HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-11-1, Page 3THE SIGNAL - GODERICH, ONTARIO
1 HE
PATH. rpeteallea In wooer's cad still
dree's dbda..e. sere, 9b reale sod eery eaadis
orders. eye. eae are u•d threat, ppenis! deaf
gas. Winless and r .usoatlo 000dtUooa Ade
area reasvot wittiest the knife. Uafoe at
soadewe. mesa Nigeria sod St. Andrew's
tenets. At tomo ode Meedays, Thursdays
tad aaturdals: say 'vastest by appointment.
(k)i. H. 0. MLcDON1 LL -HONOR
11 Graduate lasonto Unlrsrdty. GrMulo
070/College of Dental burgeons.
buooew•or to ibe ,ate Moder note. Odea
rrwr agree son Wert street. (iodated
AUcrlo'4 IR
std M. Ooderlob. All lnetrdetlone by mall
er Ish at btSt,al take will be promptly at
•.need to. Prides , • t. Mpbone 119
Great Britain and France Pre-
pare to Send Troops.
(lessertal ('.durua's F'am'e* Were Over-
takes by Terrible Disaster Wises
Defeated by the Hermans Who
Desiree Teem Fvuen Austrian Ter -
altar, and captured 100.000 Me.
With Equipment.
aurll1aagg Durk Block, Bamutoo Basel.
edst4o0. TeMpkone tea
Real gelate Leaps and loasrunos.
Mre. Pitmen Was So Nervous She
Walked Floor at Night for Hours.
"1 was actually (Jo the verge of a nerv-
ous breakdown when I started on Tanlac,
and it has not only resttxed my health
but has added ten pounds to my weight,"
declared Mex John Pitman, wife of an
employee of the Hobbs Manufacturing
Co.. Ltd., and living at 143 Bruce street.
London, the other day.
"My health began to fail seven years
ago." she continued, "and 1 suffered ter-
ribly from nervous indigestion. For over
LONDON. Oct. 30. --in order to a year 1 could hardly retain anything 1
aid the Italians, Great Britain and ate and most of the time lived on a diet
Prance are preparing to lend fame- malted milk and ^e�ggs• anything e�
Cate aid, and already troops are be- nauseated me so 1 couldn't keep it down
lag hastened across the western Rae and 1 was slowly starving to death. My
Ian frontier and by way of Turin and nerves were in such a wretched state that
Milan to the battle -front In the east. whenever the dour bell rang it frightened
Evidently the weakness among the me so 1 had it removed, and many a night
Italians has boss entirely overcome, 1 was so unstrung that 1 would walk the
as General Cadorna says that all
MC"' 1°1111 f everything
Ilet ached. 1ng an
g,t worse
oid beC*n1e U%i
movements ordered by the general w,inoeer tote
do a thing about the house and 1
staff now are helot carried out In re to the point where I didn't know
gular order and that the Italians are way to turn•
fulfilling their duty "by keeping In
whichBy the time 1 had used up half my
check the enemy's advance into the first bottle of Tanlac, 1 felt so much bet-
pl A de Ler that 1 threw away all the other medi-
A despatch to the Exchange Tele- cines 1 had in the house. 1 have stuck to
graph from Rome gays it Is reported Tanlac ever siftce and my appetite has
from Berne that the Austro -Swiss improved so 1 can eat relief anything 1
frontier again bas been closed, and sorts of
that the Germans are hurrying rein- want -meats and pastry and all sthings 1 had to shun. and 1.am taking un
forcelnentm to the Italian war front. flesh right along. My nerves are quiet
Meantime, according to Berlin. again, and 1 sleep like a babe and get up
from tbe head of the Gulf of Trieste in the morning fresh and strong enough to
northward along the Isonzo front to do all my housework. 1 am feeling better
beyond Tolmino and thence west- than 1 have in years and am so grateful
ward through the Carnic Alps region for what Tanlac has dome for me -that 1
to the Ploecken Pass, forming the feel it my duty to tell everybody about
eastern and north-eastern boundaries it." erich by E. R.
of the AUntro-Itallan war front, the Tanlac Medd. �
Germans and Austro-Hungarian Wigle, in Seaforth by C. Aberhart.
troops are operating fast and stroog- Wingham by J. m
ly against the Italians. Hensel' by A. M. E. Hemphill, in Blyth
According to tbe latest Berlin offi- by White City Drug Store, in Wroseter
tial communication. 100,000 Italians by J. N. Allen, in Londesboru' by John
have been made prlIoners and to ex- 0. Loundsberr` IxfiExie� bby y Wets
cess of 700 guns have fallen into Howey, and
Austro -german bands. • The second Bowey. ADVT.
and third Italian armies are declared _
to be In retreat. Rome admits the No Public Works in V1far•time.
falling back of the second army, as-
sertlne that cowardice was
units of e army In e facet of Carvell Mints of Pubic _
byHon. F. B.
