HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-10-4, Page 41
4 THUksDAY, OCT. 4, 1917
Storegboae THE COLBORNE STORE Howe z3sleas
t•:: -i :-4i-�Mi•ti•'1'i i•i-i--i-irc•hi^i i •F; 1 1 t : ++++++ 1-+4t4i• i-1•i•f'P+i 4
Men's Fall and Winter Underwear
at Bargain Prices
The price of Underwear keeps soaring; wool is
now three times the. price it used to be. We are going
to give you a chance , to save money on Underwear
carried over, on some lines giving you the same price
as sold two years ago.
Penman's Blue Tip wool Underwear, per garment $1.25
Imperial Brand Underwear, fine wool and some cotton,
per garment $1.25.
Heavy rib all -wool Underwear, per garment $1.00.
Wolsey Underwear, finest British make, "all
wool." It's too high in price to keep in stock now; if
bought today it would have to sell at S5.00 per gar-
ment. Sizes 36 and 40 only. Sale price $3.00.
Penman's 95 at present wholesale prices.
Walter C. Pridham
20th Century and Art Clothing
Borsalino and King Hats
Yon have • right to a pact 100
per cent. value for the money you
spend, and you get It when you
buy Zam-Buk. That U why Zam-
Buk is the cholas of the good house-
keeper and careful buyer. Money
spent In Zam-Buk Is well spent,
because Zam-Buk is more reliable,
goes farther and keeps better than
ordinary ointments.
The reliability of Zam-Bek is
vouched for by thousands of satis-
Sed users, who have proved that it
can be depended upon to do what
1s claimed for it.
Zam-Buk goes farther than ordi-
nary ointments because It contains
(by actual analysis) 95 per cent
more medicine, and has, therefor%
considerably more healtnr power.
7,am-Auk keeps better than ordi-
nary odntmenta because It is abso-
lutely pure. Not only does it con-
tain no polsonnus mineral drugs
but positively no animal to: to be-
come rancid. 11, there'ore. retains
1L strength and p'trity to the end.
Zam-Buk is used with unequalled
benefit for edema. scalp sores, ring-
worm. salt rheum. pimples, bolls,
running sores. Weer'', bad legs,
blood -poisoning, piles, burns, scalds,
cats and all akin injuries An
dealers or Zam-Buk Co., Toronto..
60e. box, E for 31.25.
Often the Cheapest--
Always the Best
Furniture Dealer
and Uedertaker
house Furnishings
The Store of Quality
Albert Roy Oke, of Toronto. Precisely 1
at 12 o'2Jock. to the strains of the wed-
ding march played by Miss Ella Oke,
sister of the groom, the bride, leaning of
the arm of her father, entered the draw
ingro om and took her place beside the
groom under an arch of evergreen and
flowers. She was dressed in white voile
and carried a beautiful bouquet of Lady
Ophelia roses and tulle. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. W. H. Campbell.
After a dainty lun:h the bride and gr(i)m
left on their honeymoon trip for London
and various points. Mr. and Mts. Oke
will take up their residence in Toronto.
The highly esteemed young couple carry
with them the best wishes of ;heir. many
Tuesday, Oct. 2.
Notes, -Mr. and .Mrs. S. Hewitt, of
MitcheU, spent Sunday at Mr. Q W.
Potter's Mrs Mole and children. of
Seaforth. visited at Wesley Vanderburgh's
on.Thursday last Miss Campbell, of
Barrie. has been engaged as teacher for
school section No. 5.-. -.. Mr. F E Start
and sisters and W D Smith and daughter.
of Curries. motored up on Saturdayand
spent a couple of days at Mr. 0 W
Putter's Rally service will be held
next Sunday mormng in Bethel church. in
connection with the morning service
Mrs Clem Newton spent a few days at
Stratford recently.
Weak Boys and Girls.
It is a mistake to think that anaemia is
only a girl's complaint. Girls probably
show the effect of Weak. watery blood
more plainly than boys. Delayed de-
velopment, pale faces. headaches, palpita-
tion and a feeling of listlessness. call at-
- __ tention to weak blood in the case of girls.
