HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-10-11, Page 1Printing..; THE SIGNAI, is ready to brindle your Printing work, 'large or small, and give you • satisfactory job every time. Let us have your seat order. Telephone 35 The Signal Have You Forgotten to pay your subrcription fur The Niytual for 1917 7 We need the money, and if you are in alrrars would ask you to Make payment promptly. DO IT NOW allrr•NINIt17 T*AIt-AN Mt13 QODERICH, THE STERL1N6BANK r OF CANADA SAVE, Because -- Patriotism finds an outlet through careful saving. WANTED. f'1IRLtS WANTSD.-APPLY OODE- U RICH KNiTTING CO. GRAIN WANTED. The Colborne Farmers' Club are prepared to buy any quantity of grain. Farmers having any to dispose of would find it to their advant- age to call J. N. KERNIGHAN, Manager Poultry Wanted Our feeding plant has opei.ed for the season and front DOW on we will be in the market for all the poultry that you have for sale. Poultry will be takt$t-iii .ni.. Holmesville every ll'ednesday Morning and every day at Clinton. Special prices will be paid for properly finished milli -fed chickens over 5 lbs. each. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO., Learre . CLINTON N. W. TREWARTBA Phone 110 MANAOK& or HOInlemville 4 on 142 "The House of Plenty" SPECIAL DINNERS EVERY SUNDAY PRICE 75 CENTS Sunday Dinner heal 12.30 to 2.50 W. H: BAiNES, Proprietor. • FOR SALT OR REN. i] OUSE TO RENT. -ON KEAYS .fagot; rtes rooms, all 0uovenleneea o..g/ repaired. Stable on lot. Apply to J. W $ALKICLD, God.Mch It. K. No, 2. telephone SN r7. IM•1m Q'OR SALE. - HOUSE AND TWO `` lots War street. Goderteh ;gust dwelling Yoga.: boob and ern u.Mn couv.cea small: sall tables Pp.ae.i�aln quick rola Applyto PRU . DI'UIJr. KI RAM & COOKE. M -It FOR: RINT.-FIFTY ACRES OF .balsa eglsleseed land In the lawman of .YAehl. eadhSl stye twee wccommodatlo••. em Twit rutt SI N particular* particulraddress,.L. .BoX 1t OR SALE. -FARM, SiXTY.EIGHT mem north half lot 1!t 00.101.1100 1. (lode - fano telershlp; two aprinR creeks Ideal pasture farm : fence.' and buildings In good oM'r; owner forced to give up on account of bllnd- nese. Will sill cheap for cash or oo terms to suit pureb$.er. Look It over and maks offer. For lip Cher particulars apply to WILLIAM BEEvKRa, Mount Denni-.tart. M-lt rpo RENT. -TEN ACRES OF LAND 1 suitable for marker gardening. altuated east of the North American 1 it4IMIcal Works. .red at peoweat pled by Mr. Wm. Teylor. Pe..eealou can be ven by November let, For psrfl°aIArs a y Mita.ED. rfr HCH, R. R. No. 3, Ood.rlcb, telephone Goderich Rural 10r 7. as3t I DOR RENT. -MODERN EIGHT - 1L KOOM HOUSE, with aloe large back kltch- en,sltsated on Bridge street, sear Grand Trunk 'tattoo. Kent reasonable. Apply to EDWARD REID_eye lgtn.••a Goderich. Stat ONTARIO, THURSDAY. OCT. 11. 1917 PUBLIC NOTICE. G. C. 1. FIELD DAY. PERSONAL MENTION. 1917 TAXES. tam now prepared teacarts( payment of the 1917 taxes Two per coot. discount It paid on us before Dotober lath. one per cent If paid oar or be- fore November 16th. Thereafter no dleom,nt. Bet ween 16th teed Met December two per Dent will be added. After January 1st eve per cent ill Madded. end initiate'. to Metres' warrant being tamed if not the. paid Town Hall, WM.CAMPBELL feptembor 18th. tin7. Celled.+. asst TOWN OF GODERICH PUBLIC NOTICE. TAKE Nonce TRAT I The °outsell of the corporation of the town of Uoderlck le:ands l0 c •w0 root as a locals Ira movement • rawer on Rooth ain et. between Reeler' street and Britannia road, and intends to wpecbally mama a part of the curt upon the Sod abuu Mg directly upon the work. The entirneled coat of the work 1a 11739.1(3, of whim a341.et la to be paid by the «rpor. tion. The e-tlmated .n«•i.l rate par loot fr otare 1. P NO mill+. The .pedal •.seamiest 1e to be pato in twenty annu$t Iu.G.iwests. 