HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-11-1, Page 4,1 • 4 THURSDAY, Nov. 1, 1917 • ...,.»,•,e..t... ...On. rrlws.t..• ..�1 111.. .1...r+.nw.srNwYISA 11Vv.eer.1.6.0* wMrr�r THE SIGN AL - GOPERICH ONTARIO it -1 -++ti IT'S OVERCOAT TIME THE SEASON'S BEST AT THIS STORE Ow stock is large and varied and we are prepared to meet the demands of every man. Overcoats in black and Oxfords, Meltons for conservative dressers, and then there is the uew Slip-on, the Admiral and French Coats. Black and grey Pls.-front Overcoats $15, $18.50 and $22.50 The new Slip-on and Admiral in a variety of cloths and shades $15.00, $ 18.50, $20.00 and $25.00 Men's all -wool Underwear (old stock) $1.00 SPECIALS Jaeger fine wool Gloves and Socks Walter C. Prid am� 20th Century and Art 411i11i1IIIIIi+ HIGHLANDS .f ONTARIO, Canada The Home of the Red Deer and ;he Moose H DEER—November 1.1 to November 15th Iuelu -i. e. altJ L, -November lot to November ISth Iuclu+tre. In .owe of the Norlb- ern Di�.tr c +of Ugtorio. Including 1 imag mil. the ,�rrpen res. m i. from November not to Non ember with mein -ter. In that part of Ontario lying north of the Canadian Government Railway from the Quebec to the Manitoba boundary. the open .season for moire a from October loth to No- vember :loth. Write for copy of "Filleroand•—The Haunts of r'i.h and Game. giving Game l.a+•. HoMlug RegutatIou.. etc.. to C. E. Horning. Union8•auos. rorottto, out. F. F. LAWRENCE & SONS Town Agents Phone 8 !heEwan Estate him statement with reference to Ur. J. B. Taylor. The membership Is now Mr. Chas. Elliott is away on his annual Chases Kidney Lrvt Pills to be true and unique and forceful. On Wednesday night of last week an entertainment was given in the Union church by the Sunday school members. and 8111 of the "Talent money" was brought in A silver collection was taken up. for Christmas boxes for the soldiers from the congregation. Over 87.00 was realized. Miss Greer. a returned mis- sionary of Central hndia. gave an address, which was appreciated by the whole audienc e. KINTAIL. MONDAY, Oct. 29. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor and baby son. of Sault Ste. Marie, are visiting relatives here. Mr. Archie MacMurchy, of Detroit. is spending a few wteeks at the home of his Cl father, Mr. A. MacMurchy. for pink teas. the "White Mountain;" for weddings, and the "Red Rose," for big days. Some class to these murphies all right. The River Valley Creamery Co. is mak- ing a new departure and intends to con- tinue operations all winter. Arrange- ments are being made for the collection of cream during the winter months. This will be good news to the farmers of this district. The Red Cross workers held their sew- ing bee this week at the home of Mrs. David Sproul. There was a good turnout. Next week's meeting will be at Mrs. B. J. Crawford's. The ladies are giving a fine example to the men in the way they are sticking to their patriotic work. ergyman Miss Mabel Finlayson, of Toronto. is the guest of her aunt. Miss Mary has Recovered. Stewart. 0 Mrs. Colin MacGrezor and children - — have returned to Detroit. . Was Unable to Fill Ap- Miss Anna Mackenzie spent the week- tifntmentsand Greatly end at her home here. p Discouraged by Con- tinued III -health. DUNGANNON. WgDNESDAY, Oct. 31. Mrs. S. Deeves is in Goderich at pres- ent.Gananoque, Ont.. Nov. 1 -The; many friends of Rev. GeorgeAlton are leased Mr. and Mrs. dDSproul week.sea to learn of his recoveryafter a longperiodcouple of days in Goderich this _ Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Smilie have re- nwblhs ill-health severe headaches. stomach turned home after spending a week across the It. Mr. Alton had become very much dis- iCe a number of our stalwarts are couraged over his inability wobtafnrelief. 