HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-10-11, Page 4N _____ _-ill: aAMiti-_ •-•- '' " IIiII.A�'i. ,. r.immo.........wmpirwrrmwa.eisiouimioimnosoaiomgomioumwimsiimmmpmiz. ., ....1, .,...+ • e 4 THURSDAY, Orr. 11, 1917 Your• Fall and Winter Overcoat Take our advice and buy your Overcoat early while the selection is good. It will be difficult to get goods later on in the season. Our oedetl' was placed last spring at lags spring's prices and are ulucli lower iu price than could be bought now. Prices are high enough now, but will be much higher and poorer quality of goods next year, so it's the part of wisdom to buy an Overcoat this year and save the advance you would have to pay next year. See our new "Trench Coat" and "The Admiral." These are bound to be very popular this seasou. Overcoat prices $12 to $28 HEL?OR F THE STGNAT. - GODERICH ONTARIO FOR LULL IN 61G BATTLE WORKING WOMEN' Some Have to Keep on Until They Almost Drop. How Mrs. Conley Got Help. British Hold Positions Taken British Hold Taken Last Week. Three Big Smashes Have Been Made During the fast Fortnight, and the Getman Lome' Reach a Total of Over 40.000 M. a -Many Yrls- oners Were Also Taken. LONDON. Oct. 9. -The British official communication Issued late Saturday night announces that com- paartive quiet prevailed on the Ypres sector. Prisoners to the number of 4,446, among them 114 omcere, have been taken by the British. The com- occurred on the battle -front; ETSH mu ideation says: "No important Infantry fighting occurred on the battle -front to -day. Our troops have consolidated their positions. There to nothing to re- port from the remainder of the front. "The number of prisoners taken since yesterday morning amount to 4,446. including 114 omcers." The fruits of the latest victory have been held. No infantry coun- ter-attacks occurred during the night time, demonstrating the Ger- man exhaustion, due to our recep- tion of the enemy's eight counter at- tack . Ftve of these counter-attacks were made against a short front to the north of the Ypres-Menln road, being broken up by artillery. Three were delivered against our new positions near Reutel. Two of these were beaten back, but the third advanced in great strength late In the after- noon bending back our line slightly, necessitating, however, only a trifl- ing modification of the front, which has absolutely no bearing on the general tactical results achieved. Within a fortnight we have struck the enemy In Flanders three stagger - Ing blows in a very vital spot, heat him back reeling about three miles, mostly uphill. We have taken about 9,000 prison- ers and inflicted- casualties conserve- tively calculated at 40,000. A better appreciation of these vic- tories is possible If we can imagine what we should be thinking and say- ing if the eltuatlon were reversed and the enemy had succeeded to do- ing to us what we have done to him. A notable feature of the fighting was the won..ertul completeness of the arrangements for rapidly clear- ing the wounded. Despite the incle- ment weather, stretcher -bearing was practically finished early In the after- noon as far as the open field waa concerned. The enemy's losses throughout the whole fighting have been exceedingly heavy, being greatly increased by the unusual number of German troops on the battle -front at the opening of our attack. Our caaualtles have been light. In addition to the prisoners taken we also captured a few guns and much othor material. Here is a letter from a woman who had to work, but was too weak and suf- fered tow much to continue. How she regained health :- Frankfort, Ky. -" I suffered so much with female weakness that I eould not do my own work, had to hire it done. I heard so much about Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound that I tried it. I took three bottles and 1 found it to be all you claim. Now I feel as well as ever