The Signal, 1917-10-11, Page 7: - 77o` ,
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OCT. It 1917 % gar
- -
velupment of oil and natural gas depusits, � viattty of Zurich. Joel Bechler, of the C
COUNTY and DISTRICT I about 1tors. acus having toren t drilling
by tohisBronson line, has add his fifty -weir, an farm
prospectors. It is expected that drilling to his rrriRhbcx, Jacob (ktrrin, and in- mss}
Iwill Boon commence. ' tends ore Sc on a farm rest s Ea 75- _ Wort]
On Saturday, September '29th. Mrs. 'Theodore Schroeder has purchased a 75 -
Armstrong, widow of the late Richard acre farts( on the Babylon line from his
hasRrv. bren tndul rdlna ,1, late putor tit Carmel Armstro ng, of Morris towuship, paced I 1prileswon Sm.
ay�vhu d this [he farm Oth
P away ill her seventy-eighth year. She A good article is WI
Presbyterian church, Hensall. had lived for over sixty years on the farm Leonard Klopp, sun of Wm. Kk.pp, of A rich, strong, deliciot
on which she died. Six sults and four Zurich.
The 100 -acre farm of David 13adgrly, I worth putting into a sa
east of Jamestown, has been purchased by daughters survive Iter. EXETER. fresh and good.
Wm. Grainger, of Nortek, for $5,0.x1. The death of Wm. Hazlewood at his I Miss Jean Hamilton has gone to Regina,
On Friday last Thomas Melia, of Kip. home near Kirkton on Saturday, Septem- Seek., to take a position.A cheapcommon
pen, entered on the forty -thud year of ber �rrth• removed one of the pioneers of I R. G. Seldon has add his farm, one „ tea is hardly worth
his doing business in the same old stand. that district. The deceased was in his mile south of town, to Ed. Knight, of Us- taking care of and is , a
He is still in harness andoro eighty -fourth year. He was burn near
g g strung. g borne. It is a fine [arm, with excellent
Miss Margaret Sholdice and Tolbert! Toronto, but spent most of his life on the buildings, and the purchase price was usually sold in bulk.
g farm in Usborne on which he died. 110.000.
Talmage Clark were united in marriage by ; Red Rose is always
Rev. R A. Lundy on the 2tlth alt. at e - n Forret has disposed of his farm, on I Anthony Holland, a former resident of sold in the sealed
the home of Mr. and Mrs antes Sul- I the 'rid r ones Se of Tfrom whom to Exeter, died at d eighillr on Tuesday of lq
J h, James Martin, of Seafurth, intro whom he last wcek, aged ri h tux years. For package which keeps
dice, McKillop. I purchased it a few' years ago at the same i many years he farmed t n Hay township, n gam•
At the Thames Rosd Presbyterian figure as he sold it. Mr. Martin will not and he carried out the contract of build -
manse on Thursday, September 27th, move back to the farm, but will put his I ing the road running from Hensall through
Miss Catharine Lindsay Pollen and Ed- son in charge of it Mr Forest moves to,
Zunch to the lake. The remains were
win G. Coward, both of Cttbcxne to I the Dickson farm. ; brought here for interment.
ship, were united in marriage by Rev. Dr. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh:
Fletcher. I Dunlop.BRUSSELS. past five
`Pith concession of Hullett. on I pa years. has been promoted to the
The 100 -acre farm of Joseph Whitfield. Wednesday September 26th. their eldest I Brussels tax rate for 1917 is the same as managership of -a branch of the same bank
12th concession, Grey, has been sold to a daughter, [Maud, was united in marriage i•tast year, 25 mills. at Lethbridge.
man named Tuck, from near Niagara to Orval Dale, son of Mr. and Mrs. John! Chas Workman has moved his family Frank Davidson left last week for
Falls. The price is said to be $6.250. Dale, of the 2nd concession of Hullett. 'to Seaforth, where he is engaged in theFldrida to look after his interests in an
Mr. Whitfield has bought a residence The young couple will settle on the I shell factory. plantation. Mrs. Davidson and
just south of Brussels. gg'room's farm on the •2nd concession of . Cine Scutt, son of Mr. and Mns. P. �dren will remain in Brushels for a
The people in the vicinity of Belgrave I Hallett. Scoot, Brussels, who has been on the stall
fife excited over the prospect of the de. I More farms are changing hands in the of the Standard Bank, Calgary, for the Miss Jane Kelly, an old resident of this
s i Irv,
Many people have been cured of nervous disorders right here in this locality, and kundreds of others are
now putting this great restorative to the teat. Every�wTiers you hear people talking about Dr. Chaffs i �erveood,
and you will find in this paper each weele reports of cures effected. Inquire into these cases, ask your friends and
neighbors about the Nerve Food, and try it yourself. It is Nature's way of building up a run-down system.
