HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-10-4, Page 7•••••••••••••••• THE SIGNAL • GODERICH, ONTARIO Here you have a preparation -tiny, satin -like wafers of the purest essence of soap -that actu- ally makes woollens as fresh and light and fleecy as when new. Socks and stockings -sweaters and sweater coats- white flannel suits -underwear -blankets -all come out of the gentle LUX bath absolute- ly unshrunken and CLEAN. Get a package, read the directions, it will be good news if you want your woollens to last. a Wm. Stewart; yellow egg, Wm. Stewart, I George Laithwaite: Lombard. Wm. Waite. 0. F. Edward; green gage, J. W. Salkeld. W. H. Tremblay; peach 0. F. Edward; Niagara. Wm. Stewart: Abundance, M.E. • Lymburner, Fred Barker, any other var- ' iety, J. W. Salkeld, Wm. Stewart: prune, Wm. Waite, George Laithwaite. PLACIDIS. tour named varieties. Isaac Salkeld: Fitzgerald, Malcolm McKay: early Craw- ford, Isaac Salkeld, James Yuill; yellow St. John, George. Laithwaite. Isaac Salk- eld; late Crawford, Isaac Salkeld, James 1 Yuill: Elberta, George Laithwaite, Isaac Salkeld: any other variety, Mr. M. E. Felker. °RAPIN!. Eight named vaneties, open air, John W. Salkeld; fouenamed varieties, open air, George Laithwaite. John W. Salkeld; Del- aware, Wm Stewart, George Laithwaite: Cancord, John W. Salkeld: Hartford, Wm. Stewart i Mooresdiamand, Charles Wells. pGeocge Laithwaite: Eaton. Charles Wells; Virgennes. John W. Salkeld; Clinton, Isaac Salkeld; Campbsll's early. George Laithwaite: Lindley. Rodg- er's No. 9. George Laithwaite. John W. Salkeld: Salem. Rodger's No. 22, George Laithwaite: Niagara. George Laithwaite, Charles Wells: Empire State, Chas. Wells; Worden. George Laithwaite, Chas. Wells; Moore's early, Wm. Stewart. Geo. Laith- waite; Brighton, John W. Salkeld. George Laithwaite; any other variety. George Laithwaite. Charles Wells. Judges -D. Cantelun, D. F. Hamlink. FLOWERS. CUT reowaas. Floral design. Chas. Wells, Malcolm McKay , centre -piece, Malcolm McKay, Charles Wells. 0. F. Edward; collection of cut flowers. Wm. Warnock. Malcolm - Well • data. W - • THURSDAY, Oca*. 4 1917 7 Save that spoonful Four and often five spoonfuls of ordinary tea do not go any further than three of Red Rose Tea. Less Red Rose is required because it consists chiefly of rich, strong, full -flavored Assam teas. Use Red Rose Tea and save that extra spoonful. Kept Good by the Sealed Package REDROSE TEA is good tea M. Rasa; sofa pillow, in colors, floral. C. O'Keefe; fruit, Miss M. Curwen, Mrs Mrs. J. S. Howrie, Mrs. M. Ross; night- J. A.:fowler; inanimate object, not fruit dress, in white or color. Mia M. Curwin. or flowers, Mrs. S. H. Baker, Mrs. J. A. Mrs. M. E. Felker; pin cushion, Miss M. Fowler; ,monochrome, any subject Curwin, Andrew Halliday; fancy work- (original), Mrs. L C. O'Keefe, Mrs. J. A. bag. Mrs. M. Ross; pillowslips, John Fowler; monochrome. any subject (copy), Fowler, Mrs. Biddle; corsetcover, Mrs. Mrs L. C. O'Keefe, Mrs. S. H. Baker. M. E. Felker, Miss M. Curwin; boudoir Stewart, Chas. Wells. Andrew Halliday; cap, Miss M. Curwin; lady s waist. Mrst i asters, Malcolm McKay, Chas. Wells, Biddle. Mrs. J. S. Howrie; child's dress, ' Wm. Stewart; verbenas, Malcolm Mc- Mrs. J. S. Howrie; lodge room pillow. 'Kay, Fred Barker; dianthus. Wm. Stew- any order, McElwain, Nile, Mrs. Biddle: art. H. Barker: zinnias. Malcolm McKay, towels, initials or manogram, Mrs. M. ;,. 