HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-10-4, Page 8/x' -Ter `„
$ TRVI;SDA V, Ott'. 4. 1017
WINTER is corning
and you will spend
tri of your time in-
doors. New Wall
Paper lends charm to
the whole house and
the change can be
made quickly and at
very little expense.
New Wall Paper Just Received,
Pr i, 8c, 10c, 12c, 1St,
20c and 25c.
"I h erlsesest and utast
•'s!e !evasive ,! as Sk Pa/
ro1L � .
Or. Trem.,n s Maur.I Hair Rgtorat.v.,
trod .. d.ec,ed. •+.w.an ted ro Mil.. rev i,t,r ,o os
.wu.i tato, or n.oner refu„ 4.d Poun,.el, no. a <t rand
non 'n,v,o,a PFK. 111 OA. ,rd Wnre rres.in
MVO, a., Target.. em.
Oe .n Ge4end..1.1 A Can..brlr. Dor Sion,
ea. Nate S. and5eeeee
New Wool Goods for Babies
and Little Tots
Long Bootees,
Pullet( r,
Blankets for Crib a,,,1 Carriage
Centres, Trays, Lunch Cloths,
. etc.
Miss Susie Noble
Snccessor+to Mrs. Tape.
School of Commerce
Courses in
I.FEICIENCY is the motto of
this School and it is the sits
to fit stutlertts for positions
in which they will do credit
to themselves and command
good salaries.-
Girls may room in the School.
1•01 lite.write to
B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts.
1'11oNE; 208
A round Town.
1'te act of the board of health in (exit -
pelting the laying of the sewers is one that
should meet with the approval
ratepayers, cvrlsiderin cif the
stances. The council has hated the under consideration for some tune
and. now that it is at last recognised
that existing conditions are a
ntenate the public health and welt y
action is to be taken. The next nave
should be to have every hoose connected
wits the sewer and do away with the
1 evil -smelling and dangerous cesspool
Some Satisfacbos,
If the construction of the sewer on
' • • street will be the
inating the usual floods that means
w tthe
winter, in this section of the town, the
residents will have a big sigh of retie(
Each year as the spring comes around
yards and cellars are inundated with
water,and if that is not a menace to
public health. what is?
No Card.
It seems most peculiar that a firm of
coal dealers in Toronto can offer to sell
coal to the town, while our dealers here
cannot supply the orders they have
on hand, some of these going back for
some months. 1 have heard tete remark
passed that it is a deliberate hold-up on
hardly believe thpart of is dealers.e coal
s is tthe as, orl1 can
to•see how they would benefit. for if 1
make no mistake the Fuel Controller
has made an order forbidding the raising
of the price of net beyond 19.00 per ton.
And again, it must he to their advantage
to deliver the coal in ton kits rather than
to be sending it out a few bags at a time.
The Soldiers' Welcome.
The mounted troops that attended the
r' I fair were highly pleased with the wel-
and tr is a ntlto extweended to them by
with t exhibition given the the spectators soldiers.
They certainlyYed table
put up a very creditable
display. the musical ride being performed
in a manner that would have
to mote seasoned troops. done credit
iThe Fair Buildings.
, The new poultry house at the show
ground, causes the other buildings to look
,rather dilapidated. Probably by the
time the next fair comes around the
Agricultural Society will have made some
other much needed imprdvements and
brightened the places up with a coat of
The Dungannon fair takes, place this
week" on Ththsday and Friday, and Bays
he;d.wiU close up the fail show 'mon
in this district on Tuesday and.
day of next week.
New Perfection
Oil Stove
Why not economize by;
using less coal or wood?
The New Perfection Oil
Stove is just what you
need. We have them
for ;sale -three -burner
and:four-burner Stoves.
--Call and See Them-
Phone 156 Hamilton Street
1 MacEwan Estate
Exclusive agents for
for Goderich
and District.
Best Coal Mined,
Any quantity heat all Maple
Slane, Mixed Wood, Hemlock
and Kindling (Cedar or Pine,)
wens optlf
Phone 138
your ideas of sh,
aline l.11ne can 1
ter than anyw
shoes are Reit
wearing quaiitie
and their perfect
make the price an
man who buy* a iir
he has received
his money- ant
Drop in enol look
Wm. Shan. la
Goderich, Ontario
het -
n we
e fox
ViNO! tote for t ---
Blind at Brantford. aced Dy .,Trip•. O'Nedl, ftzfru y ofonG
rich, who it tuiw duung ,Noel work •
on the
' epsirtorea! staff (
Positive -Convincing Proof
Many so-called remedies for anae-
mia ere orgy so in name. Their mak-
ers are afraid to prove their claims
telling what them by
The Daly way to be medicines costals.
people is to let them knowwhat
with the
formula paying for.