3 A petition against the work will not, avail to prevent it+ construction. Da, ed thin lath day of k.ptember. 1917. L. L. KNOX, 93.2t Clerk. FOR SALE OR REN. -HOUSE and More. f.eeerly need of a grocery, with onetan b-aa.� lot. meso Naboth e� Ca .t»et•., pe8erlch, formmmedNy scpearea by on Ca '`A,dlt=, .Jlri.eud lmineeMn poteres.fon pan be yen. A pl td«POUDFOOT, CII. LORAN & CUOR�0 m-te t L'OR SAf.K.-A MODERN BRICK r home, with .11 rauveniesoee; large re- ception ball. double carlo,s. dining -room, kltcben and pastry down nein" ; front at.d back Mel, se,: four bedrooms with closets,and bathroom on a.00nd floor. Also an attic, large oesement with furnace Electric hese ail through the bone.. A large lawn and garden, over 110 feet front. with fruit trees and shrub M ('.sh or terms. Applyto MKS. J. H. WILLIAMS. Market street, oderloh. 79-11 ACHOICE FIFTY-A(JRE FARM far sale. within one mile of Dungannon. heal building.'. Everything In good .hope. aaitsasien In March nett. For particulars Mu* to T. GtJNDKY,Godericb. ,fTIWO STORES TO R ENT. -ON 1. lately occupied by W. H. Harrison and the Tther by Jame. F. Thom.nn. Both on the Sqn are. Apply J. P. HRI%VN. Ibtf OUSE TO RENT. -MODERN ittblEPH GRIFFIN. Gaoler. 70 -Lt on Gloucester. Terrace, Apply to (MEPH GRIFFIN. Gaoler. 70441 w CRAiGIE'S REAL ESTATE BARGAINS THIS IS A REAL HOME on 11t beautiful, well treed lot on Albert Ntreet, red brick veneered, bungalow *tyle, R. roomo, hot water heating. fireplace, electric light anti hath, practically new and in flrst- elasN condition. Owner has left town. Thio in on/ of the treat biy. to town. Price 1100. List your Farm and Town Properties with me. i have (several enquiries for Ramo'. THE BIG INSURANCE AGENCY J. W. ORAiGIE, iNRt'RAFPS AND REAL EIITATF. TOWN OF GODERICH'. PUBLIC NOTICE. T•aa NOTICa THAT 1. The council of the corporation of the town of Goderinh Intend+ to coon ruct as a local Im- provement a rawer on Victoria street. between 9t- IM.ln s ntr-.t and Nelms' .3,0.1. and In. tend. to +pec1a11y amen -o a part .t t be cost upon the land attn•ting directly on the so•k. 2. The estimated res• of the work 1. $1101.7R of which $1371731. to be paid by the corpora; Lion. The estimated special rete per font treas. . Ife 1. 9.7.99 mills. The social seseenment Y to be paid in t wooly annual p.•telmemta 1 A petition 'walnut thew.rk will tact oral) to peewee* lea sone' root ion O► 1L' Regtifredt Large quantities ' of SCRAP I N Terms -Cash oe ;delivery , Pleaae phone or write us and (lift wvagoA tiv111 as11. The National Shipbuitding Co., GODERICH Limited Dated this z6th day of September. 1917. Etlt L L. KNO`�� TOWN OF GODERiCH. PUHLIC NOTICE Collegiate Stod•ats Hold Annual Sports at Agncdbval Grounds. Friday last was appointed as the day for the annual G. C 1. sports, but as the weather was very unfavorable they were postponed to Wednesday of this week, when a long program was carried out at the Agricultural grounds. The program was completed today (Thursday). The boys' senior championship was won by Leonard Macklin. the intermediate by Ted Johnston and the junior i Day. by Lionel Macklin The girls' senior Jan MacEwan and the girls junior championship by Miss Alice Nairn. Following is the list of events and win- ners: T EL NOT.Ca THAT 1. The cosuoll of the corporation of the tows ..f Goderich Intends 0o rmoan .ct as a local Im- provement a sewer on Britannia road, between Cambridge etpet and fitment atreet. and In- tend. to ape, tally soar. a part of the poet upon the land .button directly on the work. X Tb. calloused Mat of the w. rk 1. $128.00, of which $1115°0 la to bre paid by the corpora- tion. The eatlmated +prate, rate per Not front- Age rTMWAge Is YI.ta +illi+. The apes nal a..eeame.t la to b. pato In twenty anneal In-talmeu, in .. 