Works, arrived
the foe. the Italians surrendering or here today at noon. Ile said the con -
retreating without giving battle. per- struction of the extension of the Negro-
witting the breaking of the lett town breakwater hisltharbor washad en
ing, and thereby offering easy ac- indefinitely postponed.
ceu to the town of Cividale. Prior dollar job.
o falling back, however, the Ital- "We cannot spend on public works,
ane destroyed all their depots and however
w necessary,"r he said, "the money
ores and Ctvldale was on Ore when -
he Austro -Germans entered 1t.
"The failure to resist on the part Satisfied Mothers.
of some anile forming our second ---
army which In cowardice retired Once a !either has used Baby's Own
THURSDAY, NOv. I, 1917 .i
)1111110111$111K11K1111011111)t11$1011011 MI•IIIIIIS•IONINS1101111$1111
to MAKILIC194. 1 11
TORONTO, Oct. 30. -The Board 11
of Trade °Metal market quulallun$
for yeaterda7: 11
Manitoba Wheat (In Store. Fort w001In.
Inetudln lyse Tax.)
No. 1 northern. 2.33%
No. 3 northern. 2.211%.
No. $ northern. 13
No. 4 wheat. $2.0
Manitoba Oats (in Store, Fort Williams.)
Nu. 2 C.W. 67%c.
No. 3 C.N., attic.
Extra No. 1 feed. 44%c.
No. 1 feed. 63%c.
American Cern (Track, Toronto).
No. 3 !low -Nominal.
Ontario Oslo (according to Frslehts Out -
No. 3 sI.lte. 45c to 64c. nominal.
No. 8 white. 64e to 66c, nominal.
Ontario Whist Masts caIn r Stone, r4 1.)
Na 2 winter, per
Peri (According to Freights Outside).
No. 2-13.40 to 13.60.
Sa.oy..4Asoordl0g ti Freights Outside).
(3 . on the equate,.e000d door teem Hain -
face .Uc.et. tea.. a lc
envois food. to tea at lower ratan.
W. Paouor°or. k.0. J. L. k)Ltoa.P
H. J. D. !too a
V. LelehitON, K. L., HAhhlb
lotictt.or. artery public.
sAtoe *not. Goderieb, tbled d,... tr
l uere. At lliotoe 1 bur.day of estb week in
Aare on Albeit bleed utuiMd by Mr.
Hooper. Laky bun K sae. to b t+ra•
CDIbTk1t, atlarny. solicitor. eta. Once
. b. Moose to ler l_ at 1owt.t tate.
ltdpt. Nary Pear and Caere .neer,
marl Hot., 0ed.edtb. t '1251
W L UP MUTUAL Fifth 1-P4
k c R AN C L C o.-Yarse and heisted
I.we pioi.ity rssured. Ooderlob P.O.;
CM, ens- .1.e. ( on0ully, Pre..,
Etat.. tricePita, Beechwood P. OE;
,e...8.. illy Bea-Tfea...t tp P. Join
a -I). V. 3twiregor
or/oea, N' intkr'op ; W Ulum Rina. (nrrtano.;
)» Senn. a el0 llrodh.gea ; Geo. M. Cartne y.
tk; Robot beryls, Batak; Maioolta
ke t.teJ.nid.
Y� : J. N. Teo. God rice ; Alex.
V1A4tcp Clinton: William Cbeene). nestottb:
at:. Wry, beuforth 1'nL9) -brwe.e me per
M sae...1.l. 061. art thou tame Bolen..1Ipted a
$.. J. Mwrbb'e Cwtbiog stole• odert.. 4.
l •Al'. Or.rety, ku ..l..o ot....'.