Hese is what they
the Vsows
what a medicine containn ,, t cess
tD be • "patent" anedicine.
15 Las Lbw as)eaaew�.r a,seso e•, 1M ea/
at?eta a [1a, -r' IM a.4 Am-
lwa.Magw, Ceaaert*. tae fare. Oin.ro
Any doctor will tell you that the ins
gredients of Vint, as named above,
will enrich the blood and banish anae-
mia and create strength, When
blood is pure and rich the
body is strong and robust
You can prove this at our expense
becauseour money will be returned
it Vino! toes riot improve your health.
inM nStewart, of Blyth, is visiting friends
Mrs. J. F. Button is spending a few
days at Detroit.
Mrs. D. Roberts, of Stratford, is visit-
ing Mrs. Coleman, Huron road.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Merrier. of Zurich,
were•un town last week.
Mr. Harry Wiggins, of Chicago, has
hem visiting at the old home.
eir mabel Farr,' k -
visited ndtown aMissstweek. o/
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Hick, of Tor-
onto, have been spending a week in town.
Afr. Robin Macpherson,' of Ottawa, is
visiting at the homeo!
Coats. his uncle. Mr. W.
Miss Robertson returned to Windsor on
Saturday to resume her teaching duties
-Mr. and Mts. Shrigley, of Turono, are
uniting at the residence of Mrs. Edward,
Britannia road.
Messrs, D. T. Gledhill and Jas. Farrell.
of Kincardine, were among the visitors to
Goderich fair.
Miss Stirling, who has been visiting for
some weeks with friends at Sarnia .Beach.
Detroit and London, has returned.
Mr. F. A. Holmen. of the Toronto
-phatoffice staff, is in town to see his father,
Cdunty Treasurer Holmes, who is very ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. MacLennan and
daughter, of Toronto, arrived Saturday
evening on a visit to friends in town and
�n Ashfield.
Mrs. Moore, who had been visiting her
son, Mr. Walter Moore, left on Tuesday
to spend a few days at Blyth and Listowel
befpre returning to St Marys
Mr's, Esther Carter left on Tuesday to
visit her son at Assirtiboia. Sask., and
frienos at other points in the West. She
will be away about two months.
Mrs. Myron Matthews and two childretel
of Port Huron, are spending two weeks
with Mrs. Matthews parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Clark. Walnut street.
Mrs. Jas. Andrews is
retaking arrangementsfor the town mo week
her household goods to removal rof
Mr. Andrews has a good position. where
Poli t fon
Mrs. S. A. Webster spent the past week
I with her daughter, Mrs. Johnston at
Preston. and her son, Mr. S. Curran, who
made a flying visit from Howell,
Mr. and Mrs. Inkster, and
E. Mitchell and children and rr Mrs-
ster made a tri Harry Ink -
motor on Saturdayr returning on Monday. nn by
Mr. Howard h on has sent
several years farming in he who spent
town last week. He intends tof resume
his studies and will take a course at the
Univers,( y of Chicago.
Mrs. E. Graham and daughter, Miss
Ida, left on Saturday on their return to
Cleveland after a brief visit in town, Mr.
Thos. Graham, of Cleveland, also has
been visiting at the old home
Mrs. M. K. McQuarrie and
after spending the sununel' children,
town, left Thursday last for their
Kentville, N. S. They were actin home at
as far as Toronto by Mrs. M omP y '11
brother, Mr. E. V. Lawson.caale"s
The first of a series of popular dances
was held at the British Exchange hotel on
Friday night last, and was a very enjoy-
able affair. There was a large attendance,
including a number from outside points,
A gCN1d program of music wasiven by
the Goderich Orchestra. Mr. Haines, the
proprietor of the British Exchange, in-
tends to have similar dances about once
a month.
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Sallows and Miss
Verna returned to town on Thursday last
after a week spent in Algonquin Park.
Mr. Sallows combined business with plea-
sure. taking a large number of pictures
for the advertising department of the
G. T. R. He describes the scenery in the
Park at this season of the year as mag-
nificent, the coloring of the foliage being
remarkably vis d.
rhT he h wilhnl5 A xiliart of St. George's
school hose on hone" in the
October 17th. There twill a bo program
and rrfreadanents. Admitssion Proftrart,
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Tout, Toronto,
announce the engagement of their only
daughter, Violet Irene, to Mr.
