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Fall and Winter Overcoat
Take our advice and buy your Overcoat early while the
selection is good. It will be difficult to get goods later on in
the season. Our order was placed, last spring at last spring's
prices and are tnuch lower in price than could be bought now.
Prices are high enough now, but will be much higher and
poorer quality of goods next year, so it's the part of wisdom
to buy an Overcoat this year and save the advance you would
have to pay next year.
See our new "Trench Coat" and "The Admiral." These
are bound to be very popular this season.
Overcoat prices $12 to $28
Walter C. Pridham
'Phone 57 Borsalino Hats
mitt 1ti11l11
20th Century and Art Clothing
Hern's Grocery
A Few Specials
On Saturday Only
:i Krinkle Corn Flakes 24c
3 Quaker Corn Flakes 24c
3 'nudge Cleaner24c
3 Bee Starch 24c
22 Bata Pure Castile Soap..$1
22 Bars' uritan Soap $ t
Try Bodle 's Cake for
overseas ckagts
Corner Hamilton St. Pbowyq
and aquae.
The Home of the Red Deer
and the Moose
DKeR-Noven.ber 1.1 to Nowonber IS'h
iaeI i.lee.
$ 0SK-November lar to Noseuther ISth
turbot ye. In .our of th...Nollh-
ern Dl.rr e . •.f Ontario. inclndlna
Times 11,1. the • fon res. ,n 1 -
front Nn%tnab-r tut to ]orrmber
xn.h Intgn•l•
In that part of Ontario lying north of the
Canadian Government Railway from the
Quebec to the Manitoba boundary. the open
season for moose o Iron October linh to No-
vea.ber AOth.
writ* for copy of "1'I.vg oands-Th.
Haunt's -f Fon
h and ,mr.' e v ng Gam*
let w., H nitro/ Keeulationm, tote.. to C. N.
Horning. Union 8 •-,o... retouto. Ont.
Town Agents Phone 8
In 0'! enun'-lea. A.k t -'r ')"r INV}N-
TUR 3 AL'VI8.R,which w.t' to sent Ulm
ss1 Univ.rsltr at.. M..ntr4al
Top Notch
for Fall
We are now showing our
greatest variety of the very
latest style ideas in good sub-
stantial, serviceable footwear.
sShoes that hold their
hape and last the longest.
Shoes that our customers call
for again awl again.
All styles of Rubber foot-
wear are now in stock at the
lowest possible prices.
Geo. $Vicar
No.rt h :el( ..f Square, Godarich
That is the proportion of medi-
cine contained In Zam-But, and
that is why Zarn-Buk's healing
powers aro so superior to those of
ordinary ointments. which contain
Jut F per cent. medicine and the
balance animal fat.
Mr. Anger. Josey of Spry Harbor.
Halifax Co.. N S.. writes: "For
three year I suffered terribly with .
eczema on my hands. The Itching
was so intense that It kept me
awake at nights. I used numerous
'so-called ' eczema cures. but got no
better until I commenced applying
Zam-Buk. The use of this wonder-
ful healer, however. has entirely
rid me of this distressing disease"
Zam-But Is also the quickest and
surest healer In the case of ring-
worm, salt rheum. scalp sore..
ulcers, abscesses, bolls, pimples,
blood -poisoning. piles, cuts, burns,
scalds and all akin Injuries All
dealers or Zam-Buk Co.. Toronto
50e. box, 3 for $1.25.
ain Bu
Tuesday, Oct. 16.
!Ars. Babb. of Goderich. is visiting at
her father's, Mr. Robt. McMillan's.
Miss Loretta l oung. who teaches at
Dublin. was home over the week -end
The farmers are busy with the threshing.
Mr. Wm. Watson is in the neighborhood
with his outfit.
Apples are scarce this year, but Mr. W.
F. 1 oung has about thirty barrels, which
ought to fetch a good price.
Quite a number went from this locality
'to attend the Centre Huron Sunday
(school convention at Auburn today.
The budge at McManus on ,the Lake
Shore road is in a very dangerous c tndition.
s. It is not creditable to the authorities that
it should have been left unrepaired for so
many months.
