HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-10-25, Page 1Pnnung THE SIONAI, is ready to handle your Printing work, large or squall, and give yos • satisfactory job every time. Let us have your next order. Telephone 35 The Signal Ctr de Ot to et. 0 is Burton lug 18 OS Yatton ul. v and w atZTT-NINIRH TKJlt-N. ,!p SAVE, Because— The cultivation of the savings habit creates confidence. WANTED. CiALESLA s WANTED -ONE WITH O caper,ence • stetted. W ACHESON & ION. /IHOIR-LEA t 1 take charge of a are. church. Myth JOS. STOTHERS. Sec FOR SALE LIOR SALE.-NORDHEIMER PIANO, almost new; will be wild for about half-price A poly ■t SIGNAL OFFICE. xo-tf WANTED. - T 0 FOR SALE OR RENT. lead chair of St. And - tate salaryApply to 1 T0. RENT. -SMALL FURNISHED . -Tree- 56-2t Notre: wIdeated. Aa modern improve meats. Apply M Ml GUN DRY.. or telephone so.. aIRLtf WANTED. APPLY OUDE- l7 RICH KNITTING C( LOST OR POI D. LOST. -A BUNCH OF KE please leave at THE SIGNAL '; MEETINGS. (IODERICH HORTiCULTURA l� CIETY. The annual tweeting of the Goderich Hort tercel Society will he held on Friday evening. weber and. at 8 octavo. in the secretary's o In the court house. All members are requested to attend JOHN STRATTON, President. • W M. LANE. Secretary. Godench, October 22. 1917. 1 le7 -2t Poultry Wanted Our feeding plant t has opet.ed for the season and from now on w4 will be in the market for all tete poultry that you have for sale. Poultry will be taken in at Holrnesville every Wednesday morning and every day at Cl:nton. Special prices will be paid for properly finished milk -fed chickens over 5 lbs. each. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO., LIMITED • CLINTON N. W. TRF:MARTHA Phone 120 MANAGER or Hoinivieville 4 on 142 r British Exchange Hotel "The House of Plenty" SPECIAL DINNERS EVERY SUNDAY PRICE 75 CENTS Homily Dinner from 12.80 to 2.30 W. H. HAiNES, Proprietor. 10 14 m0 RENT.--COMFO RTABLEI t apartments over Mr. Wigle's drug store. Aso a cottage. oa Mayfield road. Apply to MRS. JAS. WILSON, North street. rroom4 R SALE. --COTTAGE; A BAR- GAIN; ata aid bath. Large bit Ohly desirable location on West street, opposite Harbor Park See BERT MscDONALD, town, HOUSE To RENT. -ON KEAYS street ; +oven town., alt convenlenoea. re- 1 osu1,1v repaired. Stahle on lot. Apply to J. W. 8ALKELD, Godcrtch R R. No, 2, telephone 219r7.• u Waw /"OR SALE. - HOUSE AND TWO' [s 'iota, Eldon street. Goderich ; wood dwsllina use : beck and andern conveoie noes : entail we, Aaraaln for quick rale. Opel tut'DIrUUT, EILLOi(AN k COOK` 91. W 4, RENT. -FIFTY ACRES OF caw colutated I.ud In the township of AJteeld. Could give living accommodate'+ on far !or furthera BOX Darlloul n ttddr R � I.l't III SIGNAL, se94- a, i AOR E. -FARM, SIXTY-EIGHT agree, s • h half lot 11, nr.os.stoo 1. Uode- h toweehlp two spring creeks, Ideal posture gagm : fetters 11•. bitMlnE+ In good oMer, censer n ed to lee up on account of blind- ness. I FOB e . • for ca.h or too term. 10 suit pa r. 1 • . it over and make offer. Fee farther ppaants r. wont 10 WILLIAM U1(EVkR1.Ieount • nl?(tnt. 614-41 e ips GODERIQH, Messrs. Smith & Ring, East street, have removed their shoe -repairing shop to larger quarters one door east of their former stand. Spend the Evening of OCTOBER 30th AT The Witch' s Cave Victona .Street Methodist Church $ P. M. ADMISSION. IOc "Why Smith Left Home" A FARCICAL COMEDY IN THREE ACTH By members of the Soldiers Aid Society, Exeter. This Society had the honor of B,resenting the colors to the 161.1 attalion (Hurons). The plsy has been given very suocesafmlly in Seatorth and Exeter. To be given in VICTORIA OPERA HOUSE on Friday eLening, Nov. 2nd, under the auslriees of the United Patriotic Society of Goderich Tp. ADMISSION, 50c, a6e and 23c. See plan at Edwards' restaurant. Wanted at the Canning Factory Plums, Pears, Apples, lieans ani Beets. 