HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-11-1, Page 5«.SSSSSS•S East Street Garage GODERICH - - .- ONTARIO We'll Soon Put Your Car back into good condition afterowe once get it here. V'e have every facility for auto repairing and plenty of skill and experience to enable us to do quick and thorough work. Don't neglect your little auto troubles. The sooner you have us attend to them the better for your car and your pocket. "Owned and Operated by a Practical Man" Arthur M. Glover McEwen's Specials, M ATS Choice. Pknic Hams 30c it, Choice smidi sugar•cured Hams. uat ht size for family 82c TEA A quantity of Luton's mixed' Tea bougl't before the ad- vance. The only pack• e you can buy at this 40c a lb. UNDERWEAR Men's heavy wool Uncle wear, bought last season, worth $1.25 per garment. Special $1 (A/ each. Men's fall Underwear, bought last season, worth $1.25 a suit. Special $1.00a suit. Butter and Eggs taken in exchange`. Best prices paid. J. J. McEwen 'Plume 41ii GY HAIR Or. Tremain is Natural Maar Reato•at,os. sod u d,recsed. is need to restore wiry hair to u, maraud color or tnooey funded. Posnvely not • rive .nil non..n,v,ous Pr,ce $ 111, oo•t.p.,d. Wr,se Tra sies Awl, Co., Termite, , On sale ,n Goderrch `t J A OM. NonhSt and Sous,* 1 C.tnpbell , Deur Store. Top Not h Quali Foo ear fo 'Fall We are now shing our reatest variety of he very est Style ideas in g... sub - tial, serviceable f. r twear. oes that hold their shape `and last the lot est. Shoes that our customers call for again and again. All,styIes of Rubber f..t- wear are now in stock at t e west possible prices. REPAIRING= For Good Reliable Shoe Repairs, try Smith & Ring SO Eau Street. Oppos.te Knox Church Git'e Us a Trial Geo. Macs,V North side of Square, Goderich iiiiiiiiiiiiiIIUIIIIIIIIIIIUIUIIIIlIII hIHlIIiiiipiillllllllIIHlllliiUiIAlliHiiil • 7-DaysLonger7- --- FOR --- Great Bargains in Clothing, Shoes and Gents' Furnishings • We have pleased hundreds of people during the first week of our Sale and we urge you to take ad- vantage of the wonderful savings this sale gives you Come and see our prices and be convinced that we have REAL CLOTHING VALUES. e Specials for Saturday, Nov. 3rd, and Monday, Nov. 5th Peabody's sizes at Overalls, all $1.75 Good Union all sizes Black Sateen clear at Overalls, $1.49 Shirts, to • 43c Shoes Men's Fine Dress Shoes button or lace, all sizes $3.45 An extra value M. ROBINS THE SIGNAL - GODRRTCH ONTARIO • THURSDAY. Nov. 1 1011 Jt LOCAL TOPICS 1 r _ s For the Boys Across the "Valor. The women's organiutiuns in connec- ' tion with the various churches of town have been busily engaged sending parcels of Christmas cheer to the boys overseas. It is hoped that no member of the forces who claims this town as his home will be missed in the Christmas distribution. The ladies of Knox church alone sent 115 boxes. Public School ()iris Ars Working The girls of the public schools are busy knitting washcloths for hospitals out of material furnished by the Gen. Brough Chapter, I. O. D. E. More than 200 swabs have been completed by than to be handed in to the Red Cross Society Much thanks is due to Mrs. Kelleher for GI LLETTS LYE the kindly interest taken by her in the • pupils' work, as shown in a series of after - nam knitting parties at her pretty home Early on Saturday morning the beautiful on Britannia road residence of Dr. H. Wigle, with nearly all Fa•ms Sold. its contents, was destroyed by tire. It is evident that tie fire originated from the The fifty -acre farm of W. J. Smith, in kitchen chimney, and as there was a Ashfield, near Dungannon, has been sold strong wind at the time the firemen were to Mr. Therms Culbert. who lives across unable to save the house. Dr. Wigle has the road from the property. Mr. Thos. been a resident of Wiarton for many Rivett has it rented until spring. Mr. years and lost the valuable collections of ch Smith is in Saskatchewan and the sale , a lifetime. was effected by Mr. Thos. Gundry. The Scrimgeour farm on the 4th con- cession of West Was anosh has been sold Donations to Hospital. 