HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-10-25, Page 44 THURSDAY, OCT. 25, 1917 T TIME BEST AT E we are prepared to eltons for conservative Slip-on, the admiral and IT'S OVERCOAT THE SEASON'S THIS STORE Our stock is large and varied and meet the demands of every man. Overcoat, in black and Oxfords, Nf dressers, and then there is the new Slip- French Coats. Black and grey Fly -front Overcoats $15, sls•SOitand a$Z2.of cloths and shades The new Slip-on and Admiral $15.00, $18.50, $20.00 and $25.00 SPECIALS Jaeger fine wool Gloves and Socks Walter C. Pridham 20th Century and Art Clothing THEaSIGN AL • GODERICH ONTARIO LOTHIAN. TUESDAY, Oct. T3. Miss Minnie Saody has returned to Toronto after spending a few days at her home here. Mrs. Ed. Gilmore and family, of Wrox- eter, are spending a week or so visiting friends here. Miss Gladys O'Reilly, of Kingsbridge, was the guest of Miss Evelyn Wellington for a few days. Mr. Wm. Swan has rented Mr. Robert Dumin's farm near Dungannon and will move on it some time beto e spring. Miss Sara MacLean. of Chicago, who is spending a month or so at her home here, and Miss Mary MacLean are spending a week at Toronto. • a The Sign to new subscribers to $1 •0O• January 1st, 1919 Flash fight! c. I have just received a targe a-ssort- msnt of the celebrated Hessco Flashlights (The lamp with the big lens) Just what you need on a dark night in the basement, around the barn, or in fact anywhere that• it is dangerous to light matches. Store 'Phone 82 Robt. T HTait 'Phoneouse 193 foreigners of the West. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be dispensed In Calvin church next Swday, October 28th. at II o'clock. The thanksgiving service will be held at Lanes Presbyterian churcb in the evening. No Young t'eoplp's ass herr. Womers's INsrl .-The St. Helens Women's Institute wn I hold its meeting on Thursday. November 1st, at 2.30 o'clock. at the home of Mrs. W. C Webb. Subject: -Economy in War -time." Mem- bers are requested to bring something on the subject. A program of music will be given. A cordial invitation is extended to all the ladies to be present. as business of importance will be discussed. Any person wishing to knit for the soldier boys may have yarn at the St. Helens store. AUBURN. How's This? WEDNESDAY, Oct. 24. Mr. Geo. Lemp is at Hamilton this We offer one buudred dollars resat 1 ter sa week on business-. Daae of tat trill that •ae..ot be cu. ed by Haire Catarrh (;urn. Mr. Geo. Raithby is at Chatham this Italia Catarrh Cure ha. been . takes by week on business. en, sett xulreren Mr the p.-1 tut or ave years Mrs. John W ner and son, of Toronto, remedy for catarrh. Ha spending a (res days with relatives Ch•ourh the Mood oo the mueuu, endear, ex - herr. The Baptist congregation have ex- tended a call to Rev. Mr. Ford, of Tor- onto. to become their pastor. Sacrament will be observed in Knox church next Sabbath morning. Prepara- toryservice on Friday, evening. W. T. Riddell and A. Asquith are ship- ping a car of potatoes this week. paying 11.10 per bag to the farmers. Mrs. Munro also is shipping a car of potatoes this NorEs.-Mr, and! Mrs. Dawson and week. two boys, of Springbank, visited at Mr Dr. B. C. Weir was at Wingham on Monday assisting with the amputation o[ Mr. John Jefferson's foot, necessitated by a severe case of gangrene. We hope tor the patient's recovery. .nd hay. become known • the moat reliable a ll'- Catarrh ('urn nota are ape grb.ili g tb• potwn from tint blest and haatlox tb. der you Nor to... After you hava Leer Hall'• ('stair's Core for n .hurt time you will ..e. a great lmpteve- meat 10 your general bualth. • Wet (akin( Halla •;uatrtt :Sure at on,. and get rid Ot 1 cite .h- Send for caulmmggtabfire. E. J.t'H►'•iYt(:O..Col.do.O, Sold l s all urn it.te, 78e. PORTER'S HILL. Tuesday. Oct. 23. HAYFIELD. TUESDAY. Oct. Mrs. John Tough is visiting her