HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-11-1, Page 1Pnnung V` r U f ^d ` ✓..S THE SI(iNAI, is ready to handle your Printing work, large or small, .and give you a eatiafactciy job every time. Let us have your next ostler. Telephone 35 The Signal 41 • t • r. re 4 tie ' •t ional Have You Forgotten to pay your. ibiteriptinnfor The Signal for 1917 ? 'We need the y, and if you are in movers would ask you too make payu)ent promptly. DO IT NOW algr'.r 1Mrra iMAJI--Ne AM wen GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOV. 1. MI' i !!ti IMONAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED. I ret mesa SIE STERUN6 BANK OF CANADA SAVE, Because By saving you support your ' country in its campaign for Economy and Production. Ak W ASTBI). WANTED. -BY NOVEMBER 15th, sen to work in the woods. Big wages for the right kind of men. Apply to the undersigned by letter or phone WM. HILL. R. R. No.14. Godencb. Phots 6 r3 . 99-21 /` IalOH CN IRI.N WANTRfI.-APPLYGODE- SKNITTING CO. - \T 1 FOR SALE AL S E. -I00 WHITE LEGHORN VOR yearlingleer su one heavy -draught oils, three hk ye rsoAld. broken dwand tangle. G. M. FIt OUR SALE. --A GOOD COAL HEATER, Apply to No. 11, Newgate street. look SALE.-NORDHEiMER PIANO. almost new; will be end for about half-price. Apply. at SIGNAL OFFICE.. 8641 ma ETIEGS. GODERiCH HORTICULTURAL SO- CIETY. a -IETY. The annual meetingdO of the Goderich Horticul- UKE TO RENT.-MODEKN lural Society will held on Friday evening, No - he ho,Manly gr Oloucestat Terrace. ply to seY vember 2nd. at 8 o'clock, in the eretarsolhce KPH ORIti1N, Oadae. 7att in the court house. Al members are requested to ttend- - a . -- IOHN STRAITON. President. M. LANE. Secretary. Goderich. October Y2. 1917. 147-21 POR SAL$ OR I111IT. TRENT. -LARGE STABLE. ELEC- TRIC-LIGH'fwte suitable for storing auto- mobiles or other goads. Large loft also suitable for Morass. Apply MRS. GEO. GRAHAM. East street • It RENT. -CO FO RTABLE apartments over r. Wigle's drug store. A a cottage as,: held road. Apply to MRS JAS. WIL]gg, th street. a/Fs•1 s dTerma bk location w Ht ,creel.opposite owIl iORSALE.-CAGE A BAR - GAIN; Ian ndMbath lot Harbor Park. tree BER MAcDONAIDton, AUCTION SALES. UCT!ON SALE OF HORSES, CAT - • 'TLE AND SHEEP MRILEWISALDWORTH will sell by pudic auction, at lot 37, cunceeelon 2, Godench township (Issyheld road) .on MONDAY. NOVEMBER 12th. commencing at 1.30 o'clock sharp. Howsgs.-One ussiul driving hone. 1 heavy - draft priding. rising 3 years old; 1 heavy -draft h rK 2sinyeayea2rs -draft old. 2 foals geldings. CATrLI.-Six heavy afters. will weigh about 1200 pounds each; 4 two -year -4d steers, 2 ons• year-old steers. 3 one -year-old heifers. 4 sprang calve.. Sesser -Three Leicester ewes. 1 Leicester ease lamb. 2 Leicester wether lambs.):Leicester ram, 2 years old Tiara. --All sums of 110 and under, cash; over that amount. 12 mouth' credit will he given un furnishing approved joint Isaetes. A discount of 4 per centglowed lar cash on credit amounts. LEWIS ALDWORTH, T. GUNDRY, Proprietor. Auctriaerr. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENT, MR ROBERT HIG(SINS will sell by public auction, at lot 1 ftn)tesslon 3. W. D . Ashfield. on WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER34t9, commencing at 1 o'clock sharp. Noises. -(hoe team matched Pere herons, 4 and 5 years old,. 1 droving mare. 7 years old. in foal to Henderson s hose; 1 heavy -draft gelding' ruing3 years utd. Carne. -One cow, 7 years old. due to calve in March; 1 cow, 9 yearso ld, due to calve in March. Igoe. S years old, due to calve in March. 1 farrow 5 yeas old; 5 yearling heifers. 2 yearling steers. 5 calves, 1 purebred Durham bull. t years old. Sagas. -Five ewes. 1 lamb, 1 ram Iamb Pies. -One brood sow. 2 young sows .bred 1 aged bog. a pita, 4 months old. Isimte5tera -(lilt a-tt. cut binder. 1 .5 -It. cut mower, both McCormick make, 1 hay loader, drill (nearly new), 1 cultivator. all Meaney -Harris make; 1 lo -It cut Maxwell rake. 1 walking plow. 1 twin plewJ1 sculaer, 1 land roller. 