HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-10-11, Page 2r semesereemeseemosemeamilimaserfillsentlrelerareelitellestaladi • r..ietwe 'Myr.. Wait 3 • i4 A4 2 THuRSDAV, OCT. 12, 1917 s.0 i .I►e' a, • THE SIGNAL - OODERICH • ONTARIO iy SUS SIUNAL PRINTING Cu.. bTIJ. POatidaiw Tata Sweat. V published ever Thursday ono t he oda ,e lu The Signal Building. Nero fltreet, tied•+rjch Untar o Telephone No 31 •jaro aurrtos Tgwxe.--000 Dollar and Ione kolas Der Icer : It paid strictly to advance One pellet will be aooepted; u .ub.crtben to the (Jolted Suites the rate le One Dollar and Fifty Cents .trtotly iu advance. Subscribers who OW to receive Trig 510,4 AL regularly by mall drill confer a favor by aceoaeutAig the pubil-b- of the feet at assert, a date as prrible- When change of adds*.. I. cleared, both ofd and .Dv urs eddre-s should be *1 Yen. Remittanore may be male by bank draft. ozone. money order, no.i odine order. or registered letter. lobn•rlptlon- IYJy commence at aD time. ADra*Teel lU TaRre--)tate+ for dtep)ay and dot.tr.ct adder, t.euteot., will be given on apple Dauod. Legal and other similar lid vert moments. 'wn omits per line for find lbeertfon rind tour -rots per line for each subsequent ineelr400. Insa.urod by a scale of solid nonpareil -twelve lines to an inch. Rushes card. of az lino and under, live Dotter. per year. Advertise- ment• of tort. Found, Strayed, Sltuaitmw V..oent. Sit uauoo- wanled. House. for Sale tr Rent. rerm- for (isle or to Rect. Article. Rate. ale.. not dreading eight line.. Tweotty• live tent. mate is, eel l0D : one Dollar for month. Fthy Centsfo. r., aenb.eauent month. Larger dvertt+ement• u, proportion- An- teOlroosments in ordtoary reeding type. Ten C,ntw me lloe, No notice I. +a then Twenty - Ire Cents. Any special nolo. tes any.Ot of wklob le the pecuniary Salon .Y•cfalsue. to be considered au dver- tieeroent and charged accordingly. To CORR►ePONOUev.-The cooperation of r snbioriber. and readers le cordially Inrtt- .11rl�l.countatiny Tag SIGNAL • weekly record and district doing, ho coin munldanoo will be si tended to ante+ it con- tains the name and ddreei of the writer. not Seoe..arily for publication, but as an evidence Of good telt b. New, item+ should reach THE a IDYaL omoe not later than '. doeeda7 DDDR et each week. THCRSDAY, OCTOBER I1 1917 SIR WILFRID LAURIER AND A UNITED CANADA. The retirement of SU Wilfrid Laurier from the leadership of the Liberal party at the present juncture would be a na- tional calamity. It would mean the triumph of the forces of discord and dis- uiiiiiin in lliis ciiutitrjr "rife ostratixin of. Quebec, the disastrous division of Cana- dians on lines of racial and creed differ- ena a ,. No sane Canadian can desire such a state of affairs. \ Str Wilfnd Laurier understands the petiole of Quebec as no other of our lead- ers in public life understands them. We want the assistance of Quebec in this w•ar. we want a united country after t ; e war. The enlightened element in the s ster Province will listen to Sr Wilfnd Laurier as to no otter man. and we do not doubt that under his leadership as Prime Minister of Canada Quebec would re- spond heartily to thecall to service in the cause of Great Britain and her allies. The boys fighting overseas 'have the right to expect that affairs will be so cirtdu..ted here in their absence thatvAshen they re- turn after the war they will find a country in which goodwill and harmony dwell. The cultivation of goodwill and harmony among all classes and races in Canada has been Sir Wilfrid Launer's lifework. His withdrawal from leadership at this tome would signify the failure of the effort to build up a united Canada and would bit- terly disappoint the hopes of tbise who have seen in his career the earnest of a great future for this commonwealth. We are glad to believe that -Sir Wilfrid wilt not retire. Since t he dais :aper- a few days ago forecasted his aithdrawal from tie chieftainship of the Libet al party he has received assurances of loyal support from all parts of the Dominion. even in benighted Toronto. and the city papers are revising their forecast. With a united Canada under Sr Wilfnd Laurier. this country- could redouble its efforts in the cause of the Allies by direct- ing its energies to the fight with the Hun instead of dissipating them in quarrels at home that have been brought on by self- seeking or stupid politicians. MR. McEVOY S DEFENCE. privations and sufferings to which Lt.-- lot. t.