Our school teacher. Miss Allen. attend-
ed the convention of the West Huron
Teachers' Association at Exeter on ThOrs-
day and Friday last and the school was
closed for the t - o days.
Miss Jessie Green has returned to her
home at Saltford after spending several
weeks in the hospital at Goderich with
typhoid fever. Her friends at Loyal are
pleased to hear that she is improving
Rev. R. J. Ross. the new pastor of
Smith's Hi.l church. has been visiting the
members of his congregation in this
section, and is making a very favorable
impression. Last Sabbath his sermon was
on thanksgiving. and he gave an earnest
and forcible address.
The bean crop in this section is almost
an entire failure, The wet weather of the
early part of the season delayed the
[towing and the crop was so far behind
that the recent heavy frost did great dam-
age. In fact, most of the crop hereabouts
will be of very little use.
Mr. J. J. Moser, who recently bought
the Exchange hotel property at the Dun-
lop corner from Mr. Harry Shields. in-
tends making considerable improvements
in the property. He is getting ready to
pu a new foundation under the barn and
will fit it up for stabling
CMR.fie Ir. ‘VHYARt) is the
area[ roe ?RIC a10 N AL et Uusl[auaaa.
Or 1. r- I.R with him fur .ubrrlptlww.,
a1%wrtl-u.arute er Job Printing wltl .e
011re p.outpt aitentlou. Telephone
IOoderlch Rural) .:W
Novas or llAsaIAolt Llt•ssslts
ComlatsaloNER P011 rrIT'
IDAVa, (STI'.,
W1l.ra. Uaaw. Montesano. A"KIIMCST*,
caaarVI.LY axal'VTYU *00
Molter nt•rruco rua
Agent for FIOY, Wind and LUN In.urance In
the bed Cuset.a.nrr m.1Y.
Live Poultry -every week
'Phone for prices.
Telephoee. No. 35.
Dr. Case has lost a valuable driver,
which died last Sunday.
Communion will be observed in Erskine
Presbyterian church next Sunday.
Mr. and Mra. Bert. Treleaven and Mr.
B. J. Crawford motored to Wingham on
A load of young people went to Gode-
nch today to attend the district Epworth
League convention.
Disher's bodge, west of the village, has
been put in a thorough state of repair
and is now safe for traffic.
A creditable musical organization
which has recently been formed here is
the River Valley Orchestra, which made
its hrst public appearance at the gather-
ing in honor of Pte. Bellamy on Monday
evening and created a very favorable im-
pression. The members are Messrs. Ralph
and Delos Disher, Lorne McKersie. H
and T. Ell oft.
day morning of last week it became known
that Pte. Harry Be.lamy '*as to arrive in
Goderich via C. P. R. at noon. on his re-
turn from France. Quickly a committee
headed by Dr. Case mustered a strongg
fora of eager villagers to give our honor
hero a right royal welcome home. Several
autos left for Goderich to meet the noon
train and on their arrival here with the
guest they we e met outside the village by
the villagers en masse. The teachers were
there with the school children,and flags.
bunting. and various evidences of wel-
come were seen and heard. The honored
soldier was carried through the village to
Mr. Crawford'scorner,where hearty cheers
were given. together wsth greetings of
.welcome. After a brief pause, Pte. Bell-
amy' was picked up again and carried to
his home amid flag-waving and shouts of
welcome. Monday evening following the
above reception a meeting was held in the
Agricultural Hall in honor of Pte. Bell-
amy. Dr. Case occupied the chair and a
very interesting program of local talent
was given. consisting of speeches. orchestra
selectins. choruses by the ladies and
selections from the Dungannon Quartette. ,
Speeches were made by Rev. Capt. Allis-
ton. Rev. 1. McKelvey. and Rev. M. P.
Craig, and by Pte. Bellamy. Mr. Bellamy
gave a very interesting explanation of
thingyjtt general in connection with the
Great War. He laid great street on the
optimistic outlook among the Allies. and
a determination to see that the foul wt-
tlement shall be a settlement for all time.
His speech was applauded time and again.