1 Act iron harrows, 1 cutting boa. 1 fanning mill. 1 root Iper, 1 set scales (2.11011191. 1 set bobsleighs. 1 HOUSE TO RENT. -ON KEAYS pis staaet; woven room•..11 oweyenlenoe., r.- hay and nock rack, f low wagon, 1 light rig. 1 castle .epalred. Stable an lot. Apgar to J. W. **nee. 1 gravel boa. 1 wagon box (nearly new). 1 eas.gg -D, Ooaerteh R. R. No, 9. talepotoea set wagon springs. 1 wheelbarrow, hay'/ork and SSW. 7. al-Im ropes. 1 set plow h.rbes. A yuagttty of hay, a quantity of cedar posts; 1 TWO STORES TO RENT. --ONS gasolene er articles to numerous meal tax. and 1 roan, other wrecks leo numerous to mention law, eexuphe.1 by w, H. Han.,.... stn 1 the Everythitd must d. as farm has been Bee r by Jam". I. Thomism Both on the "'flied Bee sumo of 810 and under, cash; over (3ee•aze Amity J. P. RHbwN. Mat that amount. 11 months' credit well be given on furnishing approved front nue. A discount of 5 per cent straight allowed fur cash on credit amounts ROBERT HIGGINS. \ T GUNDRY Prupr,rto. Auctioneer. I Poultry Wanted Our feeding plant has opened for the season and from now nn we will he in the market for all the poultry that you have for sale. Poultry will be taken in at Holtuesville every Wednesday morning and every day at Clinton. Special prices will be paid for properly finished milk -fed chickens over a lbs. each. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO., LIMITED CLINTON N. W. TREWARTHA Phone 11X) MANAGER or Holmcaville 4 on 142 ■ i British Exchange Hotel • "The [louse .if I'I.•nrn . SPECIAL.DINNERS EVERY SUNDAY PRICE 75 CENTS Sunday Dinner from 12.30 to 2.80 W. H. HAiNES, Proprietor. CRAIGiE'S REAL ESTATE BARGAINS FOR SALE North hal Lon 6,1.ake Range, Ash - Relit Townt'hlp, IS miles north of POCSAlbeut. 7n4 acres beat term land M Oe.Towaahlp, dell payer areirard. On U_, firm'le e a gtxxl 1 1 "eery frame horns. New barn, built 1i13. All buildings rodded and in drat class condition. Rural mail delivery. Farm runs from the gravel road to the lake. Can he purchased on easy, tenon or exchanged on Town Prop- erty. FOR SALE Fine red brick house, fully modern, hot water heating, brick garage. Mitnated on the corner of Colborne and Church streets. This is one of the most desirable properties in th^Town of Gullet -tell. Lately occupied by the late Dr, Holmen. Possession can be given at once. THE NG INSURANCE AGENCY J. W. GRAiMiE, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE ROBERTSON & WOODS INSURANCE AGENTS Announee that they have taken over the insurance fieriness of the late W. R. Robortaon and are agents for British America Phoenix Caledonian Alliance North British and Mercantile Liverpool -Manitoba Equitable Hartford Monarch Fire insurance Companies and Great West Life Insurance Co. Your patronage is sulieited. Prompt and personal attention given to all business. A. M. Robertson - Geo. Woods 'Phone No. 176 if the free advice handed to us amounted to anything -but what's the we? Required Large quantities, of SCRAP IRON Terms -Cash on delivery Please phone oywi'ite us and our wagon will call. The National Shipbuilding Co., GODERICH Limited i I LEARING AUCTION SALE OF SHEEP, LAMBS. CATTL AND HORSES. MR.M.T.MURNEY will sell by public auction at:lot 2, concession 2, (:oder. h township (Bayfield road!. on • TUESDAY. NOVEMBER lath, commencing at 1.30 o'clock sharp. Sixty goal breeding ewes and ewe Iambs; 7 pure- bred'Leiceater ram lambs, 2 purebred Shropshire lambs; 1' purebred d Shonhor bull THE tO41'* CABINET. The Union Cabin* at Ottawa has been completed and tan twenty-two mem- bers, not including ole Solicitor -General. who is not a member of the Cabinet. The Cabinet u the larges Canada has ever had. Tile members are : Sir Robert Borden. Premier and Secre- tary of State for External Affairs. Hon. Newton W. Rowell, Presidentof the Council. Sir James Louglteed, Government Leader in the and Chairman of the Military HospitalsCommission. Hon. Martin Sorrell. Secretary of State. Hon. Arthur Sifted'. Customs. Hon. Arthur Interior. Hon. J. A.. , Immigration and