-lol. Lewis is a stranger and are getting, Instead 01 id,0t0 ox $7,0IO0 a year. the tinne•el). sum of $1.10 a day. The ground of the very general con- demnation of Lt..Col. Lewis in this riding is that he is drawing,.two salaries when he ,y�" should have only 7' and especially in these days of war's stress it is exasperat- ing to the ordinary man or woman, who has a hard enough time getting along, to see one man getting two men's pay, total- ling an amount several times as large as the ordinary man is get ing. As the letter before us -written by a former Conserve. rive -says: "The public have a perfect right to condemn graft. particularly at this time when the country is fighting for its very existence and the political party aiding and abetting graft should be put out of power." EDITORIAL NOTES. As a level-headed Liberal remarked to the Signal the other day, "What the party needs is not a new leader, but a new Liberal daily paper at Toronto." Sr Robert Broden seems to be having great difficult' in forming a Ministry with which to (ate the rleytors. In somewhat similar case a much bigger man than Sir Robert Borden -namely, Mr. Asquith - retired from the Premiership. Mr. C. C. Bal'antyne, of Montreal. and Mr. Hugh Guthrie. M. P.. of Guelph: have joined the Borden Government. Mr. Ballantyne is a fornt.-r Liberal who lefr the party on the reciprocity issue in 1911 and a ho represents the moneyed interests of Montreal in somewhat the same fashion as Sir Thomas White represents those of Toronto. Mr. Guthrie has been nibbling at the Conservative hook for several months and has finally swallowed the bait. .The.defertiou-2f1 men from the Lid ral ranks has not caused. any great nom - motion. HUMANITARIAN WORK AMONG BELGIAN PEOPLE. In a measure the food problem of Bel- gium has been solved by the Belgian Government's financing the relief work un.. dertaken by the Dutch authorities by means of loans from the United States. But the daily- ration under the present conditions cannot exceed a bowlAf soup and a slice of bread to each person per day. and while this may stay the pangs of hunger for a grown person it is pitifully inadequate for the growing child. with the result that hundreds of thousands of Belgian children are suffering from tuber- culosis. nckets and other ailments due to underfeeding. The Belgian Relief Commission still calls for funds to carry ren the very essen- tial work. two branches of which will ap- peal to every Canadian who realizes how Belgium stood m the breach when the world was in danger. The first is the Belgium Children's Health Fund. This us to enable the bringing of starved. consumptive. ailing little ones from Belgium into Holland, where. under the guidance Of properly con- stituted Dutch authorities selected by the Belgian Relief Commission and approved by the British and Dutch Governments,_ they can be cared fol.. housed. fed. medi- cally- attended for a period averaging six seeks- Report= show that at the present moment more than 15,000 children are among in Belgium fpr their turn to go to Holland and the number increases weekly because of the German deportations of parents. The second fund is the Belgian Or- phans' Fund What with the rapid over- running of Belgium by the German, army, the wholesale removal and cruel deporta- tions of whole populations. Ole dea h of fathers who fought the Hun and the ab- sence of thoee still in the trenches. thous- ands of children have.been left acme lack- ing fond. clothing and attentum and in ignorance whether their parents are dead or alive. An organization has been ef- fected so thorough that, at a cost of Iµ1.70 per m )nth per,ehild. these waifs can be fed. clothed and educated. Further de- tails regarding both these funds may be obtained and subscriptions forwarded through the local committee of the Bel- gian Relief Fund. The Signal has received a letter vehem- ently attackin. Lt. -Col. E.N. Lewis. M.P., in reply to what the venter terms "a sense- less article" in The G,den.h Star signed by Mr. Dermot McEvoy. in which an at- tempt s made to defend the member for West Huron from Ole cnticum that he is drawing tan much from the public treas- ury. As the name or the writer of the letter is nut given for publication. and as the letter goes perhaps further than is necessary in pointing out Lt --Col. Lew delinquencies. we do not publish it: but at the same time we to not feel like allow- ing Mr. McEvoy 's articl' to go without comment. a- we consider the stand he takes is detnmental to the public interest. Mr. McEvoy cunningly couples Ole name of Dr. Gallo* with that of Lt. -Co(. Lewis. though we have never heard of any cnticism of Dr. Galk)w's military activ- ities The positions f the Lao men