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TUURSDAV, OCT. 111, 1917 5
East Street Garage
or engine trouble or trouble
of any kind we can make
things right again. No
matter what ails your auto,
we have both the skill and
the facilities to diagnose the
difficulty and ta prescribe
and administer the remedy.
This is an auto hospital
where damaged cars are al-
ways successfully treated.
"Owned and Operated by a
Practical Man"
GODERICB - - - ONTARIO Arthur M. Clover
N••MN•M••M t
McEwen s Specials
Choice Picnic HAMS, 30c 1b.
Choice small sugar -cured
Hams. Just right a for
family use, 32c lb.
A quantity of Litton's Mixed
Tea bougi•t before the ad-
sance. The only package
you can buy at this price,
40c a lb.
Men's heavy wool Under-
wear, bought last season,
worth $1.25 per garment.
Special $Llh) each.
111itii rfi'li> l dervreiai cation
last season, worth $1.25 a
suit. Special 11.00 a suit.
Butter and Eggs taken in
exchange. Best prices paid.
J. J. McEwen
' Phone 46
For Good Reliable Shoe
Repairs, try
Smith & Ring
30 East Street. Opposite Kno. Church
Give Us a Trial
Too Good
for our customers—that's
our working principle. It
is not extravagances but
the truest economy.,• when
yol are buying c101hes to
get Material that will wear,
Workmanship that will
stand the test, Style that\
will make for a good appear-
ance. Your good dollars'
are well spent in buying
the garments we turn out.
R.J. Armstrong
S..n11, tiMr Square, Goderich.
Over 53,000 for British Red Cross.
The canvassers for the British Red
Cross fund have had a busy day. and this
evening It is announced that the contri-
butions total over $3,000. with probably
enough more to come in to make it 13,500.
This is regarded as very satisfactory.
Candidata for North Huron.
The Signal learns this evening that
political developments in North Huron
have taken a new turn. Inst -ad of re-
nominating Mr. Bowman, as was intended,
at the meeting at Wingham today. the
Conservative convention adjourned atter
appointing a committee to see if some
arrangement could be made with the Lib-
erals, for a union candidate. What the
outcome will be it is impossible to say.
Th• Junior Judgeship.
Word reaches The Signal this after-
noon from Toronto that the junior judge-
ship of the county of Huron is to he filled
by the appointment, of Mr. Dudley
Holmes. K. C., of Wingham.
On the other hand. an evening paper
announces that Lt -Col. E. N. Lewis is to
receive the appointment.
Dr. Tr.,nain• .Natur al Nair R..toratire,
mad as dnncud. is guaranteed ,o mewe tm hair ,1, lis
natural color w 'none/ r.fund.d- Poun..ly nor . der ..,d
non.m,vsow Pru tl ani. po.,.pyd Wntr Trammel
Semi? Ca., Termite, Out.
On salt .n God«.rh ai J. A Ca/a d.lr. Drut son,
ca NonhSt?Sq,, ._
ladies gathered for the meeting of the
Ashfield Soldiers' Aid Circle at the home
of Mrs. Jas. Olver on Tuesday. October
9th. They bro%ight with them the work
that had been done during the month to
pack on the following Tuesday in Gode-
rich. The monthly collection amounted
to $9.05, and the value of the September
',shipment was ,5201.40. On Monday of
this week the ladies -met at the home of
the president. Mn. Richard Mawhinney.
and packed about thirty Christmas par-
cels for the Ashfield boys overseas. The
annual business meeting of the Circle is to
be held next month, the place and date to
be announced later.
Which is the more becom-
ing—a pretty pair of glasses,
through which shine apair of
lustrous, wide-open eyes, or—
a wrinkled countenance, witia,
half-closed lids, and the ever-
present frown ?
For glasses that will mate
you see better and look well,
SAa»D R/0.
�altaT AT i IE Post o11pi.\N
'IQ.y/r GLELPH. OaT;
A Great Sale
The Book of Economy -'lies wide open
for those who will read our adver-
tisement in next week's paper
55,000 ---Too Much Stock ---$5,000
Bought before prices advanced. To be sold for cash at the lowest
prices quoted by any store, big or little.
We Expect a Great Crowd, for We Will Give Great Bargains
Suits and Coats for men and boys.
