HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-10-4, Page 1h 1 1 _MIMI1 • Printing THE SIONAI, is ready to handle your Minims atisg work, large or small, acrd give you a satisfactory job every time. Let us have your neat order. Telephone 35 The Signal ow ...dot () M Burton 1 au 16 06 Burton Boulevard W Have You Forgotten to pay your sub.criptIon for The Signal fur 1917 ? We need the utonry, and if you arra in arrears would ask you to make payment promptly. DO IT NOW i1ZTT-NINIIITB TEAM -Ms Nin GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCT. 1. 19t7 THE SIGNAL PRINTINGCO., LIMITED. Pt et mama THE STERLIN6BANK OP CANADA SAVE, Because - The thrifty man is the dependable man. WASTED. ANTED. -GIRL POR OFFICE TT work. Apply to DR. O. Is CAESAR.. /'1iRUi WANTED. -APPLY GODIC- /T RICH KNITTING CO. GRAIN WANTED. The Colborne Farmers' Club are prepared to buy any quantity of grain. Flutters having any to dispose of would find it to their advant- age to call J. N. KERNIGHAN, Manager Poultry Wanted Our feeing plant has opened for the season and from now we will be in the market for all the poultry that you have for sale. • Podtt?y 9.if1 he taken in at Holmesville every Wednesday morning and every day at Clinton. Special prices will be paid for properly finished milk -fed chickens over 5 lbs. each. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO., LIMITED CLINTON N. W. TRKWAaTHA Phone 100 MANAGER or Holmeevll►H 4 on 142 FOR SALE OR EENT. HOUSE TO RENT. -ON KEAYS street; .even roma, all 000venleneee. n- ovelly repaired. Stable on lot. Apwy to J. W. aALKELD, Ooesrle► R. IL Na 2, telephotos Her 7. 84 Int ipOR SALE. - HOUSE AND TWO ▪ Iota, greet Gtdench: good dwelling house • ttahrand drad.rn onnvenienoes ;stelsymall PKUIIDrUOT, EILla U)RAN & COOKE.p8tito L OR RENT. -FIFTY ACRES OF a' choice cultivated land In the WwnehlpV of Aah•eld. Could rive living .ccommodetbno ea f For further particulars address BOX I. CBE SIGNAL. 11431 L'OR SALE. -FARM, SIXTY-EIGHT 1.' acre+, north half Mt U, ooneersloo 1. (lode. rich township; two seeing creeks, Ideal pastors farm : fences and buildings In good order ; owner forced to Iva up on acooant of blind- ness. W 111 sell c for emit or on term. to suit parehaeer. It over and make offer. For hi, thee ppaarrtloalars apple to WILLIAM BXKVENS. Moult Ueanl•.(1nL 84.41 To RENT. -TEN ACRES OF LAND suitable for market gardening.'Woofed east of the North An aric.o Chemical Works. and at preterit occupied byMr. Wm. Taylor. Porwilou an he given bar ovcmbe- 1.. For parlbnlar. apply to MRiI. EI). FISHER, R. R. No. 5. Ooderlch. or telephoto, Goderich Rural 10rT. MJr L OR RENT. -MODERN EIGHT. .1: ICOOM Bl IUBI with nice large back klteri- en,aitest ed on Bridge street. Lear Closed Trunk (dation Beothastiriaye, Apply to EDWARD REID. Klgloavenue. Wderieh. BLit VOR SALE OR HEN I'. -HOUSE gad ore, for ly used an a grocery, h -acre sorrier Elisabeth and G - y occupied by e1e 104.04 -loo 'DFW )T. KI4 a T. , . tali. 81 -It Coyb Capt can his LORA Creoline.-In the bathroom. use creo- line solution every day in the toilet for protection against sewerand odors. Mop the floor with it, frequently pour it down the drain oft tub, espec- ially if your plumbing is old. Clean the washbowl with it occasionally. Sold in all size bottles by E. R. Wigle, druggist, Goderich. _ AUCTION SALES. , C(tI FARING AUCTION SALE OF l_t PUKEBKE1 KkX3I6'1 LRw) SHORT- 1ORNS-LUAt. PURPOSE TYPE -ALS) ORALE CATTLE AND FARM IlePLE- MEET& ( VUR SAI,1IV . t1 )U5&Jl ..1i1t11:E ll,� tome, with ag oonveafeooes: large re. caption hall. double p•rrlor.. dining•roorn, kftcheri and pantry down stairs ; front and bark emit way: four bedroom* with cheat., and bathroom on ...cord floor. Akio an attic. large `easement with furnace Electric lights all over r 110 feet front, with ml. the bows A fruit treews sarnd .Adrub bery. Cash or te.ow. Apply to MRS. J. H. WILLIAMS, Market street. Goderich. 