HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-10-11, Page 5TRH SIGNAL • OODERICH ONTARIO Y 8 Ways to Judge Tires 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. How much does the tire weigh? (Midwlina weigh 12 to 15% mem) How thick is the tread? (The Michelin Unioenal has a double -thick tread) How large is the traction -surface? (In the Michelin Universal ibree-quartets of the tread bean on the ground.) Does the inner tube fit naturally? (Michelin Tuba do, though other tubes are stretched to /it ) Is the price right' (Michelins sell at lowest prices posalble, *moldered.) Organization behind the tire? (Economical Eff c envy is the Michelin watch. word.) 7. Experience of the tire -maker? (Michelin inoenled the pneumatic automobile tire.) 8. What do users say? (Ask them and you will be convinced) East Street Garage "Owned and Operated by a Pract,cal Man ARTHUR M. GLOVER Ooderich - - - Ontario LOCAL TOPICS The Wrong Ob • In the prize list of the Gxlerieh fair, published last week. a nuMber of Prises for shorthorn cat tle were cteditert error to Mr. Robert Mcllwain. Of Nile. These prizes were awarded to Mr. Robert Glen, of Nile. Four Octogentrigns. The fact has been remarked thas the last four deaths recorditd in Goderich were all of ix -roans who had passed- the fourscore mark. The aggregate number; of years lived by the . four old residents was 341, or an averageof .over eighty-tive Miss Annie H. Stoddart left this.rnorning for Detroit, Mich., and on arrival there was married to Mr. David R. Witmer, of that city, formerly of Goderich. Many friends ill town will join in extending hearty good wishes to the young couple. The bride was accompanied to Detroit by her sister Mrs. J. W. Baker, who will re- main there for a shori Two Firs Calls. The tire brigade had two calls this week. The first was on Tuesday after- noon to the residence of Mrs. LOUIS El- liott, Etritannia road. Some wood which had been left in the oven caught lire aryl the house was filled with smoke. No particular damage was done. The:second call was shortly after 6 o'clock on Wed- nesday morning, when Mr. Albert Jar dine's dwelling. corner Cambria road and Anglesea street, was discovered to be on fire. The house and most of the con- tents were destroyed. the fire having gained considerable headway before the alarm was sounded. The family made a hurried exit and were taken in at a neigh- bor's. The cause of the tir.- is supposed to be an overheated stove. Save Your Eyes Von know if you lose an arm or leg you can replace it with an artificial limb, which is really quite useful,. Store teeth are. not half bad, and surely won't ache. Glass . eyes. however, are not noted forteing particularly useful members of !society. , SAVE YOUR F.V. FS -consult P4 °fill AND PICO OP OPTICIAN kin AT 11ff NOV erfiCt osr IA meeting of the United Patriotic Sec- I iety will be held at the home of Mrs. IHarry Salkeld. Hayfield road, on Wednes- day. October 17th. All the ladies of the , neighborhood who are interested in knit- II tine wad emir. few-the.soldiers .are cot* i ialiyinvited to be present. • .! . A meeting of the Farmers' Club will be held at I Orange Hall on Wednesday. Oc- • tober 17th. A full attendance is re- , quested. , • THE GODERICH MARKETS. To cellilta T. 11010'er II X tri .11 .74 c. H7P•V many of us griiml.:r a• tfrit burden of WannIng mons simple le is ia It :'7ium, where moist of the • tar* of bread- the er.tire day's • It .stf:ne env rt tnow trtint to riser on such a An • far ea file& will permit thee, eti......11! 'are tet!..en to 1.olland to yri-r;eyote undor 1 r• ;SP 414111g tp,a .4A114. 131.13 itn4s aro no In". they cannot he keta ;enc.: _dam seek .. and n-sre Mike autkol.l.s.. vile hive rava.rel tics Amer:"..ear tarry on this VI4111 14-0111. 1111e4/•11a1143Y4 Theo 111,0 Orralan• I Thknk of t`..e thoucande whose fathers hoes fatten it. tati:e. are Will 141,4e hoot uthen sway late :Carr an onde,re. tri pi•nty. YAM don, work. tro. must de; end larval oft charity. go:a. eon.r11•1- As roe rase Yew. nwn meal!. repreatee riurn'ii "Muni of and $ 04$44 of Breen" and I.ELP 1114til you aeal dm pinch. s a nest Ire •.1414 40 3311.g4/1111. 