Footwear for the workingman.
Overalls and Underwear for the winter.
Shoes for stylish dress.
Surprises for everyone.
tflsAVrftilo/1i X
Swath Sias
M. Robins
South Side
xxr11r> f COC
Store will be closed Friday, October allith, for sale
To Act as County Treasurer.
Owing to the death of Dr. Holmes.
la to county treasurer, Warden Moine has '
appointed Mr. William Lane, county
clerk. to act as treasurer pro tem. A
permanent appointment will no doubt be
made at the December sestuon of the
county council.
Assizes November 6.
The fall assizes for the county of Hur-
on will open Monday. November 5th, be -
lore Mr. Justice Sutherland. The case of
James McCracken. of Morro township,
charged with the murder of his wife on
July 22nd last. is to come up kw trial. Mr.
T. R. Ferguson. K. C., of Toronto, will
be the Crown prosecutor.
Goes to Toronto.
Rev. C. A. Seager, D. D.. late of Van-
couver, B. C.. who has been in town this
week on a vilpt W his parents. the county
Crown attorney and Mrs. Seager. leaves
tomorrow for Toronto and on Sunday
will commeftce his duties as rector of St.
Matthew's church in that city. Dr.
Seager ht's been six years at Vancouver,
where he was principal of St. Mark's Col-
New insurance Firm.
The insurance business of the late W.
R. Robertson will be carried on by
Messrs. A. M. Robertson ana Geo.
Woods, who will also repptteaent the Great
West Life Insurance Go. Their list of
companies includes many of the
best-known and moeft substantial in-
surance organizations in existence, and
prompt attention will be given to all
Goderlch Horticultural Society. I1
The financial year' of horticulture so-
cieties ends on October Slst,therefore the
membership must be completed before
this date. The director of the Goderich
Society intend. as in previous years, to
expend all the funds of the Society in pur-
chasing bulbs or plants and distributing
these amongthe members next spring. The
membership fee is 11. Anyone wishing to
became a member may call on any direc-
tor or on Mr. George Hunt. The directors
are: J. Straiton, A. D. McLean, D. J.
Naftel,lR. Hoggarth, J. W. Vanatter. W.
Coats. C. K. Saunders, Rev. J. E. Ford.
Rev. Father McRae, Wm. Lane.
A Clock for Ernest Colborne.
Dr. Mabee's well -furnished "shack" on
Nelson street was the scene of a congenial
,othering on Monday night, when about a
dozen gentleman guests gathered around
the festive board and afterwards spent a ,
very pleasant time until midnight listen-
ing to music, vocal and instiumental,
washing up the dishes, and enjoying one
another's company. The gathering was
in honor of Mr. Ernest Colborne, who is
about to commence housekeeping. and the
chief proceeding of the evening was the
presentation to him of a handsome clock, '
after an eloquent and moving speech by
Mr. Walter Shipman. The affair was so
enjoyable that those present are looking
around for someone elle to be the "vic-
tim" of another gathering of the same
The O O Surplus.
ay urp us.
A meeting was held on Friday after-
noon to receive the statement of the
treasurer of the Dominion Day cele -
4 bration. Usually there is a deficit which
the town council has to make up, but the
1917 celebration was so stuc•ssfui - so
well managed, perhaps we o jgbt 'to say —
that instead of a deficit there was, for the
first time in mangy years, a surplus. The
total receipts were $6.57.35 and the ex-
penditures 1511.16, leaving a balance ofI
$148.19. The committee decided to con-
tribute $50 to the British Red Cross %und
and the remainder, 196.1P, to the funds't 1
Alexandra hospital, a disposition of the
money which we believe will be regarded
with general approval by the public.
Capt. Bassett for overseas.
Coll ingwood Bulletin: Yesterday after-
noon. one of the older Collingwood boys,
Captain Frank A. Bassett, left homeand
family with their comforts and pleasures
to do his bit for, the Empire. He has ac-
cepted a position under the British Ad-
miralty and it is understood will sail on a
steamer plying between England and
France. Captain Bassett his had many
years' experience in marine circles. He
knows the game from top to bottom and
during his years spent on the takes has
been in charge of some of the larger
[steamers, among others of the Colling-
wood and Meaford of the Farrar Trans-
portatiotf Co.-- He is a capable mariner,
and his services will undoubtedly be of
great value to the service in which he
will engage. He will report at Montreal
today, where further orders will be re-
ceived. Good luck to him. May he
soon safely return.