But many boys in their teens grow thin
BLYTH. land "weedy" and have pimples on the
Tuesday, Oct. 3. : face. showing that they have not enough
Bowes-Phillips.A quiet weddingblood. The anemic boy is just as likely to
took place in St.Andrw s man on tome a victim of consumption as the
krday morning rid wo'clock, hen pale. breathless girl with her headaches
SatRhoda, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. °c condition worn-outcatch look. Let the boyo this
W. Phillips, of BIyth, was united in mar- stent cold and he will lose his
riage by the pastor. Rev. G. Telford, to itrirgth and his health becomes precari-
Mr. Wm. Bowes. a pr rows young To prevent serious disaster to those of
farmer of Hullett. The bride was assisted the rising generation, let both boys and
by her sister, Miss Susie. and the groom iris be given the new, rich blood which
by Mr. W. Tay.or. After the ceremony Williams' Pink Pills are famous the
the happy couple motored to Walton, world over for making. When giving
where they took the S a. m. C. P. R train these pills watch how soon the appetite
for Toronto and other points. Upon their returns and how the languid , girl
return they will settle on the grooms or the weak boy becomes full
farm in Hulot., with the best wishes of of activity and high spirits. Remember
their many friends On Friday even- that the boy has to develop, too, if he is
ing a number of the young ladies as mem- to make a strong hearty man. Give both
bers of the Girls' War Auxiliary met at the boys and girls a fair chance to develop
the home of Mr. aced Mrs. Phillips and strongly through the new, rich blood Dr.
presented -their daughter. on the eve of Williams' Pink Pills actually make. You
her wedding, with a kitchen shower and will then see active boys and girls, instead
an address. of weakly children, around you.
Fell from the Roof. -Mr. Guy Black- Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all
all had the misfortune to slip tram the medicine dealers or may be obtained by
roof of the toe hall, which he was repair- nail at 50c a box or sot boxes for 12.50
ing, and although the tall was only about from the Dr. Williams Medicine Company,
ten feet he broke two bones in his nght Brockville, Ont.
wrist and otherwise got a shaking -up.
Although suffering severely he is able to
go around.
Conservatives Getting Busy .- The
executive of the North Huron Conserva-
tive Association met in Blyth on Monday
afternoon, when there was a full represen-
tation from all over the riding. Business
was transacted towards holding a nomin-
ating convention; which will be held about
the middle of the month. It is expected
the present member of Parliament Mr.
Jas. Bowman, will again be the candidate.
Church Servit -Ann ersary services
were held ,u the ( et?todis t chur}h on Sun-
day, when Rev. SS..• fMuxwbrthy, president
of the London Conference preached two
powerful sermons to large congregations.
fhe choir rendered some beautiful selec-
tions. TI church looked very pretty
with its .ended decorations of fiowers
and grains In the evening there was a
large congregation, on account of there
being no other services in the town
Children's Day was; observed in St.
Andrew's church on Sunday morning;
when tl:t church was decorated in
exquisite style for the occasion. The
members of the Sunday school occupied
the centre pews The members of
Trinity church choir motored to Auburn
on Sunday and took charge of the singing
at the harvest thanksgiving service in
St. Mark's church there.
Personal and General. -Mr. A. M
Carthew motored to Owen Sound on
Saturday for the purpose of bringing his
children home, they having been spending
a few weeks with his grandmother there.
MI. and -Mrs. N. Moore were on a
visit to the former's mother at Sebring -
vole last week. She is a very aged lade
and has not been in the best of health
Irecently :.. , , Mrs. G. Douglass and Mrs.
W. Connell., of Lucknow. were visitors in
town this week Mr. R. M. McKay
has taken the agency for the Columbia
grafanolas and is pushing the sales quite
strongly Mr. and Mrs..1. B. Tiernay,
jr., of Washago, whit' have been spend-
ing holidays with the former's parents.
returned home on Tuesday The
C. P. R. officials are doing considerable
work around the station. At the tank
they have taken out the boiler and engine
and have installed a gasoline engine. Then
at the station they are putting a new
heating system in,• doing away with the
stoves, and putting in a furnace.
