HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-10-11, Page 8.1
gear.* .,.
M e 1''DRSDAY, Ace, 11, tilt
dmia+Al�ttla^K. �tWIIP. ,.,.,.• r ry.-�a�t,' n� _�': vonssaptiggfrofigert..
-wfww .r+ ••••••-,--,^ •e.•.
p., per
WINTER is cooling
and you will spend
much of your time in-
doors. New Wall
Paper lends charm to
the whole house and
the change can be
made quickly and at
very little expense.
New Wall Paper Just Received,
to IL c, 8c, IOc, 12c, 15c,
29c aid 25c.
The very best and ne,t
expensive 35c and 50c per
The Dungannon fair, usually very for-
tunate to respect of weather. this year ran
in hard luck. Thursday and Friday were
the days of. the fair: Thursday was wet
and Friday was raw. However, Dungan-
non fair is too firmly rooted to be knocked
out by little things like the barometer and
the thermometer. and although a good
many people who in better weather would
have been there stayed at home, and
those who did go found themselves shiver-
, ing with the cold. the fair went on and
was very far from a failure. The exhibits
I in some lines were not up to the standard.
/ Ibut in a few lines they were exceptionally
good. Vegetables were excellent and the
exhibit of baking was a beautiful sight
(unfortunately the Signal man didn't get
' any nearer than seeing it.)
Only one of the) speeding events was
run off. The. baby show did not ma-
terialize. A feature that created a great
deal of interest was the contest at guess-
' ing the weight of a fine big beef animal.
At len cents a guess a good sum was
realized, nearly everybody being anxiqus
to try his luck, or his skill as a judge of
weight. The animal weighed 1461 lb.
and there were three guesses of 1460 Ib..
After some further tests to break the tie,
the prizes were awarded as follows: 1st
Wellington Henderson, 2nd Wm. H. Carr,
:trd Bert Treleaven.
The Lucknow pipe hand gave a gener-
ous program on Friday afternoon.
There was a good house for the concert
in the evening and a first-class program
was rendered. •
Following is the list of prize -winners:
Or. Tremain s Natural H.,r Rettoratme,
aced ae duected..s rrran,eed m m,on re, art ,o
assent color or alone,/ refunded. Pou,,.el, no. . dread./
nen ...NA., P..ce SI u,, sou r..4 W... Trenala
Sewn C... Veneta cal.
On s.k .a Goder.ch u .1
ear Nurd.S, and S,tu.. r
A C..••pbeu, Drs,
New Wool Goods for Babies
and Little Tors
Long Bootees,
Caps, \\
Blaukets for Crih and Carriage
Centres, Trays, Lunch Cloths,
Miss Susie Noble
,i• -•„o 'to Mt, 'row.
1 year-old filly or gelding. Jo Web -
•gr, eamuel Pbflllpp. _ __ _-_
Brood mare. with foal, by her Bide,
(Samuel Philips. 8. Kilpatrick.
Foal of 19 7, John Webster, S. Phil.
I lips- .
2 -year-old fl Ernest Blake.
2 -year old gel 'ng, John Webster, S.
Philips. ,
1 year-old filly. lino. Webster, ('has.
Brown. A
Team in harness, \, Jas. Foster R.
I Webster. �.
I Brood mare, with foal.bv her side.
John Webster 1i4 and nod, E:rneat
I Blake.
Foal. of 1917, .ino. Webste9,, S. Kil-
patrick, E. Blake. !
2 year old filly. Jno. Webster.
2.year-old gelding, 8. Kilpatrick,
Ernest Illake.
1 -veer -old gelding, John Webtser.
''Team in harness, Jas. Foster,
Judges -John Sparrow, Alex. Nichol-
School of Commerce
Courses in
EFFICIENCY i$ tfie motto of
this School And pt is the aim
to fit stude!tts• for, positions
in which they Will do credit
to themselve3 and confntand
good salaries, ' •
Girls niay repot in Ase)
For particulars write to
B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts!
1'Ii(JNE 20,t Principal
Brood mare, with foal by her Ride,
Jai,. Alton, N. J. Treleaven.