Ernest Colborne• son of Mr.and MGeorge.
1 L.Colhorne, Goderich, the marriage to
take place the latter part of October.
A recent number of "Canada," an it
lustrated contains published
in London,
Canadian championship pictures of the
Seaford. One of the picots held at
Lieut. Roy A. Walter I stores shows
making a record in throwing the lineation)
his throw heing 124 ft. fie in. ascus
Miss Glenn, of Glenn-Char►ea, Toronto,
C:anada'a hair fashion store. will be in
('0dench, Bedford hotel, Friday, Otto -
het 12th, with a full line of ladies' and
gentlemen's hair good*. i( you are not
satiseed with the appearance of your hair,
consult Miss (.inn. who iaan Guth
on hair goods and individual hair at
Free demortatratenn
World, of
week has arrticleon the OAtorn o, this
taerio Itasti-
o a leading Western
0o daily. Thr article is
sympathetic strain and the reader
written n an i ea of the work that .gives
done at
the Institute for the benefit of those who
the precious sense of sight.
SVictoria 1thankigtving services in ,
Coria street Methodist church will `
conducted by the pastor. R v. J. H.
cIeitterhout, next Sunday. M trig sub-
Everi ••
Rev. R. C. McDermid will conduct
Nthanksgiving services in Knox church on
ataoyl.al The morning subject will be
eveni"Na, Thanksgiving" and in the
In' the PlaceThe of
theewc thoirwill
render a special service of praise.
thRev. Gordon M. Holmes will
Baptist church next Sundets preach in
subject: -Thanking God for *II hp nual
bless,nga sub Learn,
from (-heist the habitom' of t ' "Learning fness.A
cordial invitation to the services is ex-
Thanksgiving Day will be marked at
St. George's church by the observance of
harvest thanksgiving services at 11 and 7
o'clock on Sunday next. The special
preacher will be the Rev. Canon Hill,
M. A. late rector of St. Paul's church.
R na. The thankotfertn
rgh toward reducut� the debt upopenThiee
am Td tpastor, s Rrviv, Dr. Rutledge, will
Methodist church next Sunday.
subject: "Thou and Morning
nese ,. Evening: -Thoughtfulness E Thankful-
Men's Sunday -Too EasilyContent."
parlor at 10 a. Club meets in church
-For Whatm. Subject for discussion:
-For hitrnteetinf Thankful?" Monthly
On Sunday gat 10 a. m. •
Methodist church, t 1, in North street
Rutledge, preached (r pastor. Rev.oDr.n
Acts 13:36: .'paved, afte( he had served
his own generation by the \will of God,
fell on sleep." The
ory of the tate W. R. sermon as in hose
life of service for andnt to whose
em -
the preacher God and his lowrnen
paid a fine tribute.
Receipts from Tea Poem'. �
At the meeting of the General Brouggh
Chapter, I. 0. D. E. held last week the'
treasurer's report showed the total receipts
to date of the series of teas to
and the total expense in conmetbe
with for the same length of time to be
140.00. Since the tea-room was opened
the Chapter has given large amounts as
To French Red Cross.....
Queen Mary's Needlework Guild...., 23
RRenovations at the local hospital.- , 30
Byron Sanitarium (London)........
. 30
The Chapter
for theC kipd to thank the citizens
will be glad to welcome them m to their tnd to say ry
room on the coming Saturdays of autumn,
Mrs. Brear Tells Them to Keen Oodd's
Kidney Pitts o° Hand.
Maple island, Ont., qct. 1 (Special.) -
Mrs Walter Brear, a well-known and
highly respected resident here, has con-
sented to give a message to the
which is of especial interest to public
That message is: "Keep mothers.
Pills always within reach." PDodAs o the
reason why As to the
Brear this message is given Mrs.
"My trouble stated after my baby was
born. 1 had a bitter taste in
and there were dark circles undermm mouth
Me skin had a harsh dry feeling,Y eyes.
itched and burned at night. and s
troubled with g I was
and I suffered from l shortnwaess oftenodizzy
The doctor I consulted could nott give
much relief and I was verygive n
down when i started to use much run
odd's Kid-
ney Pills. Two boxes broughhtt relief and
after taking eight boxes I am completely
cured. I would not be without Dodd's
JCidney Pills. "
Wheat, per bout.... _ n
(lata, pdr An -11...
Harley per bn., h.....,.....