2. U. )'e4d'. utiorul nicer, Nesbit .
loan. Aptly to M. O. CAM•
t)arrtdter Kempton Ater. Oadmieb•
lJ and Cbo4rne.terof Knox church. Tenche
of Pow, Venal and Theon y. 1'2011, preiarsl
for CaneervMar ex. min. Linea Studio -co tier
Britannia road and Swab street. Telephone
7.0. 323. acme
without Bgbtllo or - e Ausered to Tablets for her liitle ones she will use
the enemy, allowed the Austra-Ger- nothing else. The satisfaction she de -
man forces to break Into our left rives from their use is wot)derful. They
wing on the Julian front. The valiant are easy to give the baby; heir action is
efforts of other troops did not enable prompt and thorough and a ve all they
them tq prevent the enemy from ad- are absolutely harmless. Cance trig them.
ad -
Into the sacred Boll of our Mrs. Jean Dechaine, Lacordaits, Sask.,
fatherland. We are now withdrawing writes : "1 am well satisfied withi•llaby'a
our line All
tpg to the plan pre Own Tablets. 1 had no trouble in lgving
parcel. All stores and depots in the them to my baby and they have promptly
evacuated Dlaycs were destroyed. cured her of constipation." The Tablets
"The record o1 many memorable are sold by medicine dealers or by mall a
battles fought wttb misters by oils
cents a boa from the Dr. Williams
brave soldiers during two and one- Medicine Co., Brockville. Ont.
halt years of war Is sufficient to as- Why Boors Love Doris•
lore the eommaa4flr-in-chief that the
army to which t t honor and safety There never was a great boy story writ -
of the country are confided will know ten without a dog in it.
how to fulfil Its duty." Boys and dogs have the same problems
Ward Price, In a despatch from - the same troubles, to overcome.
the Italian treat, says that the Ger- Serious-minded people think that all boys
magi supreme purpose probably le are hill of mischief, and that all dogs are
to deal the Hellas. army such a ter- unmitigated nuisances. Thus boys and
rible blow that 1t will be put out of dogs have much in common. and one of
action for the rest of the war. and so their chief occupi ns is ketpi g out of
arouse a decided demand for peace the way of people
throughout the country. It this Is so, It is too bad that Booth Tarkington's
be adds. Germany has m ee one "Penrod Schofield" arrived so long after
more great error In national psycho- Mark Twain's "Tom Sawyer.' Tom and
logy, for though the Italian army Penrod would have been great chums.
may be forced to bend, It will not
break, and the effect of the on-
tslaught will be to buoy up all hearts
with the hope that when the enemy's
desperate effort le exhausted. the
Italians with the elasticity which is
the essence of their temperament
will be able to retaliate in full.
Reports from the front bow Gott
the enemy 1s combining cunning wit
power, as his masses are advancing
with huge banners bearing the word
"Peace." This Is an evident appeal
to the Italian soldiers. although It
1. accompanied by the roar of artil-
lery and by bayonets beneath the
Large numbers of •sailors are
fighting with the Germans. A crowd
of travelers arriving in Switzerland
said that they saw numerous trains
filled with sailors and soldiers pass
through Innebrucken on the way to
Labaleh, on the Austro-itallan front.
The procession of trains continued
nearly a week.
Malting -11.20 to 11.21.
nye (According to Freights Outside.)
No. 3-61.16.
Mpaanitoba Flour (T 1.
First 50.
Second patents In JuteLaic
Strong bakers', Ica Jute bag.. 610.60.
Ontario Fleur (Prompt Shipment.)
Winter, accenting to sample, 89.80
Montreal. 19.60 'Toronto, $9.55 bulk, sea.
Wilfrid (Car Lots. Delivered, Montr.aI
Freights. sees Included).
, s
Bei n. per ..
Shorts. per ton. $42.
Middling.. ter ton, 145 to 644.
Good feed 'bur, per bag. 13.26.
May (Track, Termite).
No. 1, per ton, 613.50 to (14.50; mixed,
611 to 113.
Straw (Track, Toronto)
Car lot,. per ton. 17 to 17.50.
1111111111111111111111111111IN•XXINXIONNNXXXXII)i>•111111XXXX X
11 11
11 11
11 11
11 1
11 We •are showing some very smart 11
11 ;25 •to X35 •
11 11
a 1
a 11
Wlnntprg, Oct. 29. -There wee little
or no change In the cash wheat depart-
ment today. The Wheat Export ('om-
pony were buying all offering.. A few
mitten' were 1n market, but were get-
ting their supplies mainly from country
The demand for cash nate war dead-
rdly dull. Spreads were unrti.nged to
%c lower.