Mir Jeu Tlubr,,,Mentreal St., Goderich, Mr. Henry Berry, Hanover, Ont., writes: Mrs F. F. Makelm, Lucknew, Ont., writes
Oat., writes : -For uraoy years 1 wax troubled with ap- '•Nly itysteui b evanie run-down and I was
"I suffered for four Seasons with hey- fever. ople•tic fits. kk hen a txty 1 had a still- very nervous. I was easily irritated And
cud Inst suuuner a lady advised rue to 4y stroke, and later, w-he•n about twenty years any trivial uknlKttr or noise from the , hil-
t. c'hase's %erve Fooii fur this trouble 1 �•f Age, I was taken with rnngrstium of the leen would apart any nerves
, 1 char sulTrrwl
t, and after taking fouflew box". or flbox". brain- Following this, i tvtmttrenced W Win from indiFrstiun and often isles would ac -
the hay fever wa- gonr I also found that utas, and never knew when tine was corning cannulateGsi
to my sru,ach, caung great dis.
thew -i eugthened and built up toy svowlil in. One clay while nicttiw ing with a grams arse, For stout a year I was unable U,
in general, and 1 ,all vm
roruend them to scl•thr, a fit c'alue on me, 1 fell on thencythe, attend any kind of gathering or be in a
anyone riluiring a tunic or blood -building and the blade cut my kner.•ap so badly that crowd, any nerve% were s., load. In fact, it
uic•diciur." it r•ectuited t.rn ntiw&-a. After that I could would be difficult too outline fully 'u%t how I
("Thin los Gr certify that i am [tainted not Ilse any farm machinery at all, for fear felt. I called on the. I)tin t.o, anti t,ok the
with Miss Jean 7eav-lur, and believe her of another nveident. medicine he gave site. bat raid not x. -em to
Statement is true," aligned, N-. E. jelly, "The worst stage of my trouble was when improve, One day 1 r,•a.l of Dr. l'hcise's
J P 1 \ my mind was a e%•ted for a week, and no Nerve Fermi, and what it was doingfur other
one could cove near one except my mother. pe.ple suffering front nervousness. I re.
one day of a case suuilar Gt mine wdved to try it, and by the time I hall taken
bggn cured by.tlie Nae ti( Dr. Cbawt�a three boxes i could notice an listptv�a snout•
, z rye M t T vx l rvr Frnx1, So she procured w.rne formeand I continued thin Geafnient until f had taken
- I(vegantakingthem, Afterrontmencingthin nine box". Hi this tittle I felt real well
J"*wiSF3i3tfcs &g& asst'
1 took right enure ti, a. and they and strong sgstn. All my old ti.tcibrlrr and
r._ f ' a,f, l were Ihr la: t i ever had. I think f Go avniptonis had been removed, and I felt like
elrvrn Loxes of the Nerve Fcxd alGt- urs old self once more. Nino then I usually
is about nine years since then, and keep Dr. (base's Nerve Poo I in the h use,
1 have had no return of the old trouble, nor and when I feel the least bit run-down or
von a sy mptum of it, 1 am enjoying the falFgecd out i take a tow more. By following
a!, r d clot i best of health, can arse all the different farm the Ian I lens stem and health 1 have
lr a ve P P g y
w i s7, P wachinrry without feat, and 1«rk after all heal sUCh great NUPCYNN In timing Dr, Chase's
r� �•.aa^, s. �`:- f{ u.v farm work. 1 rannnt neral Cao highlyy Nerve Feed that it is a pleasure for rine
2 of the qualities of Dr, Chase's Nerve Food. to recommend it to others."
'k, ki•� l,�\ �y a 'I and would strongly advise anZone suffering IKoht (irahanu, J. P. in and for the ('ounty
r Orli as I did to use this trratrura6 of Bruer, states: "I am ar,1119inU%1 with
Mrs. F. F. Nalcohn, and believe her, statr-
,'yt ,sq ,n a,•o-k .,,sou.'et'" tk Menttc.becorrc-L'
,•.,r"`,�,�N °s - r
7,.V,i $R Nerve Food
is easily the greatest of restoratives. By forming new red corpuscles in the
blood this food cure nourishes the starvefand depleted nerves back to
health and vigor. Try it when you are run-down and out of sorts. It will
restore vi„ o. and energy, and make you feel that life is worth living.
