HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-10-18, Page 1Pnnting • ...PIttortilli .r.N.an.:w..r. THE 8IUNAI, is ready to handle your Printing work, large or stall, and give you a satisfactory job every time. Let us have yaw eat order. Telephone 35 The Signal •111981a Yaub-Me Jess ituu. I Have You Forgotten to poly your subscription for The Miguel for 1917 ? We need the wuney, and If you are in al rears would ask you t(' make payuient promptly. 1;00 IT NOW OODERICH, ()NU O. . THURSDAY. OCT. 18. 1917 I •eralaaat�aa THE STERUMBANK OF CANADA SAVE, Because -- It is a personal and patriotic duty. WANTED. /'1HOiR-LEADER WANTED. - T 0 Vv take charge of and lead choir of St. And - was s church. Blyth State salary. Apply 10 JOS. STOTHEIRS. Sexy. -Tress. 8621 t1IRLH WANTED.-APPLY000DE- VI RICH KNITTING CO - GRAIN WANTED. The Colborne Farmers' Club are prepared to buy any quantity of grain. Farmers ----baying any to dispose of would find it to their advant- age to call J. N. KERNIGII\N, Manager Poultry Wafted Our feeding plant has, opened for the season and from now on we will be in the market for all the poultry that you have for sale. Poultry will be taken in at Holjnesville every Wednesday morning and every day at Clinton. Special prices will be paid for properly finished milk -fed chickens over 5 lbs. each. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO., UNITED CLI NTON N. W. TREWARTRA Phone 190 IMNAan:R or Hohuesvllle 4 on 142 791k SALE 05 RENT. R SALE. -COTTAGE; A BAR - r GAIN, era room and bath. Large lot. HHHHtghly desirable location on West street, opposite Harbor Park. See BERT MacDONALD, town. HOUSE TO RENT. -ON MAYS street: seven room., all conveniences. re- cently repaired. !Stable on lot. Apply to J. W. BALKKLD, Ooderach R. It. No. 4, telephotos2N r 7. 84 -Int British Exchange Hotel "The 110414 Of I'Icnt'j SPECIAL DINNERS EVERY SUNDAY PRICE 75 CENTS Sunday Dinner from 12.30 to 2.30 W. H. HAINES, Proprietor. FOR SALE. - HOUSE AND TWO lots. Eldon.tre.L Ooderioh; Rood dwelling holt..: betb and modern oonvenienoe.: uali table. �Parrt[ain for quick ,tale. ApplyW PRIL'DFuul'. KILW1IAN a COOKL 441 FOR RENT. -FIFTY ACRES OF 1, chole cubit toed land In the township of A.hfleld. Could give living .eoommodatwr•a en farm. For further Martin -arc sddres. DUX - 133. ME SIGNAL. 81-31. FOR SALE. -FARM, SIXTY-EIGHT a sew, north half lot 18. oonaw.ion L_Oode• rlrh townbhlp: two erring .revoke, ideal pasture farm ; Noma end building+ in good order: owner fore ed to the upon account of blind- *.Ul sell cheap for moll or on Lerma to ruff purchaser. Look it over and tusks offer. For fu'(her particular+ apply to WILLIAM BKEYERIt. Mount Itenni•,Dot. 84 -it TRENT. -TEN ACRES OF LAND .ult.ble for market gardening. .irnared seat of the North Anierioan 4 heroical Werke, and at prowl occupied by Mr. Wm. Taylor. Paseialon nen be given by November tat. For puticnlar. apply to M1td. KD. MIR ER, R. R. No- 3. Goderfe or Ltlepkooe Oaderich Rural 10 r 7 152-31 FOR RENT. -MODERN EIGHT - 140011 UOUne with nice large back kitch• en.ltilited on Bridge .trent, near Grand Trunk swan. Rent r. a-onabhe• Apply 1.0 EDWARD RE10. Elgin .venue, Gbderloh. 4111 AUCTION ALIS. UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE OF T IRTY HEAD OF CHOICE YOUNG CATTLE. PIGS AND FARM IMPLEMENTS. j MR. FRANK A HAYDEN will sell by public suction at his farm. one mile went of Shepperdton, on WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 2401. commencing at 1.30 o'clock sharp: (inc Pulled Angus bull, 13 months old. 7 good feeding steers. 22 yearlings and elves. 7 good Berkshire sows, 3 months old s quantity of good clean timothy seed, 1 Massey -Harris rimer, 1 combined seed and lertdtur drill. 1 r)eerms binder, 6 -ft . cut, as good as new, has cut about 2I acres. 1 carnage colt, rising 2 years old. Everything advertised must be disposed of. there will be no reserve Tales -An sums o1 810 and under, cash; over that amount. 