HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-10-25, Page 5THE SIGNAL • GOT -WHICH ONTARiO
'I'Hust3ai►v, OCT. 25, 1911, 5
East Street Garage
or engine trouble or trouble
of any kind we can make
things right again. No
matter what ails your auto
we have hotb the skill and
the facilities to diagnose the
difficulty and to prescribe
and administer the remedy.
This is an auto hospital
where damaged cars are al-
ways successfully treated.
"Owned and Operated by a
Practical Man"
Arthur M. Glover
1 Some men seek justice and others have
y I it forced upon them.
McEwen s Specials theCold rnecta;s t Etcnxdry
haimarble heart, but
Choice Picnic Hams, 30c lb.
Choice sniall sugar -cured
Hams. lust right size for
fancily use, 32c Ib.
A quantity of Lieton's mixed
Tea bougl't before the ad-
vance. The only package
you can bpy at this price,
40c a lb.
Men's heavy wool Under-
wear, bought last season,
worth 11.25 per' garment:
Special 111.0it each.
Men's fall Underwear, bou let
last season. worth 11.2 a
suit. Special 11.00 a suit.
Butter and Eggs taken in
exchange. Best prices paid.
J. J. McEwen
Phone 4fi
Hs t.e'. 'MOW e.IN-06 ova. Me.-
tr...l: English nr •r.nrh. t.11. h..e and
IF OHM to lisp el.•, 1Y1, •n.1 traps to New
to hill nr urei,J InImeHln,
Malo'. T.s,Mn' Maty C. tW—W
pares Memel—v..4. Teem. trate. •nlm.l boll.
hr..11tehl.. soli t.. trippers •n.1 .per.-
een'\ ouTylles. •t Inn mire
e.is..'. a•. Fon M.w-Uta I Waist TAM
.tel .n..nre Information Ytl tetsl nil PIS
Wei% lis -dr, Int slava
r.. hir ape -
ew Tina
MacEwan Estate I
Exclusive agents for
for Goderich
and District.
Best Coal Mined.
Any quantity best all Maple
,Misted Wood, Hemlock
ladling tCedar or Pine.)
ONES, oaee pi•
residence 212 cr 68
ForR ikeliabk Shoe
Reiman. try
Smith cit Ring
30 East Street. Opposite Knox Ch1Au:h
Give Us a Trial
323 Hallam Building, Toronto
Too Good
for' oiir Cuti[A�iPl++tt'!\ I
our working principle. It \
is not extravagance, but
the truest economy, when
coo are 'buying ciothes to
get Material that will wear,
'Workmanship that will
stand the test, Style that
will make for a good appear-
ance. Your good dollars
are well spent in buying
the garments we turn out.
Masquerade Balt. s
The Guderich Orchestra will give a
grand masquerade ball in Oddfellows'
Hall on Hdllowe'en night. October 31st.
This promisee to be the social event of the
season. Prizes will be given for the best
lady's and best gentleman's costumes.
The dance wiiiJbtart at 9 o'clock sharp.
Have You Done Your Bit ?
Subscriptions to the British Red Cross
lund are still coming M. Any person
wishing to contribute who has not yet
done eo may leave his contribution with
the local treasurer of the fund, Mr. Geo.
Williamst. of the Bank of Commerce, or
with any' of the canvassing committee.
Injured While Unloading bloat.
While helping to unload the steamer
Griffin at the Big Mill on Monday. Mr.
Harry Wielans, a member of the mill staff
was thrown by one of The ropes and fell
heavi,y on his shoulder. He was taken
up town and received the attention of Dr.
Whitely. who found that his collarbone
was badly «actured and a piece of the
shouldei-blade broken. The accident will
lay Mr. N'ielansoff work for a consider-
able time.
Appointed to Junior Judgeship.
It is announced that Lt. -Col. E. N.
Lewis has received the appointrnent as
Junior judge of Huron county. Lt.�ol.