Colonisation. Hon. T. A. Crerar. Agriculture. Sir George Foster. Trade and Commerce, Sir Thomas White. Finance Minister. Hon. J. D. Reid, Railways and Canals. Hon. Thomas W. Crathers, Labor. Sir Edward Kemp. Militia and Defence Overseas. Hon. S. C. Mewburn, Militia and De- fence in Canada. Hon. C. J Doherty. Justice. Hon. C. C. Ballantyne. Marine and Fisheries and -Naval Service.. Hon. Albert Sevigggqy, Inland Revenue. Hon. P. E. Blondkt, Postmaster -Gen- eral. }}gra F. B. Carvell, Public Works. Without portfolio -Hon. Frank Coch- rane, Hon. A. K. Maclean, lion. Gideon, Robertso*t. Hon. Hugh Guthrie. Solintur-fietleral, ld g WieterIn *Itonqutn Park. Mr. J. S. Fraser. of Nowat Lodge. Canoe Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont.. ad- vises that he hast accommodation for thirty people at Nowat Lodge. and is prepared to take care\of guests at the present time, and durirfg the winter of 19t7-18. The Lodge is comfortable resort situated on Canoe a and is reached through Canoe Lake tan, one mile distant. The board is gond and a delightful holiday can he spent here dur- ing the winter. whets the bracing Canad- tan air may be enjoyed to the heart's desire. Spouts include fishing through the ice, snow•shoeing, iii-ing, skating. etc., For all particulars apply to C. E. Horn- ing. District Passenger Agent, Grand Trunk U.. I- ay.Sys* .. Toronto, Eliza -What$ guts de water in de watermil:nn? Erastus -Because de seeds am planted in de spring. egater q You will get no "million" if ou buy W f, a roan. calved Near 1(gh. 1917. heel y _ J W. Sanwa& sire, Nonpareil Stamp.'e- dam. Peirnrose 3rd, 10604; 23 yearling heifers PUBLIC NOTICE. and steers; 2 good delivery hoar«+; 1 extra good road horse. 1 wet of double driving harness; 1 set of single driving harness. and other anodes_ Tsars. -All suns of $10 and under. cash; over that amount, 7 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount o 4 per cent. straight allowed kw cant tan credit amounts. ' W T. MURNEY, T. GUNDRY, Proprietor. Auctioneer. your clothes from tdhaen the ailor. Lands for Sale in the Town of €,oderich by the Canada Co. The following town lots arid park lots in the town of Goderich are for sale on easy terms at the prices given, or for cash at a'discount of 10 per cent. Town Lots. Acres. Price. H. W. 1 :Li6 1.t( $ 85 (X) 343 1-4 150 (X) 344 1-4 150 (X) 348 I4 lilt 00 319 14 -- 160 or :rto 14 111) (X) :4661 1.4. 1M (9) 376 - 1-4 • 150 00 508 - 1-4 - 12 (X) 1176 1 4 150 (X) Z. 1.2 4.50 00 Perk Lots - I. " 3.4 400 00 2.• 2 •10110 (X) Rem. 3. 1 1-2 91X) (XI Rem. 0. 11.4 7(000 7. 1 1-2 MX) 00 Rem. N. 3-4 400 00 Rem. 9. ,3.4 400 00 Nem.11. 1-2 3110 00 THE CANADA COMPANY, 1170 Yonge St., Toronto. 27th September, 1917. MEDICAL BOARD MILITARY SERVICE ACT. Undo the terms of the Military Service Art a Medical Board for the examination of recruits will sit in the Court House, Goderich, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of each week from 9 a. M. to 12 noon, and from 2 p. m.'to 5 p. m. A Medical Board also sits at Wingham on Thursday. Friday, and Saturday of each week. I "Why Smith Left Home" A FARCICAL CAMEOY IN THREE ACTS By members of the liokhera Aid Society, Exeter. This Society had the honor of presenting the colors to the 161itt Battalion (Hurons). The play has been given very snccetsfnlly in ,heaforth and Exeter. To be given in VICTORIA OPERA HOUSE on Friday evening, Nov. 2nd, tinder the auspices of the United Patriotic Society of Goderich Tp. ADMISSION, 50c, 85c and 25c. See plan at Edwards' rettaut•ant. Wanted -FOR- FINISHING DEPARTMENT WOMEN WHO ARE ACCUSTOMED TO SEWING Steady Work Good Pay Fare Paid to Stratford Stratford Glove Makers, Limited Corner King and Albert Streets STRATFORD 418r . ONTARIO BOWMAN V. H13LOP. Conservatives Nanneate East H uroc at - M. P. to Oppose Liberal Candidate. 