' r 50 cents a box, a full treatment of six boxes for
=2.75; at all dealers, or Mmanson, Hates & Co., 1-11
vtc'sr, Ltd., Toronto.
` leo not be talked into accepting a substitute.
Imitations only disappoint.
How Does This Weather Catch You?
,'k >#.t.lf.'.`�7.t�retar �.'rs��r��1�lf r
zs < b aI
Its time to talk about�r�I I
Winter Overcoats ..e
l We have 'ust:the right thing
for you, and it wont cos'[1,',
t i
you a fortune. Call and see
..a,"4'r"t?,,q°r�S,�•`4E '^a, ,tya�+'��":•Y..,z t„a
F" I
r �N p
- - — You will -want to stock up x
locality, died at her home here in her 1" a"kc p"" s
seventy-eighth year. F..r a number of1� with heaver
years she had conducted a greenhouse in �. ;' f4
town. f
Brussels fall fair last week was well UNDERWEAR
attended, in spite of unfavorable weather. s
The exhibits were not up to the standard,$ f.
p for the coming cold months
and owing to the wet the track events i 1 jf
were calledofi. r lilt stock comprises all the z,
Mrs. Addie Wright, who is removing to
Toronto, was presented by the choir of best makes. y 1 .�. zt f' v, sir
the Methodist church, of which she was � • ' � �* t '1
the leader, with a set of silver knives and
forks as a farewell gift.
The htiseo•s Cresswell have returned
home after spending a year in California
The Coll ; ° W The Semi -Read Tailors
Collegiate Institute was closed on Y r
Fridayy last and also on Friday of the
precedintg week to allow the pupils to as- 771e Square Goderich `s
list the C:tnada Flax Mills Co. in spread-
ing flax. Owing to the scarcity of help 44",
the Company vias in danger of losing part
of its crop, so over 140 pupils, both boys
`and girls, turned in to help and did splen- _--- - - --- - -- _ - - --
did work.
On Bathurst street, Toronto, a short A married man may have his own way
-after his wife deciles on the direction. t
distance below Wlege, on land that is t �
worth between $250 and 3:100 a• foot, If lumping at conclusions were phy- "
, •
stands a fine brick building that bears s" culture rrrs»t women world be ath- I :fee
atrosa ITS frofft tW Ogn: "Fowler B Vetef= - -
Crary Infirmary." This belongs to Dr. The early bird may gobble the worm.
W. J. R. Fowler, for several years a rest. but it doesn't look like a square Beal for
dent of Seaforth, and alIsyoo well known as the worm.
a native of Hullett. The Doctor was
formerly one of the lecturers in the Ontario - e ' 50,
this College, but so4lr time ago F.
� ®�
gave tet3 up and started on his own be-
half, and flow has a profitable pprractice.
He las done well since moving to Toronto, 1
and has a most attractive hurts on Pacific�' • j ,
avenue, one of the exclusive suburban
I streets. Mrs. Powler is also a (loaner I ��ft� •"�
Huronian, bring a daughter' of the la(e That is what lam -Bok does when `,iia
otownship. a Iced to a cut or scratch. it also
Joseph lzzard, f ch pp n, r'
stops the bleeding, draws out all
CL1N the sorenees, and finally grows new That Plumbin
I Levi St has moved 's family back
skid over lbs Injured part. g
to town from Sarnia, tr a they made Mr Victor Lawann, of Magrath,
their home the last four years. Alta, writes: " 1 scratched my ,fob
Aubert Holmes, of Toronto, was in h::ad badly with a runty nal The
wolnd pained terribly until I ap-
town last week attending the wedding of plied 7rrm-Buk, but this balm you have been thinking atolml
his niece, Miss Gertrude Chant. ended thei
pato almost an soon a. all ,runnier NOW i; Ihr rYi
While playing with some tithe? bo ys applied, and bealing soon followed.^ time to get it dune, toe(urc IM' e
Cyril, the young son of Mr. and Mrs. C. 7Am-Buk Is andpooptle, and pre-
reB. Hale, was struck in the eye bya Movie vents any porelblllty of festering cold weather gets in. r
or some other hard object, and it is feared or blood-polsoning It In equally
the sight is destroyed. good for eczema and all skis troa- I if you want a hathraiin
Gunner. Albert Livermore, son of bles, chronic sores and piles. All fitted up, cult will hrNl U to we
Henry Livermore of the Loidori road rtalcors or Co,, Temoto. four u111), are to fil"I 1 u,
is on the casualty list, having received [ilk box, 3 for $1.25. I L ' 3
shrapnel wounds in back and hip. He en- U
listed at Toronto with the 55th He F R E D. HUNT '
The Collegiate Institute board offered ■
prizes to the pupils having the best gar- am Buk
dens. These have now been awarded, M+mir ( THE; PLUMBIC i" a.