I did and am ably to do all my own work again. I recommend it to any woman suffering from female weakness. You may pub- lish my letter if you wish. "- M rs. J AM 6S CONLEY, M6 St Clair St. , Frank fort, Ky. No woman suffering from any form of female troubles should Tose hope until she has given Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound a fair trial. This famous remedy, the medicine! ingredients of which are derived from native roots and herbs, has for forty years proved to be a most valuable tonic and invigorator of the femaleorgsnism. All women are invited to write to the Lydia E. Pinkbam Medi- cine Co.. Lynn, Mass.. for special advice, -it will be con ti dentitti. Walter C. Pridham 20th Century and Art Clothing 'Phone 57 Borsalino Hats PORT ALBERT. Wednesday. Oct. 10. Thomas Gauley, jr., was in Lucknow last week and purchased a fine young colt. Mr. Geo. Draper is not as well as his friends and neighbors would like to see spent the seek -end with their sister, Mrs. Chas. Robinson. Mr., Mrs and Miss Donelda McDonald. of Jamestown spent Thanksgiving Day with (vends in this vicinity. Miss Lottie Johnston. of the Ningham high school. and Mr. W. Thompson, of the Goderich Collegiate Institute, spent here. Misses Pearl McKenzie. Ethel Case and Janie Stothers, all teachers in Tor - Strong Peoplel:eeded onto schools. were home for the Thanks - in � M ta.- in the vicinity. Their many friends are him the holiday at their respective homes pleased to see them. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Richardson and children are spending a few days with re- latives at Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wilson, of Gode- rich. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gauley, of this place. Mr. and Mrs. W.O. Gray spent Thanks- giving Day at Blyth. with the Ratter's brother, Rev. W. B. Hawkins. The members of Christ church congre- gation were pleased to see in the pulpit Sunday last a former pastor. Rev. T. Hicks. now of Haysville. Mr. Hicks will preach here next Sunday also. ST. AUGUSTINE. Tuesday. Oct. 9. Silo -filling is the order of the day in this vicinity'. Miss Lizzie Kearney visited in this vicinity last week. Miss Ida Stuart. of London, visited her cousin. Mrs. Mason McAllister, last week. The Mi -;e, M.Ciinchey, of Blyth. Hern's Grocery A Few Specials FOR CASH On Saturday Only • 3 krinkle Corn Flakes.....24c 3 Quaker Corot Flakes 24c 3 Drudge Cleaner,,,.. 24c 3 Bee Starch .........:21e 2'S Bars Pure Castile Soap..$1 2'_ "liars Puritan'Soap 51 �• Bodley's Cake for rseas packages W. HERN Corrie- M..r iton 6t. .,.d sgsar• Phone 43 t The need for people to be healthy' is urgent. Those whom illness has put out- side the ranks of robust men and Women I feel their position keenly. They are handicapped in every walk of Ile and weak men and nerve -warn women need more earnestly than ever to put their health right and become active and strong. Many l.who began "patching" months ago are as 111 now as on the day they began vainly tinkering - s ith common drugs. Every , ailing man and wornan'should remember that the ills of debility. nerve exhaustion. [indigestion. sleeplessness, neuralgia and depression come from faulty blood supply. Worry. overwork or other causes have impoverished the blood and -left the Life- stream impure. The nerves thereby are starving and the whole system is lang- u shirg f r tti�ee s- /blood In this cond - non many thousands have. won hack strong nerves and new health and strength through the new rich bkxxi Cit: Williams' Pink Pills actually make. in a weak or bloodless condition it is not only a waste of time and money. but also a further menace to your health to tinker with common drugs. Follow the example of so many thousands hyiving Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills a fair trial. and they will transform yci into healthy. active men and women. You can get these pills through any i dealer in medicine or by mail at .A cents a box or six boxes for S2.50 from The Dr. 1 Williams Medicine Co., Brockville. Ont. 1%. ts•M.MN..New •a..N..