71!11 rFOR SALE.. -CHOICE 100- ere farm. about three-quarters of a 0:1110 t. Auguatlne P. O. Good running creek ea farm : baro 98.38 ; abed 94x36 : good frame boos, and kitchen. For further particulars apply 0E0. ROPHY, 11.11. fro. 2. Auburn. lm ACHOICE FIFTY -ACRE FARM for mis. within one mile of Dungannon. 1=bitildings. Kv g o good amps. in Meech *5.4 to particularsk apply to T. OUNDRT, Otderiob. TWO STORKS TO RENT. -ONE lately occupied h W. H. fiarrleon ani the (her by Jame. F. Thomson, Both on the Son.re, Aptly J. P. BROWN. 934 P \ h Exchange Hotel "The House of Plenty • SPECIAL DINNERS EVERY SUNDAY PRICE. 75 CENTS Huntley Dinner from 12.30 to 2.81) W. H. HAINES, Proprietor. (Ks KPH GRIFFIN. Gaoler. 70 -OUSE TO RENT.-MODERN boomon Gloucester 'Terns*. Appl to (Ks KPH GRIFFIN. Gaoler. 7.1-11 LOST OR FOUND. LOST. -•ON SUNDAY NIGHT. A pearl pin (tar and cre..erntt Finder will please leaveatTHItSIGNAL OFFI('k. its CARD OF THANES. 1 have beta instructed to .ell by Vnbl4c auc- tion at Meadow Brook Faro, li wilny wa.t of Dungannon, on TUESDAY. OCTOBER 9th. at 1 o'clock .harp. the following : Short horns, - Ashfield Daley, aged, d -ie to calve In Janu- as y; Lady Louise. 3 years old, due to calve be- fore ale; Prin:saw Patricia. 3 yeah, due to calve before sale; Ro-alis of Meadow Brook, :e years. calf by .lde; Lady Rosebud, 6 years. one to calve In May; Fairy queen, 2 yews old. due to calve la February: Dairy Maid, 18 months old: Meadow Brook lhi.y, l4 mouth. old; Piercers Maude, 7 months old. Malt. - Meadow Brook Champlon, 11 mouth* old; 9twNlsu caw. 11 month. old; Royal Dundee, 1 mom k. old. Oradea -Oise row, due to calve lei January; 1 heifer, due to cave 10 May; 1 heifer, 2 years odd; 1 goer. 2 'mare old; I yea, ling heifer: 1 heifer. 11 mouth. ; pre r o J 1 • calve*. Une donut(o mare, 5 year* old. Implements - lane buggy, 1 wager. 1 .et of bob.le'eths. 1 wt irou harrow.. 1 net 41.e barrow., 1 plow, 1 , win plow. 1 *curlier. 1 gravel -1 ox. 1 fanning will, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 hay fork, rope and pulleys; 1 Malotu-craw ..epaiator. 1 set double harper lies angle harm.. • Lumber of born Ao•rs, f ecru, 1 wa.blug mach' e, 1 its; and. 1 ex. t isLon table, sat dlutog.ro•im chap tekma chair.. several rocklug chair.. I beater, 1 drool! 1 baby carriage. Poultry- Tweoty-flve Harrod Rock cockerels, bred•to- lay strain. Several other ankle.. too uomeroua to men- tlou. Ticar.. -All .um. of 110 and under, cash over :hat amount. 7 month.' creast. will be given on furnishing approved joint mutes. A discount at rate of 6 per cent. per minute al- low.d for cash on credit amounts. There w,11 be no reserve. Eserythiug mug be d,.poaed of... farm is sold. ROBERT DAVIDSON, T. OUNDRY, Proprietor. Auctloaeer. W E TAKE THiS MEANS OF EX- TRICATING. on behalf of the family of the late Mr.., S. Yate., our grateful thanks for kindnesses extended by many friend.. and �iipec4sil, for the neighborly aa.4tance ofitho h ei nd. In Colborne towuahip during_ the la.t illnee„ofthedeparted. JAMESrATM,. Wanted at the Canning Factory Plums, Pears, Apples, Beans anal Beets. Highest prices paid. Come in and See Us. Heron Canning and Evaporating Co. D. F. MAMLINK, Manager. Required Large quantities of J SCRAP IRON Terms -Cash on delivery Please phone or write us and our wagon will caH.' The National Shipbuilding Co.. GODERICH Limited I 1 1 a t'L. lgi,XECUTORS' SALE OF FARM. On SATURDAY, OCTOBER 130, 1117, at 2 p. or.. at the Auburn hotel, Aebu, n, Ont.. Phomas Gundry, auctioneer, will offer for sale at publ.c auction the .outh belt of lot :i, too- a+.Ion 4. We t Wawanosh. 