14 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint roles A discount of 5 per cent. straight lor cash on credit amounts. F. A. HAYDEN. T GUNDRY, Pp:whaler. Auctioneer. SALE. -A MODERN BRiCK k all ronveoiaioee; large re- osp(ion double parlors. dining -room, kitchen and pantry down stair.; front and bark stairway; four bedroom. with dowt...and bathroom on rcund floor. A4o an attic, large buemeut with furnace Electric lightw all through the home. A large lawn and garden, over 140 feel front. with fruit trees and shrub bery. ('a.b or teima• Apply to MKS. J. H. WILLIAMS. Market.treets (loderloh. 79.11 A CHOICE FiFTY-ACRR FARM It for sale. within one mile of Dungannon. Food buildlrige. Everything in good shape. "ceeerlon In March next. For particulars apply to T. GUN DRY.Oedericb. Two STORES TO RENT. -ONE lately occupied by W. H. Harrl.on toll the 'thee by Jame. F. Thomson. Both on the Ben are. Apply J. P. BROWN. la•t f 11OUSE TO RENT. -MODERN hoose on Gloucester ,Tecraoe, Apply to 1LPH GRIFFIN. Gaoler. ,44-4.1 A' UCTION SALE OF TWO GOOD A FARMS, FARM STOCK. IMPLEMENTS. GRAIN AND HAY. MR. DAVID McILWAIN will offer for sale by public auction, at lot 7. con- cession 1, Ashfield, -on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30th. commencing at 1 o'clock sharp: / Two good lams. lots 6 and 7. concession I. Askheld. each containing 100 acres of land, on which there are good buildings and tenets. The land is good. and one or both will he disposed of on reasonable terms. which will be announced at time of sale Hoasas.-One matched team of blacks. mare and gelding, 8 and 9 years rad, 1 matched team of chestnuts, sung 3 years od. well broken; 1 dny. mg mare. 10 years old. I driving horse, 10 years Carn.a.-One purebred registered Durham bull, 2 years old; 1 purebred registered Durham cow, 3 years old, with calf at side; 1 cow. 10 years old. in call; 1 cow, 10 years old, just in; 1 cow. d years old. just in; 1 cow, 3 years old. in calf: 2 cows, 4 years old. just in; 2 cows, 3 years old. in calf; 3 stars, rising 2 years old; 14 heifers. rising 2 years old: 4 steers, rising 1 year old; 7 heifers. rising 1 year-old; 14 spring calves. Pies. -Six store rags. Irartgegrers.-One -0 Massey hinder. nearly new; 2 Massey mowers, one nearly new; 1 McCor- mick site -delivery rake; 1 new Keystone hay loader, truth fore carnage; 1 sulky hay rake. 1 democrat wagon. 1 Mikado bogy 1 nth., t...c McLaughlin buggy. !steel -tire buggy. 1 combine - don rack. 1 hay rack. 1 wagon box, 1 set sleighs. 2cotters, 1 rued cart, 1 roller. I Marey -Harris seed drill. 1 turnip drill. !pulpier_ 2 sets 4 -section tion harrows. 2 walking plows, 1 riding plow. 1 2 -furrow plow, 1 fanning mill. 1 set scales. 1 12 - inch Maury -Harris cutting tan, 2 sets of goad heavy harness. *sets of good single harness, net of double driving harness. a Quantity of good hay, 1.0410 bushels of oats, 1 100 -egg incubator. t brooder. I Melottecream separator, 1 gravel bog. 2 lumber wagons. Tggus.-All sums of 110 and under. cash, over that amount,. 11 month: credit wol be given on furnahingspproved joint notes. A discount of 5 per cent. straight for cash on credit amounts. DAVID McILWAIN, T.OUNDRY, Proprietor. Auctioneer. CRAIGiE'S REAL ESTATE BARGAINS THIS IS A REAL HOME on a beautiful, well -treed lot 013 Albert street, red brick veneered, bungalow style, ft room.. hot water heating. fireplace; electric light and hath. practically new anti in first- class condition. Owner has left town. This is one of the best buys in town. Price $2,4011. FOR SALE OR RENT Fine red brick house. fully mod- ern. 10 rearms, hull basement, corner Fast and Victoria ati'eete. This is one of the most desirable properties in the town of Goderich. Po eseasion given November 1st. Lint your Farm and Town Properties with me. 1 havo• 41't real ;enquiries for Ramo. THE BIG INSURANCE AGENCY J. W. Ci(AiGiE, iN6(TRANI'R AND REAI. EMTATE J a 11 1► Required Large (quantities of SCRAP IRON Terms -Cash on delivery Please phone or write us and our wagon will call. The National Shipbuilding Co., GODERICH Limited isotwas11011 I 11 PUBLIC NOTICE. MEDICAL BOARD MILITARY SERVICE ACT. DEATH OF DR W. J. R. HOLMES: reu Late County Treasurer Had a Loag, 1a- tereauaa and Useful Career. In the last few weeks