sister at Hyde Park. Dr. Woods and Mrs. Woods and Rev. Mr. Everest and Mrs. Everest were in Goderich on Tuesday. Rev. Levi Halfyard, of Toronto, spoke on behalf of the educational work in the Methodist church on Sunday evening. The canvass for the British Red Cross on Trafalgar Day amounted to almost 1180. This with the council's grant of 1225 bungs it to a total of $3gi. Miss Veva Dowson had her throat operated upon and her tonsils removed on Monday of this week. The operation was, performed by Dr. W. Peck. of Hensall, Store 'Photte 86 THE COLBORNE STORE "''"se2 Gose of new things. suppose you call The Store Show 'Scarcely a counter or shelf in the store that isn't in the parade g and give a glance or two at all the new fall things in woolen's wearables. Remarkable values iuup-to-date Dress Goods and Silks. THE FACT' TS that it was possible months ago to aisle our ptlrchalses for this and Silks fall's trade at prices ou a much lower level than could be reached by the Dress Goods tate buyer, hence our exceptional values. The calm, certain, swift advance in the prices will make late buyers pay higher prices than those who take advantage of our present offerings. If you want a dress in fabric goods or Silks. BUY EARLY if you want to save money. Velvets We netet had a,letter asaortmeut of colors, in both plain and corded. Plain 22 to 23 inches wide and corded 23 to 27 inches. Colors green, grey, y, olive, white, purple, dark red and black. Coatings A good line iu dark large check at $2.75. Extra value. 56 to 58 inches wide. Ladies' Collars in a great variety of shapes and sizes. We find the stock Collar coming iuto prominence, and with some already a favorite. • Collars ST. HELENS. TUESDAY, Oct. 23. Mr. W. C. Webb has purchased a new piano. Mr. Will McDonald and daughter are visiting at Hamilton. Mrs. Ed. Andrews and Mrs. A. Woods are visitors at Mrs. R. J. Woods'. Mrs. A. Andrews is spending a week with her father, Mr. Kenneth McLean, of Lucknow. A Hallowe'en social under the auspices of the Young People's Bible class will be held oft Wednesday evening. October 31st. Admission IOc. Miss McLaren. of Birtle. Man.. ad- dressed the Women's Missionary thank - offering meeting on Sunday evening. She spoke very forcibly on the work that is I being done and should be done among the That Plumbing Job you have been thinking about all summer -NOW is the time to get it done. before the cold weather sets in. If you want a bathroom fitted up, you will find it to your advantage to consult us. FRED. HUNT THC PLUMBER" Hamilton Street Phon. 135 2240 J. H. COLBORN E Cc © John Cox's last week -----Svcs. R. Y.I "Nope" Cox and daughter Pearl spent a few days "Then what do you sell them for ?" at Ilderton recently Mr. Will Mor- "Oh. just to get a chance to holler."- gan. who was visiting at Peter McDoug- I Denver Times. all's. returned to his home at Port Stan- ley. out Thursday last Mn- Sterling. of Port Stanley. is visiting in the neigh- borhood - - _ .The Ladies' Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Leslie Cox on Thursday next. November 1st . - - ._Will Cox wears a smile these days, as a baby girl arrived at his home last week. KINTAIL. The next meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Robert McDonald on November.lsL All members are cordially invited to attend. Liked to Hear Himself Talk. He was a typical gamin. so diminutive in stature that 1 had to stoop to inthrro- gate him. which I did in this way: "Where do you get your papers. my little man ?" "Oh. 1 buy 'em in the Times alley." ..What do you pay for them?" "Fi' cents. ' "What do you sell them for ?" "Pi cents. ' "You don't make anything at that" GRAND TRU KSY's EM HIGHLANDS of ONTARIO, Canada The Home of the Red Deer and the Moose OPEN SEASONS DEER -November 1.1to Not ember 1Stb loclu-taw MOOSE -November tat to November Lith ioclu-1ve. In .orae of tb. Nmlb- ern Moir et. of Ontario, including Tlinag.o.h the np.n ae,fi.to w from November lot to November 15hh Inrla-eve. In that part of Ontario Jinni north of the Canadian Government Railway from the Quebec to the Man.foba boundary. the open wagon for mole n from October l't11h to No- vember 5015. Write for copy of "Pl.rr ouod•-Tota Hauntaat fresh and Game.