are e_raenually diffe:nt. Dr. (;allow Sas an active officer of the militia long before the war broke out. Lt. -Cod. Lewis was not. Dt. Gal fist Has riven up his meds...1 practice to engage in military sec vice. What has Lt. -Col pais given up' As Mr. McEvoy says. Ili. Galina may be called overseas, where we know he could do effective service as a med cal officer tn the 11 Id. But what about Lt. -Col. Lewis - they don t need recruiting officers in France. and we can hardly Imagine his being placed in command of a battalion. Mr. McEvoy pictures a acid in which there shall be no covetousness and nobody will worry- about the money other people are getting. But should not his sermon on the text be addressee) to those who. h e Lt -Col. Leiria, are getting more than their fav share"Get into the sante dass." be says to the Colon, Fs critics. But this is impontible sithoet political ",pull.' and favoritism. Thousands 0f Camedlana are endtsN hardships and MR GUTHRIE S FATAL STEP. Fresh and Refreshen 11 LA g,,,.. 11 sU is composed of clean, whole young leaves. Picked right, blended right e►ad packed right. It brings the fragrance of an Eastern garden to your table. $1a.41k.o31C. nf=MMCIELa teas silo of the truest citizens are put in a false) perceive an advantage in a stand against position as regards conscription. and no' conscription. but he is tow shrewd. mad one so much so as the illustrious Liberal though he be with the sight of power, to lewder; false as regards the interpretation choose that stand couplroi with the 'fame that is put upon it and false as regards of Su Wilfred Laurier. recognized the those who might support him at an elec- world over as the rrrost distinguished tion. If the French-Canadians had been statesman in the; British Empire beyond Properly treated and rightly handled, as the seas. that part 01 it which. more al - they would have been if Sir Wilfrid Laur- most than anything else in it. shows that ier nad been taken inch a union ministry it is the eternal, implacable and remorse - tau years ago. it is very doubtful if there less foe of all that he desires and is fight - would have been any more need for con- ing for. And Mr. Guthrie knows all this. scription on account of Quebec than on Yes. Mr. Guthrie is dead politically. account of other Provinces. except for the' traitorous Nati,ataiists whose political Would Not Be Without power was strengthened and ,whose dis- loyal agitation was fanned into flame by Baby's Own Tablets. the unholy alliance made between Sir Robert Borden and them in 1911. And Mrs.A. C. Smith. Goodwood, Ont., this if these obviundeous rele elements did in- writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets hind casr, for obvious reasons like that be- for the past two years and have found hind a true democratic stand like that them the best medicine a mother can Sir Wilfnd Laurier, it does not follow that give her little ones and i would not be a Government led by him would not prove ntaur them."The Tablets never fail immeasurably superior . to that now in to banish the simple ailments of childhood. power. John mitchell when first a coak. They regulate the bowels: sweeten the haddate for the himmTammanyy of aNnd York. stomach and make the cross. sickly baby behind and all its bnght, healthy and happy. They are brood, but he has proved the best Mayor sold by medicine dealers or b New fork has had for many, many yearsi mail at 23 cents a box from the Dr. Williams Medi - Then as regards the cneap melodrarW cine Co., Brockville, Ont. of Mr. Guthrie's peroration: "Laying down the policies of the two political lead- E FAMOUS MAYO BROTHERS ers side by side. which do you think would rite Kaiser choose ?" -Even Ole Kaiser - F ono The St. Marv. Attu,. Mr. Guthrie's political career is at an end. Not because he broke from his leader. not because he fell in with the policy of the other party. not because he advocated conscription. all of which he had a perfect right to do. but because he Imputed Impure motives to men who have been above suspicion, denied auto - \\e the nghtt to hold and ex- press opinions to those ho differed from him. confused the i with in- nuendoes and omissions. darkened counsel with half-truths. tempered his passions with smallness. peevishness and pettiness. dipped his words in bitterness and Malig- nity- and. to crown all. ungratefully and treachenusly played false with a great and magnanimous leader. who. after al- most half a century of public service and leadership in the tierce light that heats upon the life of a statesman to a modern democracy. stands out as a