•N• DUNGANNON. NI:. N. F. %1 HYAHD is the agent for THE API 4L .51 ltu,ean non. Ile b t• ►eft with hip for •db.. ription., atvrti-e•n.nta or j ,b rriatibg. will le. c •:ve p, inept toren fete. 7•.lepbon• {Ood.rich Kuub r>II THOS G ALLEN[ members of the Women's In- stitute. who served meals on fair day. wish to thank -all who sent in provisions or in other ways helped towards the suc- cess of their undertaking. Thanksgiving Supper and Concert. - The annual, Thanksgiving supper and con- cert under the auspices of the Anglian church was a decided success. The Agricultural Hall was comfortably filled and a splendid supper was served. Afterwards the entertain- of theevening, Mr. Hannah of London. highly enter- tained the audience with plenty of good humor, while Mrs. Smith and Miss Aplin, of Lucknow, rendered excellent instru- mental duets. Short speeches were given by Rev. M. P. Craig and Rev. T. Hicks. Rev. Capt. Allison occupied the chair. Church Notes. -Rev. I. McKelvey ex- ct.anged pulpits with Rev. Mr. Baker. of Crediton. last Sunday. Mr. Baker preached anniversary serm m; at the Crewe appyintment Rev. M. P.Craig took the pfeparatory service in Ashfield - Presbyterian church last Friday. and con- ducted a similar service in Luckr.ow Pres- byterian resbyterian church on Saturday Com- munion will be observed in Erskine church a week froxo'hext Sunday. Pre- paratory service on the Friday evening previous. Harvest home services were conducted in the Anglican church last Sunday. , Large congregations were present morning and evening. - MOW'S' This? Store 'Phone THE. COLBORNE STORE House ° Phone 86 235 " WHAT CHARMING BLOUSES ! "e HOLLAND'S VEILED THREAT. licaadlnavtans Angered by Easbargo of Allies. WASHINGTON. Oct. 9. - It is said in diplomatic circles that, to an effort to force England to raise the embargo, just declared, against the Scandinavian countries and Holland. and. moreover, to force America to raise her embargo against food ship- ments to Holland. the Dutch Govern - We nl44 one fin deed d dMea [•ward ear -av went has become bellicose and elseo eat use that wogs[ brewed try Haire threatens to furnish Germany with CNtalebl'un h be akM by a eumclent supply of meat to last anh ., e.vr- "rthe p••t 14•1 v.' ilidg and nes I.rl:.ma• •noun .. 4•e most ronNble this threat from the Netherlands is tamely f.'r e•tarlh. H.1 •a t n':,run r•nreart• another one from Sweden that she th.naghthe bmet on the ,e..,,•.. „Get ,.e.,ex. will arrange for a plentiful supply 0. Ili g the .N..'n bpm LM bbul a, d heali•R th..h-e,-edhlt.n'om. net wheat from Germany in exchauge Atter S' •u is ta.en a . . err ore Rall.. t'etnrrh (ore w. en -7 her through the winter. Added to A t t' n 1 r• t h o for iron ore. a .h,xt ohne sou alit vee a grewtawnier- !meetthreat from Holland comes in t mrile"t in you. ie-i.e •I health I.r• akin* lll'W*,IYYOS Ili'II'. 'wet'', •.,Ile .•1 ence set get rid of the form of a statement that that c tta th. 01.4:1 onr to tthu'kt1N ti,.,.. country will soon be obliged, on tic- s or N.tftwt Ali}. Lit'kRa6M -' I so'J. I'HF:hike er 1x„Teepee, G. ('oMMI$MIIS EH Ft 9t A reins[ t' ITO,trrt'... d by till • count of the shortage of feed for her ASD rioNVEYANr ER - - "- TM herds, to kill off a large part of the PORTER'S ILL, live stock In the country. Ina round - Tuesday, naso Ur.Rne, 1t•.'