Foal of '1917, N. J. Treleaven, Jas.
Foster. \
1 -year-old fitly or gelding, Jas. Foster.
D. Errington.
Single horse in, harness, W. H. Cam.
ems. J. 11. Darn
Colt s
' Brood mare. with foal by leer side,
Samuel Philips.
Foal of 1917. Samuel Phillips.
1 -year-old filly or geld!, :, David 1•:r
rington, Chas. Brown.
Single horse In harness, " , . Watson.
Lady driver, Miea I/urnin, , m. Wat-
Judge -J. Gillespie.
Open to WITTrot or poop. t
tree in live. mile bests.'
Billy Dundee 1 1
lames Alton, Belfast,
Helen hell 2 9 2
Roy Caldwell, Teeswater.
Joe M ' 1 1 3
Tom Corrigan. Lucknow.
Judges. -T. F. Cain, Lucknow; R.
McLean, ,Goderich. ,
Mlleh cow. *ring raised or with calf
111 1917, 11. Glen. John Kilpatrick, D. E.
Anderson. ,
2'yenr•old heifer, R. Glen, ,las. Alton.
I year•old heifer, 1t. Glen.
Helfer calf, six months,and ov,•r, Ae
Culbert, 1st and 2nd.
Boll calf, MIK months and over, It.
Bull calf, under six mcxttha, Jas.
Alton. D. E. Anderson.
' Ageltd brill. D. E. Anderson.
Herd of throe females and one male,
It. Glen.
P01110. ANOUS
Milch cow. having raised esti in 1917,
Wtn. Bailie.
Hetfer. 2 nears Yrldr Whit Bailie. .1
Helfer, 1 year old, W ii5 ' Biiltt✓.
Calf, udbr one year, Wm. Wile.
Milch cow, Jacob Reid.
Calf, under one year, Jacob Reid.
Milch cow, milking, having raised calf
In 1917, A Culbert 1st, 2nd and ant.
9 veer -old heifer, Manson Reid. Geo.
1 year old heifer. R. Glen.
N. Sian Of Dropsy Aad Kidney Trouble
Sias. Taking "FRUIT-A-TIVES'
Port Robinson, tint., J my 8th, 1915.
"We have used "Fruit -wives" In
our house for over three years and have
always found them a good medicine.
Our lillle g-irl, !lathe, was troubled with
Kidney Thsease. The Doctor said she
was threatened with Dropsy. Her litale
and body we re al I swollen and we began
to think she could not live. Finally, we
decided tv try "Fruit -a -tires ". She
betas to show improve -most alter we had
given her afire tablets. Ili a short time,
the swelling had all gone down and her
flesh began to Zook more natural. Now
she is the healthie'cl ole ire Me Jaunty
and has no signs of the old ailment.
We can not say too much for "Fruit-a-
tives" and would never be without
50o. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial site, 25c.
At dealer's-oe sent postpaid oa
reoeiptof priceby Fruit a.tives limited,
'Ott awn,
Steer call, under one year, Jno. Dur-
nin, Geo. Glen.
Heifer calf. under one year, Goo.
Glen. lit and 2nd.
1 -year-old steer, R. Glen lit and 2nd.
Judges -W. A. Wiliam. Jno. Salkeld.
Special prise by Sterling Bank, best
female, any breed, exhibitor only allow-
ed one eutry, It. Glen, A. Culbert, ,Ino.
lit prise by R. Glen. 11.00, Will Hen-
2nd prise by Jas. Iaallough, 92.00. W.
H. Carr.
and prize by B. Beringer, 11.00, Bert
Aged ram, must be registered, Purvis
Shelrltng ram. Purvis Bros.. R. Glen.
Aged ewe.. raising lambs in 1917, It.
Glen. Penns Bron.
Shearling ewe. R. Glen. Purvis Broe.
Ewe lawn, Purvis Bros. 1st and 2nd.
Ram lamb, It. Glen 1st and 2nd.
Aped raw, mutt he registered, John
Aged ewe, raising lambsln 1917, John
Tabb, D. Errington.
Khearling ewe, John 'l'aFbb 1st and 2nd.