10. F. Edward: truss geraniums. single, Ross, Dorothy Dickson; handkerchief, 1 Chas. Wells, Wm. Stewart; truss geran- Mrs. M. Ross, Mrs. J. S. Howrie; lace iurns, double. Malcolm McKay. Wm. stitches. Mrs. J. S. Howrie: collar and Stewart; annual phloxes, H. Barker. Mai- cuff set, Mrs. Biddle, Mrs. J. S. Howrie; GoJerich Far -prize WinnersiceTdcabashweri John Sowerby, J. W. Salk- I colm McKay gladiolus. gladiolus. Dorothy Dick- i pillowslip, Miss M. Curwin, Mrs. J. S. Andrews. J. W. Salkeld; I sari. A. Halliday; peturuas. double, Fred Howne. rews; ribston piln,John W. Salkeld, 1 Wm. Stewart; anterhintuns. H. Barker. Hand -made shirt waist. Mrs. J. S. • • (Continued from page wealthy. J. A. Mallour Robert And- Barker; petunias. single. Fred Barker, SEWING. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS. FIELD ORAINNI, ETC. Fall sheet. white, named, John Sower - by ; spring wheat. any vanety, named, Miss M. Curwen; barley. any variety. named, John Sowerby: white oats, any variety. named, R. Mcllwain. Nile; Miss M. Curwen; clover seed, John Sowerby: sunflower seed, George Laithwate. James Yuill. Judges-eCharles Girvin. Joha Cox. FIELD PAM i'd, VEGICTAHLKS. Long red mangold wurtzel, Fred Harker; Cmangold wurtael. Mrs. M. Snow- .eSnow&n Estate..internsediate man - gold seurtzel, W. T. Murney, Robert And- rews; sugar mangolds, for feeding pur- gWe:McIlwain, Nile, W. T. Murney: cla‘e turnips. A. Halhday. Jahn Fowler: white carrots. Fred Barker. A. Halliday; corn. field. any vanety, John Sowerbv: largest pumpkin. Carl Worsell. W. T. Murney: largest squash. A Halliday. Doak & Johnston; largest turnips, A. Hal- liday. George W. Andrews; sugar beets for sugar purposes, Fred Barker, Geo. W. Andrews; twelve largest and best stalks of field corn, to include exhibit by those en- tering field crop competition. W. T. Mur - sty, John Sowerby. Judges -Charles Girvin. John Cox. DAIRY PRODUCTS. uten pounds of table butter, salted for rolls. Mn. Baxter. John FOWICT, A. J. Gofdthorpe: ten pounds of tabk butter in crock. !Salted for present use. 0.• F. Ed- ward. James Yuill. George Laithwaite; home-made cheese. Geo. Laithwaite: tub or crock of butter, A. J. Goldthorpe. Geo. Laithwaite, John Fowler: dairy butter. George Laithwaite. Mrs. Bastes James Yuill. Judge- Gordon A. Bisset.. HORTICULTURAL DEPART NIENT. A PPLid. Ten varieties. named, John SawerbY• John W. Salkeld: six cooking varieties. named, John Sowerby, J. A. Mallough. A.H. Clutton; six dessert varieties. named. John Sawerbv. A. H. Clutton. John W. Salkeld. Duchess of Oldenburg. J. A. Mal - lough. John W. Salkeld: Cayuga red streak. 20-m. apple. J. W. Silkeld: fall pippin. G. W. Anarews- pippin • Charles Wells, ohn Sowerby; Grimes' Malcolm McKay; nasturtiums. A. Haiti- Howrie; plain sewing by hand, Mrs. M. golden, Robert Andrews; hint; of Tomp- day, Malcolm McKay; sweet peas, J. Roes, Dorothy Dickson; gent's flannel kins County, John Sowerby, John W. W. Salkeld, Isaac Salkeld; stocks, Mrs. shirt, hand -made, Mrs. Biddle: plain hem - Salk Id A IS Clutton • cranberry pippin, ' J. S. Howrie, Wm. Stewart, hand stitching. Mrs. M. Ross, Miss M. Curwin: J. A. Mallough, Robert Andrews, John W. I Sa.keld; Pewaukee, J. A Mallough, John Fowler; Wagner, Robert Andrews. John W. Salkeld; Hubbardson's nonsuch, J.W. Salkeld; Westfield's seek no farther, John W. Salkeld. Rhode Island greening. John W. Salkeld 2nd and 3rd: Baldwin, J. A. Mallough. J. W. Salkeld. John Sowerby; ' Talmmes sweet. Robert Andrews. John Sowerby; American golden russet. R. And- rews 2nd and 3rd; Fallawater. Robert Andrews, John W. Salkeld: Ph jenix. A.H. Clutton. John Sowerby; Bismarck. Geo. Laithwaite; Ontario. James Mallottgle John W. Salkeld. John Sowerby; Nffetheen spy. Robert Andrews. Isaac Salkeld. J. W. Salkeld; Mann. J. A. Mallough, Joh" W. Salkeld. John Sowerby; Blenheim orange pipten, J. A. Mailough. 