The time is here again to
get your boys and girls fitted
out for school. They will
need good strong serviceable
,Shoes -the kind that will
Mand the most severe test iu
any weather. In this class
of footwear you will find at
your command a very wide
range of leathers and styles
that will give the test satis
Values were never better
and prices more reasonable
than now.
Geo. MacVicar
North side of Square, Goderich
Far more effective than Sticky Fly
C-.tchers. Clcan to h undle. Fold by
Druggists er.J Grocers cvt rywhere.
The Society thankfully acknowledges
the following contributions of socks: Mrs.
Maud Balcom, 10 pairs: A Friend, 9
pairs; Mrs. Lane A pairs: Mrs. John
Robertson. 6 pairs; Mrs. W. E. Kelly,
5 pairs; Miss S. Clark, Miss Far-
row, Miss Ball. Mrs. Horton, sr., Mrs.
Dan McLeod. 4 pairs each; Mrs. Woods.
Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Bishop, Mise Grace
Strang. Mrs. J. Gordon, 'Miss Whitely.
Mrs. McCluskey, Miss Driver. Mrs.
Sharman. Mrs. John Sturdy.Mra, Dancey,
Mrs. Girvin, Mrs. W. Carey. 3 pairs each:
Miss Dorothy Dickson. Mrs. McDougall,
Mrs. Bullard, jr., Mrs. Weller, Mrs.
Hodgen, Mrs. J. Clark. Miss Dark. Mrs.
Horton, Mrs. L. H. Dickson, Mrs. Ford,
Mrs. Leech, Miss Taggart. Miss M. E.
Cameron, Misi M. Sharman, 2 pairs each;
Miss C. Dark, Mrs. Rhynas. Mrs. D.
Bell, Mrs. Marshall. Mrs. McColl, Mrs.
Goldthorpe, Mrs. Bradford, Mrs. H. J. A.
MacEwan. Mrs. W. G. McaEwan, Mrs.
Burrett, Miss Burrett, Miss M. A. Burrett.
Mrs. J. Craigie, Mrs. Robt. Clark. Miss
Mary Clark (Essex). Mrs. W. J. Mc -
Nevin, Mrs. Killoran, Miss Jennie Mc -
Math. Mrs. S. E. Hick. Mrs. W.
Strachan, 1 pair each.
Tuesday. Oct. 2.
Mr. Frank Graham's brother. from
Vancouver. visited him the past week.
Mr. Graham's health is improving. we are
glad to note.
Miss Whiteman has returned to Tor-
onto after spending a pleasant two weeks'
visit with friends here.
All are sorry to hear that Mrs. Wm.
I vison is. not at all well . but hope for a
speed y recovery .
Miss McGregor, of Henaall, visited her
friend, Mrs. Johnston, this week.
A pleasant event occurred last week in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Moffat.
when their youngest daughter. Catherine.
was wedded to Mr. Robert McKay, both
of Tuckeramith. Rev. J. E. Jones. of
Varna. performing the ceremony. The
happy young couple left on the afternoon
train for Tugaski, S]sk.
On Monday, the 24th ult.. Mr Geo.
'Adair, at the age of sixty-eight years. died
after an illness of a few days He was a
quiet, kindly man, respected by all wtto
knew him. Besides his widow and six
children he leaves to mourn his loss three
sisters. living at Ingersoll and Dunnville.
In politics he was a lifelong Conservative.
Wednesday, Oct. ;f.
Mr. Art Patton left on Thursday last
for Niagara, where he has been employed
as fireman on the G. T. R.
Mr. John Pickard, of Thedford, who
had been visiting at Mr. F. C. Pickard's.
left for home last Saturday.