.Yrxw M:I:RawRNTT Tuesday,. Oct. 9. about way the Netherlands Legation R're•.. r:.rNarel.e.r tUR(H;T. 1 ARIL r . " MONIS rrrtaatt ►tilt Mr. Adair and daughter. of London. let It be known that the slaughter aleNraAUp Agent for Fir- %%Ind and Lae tn+nrince_id and M Vanstone and -niece, of Gods- would approximate at 95 per rent. the lv no n1•e u,.b, rich spent Thanksgiving Day at Mr. S. of the sheep, 75 per cent. of the hogs, a Ic t hl'1'ltail'+ 20 per cent of the young cattle, and Miss Mona Johnat'm returned home on 60 per cent. of the young horses in WANTED Friday last after sllendin a month with `the country. To this was added Live Poultry -every week. Phone bit luit irl•5. her se- Ain Tatlur,.crf Trowbridge. her r the statement that as holland does J. R. Ii 1:\lilt, Unagannon. Telephone No. 311.'• niece. Myrtle Marshall, coming back with not possess cold storage facilities her.the meat thus forced on the Dutch Bethel church will hold its anniversary I market could not be kepi, and would servo:•es on Sunday next, Oaoher 14th ( be sold to the ht/beet bidder, Ger- Rev. Mr, Sinclair. of Holmesvilte, will i many being the probable purchaser. preach morning and evening, at 10.3) The supply of meat Germany would and 7 o'clock... I thus receive, it was added, would be COLBORNE. j more than sufficient to carry her [through the winter. Said one admiring woman to another as she paused to inspect a display in our ready-to-wear section. Yes, indeed, they are charming. In fact, we never offered a selection of Blouses more delightful than those we offer at the present time. Their charm hes in their simplicity, and yet what a number of different styles are created by the various treatment of sleeves and collars. You're sure to ad- mire the splendid qualities and the beautiful colors which enter into their making. BLOUSES Georgette crepe Blouse, ut white and o lttrs, with contrasting em $5.50 to �O.00 •broidered front, from J J Silk crepe de chine Blouses in all wanted 1 from es and black, $3.39 to $5.50 Jap silk Blouses in plain white, from $2.00 to $3.75 STUNNINGLY STYLISH COLLARS Most certainly you have seen and intend buy- ing one of the new stock Collars. The question. is, what style. We are in a posi- tion to show you the very newest, in lace and net. \\'e have styles that are not coin - mon. Before buying it would be policy to see these newest creations in onr collar dMe- °' Dartnteat. They range 7c to rt3.00 in pric*from.... •.• •..•.. •7 \\'e have Collars for every occasion. Je H. COLBORNE wask SCHOOL SHOES The time is here again to your boys anti girls fitted out or school. They will need g , 1 strong serviceable Shoes --ti kind that will stand the l st seyere test ;in any w'eat(et'. In this. el 1 of fo of we'r yot. -will find at your command, a very wide • range ,.of leathers' , styles s that will _give t best tis•' faction j-alues fro -never hetttr and pni. a more reasonable thin a x., Monday. 04. P. Maitland Concession Notes. -Mr. and 1 Receives Passports. Mir.. W. B, Forster spent Sunday with' BUENOS Ay It Ea, Oct. 9.-An- Wwtinr* a LAY, Oct. 10. - friends in Cxderich. _-__.Mrs. L. (sno i•, nouncement was made by the Ar - Miss Rae St'rthetsspent.a few days al visitinlit under'the parental roof • Mr. ' gentina Foreign Office that Count home from Stratford Nernial S:ho +D. F. Schwarz made a busirvss -trip to Karl von Luxburg, former German Miss Hazel -•Austtst. to w'a-. visiting•, Crediton lig week Mr. J. C. Durst Minister to Argentina, who recently Kintail a few days toward the week- i is remodelling his stables this fall, laying was given his passports, will depart ;cement flexors and patting in a Complete , from the cpuntry within a day or s. /as Medd„ o(Aubarn. agent a 'rquipm entl of steel partitions. steel••pcns • two. He lett Buenos Ayres in an .8 in Dungannon with her parents stanchions, waterhowls, Utter-estilore, , automobile tor a visit to the ranch ds. • etc. This is a thoroughly tip-ta-date of a friend. rs J. Crawford returned home on equinment and should proven great time I As Chile has • notified Argentina I : tO}�at•, aftef a week's visit at Londtxf, and labor -sayer A teeniest / f the :that von Luxburg is perilous non Exeter and other Wi . ; young people in this vicinity attended the 1 grata to Chile he will go to Para - Mr. J Johnston and daughter Miss annual Thanksgiving supper. at Londes• i uay, where be le the accredited Ger- ' Elva, of Wnrlham. we -e the guests of bor on Monday evening. !man Minister, and In which country friends here for a fe+c days. t alone can he seek asylum - 1 'Mr. and Mrs. liobt. McKenzie and' SHE SAYS SHE OWES HER LIFE family mtltirrcI to Win,tiam to spend 7O THEM, 1 MoukhomlinoR to Prison. •i' Daysol friend, there. nk, tl.aOct.9.