0. F. Edward: Co.bert, Robert Andrews. J. W. Salkeld; Stark, Robert Andrews, John Sowerby; seedling, 0. F. Edward, John Sowerby; any other vanety. J. A. Mallough, John Sowerby, 0. F. Edwards; crab Charles Wells: quinces, Robert Andrews, Charles Wells: best packed standard box of apples of any variety. J A. Mallough: golden russets. Robert Andrews, J. W. Salkeld Snd and 3rd. bouquet. Malcolm McKay. Mrs. J. A. twelve buttonholes. Mrs. J. A. Fowler. Fowler; table bouquet, T. R. Wallis, 0. F. Eslward; darning, straight, biased Malcolm McKay; pansies. R. C. Postle- and three -cornered. Miss M. Curwin: thwaite, Mrs. J. S. Howrie. • darning on cashmere, with ravellings, - PLANT Mrs. J. A. Fowler; mending. 1 patch POT S. henuited, Mrs. M. Roes. Mrs. J. A. Fow- I Coleus, Wm. Stewart, Chas. Wells; ler; mending, 1 patch top -sewed, 0. F. tuberous begonias. Wm. Stewart; flower- Edward. Mrs. M. Ross; plain working ing house plants, Wm Stewart; eight apron handmade. 0. F. Edward, Mrs. M. PEARS. Six varieties. namei, John W. Sawerby, George Laithwaite: three varieties. named. George Laithwaite. J. W. Salkeld. John Sowerby; Bartlett, George Leith- waite, Charles Wells, Robert Andrews: Louise Winne d? Jersey, 0. F. Edward. George Laithwaite: I3eurre DAnjou, John Sowerby: Beurre Hardy. Geode Laithwaite; Bearre Diel, A. J. Goldthorpe: Beurre Boom. Robert Andrews: winter Nell* John Sowerby: Beurre Clairgeon, Wm. Waite, A. Halli- day: seckel. John Sowerby. Wm. Waite: Clapp's favorite. A. 'Halliday. John F. Thompson: Lawrence. John Sowerby: Keiffer; George Laithwaite: seedling. 0. F. EdWard. Arthur Jones: any other variety. John Sowerby, John W. Salkeld. PLUMS. W ashington. Robert Andrews, A. Halli- day: Bradshaw, A. Halliday. W. H. Trem- blay: Pond's seedling. Wm. Stewart. John Sowe rby; Smith's Orleans, Geo. S. Hunt, -•IIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111=- % . ' "" 011111111111111i III all II 1111 11111 I lel Ill Imit it C 8 i DAILY BETWEEN BUFFALO & CLEVELAND Ir... • ! 3 - MAGNIFICENT STEAMERS - 3 The Groot Shle "BREANDBRIt"-"CiTY OF RRIE"-"CITY OF BUFFALO" •546545 BUFFALO -Daily. May let to Nov. tSth -CLEVELAND 1,4404 Bort44.4 • P ) It I Loom 04.41r44.44r4. • OM P. M. Arrive etarei.iwn I le a. i Timm ) arrive SIIIPPALO • 144 A.11 046.4441444 ea Cleveland Cedar Point, Pot -to B ,fir 161(*v, //444.11 and .TI Pnlei* 1Wese sae Senthereas Rallroedi Seem f.1144•111.111•4411 mamma end Cleveland ar.irgtat71:Irirrr tr.17 (4144 ews ...tees limit. tot earl solloste6416/11,1••".".". ..ea" 6444 *Waved eeetlosaT eres.I• Aare SCIS' S*S• f wow •Iro ast M.... Mimeo 44(.664•1 sod doser41.1111••• booklet froo The C16411■6111/ Bufhle Truant Ce, en.won. eon I'M Orme 1110..11111141r•Sir.• - Inns. will semi es.07 pssseps liksdnse %Mel wrion .•••11. anmprolay. 