Pens, per beet,
Hoek wheat, per bora, „
M !dor. familyl, ear o '
Flour. patent, w0 ' •'
Bran. porton . •• ..t ....
Rhorte per ton'
Hal, per ton ...'
$t t w, loo -e, pet... ......
Wail. err load ""
Dalry Hotter. peelb..
Creamery dotter
Baso, fre.h, per dos ...
Prot «a est hurt .'
butcher: choice,
(Jetties belch. r: medium,I
H g., ilea weight. par cwt.
Iner. per le
tallow, rtortrreel, Mr Ib ,,.,
round rheep, I lipped. .
8herp.tbh.. ..
W04, nnwa.l�ed.'pe,:I>+....,
" ere.ta.l. sin 13.
URA( r, tot Ohar 4.
••- • /3.10 to 2,10
3n to 55
1.00 to 1.15
3 fo It
....... 67.1 to aln
....... 273 W Rot
.. 34.00 to 30.01
.. 3103 to 11.00
....... 300 to 11131
*.M too
ati to .41
....... .4'fte .17
11 to .45
OM i. It) tw to 1i,n43
17 75 741
n. is
.10 w ie
6.30 to 9.30
11 to 1.13
.1.1 oo •,s
Minutes of council meeting held nil
September Members all present.
Minutes of Hast' meeting were read and
passed, on motion of Buchanan end Irwin.
Geo. T. Robertson presented an actseint
0(1420.00 for sheep damaged and destroyed
over tilly
lately. This account was laid
witnesses for meeting to allow of some
examination. in connection
also with the above matter the council
hekhy suggest that cm account of the
large number of damages being sought for
in this manner sheep -owners be asked
either to corral their flocks at night or to
x'lofla,[SrtAq�r4tuun�rsy�t� _
t .
Our showing of Suits at popular prices is exceptionally varied and
carefully selected. The vahles are decidedly
made it possible to give Suits anything near he qualOtylat the ptricesJ buying
are splendidly tailored in the very latest styles, rnade in fine serges, broad-
cloths, etc. Wel�ine t and eves give you navy, brown, green or black. The coats are
the values are EXCgarment EPTION GOOD.
man-tailoredthroughout. Again we state that
ALLY GOOPrices are
$25.00 $27.50
$30.00 $35.00
Exceptional Values in Sweater
Coate at $6.50 and $7.50
These Sweater Costa are splendid garments.
They are made fromP ure Australia° Wools and
are better D t
Js no tetter Y ar than we can buy (,o�y There
between-seastees garment than the
l3weater, and the styles of these ere decidedly
attractive. Plain colortnge and white and aotne
very pretty fancy designs in checks, at
..-------- ----- -22.510
Lower-priced Sweaters if Y ou w ant thtm,nj,1in7.20
For Knitting Soldiers' Socks
Particularly good quality in Knitting
specially male ter soldiers . f Wool
knitting socks tor the "Chis' If you are
you cannot make them boys' Chi -fetuses boxes
this. Grey and khaki, at per poundr y----arn than
For Ane white il
socks we have Raldwie's 4-plyly
imported Scotch Fingering, at per single skein
This f
beautiful wool and very scarce today.
The Wonderful "Nemo" Corset.
All sizes now in stock in our regolar prices of
these world-famous Corsets, The demand for
these is steadily on the increase. 1f the right
model is selected and properly fitted, the lady
who once wears a Nemo will not be easily per-
suaded to try any other Corset. The young
ladles in our department have received their in -
structions from a Nemo expert and can tell you
they P Rpe ' node! o select, 50x1 Will *tee that
properly adjusted before leaving the
sore. Nemo models' 11 stock at._-.....
-- --- -22.510,$.751. 24.251 and $2.751
Any other Kyle male by the Nemo Corset Co.
Procured direct from the factory.
Flannelette Night Gowns
$1.25 and $1.50
Ton will find these just right for chilly nights.
We have Flannelette Night Gowns made from
extra quality English Flannelette. White only.
Two good styles at......
-----21.2, and 21.!10
Smart Black Velvet Hats
New shaaJpe, just received in Black Velvet
Hats. The Velvet used In these Hata Is
of splendid quality. There are many die
tinct styles to select frim. Every Dae
right le1i to the minute. Prices are......
-----.54.00, $4.50,152.00 and $S.00
Buy Your Winter
Underwear Now
Whetsay this advisedly. If you realize what
up for a cap loc two going to he you will sock
tfilshead, while you can huy at
present -clay prices. We are showing a 'nose
oalrnplete stock of ladles' and childrea's Under
dnnd Cain give you values that we cannot
pflegte onto we have to re•osier. There are
several1 qualities that will l,e found very
comforts and can be had In either white or
natural, at •r garment - ..ti
There a �' 510o and 21.00
re garr�nte in flne union and pure wool,
at per garment --._21.251, 21.80 and
Combinati 21.7..