3. A petition sesta the work will not avail to prevent Ike construe Ion Dated this 19th day of September, 1917. L. L. K'NOX. tp,St '_Jerk. Mr. Will Johnston was here from Tor- onto for the holiday. Miss Jean Taylor was home from. Toronto for the holiday. Mr. Harry Beacom, of Watford, was a visitor in town this week. Mr. Harry Buchanan, of the Union Bank, Warkworth, was home for the holiday. Miss M. E. Cameron visited her friend Miss Wallace, of Clinton. on Thanksgiv- championship was 'ion byMiss Miss Pearl Fraser was home from the Macdonald Institute, Guelph, for the holiday. MRNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP E\'KNTN. Running broad jump -Leonard Mack- lin. 14ft.7in., Harold Murney, Harry Shackleton. Running hop, step and jump -Leonard Macklin 34fft.lm , Harold Murney, TEE QOUAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Frontaasa ITHE LADS IN- KHAKI. Lieut. Melville G. Anderson, of Ottawa. a former Goderich boy, has been awarded the Military Cross for conspicuous gal- llantry during the battle of Lens. Lieut. Anderson, who is now in Canada on fur- lough. may visit Goderich before return - ling overseas. Lieut. Huntly Gordon, stn of Dr. D.M. Gordon, of Lucknow, arrived home re - 1 cently after a long period of service at the front, having gone overseas with the lath Battalion in the second Canadian contin- 1 gent. Lieut. Gordon has been appointed to the command of a platoon at London, Ont., until the end of the war. }laving endured the hardshipsof two winters in 1 the trenchest and having taking part in many hot engagements during two years • of active service, he is entitled to a less strenuous position. At London he will no doubt be engaged in training the drafted men for overseas. Mrs. (Rev.) John Pollock, of Salford, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston. Mr. Arden Aitken, of Stratford, visited, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Aitken over the weekend. • Miss Anna Clague, of Seattle, has been visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Joseph Kelly. Mrs. J. W. Taylor. Standing broad jump -Leonard Mack- Mrs. Urquhart, of the G. C. I. staff. lin. Sft.tl4in, Joseph Kelly. Scott Mc- spent the week -end and holiday at Nally. Brampton, her old home. Miss Irene Pridham. from Pans, spent the Thanksgiving vacation with her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pridh3m. Mrs. C. C. Morrison and Mr. McKee Morrison left this morning for New York. where they intend to spend the winter. Mrs. George Sharman and Miss Holmes. of Clinton. spent several days in town this week, visiting at Mrs. Robert Shar- man's. Miss Margaret Strang was home from Toronto for the week -end and was ac- companied by her friend Miss Stevenson Standing high jump -Joseph Kelly, 4ft., Leonard Macklin. Harry Shackleton. Running high jump - Leonard Macklin. Harry Shackleton tttet, 4ft.d#in., Joseph Kelly. Putting shot --Harold Murney, 281t.Sin.. Leonard Macklin, Joseph Kelly l00 -yard dash -Joseph Kelly. 12 seconds, Scott McNally', Leonard Mack- lin. r 220 -yard race -Joseph Kelly, Scott McNally (tie), 29 seconds, Leonard Macklin. Harold Murney. ' Pole vault- Harry Shackleton, 7ft.3.1in., Harold Murney. Half. mile race -Leonard Atacktinof Toronto.,� Mr. and Mrs. 13.11. McCreath and littl LOST OR FOUND. IOST.