11115 posossors FARE +3P • • CRAYON, CHARCOAL. AND INK. Any subject in cra yon or chalk, original. L. C. O'Keefe. Mrs M. Ross; any subject. in charcoal, original, Mrs M. Ross. L. C O'Keefe; any subject, pen and ink sketch, original, J. Ades Fowler, L. C. O'Keefe: any subject, pencil drawing. original, L C O'Keefe, Mrs. M. Ross. CHINA China painting, single piece. Mrs. J. S. Howrie, Mrs. S. H. Baker; china panting. collection. Mrs. J S. Howne, J. A. Mallough. Judge -Geo. Stewart. geraniurns. single, Wm. Stewart; eight Ross; fancy apron, Mrs. Biddle, Mcllwain, geraniums. double, Wm. Stewart; four Nile. geranierns, single, Wm. Stewart; four LA(•14 WORE, ET'. geraniums, double, Wm. Stewartibegonia Point lace. Mrs. J. A. Fowler, Mrs. Bid - rex, T. R. Wallis, Charles Wells; belleintes• die; Irish crochet, Mrs. M. Ross, Mrs. I.' not tuberous. Wm. Stewart, T. R. Wallis; fuchsias, Wm. Stewart: hanging basket, S. Howrie; knitted thread lace. Melt - wain, Nile, Mrs. J. S. Howrie: tatting, Wm. Stewart, Chas. Wells. Judge -Wm. Coats. thread work, centre -piece. Cora B. Roberts. Mrs. J. A. Fowler: netting. GARDEN VEGETABLES, MELONS. Mn. J. S. Howrie, Mrs. M 1. Felker: Dorothy Dickson, Wm. Warnock; drawn • Collection six varieties of potatoes, collecti in of rL.eilese M's. M. E. Geo. Watson. Snowden Estate, John Fow- Felker. Mrs. J. S. Howne. ler; early potatoes. Geo. Laithwaite, Wm. Judges -1 ri main McKim and E. F. Warnock: late potatoes, Geo. S. Hunt, Porter. Fred Barker; hubbard squash, Geo. S. PRENKRVEN. Hunt. Geo. Laithwaite; white or golden Assortment of home-made preserves, celery, Geo. Laithwaite. J. W. Salkeld; Mrs. J. S. Howrie; peaches, A. Halliday, red celery, Fred Barker; winter cabbage, Jas. Yuill. Mrs. .1,___SHowrie: straw - Andrew Halliday. Fred 'Barker; savoy berries. A. J. Goldthorpe, Mrs, J. S. cabbage, Fred Barker, Geo. Laithwaite: Howrie, A. Halliday; raspberries. A. J. red cabbag•e. Frei Barker' turnip blood Goldthorpe, A. Halliday, M. E. Lytn- Halliday; long blood lasets, for table use, M. E. Feer. Andrew Halliday; pears. Fred Barker. Snowden Estate; radishes, Malcolm McKay, Mrs. J. S. Howne. Chas. Wells; carrots, for table use, Carl Mrs. Wm. Bolton; cherries. Malcolm Mc- orsell, Chas. Vl ells; parsnips, for Kay, Jas Yuill, A. J. Goldthorpe; citron, table use. Snowden Estate, Chas. Wells; A. Halliday. Chas. Wells; quince. A. J. red onions. Weatherstield, Geo. S. Hunt. Goldthorpe. Mrs. J. A. Fowler; apple Wm. Warnock; yellow onions. Danvers, sauce, Malcolm McKay, A. J. Gold - Fred Barker, Andrew Halliday; yellow tesrpe, Jas. Yuill; jellies, Mrs. Foster, onions, an other variety, Geo. S. Hunt, Mrs. Biddle. A. Halliday; mixed pickles. Thomas Snowden; silver skin onions, Mrs. J. S. Howne. . H. Tremblay, Mrs. Fred Barker. Geo. S. Hunt; largest Biddle: collection of sauces. Malcolm onions. any variety, H. Barker, Geo. S. McKay-. Mrs. J. S Howrie. A. Halliday; Hunt; corn, for table use, Snowden honey in cornbs, John W. Salkeld: jar of Estate. Andrew Halliday; egg plant. honey, John W. Salkeld; map.e syrup. A. Chas. Wells: cauliflower, A. Halliday, Halliday. Fred Barker: collection ripe peppers, Judges -Mrs. W. F. Hick, Mrs. Oswald Chas. Wells; tomatoes, any variety, A. Ginn. W beets, for table use, Chas. Wells, Andrew burner: turns, Mrs. J. S. Howne, Mrs. It has been said that every third person has catarrh in some form. Science has shnwn that easel catarrh often indicates a general weakness of the body; and local treatments in the form of snuffs and vapors do little if any good. To correct catarrh you shoukl treat its cause by enriching your bleed with the oil -food in Scott's Emulsion which is a medicinal food and a