1• Highest prices 1 I ICome in and See Us. Hives Cassias sad Evaporating Co, I -amt. •. p, P. PIAMLIMM K anag.r. VOR SAI.E. -A MODERN MaHRWBi - 11'' e, with all roavenleooes; large re- oeptNs kali. double ptrlor•. dining room AUCTION SALES. kitchen and pantry down1Marrs ; front sad bath stairway; four bedrood , with dbset , and bathroom on noend floor. A an attic. large UCTION SALE OF TWO GOOD basement with furnace 111tric hghta all A FARMS, FARM STOCK. IMPLEMENTS, through the boom. A large la n and garden, 'GRAIN AND HAY. over 110 feet front, with fruit t es and shrub -- bery, Cash or Grim-. Aped to . R8. J. H. MR DAVID McILWAIN WILLIAMS, Market street Gode h. 71i -1t will offer for sale by publec auction, at lot 7, con- cession 1, Ashbeld, on OHOiCE FIFTY-ACRR kir •ale, within one mile of Dun bu&dines. Everything In good tisVglen In March next. For purl agate MT. OUNDRY,Ooderich. ARM TUESDAY. OCTOBER 30th.. ha°n' commencing at 1 o'clock sharp: ilia F Two good farms, lots 6 and 7, concession I, Ashfield, each containing ltxt acres of land. on which there are `ofd hutldings and fences The land is good. and one or truth will be disposed of on reawaable terms. winch will be announced at time of irk. Bosoms . -One matched teem of Narks. mare Id gelding. x and 9 years old; 1 matched team of tnuts. rising 3 years end, well broken; 1 dos - mare, 10 years old, 1 driving horse, 10 years TWO STORER TO RBMT.--O lately occupied bW, H. Harrixon ani t ',thee by James F. TAronson. Roth on the 8geare. Apply J. P. BROWN. 93-1? OUSE TO RENT.-MODERN;r m honse on t,Iouceeter tTerrace, APO/ 10 ' U6EPH GRIFFIN. Choler. ,btf CA ix -One purebred registered Durham bull. ears old; 1 purebred registered Durham "— -"- - - 1 cow, 3 ars old, with calf at ode; 1 cow, 10 years old. an 1 cow, 10 years old, just in; 1 cow. 6 innor •, ust in; 1 cow, 5 years old, ,n calf; 2 cws, 4 yea. old, just In; 2 cows. 3 nn old, in calf; 3 stee - renins 2 years old. 3 balers, rising 2 years old; 4 eers, rising 1 year old; 7 heifers. rising( 1 yearol• • 12 spring calves. Ph:s. -Sox et , pigs. I IMRIMENTS.-, 7 -ft. Massey binder, nearly new; 2 Massey ers, one nearly new; 1 McCor- mick side-debve kr: I new Keystone hay louder. with fere ca age; 1 sulky hay rake, 1 democrat wagon, Mi ado buggy. 1 rubber -tired Mclnu`hlin AuRR . 1st .,1 -tire buggy, 1 comMna- rack t ha r k 1 n tux 1 set sleighs, tjon YRn 1 cntten. I road cart, 1 Iter, 1 Massey -Harris seed doll, 1 turnip drill, 1 ' Iper, 2 sets 4 -section lion harrows. 2 walking p, s, 1 riding plow, 1 2 -furrow plow, 1 fanning , -1 set scales. 1 12 - inch Massey -Harris cuttag. 2 sets of `nod heavy harness, 2 sets of good ei le harness. 1 pet of double driving harness, a quant y of gond hay. 1.015.1 bushels of oats. 1 ll5,-egg incubator, 1 brooder. 1 Melottecream separator, gravel ben, 2 lumber wagons. TERMS. - All sums of 3111 and under, sh; over that amount, 11 months' credit will r iven on furnishing approved joint notes A di ., nt of 5 per cent. straight for cash on credit amoun DAVID McILWAIN, T. GUN • Y. Proprietot. CRAiGIE'S REAL ESTATE AARGAINS THiS IS A REAL HOME on a beautiful, well -treed lot on Albert street, real brick veneered, bungalow style, N rooms, hot water heating. fireplace, electric light and bath, practically new and in Host - class condition. Owner has left town. This is one of the best hays in town. Price 12,800. FOR SALE OR RENT Fine red brick house, fully mod- ern. 10 rooms, full basement, corner Emit end Victoria streets, This is one of the most deslrable properties in the blown tit Ooder:ch. Possesmion given November 1st. List your Farm and Tows Properties with ase. I have several enquiries for some. THE BIG INSURANCE AGENCY .1. W. CRAiGIE, INSURANI K AND REA1. RNTATE Required Large (quantities of SCRAP IRON Terms—Cash on delivery Please phone or write us and our wagon will call. The National Shipbuilding Co., GODERICH Limited ■ PUBLIC NOTICE. MEDICAL BOARD MILITARY SERVICE ACT. Under the terms of the Military Service Act a Medical Board for the examination of recruits will sit in the Court House, Goderich. on Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday of each week from 9 a. m. to 12 noon, and from 2 p. m. 80 5 p. m. ONTARIO, THURSDAY. OCT. 25. 1917 M1 �yy Y A��NS�s THE TOWN COUNCIL. 