- alv.og Gate' Lawn. Hunting Regulation.. eta., to C. 8. Horning. Union Station. leronto, that. F F LAWRENCE & SOS Town Agents Phone 8 New Perfection Oil Stove Why not economize by using leas coal or wood? The New Perfection Oil Stove is just what you need. We have them for :sale-three-bu and four -burner Stoves. -Cali and See Them- W. hem- W. R. PINDER nose 1154 Hamilton Street 11 XIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU1I111I1111IIUUIIIUIIIIIIU1IU1IUUIIUUUUII1UIUIUI1IIIUUIIIIIIpIIIIIIq11II1U 111111IUUIIINIUIII1I1IIIII11MIIIrypMMIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIMM11111111IIIU111IIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIUIUIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIUUIIIIIIIIIIIIlUlU1fIIIIIIUUUIIIIIIIIII1HIM1111111111111111111HIIINIIIIIUIIIIIIUN ISHATTERING FROM THE STORE WITH THE SHIVERING and can't keep warm and there is only one way\to overcome the you amlo .1.010 We have no coal people. We are slashing or little. We bought wisely Sale starts Saturday, October 27th, an Below we list a few of the goods we have used the knife on. Come in and see what the CO the prices and will get the crowd. VVe will months ago when the prices were reasonable. con nce that we NEWS PRICES difficulty -we must keep moving and must have a crowd of have the Clothing Bargains of any store in the country, big continues until November 10th weather has done to our prices. Shirts r. , Regular il.'silkfront soisettes. beautiful natt ns, all sines. Out they go at Men's Suits 98c Regular $12.,t) and $15. Tweeds and English Worsteds. Out the} go at Underwear Penman's and Tiger Brand Underwear. in all -wool, high- grade quality. Out they go. Combination shits Boys' Suits $2.98 In neat material, toppy styles that boas want, built for service and good looks. Regular $4.50 at $3.25 Regular $5.75 at $4 45 Regular $8.50 at $6.65 Garters Regular 2.-)c pair, all colors. pad '.tole, Tao pairs for 25C Men's Underwear Scotch wool knit, all sizes. Reg- ular $1.35 and $1.50. Per gar- ment Overalls 98C 25 dozen only, Peabody Overalls, black and blue stripe. At Suspenders $1.85 Mens Police Suspenders, regular 50c. Out they go Neckties Hook -on Ties at two for 35c 2 Silk four-in-hand Ties, regular 25c each. Two for 25C Silk knitted Ties, regular 50c each. Out they go, hal price 25C Watch our windows for Shoe Bargains. B1 - Serge Suits Fast es, guaranteed extra fine quality. At $15.45 Overcoats All the best fabrics, styles right up-to-the-minute. \,A big variety to select from. Ou'they go Regular $16.50 at $12.45 Regular $22.50 at $16.50 Regular 125.00 at $ 18.25 Grey Socks What about men's Grey Socks at 23C Out they go Suspenders Assorted makes of best quality. Out they go • 23c Raincoats Regular 112.50 and 1113.50, rain- proof tweeds, suitable fur fall weather. Everything in the store will be reduced in price, all we want is to t NOTICE All parties bringing in this bill with their name and address on \. same will have a Christmas gift mailed to them in December. 5945 Overalls . An Overall special at $1 1,11 and still another special at t8c Work Shirts Blue, black and chamhrays with drill:. Out they go at Men's Vests 69c Sixes 35 to 38, regular $200 and $2.50. Out they go Boys' Pullovers In gray only Overcoats $I.IO 39C Quilted -lined Overcoat, Persian head, square or round collar, at $14 75 Boys' Sweaters In grey only. Out they go 65c • Remember the dates, and also remember that we have Boots and Shoes at MOM OMIN • s E 1 amMb MEN OP IN EVENINGS