110 acres. Tears or Sats. -Ten per cent cash on day Of rale. below* to thirty days without iotere.t., For further particulars nee poster: or ..poly to PKOU DFOOT, K ILLORA N k COI ME. Go ierich, Ont-. Solicitot. for Executor*. FIELD CROP COMPETITION. Names of Wisner, is Growing Ensilage Cors Are Announced. The secretary of the Goderich Indus- trial and Agricultural Society -has received the following statement of the standing of the prize-winning competitors in • the standing fold crop competition m ensilage corn, as placed by Vie Judge. Mr. George Foster, of Honeywood, Ont.: Points. John Sowerby & San 90 John S. Kernighan . , ..... George W. Andrews ... Bell Bros ... 77; Arthur Fisher..... ..... 76; S. B. Stothers .. 70; John W. Salkeld ,,..,...... 09 All of the above grew the Learning va- riety, with the exception of Mr. Stothers, who grew Wisconsin No. 7. 1 f quality counts, use Blackstone's delicious ice cream in bulk or bricks for all occasions. 'Phone 240. • PUBLIC NOTICE. 1111 r7 TAXES _- I ant now prepared to acorpt payment of the 1917 race.. Two per Dent. d1..nunt If paid en or before Ootube, 15•h, one per cent If paid on or br- ier. Novonber l..th Thereafter no discount. Rel ween 15,h and Net December two per cent. w111 be added. After,Ia-uary let Ave per tent. will Wadded. Sind sut•ject to dlelt ss w.riset being issued if not then gild. Town Hall, G ool.n r'•, WM. CAMPRKi.L, Septembst 28th. 1917. Collector. TOWN OF GODERICH' 1 PUBLIC NOTICE. TAKE NOTICE THAT 1 rhe council of the corporation of the town of Goderich intends to c qu' rnct as • lncel;lm- provemeet a sewer oa South .teat, between Raglan street and Britannia road, and Intend• to apeclall' acres -. part of t h. cost upon the land sbutt leg direct y upon the week. 2. The est mated frost of the work 1.4731.1(1, of which 1341.90 15 to be paid by the on pont- tion. The .etima'ed ,necial rate per foot fr mare 1. 17.51 mills. The .peclal aaseasme',t b to he paid in termite Ant oat Inatelmente. 3. A Petition again.( t he work will not avail to prevent it- ron•tructton, Dived thit:15:h day of September. 1917. L. L. KNOX. 113.4 Clerk. TOWN OF GODERICH. Dated the eb 4tday of September, 1817. 933c PUBL10 NOTICE. MUSIC. Tate NOTICE THAT • _ 1. The council of the mor len of the town -. - - - of Gederbk 4 4s! of •local IIa- (t it 4ti . T.LYlu& oSUA-`I4)T wenn O and Cholrm..ter or seenx ehnrrh. Teacher ft . eine wen. or Plano. Vocal and Theory. 1,,Mi. prepare] tends to np.ctally.s•e•* a tot se she root upon 6.r Corer! v.to y examinstion.. Studio -corner the land abu�Mug Ai, crtlpOe the work. B,fu• nla read and tumuli strntt. Telephone 2- The ellmu.d coo, of the work is /1819,73, No. 221. e , ,y of which 1137575 is to be paid by the corpora; tion. The estimated .pectal rate per fowl front- TSABISL R. Eeorr. TEAOHER OF age Is 27.10 mill. The specie] airessment is to Voter. Plano and Organ. Pepils prepared be ped iu twenty annaal In+telment•. for C0..ery tgry examination.. Apply at 3• At'et111an.eehetthlworkw111 notwnll MR. P. W. CI-RRIE9. Britannia road. to prevent it.omeme ter Dated this 'Atli day of September, 1917. THE GODERICH FAIR. I SUCCESS MARRED titY DOWNPOUR OF RAIN ON THURSDAY. Great Crowds Gather to See an Excel- lent Program -Exhibits Affected by the Vagaries of the Season - Mounted Troops from London a tiood Attraction. FOR SALE FOR SALE. -A DRIVING MARE, cheap. L, M. O'BRIE:N. FOR SALE. -A CROWN HURON range. In good rendition • barns either TAKE NOTIcr THAT mai or wood ; has water trout. 'W. SH IPMAN, I. The eom.eil of the oorporntton of the town L*.x street. of Ooderich Intents to construct an a totalim- t•en.ent a r on Britannia rad. between FOR SALE. -GOOD SELF -FEEDER mbeidge's rFia•etwitnd Meront street. and in - HEATER. In ar.teilase condition. cheap, tem'. to ane. (ally arcog es.. a pert of the coupon J. P. HItoWN, 18 Church greet. 