Lewis was elected to Parliament as nt�Fret
ber for West Huron in 1904. and was
elected in 190ti and 1911. After the war
broke out he became active in military
matters and for some time he has been
engaged as a special recruiting officer.
He is a barrister and for a number of
years was the acting Clerk of the Peace
for Huron. an office that was filled for
many years by his father, the late Ira
R. J. A rmstrong
Soltth Side Square, Goderich.
AreYou Bald?
Have You Thin and Faded
\ Hair?
Is yob appear-
ance not what it
should be because
of the lack of hair?
Then come and see
Display of Fine
The latest productions in ladies' Transformations,
Pontl,atlonrs, Self -dressing Waves, etc., and
The Dorenwend Toupee, which
represents the highest
achievement in the art of
hair -constructing. Feather-
weight, hygienic and so
natural in appearance that
the closest observer could
not tell it from your own
Have a Demonrtratioa so Thursday, November 1st.
1:414iU (1FFi('F.. fir, 1-()N(1R NTH FET
`Goderich readers:
John Reid Morris, the registrar of deeds
are: President, Wm. Carter. Londes-
boro'; vice-president, J. W. Newcombe;
secretary -treasurer, M. E. Lymburner;
auditors, L. L. Knox and S. G. McKay:
directors—J. S. Howrie, John Webb, Wm.
Doak. H. P. Lashbrook, Thos. Hoggarth.
J. B. Knight, Frank Jeffrey, Geo. Bea -
corn , T. W. Bell, Goderich: F. W. Angus,
Tho::. Bower, Wingham; W. J. Hamblyn,
Chas. Hillyar. Clinton; Edward Daley.
Seaforth; F. Smallacombe, Hensall; W.
H. Dearing, J. H. Grieve, Exeter.
Rev. Dr. Uraham's Visit.
The Methodist congregations of Gode-
rich had a visit on Sunday from one of
the leaders of Canadian Methodism, Rev.
Dr. J. W. Graham, of Toronto, general
secretary of education. Dr. Graham is a
son of the late Rev. James Graham, who
was pastor of North street Methodist
church about forty-five years ago. He
is a man of outstanding ability, and his
addresses on Sunday were heard with
marked interest. Dr. Graham was at
Victoria street church in the morning,
and at North street in the evening. .
Mrs. King at Peterborough.
The Peterborough Examiner reports
a recital held in that city on
Monday tvening of last week
by Mr. H. A. Fricker, F. R. C.
0., organist of the Metropolitan church,
Toronto. at which Mrs. Geo. H. King,
formerly of Goderich, assisted. The re-
port says : "Mrs. Geo. H. King, soprano
soloist of Trinity church. made a fine im-
pression in her first public appearance in
Peterborough. She sang 1 Will Lay Me
Down in Peace.' by Dudley Buck. display-
ing a voice of pleasing qualities, limpid,
clear and resonant. Her enunciation,
phrasing and technical finish gave her
singing an added charm. Owing to
illness she withdrew her second number."
Huron Poultry Show.
The twenty-second annual winter show
of the Huron County Poultry and Pet
Stock Association will be held in Goderich
January 14th. 15th and pith next. The
officers and directors for the present year
Mrs.Sheldon Spent $1900 for
Treatment Without Bene-
fit. Finally Made Well by
Lydia E. Pinkham s Veg-
Jetahle Coppound.
Englewood, I11. —" W hi l• go i ng
through the Change of Life i suffered
with headaches,ner-
ousnesa flashes of
heat, and I suffered
so much i did not
know what I wu
doing at times. I
spent 11900 on doc-
tors and not one did Mr. Andrew Porter, of the customs
me any good. One office, secretary. The head office for the
day a lady called at work in the county is in the Masonic
my' house and said Temple in Goderich. The team members
she had been as sick for the different canvassing districts are
as I was atone time, almost complete and will be announced
and Lydia E. Pink- in a few days. The headquarters of the
ham's Vegetable
Compound made her well, so I took it and
now I am just as well as I ever was. I
cannot understand why women don't
see how much pain and suffering they
would escape by taking your medicine.