1 rich this week. ministry, when fortunately Miss Amber M:Kenzie has returned Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills and oegan home after spending a few weeks with their use. He tells the particulars f his friends at Wingham. , case in this interesting letter. Mr. and Mr. S. M. Wickens. of Se- ' Rev. George Alton. Gananoque, Ont.. bringville, motored up last Saturday and writes: "I had been suftenng from bilious returned Sunday. They were accom- attacks for four years. I was very weak. registering and being examined', in Gide. • and thought he would have to glint the he re ad about paned on the trip by Mr. Paul. had headaches, and.my stomach was so HLYTH SCHOOL REPORT. --The following is the bad that I could hardly eat any thing without beingtroubled b it. I had tri - man • cures,herbs ills a salts. and SIXTIETH ANNIVERSARY. -The con- l Howard Sproul. Sr. IV. -Oral Finigan, • was under the doctor's care for some gregation of St. Andrew's church held ! Andrew' Sproul. Rob. Stothers. Jr. IV.- time. but instead of getting better i their diamond jubilee anniversary services Myrtle Sproul VelmaFinigan. Jr. 11i. - seemed to get weaker. I was unab:e to ! on Sunday and Monday. The speaker I Fred Sproul. Margaret Rivers. Clifford fulfill my appointments on Sabbath and was Rev. Capt. Graham of Chalmers Sproul. Chester McGratten. Elwin Young. had to secure help. I used to take dizzy church. London, who on Sunday preached I Jr. 1I. -Mary Sprodl. Sr. Pt. I.- spells and could not walk across the do r two eloquent sermons to very large con- Meredith Young, Hsward Kirke. Jr. ' straight. I had almost given up all hope. gregations. especially in the evening, wheq , Pt. 1. -Olive Sproul. Margaret Petman. I and my wife said that if I did not get ewellyn Culbert. Ethel M`Gratten. better we would have to quit the work of orthy Young. M taE!. A. BAILIE. . the ministry. However. in looking over the acher 'British Whig,' the well-known Kingston THURSDAY. November 1. paper, 1 saw Dr. Chase's advertise- ow•e'en passed off without any ment in it, and read how Dr. Chase's Kidnev-Liver Pills had helped others who were troubled as I was. 1 resolved to give these Pills a I trial, and I. must say that in a short time I obtained relief. I continued taking them for some time. and now 1 am able to resume my work again. From the benefit I have obtained from these pills. I would recommend them to all who suffer 1 as i did.': R"ev. C. Cunningham.. 124 First avenue. Toronto: "This is to certify that I am personally acquainted with Rev. George Alton of Gananoque. and believe TUESDAY. Oct. 30. i standmg of the pupils of Orchard Row y and school for October: V CI. EdnaRivers y . D the Methodists closed their church, The church was beautifully decorated for the occasion and the musical selections by. the choir led by Miss McColl. of Gode- rich, were especially good. The officials of the church asked for 8300 in collet:- ser occurrences. tions 'and they received more than that Mr. .J. C MacFarlane mstored to amount. On Monday evening thre was Wingha on Sunday. a large attendance at the lecture given by Dr. Cite has bought a new driver from Rev. Capt. Graham. and all were greatly Mr. Arthur domes of Nile. interested in his subject, which dealt Mr. Richard Reid went to Taranto with his experiences as chaplain of one of ! with a car of the last week. the Canadian battalions. The diamond The River VV ley Creamery Co. made jubilee was a grand success iaevery pan ic- a large shipment of butter this week. ular. The church Was started here in i' i7 Miss Marion D Sher has returned home with a membership of forty and of that after spend ng the summer at Ridgeway. number four are still residing here. being Mr. Wm. Bailie was at Chatham last Mr. John Richmond, of -Morris, and Mrs. week attending the Provincial Sunday J. Dodds, Mrs. H. McQuarne and Mrs. school convention. Exclusive agent neer-hunting trip. There gill be mare to 316. and the church is ina flourishing con- s for t dition. The first pastor was Rev. J. say abiut it whet he com_s back. Cum ., followed in two years by Rev. SCRANTON Stewart, then time Rev. A. whoMcLean- had the unique experience of occupy - COAL for Goderich and District. . Lay quantity h. t all Maple _ViIla, Mixed Wood, Hemlock Md Kindling lCedar- or Pin... TELEPHUNES office 08 Best Coal Mined. • • e e e in the pulpit for forty years. He was followed by Rev. J. L. Small. Rev. W'. D. Turner and the present pastor Rev. Geo. Telford. Rev. J. L. Small