81-2. d L. L. KNOX. 8321 Clerk. TOWN OF GODERICH. TOWN PUHLIC NOTICE. Stock of Lumber For Sale Having sold our factory building in Oodertch, and having no further use for the stock of lumber on hand, we offer it for sale at low figures rather than have the expense of removing It. The stock includes a quantity of FINISHED LUMBER. such as hard and soft wood Flooring, Hiding and inside Finish. LUMBER IN THE ROUGHconsisting of White and Red Pine, elprnee, Hemlock, Birch, Oak. Ash and Elm. All sizes from 1x3 -inch up to 10x10- inch timber. We intend to sell out this stock within a month or MO weeks, and those who require lumber should apply at once. PALET GRAIN DOOR Co., Ltd., GoddMch, Ont. J. YouNoeoN, Manager. CRAiGIE'S REAL ESTATE BARGAINS THIS IS A REAL HOME on a beautiful, well treed lot onre Albert stet, red brick veneered, bungalow style, 8 rooms, hot water heating, fireplace, electric light and hath, practically new and In first - condition. Owner has lett town. This la one of the best buy. in town, Price $.2,8110. List your Farm and Town Properties with me. i have several engnMes for same. THE BIG INSURANCE AGENCY J. W. LRAI(iIE, trrei fAI!CR AND REAL ESTATE the land.bntting Irecrlyon the work. 2. The e.timeted car of the w, rk 1. 0126.M, of which 6195614• to be paid by the corpora• Goo, The estimated special rate per foot front. age i.'G.BN mills. The ,pads' assessment is to be pain In twenty annual indelments, 3. A petition again.( tl,e work will not avail to prevent it. can -t ,net ion. Dated this 2116 day of September. 1917. 1.. L. KNOX, 113-21 '.lark. The Goderich industrial Exhibition of 1917 will be remembered as one of the most successful and at the Fame time one of the most disappointing occasions in the hlst(iry of the Exhibition. Thursday was "the big day," and one of the largest crowds ever assembled on the grounds had gathered in the afternoon. The grandstand was filled. and the program had just got nicely started when a down- pour of rain came and put a stop to the proceedings. The crowd made for shelter in the main hall, the poultry house and any other place that offered protection, hoping that the rain would soon pass over; but it kept on. and the program had to be abandoned for the afternoon. No admissions were charged in the eve- ning, in order to make up in some measure for the disappointment of the afternoon, but as it continued wet com- paratively few people were on the grounds. The weather cleared up om Friday and in the afternoon a long and - unusually interesting progr was carried out before the grandstand. re was a good attendance, but nothi _ like the crowds of the previous day. The speeding events were d follows : VOTERS' LIST, 1917. MUNICIPALITY O/ THE TUN NSHIP OF WLBORNE, COUNTY OF HUKUN. NoTIC5 1ot hereby given hat i have trang miffed or deliveredto the mane meutloied to .eet40, ...1 and 8 of the tent List Act the cople. require.' by wild aectlona to be so tram, t towitted sa d Act. of alll persoed of n. alppearr1ng bmade y the lalt rev1.ed asses ment r 41 to be entitled to vote In the said municiprob y at elect or. for memhere of the Leg'-Intive Assembl • and at municipal election.: and that I he.oald 11.4 att., tint pmts,' rip in my ohne in rhe town -hip of ulborne on the 12th day of Sep'ember, 1.117. and remain* there for Inspection.' Elector,. are called conn 40 examine the s114 141, and If any error• are found therein to lake Immediate proceedings to have the said error4 corrected aocorvt ing to law, R. W I L K' AIN. 'rownwbip clerk fated at Nile. this 15th day of Sep'errib,r, 1917. Rl-21 Lands for Sale in the Town of Goderich by the Canada Co. The following town Tots and park lots , in the town of Goderich are for sale on easy terms at the/ prices given, or for cash at a:discount 10 per cent. Town Lots. Acres. Price.. 