The annual thank -offering meeting of
the Woman's Missionary Society of Union
church will be held on Sunday afternoon
next, when an address will be given by
Miss McLaren, formerly matron of the
Indian school at BUtle. Man. The regu-
lar meeting of the.Society will be held at
the home of Mrs. Robt. Bell on Wednes-
day. 24th inst. The annual thank -offer
ing may be handed in on either day.
Apy person who has finished garments
or socks for the United Patriotic Society
is requested to leave them at some con-
venient place for collecting and to notify
either the president, Mrs. Geo. Andrews.
or the secretary. Mir M. E Salkeld.
The members have decided to ask all in
the neighborhood to Rive old rags and
papers during the winter months for an
early shipment in the spring. The sum
of 320 is being sent to headquarters to
buy Christmas ever for the soldiers.
Contributions of $6c towards this fund
will be acceptable.
Oke- Hick. --(let W , October
3, the home of Mr. aY�P. Hick.
Chestnut Farm. was theism of a very
pretty wedding when their (laughter,
Clarion Irene, became the bride of Mr.
Look and Feel
Clean, Sweet and
Fresh Every Day
Drink a glass of real hot water
before breakfast to wash
out poisons.
Lite Is not merely to live, but t0
Ive well, eat well, digest well, wort
well, sleep well, look well What a
glorious condition to attain. and yet'
cow very easy it 1s if one w111 only
adopt the morning inside bath.
Folks who are accustomed to feell
dull and heavy when they arise, split.
ting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul)
tongue, nasty breath, acid stomach,
ran, instead, feet as fresh as a dalsyl
by opening the sluices of the system
each morning and flushing out the
whole of the internal poisonous stag-
nant matter
Everyone, whether ailing. sick or
well. should, each morning, before
breakfast. drink a glass of real hot
water with a teaspoonful of limestone
phosphate In 1t to wash from the
stomach. liver, kidneys and bowels the
previous day's Indigestible waste,
sour bile and poisonous toxins; thus
cleansing, sweetening and purifying
the enUre alimentary canal beton
putting more food Into the stomach.
The action of hot water and limestone
phosphate on an empty stomach 1s
wonderfully invigorating. R cleans
out all the sour fermentations. gases.
waste and acidity and gives one a
splendid appetite for breakfast. While
you are enjoying your breakfast the
water and phosphate is quietly ex.
tracttog a large volume of water trot*
the blood and getting ready *,r a
thorough Bushing of alt tha Inside
The millions of people wbo are
bothered with constipation. bilious
spells, stomach trouble. rheumatism;
others who have sallow skies, blood
disorders and sickly complexions are
urged to get a quarter prwnd of lime -
steno phosphate from the drug Star*
wblell w111 east very little. but 1s
weft -lent to rake *intone a pro
aoeneed creak on the subject, d
Internal sanitation.
Mrs. Anderson and Miss Emilie Buch-
anan returned to Toronto yesterday after
spending a few days in town.
Monday, Oct. 1st.
The annual thank -offering meeting of
the Woman's Missionary Society of Lee -
burn churclr will be held on Sunday
morning next. The annual thank -offering
will be received at this meeting.
Mrs. A. A. Williams has gone down to
London to spend the winter months with
her husband and daughter, who are al-
ready residing there. Mrs. Williams in-
tends coming back to her home here' in
the sprang.
Violent Storni-On Saturday night
last a very violent thunderstorm. with
wind that almost amoun•ed to a hum -
cane. passed over this place At the time
of writing we do not know the full ex-
tent of the damage done. but the silos
on the farm of Mr. E. Shaw, and on that
of his son. Ed. Shaw, Junior. were blown
down. .the tops blown off unthreshed
stacks, etc. The storm seems to have
confined itself to the lake shore and to
this part of the road particularly.
How's This?
We offer One he(dred dollars reward for vat
case o rat tri b that-ist.00t becured by Hall's
C..tarrh 1;ure
Hails (',tarrh ( nee he. bean taken by
catarrh softer,. for the pa -t thirty l% -e years,
and has become known se the most reliable
.emedy for catarrh. Hall's Catarrh ('Ore tit
through the blood on The wna,n- aurfecee. ee-
pr111ug the lemon from the blood at.d healing
the Afro Labdiport ions.