1 DON'T N$U Tstg POINT. Bylaw Passed Atiithorizint Sewer oo Vic - Saris Street freed Nelson to St. David's. The town counpl met nun Fridays even- ing, with all the members in attendance except Councillor Clark. I Among the co�muns ttions read was one from Cttief a Pulics PP ¢,sattlethwatte asking that be be t on all$1y' duty in- stead of doing al night duty nate month a present. was referred to per special commit jointly. Tux on question o. is. refundin the tr ert s lax Mr. B. J. SaWta' tel property from September 30th, and a similar ques- titxt with reference to Dr Gallow's busi- ness tax were referred t0 t finance com- mittee. A request from the pr dent of Alm- endro lm - e dra hospital kr the usual annual grant was sent to the finance cemmittee. A resolution was pa>I at the request of the Ontario Eluniapal Electric Asea , iation, asking for the prohibition or cur- tailrrtent of the eaport of power in order to ensure a supply to Canadian industries. Mr. I4E. Lymburter, secretary of the Hu roil ounty Poultry and Pet Stock Assocl 17r1, asked for the usual grant of 125 for the annual winter show to be held in Goderich January 14, 15 and 16, 1918. Referred to finance committee. The report of the finance committee recommended that the sum of 81,824.98 be paid the water and light commission on the town water account of 1917, this amount being one-half this year's account. In the matter of reconsidenng the matter of payment of Mr. Campbell's bond as tax collector. the committee recommended that Mr. Campbell he allowed the sum of 150 for extr work. The committee also rectimme that the time within which to allow two per cent. discount on !payment of 1917 taxes be extended to November 1st; that the readjusting of the fire insurance of the National Shipbuild- ing Co. be left in the hands of the Mayor and chairman of the finance committee with power to consult the ,solicitor; and that the public library board be paid 1400 on this year's grant. The report was taken up clause. by and therea sorts discussion of clause w the recommendation as to the vote to Col- lector Campbell, which was finally altered t04140, the pnce of the collector s bond. The report as amended was adopted. The public works committee reported that permission had been given the Bell Telephone Co. to place poles and wires on Britannia road between William street and Wilder street. Report adopted. Bylaw No. 15, authorising the con- struction of a sewer on Victoria street between St. David's street and Nelson street under the Local Ira rovement Act, was read and gassed The co ulacitsgn a sdjoltrpe`d.. every alter - The request works and A Medical Board also sits at Wingham' on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of each week. 'VOTERS' LiST, 1917. - MUNICIPALITY TOWN OF GODERICH, l COUNTY OF HURON Notice it hereby given that 1 have transmitted or delivered to the persons menttnned to section 9 of the Ontario Voters' Lists Act the copies re- quired by said sect ion % to he en transmit ted nr de- livered of the Int. nestle pursuant to rid Act, of all put wens appearing by the last revised amen- ment roll of the rid mons -panty to he entitled w aid mrt In vote in lamupslrIIy at election% for aaemhrrs of the l.egalattve Aswmhly and at .muntctpalelectts, and that the said hat was neat • orposted u at my of ce,n the Town Hall. Gorlench, on the 1'3th day of October. 1917, and remotest there Inc impaction. ' And 1 hereby call upon all .Men to take Meme - 1 diate proceedings to have any errors Of nonfarm* corrected according to law fluted st t;odrrwh this Isth di? of October. 1917. 1. 1. KNOX. tM 2t Clerk of the Town of Goderich. HAD FOURTEEN FITS iN ONE AFTERNOON. Bat Is Made Well and Strong by Dodd's Kidney Pills. Uxbridge. Oat.. OCL 22 (Special. -Mr. R J. Thompson'. living near here; had fourteen convulsions in one afternoon. The doctors did not think he could live. Today he is well and strong. He says Dodd's Kidney Pills did it. But let him tell his own story: "I am delighted with Dodd's Kidney Pills. I have only taken eleven boxes and I (eel like myself again. i was taken ill very suddenly. 1 ate my dinner and went to take a man home) 1 just got abou three-quarters of a mile when I was taken with a cemvulsion fit. 1 had fourteen that afternoon and the third day i had nine more. The doctors said I could not live and if 1 did 1 would never be able to do anything again, as I had chronic Bright's disease. Hut. thank God. i am doing my own work once again, by the use of Dodd's Kidney Pills." One cent will buy a two -quart guaran- teed red rubber hot water bottle at the Rexall store November 1, 2 and 3. Can you beat it? !LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. The Ontario W. C. T. U. is about to cover the Province with an appeal -for scraps of silver and gold. unused trinkets, etc., in