8. W. ; :tin 1.8 $ 855 (1) 343 1-4 150 (1) 344 1-4 160 11) 348 1.4 1611 O(1 349 1.4 ' 150 45) 3r8) 1.4 160 00 951 ' 1.4 160111 :170 1-4 i60 UO 50A 1-4 11113 03 (170 1 4 160 110 7.. 1-2 460 (1) Park Lots - 1. 3.4 400 00 2. 2 14100 00 Rem. 3. " 11-2 9111 OM) Rohi. O. 1 1 4 700 00 7. 3 1.2 1100 (11 Rem. 8. 34 400 (M) Mout. S. 8.4 4410 (8) Rem. 11. 1.2 .11) 011 THE CANADA COMPANY. 1170 Yonge St., Toronto. 27th September. 1917. ORaaa Karp.. Auburn Bow (0• o MeN SSSS. RenaA. J. Gold,h reel . .. Rosy Sine IJ... Me t4a'o..) Black Hos (T. J. Ceuder) 22.4,1 ct.aet. Sid. H.(J. Mcletosh, London) 2 1 1 1 floralK. Dugde.IMcteau) ... ., 1 2 4 Lay Grattan (F. Reid. r. Parkhill) 4 4 11 2 leve -4). U.rd (Ja.. Molt.nur).. •3 :i 3 3 and district are enthusiastic and enter- prising. The classes in horses, cattle, sheep and swine were not large, owing probably to the fact that farmers are exceptionally (busy this year. The quality of the ex- hibits, however, was good. NOTES. Everybody who pptronized the dining hall was much pleased with the splendid meals served by the ladies of the %omen's Institute. The gate and grandstand receipts 'were in the neighborhood of 81,)400. The list of prize -winners is published elsewhere in this issue of The Signal. One innings of a baseball game between Clinton and Godench had been played on Thursday when the rain put a stop to the game. 'the heals were putting it all over the visitors. Mr. Thos. McMillan and Mr. Arch. Hieiop, the Liberal candidates for the two Huron seats, were on the grounds on Thursday. The weather probs. fur last Thursday said "Scattered showers." Well, they were hardly showers, but they certainly made the crowd scatter. "Tell your fortune, sir?" Several prominent citizens succumbed to the wiles of the fortune-teller. Amongst them we noticed; Mayor- Munnings. who cater out of the tent with a big smile.. We wonder what the lady foretoldd -. robs bkie prospects are favorable for his holding the mayoralty chair next year. Who knows? Then there was Collector Campbell, but even though We have used every known persuasion to gey him to tell us why the lady made hi rft look so pleased ,Uncle William won't lett on. 2 1 1 .. 3 4 3 3 4 tn. ►RICE -FOR -A L•.. Iola lialtit. Litt. Guelph) . .. 1 1 1 BIG Free Bony M. Litt. Mltchrlll ... . 2 2 -2 Royal DuUOee IH. Mclean) .... ...SSSS.. .1 3 3 \ 'MIMEOS. TROT. Billy Medeat1ta.. A ton. heir ' ).. 2 1 1 1 Ar HOT oTIOea, McNail)...• ..1 3 2 Barney Hoy (J. MC(ire, PortAllier 1. 3 3 2 3 Dr. W. F. Clark acted as starter. and Messrs, J. W. Smith, J. H. Edward and Dr. Whitely as judges, �Whitte,, jt anLamart��anddyC�`ampbell. the accro- Dan Mardnhis cu ft ?- a good demonstration of Highland dancing, Piper Roy Mackenzie furnishing the music. The band, under the le •rship of Mr. C. J W. Taylor, although rxk strong in numbers gave excellent servic and carried out their part of the pr most creditably. The Midway attract' were numerous and varied, from a fortune-teller's tent to an ambitious little circus under its Own canvas.. The star attraction, of course, was the detachment of mounted troops from the camp at Carling's Heights. The per- formances of the boys on rprseback, in- cluding racing. high jumping. wrestling, etc., were novel and interesting. and the musical ride was a very pretty exhibition. At the ciinclusion of their performance on Friday afternoon the mounted men were addressed by Mayor Munnings, who thanked them heartily, on behalf of the town and the Exhibition directors, for their visit to Goderich. Major Osborne replied and said it had been a great pleasure to the men to be here. t THE EXHIBITS. In the main hall the exhibits for com- petition made a fair average. Probably because so many of the ladies are busy knitting this year, the home manufactures and fancywork classes were not so well filled as usual. Vegetables made a very good