knight sans peur et sans reprnche. Well might Sir Wilfrid Laurier say. "Et t0. Brute !" if Mr. Guthne has ever had the distin- guished honor of being admitted as a Brutus to Laurier's Caesar. To make the statement that Launer "had behind him all the pro -Germans, all the slackers and dynammters,•' a statement venomous with nasty double entendres. malicious innuen- does and lying implications. is worse than a Brutus stab. Its sole result will be, not the hurt of Sir Wilfrid Laurie, Mut the revealing of the character of the man who. to make sure of-- as he thinks -a following on election day. would play to the baser elements of racial and rrli.itus faction, and prin., false to a great friend- ohtp. His tender gave him the privilege of going his own way and generously On- knowkctged his right to do so. Why did ire not as rrobis respond, as others have done eve. when they dtfered4rruo their leader ► The prevent Government has so ti hitt et the affairs of state that Isaa of thousand* too wise a man to choose between the ex- Two ,Gear Beat of Their Salvia(' as ternalities of the policies of two political Gift for Besets of the People. leaders- He would want to see below the surface. And. seeing below the surface "Have somrthint the world wants and reviewing the past of these two men, and th.ugh you may dwell in the midst he would avoid as he would his eternal of a forest it will wear a beaten path to enemy that for which Sir Wilfnd Laurier yam. door." Sb runs the famous proverb. has stood and with which he has identified a proverb that has been brilliantly ex - himself all his life - British democratic emp:ifiei by the two Mayo b others.cafled institutions. In these institutions he has by admirers the world's master surgeons. shown an unshakable faith and to them These men. who maintain the noted sar- an unswerving devotion, and to.give them gical hospital at Rochester, Minn.. a a name to live the world over his life has country town. have just given =1,1434000 been a long single-minded. strenuous to theUniversity of Minnesota for med- � effort. There is not in all the world any- ical research. , thing that Kai,erism and Prussianism "We turn over to the regents the bulk ' fears and hates so much as that for which of our savings as an outright gift," said Sir Wilfrid Launer has given his life to Dr. William J. Mayo. elder of the two. build up. and with which he has been "The money came from the people, and illustriously identified in his long public we feel it should return to the people." career. The Kaiser might on first thought That fine sentiment sums up the life-' work of these men. Since fame came to them many years ago they have labossd aealously W relieve suffering with thought of self than any men of their time. The story of their beginning and later achievement is one of spetal appeal. Dr. W. W. Mayo, father of the surgeons. lett New England as a young man and practised in several Western towns. Eventually he located in Rochester and it was there that the two boys were born. During their youth they worked in a drugstore. Waited pharmacy and then aspired t0 be ph sivana_ Their college days over. the others came back to Rochester and settled down to toe life of village doctors. But renown was not long in finding them out. In a sma,1 way at hest, working with the eldest Mayo, also a man of much skill, they performed operations. No case seemed too dew perste fur them and they effected cures where o her men had given up. By degrees their local fame spread un- til the sack and the maimed began to visit Rochester in search of their aid. That was the begiruung of the present (xispital, wtnere dozens of major uperatwra take place every day. It was not long until the Mayo brothers came to rank among the greatest surgeons of the country. Today they are recognized as the must distinguished members of their profession and other surgeons coxae to them lnxn all over the world for instruc- tion and advice. One of the brothers noon will go to France with the American army and after a time the other is to relieve him. Plans for handling the American wounded are beingdeveloped with the Mayos' help. In surrendering their life savings that humanity may he served they have set a new seal upon the greatness that bas come to them. The path to their door- way has been beaten into a broad highway. One of the surgeons associated with the Mayo brothers in their w'0rk at Rochester is Dr. James Mas7xn. sOo of the late Judge Masson of Goderich, and nephew of Dr. H. I. Strang. _ THOUSANDS IN NAVY. 11laar Canaduas Have Joined Valens' Naval tisrvtces Stece War