Dr. Case made an excellent chairman for
the occasion. His remarks were patriotic,
optimistic and frequently very humorous.
The meeting closed with the National
Anthem. Pte. Hellamy left on Tuesday
morning for London, where he will remain
s day or two on business. He has been
honorably discharged as being physically
unfit for active service owing to contract-
ing trench fever and muscular rheumatism
through exposure in the trenches in
Erskine's New Pastor.
Rev. M. P. Craig, the new pastor o
the Presbyterian congregations of Dun
Bannon and Port Albert. was born In
Paisley. Scotland, forty-three years ago.
After receiving a primary education at
public schools and under pnvate tutors.
he entered Dunton Theological College
in 1s96 and studied junior arts and theo-
logica. subjects there for two years. Af-
terwards he attended Glasgow University -
for two sessions. Thereafter he was for
some time engaged in journalistic work
as a "free lance,' lecturing on Suciah>m
The Season's Smart Creations
For your suit. skirt or coat nothing is as fashionable as the Serge. It comes in all the
wanted shades in a variety of qualities. Fine French all -wool Serges at from $2.90 to $3.50 a
yard. Serges for dresses and skirts run from $l.25 to $2.511 a yard, in wide widths, and in navy,
green, brown, copenhagen, tan, black and others, including wine and burgundy.
For linings nothing can be compared with our 36 -inch guaranteed satin,at $1.25 and $1.5Q
It comes in shades of grey, cream and fawn. Fine brocaded linings raugiug from 50c to 90c a
We carry all trimmings that are needed to bring your garment to a beautiful, finish. Frogs
in all shades, tassels in all colors, buttons in many shapes and colors, in large and small sises,and
many other trimmings, such as allover lace and bandings.
It is a pleasure to show these cloths with the correct trimmings, and we feel you will be
pleased by buying here.
When public apji'roval of a Corset reaches such magnitude that it requires 2,880,000 pairs
annually to supply the demand4there can be no question as to the satisfaction that this Corset
affords its wear:rs. You find in this the same fine quality, the saute perfection of fit and finish.
the same durability, the same exceptional comfort and value as previous seasons. Prices are of
necessity a little higher than formerly, but the quality of every pair is fully maintained. If you
want the utmost in satisfaction' buy D. & A.
Pastor of Erskine (Dungannon) and Port
Albert Presbyterian congregations. ,
and kindred topics to workingmen. and
teaching stenography and other commer-
cial subjects in evening classes. From
1903 to 1905 he was engaged in home
mission work. at the same time continu-
ing advanced studies in Greek and He-
brew.and entering the U. F. Church Col-
lege, Glasgow, in 1905 for a year'sstudy.
He came to Canada in May, 1906, and
since that time has further pursued his
studies in Queen's University, Kingston,
and Princeton Seminary.
He has had two pretijoys pastorates in
Canada -at Delhi, Ont., and Bothwell,
Mr. Craig has already made a strong
impression upon his congregations, and
his pastorate promises to be accompanied
with much success.
(Too '*te ter last weak.)
Mise Mabel MacLennan has returned
to Chicago.
Mr. Charles MacGregor, of Tillsonburg,
spent the holiday at his home here.
Mise Hazel Augustine, of Dungannon,
was the guest of Mise Irene MacDonald
for the week -end.
Miss Gladys Jeffrey, of Goderich.
spent the holiday with her friend Mise
Bessie Mackenzie.
Mr. Thomas Sandy has completed the
cement bridge on the Lake Shure road.
and it is now open to the public.
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Beckett, Miss
Edna Beckett and Mr. Wm. Beckett
motored from Detroit and spent the
weekend with friend' here.
Misses Violet i4ac ennan. TAaI`tt4 Mac-
Qreajd fieitie Beckett and laabel Mac-
ketlrfe. of Go*rich Cellegiile institite,s
were home for the holiday.