-iN CODER ICH ABOUT THE J beginning of Sept +Daher. a psi to the shape ota...ord. with small chain end mows •trached Owner p. ire- It M + memento. Pinder will ploaae leave at 1HEBIUNALOFFICE. • AUCTION SALES. E RS' SALE OF FARM. Oa 8A1`1JRDAT, OCTOBER 1:ith, 1917, at t p. m.. at. the Auburn hotel, Auburn, (int-. Thoma Gundry. auctioneer, will offer fur sale at public auction the .onth half of lot 2.1, ton - mission 4, Wet Wawanosh. 1UU scups. TKRM. Or Sat.:. -'Pett per mot. r. -h on day of sale. balms° iu thirty dwya without [merest. For further particular- see platers or -.pply te PKOUI.F(NYT. KILLORA' b: ('m 1K Uolerich, Softcltoea for ExPro t.+r+. iMted the 'lith day of September. WL. 11-31 FOR SALE VOR SALE. -A DRIVING MARE, 1' .harp. 1). M. O'BRIEN. GOR SALE. -GOOD SELF -FEEDER 1 HEAT KK, fn nr+l rain, rood loon, sheep. .1. P. BROWN. Iia Cherub street. 'Stock of Lumber For Sale Having sold our factory building in Goderich, and having no further use for the stock of lumber on hand, we offer 1t for Rale at low figure* rather than have the expense of removing ij, The stock includes a quantity of FINISHED LUMBER, such as hard and soft wood Flooring, Siding and Inside Finish. LUMBER IN THE ROUGH consisting of White and Rodd Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, Birds., Osk, Mb and Elm. . .. All sires from 1x3 -Inch up1o101t10- inch timber. Wo intend to sell out thhi stock within a month or Nix weeks, and shone who require lumber should apply at once. PAGET GRAIN DOOR Co., fkl., Goderich, Ont. J. YOUNORn s, Manager. 2glin.35sec.. Ernest Lee, Harry Shackle- daughter Doris, Mrs W. Rhynas received word this week that her son-in-law, Lieut. J. H. Farmer, had been wounded in France. ' Lieut Farmer held the rank of Major 1 when he went overseas with an Alberta battalion, but reverted to a lieutenancy ' in order to get to the front. He had been in France barely a month before he was wounded. Battalion Sergi. -Major Don G. McGil- licuddy, son of Mr. Thos. McGillicuddy of Toronto (formerly of Golerich1, has cabled that he is in a Glasgow military hospital, preparatory to undergoing an ▪ operation. He went overseas with the first contingent .Army Medical C , as .ant. !te• came home to turl(Itt h last sumrlser and was attached to headquarters - staff In February he went overseas as ser e Kg of Toronto, swot Thanks Vying Day with Mr. and \Wm. Mc Grath, Victoria street. 1081 ya INTI ate.DIAn �IAMPIONSINI} EVENTS battalion sergant)Irlajor of a railway cdn- h h has seen inn l I eersab1fo� the service in building light rail - i LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. Thedieevers farm on the Bayfield road Goderich township, has been purchased by Mr. Percy Speiran, of town. who in- tends to engage in farming. Read the appeal for the British Red Cross fund on page 11 of The Signal this week and be prepared with a generous contribution for the canvassers when they call upon you next week. The G. T. R. train this morning carried a large number of school teachers from town and vicinity who were going to Exeter to attend the annual convention of the West Huro r Teachers' Association. Thanksgiving Day was very quietly observed in Goderich. The weather was raw, and most people spent the day in- doors. Those who had mat burned it; and those who didn't have it wished they had. The Goderkh Orchestra is giving an in- formal dance at Oddfellows' Hall on Thursday evening, October IKth, from t;.:10 to 12 o'clock. The orchestra also is arranging for a Masquerade ball to be given on October `31st, of which par- ticulars will be announced later. Arrivals at the harbor the past week were the steamer Spokanpe, with 128,000 bushels of wheat; the Atikokan, with 82.