-The ro- lila 1ETROGRAU O t. 9. T e F sg F , biro and Ira. M. Vt eh.. of SetxIng, MA, McDonald Makes • Satement visional Government has decided to ['ills. spent the Tha giving vacation at About Dtird's Kidney Pills. permit General eloukbomlinote, the file home of Mr. a Mrs. Thos. Allan.former Mlnieter of War, who was 5 Mr. and Mirs. Cr: Loynes gtworeturned bowel _Grand Nlial., ea Roder ck cI • convicted of treason last week. to on Monday after spectding two weeks' OCC. t3 ($lrerial., -rs ck Mcrailin. ; serve bis term in the St. Peter and vacaticm at Toronto. Ingersoll and Wood- aid, a well -kr -own and highly rcaiteacd t St. Paul pterin Instead of In Siband a. stock. resident of chi+ pta^e, h -n cone forward Mr. end MR. Ellis Soothers, of Towith a straight statement that she oats ; The general'• wife pleaded that if be Mr d Mr+- her life to bid's Kist* y tefts. Airs, were sent to Siberia an attempt .k461ftj' -- REPAIRING-- Geo. EPA1R1NG--Geo. MacVicar \. •' I 1 ,i.lc of i' uau. Gotic:l. i1 fele and For Good Reliable Shoe Repairs, try Smith & Ring 30 East Street. - Oppe.,ls Knox Church Give Us a Trial o• 0, vldited their parents, Stothers, during the' Thanksgiving McDonald's rtatem rat ilia., follows: might be made to murder him. 1 "1 am stere i would he in my rave -to R 1 of the public tat but for Uxld's Kidney Pills The Rea w Congratulates Haig. vecat Mr. na+� XItK1 to Y I� a:liceg. wi attgeti the teachers' convene dolor attended tot for five m'nth% lex LONDON. Oct, 9.--1hi• King has (loft[ at Exeter on Thursday and•Fndav of diahete't. but 1 wa, worse when 1 atoneped telegraphed congratulation. to Field this week' taking his Melitine than when i stated, 1 Marshal Sir 1)otiglaa Haig, eom- Mr. and Mrs. McFarlane, of Corlett -5 -- 1 .'-• not get a wink slum. of sle. As soon 'mender -In -chief of Ills British forces 1a France and li.•Igium, for his leadership and the effs-i'•ncy and courage of his troops in the battle da wbltbrn. ended so vietorlously In Flaa- ce 'Pla, were tAe guests of their wan. J: C.. as i start'sd take le Ihltki s Kidney Pii,s II Inc a few days. They left fox h.)me nn kltint'?, sound steel for an hour, an 1 Tucsda' m'Lrnia". arson . Rev. T. Hicks, of Iiaysvilte, fnrtherly Kilnl ways ref tits '., e,sarge+ here and th i M Post 111bstt, tmd his w4fe are visiting -� . t that I roust. sten one. Dad' 1'e .Ila •have alum PO anvil ler me -el like racofasMMing &hem 10 ■`'r T:" PROMPTLY SECURED[ In .!t .countries Ask for our INVES- TORS AAVIBS$whieh will be sleet gran ]MARION & 1KAIt:O2t lla4 Unlverelt' aL Mt.ntrem AWES WftI HIT BACK German Cities Are to Be Raided in Near Future. British [[hooch Not Drop Romhe on Open Ttwrns for • Long Time, but Recent I•:rents Have Caused a .Change of Policy-Plcoty of .oar• ships .ore Available for New Campaign. f,.ONDON, Oct 9.--Etogland'a [s- pending retaliation for the Ori uan air raids is the main feature of ;he London papers. made conaplc ons with big headlines. There is no-a1- positif$n expressed, even to gnat • where the reprisals have been de nes rated in the past, while elsewl acs the decision is welcomed with se.