Ewe lamb, John Tabb. D. Erriugton.
Raw iamb, D. Erringtohlst and 2nd.
Sweepstake prize for beet pen of
sheep, any breed : pen to eonsivt of one
male and three females, R. Glen, Purvis
Fat sheep, any breed, Purvis Bros.
Judge -G. A. Greer.
ed hoer, Jas. Alton.
having raised pigs in 1917, Jas.
Boar, littered la 1917, Jas. Alton.
How, littered In 1917, Jas. Altos.
Pined Boar, Jaa. Alton.
ow, having raised ulg in 1917. Jas.
Boar, littered in 1917, Jas. Alton.
4ow, littered in 1917. Jas. Alton.
Aged Boar, Jas. Alton.
Boar, Uttered In 1917, Jas. Alton.
Judge - G. A. Greer.
Brahma, light, John Howrie.
Leghorn. brown, chickens, Jaa. Alton.
Plymouth Bock, barred, chickens,
Manson Reid.
Minorcan, black, chickens. Jas Alton.
Leghorn, brown. old fowl. John
Howrie, Jan. Alton.
Leghorn, buff, old fowl, A. Culbert.
Plymouth Rock, bared, okl fowl,
Manson Redd, Jas. Alton. •
Plymouth Rock, white, old fowl, Jas.
Rhode Island. old fowl, A. Jones.
Geese, Jas. Alton, A. Jones.
Turkeys, A. Jones.
Guinea Fowl. A. Jones.
Pair Duck, Jas. Alton, A. Jones.
Judge -Jas. T. Lyons, Lucknow.
1 bushel Fall WRbeat, white, Albert
Alton, U. E. Anderson.
1 bushel Fall Wheat, red, D. E.
Anderson, B. Beninger.
1 busbel Spring Wheat, Albert Alton,
Jas. Alton.
1 bushel Gats, white, Jas. Alton, W.
1 bushel Oats, black. Jaa Alton.
1 bushel Timothy Seed, Jas. Alio..
John l/urnin.
1 peck Bernina.
Manson Reid, Albert
6 ears Corn yellow, Chas. Brown, R.
Best and largest collection of grain
grown by exhibitor to Ashfield, Col-
borne or Wawanosh, half bushel each.
hit prise, one year's subscription to
Toronto News. Jas. Alton.
Judge -R. McAllister.
101b.. Bntter in rolls, 1st prize by
Stair Printing Co, Mrs. Geo. Ryan, Mrs.
8. Kirkpatrick. A. Culbert.
S lbs. table Butter, In prints, Mrs.
Geo. Ryan. B. Iteninger, A. Culbert
20 lbs. packed butter, to be salted to
keep. A. Culbert. Mrs. 8. Kirkpatrick.
10 Ins. fancy table Butter, Jas. Alton.
Judges -M. J. Beninger, J. R. Mc-
Cabbage. F. Barker, W. Sproul; blood
beets, Albert Alton. Ernest Blake; long
blood beets. Ernest Blake, F. Barker;
improved sugar beets, R. Mcllwain. B.
Beninger; msngold wurtzels, R. Mcllwain,
F. Barker; wurtzels, mammoth yellow
intermediate. Albert Alton, R.-McLygin;
I swede turnips. Egtest Blake, Chas.
Brown; greystone turnips, Ernest Blake;
carrots, intermediate, white, R. Mc-
llwain, Manson held; early horn carrots,
Albert Alton. N. J. Treleaven; inter-
mediate table carrots, N. J. Treleaven,
Mrs. D. M. 'Thompson; onions. F.
Barker. R. Mcllwain; tomatoes, William
Sproul; garden corn. Mrs. D. M. Thomp-
' son. Mrs. 'Alex. McCarroll; pumpkin, N.
J. Treleaven, Albert Alton; winter squash,
• Mrs. AIex:McCarroll. Mrs. Wm. Stothers;
summer squash. Mrs. Alex. McCarroll;
early roee potatoes, F. Barker; Irish
cobbler potatoes. R Mcllwain, A. Col-
bert; rural New York potatoes, Manson
Reid. Mrs. Wm. Stothers: any variety
potatoes. named, Wm. Bailie, F. Barker;
celery. F. Barker, !Miss T. C. Dreany;
cauliflower. Wm. Sproul, Mrs. Jas.