(rash barley was unchanged in price,
with a fair demand only.
Cash fax was quiet, wtth an odd car
choosing hands from time. to time.
Cash prices: Wheat -No. 1 north r
82.81; No. 2 do . 12.13; No. 3 do.,
No. 4, 83.07; No. 4, 11.94.
Oats -No. 2 C.W., 17%0; No. 3 C.W.,
441Cc; No. 1 extra feed. 44'ac; No. 1 feed.
Barley -No. 2, 11.21; Nu. 4.:1.11; me
Jetted and feed.
Flax -No. 3 C.W., 8.3.01; No. 3
12 90. •
J. P. Eicken & Co. report the follow -
Ing prices on the Chicago Board rot
Open. 11178. Low. Close. Clore.
I% V oche' Piano •nd Organ. hPetah prepareR d
MR. P W. rCUI RIK'S examination..
r.ud.VDV .t
1„ 8l( pmt -0'Ira A•k for our IN7VT;N-
$'ul::3 A O VISNB,whlch wti' Le seat 11111
MARION . MA 7 0 f.
gg4 University et.. M1ntrhl.
Brophe3 Bros.
lac Leading
Funeral Directors
aid Embalmers
Orders carefully attended to
at all honors, night ..r day.
The Best Newspaper
In Western Ontario
Ube 1onbon
all M.)1 Edttlons S? Por Year
Orlando to Form Oabinet.
ROME, Oct. 30. -Reports that
Professor Vittorio Orlando, Minister
of the Interior, in the retiring Boselll
Cabinet, has been requested to form
a new Ministry are confirmed by the
M.eeaggero. This newspaper says
Processor Orlando will make only a
few changes at present In the general
composition of the Ministry, as it
was constituted under Premier Bo.-
King Victor Emmanuel conferred
Sunday morning with Baron Son-
nlno, Fotctgn Minister, and Profes-
sor Orlando concerning a solution of
the Ministerial crisis.
Then throw in "Muck Finn" for good
measure and the picture is complete.
The Penrod stones in Cosmopolitan
are touching the high-water mark of boy
literature, and Penrod's dog "Duke" is a
sure enough boy's dog with about as much
pedigree as a field mouse.
In November Cosmopolitan Tarkington
tells how Penrod and his side partner
Sam named Sam's dog Walter -John
Carmichael -a sufficiently, gaudy appella-
tion for any mongrel.
Anyway, if .you love boys and dogs,
don't miss a single Penrold yarn.
Corn -
May .... 11:,% 113% 112% 113%
Doc. .. 11)% 119 117% 111%
Oats -
May .... 10 60 594.1 60 59%
Uec. .. 58y- 564, 57'a 5846 5816
Pork -
Jan . 4/ .01 41 20 40 0s 41.00 40.85
hard -
Jan .. s--" '7 23.4o 23.25 22.40 22.90
Robe- 22.05 22.17 29.10
Jan. .... 2.2 25 22.)5
Liverpool. Oct. 29. -Closing -Beef. ex-
tra India meas, 315s: park. prime mese,
2908; hams. short cut, 14 to 16
JO lbs17162r cclear belles. 14 to Cumberland t16 Ibs.,
52s; long cle``r middies. heavy. 35 to 40
Ja., 159s: s Birt Near becks. 16 to 20
\hs.• 157s: shoulders. square. 11 to 13 lbs..
88: lard, primp western, 1 tlercea• 126e;
American, -Prided. in pails. 130e: tallow.
At•strallan in London. 735: turpentine.
spirits. 89. 6d: resin. common. 32s: pe-
treleum. refined, I� .8 d; linseed oil, 32s;
cottonseed M1, lW4,r ed. spot. tits 6d:
wee kerdsene. No. lI is 22%d.
• When a man begins to burn his money
look out for a hot time.
Show a disposition to be an easy mark
and everybody will help you to make
Occasionally a man is clever ens' gh :o
know how important he isn't.
Anarchy In Cossack Dtatricte.