1 cannot praise it enough for it saved
my life and kept me from the Insane
Hospital."—Hrs. E. SHELDON, 6667 S.
Halsted St,, Englewood, Ill.
Physicians undoubtedly did their bent,
battled with this case steadily and could
do no more,but often the most scientific
t-eatment is surpassed by the medicinal
properties of die good old fashioned
t roots and herbs contained in Lydia E.
Plnkham's Vegetable Compound.
If any complication exists it
pays to write the Lydia E. Pink -
ham Medicine Co.. Lynn, Masa.,
for special free advice.
Another Blind Knitter.
and mortgages for Passaic coo ty one of
the most widely known sten in thissettion
of the State, and Miss Maude Tlturlow.
the daughter of Mrs. James Thurlow, bf
Goderich, Ontario, Canada, were married
at high noon today. at the Church of t fir
Heavenly Rest, Filth' avenue anti' E st
Forty-fifth street, New York city. The
officiating clergyman was the Rev. David
Stuart Hamilton, rector of St. Paul's
Episcopal church, Paterson.
The bride was attended by Miss Price
letter, of Ridgewood, who was formerly a
practising nurse in this oily, but who is
now located as a Red Cross nurse At the
mobilization camp at Syracuse. N. Y.
The honors of best man were perfdiemed
by the lifelong friend of the bridegroom,
John G. Zabriskie, the organist df St,
Paul's, and director of the Patersort' ,AMit-
ateur Opera Company.
The wedding party repaired to , the
Hotel Astor immediately after the cere-
mony, where a wedding breakfast was
served. By the time the multitude of Pat-
ersonlriendsof the popular and welt -known
groom is reading the news of the happy
event in The Press -Guardian Mr. and
Mrs. Morris will be speediest toward the
national capital. to spend a honeymoon
season, viewing :he sights Of Washington
and surrounding pants of interest. When
they return they will be at home to their
friends at 4011 Van Houten street. '
The marriage announcement is a com-
plete sue prise for Mr. Morris' friends and
he will be overwhelmed with congratu-
lations when he returns to hia duties in
the court house. The wedding is the out-
come of a romance, dating a few years
back. the scene being the Paterson general
hospital, in which his bride:was un-
consciously assuming the role of the leading
character during a period of illness, when
the county registrar underwent an opera-
tlon. The bride is a graduate nurse of
the Paterson hospital, of the class of 1913,
and practised her profession in this city.
Ten months of the year her home was at
98 Seventeenth avenue, the other two
months she spent with her mother in
County Registrar John Reid Morris isa
The Whitby Gazette and Chronicle says:
The Goderich Signal boasts of a lady
in that town who, though deprived of eye•
sight, had up to August-4st knitted 520
pairs of socks for the soldiers. Whitby
also has a lady who has done similar
wonderful work. Min Chatterson. who
is quite blind. has been one of the most
active knitters in the town, and has knit-
ted a large number of socks for the sold=
iers. which have been distributed throukh
private channels and through the War
Relief Society. Last month MissChatter-
sonsent in eight pairs to the Society, and
this represents only part of her work, as
she is also continually engaged in some
activity about the home.
"Why Smith Left Home.-
- Under the auspices of the United Pa-
triotic Society of Goderich township the
comedy "Why Smith Left Home" is to be
given in Victoria Opera House on Friday
evening. Ndeember 2nd, by members of
the Soldiert' Aid Society of Exeter. This
play was given recently at Seaforth. and
The Expositor saki of it: "The comedy
in threeeacts, Why Smith Left Home,'
presented in Cardno's Opera Hall on
Friday evening last. fair night. by the
Exeter Dramatic Club, was one of the
best amateur shows ever seen in Seaforth
and well deserved the bumper house
which greeted it. The parts were
splendidly taken and the play provided
many a laugh during ttr evening. The
comedy was given under the auspices of
she SaJorth bran dint- h of women s Wax
Canadian Victory Loan.