- 000 bushels of tats, both for the elevator; the Mary McLachlan, with 90.000 bush- els of wheat, and the Valcalttier, with 200,000 bushels of what, for the mill. %string �Jtutmp-Ted clinics,1 Mrs. W. Rhynes visited . Toronto over is since bft.5}in. Willi Thompatlo,ric Wil - 'the week end, accompanied by A1rs. structiun unit. w son. 1 O'Brien of Detroit, and the latter is now y Running hop, i` and )imp -Ted' visiting Mrs. Rhynas here. Johnston, 33ft.lt� Uliam Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lock E.I. Wilson. a holiday trip to the Coast. Before re- Si1 J Standing high jump Ted Johnston. Duluth. 3ft.TOyin., Dave McDiarntid, William yy to Buffalo on Mr. P 1' Dean returned V y are away o Standing broad jump -Ted Johnstop, turning they will visit friends at Fort t.5in., Eric Wilson, William Thompson. William. Moose aw. Vancouver and - t111ft1� Wanted at the Canning Factory Plums, Pears, Apples, Beans •MI4 \ i seta. Highest prices . CO »ite in and See Us. Harm Caateag sad Evaperstisetti. D P. NAMttNK Man.g.r AUBURN. Wednesday, Oct. 10. - Miss Cora Ferguson was home for the holiday. [►T. McCabe and Jos. Leddv shipped a car of cattle to Toronto on Saturday. Thompson and Eve Wilson tie. , Monday after spending a few days in I Mims Ella I. Robertson left this week to Putting � shot - Tad Johnston, •25ft Stin- , town, and was accompanied by Mrs. Dean pursue her studies in music at the London William Thompson, Dave Al Johnston.d. i and Miss Chisholm. They made the trip Conservatory. 1(10 -yard caapi --'Ted - nston, 12# by motor car. `•. I Geo. Yungblut shipped a car of cattle seconds, William Thonmpson, Fraser Misses Ila Allen and Alit Saunders, on Saturday and a car of hogs on Thurs- y2204ard dash --Dave McDiarmid, 291 who are taking a course in massage at day to Toronto. --- seconds, Ted Johnston. William Thomp- ; Hart House. Toronto. were home, for al Melinda -Wenzel. of Hespeler, is brief visit over the weekend. They le son Pole via • Johnston, 7ft.l>n., the work, which is under military a 1rMleett I ewetic-- : +.... ' and it eviden1Lyjgr(Xy with thetas. Half -mile race- Ted Johnston. 2min. I Mr. W. G. May, of Sault Ste. MifSe, 401sec., Dave McL)tarmid, W. Thump - son.• JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP EveNTN. Running iroad jump Bert Megaw, 13ft 7lin., Lionel Macklin, Hector Mc- speenmilma walk visiting relatives and re- viewing acquaintances here. talsidd has gone to Clinton to take a Jsiaitlw course of study at the Ont.. gave The Signal a pleasant call on %tlnton Schopf of Commerce. Wednesday. Mr, May is spending the Mr. Noonan Brown and Mr. Mc - week in this vicinity. visiting his mother, Laughlin spent the holiday at their homes Mrs. Geo. May, of Nile, who, though at Dashwood and Listowel, respectively. nearing the fourscore mark is still healthy and active Miss Margaret Jackson, of Torr to, Miss Lila Howatt and Miss Verda A. th, of Stratford Normal School, s. t the holiday with --their parents. Miss McLaren. of the India• hool at Birtle, Man.. addressed the I• +les of the W. M. S. in Knox church .nday after- noon, giving a very inter • address. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Straughan,of Bern - Running hop, step and limp -Hector miller announce the engagement of their McLeod, 29ft4in., Lionel Macklin Bert second daughter. Ethel Grace, to Mr. Megaw. 