1011.:f C41343//3bU440.1 4/111 1441 131300 CO nigh. the ReIginn Minlinor of the interior tin Le lia,re. to Dutch • Ithdetire. Wbo ad.nintetr:. the rei4 work imdcr 1..4 crtmrea al of braid' and Whet win ma io for tic wad's of Re ..net CELGIAI\I RELIEF FUND h West. Tomato Mak* el,quen psty•alo to Itelellwo Relief Ford PERFECT HEALTH IS EVERT WOMAN'S BIRTHRIGHT. • Presaiptlon That From Girlhood to Old Age Has Seen a Blessing to Womankind. When a girl beisomes a woman, when woman parses through middle life, are the three periods of life when health and strength are most needed to withstand the pain and distrees often caused by severe organic disturbances. At these critical times women are best fortified by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, an old remedy of proved worth that keeps the entire womanly system in excellent condition. Mothers, if your daughters are weak, lack ambition, are troubled with head- aches, lassitude and are pale and sickly, Dr. Pierce's Favorite T'reicription is just what they need to surely bring the bloom of health to their cheeks and maks them (sarong and healthy. For alle ailing wornen Dr. Pierre's Favorite Priwription is just the right medicine. During the last fifty yesrs it has banished from the lives of tens of thousands of women pain, eniecry and distress. It makes weak women strong, sick women well. It you are a sufferer, it your daligh• ter, mother, sister, need help, get Dr. Pierce s Favorite reseription in liquid or tablet form from any medicine dealer Losday. Then address Dr. Pierce, valids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., and gel' confidential medieal advice entirely free. Every woman should be careful that the Ever is active and the poisons am not *Mowed to elog the system -get rid ol these poisons by taking Dr. Pierre's Pelleta, which regulate and invigorate ;stomach, liver and bowels. Keep the body clean insi.Ie as well as outside! How to preserve health and beauty is told in 1)r. Pierce's Common Sense Medi - Ical Adviner. It is fru. Send Doctor; Pierre% Buffalo, N. Y., fifty cents or stamps to cover wrapping and mailing only. visor of the redemptive branch of social service in cprinect ion with the Presbyterian r_ church in Canada. give an. address tober atith, as the guett of the Arthur. Circle. . Ttie annual convenyon of Epworth Leagues of l'axlerich dietrict will be held in North street Methodist church on Wednesday, Octobei IT, with sessi•iiis commencing at 16 0. in.. 1.30 p m and 7.30 p in. Among the speakers will be Rev_ It'. Langford. of Mitchell. and Rev. E. F. Armstrong, of Wingliam. All thoer intereeted in young people's work are in- vited to attend. • The pastor, Rev. Dri Rtaksige, will conduct the services fin' North street. Methodist church next Sunday. Morning ing, "The Hindering God." Men's Sunday. Morning aub meets at 10 a. M. Subject for discussion: "Parliament's Relation to Nation -building -should the State un- dertake religious educatibn ?" Osterhout at the service in Victoria street Methodist church nextlundae morning. and will preach on 'Ou Objective irk the Evangelistic Campaign." In the evening the pastor will preach. his eubject being "The Open Door." Sunday school and Bible class at 3 o'clock. Tjae union war prayer meeting will be held en Wednesday evening, OctoSer 24th, litetead of October 17th, as previoirely announced. October is thank -offering month in the W. M. S. of -the Presbyterian church in Canada. It is hoped that the offering from Knox church will be worthy of the cause and the congregation. The offering may be placed on the plate on Sabbath. October 14th ;marked "thank-offerins-) or brought to the thank -offering meeting of the Auxiliary on Tuesday, October Laid at Rest. On Sunday afternoon the funeral of the late Mrs. Gundry took place from the family residence, Picton street, to Mait- land cemetery. There was a large attend- ance of friends and sympathizers. The services were conducted by the Rev. Dr. Rutledge, the deceased's pastor. and ihe pallbearers were Sheriff Reynolds. J. Ft: - Colborne, Chas. McHardy and Jas. Connolly. The casket was covered with beautiful flowers. Mrs. W. J. Young, daughter of 'the deceased; -arrived fronie Saskatoon for the funeral, and among oth- ers present were Mrs. Ruby. of Toronto; Mrs. Forrester and Mrs. Cairns, of Port Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Murdock and Miss Murdock. of Hensel!: Dr. Hardy, of Toronto; Dr. Campbell, of Zurich; Mr. and ;Ars. Alex. Imes, of Clinton. The