Atter y.'o hese taken Hall. ('atairh (''ere
fora .hort time you w111 see a groat improve-
ment In your gene al health. -tart taking
Halts Catarrh .aro at ones and get rid of
c.ta rh. Send for test howdah. ft e.
i . 3. CH K•.: M; C a: Co., Toledo, 0.
histo_ Oy aL arnggb4. 75c.
The Ashfield Soldiers' Aid Circle will
meet at the home of Mrs. James aver,
2nd concession, on Tuesday, October 9th,
' at 2 o'clock p. m. A hearty invitation is
extended to all interested and it is hoped
there will be a large attendance.
GODDESS is fashion's newest creation in a
The Corset is the very form and foundation of the smart costume the tangible assur-
ance that your suit or your gown will appear at its best -that you, yourself, will present a trite,
trig appearance. And behold for your choosing this beautiful Corset, GODDESS with front
lacing -a style for every figure.
It is the designing that gives to Goddess Corsets a superior figure -moulding quality. The
lines of the Corset and the fitting qualities are the best.
We want every woman iu Goderich and the surrounding country to wear a GoddeJ Cor-"
set, laced-iu-front, because it means Corset comfort to her.
A GODDESS front -laced Corset from
$ 1.75 a pair to $2.75.
230 J. H. COLBORN E ose
Noble, of Goderich. (Mr. and Mrs. W_ F. Tuesday.
Young, of Colborne, and Miss Mabel Miss Majeska Grant, who underwent a
Austin, of Toronto. very successful operation for appendicitis
at Kingham hospital. returned horn on
every Tuesday and Wednesday inure.
ins. Must be served and io „voila order.
Hiahe-t prices {Aid. MRH. 5.. RILLSH,
St. Helen..
(Too late for loot week -1
Tuesday. Sept. 25.
Mr. W. G. McCrostre is building a
cement silo.
Mrs. Ed. Thom and children left for
Toronto on Monday.
Mrs. R. Sturdy and son. of Wingham.
visited at Mr. Md. Humphrey's last
Mr. Jahns Durnin. of the 19th conces-
sion. is attending the business college at 1
Miss Gallagher, of Colborne. is spend-
ing a few days with her aunt. Mrs. W. J.
' Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and family
motored to Alma on Saturday, returning
on Sunday,
Miss Margaret Miller returned to the
West on Monday. She intends teaching
near Red Deer. Alta.
Mrs. James Mitchell and children, of
North Toronto. spent a few days with ber
sister. Mrs. W. G. MkCrostie.
Mrs. A. Gordon, of Detroit. Miss C. B.
Gordon. of Ottawa, and Mrs. (Dr.) Gordon,
of Lucknow, called on friends bete on
Monday, Oct. 2.
Miss Davis. of Arthur, is the guest of
Miss Bridget Doyle.
Mr. Joseph Buckley visited in St.
Augustine on Sunday.
Mr. Chas. M. Dalton has returned to
Ashfield front -Timmins. where he was in
attendance at the wedding of his sister.
Priscilla. to Mr. Keene, of New Brunswick.
Austin- Myers. -On Tuesday morning.
September 25th, at 9.30 o'clock, St.
Joseph's church, Kingsbridge. *as the scene
of a large gathering of people leo witner
the manage of Anna Mane, eldest daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Myers. to Mr.
Clifton S. Austin, both of the parish.
The bride entered the church leaning on
the arm of her father. by whom she was
I given away. , She was daintily attired in
a gown of white silk crepe -de -chine, with
trimmings of georgetta. and wore a bridal
veil Caught up by a wreath of orange
blossofns, and earned a bouquet of bridal
roses. The bndesmaid was Miss Ethel
Austin, sister of the groom. who looked
charming in a gown of blue silk crepe -de -
chine trimmed with georgetta crepe and
gold tassels. She wore a large black hat.
and carried pink carnations and ferns.