6 The North; Huron Conservatives at their adjourned convention at Wingham on Tuesday of this week rejected the jn- vitation of the Liberals to co-operate in t support o(, Mr. Arch. Hf slop in the com- ing election, and not3inated Mr. James Huron, as their candidate. THE LADS IN KHAKI. Registrar and Mrs. Coats received word on :Monday that their nephew, Capt. Charles Macpherson, had been killed in action on Thursday last. He joined the Hurons as a lieutenant. and afterwards ook his captain's course with high honors. Going overseas with his battalion, he transfetred to the 42nd Highlanders in order to get more quickly to the front. lie went into the trenches in August and t is supposed he was killed in the fighting near Lens. He was in his twenty-seventh year and was born at Clinton, the young- est son of the late D. F. Macpherson. His mother after living for some years in Goderich went to Boston about a .year ago to stay with her daughter, Mrs. Morse, and is at present visiting at Ottawa. There are two brothers. Stewart of New Liskeard and R. C. of Ottawa, and one sister. Mrs, -Morse, of Boston. Bowman, the forme member for East The action of the convention goes far to justify those who believed that the pro- posal made at the former meeting of the Conservatives fur a joint convention was simply a scheme to secure an election by acclamation for Mr. Bowman. At any rate. the proposal was made in such terms that it could not possibly be accepted by the Liberals. It was not a fifty-fifty con- vention, with an equal number of Liber- als and Conservatives. that our 'Conserva- tive friends proposed. Here are the words of their resolution on this point: "A Union Government convention to be held Tuesday. October 30, to which will be invited ALL Liberals and Conserva- tives," etc. Especially if held at Wing - ham. it would be an easy matter for the Conservatives to see that the convention hall should be pretty well filled by those of their own party stripe before the pro- ceedings commenced. Such a meeting could end only in a wrangle, with party bitterness increased rather than moder- aFed. The lfllpracticability of the pro- posal was pointed out at once when it was submitted to the president of the Liberal Association, but of course the committee from the Conservative, Association could not alter Its terms. It is to be noted. too, that no other name than that of Mr. Bowman was pro- posed by the Conservatives from first to last. The Liberals of North Huron would never for a moment agree to any proposal by which he might -become their represen- tative, and the Conservatives knew this quite well. The P maea 1 for ajoint conventionum submitted in the terms above stated -the only proposal made by the Conservatives -was therefore necessarily rejected by the Liberal executive. Over two years ago a Liberal convention had nominated Mr. Arch. Hislop, and until Tuesday of this week he was the only candidate in the field in North Huron. Mr. Hislop is pledged to vote for any measure submitted by any Gov- ernment for the winning of the war. If our Conservative (rierita really believed that the war is the only issue before the country. and if they were sincerely anxi- ous to avoid an election contest in North Huron. here was their opportunity. Mr. • isbp is a man of , the people; with no axes to grind. and with sufficient ability and independence of ',character to be something mors than a nitre echo in Par- liament. Our Conservative -.friends. how- ever. are not willing to join with the Lib- erals in supporting his candidature, and upon them must rest the responsibility for the bringing on of an election contest. The report in The Goderich Star 'last week of the meeting of the Liberal execs i tive was quite an effort of the imagina lion. The statement that Mr. Hislop was selected in 1914 by a convention at which only twenty persons were present is tow silly to call for contradiction. PERSONAL MENTION. verted to the ranks at his own request and proceeded to France with the first draft (he has lost an arm); Pte. Herb. Dexter, who transferred from this to a labor battalion and is now engaged in lumbering in Wales; Lieut. Million. son of Andrew Million, of Goderich. The men have all been issued with an extra blanket and straw palaieses, and an