Jtealth kr
$ick W�men
For Forty Years Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound Has Been
Woman's Most Reliable Medicine
-Here is More Prof.
o women who are suffering from some form of
wom$l�'s special ills, and have a constant fear of breaking
down, the three following letters ought to bring hope : -
IIIIIlIwIuh1 iild
North Crandon, Wis.- "When I was 16 years
old I got married and at 16 years I gave birth to
twins and it let me with very poor health. I could
not walk acmes the floor without having to sit
down to rest and it wait hard for me to keep about
and do my work. I went to a doctor and he told
me I had a displacement and ulcers, and would
have to have an operation. This frightened me so
much that I did not know what to do. Having
heard of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
I thought I would give it a trial and it made me as
well as ever. I cannot say enough in favor of the
Pinkham remedies." -Mrs. Maros AaaAca, North Crandon, Wil
Testimony from Oklahoma.
Lawton, Okla. -" When I began to take Lydia E. Plnkbana's
Vegetable Compound I seemed to be good for nothing. I tired esaily
and had headaches mach of the time and was irregular. I took it again
before my little child was born and 1t did me a wonderful amount of
good at that time. I never fail to recommend Lydia R. Pinkham's
Vegetable (I -impound to ailing women because it has done so much
for me." -Mrs. A. L MoCARLAND, 609 Have St., Lawton, Oils.
From a Grateful Massachusetts Woman.
Roxbury, Masa.-"I was sufferingq from inflam-
mation and was examined by a physician who found
that my tmuble was (.used by a displacement..
My symptoms were bearing down pains, backache,
and alttggish liver. i tried several kinds of medi-
cine ; then 1 was asked to try Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound. It has cured me and i am
ploaser' to be in my annul good health by using it
and highly recommend. it Mrs. B. M. ( iso on,
1 Haynes Park, RnxIstr i Kam. ,
It I'inkham M.des *ant *ie*vegetal
Co (confidential 7dla
tfta� i.yaa. Mass. Tear
ter will be opened. read and answered by a woman and bald
strict ooaaideoea.
*Mitt Stay Gray! It Darkens
So Naturally that No-
body can Tell.
You can turn gray, faded hair bean-
tifully dark and lustrous almost over
night if you'll get a 50-eent bottle of f
"Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound"
at any drug store. Millions of bottles of I
this old famous Sage Tea Recipe, im- I
proved by the addition of other ingredi- '
cots, are sold annually. says a welt -
known druggist here, because it darkens
the hair so naturally and evenly that no
one c.in tell it has been applied.
Those whole hair is turning gray or
beeoming faded have a surprise awaiting
them, because after one or two applica-
tions the grayhair vanishes sad your
'ibecome 'ticks bome uxuriantly dark and beau-
Shia is the age of youth. Gray-haired,
unattractive folks aren't wanted aroued,
so get busy With Wyeth's Sage and Sul-
phur Compound to -night and you'll be de-
lighted with your dark. handsome hair
sad your youthful appearanoe within a
few days.
• Tbia'preparation is a toilet requisite
and is not intended for the cure, mitiga-
tion or prevention of disease.
New Perfectio
Oil Stove
A number from here attended the
Centre Huron Sunday school convention
held at Auburn on Tuesday.
Mrs. Jos. McCann left for Durand, '
Mich.. on Saturday to attend the funeral
of her nephew. Mr. Benson Fisher.
Anniversary services will be held here
on Sunday. October 21. Rev. M. J. Wil-
son, of Hamilton, a former pastor. will
have charge of the services both morn-'
ing and evening. Rev. J..Hedley will sup-
ply for Mr. Wilson at Hamilton and will
spend a few days visiting relatives near
t here.
School Report. -The following is the
standing of the pupils of U. S S. No. 1,
Colborne. Ashfield and Wawanosh, for 11,
the month of September :
Jr. V. -Florence McWhinney, Leonard
Christilaw. Sr. IV. -Frank Mcllwain,
Amelia Hetherington. Jr. IV. --Lionel
Seguss, Leslie Smith. Sr. 111. -Gladys
Seguss. Jr 111. -Robert Echlin, Calvin
Rutledge, Mary Kerr, Robert Hethering-
ton. Sr. 11. -Sylvia Seguss, Grace Hed-
ley. Florence Segues, RubyKerr, Florence
Jones, Albert Glen. r. 11. --Harold'
Hedley. George Currey. Elgin Rutledge,
Calvin McIntyre. Sr. i. -Mabel Smith.