Menary: citrons, Mrs. Alex. McCarroll;
parsnips, Ernest Blake, R. Mcllwain;
• collection garden vegetables, F. Barker,
Wm. Stothers.
Judge -W. T. Murney, Goderich.
Winter apples -Spies, Alf. Errington,
Jas. Alton; baldwins. Jos. Mallough, Alf.
Errington; king of tompkins county.
Arthur Culbert. Alf. Errington; talman
sweet. Arthur Culbert. Alf. Errington;
1 Ontario. Joseph Mallough: Wagner, A.
Culbert: russet, A. Culbert. Jas. Alton:
a Rhode Island greening, A. Culbert;'crari
berry pippin. Jos. Mallough; Mann,
Jos. Mallough. A. Culbert; 4 named var-
ieties, Jos. Mallough; ben davis, A. Cul-
bert. Alt Errington; pewaukee, Jos. Mal-
yam ideas of shoe quality and
shoe value can he had herr het.
ter than anywhere ,else. Our
shoes are selected for their
wearing qualities, . their angle
and their perfect fit. Then we
make the price such that every
man who bays a palr'feels that
he halt received hill %Rlae'ID?
his money and a little etre.
Drop in and look allover.
Wm. Sharman
Phone 138 Goderich, Ontario
• I
DigtiRiVI8ti THE t;F.itMAN PEOPLE. •
This phonograph appeared in a German newspaper argil wait intended
to'Unsterile a British ateaamar an fire after having twwsn attacked hy'a
German Iwbrhartne. Ruch fictitious pictures are nei,Irteary to cheer
no the German people.
Correct Corsets
At Popular Prices
Perfection in Corsets is not attained only by one
maker, and our stock comprises many makers' lines, both
Canadian and American. Our experienced corsetieres will
show you the model best suited to your figure, at any price
you wish to pay. If you have not already found your ideal
make of Corset, it may be worth your while to consult with
us on the Corset question.
"P. C." Corsets
Strong, well -boned model for the average figure.
Made o(,yliavy coutil, nicely llnisbed at top.
Sizes 19 to 30. Per pair $1.00
"Parisian Model" Corsets -
Splondid Corset for average Agures, strongly
boned. full skirt, ,wade of white coutil. All
sizes, at ler pair $1.22
"P. C. Special' Corsets
Two styles. for medium or full figures. Per-
fectly molelld for the prevailing style of dress.
Very comfortable and serviceable. All sizes, at
per pair---. -$1.$0
'rut aw
"P. C. High-grade" Corsets
A Corset of exceptional merit, in two models,
one specially adapted to slight figures, the other
made specially for stout. Each properly mod-
elled and will retain its shape. Strongly
boned, white ooutll, nicely finishes!All sizes,
at per pair $2.00
"Nemo" Corsets
These high-grade American Corsets In half -a -
dozen styles suitable for medium or full figures.
We would draw particular attention to the
models for stout figures. as they are without a
doubt the bast Corset made for a stout figure, •
either from the standpoint of comfort or health.
Ws sell these American models at
$2.50 t,. $6.76
Special SelI&zg of Hosiery
Extraordinary good selling for Saturday at the Hosiery toouter. Pure -wool
Cashmere in serviceable and durable qualities. They cannot_%P bought at these
prices again for a long time to come.
Ladies' Hose 50c
Pure -wool Cashmere Hose,
seamless feet, soft finish, all
sizes. Fake our advice and
lay in a supply when they can
be bought at these prices. Per
pair 20o
Children's Ribbed
Cotton Hose
25c to 50c
Pore -wool, spliced heels, ab-
solutely fast dye. All size&
cream or black, at per pair
2So to 50o
Cashmere H
There is a big nd for
White Cashmere Rose" the
city. We have knit nest
up a shipment. Nice \ttne
quality, pore -wool, fall and
winter weight. A11 sizes. et
per pair 720
Ladies' Underwear, Extra 45c
Ladies' Underwear, vests or drawers, fine rib,
soft finish, splendid quality for fall and winter
wear. All sizes, per garment 460
English Flannelette I 7c
This Flannelette is practically- unobtainable to-
day at any price 11 ii heavy weight. soft finish.