Thanksgiving Supper. esteate 1 7evaaaav, c 11.1915 Send Small Sums by Money Orders Issued 11, the Usies Bast al For am▪ ounts up to $50.00 they may be purchased ..at any .13tatich .of this 'Bank. and are payable at full face value at any Chartered Bank In Cauad2, Yukon excepted, and in the principal cities In the' United States Tbey are convenient to secure and cash. atel absdutely safe Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOM BE. Those who attended. the annual rally at Glamis of the Baptist Young People's Spcieties of this Association on Thanks- giving Day report a very enjoyable time. Crowds motored from eeveral ceritres, the largest delegation being from Wingham. from which twenty-five young people motored the thirty miles. On account of the great distance only five attended from Whiting. Mr. John Donaldson. Mr. I Robert Cossey, Miss Elisabeth Donald- ' son. The good people of Auburn are very enthusiastic Sunday school workers and they are making special arrangements. to entertain the Centreliuron...COnv_entionsm. Tuesday next. October 16th. The con- , vention opens at 1.30 p. m. and there will be a splendid evening Program. The public are invited to all the smions. i Miring the afternoon many local workers will take part and Rev. D. H. Wing, of the Ontario Sunday School Association. willgive practical addremes. There will likely be a large attendance of teachers The annual Thanksgiving supper, given and officert from the Centre Huron by the ladies of Victoria street Methodist Sunday schools I church on Monday evening. was again a Thanksgiving services were held in the great success and Was heartily enjord Goderich churches on Sunday. At St. by the great number eihiS attended. he George's Rev. Canon Hill, late of Re - gine. who has recently taken up reeidence plentifully supported by the other good evening, giving two strong sermons. things that go to make a Thanksgiving : The rector, Rev. A. L. G. Clarke, assisted feast. After the supper an entertain- • in the services. The musical service of ment was given in the church auditorium. I the day. in charge of • Mr. Buckley, was One of the numbsers. whiF.h especially de' I appropriate and effective. The choir saLonrRd" (Maunder) and "Ye shall dwell in 1 two harvest anthems. "Praise the the church choir as far back as 1574. A ' the land" ;Stainer). the goblets beim( Miss reading by Miss Bowlby, of Windsor, who Doolittle. Miss Whitely and Mr. Parsons. was a unique selection and showed in - J. Fe Fard----, i- The thank-offeringcontributed during the day amounted to over S300. %shish goes reduction of the debt upon is visiting at the horne of Rev. an excellent program were vocal solos by I Good congregations were present at the Misses Warrener and I.yttie, recitations Baptist church. where the pastor. Rev. by Misses Elsie and Edith Reinhart and G. M. Holmes, took thanksgiving topics Mrs. T. Huchinson. a duet by Misses Belcher and Millian, a violin solo by • biect was: "Thanking God for for both sermons of the day. The morn - Miss Shaw, a quintette ' Spiritual Bfeesings." and for the evening: Misses Lyttle. Millian and 'Belcher and "Lemon! in Thankfulness from the Life Messrs. C. Robertson and Geo. Belcher, ' of Christ." ; a mouth organ PA)lo by Miss Gibbs, and 1 The services at Knox church wer:woz. laermid, Rutledge and the pastor. So ing Rev. R. C. McDermid spoke'on "Na- ptopriate and interesting. In the well had the. ladies provided that plenty linnet Thanksgiving." and in the evereng remained for the serving of a hot lunch hie eubject was "The Place of Praise in -the-following day. The ladies are to be worships. The choir. under the leader - congratulated upon their success. the re- ship of Mr. Taylor. gave several anthems ceipts amounting to about I effectively : a quartette. "God Is a court house Tuesday afternoon. The fol- !slim Hildred McColl in the solo, -Fear' SOirit," was beautifully sting hy Mies Children's Aid Society. Nairn. Mrs. Dunlop. Mr. C. K. Saunders The regular monthly meeting of the and Mx. Jae. F. Thomo n and the cons Children's Aid Society was held in the gregation was especially pleated to heat lowing receipts since last meeting were reported : Mrs. It G.Reynolds. t;oderich. At North street Methodist church Rev. *2; Miss Mary A. Tom. Exeter,SI: .I.,1. Dr. Rutledge's morning sermon was ere