A Succiuful "At Home."
A pleasant gathering took place on
Wednesday evening of this week at St.
Glorge's school house. the occasion being
an "at home" given by the Woman's
Auxiliary. Rev. A. L. G. Clarke acted as
chairman and in a brief address explained
the aims and purposes of the Woman's
Auxiliary. Rev. Canon Hill, with a first-
hand acquaintance with his subject,
spoke of the missionary situation in the
Middle West and explained why assist-
ance was needed from the Eastern sec-
tion of the church. Another timely ad-
dress was that of Rev. Dr. Seager. late of
Vancouver, who told of the missionary
is Rheumatism of the face.
Uric Acid left in the blood
by disordered kidneys
lodges along the nerve
which branches from the
eye over 1heforehead, arid
across the cheek to the
side of the nose. The
came is the same.. in An
Rheumatism di«xder«t
Kidneys. The curb is like.
wise the snore -•r
Be Clean—and Safe.
Think of the germ-I•dem tMats
your skim mad clothes must
Dome into oomtac1 with every
duty. Then remember that
there is • apleadid antiseptic
Use Lifebnoy for the bead.,
the bath, die clothe., and the
home. lts rich, abundant
lather mean. safety. The mild,
eatieeplio odor •..'.k••
quickly after use.
At ell
A Savings Account
Creates Capital
To rise above depen-
dence on the daily
earnings, Capital 1s essential, and the surest means of
accumulating Capital is through a Savings account
Face the facts as they are, figure where you can
economize, and save money systematically,
Goderich Branch—F. *OOLLCOM B E, Manager.
Send the Soldier Boys
Your Photo
made during this month
October- will avoid the ir-
regular and congested con-
ditions later, particularly
for overseas mails.
Successor to J. W. 1141 »1.I.R
work among the Chinese and Japanese in
British Columbia. Solos were pleasingly
rendered by Miss Doolittle and Mr. G.
L. Parsons. There were tables for the
sale of homemade candy and fancywork.
and the proceeds of the evening ,totalled.
$50, which will be devoted to {he dio-
cesan fund for the education of
Water and Light Commission.
At the' regular meetin • of the water and
light commission on 'Thursday last a
resolution was passed. at the request of
the Ontario Municipal Electric Assoc-
iation, urging the Dominion Government
to prohibit the export of electric power
until an adequate supply is secured -for
the municipalities of Ontario. With regard
to the claim of Mr O. E. Fleming in con-
nection with the piping removed from the
military camp gra nds on his property,
the commission decided to ask for a meet-
ing with Mr. Fleming to discuss the
matter. A letter was received from the
Provincial Hydro -Electric Power Com-
mission stating that the Commission
would ship no more goods to Goderich un-
til the accounts due from this municipal-
ity to the; Provincial Commission were
settled. in order to meet this demand,
the commission decided to make a thor-
ough cleaning up of the arrears due by t
Those who are in arrears
The Saults Coal Co.
Socee.non. to Mt Do sash t uleeh.0
We deal in Hard and Soft Coal,
Lime, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire
Clay, also Hard and Soft Wool,
Maple and Hemlock Slabs.
Fresh cars of Lime and
Cement just received.
Orti'tca PBotet\ - - - - 75
B ). smote estdeoce 275
W Sattlts' Re we 202
hree weeks ago he suffered a paralytic
stroke, which resulted in his death. The
tineral took place this (Thursday) etiter-
noon from the family residence, Britannia
road, and after a service at St. George's
hurch, conducted by the rector, the re-
ed to MWand cern
star cumun.cs,
for a certain time are to have their .light 1
off the 1st of ovem
cut r•
Wedded at Edmonton. c
mains were convey a
The following from an Edmonton paver
will be of interest to many readers of The
Signal, Mrs .• Madill (then Miss Annie
Ross) having been a few years ago a resid-
ent of this tows and a member of the doi
of Knox church:
A quiet wedding was solemnized at Knox
church manor on the evening/ of Wed-
nesday, September 26th, when the Rev.