Or nization of the county of Huron
by Mr. W. Torrance, of Toronto. for the
Victory war loan is being rapidly com-
pleted. Mr. Torrance has associated
with him as executive offy-,ers Mr. Wm.
Coats, county registrar, chairman, and
Top Notch
for Fall
Bre are now showing our
greatest variety of the very
latest style ideas in good sub-
stantial, serviceable ofootwear.
Shoes that hold their
shape and last the longest.
Shoes that our customers call
for again and again.
All styles of Rubber foot-
wear are now in stock at the
lowest possible prices.
Geo. MacVicar
North si,le of Square, Goderich
organization at Toronto are preparing for
the thorough publicity of the loan, which
will be canvassed for in the latter part of
November. ,
Wedded at Toronto.
Mr. G. Ernest Colborne was wedded
at Toronto yesterday to Miss Violet
Itene Tout, only daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. E. J. Tout. of that city. The happy
event took place at 8.30 o'clock in theeven-
ing at the home of the bride's parents, 113
Gilmore avenue. in the presence of a large
number of guests, including Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Colborne and Rliss Bruce of town.
the parents and aunt of the groom.
After a brief trip, the young couple will
make their home in Goderich. The
groom is one of our brightest and most
highly esteemed young business men.
being associated with his father in the
management of his drygoods business,
and a host of friends wish "Ernie" and
his bride all manner of happiness and
prosperity in the years that are before
Wreck on C. P. R.
The C. P. R. train last Saturday night
was about five hours late, arriving in the
early hours of Sunday morning. The
cause of the delay was a serious wreck
near Milton. A freight train standing on
the track waiting to be switched to a side-
track was telescoped by the passenger
train corning through from 'Toronto for
Goderich. in the caboose of the freight
train wasConductor Harris, of St. Thomas,
and his young son, the latter having been
in hospital at Toronto for treatment and
being on his way home. Seeing that a
collision was inevitable. the father pit`ked
up the boy and was attempting to carry
him to safety when the crash occurred,
The boy had both legs broken and the\
father was badly bruised. They were
taken to a 'hospital at London. where one
of the boy's legs was amputated.
Among the passengers on the Goderich
train was Rev. Dr. Graham. of Toronto,
who was on his way to Goderich to preach
in the Methodist churches on Sunday.
Mr. F. M. Haines, manager of the Bank
of Hamilton at Weil Toronto, and Mrs.
Haines also were among the passengers.
coming to Goderich to visit the former's
brother, Mr. W. H. Haines of the Britirh
Exchange hotel. Mr. Haines received
some Injuries to his face. and his wife was
rather badly shaken up. Booth have
since returned to West Toronto
Morrie—Thu• low Nuptials.
From The Prean -G rdian of Patcrwn,
N. J., of October 17, w take the following
which will be of much interest to many
A weensio'lrepro4uCtive
organs are in the most in-
tense and continuoup sym-
pathy with her kidneys.
Theshghtest disorderinthe
kidneys brings about a
corresponding disease is
the reproductive organs.
Dodd's Kidney Pills, by re-
storing the k id neys to their
perfect condition, prevent
and cure those fearful dis-
orders peculiar to women.
Pale young girls, wornout
mothers, suffering wives
and women enter.ng upon
the Change of Lite, your
best friend ie
Exceptional Lpkjuj
The thorough organization
of the Ilion UAW Caaads,
covertng the Dominion vllh
over 300 Branches, and reaching the rest of the world through
Agents and Correspondents, provides splendid banking facilities
for Its custonifirs, whatever may be their business t,r private needs
Why not take advantage of Ulla service )
GOlierich Branch—F. WOOLLCO M BE, Manager.
Those suffering from eyestrsia
and at the sante time enjoying
goal health are often at a loss to
know whom to consult.
The optometrist is the eyestrain
specialist—his work ls.00nllned to
the examination of the eyes and
the correction of defective vlsion
with proper glasses.