conies in nice fancy stripes. absolutely fast
colors. Splendkl wearing quality. Per yard 17o
Flannelette Blankets $2.00
Heavy quality. Targe .size Flannelette Blankets.
cream with blue or pink borders. Specialu-r
pair $2.00
English Flannelette Blankets $2.50
These are rt•ally beautiful totality, pnt up n
singles. large size and heavy weight. Splendid
value at per pair $2.60
Wonderful Value in Plush Coats at $25
We match these Ptnah Coats against any you can buy anywhere. Made from tine
quality imported Plush. high quality linings. ('fit in the season's most popular styles.
Made by experts. Special $25.00
Direct Importers Goderich
41111411`1•'41.4.411111141.111 41.1"114111"1.1411.1.1"11114111.1.1141.111114111114111141114.
lough. Al(. Errington.
Fall apples -Wolf river, A. Culbert;
ribston pippin, Alf. Errington; wealthy, 1
Jos. Mallough: duchess. Jos. Mallough;!
blenheim pippin. Jos. Mallaogh; 3 named
varieties, Jos. Mallough.
Pears, etc. -3 named varieties of pears,
Chas. Brown, Jas. Alton; bartlett pears,
Ernest Blake. R. Mcllwain; Flemish'
beauty pears, Jas. Alton; beurre clairgeon.
'R. Mcllwain; any other variety pears,
A. Culbert. Alt. Errington: 2 named var-
ieties of plums. A. Culbert, Ernest Blake;
1 named variety of plums. A. Culbert. '
Ernest Blake: peaches, Mrs. Jas. Menary;
quinces, R. Mcllwain, Alf.. Errington;
collection of school garden products, 1st
Dungannon public school, 2nd S. S. No.
17, West Wawanosh.
Judge -D. F. Hamlink, Coderich.
Asters, Mrs. Alex. McCarroll, Miss T.
C. Dreany; dahlias, Mrs. Alex. McCar-
roll. Miss T. C. Dreany; gladiolus. Mrs
Alex. McCarroll, Mrs. D. NI. .Thompson:
petunias, F. Barker, Mrs. D. M Thomp-
son: phloxes, perennial, Mrs. Alex. Mc-
Carroll; phloxes. drummondi, F. Barker;
rigolds, Mrs. D. M. Thompson, Met.
Jas. Menary; sunflowers, Mrs. Alex. Mc-
Carroll, Mrs. D. M' Thompson; geranium.
double, red, Mrs. Jas. Menary; geranium,
hand embroidered, Mrs. W. Watson. Mrs Host•rie, Mrs. R. T. Smith: collec-
Mrs. 0. M. Thompson: sofa pillow, hand tion of oil paintings. Mrs Livingston,
'painted. Mrs. R. Mcllwain. Miss Living- Mrs. Howrie: collection of water colors,
atop: sofa pillow, lodge. Mrs. Mcllwain,Alrs Howrie, Miss Livingston; collec-
ollectMrs. Howrie: table centre -piece. colored, tion of pencil drawings, Miss Livingston,
Mrs. R. T. Smith,- Mrs. R. Mcllwain: Mrs. R. Mcllwain: collection of crayon
table centre -piece; white. Mitis T. C. drawings. Mrs. Howrie, Mrs. K. • Mc-
Dreany. Mrs. Smith; tray cloth, em- Leod: collection of pen and ink sketches,
broidered, Mrs. D. M. Thompson. Mrs. Mrs. K. McLeod. Miss Livingston: speci-
R. Mcllwain; ladies' underwear. Mrs. men of penmanship by boy or girl- finder
Howrie. Mrs. Smiths wciod carving Mrs. 13 years of age. Mrs. D.' M. Thompson:
D. M. Thompson. Mrs. Howrie; collec- collection of flowers painted on glass,
tion of ladies' work, Mrs. D. M. Thomp- Mrs. R. Mcllwain; co ection of fruit
son. Miss Livingston; Mexican painted on glass. Mrs. R. Mcllwain; Mrs.