was present on Monday evening and gave a short address. PERSONAL AND GENERAL. - Rev. R. J. McCormick conducted the anniversary services at Salem on Sunday. and the pastor of that circuit. Rev. Mr. Clydesdale, took the services here in the morning Mr. John Heffron. who has been busily engaged getting the house which he bought refitted. moved into it this week Messrs. R. M. Mc- Kay, Jas. Cutt, Guy Blackall and B. Harrington left this week for a two weeks' deer -hunting trip in the Muskoka district Mr. C. H. Reese was in Toronto this week on business ....Miss Alma Cod's, of Seaforth. visited her parents here this week . Mr. and Mrs. T. Hamilton. of StalTa, were the residence 212 sr 68 guests of the former's brother here on Sunday. e ..••••••••••••••••••••••••-•••41 GOING TO TORONTO.— Dr. J. A. Mc- Taggart. who has been practising dentis- try here for a number of years. has de- cided to settle in Toronto and has rented an office on Blore street. He expects to leave here about the middle of the month. New Perfection lir will he greatly missed here, as he has Oil \ Stove Why not economize by using less coal or wood? e New Perfection Oil Ste is just what you need. We have them for 'sale— three -burner and four -burner Stoves. - Call and See Them — W. R. PINDER Phone 155 Hamilton Street always been popular with the young people and has been known in a lame circle as one of the best lawn bowlers in these parts. He would rather Mee a game than resort to trickery to win it. and in consequence he was sometimes imposed on by less scrupulous players. but he leaves with the best wishes of all good sports. Miss Ted Robinson, who has been one of the telephone operators here, is eav- ing to take a similar position at Detroit. The first sleigh of the season appeared on the street h -re this mo-ning. - We hope the, cold weather is nut going to stay. • The directors of the Goderich Rural Telephone Co. had a meeting here last Fnday. Theft chief business was the re-engagement of the manager, trouble - man and operators for another year. Mr. Chas. Robb, of St. Augustine. has bought Mrs. Shackleton's house in the village and wili move to it. We are glad to welcome him to sur community. but twee hapewe are not to lose Mrs. Shackle - Tan ofhe:s'and Jack McNabb wore in the Greater Production campaign this year and they claim to have the best crop of potatoes in the village. They raised forty bags on their small patch. and in reply to an enquiry as to the varieties they, describe them thus: the "Blue Nose. ASHFiELD. The annual business meeting of the Ashfield Soldiers' Aid Circle will be held at Crewe church on Tuesday. November 13. A cordial invitation is extended to anyone interested in the work. Meeting will commence at 2 o'clock sharp. GODERICH TOrtNSIIIP. TUESDAY. Oct. 30. Mr. Howard Sturdy and bride are ex- pected home from their honeymoon this I week. Rev. J. L. Small, of Hespeler, occupied the pulpit at the Unum church on un - .last. The sermon and its delivery were torr-ct." �, Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, one pill a dose. 2& a box. 5 for 81.00, at all dealers. or Edmanson. Bates & Co.. Limited. Toronto. aomoornmeo Nothing Too Good for our customers -that's our working principle. It is not extravagance, but the truest economy, when you are buying clothes to get Material that will wear• Workmanship that will stand the test, Style that will make for a good appear- ance Your good dollars are well spent in ' buying the garments we turn out. R. J. A rmstrong MERCHANT TAILOR -1 8th Ship Kynai•t•, Gttrh•rir•It AUBURN. WEDNESDAY. Oct . 