aid of a fund to defray the ex- penses of the pay book leaflets, and free drinkables (`(cola, chocolate. etc.1 for the men in forward trenches. The regular monthly meeting of the Goderich branch of the Women's [MOO te will be held at the home' of Mrs. J. Taylor, Montreal street, on Thurs- day afternoon, November 1st. Knit- ting and sewing for the Institute and thoug s for Christ mos; questions on econom ROBER ON &. WOODS INSURA CE AGENTS Announce that hey have tnk,•n over the insurance r'einem* of the late W. Il. Rote • on anal 'ii agents for British America, P monis Caledonian Alit nre North British and Mereanthsy Liverpool -Manitoba genital') Hartford 31, not + Fire insurance ('otnpanies acid Oreat Weat Life inatiranre ('o, Yottr patronage la soliefted. Prompt, and personal at fruition given t., all business. A. M. Robertson - Geo. Woods 'Phone No. 170 There is a man in this part of the world who represents, to our way of thinking, a pretty good average of human nature. Whenever the preacher in his church delivers a very hot sermon against some special kind of sin, this man gets enthusiastic and goes around to the ves- try to tell the preacher what a fine sermon it was. Then he goes home and repeats it to his brother, and they talk over the points and the people the sermon hit the hardest. But this particular man never aerie when the sermon hits him. Early next month the biggest public campaign ever put on in Canada will be ovswsd to get subscriptions for the fourth Canadian war loan, the Victory Loan. The thing people in this district must bear in mind is: that the appeals are dir- ected to each and every one of them. It Is not merely the well-off men and wo- men who are being asked to invest. It is everybody The little sermons which will be "preached" in the advertising should not be taken as hints to the well- to-do people only. Every man and n�o-_ man should watch for these adverfibe- ments and start now. to gather up the necessary money to buy either a fifty or a hundred or a five hundred or a thous- and dollar bond. in the United States there were about four subscribers to the' first American loan out .of every 100 per- sons: They received only 3 and a -half per cent. In Canada for the last war loan there were only about 41,000 sub- scribers, or say four in every 700. Yet in Canada the interest was much higher --on the Victory ,Bonds that will probably be issued to yield about five and a -half per cent. The first thing anyone should do, in our opinion, is to get rid of the idea that there is any sacrifice involved in investing in this loan. it is true that the patriotic I spirit is appealed to and it is equally true that a great and generous response tat pected on that ground. But the new war loan is a straightaway business oroposi- non: safe, profitable and convenient. Every man and every woman with as much as fifty dollars to spare should own one -of these new bonds, and not oily that, but should help to show others the worth of these bonds by recommending them everywhere. The readers of this paper are among the most thrifty, prow perousand public-spirited in the Domin- ion. Whefi the subscriptions to the Vic- tory Loan are added from the various districts and sub -districts we expect them to show that this part ret the great Domin- ion has been true to its traditions and just to its opportunities. MILITARY SERVICE ACT. Members of Tribunals Named -Medical Board Is Buy. 'The fort of appointments to the g ili- tary service tribunals has been istesmed from Ottawa and eight boards in Huron county will be constituted as follows (the numbers given are those by which the boards are designated at Ottawa) : 12S Wingham-Dudley Holmes. Samuel Bennett. 129 Brussels -W. M. Sinclair, Robt. Livingstbn. • - 130 Gortie-W. S. McKercher, Geo. Walker. 131 Seaforth-J. M. Best, Geo. Mc- Gee. 13.2 Exeter -I. R. Carling. Henry Smith. 133 Goderich-Judge Dickson, Chas. Garrow. 1:34 Clinton -Wm. Brydone, Chas Middleton. I:i:i Dungannon -Thos. Stothers, Wm. Have You Forgotten to pay yoursuhseription for The Signal for 1917 P We need) the looney. and if you aur in airear•s w,.uld ask you to make payment promptly. DO IT NOW THE WtONAL PRINTING C'O.. LIMITER Pt et tang& PERSONAL MENTKiN. THE LADS IN KHAKI. 