drawn work, Miss Livingston, Howrie; collection of ani als painted on
Mrs. Smith: ladies' fancy wool mitts, glass, Mrs. Howrie, Mrs. R. Mcllwain;
Ernest Blake. Miss T. C. Dreany: ladies: painting on china, Mrs. Howrie, . Jos.
fancy apron, •Mrs. R. Mcllwain. Mrs. Malloisjth• collection of autumn lenir,
Howrie: slumber slippers, Jos. Mallough,*,-Miss T. C. Dreary: -Frank "McItivain;
Miss Livingston; crochet table mats, collection of insects (mounted) by tidy, or
Mrs. D. M. Thompson, Mrs. Jas. Menary;
patchwork quilt in cotton, Arthur Cul -
.rt, Mrs. Jas. Menary; patch9vork quilt
in wool, Mrs. Jas. Menary; patchwork
quilt in silk or velvet, Mrs. R. T. Smith;
woollen sacks, Mrs. D. M. Thoxnpsrn,
Miss T. C. Dreany: woollen stockings,
Mrs. Jas. Menary. Mrs. Howrie; woollen
mitts, Mrs. K. McLeod. Mrs. Howrie;
netting, Miss Livingston, Mts. R.
T. Smith; tea cosy, Mia Livings-
ton, Mrs. R. Mcilwain;fancy pin cushion,
Mrs R. McElwain Miss Livingston; log
girl under fifteen years. attending school,
Gordon Thompson. Frank Mcllwain; col-
lection of noxious weeds and seeds, named.
by girl or boy under fifteen years attend-
ing school, Gordon Thompson. Frank
Mcllwain; collection ofcabinetware, Wm.
Judges -Mrs. Hector McFadyen,
Godench; Mrs. McNabb. Dungannon.
Two loaves homemade bread, white,
James Alton. Miss T. C. I)reanyy; tw•o
any other variety. Mrs. Alex. cCarroll; cabin quilt, Miss T. C. Dreany; handker- loaves homemade bread, brown, V1rs. S.
begonia; Mrs. Alex. McCarroll; foliage, chief sachet, Mrs. R. Mcllwain, Mrs. U. cake. Mr c Jas. Menary. Mrs.d Ales. Mc-
Mrs. Alex. McCarroll; house plant, Mrs. M Thoritpson; whiskholder, Mrs. R.
Alex. McCarroll, Mrs. Jas. Menary: Mcllwain, Mrs. [). M. Thompson: pnllow- Carroll; layer cake, dark, Mrs. Jas
ferns, Mra.' Alex. McCarroll: cactus,shams, Mrs. Ho0.rie; baUeti urg lace i MenMrs. Alex. McCarroll: layer
Mrs. Ales. McCarroll; tabic bouquet. 'table cover, Mrs. D. M. Thoxnpsm. Miss cake, light, Mrs. Jas. Menary; half-dGsen
Mrs. Jas Menary, Mrs. Alex. McCarron Mia m toe, 'McCarron.
tea biscuits white, Mrs. Alex.
hand bouquet, Mrs. Alex. McCarroll,
Livingston; on' la»txlry r> homemade
old. Mrs. Geo. Ryan; half-dozen
Mrs. D. M. Thompson: basket of annuals. Mrs' Howie; hn wool, flat, Miss T. C. bona plain, Mrs. Alexa Mc -
Mrs Jas. Menary, Mrs. Alex. McCarron. (ram.Drea, Mrs. R. T. Smith; fancy _picture �rdlo Mn. S. Kirkpatrick; wanes,
frame, Mrs. R. Mcllwain, Mrs. Howrie: Mra Akx. cCarroll. Mrs. R. T. Smith;
Judges -Mrs W. T. Murrey, Mrs. U. rag mat, Mra. R. Mcllwain; head reef, 4'halfdnien cream puffs. B. Beninger;
F. I lamlink, Goderieh. R Mcllwain, Mro. D. M. Thump
LADIES' WORK• ' Johnny cake, Mics T. C. Dee varieties. 1Nn.
lied. .ad, Mn: Howrie; bath towel ' olnwrie slippers, am Livingston, Kirkpatrick; cookies, three varieties,
sure Mn. Howrie; J nese yam mar. Mrs. ! S.