1 h following donatio to Mr. Thomas Flnleon of the same I gratefully received at Alexandra hos- township., There are 100 acres -tit the - place and it sold for $4.000. The Hallowe'en all. One of the events of Hallowe'en was a masquerade ball at Oddfellows' Hall under the auspices of the Goderich Orchestra. There was a fairly good at- tendance, including a party of young Central school; 2 bags vegetables, separ- peoale from Seaforth, and the many gay • ate school; basket of onions, A Friend: costumes made a pretty spectacle. The homemade bread, Mrs. Oram; basket of lady's prize was awarded to Miss Ada carrots, Mrs. Wm. Morris, Dunloo's Gopsill, who represented an Indian prin. Hill:} ,jar pickles and 1 jar fruit, Mos cess. Messrs. George Little and Gordon Blackstone. Noble had to draw for the gentleman's prize, and Mr. Little won. He was in Mr. Bamford at Listowel. comic costume. The music by the Mr. H. L. Bamford. formerly a mem- orchestra was good. ber of the Goderi.h postoftice stall, and a Dr. Wigle Burned Out. • 'brother of Mrs. R. R. Sallows of town, Mr. E. R. Wigle left Wednesday morn- was recently appointed organist of the ing for Wiarton, having received word Methodist church at Listowel. The that his father's home in thst town had Listowel Banner last week had theiello Dean destroyed by fire. A news ing paragraph regarding his work there: y "After the evening service in the Metho- pkat during October: 1 jar fruit and 1 jar pickles, Mrs. Quigley; 1 jar fruit, Mrs. Colborne: 1 jar fruit. Mrs. Sturdy; 2 jars fruit and 3 bottles pickles. Mrs. S. Clifton; cabbage and apples, Marion Wilson; fruit. Mrs. Wm. Moore, sr.; fruit, Mrs- Ketleher: 15 bags vegetab'es. Victoria school; 4 bags vegetables, To Address Town Council. Mr. R. L. Werry, representing "Mu- nicipal Canada," a voltam. to be publish- ed in the interests of Canadian mu- nicipalities, will address the tern owuncil at its regular meeting 011 Friday evening of this week. O. C. 1. Literary Society. The G. C. I Literary Society held a meeting on Friday night,with a large at- tendance and an interesting program. Af- ter the president's address, by Mr. Ernest Lee, and a nolo by Mr. Eric Wilstes, friar students spoke in a debate on the subject "Resolved, that the western hemisphere has greater natural resources than Ole eastern hemisphere." The affirmative was upheld by Mr. Lionel Macklin and Miss porothy Dancey. and the negative by Miss Helen Carey and Miss Gladys Ginn. The result was a victory for the af irm- ative. Dr. Strang gave an address on "The French-Canadians and the War" and a play. "Votes for Wooten." was put on by Mr. Allen Sinclair, Miss Grace Pinder and Miss Mary Baechler. Then came the presentation of the prizes won at the recent field day, championship medals being presented to . Mr- Leonard Macklin, Mr. Lionel Macklin, Miss Jean MacE.sion and Miss Alice Nairn. Ted Johnston, who also won a medal. was absent. The Glee Club use a selection, "Home Again," and the meeting closed with the National An- them. despatch from Wiarton is as follows: 'f THE SINGER STORE We have a full new stock of cosy, warm clothes for babies and little tots --blankets, bonnets, jackets, legg'wgssetc. Ladies, come and get ideas for Christmas gifts. First-class stock of bath towels, linen towels, lunch loths with serviettes to etch, tie racks, towel racks,\ itting bags, various little `, h ndy cases which make neat. in pensive gifts. s Marguerite Clark in "Snow White." Perhaps of all the popular film a�rrtists there is none more popular in Godench than Marguerite Clark, and there will be much interest among theatre -goers in the announcement that she is to appear Thursday night of next week in an adap- tation of the Grimm fairy tale • "Snow White." Having starred in the success- ful stage adaptation of the story, Miss Clank will undoubtedly prove iresistibk in the motion Acture version of the charming tale. The story lends itself readily to the arts of the motion picture producer and the whole production will be more than usually attractive. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. Miss Inglis has been engaged by the public school board to teach in Victoria school for the balance of the term in place Miss Marion Fraser. who leaves next k to spend the winter in the South. Umn2a-AEK oa� OF CANADA i Thrift, a Profitable Duty it Is not what you earn, but what you save that counts. And remem- ber, too, that It Is of little use to pare down expenses if the money so saved Is not put to work. As a personal and patriotic duty, save every dollar you can, and let it earn Interest In a Savings account. assec— Goderich Branch—F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. i DID YOU EVER REALIZE the relation betwosm good eyes and guuil health? Possibly pot, but you do know that eyestrain 1s often responsible for headaches and nervous spell's. Don't yon think it a good idea to have your eyes examined regu- larly by competent authority ? Enjoy life better- Consult "ow Mini( w/ 1' 1 AND MFG PI 0PIICIAR MGM N tat fest Dltl6t GULLPH. ors. ' dist church on Sunday, Mr. H. L. Bamford a ^ _ . _ __-_— gave an organ recital, consisting of four I A new bar has been fitted up at the well selected, skilfully executed and in- British Exchange hotel, in a more con- spiring numbers, that to •lovers of soul - thrilling music were sufficient to rank him venient location -just behind the office. Proprietor H:.ines invites all to drop in and see the new arrangement. an accomplished player. Mr. Bamford The Stratford Glove Makers Ltd have has splendid control of the fine, new ���S a contractnt with the (vested States ean- ment for woollen glove,, and are advertis- ingimpro a for women who are not otherwise en - I , gaged, and who are accustomed to sewing. for the recital." ��� ( R f'ci or- gan and by bis ability is doing much to v the Service of song. There was. a large congregation andnearly allstayed "Visiting the Wi'ch.' 1 or the finishing department. They offer good wages, steady employment, and the (are paid to Stratford of anyone wishing I Other chrome may dim as we older Ito apply. grow but when the a Witch. h I teridant ghosts and jtrck-o'-lanterns, k 1 ub}ect Dail s The United States has agreed to lend to is the deadliest and most with her at- painful maladyto whit mankind C4subject waves her tragic wand our hearts grow Kidney Pifis will cure any 1 young again and with the children we do cafe of Bright's Disease. 1 homage to the Queen of Hallowe'en. Si They have never failed in at any rate it seemed on Tuesday even- one singe case. They are ing, when the "Witch's Cave" -in .the the only remedy that ever schoolroom of Victoria street Methodist has cured it, and they are church -was crowded to capacity with an the only remedy that can I expectant audience. At the Witch's There are imitations of tap performers came forth and rendered Dodds, Kidney Pill. -pill. appropriate music, dells apd recitations. box and name -but imsla- The closing number, introducing patriotic tions are dangerous. The songs, brought to the thoughts of all the original and only Fenutne cure for Bright's DISeiLSC is P tpadourcombs,batreties, gallant soldier boys to whose comfort all hair ribbon holdtrs, beauty prallint had contributed by then attend - pins. ` ance. . Death of\Mrs. Walton. \\I After art illness borne with much Mls! Susie Noble patience and fortitude. Mrs. Margaret Walton passed ouietly away on Saturday Succes.pr to Mrs. Tape. at her home, West street. aged seventy- three years. The deceased lady. who was a daughter of the late John Phillips. Model sates Friday and Sa day, November 2nd and 3rd MAE MURRAY \ this powerful and original photo - play "ON RECORD" Monday and Tuesday, 1 November 5th and 6th MARC McDERMOTT and MIRIAM NESBITT "THE LAST SENTENCE" A five-part drama of retribu- tion and a woman's love Wednesday, November 7th "The Fall of the Romanoffs" (See special advertisement) Thursday, November lith Goderich's favorite film artist MARGUERITE CLARK is an adaptation of the beloved Grimm fairy tale "SNOW WHITE" Friday and Saturday, November 9th and 10th THEODORE ROBERTS Is. "The American Cone" was a native of Londonderry. Ireland. coming to this country with her parents when a child and settling in Toronto. She remained there until she had finished ber education. when the family -moved to Sarnia. She was there married to the late Robert Launcelot Walton, who had ,come to this country from Australia with' a party of civil engineers. The last thirty- five years she spent in Goderich. Her husband died several years ago and she leaves to mourn her departure one `son. Percy L.. two daughters, Mrs. Armour; f Detroit. and Miss Lena. at home. an two granddaughters, Maida and Aiken Armour. to all of whom the sympathy of their friends goes out in the loss of one who meant so much to them. Although Do you have headaches? of a quiet disposition. Mrs. Walton had a great many friends to whom she was endeared by her gentle kindliness and ttfe Do your eyes ache? constant ur.selfish solicitude she .vine for those about her. She was throughout . her life a loyal member of the Anglican • Do your eyes water ? II i church. The funeral took place Monday I afternoon to Ma!t land cemetery, Rev. A L. DOyou have difficult G. Clarke, rector of St. George's church, : J conducting the services. The pallbearers were Messrs. lames Mitchell. Chas. , when reading? J. Harper, C. G. Newton and D. J. ' Curry. 