1 Mrs. A. Saunders is visiting her sister. The following is an extract from a let- Mrs. Oliver, at Galt. ter written by Captain C. R. Carrie.' Mr. Chas. Shephard, of Paris, was is dated October 5th:town for several days this week. "I am in Ririe on business for a few i Mr. Harry Buchanan, of the Unioa days, staying at the -American Y. M. C. Bank. W'arkworth, is home fur a few data A. hotel for officers, It is a fine place situated near the centre of the *city, 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Willis have returned with American cooks and American lady to their home at Detroit after visiting waitresses, a ngst them Mrs. Theo- in town and vicinity. done Roosevelt, jr. One of the otbt'ers of. Mrs. Gro. Stewartwill be at home other day, thinking she every second and fourth Friday, instead clever American watt- of Tuesday as formerly. to say the tip was 50111- I Mrs. Jas. Breckenridge is leaving for and you ought to have Chicagoto stay for some time with her litre he was told who he son. r. A. M. Breckenridge. ney to The American idently thinks the Y. M. Mr. John Stiles. who had been at hos t asset jn winning the war, old home in' Ashfield for some months. p the morale of the men, was in town on Monday 'on his way back pending nullans on n. They to Chicago, where he now resides. he best 'l'.' In .•Pans, The Miss Eva MrNee, daughter of Mr. and vete soldiers is just>is good Mrs. Jatres McNee, of town. has gredu- the officers, but not quite so uated from the Winnipeg general hospital well locate.. The military authorities as a trained nurse after a • three years' compel all heir men while on leave in course. and is • now engaged in the prac- Paris to sta • at the Y. M. C. A. hotels. toe of her profession in that city. and report r gularly to their °nicer'. This 1 Brussels Post: Edward and Mrs. Speir- is the most trtngent regulation Yet made an, Goderich. were holiday visitors with by any arm with regard to their men on , relatives and friends in this locality. It expected to, be home by T is twelve years since they removed to the t mypass hes not come yet, county town. Both look as if 1t agreed well with them. They were former resid- going back tq headquarters ents of Brussels and Grey. do muchui l certainly wwork Mr. Athol 11cQuarne,who was formerly o as thidelegation work connected with The Signal for some sloe. turas at thus rate. scoria to us again at Ypres. and has lately been at London, has been ually pushing the German appointed advertising manager for The but if we depend on that St. Thomas Times. Mr. McQuarie is (mg war. However, every- well equipped for his new position asd to a lot of peace talk this- will no doubt till It with credit to himself to be hoped it will result and advantage to his employers. fered her a tip was an ordin rem. Needl ingly declined seen his face had offered Government C. A. is a gre by keeping and they are have quite hotel for the as the one t leave. "J had this time, h and I am at the fru not be able before Chri "Success We are yr hordes back 1t will be a thing points winter. It in somethin Lieutenan of the 20th a week in and scenes o in October. 914, and his last visit to Godench was in March, 1915, a month be- fore going ov seas with tete 4th Field Co., Canadian En neers. With them he went to Belgium l September. and remained on active sers , , receiving slight wounds in March. 1I :until last vonterS when he transferred to he infantry, being granted a commission i the 20th Battalion. Dur- ing a German counter-attack on August l,Sth, three day after the big offensive at Lens, he was-ounded in the'ow and shoulder, and w receiving his d board he was gi -Canada, Which the end of the y I had many thnlll an active partici Vimy Ridge, but serve tells no dr exploits. Like deoseated he or particular deed t Military Cross at 'know him best feel sion "for console facing the gazetted in his case. He ft welcome him last Su where his father mi for many years and fectionate remenibr proud to welcome ba son whose well -won honors confer distintctu itself. Lieut. Anders home at Ottawa on Sat THE LIDERA more than talk." •formerly Mr. G. F. Blair. of Regina. horrrly tat • town, made a brief visit to town this Melville Anderson, 111. C., week, coming in Monday evening by C. I, Battalion, is spending C. P. R. and leavingon the afternoon own revisiting the friends train the following day. Mr. Blair