Goderich has lost many of its old residents, and Dr. Holmes, 1 who passed away on Sunday after an ell - nese of several weeks. was one of as best- known citizens. As treasurer of the , county of Huron, he had resided in Goole - rich for over thirty years, and he had • taken an active part in the affairs of the i town and county. I Wm. J. R. Holmes was the eldest son of John Holine% one of the early pioneers of the Huron Tract, who came out to t his country from Ireland in 11432, went back, and in 1833 married and brought out his bride, four brothers and other relatives,' totalling in all sone thirteen persons. and' located in the township of Godench. John Holmes from the very hrst took an active interest on behalf of the early sett- lers in their disputes and troubles with the Canada Company. He was a mem- ber of the hrst district council and ' of every council, township and county, con- tinuously until 1858. and during the last four years he was Warden and Provincial ant nature. The railway 'to Goderich and the court house were built during his term. and the extensive gravel road sys- tem was successfully carried through. It is interesting to note that the balance of the money borrowed at that time for this purpose was paid off in the year 1916. The subject of this notice, Wm. J. R. Holmes, was, as stated above.Joho Holmes' eldest son and was born at Holmes- ville January 19, 11,42. He early showed a great prohciency in mathematics. At twelve years of age he had mastered all that he could be taught at the school in Hblmesville at that time and went back to the farm, whet, ' he remained until ham. 15eeam'e sixteen, *hen he went To Code - rich Grammar sdwol and after that to the Model Gratnmar school,: Toronto, and ended up his ltchool course at Upper Canada College, Toronto. The official record of the College reads: "Wm. J. R. Holmes left College in 1862 first in math- ematics and second in general profic- iency." He afterwards matriculated at Toronto University and took a double scholarship in mathematics and medicirse. His competing for and taking the medi- cal scholarship was the changing of his life; that and the fact that his closest friend, who was with him through all his school career. was going to study medi- cine, decided him to de so also, although it had been intended he should study law and a place was rranged for him in an important legal tlrm of Toronto• The civil war 'across the border was then raging and he entered the United States army as a surgeon and remained there until the end of the war. He came 1 home in May, 1865, and stayed a while at Bluevale, mo ng from there to Brus- sels, then calledm•layville. In practice he was fairly cc�eessssful. although he dis- liked the profession very much. and he embraced the first opportunity afforded him of quitting it by accepting the offer made to him in December, 1883, of be- coming treasurer of the county of Huron, which appointment was afterwards con- firmed in January, 1884. The salary was very much lower than the amount he was earning, but the work wa4 so con- genial that he never to the end regretted the change. In religion he was a strong believer in and a stout upholder of the Anglican Catholic church and when in Brussels he served a couple of years as church war- den. In politics he was a Conservative and in two elections he was the party candidate. but was not elected. He was a charter member of St John's Masonic lodge, Brussels. and was its master for a number of years. For some years he was the president of the Goderich Cutting and Skating Association and for a great many years up to the time of his death he was the secretary -treasurer .of the Gode- rich Collegiate Institute board. He always took a great interest in military matters and was connected with the 33rd (Huron) Regiment ;as surgeon, ring with the rank of lieutenant -col- onel Since the war broke out his interest o military affairs was strongly revived and he took a useful part in the local work n connection with the war, and especially n the work of the Red Cross Society. He was married in 1867 to Janet, daughter of Gavin Burns. of Oshawa, and he attnbuted to her any success he had in his life. She predeceased him in 1914. He leaves three sons: Dudley Holmes. K. C., of Wingham; Hilton. of Fort Wil- iam, and Frederick Barlow, of Toronto. Two brothers also survive him: John R., of Hol rrtesville, and Dr. Thomas G., of'' Detroit; also three sisters: Mrs. Leech and Mrs. Howell. of town. and Miss De- borah Holmes, of Holmesville. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon from the residence of the de- ceased, Colborne street, to Maitland i cemetery. The-- funeral services were conducted by Rev. A. L. G. Clarke. rec- tor of St. George's church. and the pall- bearers were Judge Dickson, Sheriff Rey- nolds. Messrs. Wm. Lane, C. Seager, Jas. Doyle and D. Macdonald, The large attendance at the funeral in- cluded members of the county council , and of other bodies with which' the deceased had been associated' in his lifetime: also a number of relatives from outside points, includ-' fret Mr. John R. and Miss D. Holmes, of Holmesville; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Howell, of Onondaga: Mrs. Dudley Holmes and son, Gavin. of Wingham: Mr. John S. Hohnes, Mr. Jos. Proctor and Miss Proctor, of Holmesville. MEDICAL BOARD AT WORK. 1 Under the terms of the Military Service Act a Medical Board for the examination of recruits will 'sit in the Court House, Goderich. on Monday., Tuesday and Wednesday of each week -from 9 a. m. to 12 noon. and from 2 p. m. to :; p. m. A Medical Board Also sits at Wingham on Thursday, Friday) and Saturday of each week. VOTERS' -LIST; 1917. MUNICIPALITY TOWN OF GODERICH, COUNTY OF HURON. Notice is hereby given that 1 have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned to section 9 of the Ontario Voter' Lists Act the copies re- quired by said sections to be so transmitted or de- livered of the list. made pursuant to sad Act. of all persons appealing by the last revised assess- ment roll of the said manicipauty to be entitled to vote in the said municipality at elections lox members of the LrgisNlive Anrmbly and at municipal elections; and that the said Ise was first panted up at my office in the Town Hall. Godersch. on the 13th day of October. 1917, and remains there IM Inspection. And 1 hereby call upon all voters to take imme- diate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law. Dated at Goderich this 18th day of October, 1917. p L. L. KNOX, 844-21 Clerk of the Town of C,oderich- 1917 TAXES. 1 am now prepared to accept payment of the 1917 taxes Two per cent. discount If paid on or before (Totohee 131h. One per cent. If bald on or be- fore November to h. Thereafter nn discount. Between 13th and 31st December two per cent. will be added. After Sou 'unry I.14 ave per cent. wilt Wadded. and subject to distress warrant being fettled If not then paid. Town Hall, Soder len, WM.CAMPBEI.L. September 28th. 1917. Collector. 13-3t FOR SALE FOR SALE.-NORDHEIMER PIANO, almost new: will besold for about half-price. Apply at SIGNAL OFFICE. AP -41 FOR SALE. -GOOD SELF -FEEDER 1L' HEATCK, In Ht+N-ulnae 000diuon• cheap. J. P. BROWN. 181 hunch at root - MIL Stock of Lumber For Having sold our f Goderich, and having for the stock of lnm offer It for sale at than have the exphn ding dt*t ernie er rase p6r q/t h d, rather idose gnrl rather removing It. The stock include* a quantity of FiNIRIIED LUMBER, much as hard and molt wood Flooring, Riding and Ipeide Finish. W1Y R iN THE ROUGH etnai*tt of White and Red Pine, Spence;emlock, Birch, Oak, Aah and Elm. 11 redeem from lea -Inch up to 10x10 - ch timber. We intend to Pell out thin 'tock within a month nr *Ix weeks, and those who re*** lumber mhonld apply at once. • .gY PAGET GRAIN DOOR Co., Ltd., Goderich, Ont. J. YovrntaR, • planner. member for the united counties of Huron and Bruce, During the years he was Warden his duties were ofa very import- , Over a Hundred Men Already Exam - toed under Military Service Ace The medical board under the Military Service Act has been sitting in Goderich thin week al.d about 110 men have been examined, a large percentage of whom • have