Amelia Mctlwain. Jr. 1 -Charlie Jones,
Marjorie Hetherington. AIIin Currey, Al-
vin Kerr. G. A. Plunkett, Teacher.
TUESDAY, Oct. 16.
Mrs. W. E. Gordon has returned home
after spending a few weeks at Goderich.
Mrs. N. Saunders, of Ashfield. spent the
week -end wi.h Mr. and Mrs. C. Shackle-
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Durnin attended the
funeral of Mrs. B. Webster, of Clinton,
on Monday.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John
Forehan on their golden wedding, an-
niversary which was observed on the
14th inst.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Woods and daugh-
ter Vera returned home from Erin after
spending Thanksgiving with their daugh-
ter, Mrs. Barbour.
Tsussn*v °Moser IR
wheat, per bash o chi to 1 3.'0
Ola. pee h..t. .tri t0 M
Farley. per bush .... 1.111 to 1.16
Pre.. per bleb 1.60 to tab
pu-kwMwt par beak. .... .. 1.11 to 1.16
e lour family. per cwt 17.s to 600
e'lour, pop.' !. par cwt 6.76 re 6.00
Wert. porton 11.6(1 to AM
8k.rto. per ton ... .. nog to 11.60
pay. POI ton sen '0 10.15
�'rww, leave. nor ton . ... 5.M W
t0 a
Wend land .. aIK1 t* VS
tis r♦ Ratter. par lb ,41 to .11
Cr.am.rr A*110r - .M to .!t
Rare.. erw.b. pre Rea.... 11 to .Ib
Po alters a.lbtea M to O.1>t
('e..t l /CIM t. t'w
(SW ta' perste len M a.n0
.a wwlaat. gee .wt. 17 SO to 17M
ljlo..rpaI' It/ .. ... .11 to '.IS
TTelae. rwadareA. per h . .10 t0 16
You....hasw ellpp..r. . .. . OM to II an
eherpea I..a . . 1. a to IMI
weV, nrw..h.d. pus. It,...... � to
waea.d. tier 15. ......... 1.
Why not economize by
using less coal or wood?
The New Perfection Oil
Stove is just what you
need. We have them
for ;sale -three -burner
and four -burner Stoves.
-Call and See Them -
Phone 155 Hamilton Street
MacEwan Estate
Exclusive agents for
for Goderich
and District.
Best Coal Mined.
Any quantity best all Maple
Slane, Mixed Wood, Hemlock
and Kindling (Cedar or Pine.)
TILL*PHUN ES, tele[ till
.. . rasedeaos 212 'w M
when you shi ou
nallam•t (rappers Quiets- Oe
.ogee ; ..lad rated : Smash or Prawn;
r how ,nu where to trap ; what Mit
'.d tripe to .ne; L fall of useful lefrrtaa-
Ma;lare'e Trappers' Supply Cate -
!o9 -Se pate. - .nustnG1 ; ries. traps,
:.pima: bait. hailer..., SA arta. rid all
t aeteusan trapper.' and . sperwwe.'a
supplies et in" priree
Hanam'a ltaw Fur News --
Gives l.t..t prices and adwaane
Information or the no
(tor 'tomtit.
Write today.
Address rlvb.a
.fiber ss
AreYou Bald?
Have You Thin and Faded
I. your appear-
ance not what it
should be because
of the lack of hair?
Then come and see
Display of Fine
The latest productions in ladies' Transformations,
Pompadours, Self -dressing Waves, etc., and
The Dorenwend Toupee, which
represents the highest
achievement in the art of
hair -constructing. Feather-
weight, hygienic and so
natural in appearance that
the closest observer could
not tell it from your own
HIM a Da snatratiee on Thursday, Newe1F1 '
i fl.' lr p
DOREl INEND'S • `' r ' I�
1b?*t) OPFH'R-1116 SYm(1 R st'rp?RT TI►R01iT(1