E. McGougan. M.A., united n marriage
Miss Annie Ross and Oscar B. Madill,
both of Edmonton South. Miss Ross is
the daughter of the late Daniel and Mrs.
Ross of Baddick, C. B., Nova Scotia, and
has made her home for some years with
Mr. and Mrs. Whiddon. 994285th avenue.
Mr. Madill is the youngest son of B.
Madill of 9828 85th avenue. The bride,
who was unattended. wore a travelling
suit of navy blue with white crepe de chine
blouse, black picture hat with Alice blue
ostrich mount and ermine furs, the gift of
the groom. The ceremony was performed
in the presence of a few of the immediate
relatives of the young couple. Mr. and
Mrs. Madill left%On the midnight train for
Banff. On their return they will take up
their residerke in the O'Brien apartments.
Literary Society Meeting.
The G. C. 1. Literary Society had its
first meeting for this term on Friday
night. with a large attendance. Owing to
the absence of the president. Mr. Ernest
Lee. through indisposition, the vice-presi-
dent, Mr. Leonard Macklin, took the
chair. The program included the chair-
man's address, a musical selection by Miss
Emma Wallace. a readin • b'y Miss Hodge,
the reading of the G. C. 1. Journal by
Miss Mary Baechder, a girls chorus, and
addresses by Rev. A. L. G. Clarke and
Pte. Philip Carey. Pte. Carey gave a very
interesting sketch of his military life as
an overseas soldier, and on concluding
was given three gocd cheers Four of tie
students took part in a debate on the
subject: "Resolved, that Canada has
greater natural resources than the 1 inited
States." Mr. John Donaldson and Miss
Thelma Laithwaite were the debaters on
the affirmative side, and were opposed by
Mr. Elmer Bradley and Miss Evelyn
Goldthorpe. The result was a victory for
Canada The meeting ended with the
singing of the National Anthem.
Onath of Mr. 0. J. Naftel.
Another of the older residents of the
town passed away on Monday night. in the
person of Mr. Daniel James Naftel. The
deceased was born seventy years ago in
the township of Goderich and spent his
boyhood years on the island of Guernsey,
the odd home of the Naftel family, re-
coiving hiseducation there. On returning
to Canada at the age of nineteen he en-
gaged in farming in Goderich township
for a number of years. In 1MS5 he removed
with his family to Goderich. His wife
died three years ago -and he is survived by
one sen, Mr. Walter Naftel. editor of The
Goderkh Star, and one daughter. Mites
Emily Naftel. at home. Mrs. T. C. Naf-
tel, of town, M a sister of the demigod,
Mt. Nakel was a faithful and useful
member of St. T'reorgt's church. He also
took a petit intim* in the Goderich
runhc library, d which he was sacretary
kir a number of years. A man of culture
and of a wire charity. he was much re-
spected by these who knew him. About
1t you haveaotubMn•n coagh,
it y • hints are inflamed aril
your air pawwlsf en irritateal, this
. plendkl CotlEh Syrup will
afford the relief you week
promptly amt, without any
harmful atter-edectti.
Peltwlar Wh te\ line slot
Hpniee Bahian' is a healing
remedy conipNounelevl of Pow
Bark, Spruce (toot, 'I'aoiarao
Bark, Will ('berry atNi other
well-known ingrsslients of rec-
ognised iueritN.
net a bottle of this effellive••
remedy an own aw 1wt.cw hIC�asy�t`l
nit) yourself of that t:oi,A
(old in two 4iser, 77
25C and 5oc
J. A. Campbell,
Phm. B.
"Central Drag Store"
North St. .111 Square, Goilrrie h
etery. The pallbearers were Messrs. O.
F. Carey, John Galt, J. W. Vannatei n.d
R. C. Hays.
Mr. W. Lane. local treasurer of the
Belgian Relief Fund. reports the follow-
ing contributions: Wm. Stevens, 16;
Frank H. Martin, Detroit, 15.
He'►�.�e Maps
When He ,Gets This
Whether "Jim" is on a man-of-war or in a
trench, he's going to have long-lasting en-
joyment and a lot of benefit from
Chewing Cum
It's one of the out-
standing features of
the war -with its
tonic effect on stom-
ach and nerves—its
welcome ref res h-
ment in time of need