been`Cie-ssedas-fit few-ervice:--'-- The work of the hoard has been ham- pered by the non -receipt of the papers to be tilled in, and for this reason only a few men from town have been examined. Those whp came from the country were examined in order to -save them another trip to totc•n. Dr. A. C. Hunter is the chairman of the board, and the other members are Lieut. Ivan W ilson. M. D., of London, and Lieut. Sykes, M. D.. of Woodstock, both of whom have been over - was with the Army Medical Corps. Moet of those who have been passed by the board are applying for exemption. The board will continue to sitln Gode- rich on Monday, Tuesday Ind Wednes- day of each week. the sittings being held at the court house from 9 to 12 o'clock and from '2 to 5 o'clock. Sale of Coats and Wool Goods. . 'Coats worth 87 for $3.75. Coats worth 112 for 89.50. Coats worth 110 for 85• Wool caps worth 25c for 19c. Wool caps worth 00c for 35c. A few sets of furs to be sold less than cost. P. T. Dean. ROBERTSON & WOODS JNSURANCE Announce that .' ey have taken over the insure / business of the late W. R. ' ,bertaon and are agents for British A rice Phoenix Caledon* .i Alliance North rifle)) and Mercantile Liverpool -Manitoba Equitable Haft.ford Monarch / Fire insurance Companies and (ireat West Life In4uranee Co. Your patronage is so,lio it,vl Prompt and personal at tent io,n given to all tin.; no•... A. M. Robertson - Geo Woods 'Phone No. 1741 THE LADS IN KHAKI.' --- a • I L. -Corp. Clifford V. Williams, who was severely wounded in Flanders on July 21st, I is convalescing at the Canadian general hospital, Uxbridge, England. He writes that he is receiving most careful atten- tion, and that the Red Cross have left nothing undone to make him comfort- able and happy. With several other patients in the hospital he had the honor and pleasure of being invited to Windsor Castle about three weeks ago. and he writes in glowing terms of the very kind reception given to the soldiers by the King, Queen Mary and Princesses May and Patricia. On his discharge from the hos- pital he is to be given six months' light duty in England. Mr. John Hussey, East street, received a cablegram twem ibroh Rev- Father his Hussey, sayingekfrothhats t he hal been transferred from Shornchffe. Eng., to France. Father Hussey went overseas as an army chaplain. PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. C. L. Moore is visiting her son at Butler, Pa. Mn. 1Rev. I J. H. Osterhout will receive at the Victona street parsonage the third and fourth Fridays of each month. Mrs.\A. G. Macdonald has returned from het trip to the West, where she visited her son. Mr. Lorne Macdonald, at - Rev. Gordon M. Holmes and Mrs. Holmes are attending the annual conven- tion of the Baptista of Ontario and Quebec this week at Woodstock. Mr. J. W. Trusslef, formerly of town: but late of Windsor. was in town this week on a brief visit. He is leaving --to THE SIGNAL PRINTiNO CO., LIMITED. Pcutaasa UNION GOVERNMENT FORMED. Several Prominent Liberals Enter Sir Robert Borden's Cabinet. A "union" Government has been formed at Ottawa under the Premiership of Sir Robert Borden. The Liberals taken into the Cabinet include Mr. Rowell. Opposi- tion leader in the Ontario Legislature; Hon. J. A. Calder, of the Saskatchewan Provincial Government; Hon. A.L. Sifton, Premier of Alberta; Mr. T. A. Crerar, head of the Western Grain Growers' As- sociation, and Mr. F. B. Carvell. the well- known Liberal M.P. from New Brunswick. The Government has not been com- pleted and it has not yet issued any statement of its policy, and itis too soon to express any definite opinion concerning It. The so-called union Government has some good features and some that are not good. So far as The Signal can judge from the expression of opinion by promin- ent members of the party in North Huron. the action of the Liberals who have joined Sir Robert Borden is not regarded with any great degree of favor among the Li ahs of this riding .Donations to Hospital Board. The Hospital Board acknowledges with thanks the donation from the Goderich Orchestra amounting to 815, as per statement, and also the sum of $96.19 from the committee of the 1st of July celebration. being pert of their surplus. C. A; NAIRN, Treasurer. • STATEMENT THANKSGIVING DANCE. Recetpta- M tickets ,50c each .........4211 no 37 " 25c " .. 