building -tonic, free from any harmful drugs. Tay it. . sum a Dowse. Toronto. Ont. re 1111111111111111111111 OMB =I SIM 01111111111.1111 I How Does This Weather Catch You?] 11 1 11 The Washington Story. Critics on the lack of reverence on the part of modern youth take consderable In relating the story of a certain KillirdireeWest boy who was hearing for the first time the cherry tree and hatchet story. It was very dramatically related by a patriotic aunt. but Louis was not so deeply impressed as he might have been. When the climax *as reached and George Washington said. "I cannot tell a he. Louis displayed his first glimmer of en- thusiasm. "Couldn't he ?" he asked. "What was the matter with him ? Halliday. Carl orsell; cucumbers, i W. Young & Son, Snowden Estate; col- lection of garden•herbs. Chas. Wells; col- lection of garden produce, Fred Barker: six salsify, Fred Barker, A. Halliday; muskmelons, Thomas M. Snowden, A. Halliday: citrons, Geo. Laithwaite, A. Halliday. J udges -Chas. Girvin and John Cox. HOME MANUFACTURES. KNITTINO, IETC. ) Patchwork quilt, Mrs. M. Ross. A. Halliday; rag mat, hooked, A. Halliday, Mrs. M. Ross; bath towel and wash cloth, cotton, knitted, Malcolm MacKay, Mrs. J. A. Fowler: knitted socks, Mrs. M. E. Felker. Dorothy Dickson; coarse double knitted mitts, A. Halliday, Mrs. M. Rose; fancy wool mittens, Mrs. M. I Ross:knitted wool bootees, Malcolm Mac- Kay. Mrs. M. E. Felker. CROCHET IN WOOL, Bedroom slippers. crocheted in wool, Mrs. M. E. Felker, Mrs J. S. Howrie; faecinator, Mrs. M. E Felker, Mrs. M. Roes; ladies' shawl. 0. F. Edward: ladies' 1 coat or sweater, Mrs. M. Ross; babies' coat, Mrs. M. ROWS, Mrs. J. S. Howrie. CROCHET WORK IN coesoe. Lunch set. cloth and doilies, Mcllwain, Mrs. J. A. Fowler; crochet work 'n com- bination with novelty braid, coronation cord or rick -rack braid on solne article of household linen or wearing apparel, Mrs. , tpn, Cos B. M. E. Felker. Cora B. Roberts; table mats, crocheted in cot ' Roberts, Mcllwain. Nile; insertion in towels, Mrs. M. E. Felker, A. Halliday; i collar, Malcolm MacKay. Mrs. M. Ross; sofa pillow. Mrs. Biddle. 0. F Edward: runner or scarf, Mrs. Biddle, Mrs. M. E. Felker; bag. Malcolm McKay, Dorothy Dickson: pin cushion, with insertion and lace, Mrs. M. E. Felker, Mcllwain,' Nile:, nightgown or corset cover, with crocheted ; yoke, Mrs. M. E. Felker, Dorothy Dick:i sli sheets or dresser set. Mrs, tnr.. son; crocheted lace or insertion in Felker, Mrs. Biddle: cretonne fancy work. Cora B. Roberts. P55 R1501 01555*. Table linen, Mrs. M. RON, Mos J. A. Fowler; five o'clock tea cloth, linen. Cora B. Roherts, MM. J A. Fowler; centre- piece and 13 doilies in linen or cotton. Miss M. Curwin. Mrs. M. ROM; tray cloth. white linen, Mrs. M. Ross, Mn Biddle; sideboard scarf or runner. MIs. M. Corwin. Cora B. Rqperts; was Pillow. in colors, conventional. Nina Biddle, Mrs. BREAD, PANTRY, ETC. Collection of baking, Mrs. Foster; assortment of pies, A. Halliday: three loaves homemade white bread, made with Purity flour, A. Halliday, W. H. Tremblay, A. J. Goldthorpe: three loaves homemade bread, two brown and one currant, made with Purit • flour, Mrs Foster, Snowden Estate. A. J. Goldthorpe; best cold lunch. prepared for one person. Mrs. Biddle, Mrs. Foster; t a biecuitf, Mrs. Faster, A. J. Goldthorpe, Mrs. Wm. Bolton; fancy tarts, W. H. Tremb- lay, Mrs. Poster; oat cakes, Mrs. Foster, A. J. Goldthorpe; layer cake, Andrew