Here yon are assurnt of rraw Li-
able autl capable service.
10i AND MFG.
a1G1T AI iHt POST Orritt
"ow milt Gut_LPH. ON T.
Such 'meson] power of penetra-
tion does 7.am-Buk possess that It
1■ capable of reaching the under-
lying tissues. in MM.!' of skin
trouble, this 1e where the great-
est accumulation of germs is. and
until thee, are destroyed a per`
manent cure rannot be effected.
7.am-Bok destroys all germs with
ithlch it comes !n contact. When
1811 diseased part le thoroughly
cleansed and purified, the herbal
extracts, of which 7.am-Duk is com-
rosu'd, .grow new skin. and a com-
plete and lasting cure is the result
Zam-fink is a reliable cure for
eczema. ringworm. bad leg, running
sores, ulcefe. ahscesees. Mood poi-
soning, piles, cuts, burns, scalds,
etc. All dealers or 7.am Buk Co.,
Toronto. Lee. box, 3 for 11.26.
Comfort Boxes
Tough as Leather
10c and I5c each
Also many 11 s e f n1
presents and articles to
fill them. Sternean
Alcohol Stoves, Air
Pillows, Kodaks, Safety
Razors, Razors, Choco-
late' Bars,Oxo in cubes,
Bovril, and many other
articles too numerous to
Call anll.see them for
Ooderich, Ont.
Phone 90 Nort► St. and Square
in a'1 enuntrIes. AO' fur our INVEN-
TOR. 3 Al t VISEB,whlch wllr to seat rre4.
MARION • MA1t:O i.
364 univalent a1.. M,.ntr8al
Send the Soldier Boys
Your Photo
Photograph --
rnade daring this month
October— will avoid the ir-
regular and congested con-
ditions later, particularly
for overseas mails.
,ntre.l,r to J. W. Two
Patersonian by birth. and has never lived
in any .other city. Ile is ane of the men
who believes in this city, and who stands
ready to uphold its fair name at any
time. He is the oldest son of Mrs. John
T. Morris of Van Houten street. Thr
groom is prominent in the work of St.
Paul's Episcopal church. being a member
of the choir, and interested in the progress
of the Men's Club. He has a large social
and political following. and is a hustler
for the success of the music festival..
The most sincere wishes for his future
and for the happiness of his bride, during
a long and prosperous life, will follow the
establishment of the new home in the
Morris maids.-
The Saults Coal Co.
Nueee.won- to Melboaah a Uhvlhill
Exctvsrvs AGSN'rs rf)a
We deal in Hard and Soft Coal,
lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire
Clay, also Hard and Soft Wood,
Maple and Hemlock Slabs.
Fresh care of Lime and
Cement just received.
OvefeH 1'lt.1NH - - - - i5
B. ). Sault'-' Resideti.c 275
W. W Sanlls' k '-idcn.e 202
Or. Trem.lt\• M.♦nr.l 5.,,
Mild ., d«tutd. 1 .mr•nwtdro nw.. •. 1,„r m,1
natural color o/ mm.er rtl„ndtts ► Ptn,n.rvv ..M . 5,..,,4
non mrw,000 P,.0 II e1, p.p..d W..n 1 , ole
a.Mlr 1;•., T.r•wt.. 0.t.
On ..k en Gan..h .. A A C..12.t s true Seer*.
to. NenhS. .n4Squre.
The Gum of Gumption
Cleanses the teeth—sweetens the
mouth—allays thirst and fatigue.
The Forces in Europe are finding it a
great comfort.
It gives them vim
and staying power.
It is refreshing
to workers
everywhere. "r
Smokers will
find It soothing
and cooling
Chew it
of ►fir
.1 e Ts
,i *„r PERFECT GUM /.
A//N!/ or #LAV • ILA���`✓
TNtf64vovp4ASTS,' -..;
H ' 1N ,i
«mar FtawuR rUUTS”