Mr. Willie Myers was "best man."
Rev. Father Young. of Windsor. cousin
of the groom. performed the nuptial cere-
mony, and also celebrated high masa
At the offertory a duet was rendered by.
Mr. Joseph and Miss Gladys O'Reilly.
After the ceremony the party drove to
the home of the bride's parents, where a
dainty wedding breakfast was partaken
of by about sixty friends and relatives of
the happy couple Toasts were given by
Rev. Father McCormick and Rev.
Father Young. t., which the groom re-
sponded, thanking the frienis of his
bride and of himself for the kindness and
good wishes tendered them. The after-
noon aped pleasantly by and the young
couple left by m )tor for Goderich to take
the 2.30 train tor a brief honeymoon trip
to Toronto and Niagara Falls. carrying
with them the teat wishes of a host n
friends. The bride travelled in a amort
Burgundy suit with flat to match. The
young couple were recipients of miny u0-
(ul. handsome and costly gifts, kis owin
the high esteem in which they are held
by a large circle of friends. The groom's
gift to the bride was an ivory prayerbook,
to the bridesmaid a gold pendant set with
pearls and amethysts and to the eternal" -
man a pair of g y!1 c•1.1 -link a. Alt i tg
those present frown a distance were Mrs,
Ab. Haufman, of Riv'rJl.,e. Mite Sill
The Home of the Red Deer
and the Moose
DICER -November 4t to November 15th
MOOIB-November l.t to November 1515
Inclusive. 1u some of the North-
ern Dior et. of rot/trio. including
Tlmag'ml, the open retort la
m N
frovember 14 to November'
Jtoclu.ive. -
Write for copy of "P1 .vgroonds-The
Raun�sof nett and Game,' gfelog Game
Lowe. Hunting Regulations, eV:, to C. E.
Horning. Union Station, Comets. Int
Town Agents Phone S
The Lanes Presbyterian church will
hold itsanm$ersary services on October 7.
Rev. S. M. Whaley. of Durham, will be
the preacher.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilson and Rev. J.
Little and Mrs. Little motored to Tees -
water to hear a lecture QQoven by Rev.
Thurlow Fraser, of Owen Soxlrld.
The demonstration in canning by Miss
Sutherland on Friday was web attended
and her talk on food conservation was
listened to with great interest.
Hern's Grocery
A Fresh Pure Pork
L Sausage
' S Bologna
Back and Breakfast
A Bacon
L Cooked Ham
O Smoked Ham
F ! Pickled Shoulder
A etc., etc.
Sckaeider's Meats
for Saturday
We have our full
stock of Cana-
dian Cheese
in and it
is No. 1
For Good Reliable Shoe
Repairs, try
Smith & Ring
le East Strut. Opporrte Knox Church
Give Us a Trial
In all countries. Ask for our INVI•:N-
TOU S AI VI3ER whloh wet' Le sent frets
104 Unlvsrslt. St. M.ntrOal
Corn.. N* niIton at. Flame W
and Square
Means city comfort
and convenience for
- - the farm - -
When you are in town for
the Fair next week call and
let us show you how you
can have all the advantages
of electric light and domes-
tic power at small cost.
Many -u to -date farmers
are now installing Delco
Light and' find it a great
Robert Wilson
The Massey -Harris Shop
Hamilton St. Goderich
J. W. Wood, Raq.. Chairman
Arthur Hewitt, Fie., Vice-(.l,alrmaa
F. C. Riad. Rao.. Sae. of Board
R. C. Brews, Cin
W. H. Caerthre. raq.
Lfon.l Clarke. &W.
Ralph Connabl.. Eau.
I). A. Dunlap. R.q.
J. a Gander. Rai -
Holt Gurney. !Wt.
Frank Grit. Rel.
J. J. Gibbons. Fag.
R. Gough. e...
H. V. L. Jones. E.q.
Z. A. Lank. flap., k.C.
Re.. Error Markl.m
Sir Edmund Oder. M.P.