Halliday: six scones and six buns, A. J. Goldthorpe, W. H. Tremblay. Mrs. J. S. Howrie. Judges,- Mrs. J. Connolly, E.C. Belcher, John W. Smith. FINE ARTS. PROFESSIONAL LIPT-sota. Landscape, scenery in district, L. C. O'Keefe, Mrs. J. S. Howrie; marine, lakes or river, Mrs. J. S. Howrie, L. C. O'Keefe; animal or figure subject, L. C. O'Keefe, Mrs. J. S. Howrie; still life,buildings, etc.. Mrs. J. S. Howne, Helena Corbett; flowers or fruit, L. C. O'Keefe, Mn. J. S Howrie. PROVItartIONAL LINT -WATIO4 cosmos. Landscape, local. in district. J. Ades FowlerM. C. O'Keefe; landscape, scenery. L. C. O'Keefe, Mrs. J. S. Howne; marine. lakes or river, L. C. O'Keefe. Mrs. J. S. Howrie; still life, buildings, etc.. J. Ades Fowler. L. C. O'Keefe; best drawing in water colors, any subject, Mrs. J. S. How - he, L. C. O'Keefe: figure of animal sub- ject, J. Ades Fowler. L C. O'Keefe; flowers, J. Ades Fowler, L. C. O'Keefe: fruit, Mrs. J. S. Howrie; monochrome, any subject, L. C. O'Keefe, J. Ades Fowler. / A AT 11C1' R 4T..-4101 Landscape. scenery in district, Mrs. Is C. O'Keefe. Mrs. M. Ross; marine, Mrs. L. C. O'Keefe, Miss M. Curwen: animal or figure subject, Mrs L. C. O'Keefe. Mrs. M. Rise: flowers. Mrs. L. C. O'Keefe, Mrs. S. H. Baker; fruit, Mn. L. C Baker: inanimate fruit, Mrs S. H y sisbjes.t., Mrs I, C. Baker. WATER (1)1/511/1, • O'Keefe. Mrs. S. H. obieet, not flowers or landscape an O'Keefe, Mn. S. H A MATRUH 1.1RT - A Perfect Medicine for Little Ones. It's time to talk about Winter Overcoats We have just the right thing for you, and it won't cost you a fortune. Call and see. You will want to stock up with heavier UNDERWEAR for the coming cold months. Our stock comprises all the best makes. McLEAN BROS. The Semi -Ready Tailors LThe Square 411111101•1111 111111111 =I MOM -s--- such Naturally, with serious work on 011UL TEA 111 article on the Red Cross and other war 1 COMB ,ipr relief work in Newport. all sides, the character of Newport has I changed completely. And the cause for this change was the visit of the "U-53." FADED 011 GRAY HAIR The people of Newport had to house and care (or the victims of this merciless raider of the seas. They were, however, 11 1 11 Coderich not prepared for this soil of thing, and on realizing it they built up, without any loss of time, a very efficient Red Cross organi- sation, and now everyone is engaged in s.iine kind of war relief work. The Manual of Arms. American troops now landing in Franc:. have received a more careful and prolonged training than could possibly be given the most of the regiments hurriedly raised during the Civil War. The story goes that a raw battalion el rough backwoods- men, who had "volunteered," once joined General Grant. Ile admired their fine physique, but - distrpsted the capacity of their uncouth commander to handle troops promptly and efficiently in the field so he said: I -Colonel, 1 want to Fier} your men at work; all them to attention and order them to march with shoulder -arms 111 close column to the left flank." Without a moment's hesitation the colonel yelled to his fellow -ruffians: "Boys. look wild thar! Make ready thickento and go left endwaya! Tote yer guts! Git r The manoeuvre proved a brilliant suc- cess. and the eelf-elected colonel was forth- with offically commissioned. -Manches- ter Guardian. Baby's Own Tablets are a perfect medi- cine for little ones. They regulate the bowels; sweeten the stomach, thus drive constipation, indigestion, break up colds and simple fevers and make teething easy. Concerning them Mrs. John Babineau. Brest. N. B., writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets and have found them a per- fect medicine for little ones." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 2.S cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont. How the War Has Change 1 Newport. "Like thousands of other places. New port has been made over by the war. The very stre es look different; the spirit of its peo,ile has undergone a sweeping tranefortnation. Alth sugh this is true of every other city. yet 1 think it is most 1 evident in Newport -for in the past the ' spirit of Newport has been social, its ac- • tivities have bcen the activities of society, and in many ways it ham been a social model for the rest of Ameica." Mrs. French Vanderbilt is the authority for this statement. She has written for the October issue of 'Harper's Bazar an lasidicape. scenery in district. original, Mrs. L. C. O'Keefe, Mn- S. H. Biker. marine 10.114ect. Mrs. S. H. Raker..Mrs. L. C. O'Keefe; animil or figure subject. Mrs. J. A. Fowler. Mrs. L. C. (YKeefr; landsatm Miss M. Curwen, Mrs. S. 11 Baker; fteren, Mrs. S. H. Baker, Mns L That Plumbing Job you have been thinking abont all slimmer- NOW 14 the time to get it done, bele • the cold weather sets If y w int a bathroom fitted to will ' rid it in your acivant: ge to or. isiitt tis FRED. HUNT " THL PLUMBLIt- renoolnow *own ntwow If Mixed with Sulphur it Darkest. so Naturally Nobody can Tell. Grandmother kept her bait darkened, glossy and attractive with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphue. Mem- ever her hair took on that failed or streaked •ppearanev. this simpie mister, was applied with ,wonderful effect. asking at any drug store for "Wyrti's Seer and Sulphur Compound," you wigs rt a harp bottle of this old time retire, Improved by the addition of other tingeing - leeks, all ready to use, for shout 50 caste. This simple mixture can be depended upon to restore natural color and beauty t. the hair. A well-known downtown druggist *aye everybody uses Wyeth's Rage innit pato Compound now beenuire it ilarkree so naturally and evenly that nobody ears tell it has been •pplied-it's so easy an use, too. You simply dampen • rondo ore soft brush and draw It through your hair, taking one strand at a tinie Ily morniag the gray hair A iStippelif • , •fter onetime applicatioa or tat), it is restored to its natural onior wilt looks gloss). soft ..a beautiful. This preparation is • ilitight- ful toilet requisite. It is not litooded for the cure, initigatioa air ponestioti &s- ame. * b A Definite Object For sixty-five years Ye Olde Firme has had one definite object always in view -that has been to snake the ("re- . -,qellitZlnan 0Io. PM. HO the World's Best Piano. Those who know this piano best -artists, critics, owners -say that the object has been attained. James F. Thomson Altair 3DcnIer GODERICH Call and see us in our new Wore ***••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••41 Flash Light! Store 'Phone 82 I have just received a large as,ort ment of the celebrated H es sco Flashlights (The Imip with the big tens) jnst what you need on a dark night in the basement, around the barn, or in fact anywhere that it is dangerous to light matches. ri IRON. 'Tait 'Phone193 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*************es •