showing. potatoes especially being numerous and of excellent quality. There was a large display of beautiful cut flowers: hut in fruit, as was to be ex- pected this year, the showing was away behind the standard of the Goderich fair. The scarcity of apples in the district was 'effected in the comparatively small dis- play of the fruit upon which Huron county prides itself. The exhibit of the Dominion Depart- ment of Agriculture occupied one side of the south wing anll attracted much at-' tendon. Its most prominent and inter- esting feature was a number of models of farm devices. such as a portable hog fence, a silo, poultry houses, poultry fat- tening crates, feed racks, etc. -all, of course, in miniature. Several of the local merchants had at- tractive displays. Hodgens Bros. showed carpets and draperies, D. Millar & Son specialized in woollen goods, including the famous Dr. Jaeger goods, and J. H. Colborne had a display of rugs and silks, Fred hunt occupied the centre with a large display of plumbing goods, stoves, etc.; Chas. C. Lee showed stoves and other goods in his line, and C. J. Harper specialized in lighting fixtures. Jas. F. Thomson. of t e well-known music store, made an exhi t comprising Heintzman & Co. pianos, ictor victrolas and White sewing machines. Another attractive ex- hibit was that of Wesley Walker. the furniture man. Purity flour. in bags of various sizes, occupieda' space, and up- stairs Mr. L. B. Tape demonstrated the fine points of the Singer sewing machine. Chevrolet cars were shown by Mr. Geo. Johnston. A cy of young ladies had a corner of the hall where they conducted several money -making enterprises in the interests of the Daughters of the Empire. They did a thriving Niftiness. especially when the rain chased the people indoors. The new spick-snd span poultry hall had a collection of birds that would have done credit to an exhibition in one of the larger cities. Goderich has become an important centre of activity in poultry - raising and the poultrymen of the town RAIN HITS SLYTH FAIR. Outside Show Postponed to Thursday, October it. Blyth fair, on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, was unlucky in the matter of weather. The inside exhibits were placed on Tuesday, but owing to the con- tinued rain on Wednesday it was decided in postpone the fair until Thdrsday. October 11. when the program of attrac- tion,will be carried out and the outside departments of the show will be on view. With the exception of fruit, which made only a sniall showing, the inside exhibits were bettet.than usual. The ladies' work was very g the roots and vegetables were extraor ars, and other classes made a better sttttwing than usual. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE TO 8E ADVANCED. A meeting of the newspaper publishers of Goderich and Clinton was held on Monday at Clinton, and it was decided that within the next few months the ad- vance subscription price of the news- papers represented at this meeting will be Increased to fd.50 a year. This step is taken not to swell the bank accounts of the publishers, but simply to make ends meet in view of the heavy in- creases in the cost of producing a news- paper. The movement for an increased subscription price is general throughout the country, and the Goderich and Clin- ton papers are about the only ores in this section that have not already made the change. With the prices of paper, ink, type and practically everything else that • goes into the making of a newspaper in- creasing by leaps and bounds. and the prices received by the publishers remain- ing at the old low hgure, the newspaper man has had a hard time of it. and the increase of the subscription price is ab- solutely necessary to enable the business to sprvive. Later on a definite announcement will be made as to the