9 25 520.23 25 (I 155.46U4 ' 429 23'-. Expenoes- Advrrtinng, etc. ...... .. Hall rent Balance to hospital 'Important to- All. take a position at Regina. , f 1 Mrs. Gerald. M. Kidd will recei4e fors _.j.adies and gentlemen -who are interest* the rnfirst time since her mafthage at the .ed in the improvement of their appear- twr of hies• llleeph Kited, North street, ance should not fail to see Dorenwend's on Thursday, October 25, large display of hair -goods at the Hotel ' • It Miss Laura Price left on Monday to Bedford on Thursday. November 1st• sphn a scouisks4g.week h. frtend Ladies' switches. transformations. pm - Mrs. Atthur Dixon, of London, -1-o'rmeelypadours, waves, etc., and toupees and Miss Edy th Algje of Goderich. wigs for men who are bald. There is no harge for a de',nonstratiois I Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Swatliekl arrived on Saturday.lromtheir home at Cleveland to If quality counts. use Blackstone's ' visit} their relatives here. They came all delirious ice cream in bulkor bricks for the tt•ay by auto. bringing a tine 45-h. p. all °evasions- • Phone 2.40. Cadillac car for Messrs. Brophey Bros., to be used in their undertaking business N can he at his best all the time, next year. but'yo reit be one of the best dressed if Mr. J. P. Walter returned Tuesday you wear ham the Tailor's" clothes. atter spending several weeks in the West : Quality Store. He has a couple of farms in Sask- druggist, announces atchewan, one in the vicinity of Estevan, the agency for the s. and instead of isplace will here - 1f your blood is impoverished and your system in a run-down condition. you should take a good tonic. We know of nothing better than Dr. Brown's Beef, Iron and Wine. It will build new blood and create nervous and muscular energy. The bitritive elements of beef, which have an important part in the tonic, are supplied in a concentrated form ready to o into the blood It secure iron in its I Housekeepers wr Wanted at the Canning Factory Plums, bears, Apples, Beans an 1 Bets. Highest prices paid. Come in and See Us. Here. Canning and Evaporating Co. D g HAMLINK Manage, and shows blistered hands to back up the statement that he helped with the thresh- ing. - Listowel Banner. Mr. Walter was formerly a merchant in Goderich in the boot and shoe business. Is Dr. H. 1. Strang had a visit on Wednes- day from \hiss Preston, a former student ' of Goderich high scixol who has since spent J ry some years m Japan as a shnona Methodist c arch. M s Preston Is the daughter4t ames Preston. at one time pastor of North street Methodist church. Being in Seq- I forth on a visit to an old school friend, she came on to Goderich to sec Dr. Strang. who was much gratilied at this evidence of remembrance by his former pupil. 11 be interested in J. of the of to late el', J 1 Al Neel 114140eeta Or roe re+r . I' $2.410 by writing the Dr. Williams Medi -1 ler �rmialauvl re woman "we" a more. nut ' Stltut In eine Co., Brockville, Ont. more often it sympathize* with him. Most valuable and moat easi�ily assimilated J. McEwen's ad. on page 5 of The rm. The iron is r*r(1ed to supply the nal, announcing some money -saving Sig - blood with red cells The wine is a slim- specials. They will find It to their ad- ulant and food. Large bottle for a dollar. vantage to watch this ad. from week to Sold by E. R. Wigle, druggist, Goderich. I week. Nyars Mr. J. 11. Lau that he has secur well-known Nyal g being the Nadruco store after be known as the '- yal's Quality .Store. - Eat Pure Ice Creae and give your chitties., non* other. Edward.' is pure.' Phone 2011. - AU4lURN. GODERICH PATRIOTIC FUND , A meeting of the executive of the above-named Fund was held otySaturday last. The treasurer submitted a stateinent of his accounts duly audited, and these were passed and ordered to be published in t*local papers, and are appended. Of the