}� Suite ---- -21.510 to
For the lithe folk we n $
thing you want, at frogive yon almost gar -
meat. c to WV the gar -
nal Value in Fla elette
e eae We ing else' Flannels prices are
i• are particularly fort , . ate in re -
E ng a large shipment of an ext r 1 line
lab Flannelette bought over a y . ago at
tt y el Iy pkl prices. This is a eosin. ,.. quit-
. excellent weight, soft fnish a, . fast
°eters, i variety of s(rilv'a to select f ,.
Per yard -s ----------------
Beautiful Black Silk $1.50
This Silk is heavy weighti rich, lustrous
and tree ttninh
Per yard ......... plcndiA .101 •r.
�•---------••- -21.60
from adniter5tiOn
S W-5111
11,400 Austrians Captured on
place a few tells on some to prevent this
nuisance, as at the present demand for
compensation the fund for thio purpose
will soon be exhausted. The sum n 1t tb.00
was granted as (o rnierly fn aid of the
Win mgthe m aril Blyth fall fairs. Regard -
Il granting o/ money to put aide line
33 and 34. commotion 13, in shape for
ordinary traffic, it was moved by 1
flurhanan, seconded by McGowan, that J
the council take no action in this matter,
The following acnnunts were Per
(Tavel --S. Peddle, 31.30: R. Mcfee,1
1.4.20; J. Pfeffer. $2.30; J. cDowell,
11.00; W. Salter, 11.90: C. Campbell,
11.00; W. Andrews, MAO; J. Nicholson
/2.tI0; R. Ki
I. .Boyle,;f t , 31.90: S. Frisky, 113.30;
Bennett X10: R. RMm00d 51.00; W.
Burney: S770. CW rn12.4(►; S .Mc.
jJ R. a'alden af•"
MassesS2.70: shovelling.8.20;. J.*1.40:.
lin , 1t 00• Wir�ha 20
each 310.00. 1. T. -
Jit and _
'twits, , SS. • h
Gro, Wli it >e'Weda„
half aave1, 39 cents. Council adjourned
ortnd. Clerky" October lith.
of Bain/dem Plateau.
LONDON, Oct. 2. -The Italians
have started another big offensive
I against the Austrians on the Isonzo
I front, where for a fortnight variable
' quietude bad prevailed. On the Bain-
' Masa plateau height positions kava,
been stormed and taken by General
Cadoin 'a forces, and 1,409 408 Drlsoners
the I By their new successes
Italians have brought their line
almost to the bridgehead of the
i Chiapoyano River, near Podlaca and
i! Medea, which also gives them pos-
session of almost all of the south-
eastern portion of the plateau,
'the Austrians, realising the stra-
tegic value of the gains, bare deliv-
ered extremely beery counter-at-
tacks against the Itallans, but all to
aro purpose. Likewise fruitless bare
been attempts to dislodge the hat --
from the southern slopes of
Monte San Gabriele.
Dally the ItiHSns continue their
aerial bombardments of Austrian po-
tations with large Quantities of explo-
sive*. The great tonnes* of Pols
again has received a visitations and
enemy depots at Gertew, near Nebre-
eine, also have been bombarded,
Military Low Supreme.
LaNtAaA Bandmaster FALLS. Ont., Oct, 2,--
of the Thomas Bur -
was taken to �m Battalion stand
trial by courtmartllal foodren to al to
obey orders, recusal iy
fit to go (O Frane0e not Dhyslca14
was returned home. as a Drtrate ao
be was ordered to BontPat ago
Borden, but neglected
at Camp
cialming he was to
as too Ill. A detail o
soldiers marched to MR bons* at Nia-
gara Falls, surrounded the house,
and an officer ordered Burley to sell
I Into nntlorm and corn*
LONDON OTightens Blockade,
us blocked* of •-A still more
odd bytbrfE t.515AllJsto
nit of the erente of L as
Cecil, conlereltee of
C, with Bp lab >efalateret
Mga eekade. French Mfafst g
on the Kfn
Droclamatton Drobib4Ling
'rtation q[ M
tad Holland rtala Eirttefes to
am.hval also wee give a m er
for tb
to make lotm� t ort
enemy to alcedt
through geutrel countries.