George Middleton winning first, Alvin i Hamilton erreN Phony las r
Leonard second. Lola Ifudkie third, and
'Clinton Cook fourth.
On Wednesday morning of last week, ----_--. -- --
in Wesley church, the marriage took +
place of Frances Gertrude, youngest VE
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Chant, OE
to John A. Sutter, of the firm of Bvam & 02110,M115
Sutter, Clinton. The ceremony was per- a ill
formexd by Rev. A. E. Jones. s 5 was.
w �
An old resident of Clinton passed away A Definite Ob�eC«ly
on Tuesday of last week, in the person of
Mrs. John Stephenson. The deceased For [sixty-five years Ye Olde Fume has had one
was born in England sixty-eight years
ago, came to this country and to Clinton definite object elwy►t to view—that has been to z
in IK•5ti, and had lived here ever since. make the \
She is survived by her husband and two
(sons -Fred. of Springfield. Marsh and et
John, of Cordon -aril two daughtmrt " V tskw
Emma, who has been teaching at Port I fry
Arthur, and Doreen, an adopted daughter, v t Y» t iii
i \_ \ R
at home. tie $,k ra ' '� t•} *�1`EtR 2 �"+d~ , �S ��¢r.
TO STOP AIR RAIDS. the World's Beet Piano. Those who know
Pope Tahee Action on Behalf of this piano best—artists, critics, owners—say that '•:
[,per, lye• [fie object has been attained.
ROME, Oct. f. --The Vatican's ef- .+-
torte to bring about pease, whlch
have Mien unremitting during the .'Imes F. Th(�mson
past severalmonths, apparently have .lttblC �CttlCf2
entered another phase. This became q a ave
known Monday with the announce- t w,rCS
ment that the Pope to exerting '
through the nuncios at Munich and Call and we n in ow new ,crier
Vienna his influence In an effort to
bring about discontinuance, of aerial
nide upon open cities.
Representations have been made �ft.�
to both the Kaiser and the Austrian
Emperor, it Is understood, to the wf- _
feet that not only will threatened re- \'
prlsals due to the extension of the '
aeroplane attacks result In great
losses of life and property, but they
also will Intensity the animosity of
IFlash L
the belligerents more than almost
any other manifestation of warfare e
it Is not known outsideofficial
eircles whether any r,oiply ham come
Brom Berlin or Vienna In regard to i, a
the suggestion.
, ort -
I have just received a large ad r
Hlndenhssra is Boom". 1`:° ` tnent of the celebrated
AMt3TERDAM, Ont 9 --Flood Mar- twmi i
shal von Hlndealzurg has made a sift w t k r
saawral reply to the eongralelatIons <^' jessco Flashlights ser , N
point tohits on his 70th birthday,
which Ip published In the Occrmas y1y (The limp with the bile lens)
prow. it Is In the Poria of as asp
cul to the German people to "re- l
main united and not trouble about rk lost what yon need on a dark night *d j
what may happen after the war, be- tt is the basement, around the horn, or + r
eaeae this merely carries d1word late
our ranks, and stroagthens th* hope. ' to fact anywhere that it ► dangerrins ilk M
of our ono too. to fight match". fz, is ,gad i'Y
"Dr eonfident that Germany will
get what she nerds for lost, swerlty. --_
and that hello air act aparw will ►w
:Ivan to t1e Manan oaks for tlowlr
free doMeiepssesta,•• the rest' ren- Store Rob[. Tal![ FiGUSC G
Hours. "Kwp pear mnaelwa Ire". Phone a2 Tail f �P�one 193 t
your sswlices ansa, your epee w me
1111111"L_ 11
fir. "- s = •:.- , e". t "?:.�r::Ji t¢r'fklra ..,.a;„'`'-_ M 'w Y.W,'•�-,oft