date upon w4 ch the increase is to take effect. Subscribers will be given several weeks' notice. McKII/'S DIRECTORY. Canadian Newspaper Field Well Covered by This Standard Publication. The Canadian Newspaper Directory, published by A. McKim. Limited, adver- tising ageritsy. of Montreal, Toronto, Win- nipeg and London. Eng., is the most re- liable and comprehensive guide to Cana- dian new•spaperdom. The 1917 edition is now issued, and is a veritable mine of in- formaton. Some figures may he interesting. There are 1,31(1 publications of all kinds now being issued in Canada. including 131( dailies, 4 tri -weeklies, 40 semi-weeklies, 9.24 weeklies, :.rel monthlies, 1 bi-monthly and 114 quarterlies. Since A. McKim, Limited. issued its first Canadian News- paper Directory, twenty-six years ago, the hrm has seen the birth of many of the publications listed in its Directory and is in position to have accurate knowledge of the field. The present-day condition of the Canadian press enables the Dominion to continue to boast the largest reading ;)uhhc in the world in proportion to pop- ulation. As usual, McKim's Newspaper Direc- tory contains a wealth of genera! informa- tion regarding every town and city in Canada where a newspaper or other pub- lication is issued, giving population, trans - A meeting of the inner\cirdt dal tbeportatton, telegraph, telephone. express. ---- facilities and other accommoKla- e. pat: y �P.e ataL. IMI Fwa1)sl,tic, w .� j� ,a( held on Mnnday at Myth. in prepmatlon pertinent, im-01te ink ma itcxt fqr oust- for ustfor the ensuing election. it was decided nets men at time when such facts as it that Mr. James Bowman, member for ,contains an in great demand by far - East Huron in the Parliament that is sighted industrial leaders. The book itself Is well bound, dcadneat and fit for now almost defunct. should be the party candidate, Fur some time w'as place on any officeedesk or in any library. pt>sed that Mr. Bowman wouldit getsup- tile) SPECIAL 51.95 OPTICAL SALE vacant postmastership at Wingham. ar.J of warranted extra good quality gold- s Lt. -Col. Lewis. the present member for filled rammed spectacles and eyeglasses, with hest quality white spherical lenses. Regular 11L(M)value for only 01.95. Eyes examined mutat carefully by our well- known and painstaking specialist. Mr. Hughson. , formerly optical expert .for Kent's jewelry store, Toronto. You are assured of honest and courteous treat - BOWMAN -- Candidate Chosen fa s North H GAIL atives life date arrang and sur standpom had some which Borden be supposed t campaign -the which seeks to im candidates are akin other hand, sir. Bo bear the responsibility North Huron for the ma of the Government which" he has sup- ported in Parliament' during the last six years. Evidently it was decided at the conference on Monday that it would be safer to avoid the risks of bringing out a new candidate, and so Mr. Bowman will again face the music. A convention of the Conservatives of the riding will be called later on to go through the motions of choosing a candi- date, but it will be a mere formality - the decision has already been made by. the "inner circle." In South Huron the Conservatives are to hold a nominating convention at Clin- ton on October kith. The Clinton News - Record says that Mr, J. J. !Sterner, the present member, is the likely choice. Huron, also is retiring from pohtiral his would have meant a new candi- the combined constituency. This nt presented some advantages disadvantages, from the party A new candidate might have iculty in assuming the pose ernment candidates will , merit, Don't miss this chance, as all adopt during the coming optical goods are advancing in price. and .e -the -country attitude hard to get. Come early. Three dacs It that all Opposition only --Thursday. Friday and Saturday, o traitors. On the October.11th, 12th and 13th. SMITH'S an *81 have 10 ART STORE, Godetich. ore the people of glaring faults 'Eat Pure Ice Cream and give your children non. 