31. ton received a car O. E. Erratt and J. J. Washing- ar of stockers from Tor- gnto last week. Mr. and Mrs H. H' Hill arrived home S`attrday after sperdin` two months in the Prairie Provioce4. . - - Mr?!')E. G. Matthews is wearing a particularly broad smile, another son having arrived to claim his home. Mr. Geo. Yungblut started on Msn- day on his annual hunting trip to Parry Sound district; hoping to return with a deer. _ `— Mrs. Andrews entertained the junior and senior Bible classes of the Methodist I Sabbath school at her home one evening (last week. Rev. J. L. Small..of Hespeler. con- ducte I the preparatory' service on Fri• I day evening in Knoa church and spent Saturday afternoon calling on frien-is ' here. Auburn has always a' welcome for its former pastor. es - 11 usemposesePHIPIIIMIIS Store THE COLBORNE STORE "`"` The Store Show Scarcely a counter or shelf in the store that isn't in the parade of new things. Suppose you call and give a glance or two at all the uew fall things iu women's wearables. Remarkable values iuup-to-date Dress Goods and Silts. THE FACT IS that it was possible months ago to make our purchases for -this fall's trade at prices on a much lower level than could be reached by the late buyer, hence our exceptional values. The calm, certain, advance in the price' will make late buyers pay higher prices than those who take advantage of our present offerings. If you want a dress in fabric goods or Silks. BUY EARLY if you want to save money. Dress Goods and Silks Velvets We never had a better assortment of colors, in both plain and corded. Plain 22 to 23 inches wide and corded 23 to 27 inches. Colors green, grey, navy, brown, olive, white, purple, dark red and black. Coatings • A good line in dark large check at $2.75. wide. Ladies' Collars in a great variety of shapes and sizes. We find the stock Collar coming iuto prominence, and with some already a favorite. Collars Extra value. 56 to 58 inches • 31 J. H. COLBORNE tocc 1 ,144111,1 HAYFiELD. TUESDAY. Oct. 30. Mrs. Sterling left last Friday for a few weeks' visit at Port Elgin. Mr. Robb. Penhale left for a trip to Saskatchewan on Tuesday. Mrs. Stanhury and Miss Stuart have returned to London to spend the winter. Mr. Herb. Johnston. who has spent the past two months in Saskatchewan, re- turned last week. The Presbyterian Ladies' Aid are plan- ning for a St. Andrew's social on ov- ember3'Rh. St_Andrex's Day. Mrs. A. E. Erwin attended the annual meeting of the Provincial Sunday School Association held at Chatham last week. Mr. Robert Uelgaty his purchased the Wallis property next to the Presbyterian church. but we understand he does not intend moving until spring. The boys of the village and n �i;fhbor- hood who are of the required age are flocking to Goderich these days to the medical examination board. We under- stand the majority are passing in class A. Mr. David Dewar, of the Saub!e line. has purchased the farm of Mr. Balkwill. just over the river. We are glad to wel- come-Mr. el- co meMr. and Mrs. Dewar t • the village and hope that Mr. and Mrs. Balkwill will also remain in the cornraunity. 1!J 4:4;; ren !1J Model Theatre •ii% 11 4,;_. !. •I IL-51AI" 1641.A.11 11501i erich x xx xxx xx cx c THE WORLD'S LATEST AND BEST PHOTO PLAY One latinee and Night Only 6 6 edn> ,November 7th, 1917 ay without a parallel The FaZZte Romanoffs The Greatest Film of Today 11410011 -(himself) RASPUTIN---"T a Power Behind the Throne" SEE 7 CZARINA --THE KAISER—EX-CZAR -Secret Treaty Exposed —Revelations that Beggar Description --Russia's Thrilling History for Past 20 Years 1500 SCENES 5000 PEOPLE Matinee Prices 25c and 50c Night, 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 \b fir. �1J ;1,2 sl,ite; It N'••t o tt ,, ,tv ;n,,11l� �I��j1! •nr� • 1� 11� it t • - 1!I •!J 1.4 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111111111111111 `'J IIIIiil111111111111i11111111111A1IH11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111iini 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl11111111I111i111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111mill 1111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIl111111111e : THE BIG H. C. DUNLOP Jhe �exall NE CENT itcre MINIM SALE NOW GOING ON GODERICH, ONTARIO THIS IS THE BIGGEST SELLING EVENT IN GODERICH THIS YEAR 11NIM NMgIU1111111NIIlUIIIIIIIIIIIIUI r,11111111t011111M1111IIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIA 1111111111111MIIII111QNIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111111NIIIIIIIIII1111 IIIIMM IAHIIIIIIUM UMIipIItIIHU MMINIIINIIIMINI IIIIIiIMMIUMN1 IIIIIINIW INII11IIiIIIIIiiIIIIIINI lir+.,. -.:..� ir• - - Se .....41.•111111111111111beirioar:-v...vet.