Irvine. Walton. SI:Geo. Porter,Godtrich, pecially devoted to the thanksgiving 12. ' spirit of the day. At the evening service The county oecreetary reported having Mr. D. Reberts,of Stratford sane "The made application to the Ontario School Holy Citv," and Mr. Arden Aitken. of for the Blind at 'Brantford for the admis- Stratford, tonk a ;solo ie. the anthem, sion of a ward of the Society who has -Soldiery of Christ. arise !" very defective eyesight; the reply was. to Victoria street Metholist church ale° the effect that he was not a proper AP- had intrtesting and •eppropriate servicee, plicant for admission to that school. and it with sermons by the pastor and a special was suggested that a proper °co st be service of praise by the choir. Send the Soldier Boys Your Photo October will avoid the ir- regular and congested con- ditions later, particularly for overseas mails. J. T. FELL Photographer A communication from Mr. J. J Kelso , was read. stating that the infant welfare A big G.T.R. freight locomotive was de - branch of the Provincial Health Denart- railed Monday morning at the harbor, ment had offered to co-operate with Chit- just in front of the Itig Mill. The local dren's Aid Societies in setting up a fine men worked at it until the middle of the child welfare exhibit. (;riderich is asked to afternoon without MICCeSa. and it was not co-operate, so' that the exhibit enay .be until the arrival of the diary from put on in Goderich early in I)ecernbee Stratford that -the hi gine was put There would be 'Misting pictures. and back on the rails. the whAte community would be asked. to drop in and see the exhibit. A represent- .ste' ative of the Health Department would be present in charge of the exhiNt. The county secretary was authorized to communicate with the Prdvincial sups: ments Too Good The date suggested fort us! meet - for our customers -thee's our working principle. . It is not extravagance, but the truest economy, when you arc htfying clothes ter get Material that wilt -Wear, Work manship ,2tIiat will stand the t, St le that ' will e for, a good appear. orre:e. yon;,, good dollars are well ?pent in the gartnepts we tur.n out. ing of the !Huron county .eiet Y. is Nov- ember Lk r the utive to' decide whetter thie g will be held in Gide- a s of the Society during -the ninth and four placed irr homes. A communica- tion fmrn the St. Thomas Serie' y was read asking assistance in finding homes for Some boys from two to .foue eearti of age. CHURCH NOTES. A spezial mitt service be NiveP in North stre-t fluirch nese and an blur with the Manisa young people op Tuew/ay evenings will prove pleasant and profitable However, there MU be no m •eting next week conduct the frffvice4 in Knox chu::h on hlio Christine Rau% former super. • 1 EARIT1 EASE !became. A Well-known t !kart Ilkie:iste with- ; ,.1 fitehteK 1130 Ifit.Inort. medicine which wn. Mel on 34144 market, moat sneers,. lot tor I heart Diessase and Kidozy Trouble.. and :twat irritated ia Kidney • The Saults Coal Co. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR LEI -110H VALLEY HE COAL !THAT SATISFIES We' eel in Hara I,ime, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, also Hard and Soft Wood, Maple and Hemlock Slabs. Fresh Ors of Lime and Cement just received. B. ). Saults' 'Residence 275 W. W Saults' Residence 202 4. • • STOP TB HA AR KT (--C WITH A.( WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE BALSAM If you have aet iiiiisiril if your 11111444 are intlanuml and your air pamsagem irritated, t mptendkl Cough Syrup will afford the relief yori merit promptly awl without any harmful after-effects. Peamlar White Pine .41141 Spruce. Batman' 1/4 161'.011.04 rt/11141dy 4%1111111/1111414,43 I'1111. Bark, HprlICC 4311141, Bark, Wile Cherry A1343 411311 us:nosed merits. remotly am /1114)11 tacm.41104e and rid y of that Vonsth. Mokl in two •Imno, 25C and soc J. A. Campbell "Central Drag Stere'; Sorhe people never seem to tire in their ;afore- to mato- other 14011)11' •ear y He used a pebble to keep his mouth moist - WE USE • IGLEYS NAVE IN CANADA Nes: ees . L V947 '4 !AI& uzi 14,) gives tis a wholesome, anti- septic, refreshing Confection to.take the place of t•cave man's pebble. We help teeth, breath, rip lite, • mouth and throat with this we come sweetmeat. • Chew ft after every mewl The FliaPittPur Losis: '• • 20