'other. Edwards is pure. Phone am. 1 Disgrace of laziness is something to which^every man should be a stranger' but you wotildn't be disgraced if you had one of Pridham the Tailor's suits on. Here is the Music of -The Birth of a Nation," During the previous engagement o "The Birth of a Nation'' at ,. t ,n t Opera House a great number 'cu 1.21' .n= were curious to know what vele: Hun - t n : orchestra played during the pr.:.rr, et, ' t of the picture. Manager McLean h-1= 1. - ceived word that the followingsoltcIv;tl are included in the orchestration which t• used for "The . Birth of a Nation:" "Sewanee River," "Seeing Nellie Home." "in the Gloaming." "Dixie." "Turkey in the Straw," "Don Dah,";'The Girl i Left Behind Me," "Home, Sweet Home." ''Gond Night. Ladies." "The Mocking Bird," "Hail to the Chief," "The Star ogled Banner." "My CtouTUry. 'tis of Thee." and selections from the Peer Gynt Suite. Zampa. Freichutz. the Ride of the Valkyries, Liszt's Second Ilungar- ian Rhapsody. Unusual interest is manifested in the forthcoming return of this wonderful attraction for two days. Saturday, Otto -1 ber ti, and Monday, October N. Put creAline in the sink. Small particles of dishpan refuse will gather in the kitchen .in or out of sight In the drain. These particles putrify rapidly and menace the entire household. The sides and bottoms of sinks -especially if they are not en- amel - should be scrubbed often with creoline solution. which should be poured into the drain. Sold in bulk by E. R. Wigle, druggist, Goderich. The W. C. T. U. will hold its regular meeting{ October 15th instead of the Rth, that being Thanksgiving Day. The meet- ing will be at 3 p. m., in Temperance Hall. OUNURY'S SALE REGISTER. Tt'r-'napf. Oct. 9. -Clearing ,cellon sale of w herd of purebred ohor, horn-, grade rattle and farm lnndenunit•, p...perty of Mr. Hebert Itavidwou, at Meadow Hra'k Farm, 11 miles went of 'longterm,. Ey'ri thing will be dl.• posed of, um the form la .old. W ken kepi Y. Ile'. M. -Clearing amnion nate of L.rn, stock end ln.plem.nte property of Air. J. T. ('richh, ceness•lon 1, 14.8.14., Tucker.mlth, who le arilto1 everything. <* FATI?RDAT, Oct. 1:t-Fxecntor.' Sete of 100. erre faun. south halt lot 25, cone..•don 1, Went Weenie. -h, at Aob414. hotel. .t,,bnrn,at 24'.m. MARRIED. OK F.-HI('K. -At Chestnut Farm, Ooderich tow, shit., on Wedneedey, October 3. by Rev. tt . H. rampb•ll, ('pule Irani, thought r of Mr and ?f ., W. F', Hick, to Mr. Albert It. Oke, of Ttsonto, DIED. YATES. -In Colborne town,hip. on Wedne.. d.y. Sep, -wilier '3t. Mary Mcl'telln, widow of the lets Stephen Yue., aged 87 year. and 11 month.. (IUNDItY.- In Oodarlrh. m. Wednesday. (le - 441 er 3, ('hrlete,.. M. -K. Ilar, widow of the late Edwin Gundry. in her 83rd year. The funeral will lake place from the family reddenre, Plctoo street, on "nnday, (hatabt 7, at 3 n'clo!k, to Malt lend comete,y. Service at the house at t.at NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Oct. 4. Pan Farm for Sale -Wm. Heaven t Directory First -Hell Telephone Co 6 Flfty Acre. to (tent- Box 1:.3. The Signal..., 1 Hung. and Lots for $sle--Prondfoot. Killoran k Cooke .... SSSS. ... 1 I'earl l'in 10.41-1eawo at Signal Office t Gratin Wanted -Colborne Farmers Club Reader- -lihnnl'ha rl,., Toronto. Peulhy Wanted- Gnnn, tenth f. t o 1 At Home -St. Georges Wnmau's Anxlllary1 Healer ah -J. wn . SSSS SSSS 1 iwnds fforor haler-TheP. ('anHro*Aa o'ompan... Horse to (tent -J. W. Salkeld.. ........ 1 I 'aid Of Thank.- J.K. Yates .. .......... 1 (riving Mem for Bale -D, i . (YBH." 1 Range for Sale W. P'IAaa tort Warded -Dr. O.B.Maw SS SS .. SSSS1 Ked Rose Tea 7 1-.