1 Does the print bur ? Young Soldier Dies at Winnipeg. After an illness of several months Poi William T. Sanderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sanderson of town, died in • hospital at 'Winning on Wednesday, October 24th, at the' age of twenty-sis years. The young man was clerking in s store at Winnipeg when h' enlisted A•r military service and he drilled last fall and winter until he caught a sev'rr cold which developer into a serious ani finally fatal i:lness. Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson went to Winnipeg in August to see him. and he was then ton ill to be brought home. The deceased had not been home for about three years. He was fors while in the United States navy and was at Vera Cruz at the time of the Mexican trouble. A brother, George, is with the aviation corps at Camp Borden, and there are two sisters, Mies Myrtle, of Clinton, and Mrs. W. Craig, of town. The -e are also two vainger half-hrnthers. one of whom is with the Huron Battalion in England. The remains were brought home fur burial. being act-nmpanird by Sent. - Major Pratt. and the funeral tools place Tuesday afternoon from the family regi- dmnce, Fast street. to M often(' cemetery The pallbearers weir four returned soldiers, Reg. Platt Harry Rutsor, Ernest Swart, and David Pell, and a number of other ret timed soldiers marched , In a body with the funeral nrneeasinn. ' j Rev. Dr. Rutledrr and Rev. R. C. Mc- iDermid conducted the funeral eeriness. I Among the flowers laid tarn the casket were a magnificent wreath irnrm the Great GODERICH ONT. War Veterans Association of Winning, and a crescent from tbs.lP,tal Soldiers' iii Aid Society. MA 0 DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS fl,dd•. Kidney P.;:4 are fifty .ants a box at all dnaggpds. Britain and its Allies overseas 113,0011 - 000.000, but it has stipulated that the money must be spent by those courttnes in the United States. In other words, the vast sum of three billions of dollars will be expended by the Allies to keep American factories and farms, steel plants and shipbuilding yards, and the nation generally, busy with war orders. The proceeds of Canada's Victory Loan, 1917, will be used for war purposes only and will be spent wholly in Canada. The big Resall One -cent Sale is now OR Sildiers' Comfort Boxes Tough as Leather. IOc and 15c each Y Also many is s e f ill presents and article)4k fill them.' Stef&ati Alcohol Stoves, Aii Pillows, Kodaks, Safety Razors, Razors, Choco- late Bars,Oxo in cubes, Bovrtt; and many other articles too nunteraits to mention. Call and see them for yonrself. J. A. CAMPBELL (ioderich, Ont, Phone 90 North St. and Square The Saults Coal Co. 800ee.atoes a ycDOis.sgh A tilrsdhan ExCLuSIVR AGET's rs Fust LEHIGH VALLEY TUX COAL THAT SATISPIRS We dentin Hard and Soft Coal, Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Mire Clay, also Hard and Soft Wool, Maple' and' )Hemlock Slabs. Fresh cars of Lime and Cement just received. OFvler PHONR - - - - 75 B. ). Saults' Residence 275 W. W Saults' Residence 202 These are all indicatiofs of de- rrti, r eyesight. Using both the objectives and subjective methods of testing we can guar- antee correction of all of these troubles. Talk the matter over with Mr. Sexsmith, our eyesight specialist. If you require lenses you may depend on getting them at the most reason- able charge. Your examination will cost you nothing. H. C. DUNLOP The atEdi Store Eveilywhere in wr, study or play \ is a RIGUEYS The Gum of Gunlot:an welcome help. k The FT'atlrossr TeetI , breath, appe- tite, digestion and spirits are the bet• ter for it. WRICLEV'S makes the next pipe or cigar taste better. It pleasantly sweetens and soothes mouth and throat. Three Lasting Flavours Swaged fight Kept right no ..row ff•a WRICLEV'I "After every meal" mommemigitommisrlearmessallik ;I