PETROGRAD, Oct. 30. -general
Kaledlnes. ketman of the Don Cos -
seeks, has telegraphed to the War
Ministry that 1t 1s impossible to com-
bat the Increalling anarchy In the
mining Corti -lets owing to dtsorgan-
isation of the militia. He states
that self constituted organisations io s forare
usurping authority,
funds with which to reorganise the
�avY jai [ATERS
Turku Retreat Before Rritieh.
LONDON, Ont. 90. -"On 'meed ay
Turkll4h columnls, moving on both
hanks of the Tigris from Terklt. ap-
proached eur position. at Samara
(eel the Tigris above Bagdad)." says
an official report from the Me.ope-
tamlaa front. "Tiro Turks
up the river dories
gut Oghtln1. q tis advance of ih,c
Eat less meat if yon feel Backenhy or
have bladder trouble -TW
TORONTO, Oc 30. -Considering
the fairly heavy re Opts, the quality
of the offerings In neral, and the
condition of the. M which lie-
doubtedly has more or s influence,
trading at the Hilton Stoc Yards ex-
change yesterday must be regarded
as fairly satisfactory. The was a
good steady it irtiy for good tchsr
cattle, for hrt,.-y stockers and eed-
ers, and for canners and butt�tler
Receipts ,250 cars, with 5,086 rat7'
tie, 171 calves, 1,402 bogs, and 3,538
sheep and lambs.
Mat Buffalo, N.Y., Art. 29.-Cattle-
Reeetpta 5300. Good, firm. Others. slow.
Prime .teem, 114 to 115.50; ■hlppinr
.50 to
$11.60; yleartlnll. 1191,0 to1.50 to 113.50; o $13.'75:
hers 9 hett-
bu11s3614 too $9 75; stocker. and tfeedere,
*1.50 0 25:
1E5. cows and springers,
stroVeais-Receipts 1300. Slow. til to 814.50.
}}tiogs-Receipt mixed .116 Active.
to 316.71'
yl`.75 to 517; 0
yyyco kers. 114.40 to $16.5 tight yurkers,
(14.76 to 515; pips. 514.60 to 114.71; roughs,
16 to 115.25; stags, (13 to 114.
Sheep and Iamb,-1treelpts 7000; limbs,
low; others firm. Lambs. 8812 2, 40 16.30;
yearlings.. 811 to 814;
512: ewes. 16 to (11.25; mixed sheep,
11.25 to 811.50.
11 11
■ Special Values in Flannelettes
■ 11
$ Flannelettes in endless variety in white, pink and stripe patterns in light and a
X dark colorings at 15c, 17c, 19c, 20c. 22c, 25c, 29c and 35c per yard. 11
x 11
X Socks, •To is and Handkerchiefs 11
$ for Ov rseas Parcels 11
Velour Coats in the season's latest styles'
These Costa are most up-to-date. They come in shades of burgundy, hunter's green.
nigger brown and navy. and are exceptionally good value at
Women's and misses' Tweed Coats, from $12.50 up.
Children's Coats in all sizes at lowest prices.
Infants' Bearskin Coats
Infants' Bearskin Coats, made of extra
quality Bearskin Cloth. will wash and
give excellent wear, at $2.25 to $5.00
Children's Wool Sweaters
Children's Wool Sweaters, in all colors
and sizes, an exceptionally Targe assort-
ment, at prices that are really remark-
able. From 75c upwards.
Now is the time to send your parcels overseas fo
Khaki Socks
Extra quality Khaki Socks,
nice soft finish and extra
heavy weight.
Special, per pair - _
Khaki Handkerchiefs
Soldiers' Khaki Handker-
chiefs, extra quell ' , mer-
cerised lawn. 2 for
Spl 15c each
and 15c and 25c each
r Christmas delivery.
Towels for Overseas
are most appreciated.
Special Eluckabacic
Towels. Hemmed.