Alex. McCarroll, Mrs. Jas. Menary;
and wash cloth. Mrs. K. McLeod,: Mrs. Ales, McCarroll; embroidered pillowslip, pie a
R. T Simith: Crochet, wool, Miss' Liv ,Arnett Blake, Mise Livingston; flirt PS* B Beninge1 Virs Geo Ryan -
is ton, Mrs. Howrie: crotchet, col towel. Moa Livingston. Mra pie, lemon. Mrs Oen Ryan, B 'Ben -
its broader g fruit I d M AI McCdtrr
Mist Liviogstrec Mn. Sm K, McLeod; kitchen apron Mica Livings- Mrs, fames Menary vegetable Glad
silk. Mrs. D. M Thornp�m tort, Mrs R T. Smith. KW Y. Mn Jas. Menary. Mrs. Alex McCarroll
sten: ctbstlest Irish, Mus• Mra. maple syrup. Mrs. S. Kirkpatrick; jelly.
•' inger; salad, Mrs. ex. • oll,
: el ewbrmder
'Smit Mrs. Howrie,
Mrs, 1 o'rie; tudeboard drgpt knit slipper., MINS T. G. Dreany, Mies three variets, Mrs. Alex. MccCarrofl, ick-
lirten:111A. K. • Metend, MA• D. ' 1b1., Livingston. washda s tast*r, Vin
atdered set of 8 }hist [ M p I Carroll,a, lMs.varieties,named. Mrs. Alex. Mc
Tbompsrrl; tsgbr D. • M. Thamp.nn, Mn. HoA�rit: crit- Mrs. Jaa. Menary: mllertitfrt o
dailies, , >klhs UV mgston, Mrs. D. M. ilroideryr in waHachian, 1Vh•s. R. Mci1-' homemade candy, Mrs. Alex. McCarroll.
Thom entten Mates dress,; Mrs. 'Win, •
pared for working man. Mrs. S. irk -
Miss i.rvmgaton; ifhadaw enI 'MR. U. M. Thompson; hest .upper pre-
. Mrs. 11 M Thrxn Miseng sillier
Smith,•Ykrs. Hdwti‘; emhrilleolf.t illef,l
Mires Llvingston, Mrs. th• War ,
woolen entes. Mrs. Hoverit; fosse! hand-
and-kerch' s, Mrs. Howrie„ Livie ton;
eolkcction of cotton knitting Mrs. R. Mc-
llwain, Mrs. McLandi on or point
laceMcLeod, i .th; dtgala
Mia rs. Mc • 1
lunchtime. Mn Bowie, Mrs. R. ell -
wain, collection novelties. Mn. D. M.
Tlwmpsnrt, Mims Livingston: set of bed-
room linen. Mrs. Smith; sale pillow.'
Dn;Jisrdanger wank, Mr.. wrist rick. Mrs. Ales. McCarroll. Mrs. Jas. Men-
�ta Livutgston; tatting, Mita i.ivir�f .
in; hest jos. mek boa, Mee. Ake.. , r-
"4' Ma. R. T. Smith: but to nhoies.
Meq rnli, #1r. jos.
Menarjt: one doses s
D. M Thea Mia Live Stan -, a gs. weight and eppearanee con creed.
Ju is l►ta Phillipa. Belfast; Mrs Alex. McCarroll, Alpert Culbert,
Mrs hos. �iUtera, �annoa ' • hard snap, Mn. Ales. McCarroll, Jacob
%' . PINE ART'O, I Reed; plate tilos Mei, Jas. s
Painting oh s.ths.-Mn. Howrie, Mrs: tanned vegetables. Mn.
R Mcitwain; painting on m$eakin, Mn: Ridges-Mts. C. i
R. Mcllwain; painting an bolting cloth, mow,Odericr• h.
x. MaGno(1.
in, Mrs. J..