issue of coal Is made each day to the huts, so that our sleeping quarters are fairly, comfortable. The ration issue has-been fairly good of late and there has been no serious com- plaint. Some days we get a little short- age, but we blame that on to the quarter- master for not putting in a dfoper in- dent. Quite a number of the men have been granted a four-day leave lately. with the result that a common complaint is "I'm broke." I'm afflicted that way myself, and pay-day two weeks away. With the exception of those mentio red all the Goderich boy's are feeling fine. Capt. Macpherson attended the Gode- Sincerellzy youA. rs. rich Collegiate institute for a term and . 1b' jRNER. was well known here and much liked by his associates. He took up mining en- irASCNlB,l aoDala.dee gineering and spent a couple of years in (Tune, •onnie un.' 1- the Cbbalt district before enlisting. Hr To the men on parade our Colonel du .peak. was a talc; stalwart young man, of ex- Saying• bring thea «,ng by the end of the week. cellent ability, and his death is a severe A prise he has offered and take 0 Ito Inc blow to his relatives and friends. I That prize will he captured by Company B. So lift up your voice and sing us a song Lieut. Ernest H. Jordan arrived home And lith hem all know as we're marching along. r would a1I:be at sea en Tuesday evening and is visiting his This good rad battalion u mother, Mrs. F. Jordan, and his sister. ! Were it not for the men forming Company B. Lieut. Jordan enlisted with a Montreal Right up to the Major, the eery last an. battery inmonths win 1915, and spent ' Y,ou can wee at a glance lhr5 are all spit# iMtd r was woutwenty-six in France, H yawn. furlough.ed I It Augustasintendedlasand is now on As they're marching along wnh their arnaswings furlough. was that he should have a public welcome home, but instead ' We are prfoud of the «elders or Company H. of arriving by C. P. R., as expected. he calve in by the earlier G. T. R. train. These men came from Huron, down by the lake However, though the townspeople did nut I shore. . have an opportunity of giving him a wel- They are eager and strong and all ready for war. come, they are glad to have him borne the Assisted by "Lamb." - from old L mboon, you a while aril they honor him as one of see - or noble band of Goderich boys who have so A hne aggregation is Company B. gloriously represented the old town on the battlefields of France. We meet with approval wherever we o; of our friends. and the u We're the ride lis bar n W to r n d a m m A 1 a R• h Ate. Ernest Clark, writing October 13 Now. take thittadvece and tet A. •C and D IO his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vilm. Spruce up and take noncarol Company B. Clark, says he is now at the 2nd Central • -E. A. W. Ontario Regimental Depot at East Sand- 1 (Written as a marching song to be used at tames ling. Since coming out of the hospital he when the band es no, with us 1 had been for some 'time at the School of is Stenography by .tin Hastings, bubefore the school and River your Pure to Creamwrote,he'had met EddieJust Bennet, a form- Edwards' it 1purater.. Irl,. ne date tether. er Goderich boy, and Norman Newell, I son of Mrs. G u. Newell Of town; so he I Wants The Signal. says "it seems like old times again." He A Clinton subscriber. writing with re- descnbes the weather they have had gard to his renewal. says: "I can't get over there lately as "awful." along without The Signal." MissLaura Price returned home ' on Saturday,- ter a two weeks' visit at London. Mrs. J. H. Marshall and children, Dorothy and Jack. !eft last week to spend the winter at London. Mrs. Wm. Crosby left on Tuesday morning for Walkerville, where she will reside with her son, Mr. Hugh Hamilton. Mrs. Jeckell and Mrs. Bawderr, of Exe- ter. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Salkeld, Bayfield road, for a few days this week.. I Mr. A. Straiton and daughter. Campbell. have returned home after a week's visit to their relatives at Roches- ter, N. Y. Pte. Gordon McKinnon, a former Goderich boy, was in town last wcek on a visit. He is training with the Divisional Signallers at Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Aldworth, of Gode- rich townst.ip, announce the engagement of their daughter. Ruby M., to Mr. John A. Dempsey. of Goderich township, the marriage to take place in November. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Monkhouse. Guelph, announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Elizabeth Ruth, to Mr. Frank Hen- derson Beattie of Guelph, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Beattie, Goderich.e m iage to take place in November. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Colborne have returned from their wedding trip and have commenced housekeeping in their apartments which Mr. Colborne has been preparing for some time, Mrs. Colborne is heartily welcomed to Gode- rich. • Mr. James Linklater, after spending the summer nn the farm at Leeburn, has a;,ain returned to town and is staying with Capt. Donley, Lighthouse street. We are glad to see the figure of the "tall laird" on our streets, and trust he will he with us for many seaways. Lt. -Col. J. 1. McLaren, officer com- manding the 1st Central Ontario Regi- ment at Toronto, has been detailed to act as camp commandant at the Toronto Ex- hibition grounds. Col. McLaran also has been nominated as a Liberal win -the -war candidate in Hamilton. He is a well- known (:oxlerich ''raid boy." Mr. Isaac Curwen, Huron road, at- tended the Provincial plowing match and tractor demonstration held on the Oak Park stock farm, Brant county. the past week. He also had the opportunity of attending the unveiling of the Bell mem- onsl erected in honor of the inventor of the telephone, Dr. Alexander Graham Hell. by the Duke of Dcvoeshtrr. and the dedication of the Bell homestead for a home for returned soldiers. for Pte. 7;. Viclter and Gnr..1: W:- - u •Y(Iali(et • CiAilgen' Mas • }Blacitat(lae have landed at Halifax and will arrive In delicents ice cream in bulkor bricks far Goderich shortly. 'Ors. E. Lio ymburner all occasions. Phone 217 and Lorne McGratten also are expected- home in a few days. The big Rexali•)ne-cent Sale is now on. WHAT THE HURONS ARE DOING Still at Witley Camp and Will Li Election Uate Fixed. Nominations for the elections to the next Parliament of Canada sill be held kelt November 19th. and 'silting %111 be on Be There for Some Months Yet. The editor of The Signal has received the following letter from Lance -Corp. E. ' A. Warner, formerly on, the staff of The Signal: - Witlap Camp. October 13th. Dear Robertsons -I feel that this will be but short letter. as 1 have not much news an interesting nature to give you. We . e still at Witley and are likely to remain re for the greater part of the winter. Co el Murdie addressed the men recently a • advised them to make themselves as c (ortable as pos- sible. as it was practicall certain that no move from Witley would • made until next January. • - Tlte num'y-r of dr;11 hours been re- duced -ind the men now drill , 7.30 a. m. until 3 p. m., with an hour nd a - half interval fix, dinner. A good d 'of attention is given to training express 'n bombing. physical training and musketr. and frequent contests are held. The monotony of indlvldual training is.hroken by cross-rnuntr route marches and at times the companies go out by themselves and in different directions, - A field day of hattalion sports was held on October ',alb at repperharrow Park, ' the home of LA tiddlewn, at which 1 B Company had to he content with third place. Corporal Snazel and Sqt. God- win, of Goderich, showed up well in the running. The (renter won the 1b)0 -yard dash. A night school has been started here for the men of the 5th Canadian Division under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. Among the subjects taught are the folinw- itng: History, English literatu, Lan, Greek, shorthand. trigona me ry,rearittih- 1 metic, bookkeeping, business English, al- gebra, geometry, French and agriculture. The latter in practically all its