subscribers in arrears, twenty-four have enlisted and their subscriptions have been cancelled by the committee, twelve subscribers have left town, and two .are. dead. There pre thirty-five others in arrears, all of whom, it was considered, are able to pay, and it was decided to hand the names of these to the solicitor for collection. It will be seen om the 'statement that the expenses in con- nection with the Fund mounted to less than 30c per 8100 Lone -third of one per cent.) Geo. Williams, Treasurer, in account with Goderich Patriotic Fund GENERAL STATEMENT 1917 Dr. Aug. 18 Snhscriptions promised as per o - audit of Oct. 10th. 1915 $12,767 75 Subscription town of Goderich5,000 00 Additional subscriptions,271 00 Amount paid to August 1$, 1917 Arrears, general $348 75 " ' enlisted soldiers214 50 subscribers left town ... •.., 44 50 sub'rs deceased12 00 Subscriptions paid to date Bank interest to date Remitted to Canadian Patriotic Fund, Ottawa Advertising ... Postage and Stationery, general.. re arrears $18;038 75 $17,419 00 159 03 (C. Garrow) W. L. Et.io'r, C. L. JACKSON. Auditors. Cr. $17,419 00 619 75 $18,038 75 $17,426 42 7 72 11) 21 200 $17,578 03 $17,578 03 GEo. WILLIAMS, Treasurer. R. G. REvxor.Ds, Chairman. WEDNESDAY, Ott.17.\ itiMr. and Mrs. Thos. Straughan are vis- -. iting their daughter at Holmesville. Lowson & Lawson are tying up their \ stock of bobbin wood ready for shipment. \ Mr. Wm. Andrews has purchased a -. McLaughlin car from. the Wingham agent. Miss Melinda Wenzel has returned to - her home In Hespeler after a week's visit with relatives here. ' Mrs. Am. Dobie. sr.. is enjoying a visit from her mother, Mrs. Robinson, who came from Arden, Man., in her ninetieth year, unaccompanied. after an absence of forty years in the West. Mr. Arthur Ferguson brought his furn- iture on Monday to take possession of the fugiiture business purchased by him from Mr. Geo. Lemp. Mr. Letup retains the workshop and dwelling for some months. The memorial sendee in St. Mark's church last Sabbath for Pte. John Her- bert Lawson was a very impressive one. The seating capacity of the church could pot accommodate all who -gathered to show their sympathy for the bereaved ones. and man' were compelled to re- main outside. The service was con- ducted b • Rev. W. 13.' Hawkins, assisted by Revs R. J. Ross. 1 the LI.S..ohlrew., Na -Drat -(n Inc , '9r2 hinds. Thorn Cameron. Main 81., Buffalo N,Y. las (.,ollectlon of asters, Mrs. Hewlion, 4. GUNU\RY'S SALE REGISTER. WttnsssosY. O(,�c1. 2/. --Unreserved auction sale of thirty head oe choice yours cattle, paid and farm implements. itroppeertyof Mr.fFrank A Hay• den, one mile west ut`heppardton, sale comment- ing at 1.311sharp. A , TugsoaY. Oct air Auction sale of farms, farm stink and implements. property of Mr. Davin Mc lewam, at lot 7. concession 1. Ashhxld. Sale et • 1 o'clock sharp. BORN. LAING.-ln ForHwich.4'on Monday, October m, to Revl and Mrs. A I-aing, a son. DIED. HOI.MES.-In Coder -0i. on Sunday, October U, William 1 R Holmes. \I. 0.. aged 75 years and 9 months. NAFTEL - In Goiter,ch. on \tonday,Oetot*r 15. Daniel lames Na(tel. aged 79 years and 7 months. WEHSTER -At Alexandra hospital, Godench. on Frid ay. October 12. Loans Cantel,, widow 4 el the late Beattie Wrhster of Lucknow and daughter of the late George Cantelom, of Go derich township. IN MEMORIAM. MU:AIV - in loving nwnurry of my dear hus- band, Thomas G. Fm,g:ut, who died April 17, 11117 Sleep on. ilea, hrshrtrrl. thy labor's o'er, Thy wilting hands will nil no more. A loving father. It Ind font true, Ne Inend on earth we hid rake you. -Inserter) by hs w,rkrwand daughter. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -Oct. 18. Page Cottage for Sale -Bert Macdonald....... .... t Auction Sale-t)avid Me Retain ....... ..... Specials -1. 1. McEwen 5 Hair Good4 - Dorenwemre 4 Choir -leader Wanted -SI. Andrew's anorch, A Great Sale-- M Robins ... .. .. .. a Insurance Agents-Rnberteon a Woods t Piano for Sale -Apply at Signal Office 1 Nonce- Medical Beard _.. .... ............ 1 Voter; LM Noose -L.1.. Knot ........,., •,. 1 Auction Ade --F A. Harden fl