- thusiasm. It 1s asserted that the Gove 'n • ment's decision does not indicate t sudden change in policy, the mat er having long been under conslde • tion, and that acquiescence to t •• popular demand is in no wise 1 1 piled. The apparent delay In adopt[. the policy of retaliation was due, tt Is said, to considerations of construel tion and the necessity of keeping the requirements of the army on the western front supplied. War planes of every type can now be produced by the Allies in tar greater numbers than by the enemy, and it is asserted that the Alltes are fully equipped to 'carry on:aggressive air warfare on a great scale. At a meeting here which received messages from various organizations and mayors throughout the country, a resolution was carried demanding one responsible head of the air ser - rice, adequate defence against raids and sufficient machines both at the [tont and for a great air offensive. Joynson Hicks prophesied machines with a speed of 250 Instead of as at present 150 miles per hour, would be able to ascend higher than twenty-two thousand feet, the pre- sent breathing limit, and out of range of the guns, using a special breathing apparatus, and also able to carry a considerable we'ght of bombs. He asked the following question, the accuracy of which can- not at the moment he confirmed: "Last week the London official cas- ualties were 52 killed and 257 in- jured. Do you know that the total casualties of the civilian population of Britain from air invasion to date are greater than the whole cuual- [lee of the civilian population of Belgium during the Invasion!" • The Times says: "Seven hundred and four aeroplanes and seaplanes were brought or drl.ven down on the P P n September.Thls ws r front in t is a higher total by nearly 300 than reached in preceding months, and compares with 467 In July, 713 in May and 717 to April. • The Allies, according to the claims of the Ger- man headquarters. font 242 ma- chines. The German aeroplanes and seaplanes which fele to British and French airmen and gunners num- bered 462. The British report: F.nemy machines brought down, 143; enemy machines dri••Pn down •tut of control, 142; British machines miss - Ing, 112. The Freneh report: Enemy machines brought down and enemy machines driven ..own In their nen lines, 79. German report: Al - Iced marhines shot down. 243: (ler- man loss of machines admitted. 8." New Perfection Oil Stove 1 Why not economize by using less coal or wood? The New Perfection Oil Stove is just what you need. We have them for ;sale -three -burner and,four-burner Stoves. -Call and See Them -- W. R. PINDER Phone 1f5 Basiltoo Street HIGHLANDS of ONTARIO, Canada The Home of the Red Deer and the Moose 1)I'EN HEAHONH DEER -November 1rt t• November IStb inclu.lve. Minx•SE-Nnvember 1.1 to November IStb t u,•luntre. In .one M coal North- ern Ui.tr.c . of ttwtanu, Including 'I One" .u.,, the open ..n, i. hon November let to November ]ab Inclusive. Write for only of "P1.vremiede-Tb• xeuu•. of tiro and Dame,' tiv1aR tram. 1,aw., Hunting Retgul•tlona eta, to C. L Horning. Union N anon. 1'oroate, Dat. F. F. LAWRENCE & SONS Town Agents Phone $ f MacEwan Estate ! • • Exclusive agents for SCRANTON! OALC for Goderich and District. • • • • • Best Coal Mined. t •4 Any quantity best Msple t Slane, Mixed Wood, l rfl..ln••k andKindline iVPdwr or Pie,.l TELE ONES. oak, at residence ata er 69 :• • • w. Delco Light Means city comfort and convenience for - - the farm - - When you are in town for the Fair next week call and krt. us show you how von can have all the advantages of electric light and domes- tic power at small cost. Many up-to-date farmers are now installing Delco l,igdtt and find it a great Irot,11 of Robert Wilson The Massey -Harris Shop itamilton St. Goderich RAW FU FREE ntsla•'. Tra.pa.' In'vtn..L 1. ,. wt o ahem DM,. wtat at h.lt ctrl trip to W w.In hal t/ 5.4141 e nal rl.Nwe' Samarriap:: tnr ulwnd 5..-t wan, illl..ed: Innen' and qorb asic, angles, at iaapro n.0Nhe'. Pim . F.r hettn,-Dire- leen' Wirer and .Are n^e trrullera4., wle An 1,, ot Addrea, tw:,.( n'.i„Ler prop .,5 ,. s` 0523 NA!L'.`< SUILDINC TO"r:NTC. \ 10Wt%I111111111111Ni1/Np/p,,y/ / 14, 1114. i pr d111 S"7 Nl7Ap� AN n r NNI ii fr 1