical Co., Ltd.. died at his home In Toronto on Wednesday of last week. aged, fifty-five yam. Mr and Mrs. Thos. Tabh and daughter Miss Oave returned this week from Maple Creek, Sask., where they spent the summer. Mr. Tabb reports prosperous conditions out therr. Owing to unetpected pressure upon the colulnns of The Signal this week. much interesting news is unavoidably left over, including budgets from several of our esteemed district correspondents. Much regret is being expressed at the removal of Mr. J. H. Marshall, C. P. R. agent here. to Windsor. Mr. Marshall lef. Wednesday morning to take over his new position. 1t means a well-deserved pro- motion for him, but a Ions to Goderich. The Misses Kate and Mary Gundry left this afternoon for Chicago. whence the former will go on to visit at Winni- peg, Saskatoon and other points. Later she will return to Chicago, and with ner sister will go to LOS Angeles, California. where they will spend the rest of the winter months. Miss Margaret Fraser. Mrs. Jas. Fraser and the Misses Marion and Lilian Fraser left on Wednesday morning for Daytona. Florida. where they will spend the winter. Miss Lilian, who has been a valued member of the Collegiate Institute staff. was presented by the school, prior to her departure. with a handsome clubbag. Miss Marion has been teaching at V. toria school, and her pupils gave her a farewell in the way of an entertainment held in her room on Tuesday afternoon. Jewelry Sale. Mr. S. Howard Lyon. the expert jew- elry auctioneer, is here and will com- mence'the sale of the fine stock of Mr. J. S. Davey. who is discontinuing business, on Thursday evening at 7.30. Mr. Lyon is well known in this vicinity. His instructions are to close Out the stock as quickly as passible at any old price. and the people of Goderieb and vicinity will have an exceptkroal erpportunity of securing Christmas 'gifts and the many useful articles of jewelry and silver at exceptionally lo,W prices. MONTREAL MAN TELLS WON. DERFUL STORY. Help Win the War by buying Victory War Loan bonds. Ap- ply to Union, Bank of Canada, Godench Est Pure Ice cream and give your children none -cher. Edwards' Is pure. ('hone 2N). Nothing is too gold for the bahv. His welfare demands that safe goods he used in the nursery. Our stock contains the latest and best. Nipples, brittle fillings, pacifiers, etc. E. R. Wigle, Goderich. 11 quality counts, use Blackstone's delicious ice cream in bulkor bricks for all occasions. Phone 240. THE GODERICH MARKETS. TRuasDAT. November R. Wheat, perbn.h 11 2.111 to II VIP (tat., pee tom -h.511 to Ai Heeley. per hush hen Is 1.15 I'MR. per bash a(n to 423 HOrkwbe*t per hush. .. 1.13 to 1.14'1 Plone. family. per ran. ...,, 3.74 to 609 Flour, p*te.,t, per cwt 3.7.14 to Am Rr.e, Morton 34.MI to MAI "Porto, per ton .......30Ito 41.181 Hey, per Inn 01n to 111 ml `fel to *Ai Word, roe Io*d .Dm I0 0..91 Dairy Putter. per lb .41 to II ('reamer, Rutter Ali to .r Egg. . fresh, per dos .43 to ..91 l'nt*toes. per hn•h .911 to 1 M ('attle butcher• choler, per rel. 00 e11 to * ('*tile, botcher.' toedlnro.oer cwt nem to ken Hees. lir* weight, per cwt. . 11 .91 to 15.:341 Hlelee. pee Ib .. .t3 to AtTsllnw, rendered. Perth ... .1.• to M Toting shrats clipped ------8204,4* 0..91 gheepshlns . 2.' oto 3 IA Weed n*w**M+d. per Ili M to .Vf " limbed. tar Ib. .. , . .413 to .73 :atelier, lose, per tett.. . . . Bad Case of Bri..ht's Disease Cures by Dodd's Kidney Pills. Montrea'l Completelycurue., red of that mostov. 5th ddreaded of all diseases. Bright's disease of the kid- peys. Mr. George Sullivan. 2`44 St.. Valiers street. this city, is spreading tfte good news that he found his cure in d's Kidney Pills. ' "i suffered from Bright's disease for two years. 1 was unable to work fur weeks at a time. 1 spent hundreds (7( dollars on doctors without receiving any real bene fit and received outdoor treat- ment at the Montreal general hospital. I was feeling very badly discouraged when a friend advised me to try I)odd's Kidney Pills. After using three Nixes i was much better. ,I kept on 011 i had used nine boxes. when 1 was completely cured. Na- turally 1 consider Dodd's Kidney (tills a wonderful remedy." GUNURY'S SA, E REUISTER. MONDAY, Nov. 12. Auction sale of horses. cattle and sheep, property of Mr. Lewis Aldwort4t, Int 37, crmce.won 2. Gmlerch township. WitMde0Ar, Nov. 11 Auction sale of farm stock and implements, property of Sir. Robert Higgins. lot 1. r,mcaxaon .4, Ashheld. THURSDAY. Nov. 15. Auction sale of a carload of mdch cows and heifers. property of Mr James Fereuwm, Rt l.annan's hotel. Godench, com- men*ng at 1.311 sharp. WeoNgsoev. Nov. 21.- Clearing auction sale of ahne h,e ail farm stork and Implements, proy- erlr est Mr. Medford Elliott, at l�,t 15, corressart 2, West Wawanosh Everything met Ire sold, as the twopretor is leaving the farm. SATURDAY. Nov. 21 --Clearin[auction sale of horses and colts. livery sleighs. robes. etc , the property of Mr. T M Davi+. at Ms barn. South street, (,16,',.h. commerleme at 1 o'clock sharp. BORN.II BISSET'-At !altlord Ileidits, on October 22, to Mr. and Mrs, Gordon A. Bonet. a daugh- ter (Mary Louis-.. • DIED. KINGSWEI.I. - In Colborne townehipp.� on Thursday• November 1, George Wesley Kmgs- wcll, aged it months and N days PHARIS. - At Reamsvdle. (hit , on Sunday, No- vemher 4, Martha Munro, widow of the late John W. Phan*. of God r.ch. HALL. In ('wrlench, on Sunday. November 4, Thomas Hall. aged 79 years MtLEOD In (ander oh. 0. Thuraday, NoSem- her s, Whim. arm of Mr. and Mrs. George Mc - Led, William street. aged a yeas.' JONES 1n Colborne township, on Thursday. November h, Lennie Almenie Long, wife of .. Jailors tomes. aged SR year ---^ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -Nor. 8. Page Reade- 1 h Weekly Sun_. .. AAAA . . a Colts foe Sale l;eo. 41 .Wilson, Godeneh Town- ship . - ,.. 1 Aurl.m Sale S. Davey' • Armon Sale -D. J. Naltel Estate Aurtem Sale T. M. nava Reader - Rebekah Lodfe ... AAAA .. .. 1 Cant Wanted Bedell alchemic 1 Cattle for Sale - J. A Walter ...s . 1 Tender. Wanted Wm. Cemplietl .. 1 The Chin Chin Gado --Victoria Open slesae.. 11 Auction Sale - Jr. Fermium .. . AAAA .... t Auction Sake Willis Bolt Maid Warned -Mr. D. Macdonald .. 1 •