branch The instructors are all military men. some of them privates who have won various degrees, whom General Hughes has excused from all duties which will in- terfere with the classes. General Hughes recently visited the school and expressed ' himself as greatly pleased with the work being carried on. Among those from Goderich attending the classes I have noticed Ptes. Geo. }Baxter. Lloyd Currell and Alf. Osman at the French and agri- culture classes. There may he others taking other subjects, but these are the onl twp classes that I attend. St Murray and Pte. Wm. McDougall, of (',oderich, and lance -Corporal Bentley and Pte. (;eo. Riley, of Blyth, have been taken off our strength and attached to a reserve battalion. They were physically wrfit for infantry work. Milton Bradwin. of the signalling section, is returning to Canada owing to a diseased knee. Pte. Austin Mclkugall went to the hospital this week with some internal trouble. Among recent visitors to the Battalion lines were Graham Ronal son of Rev. (;en. E. Rous(, formerly of Goderich, who is now with the Royal PlyingCorps; Pte. Ernest Welsh, who enlisted from Goderich with one of the earlier battalions; Pte. Chas. Creates, of Blyth. who came over as a sergeant with the 161st Battalion and re - December:17th. - The Military Service Act. The number of men examined by the medical board in Goderich this week was 1145-47 on Monday, 51 on Tuesday and 47 rxj Wednesday. These are placed in the vtirittus. classes as follows: 91 in class A. 19 in class 8, 4 in class C, 0 in class D, '25 in class E. At %Ingham nn Thursday, Friday and Saturday of last week 115 were examined. Up to norm today 117 applications for exemption had been filed at the G:derich postoflice. So far nobody has reported for service. The local trihupals will hold their first sittngs on Thursday next. the Stn inst.. and will continue to sit from day to day until all applications for exemption are heard and disposed of. Applications for exemption may be made in person to any of the kKal tribunals on the Sth. 9th or 10th day of November. Class 1 men must either repnet for •r- ce or claim exemption (or exemp on be claimed on their behalf) on or be - for ovember IOth. GU RY'S SALE REGISTER. MoWnay, N 12. •Auction aide of Mmes. cattle...ism! sheep. propert y of Mr. Lewis Aldwurt h. lot 3Z concession 2,Gxlerich:lownsh.p. WIMNI.DAY, Nov. nnk and implement IIuu'n', lot 1, concesi I1. -Auction sale MI farm property f Mr. Robert S, Ashfield BORN. MATTIIEWS. - At Auburn, o,r Thursday, (rt.. her 2.1, to Mr. and Mrs E`3 Matthews. a «m MAt,NEVIN - At(irare h.ntatat, 1'vrnnto. nn (ktohet la. to Capt and Mrs VW (,ordon MacNevin, ■ daughter GREEN. At - Port Albert. on Tueselay, tktober r), to Mr and Mr, John (.re,•n, a daughter (Loretta Goldwm ) MARRIED. STEW1 -WILSON.--4ht Wrdn^.day. Octnher ti. aVllclAiaiAtrA(ap«wmnderu,ghRr eovf. Th(Nm(rer. Wilson, enePort Alber,t. to Genese Albeit Steep. of (;oder,ch DIED. WALTON.-In Goderch, nn Saturday. October 27. Margaret Walton. widow of the late - Robert 1-, Walton. age 1 7.1 year, and 9 months I McCLELLAND -At Chicago. on Monday.Oc- teder 29, Margaret Thompuwa, wile of Course McClelland. aged 46 year, BLACK. In Goin,ch. on O: t,ber 26, Mrs. Elisa Black. aged 44 ye.os and 10 months. McK AY.- InGorlertch, on Tuesday,(R.tober 30. Alexander McKay. ,on of Mrs CMiste pber McKaged M) years THOMPN. In (.oxtench. on Wednedly. Dr- oll!toler 31, Margaret Jean Thom= ,errm,n Infant daughter of Mr and Mrs 1/avid'Ihrwnfr p SANDgRS(NV At Winnipeg. on Wed(er4ay, ()Molar 24. I'tr. William T Sanderson. win of Mr Thames Sanderson 01 Goderich. agent Myelin NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Nov 1. Page Women Wanted -Steal lord Glove Makers, Ltd 1 Hens few Bale -G. M Kidd .. 1 Hester for Sale- No II. Newest, Street . I 'The Pall of HS Rnm.m.9s - Model TM•ath. , 4 Men Wanted -Win 1111 . . . .... I Stahl.. to Rent Mr, (;e„ Graham . ... I Aur lion S.1.. Robert H.gxina . .. .... ...... 1 Auction Sale Lewis A(dw,wth . 1 Auction Sale W. T.Murney 1 tie