came his boyhood. He enlisted east toattend to some business before the r Supreme Court at Ottawa., Many Gods. - rich fr:ends will be interested in knowing that his son Wilfrid has been in France for several months with an artillery unit. 1 The Signal had a brief lite pleasant call last week from Mr. Neil J. McLean. city passenger agent of the White Star Line. Detroit. He was returning to Detroit from Kincardine his old home town. where he had been visiting relatives. Mr. McLean managW., the Greyhound excur- I sitm from Gode, to Iktrott last Juror: sent to England Alter nchand for next year it .is proposed to extend harge from the hospital the trip, starting front. Kincardine, so as en two months' leave to to take in a greater, eii ent of ternary. ind still s s since been extender' to) (.yc ttcourse.erich, of c(rse, we fbe the r. Lieut. Anderson has rtltain port of call at this end of the trip. tg experiences, incltldigg Mr. McLean has a quietist (tenial manner °tion inthe battle of which flukes warm frieenndds foe him whet - wall characteristic re- ever he goes, and he is always welcome in tic story of his own Goderich. other men similarly 1 The following is from The Wiotern sses ignorance of the 11lit1eh-Attterican,Chicago, and refers W. t won for him the forgoer member of the Sterling Bank staff ens, but those who at Goderich: Daniel Shearer, a your ure that the expres- Caithness Scot residing at the (Yak Park no gallantry," pre- I Y. M. C. A.. and active in First Presby- st, was well deserved terian church circles, (cave. next week for red many friends to Oklahoma City,- Okla., where he has se - ay in Knox churali, . cured a lucrative clerical position. He stercd lay [atthfoll came -here mynah -Years - in su :e. Godericl this dative - d modestly-wer af- field. Ont.. where he was on the Sterling is Bank staff. Mr. Shearer desired to fol - n low• some of his Caithness kin to the war front, but was rejected for physical rea- 00 the old town ns at the British Mission. Arany warts 1 leaves for his friends in Oak Park and Chicago wish y, Ihirlt�lots of grad luck in the great South - REPLY. REPLY. w Bailie. • I Conservatives Invited to ination of Mr. A. An additional tribunal is to sit at Zurich. but the names of the members are not yet available from official sources. In connection with each tribunal there will be a "military representative," whose duty it will be to question those who apply for exemption and in general kook after the interests of the military forces. in this county "military representatives" have been appointed as follows: Wingham-David R. McDonald. Brussels -John Harris. Gorrie -Jas. Armstrong. Seaforth--Jas. Hays. -Exeter-Samuel Martin, Goderich--Geo. Porter. Clinton- A. J. Grigg. Dungannon -Thos. G. Allen. Zurich -Chas. McDonell. Up to last evening 2111 men had been examined by the medic 1 board sitting in Goderich. Of these 135 were placed in class A and the remainder, were divided among classes H, C. D anE. A large promotion of the men were from the country. some coming long distances and in some cases having to remain in town over I ight for their examination. The average number examined on the three days of this week was 413, the biggest day's work being on Tuesday. when fifty- one young men passel through the hands of the examining doctors, Postmaster (,alt reports that up to date he has issued seventy-two forms of application for exemption from service, while not a single man has taken out the form for rtrplrting for service. The following statement has been issued from Ottawa and will clear up a point in regard to which there has been some doubt "The impression seems to prevail in some quarters that the procedure ac)ooted in connection with the enforce- ment of the Military Service Act makes 1t compulsory for a member of clans 1 to he medically examined before claiming exemption. This idea is entirely erron- eous. Facilities for medical examination were arranged in advance of the issue of the proclamation to serve the convenience of the public, and the extent to which the medical boards have been sought in- dicates that the public have appreciated the advantages of this arrangement. Medical examination, however, prior to reporting for service or daiming exemp- tion. band hums always been optionkl." Eat Pun lee Organs and Rite your ehildrsis none salter. Edwards' M pars. Photos 200. "That- 111 Vew of t Mr. Archibald Hislop. ex been for some time tl,.rmnat h carr "()DERICH TOWNSHIP." \\ WEDNESDAY, (let. ndorse Nom - Mr. and Mrs. Allen Sharpe. of Darin!, clop. Visited Mrs. Thos. Cox last week, • e fact that Mrs. Will St and daughter Winnie.'