100 -yard dash -Lionel Macklin, 133 GeorHgowared W.Thornton ' Sturdy, son of Mr. Sturdy. Goderich township, seconds, Hector McLeod, Bert Megaw, the marliage to take place the latter part j -mile race -Lionel Macklip,elmin.3fl of October. JCI., ++Cites ...t a-cw, aJ<,. ..ataa... Running high jump -Bert Megaw, Mrs. Fred Craigie, Wellington street, Herbert Isaacs will 3fftt.11jin., Lionel Macklin, Hector Mc- returned home Saturday evening after a day morning at l pleasant ten days' trip to Toronto and Cobourg. Airs Craigie made the trip to Anglican church, a GIRLS' SENIOR CHAMPIONSHIP EVENTS. Cobourg expressly for the purpose of at- by Rev. W. B. H Throwing and catching the ball -Jean tending the marriage of Miss Marie Smith A union than MacEwan-Alice MacEwan. Emily Mac- to Mr. Eugene 111cNicoll, manager of the in St. Mark' Arthur -Jean Bogie. Gladys MacKay- Maisonnetive branch of the Bank of Tor- ning. Rev. Mary Baechler, onto, Montreal, Que The bride is the Throwing the basket ball -Eva Cox, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1. H. Alice MacEwan, Jean MacEwan. Smith, formerly of this town. Standing broad jump - Evelyn Gold- We are pleased to learn that Mrs. (Dr.) thorpe. Jean Bogie. Laura Watson. Bean, dau;hter of Rev, :J. E. Ford, is ga 100 -yard dash - Jean MacEwan, Evelyn slowly recovering from'khe severe burns of Goldthorpe, Emily MacArthur. received on August lith ih the burning of Chestnut Tact -Beta Levy, Jean Bogie. her home. She was able to leave' the Jean MacEwan. hospital at Cobourg on Saturday Isla f. Three-legged race -Jean MacEwan- the home of her siste•, Mrs. Davidson, Evelyn Goldthorpe, Emily. MacArthur the same town. .Miss Jessie, her sist - Jean Bogie, Norma Ginn-•i'helma 'Leith- there also, aseistin)z to wait on her walite. will probably be near Christmas she will he aide to return to her k The baby 49 fully A memorial service f • the late Pte. held next Sun - .30 o'clock. in the tgillbe conducted kips. 'lying service was held church on -Monday eve- . S. O'Kell preached. and was assist • in the service by Rev. W. B. Hawk s and Rev. R. J. Ross. ' Mr. .hn Arthur has erected a pole at the . er gEhis store and has placed a ne stall lamp for the axnveiti lice puhtlic. by whom it is much ape ted. ' if the village trustees would ake upthe lighting of our streets they would be sure of holding their seats for another term against all comers. Relay race. - 1st taM-Eva 'Cox Jean MarEWa milt' MacArthur. Alice MacEw•an, Jan • nGoldthorpe. team- ma friss, Thelma 'te, 1 Foster, Claire Hays, atson, Refa Levy. torsion CFIAM PI'INNH IP EV RNTR, FOR THE BRITISH RED CROSS. Canvass of the Town Will Be Made Thursday. Oct. 18. The annual Trafalgar Day appeal is to'-.. be made to the people of Canada in he - half of the British Red Cross fund, and Goderich is asked to do at least as well as in 1915 and 19111 in support of the fund. In response to an appeal from the head office of the fund in Canada, Mayor Munnings called a public meeting for Tuesday evening last. when it was de- cided that a canvass of the town should be made on Thursday, October hath. This is the day set apart for the appeal throughout Canada. Reeve Nairn was appointed chairman of the Meal committee. Mr. Geo. Williams treasurer, and Mr. W. H. Robertson secretary. A chairman of the canvassing committee was appointed for each poll- ing subdivision of the town, and other arrangements were made Pc the canvass. Another meeting will be held at the town hall on Friday evening of this week to complete the organization. Every- one interested in the work is invited to attend. and it is especially requested that all of the chairmen of canvassing com- mittees tx• on hand at this meeting. The appeal of the British Red Cross is more ur ent than ever this year. as t ex • • iture• Rai math? therms/It +11 the first and second years of the war. '`When one remembers the millions of men affected, and also the fact that the British Red Crass is the only institution which carries volnntary auto the sick and wounded of the British forces on land and sea, in every region of the war, it is obvious why this special 'Our Day'' appeal. on October lath, concerns all classes of British