Good quality. l0C
■ 4 P" 11
11 60c Each
11 $
11 Complete stock of Men's Underwear in $
11 11
11 weights
$ New Silks New Sweaters ew Neckwear 111[
11 Mail and telephone orders a specialty a
a $
PHONE 56 JVJillar s Scotch Store PHONE 56 11
1111 X11
Liberty Loan Pasties 0,000,000,00e.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 30. - The
second Liberty
apparently h
passed the 15 0 0 000 000 mark. A
last -day drive of titanic proportions
throughout the nation rounded up
more than 11,000,000,000 and was
'Woof 1lalta bound to have carried the total s
eral hundred million dollars beyond
No man ex woman who eats main retro- the maximum sum treasury officials
esrly can nuke a annul. by Auabing the had hoped for. Secretary of the
kidneys occasionally, naya a well-known Treasury McAdoo announced late
authority. Meat forma orb .aid which Saturday night that the loan was an
excites the kidneys they become over. overwhelming success.
the strain, get aluggieb and
worked from
fail to filter the waste and poicons from
the blood, then we get sick. Nearly all 1
rheumatism, beadaehea, liver trouble
nervousness, (liminess, .leeple..o.0s and
urinary disorders come from sluggish
The moment you feel a dull ache 1n lbs 1
kidneys or your back hurts. or if the
urine is eloudy, off.nsive, full of sedi-
ment, irregular of passage or attended by
a sensation of scalding, stop eating meat
and get about four ounces of Jad
Salts from any pharmacy; take a
tablespoonful is a glum of water before
breakfast and in a few days your kidney"
will met fine. This famous salts is made
frmn the acid of grapes and lemon jute,
combined with titbit, and Asa been tried
for generations to flush and stimulate
the kidneys, also to neutralista the acids
in urine ko it no longer ranee* Irritation.
them ending Madder weakness.
Jail Salta is inezpsmsive and mooed
Injure; makes a delightful .0n'we.erat
lithia-water drink which rewrote
should take sow and thea to keep the
kidneys "lean and aetive and the blend
pore, thereby avoiding serious kidney
complicatl1SL .
Report Says Michaelis Resigns.
LONDON, Oct. 30.-A Reuter'e
despatch from Amsterdam says that
the Berlin evening papers report that
Imperial Chaneellor Michaelis has
Heavy Teuton attacks on the Tren-
ton° front were stopped by the Hal-
The French Cabinet, with tee ex-
ception of Alexandre Robot, will stay
to olice.
Tile Government 1s investigating
the needless slaughter of moose in
the North.
The Duke of Devonshire spent a
busy day In'Totento, attending many
public funetlons.
It is proposed to have men of Class
One exempted from overseas service
drill one night a week.
TUe Greater Toronto Labor party
will consider a resolution opposing
the Inclusion et a labor represents-
, ties 1n any cabbala other than a later
Will Class One Provide The
One Hundred Thousand Men?
It will be greatly to the advantage of Canada if the entire quota of 100.000 men to be raked under,
the Military Service Act can be secured from the first class; that is, from the men between the ages o1 20
and 34 who were unmarried or widowers without children on July lith, 1917.
This is almost self<hident for the following reasons:
it is admitted that, between the ages of 20 and 34, the average man is at the height of his
physical strength and is most adaptable to the change of conditions Irom civilian hie;
the military service of unmarried men and widowers without children would occasion less
distress than that of most others, since they are largely without dependents. Also, it would
entail less financial burden for Canada, through separation allowances, etc.
Authorities estimate that• after ail ',toper exemptions have been allowed. Canada should be able to
produce from the first class 100,000 men fit for service, se the drain upon the man power of the country
will not be severe.
Members of Class One will be well advised to present themselves for examination immediately to
the Medical Board in their district. Upon examination as to their physical fitness, they will be placed in one
of the following categories:
M 131
Category A -if fit for service in overseas fighting units.
Category B -if fit for service overseas in Army Medical Corps, Forestry Battalion, etc.
Category C-il fit for service in Canada only.
Category E-il unfit for military service of soy nature.
If not placed in Category A. the applicant will know that he is net liable for immediate service, but will
go to the Post Office and send in a claim for exemption with his Medics! Certificate attached, when he will re-
ceive in due course a certificate of exemption until them. in his Medical category are summoned for service.
Where • man, who is placed in category A, feels that exemptiea should be allowed, en application
form can be secured from the postmaster. This Term, when filled ie., will be forwarded by the postmaster
to the registrar of the district, and tits applicant will be informed by .nail as to the time and place for the
consideration of his application by the ciutnpasis Beard.
Issued £ TM Military Servke Council.
111111111[1111111[111111 ■ 111111111111111111111111111111 1111,•••X•••••
11111111 The Signal would like to fill yoti next 1111[ 1111)
ammo Printing °.der. Phone 35 "11R
Let us print your Wedding Stationery. *1*1
Latest styles of type. Prompt service.