- 1. I'. P., has of Detroit, wb, d been visiting -at Mr. as a can- F. C.,Pickard's. left for home last Friday_ dilate for North Huron. a . without any! Mr. Melville Sturdy, who underwent an other candidate bei g ,r: the people operation for appendicitis a couple ofhome.has strongly deviate 'himse f in favor of weeks ago, has returned to his hoe. winning the war, and is repand to I Many of our young men who had form - v . °sports" support any measure with chi. object in; erly callmcalledttlem•tel es "prts" have view submitted by any (rover ment, we meekly answered the call for "bachelors"' cordially invite our Cunservatt a in frienfavods,r under the. Military Service Act. I A special meeting of the members bf y nom.' the United Patriotic Society will lig held pin and at the home of Mrs. Curwen. Huron allow to be elected accla • titin as ( road, on Monday afternoon. October '29th. to make final arrangem nts for the opted I entertainment to be held in the Opera e° J f House on Friday evening November 2nd. whom we believe to he equall of winning the war, to endorseendorseination at their, coming 'conven q�oy him by a Win -the -War candid rte.' 1he foregoing resolution was at a meeting of the Liberal execu North Huron, held at Blyth on T in reply to the suggestion from the servatives that Moth parties should on a candidate supporting the union ernment. The Conservatives meet a at Wingham next Tuesday, when question of a candidate will be discus with the above resolution before them. i-'ay' "The value of a rent" well illustrated at synicn the Rexall One Cent Sale November 1, 2 e and Y. ,OV- ain Chalk. in the milk is a white Ile. the MisaCampbell has returned from Tor- onto with thk se'ason's latest novelties in winter millinery. The Fall Weather Nar on Little Ones. Canadian fall weather is extremely hard on little ones. One day it is warm and bright and the next wet and cold. These sudden changes bring on colds, cramps and colic. and unless baby's little stomach is kept right the result may be serious. There is nothing to equal Baby's Own Tablets in keeping the little ones well. They sweeten the stomach. regulate the botrels, break up colds and make baby thrive. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at too a box from Dag Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brock Ont. Important to All: - Ladies and gentlemen who are interest - el in the improvement of their appear- ance should not fail to see I orenwend's large display of hair -gods at the Hotel Bedford on Thursday, November 1st. Ladies' switches, transformations, pom- padours, waves, etc.. and toupees and wigs for men who are bald. There is no charge for a demonstration. Our measuring system is a perfect mould of your shape. You can't beat it. Every garment guaranteed. Hundreds of samples. any puce you want to , go. Pridham the. Tailor, North street. Sooner or later every man bumps into/ his stone wall. CONSERVE DIE - During the cold ration there is a Icommnn tend- ncy to overheat houses. From nil+ 10 7(1 egrers is abut right. and with the aid of at thermometer it Is easy tri keep the temperature of your rooms at this point. The est' of a good, reliable thermometer. will not only •ave fuel, but it will also conserve health. Some of our thermom- eters have a barometer attached which enables you to anticipate changes in weather. Prices (nen .5(k up. E. R. WIO1.E, druggist, Goderich. 11 quality counts, use Blackstt,ne's delicious ice cream in bulkor bricks for all occasions. ' Phone 240. Your neighbor can tell you about the Rexall One Cent Sale. Ask him. Hut see the advertisement in this iss'Je. One man's !rima is often due to the failure of another. - OUNDRY'S SALE REttlSTER. 'LIMA T, Ort ;in. Aur tion sale of farms. farm stock and rettpkmenu. property of Alr. Davol Mcllwain, at Inc 7,cnocesston 1. Ashtwld Sale at 1 o'clock sharp. Tt(easosf, Nov I. Aucusrm Mk of farm %fork. etc , propertyM Mr. James Medd. bit 17. cone -y.- h41.n n. HuTett. two and a -half miles west ret inborn 4 i 1