subjects, whether -living in the British isles. in the dominions and col- onies beyond the seas, or in foreign countries." ,l9 Death of Pte. Herbert Lawson. --Ohl it Monday the sad news came from Engg- °re, land of the death in hospital at Gofal- in veroed, Goderich. bob f II r ming Camp of one of our Auburn boys. Pte. Herbert law'ta,n, son of Mrs. John Evelyn Th l', Lawson. From letters received from his brother it is known that he had been suf- fering for some time with a severe cold; but nothing further is known as to the cause of death. Pte. Lawson enlisted flint/ umber of doctors with the 161st Battalion soon after it was ng and catching the hall -Dor- thmughout the coun y have been writing organized $n(1 proceeded overseas to othy Daneey-Olive Allen, Dorothy Mar- here to ask Ka c fioate of physical un- I England., 'Where he has peen ready and shall -Marion Lee., Alice Nairn -Harriet fitness froma•fa - ly physician will be ac- waiting to do his duty whenever called Porter.• cepted at, face 'alueby a medical hoard upon to face the fox'. Ile leaves to Throwing the basket ball -Marion Lee, instituted u tine Military Service Act. mourn his death at the early age of Gladys Murray. The answer rn1kL was a prompt nega- twenty-one years his widowed mother. Standing brotad jump -Alice Nairn, tive. three sisters and two brothers: Pte. Dorothy Marshall, Gladys Murray. Experience'has rho t tlpt some family I Oliver Lawson, one of the brothers, is in 100 -yard dash -Alice Nairn, Vera Lati- physicians ate liable be placed in an 1 England with the 181st Battalion. and G tes of physical the other members of the family are MEDICAL BOARDS D Of Cial Bodies Must P Called Up under Mill; Ottatrat, Oct. 6.-A VIDE. Each ides Service Acta etu mer, ladys Murray. Chestnut race -Elsie Levy, Vera Lati- mer, Alice Nairn. Three-legged race --Alice Nairn -Har- riet Porter, Dorothy Marshall -Marion Lee, Vera Wilson -Vera Latimer. Relay race. - 1st team --Genevieve Spahr. Gladys Murray, Harriet Porter, Marion Lee, Dorothy Marshall; Alice Nairn. 2nd team --Marie Weiv, Lizzie Sower - by, Valerie Jeffrey, Vera Latimer, Gladys Ginn, Dorothy Dancey. Two bicycle races, which were not in- chided in the championship events. were run off, the winnersjbeing: One -Mile bicycle racesenio)-Dave McDiatmid. amin,Z4#sec., Fraser Newell, Elmer Bradley. • Half -mile bicycle race (junior) -Lionel Macklin, Imin.29ipec., Fraser Newell, Friar W2shindtrars awkward position If certi unfitness granted by them are competent Joseph, of Saskatoon. Sask.: Mrs. Spink. secure freedom of responsibility under of Stratford, Mrs. Willis Mountain, of +he Military Service Act for the sons of Hulett, and Miss Fanny. at home. We ex - dome of their patients. Doctors +night tend to the mother and the other mem- easily be subjected to annoyyatyce• of a bees of the family our sympI1aathy in the most disagreeable kind if the idea weft Id loss of their loved one what offered himself spread that any one of them. Wath a stave for the defence of our homes and who of his pen. might exempt a yqung man has laid down his life in our behalf. from military service. Under the scheme Steamer Graham Wracked.by which the Military Service Act is op- erated, the authorities will be guided by Port Huron. Oct. S. -Private advices the official medical hoards. I received here this afternoon by Captain J. T. Reid of the Reid Towing and Wreck- ' ing Company contain hest news of the gr. Ogthgrirsilli Mineral Springs. Under present-day conditions it is necessary that we conserve our nervous energy. Safeguard it by change and rest at the St. Catharines Mineral Springs (in operation sixty years). Diet. rest, elec tricity, salt water bathing. will restore you more. to full vigor once tre. Full particulars and hooklets on application to C. E. Horning D P A Titoronto (h sitiS tr s- •.. Eat Pure Ic•.Crsam and give your chilttraa:hone other. Edward( is pore. Phone 21x1. .