Brig. -Gen. S.r Henry P.Ilatt-
Armor Yep er. lay.
Alfred Rorer.. Bee.
M. Rneh.r'ua d. 1a Sehnert.
1,. glen consul
Hos. Jestir Rowe
Stgmusd Samuel. tray.
M- H. Wllhame. Ron.
C. A. Wither.. rq.
G. H. Wad. F. q.
G. A. Warburton. Res.
Mrs. Arthur I enter, Ch.irrsa
Mir I.JN1a L. (..rine..
Hon. Troamrn
rte C. B. [slat. 11... SeeretarM.
Mir r. Cory.
Mn. C. S. Isldlaw
Mr.. M Meeker,
Mrs. Arthur Barnard
Mee. L. H. R,ekfod
Mrs. R. C. Brava
Mrs. B. S. Hull
Yrs. C. B. SerMs
Wm 1'. ereagh
Mr. W. H. Urethra
Mrs. R. J. Chrt.tla
Mea Lionel (lark.
Mr► a. C.nrble
Mrs. Garr,
Mrs. Haaal.g.
Mrs W. He.3I.
Mrs. A. J.nnlna
✓ .dar. Liss
Mir H. Lan
Mir than
Mr. H. C. Ras
Mea CarwdrNl Reaves
Mn. Wooer Genet
lira B. H. T.nwp.eo
c. Walleyes
K ra L F. water..
Mrs. via dier Linde
Belgian Children
Slowly Starving!
A bowl of soup and • slice of bread is issued (daily to the desti-
tute women and ch ldren of Belgium. This will just about keep
body and soul together in a grown person. But for a little, growing
child -where is the I, ater:al is this ration for bone and muscle
Th. .never 1d mond In the thour.4• sad team of thesauri of r4lgtan
. hlldren under 1^ ,e.. n14. In tint grip of t.b.,r.ads. rlek.1s end oMr 111a re
pktng from In.uliki.nl nouri.hnwnt.
Mlglan fhlldree'. Health Fad.
Ry own. .f /hi. fund rhlldren giv-
ing way un,l 1n. slow •t tion are
taken from n.lg lum to Holland. when
they are eared for. housed. led• clothed
and gives radical oaten( los for .Is
Raglan Orphan now.
In this lend of broken en families.
hraglns the thorned, of 1..V toe le-
✓ nr.nt .5.th.r *noir faders and moth-
er are allege ,w not. TMy maul he
fol clothed sad educated. The .a..
of 81.70 per month per child .*a do
You know taw .5lldren •.t 1 Sup -
pew ,nur Mghlaar's c511d eras oat,
gaoler • howl .l wrap *04 a ellro of
herd rich day I Would you. out .f
yrwr pro•perlty help the child' who 1.
your ..irhlour. H sot Belgium, who
held bark the Hun when the world
rood 1. dearer?
14 g.nere,..: help to make the .est
gereratk,n of R.I(I ane u •t rnng and
valiant es the tl..eat g.n.r.tIon W
proved I(.1/.
Your evmtr•nm4a .111 go entre
theme. the Reber Minister of Ile
Interim (ss Iw Ha.... Freer) to
Dateh ..thorltleo, who administer the
relief war% ander the approve( of 15.
Hellish and D.V. Government., awl
Mr. 11....,. Commlttes
What 'Ail yos de far the waifs et
•ehriem t
serer a ..ea M Ring Si. weak Terre*
J. W. weeds, sag.. (A.5y.,a..4 Ila Adviser, saes,
Mn. Arta.r ►.else. (lalrmaa id the Cagreatra
Read seatriliattlans te MIs Iw5lle 1_ (i .yam Res. '7...s.. .r Lassa r wow...
Rabe ensues garble le R.ljta• Bella Pere
now I Aseg.I Mn ..g.. Allemande . 1'440 Rust And A. r....1
••.nate Noses. ../.own A...4I /a..Joel Matt .. 10.44..