Ila/r• Ottawa. Oct. s. -Since war ban Canada'* awn of fighting age baste paid A WORD FOR MOTHERS 11.5 grew mistake for mothers to Def- lect their aches and pains and suffer in inseoe-this only leads to chronic sick- ness and often shortens life. If your work is tiring; ll your nerves are excitable; if you feel tMweary wry or depresseyou should know that Scott's Romblon ov?reersrjast Inch aanditioa It possesses in moocentrated form the very elements to invigorate the blood, strengthen the tissues, sourish the nerves and build strength. Scott's is strengthening thousands of mothers --end will help yon. Try it. asst a Bombs. Terme. Oso, 1 v4 ------ e b ee -. • • , F. ai 'iAyr!S�tfr2�3aw• .;r:....; _ace..; Necessary Farm Equipmentpj MORE and more the Ford car is looked upon by progressive farmers as neces- sary farm equipment, the same as the plow, the hay -rake, the drill, the mower, the harrow and other labor and time -saving machinery. A farmer with a Ford car can dispense with one or two of his horses and make the trips to town. railway station, creamery, or to the neigh- bours in one-third the time. In fact there is no farm machine made that will save the busy farmer and his busy wife so much valuable time as a Ford. And it's so easy to take care of—far easier than a horse. No bed to make, or hay and oats to get, no barnessing and unharnessing, and no stables to clean. The Ford practically takes care of itaelL Ask any farmer who owns a Ford if he would ever again try to get alongwithout it. Hiss , answer will hasten your to own one. 1 E Tombs . - $ - - 15 Runabout - - $475 Sadao - • - F. O. B. FORD. ONT. P. J. MacEWAN, Dealer • i God .,.Js* A'. , ,.rc..ir. jt► tare ;.'ices. 1 ..+ . .s-�+„r�+"vele _ �.®te�!il►'1>�!re�a6i�eei:.'4" %'"',�:eo,D®^eek. *� ax. 1.M .r.,,, «^r :,. • *vele iia v • ..a,'g. ! b. 4 111117.3a "Pm' Y ■ m11111111nnnnnmemmmm11nnnnmmn1mm111111111mmMmimmmmM■ W. ACHESON & SON I I I IIUIIUIUI111111I IIIIi1 01/0 AMMO ailma Reversible Floor Rugs A number of Reversible Union Rugs at 1-3 under present factory price. Greens and browns. Medallion patterus and neat effects, Special 24x3 yards, $6 3x3 yards, (17 3x3} yards; $8 3x4 yards, $9 Fifty Brussels and Tapestry Rug: in every size. Special price a'. ;1;,,1t Continenal Coats We have exclusive sale in Goderich for this famous high-class make of Coats. Style and quality best we have ever offered. 100 Coats now in stock, Velour, Plush, Tweeds and Cheviots. Ranging from $12.00 (0 $35.00 Silks and Silk Poplins Tom. OEMs ealmM = Thirty-silt•`sebre Wide French,Silk Poplins, in twenty shades and eaAors,'t?xtremely correct for style and service for dresses and suits. Special at per yard....$1.50 Thirty -six-inch Silk Duchesse and Paiktte, in black = or colors, at per yard ..........- $1,50 W. ACHESON & SON 1IUIIIINIIIIIIHAIt8NII111111Uglh111111 AIDUUIII11111M fll1110111AhIIIHAl11111111 t considerable attention to the navy. ' Naval service has hecarne an im- portant feature of the nation's war activ- ity. From the start of the war, 5,300 offi- cers and men have joined the Canadian Naval Service. cruising in home waters. Canadians to the number of 400 are officers M the motor bast patrol section of the Royal Navy, which includes in its duties the exciting task of looking for U- boats off the British coasts and elsewhere. Thirty-six cadets have gone from the Royal Naval College at Halifax to be of- ficers in the Royal Navy and forty are king the course of training there now ore joining the navy. Canadians are particularly well fitted for such duties as those of the motor boat patrol service, owing to the abundance of waterways and the great vogue of water sports in summer throughout the country. Canada is doing much esiential work for the Allied carne through the medium of naval service. Gray hairs need be honored only when they adorn haneat heads. Often the Cheapest - Always the Best W. WALKER Furniture Dealer and Undertaker nouse Furnishings The Store of Quality PHONES STORE Se RES. 197 • Expert Testimony. To speak distirictls, and directly into the mouthpiece — AN eminent telephone man of 30 years es- perience says that this is the pkat need in telephoning. Over half the service difficulties world diaapper ll distinct and direct speak- ing were practised. 1 Te speak towards your telephone from a md err so away. or to speak across 11 metro wrong numbers. mil. tod nd annoyance. Y service. a wren amsbers, is sol sesga.r. sposkin rMrtsetlif sad erne[, tato Me sisosstApSoes, with eke lip shout ►si se lab gum id as. -Coed avis • • • w tress isms -- The Bell Telephone Co. 1V • res