•rets of the Canadian freighter G. A. Tea her -What is the lap of luxury ? Bay. lust off Manitoulin Island, Lake Small Boy -The cat lapping the cream Huron, in Sunday's gale. The vessel is off the milk. or sitting in the lap of a reported to have broken to two, and is with crlM of PLidhanl the Tail. Probably a total kms. Ail the cabins and Of e to Mr. and Mm ra. C Watson. a o, t i = No information as to the safety oft Graham, which went ashore at Srnnh The Woman's Auxiliary of St. George's church will hold an "at hone" in the school house on Wednesday evening. October 17th. There will be a program and refreshments. Admission 25c. Constant coughing is trying on your system. it is also annoying to people around you. (-se %Viler's Syrup of White Pine and Tar and you will soon get rid of your cough. • RED CROSS NOTES. The annual meeting of the ench branch of the Canadian Red CrossCiciety will take place in the jury room of the court house on Monday, October 15th, at S p. m. The report of the year's work will he read, and' the officers for Phe corn- ing year elected. All the members and contributors are cordially invited to at- tend. Uncle Josh was comfortably lighting Itis pipe in the living room (Inc even- ing when Aunt Maria glanced up from her knitting. "Josh." she remarked. "do you know that next Sunday will he the 25th an- niversary of our wedding "You don't say 90, Maria!" respond- ed Uncle Josh, pulling vigorously on about his corncob pipe. "What it?" "Nothing, answered Aunt Maria, "only 1 thought maybe we ought to kill them two Rhode island Red chickens. "Hut. Maria," demanded Josh, "how can you blame them two Rhode Island Reds for what happened twenty-five years ago 'f OUNURY'S SAL E REGISTER. f'ATt•Rt'AY, I.rt. la --t ni'rntnr'. .ate of Pio- acre farm .oath half I.t •L3,.«0re•.lu•. (, We.t W,wano.h. at A,barn hotel. A.. horn. et. ?p.m. 1 vivo, , IA•tobet IS.- Clearing *action .ale 01 t AO Kww1 farms, fern' .link awl implement*. property of Mr. Drivel Mcllwain, 1.1 onneea- slop, A.hlieM, - BORN. CO[9. to Mr. and Mrs. L Opera,1. RI OOs.oia. on n. n•w•m..er PRERT.-At Alexandra hrq.ltal. or Thursday, 1MtAber 4, 10 a r. 000 mi... I'. LL Prost. • m M . HOOGARTH.- At Wind or, (101, (.rtobe" s. to Mr, end Mee. E.G. Hutisarth, adausbter, Lola Ifet0lee. young man l Rromkl n. or'a suits on. I I TOM th upper works are f swept 'away heyWATRehN.-In N. Y. on October 2. Special for.Satuimai Only. , crew ns iven, hence itis assumed alt are; MARRIED. Smoked hams, m1ldtNred, rich flavor, safe on Mamtoulm l)dand. 11tAcAl.l.tSrER-regi r.l ItKY.. OnThnrwAwy, pSpept.mber !!, at fMt hairy Pre.b tetlan Legg 310 feet to length, 1M feet Rlsurh* taeonl , fm newt n a .:nix 2,401 groin tuns: ' She tl owned' by the MArLn•et. Ae 1'm,Ar , of Uoderlrh, ro Wm. Coughs are ostially the result of in- Montreal Transit, Cc*Mpany. I N M.cAnllnrrr, of �e r.,lt. fl 1 caused a old invadin the hal( or whole. by the piece 33t lb. ';hos. The Graham is cif steel construction, onstrcti of horoh. euetmtt, Mlch-, by R. w. Mr. Lowrt., ammat (m bT' C aM11 LION - HptLP Y. In(t tied trh, e* Wed - delicate capillary tubes in the langs. , If quality cAirits, use. Blackstone* eov. I�r Meit n�3.d17n�h,'r KJ', rn0d W' I ' S f White ne 8 of tt Pi and T delicious ice cream tit bulk or bricks for tisnm R*g>♦ r ti«f 1 h. co M. R•t wire IQ e* Syrup O - .• 7. n .r will quickly correct these conditions. all occasioxts. 'Phone 240. I w B. M1l km.. a armlet tett. 11 7