HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-9-27, Page 66'7
7,,AtAvix6,4$ ) 44,1M1M1,4*/'''' t1,0,1;o: 3
'1), 00NC:hi ,tet
• 'Mika', ihist 121?
The Saults Coal Co.
inooneeion. adollionage t tiletiiiill
EXCIAtellvie AGRNTs Pole
We deal iu Hard and Soft Coal,
1,1,n', Cement, Fire Brick, Fire
Clay, also Hard and Soft Wood,
Merle and Hemlock Slabs.
Fresh cars of Lime and
Cement just received.
01,411 - - -
R. ). Saults' hiesidenee 275
W. W Sattlts' Resideuce 202
New Perfection
Oil Stove
Why not economize by
using less coal or wood?
The New Perfection Oil
Stove is just what you
need. We have them
for :sale- three -burner
and:four-burner Stoves.
Call and See Them --
Phone 1311 Hamilton Street
mitre wort. to fill the Place. of c
front Voting woolen Mil render I Ile
inert wr lin nave gone 01 are going to
Liberia Joins Nations
Fighting Against Huns
For the Cause of freedom
T1fE entrance of the Republic
of Liberia line the war
against Gernaaay threw*
another 411,1140 square
miles of territory and another 2,-
000.0 do people thee the balance
against tbe Ceatral Powers.
Liberia la situated on the west
coast of AhleaAt the point wbere the
coastline oaken the great bend to
form the Gtal a anise.. Its Peed -
Hon puts it directly on the line of
Gesell communicatioa between Eu-
rope and Swath A/rica and polite; by
way of the Cape of Good Hope.
The republic has a ociaatline of
setae 300 miles and poesessea • ampu-
tation estimated at from 1,600,090 to
2,000,000. The part of the republic
that has been developed is only a
etitualine strip of about seven miles
average width, or a little more than
2,000 square ilk les all told. The re-
mainder of the country is occuPled
by native tribes. Tbe population
comprises from 12,000 to 16.004
descendants of American slaves,
some 40,000 Christianised natives,
with approximately a million and •
half or two *Millon wild people. The
interior of the country is a plateau
of considerable elevation, clotbed
with valuable forests of gum trees,
all palms, and pepper shrubs. This
region is healthful and productive,
and is the abode of herds of ele-
phants and buffaloes.
The colony dates from about 1822,
when Jehudi Ashmun a wbite Am-
erican, took a number of the free
Negroes there and settled them. The
name Liberia was invented by Rev,
R. H. Gurley In 1824, The colon-
ists declared their country an inde-
pendent republic in 1847, a status
which was recognized in 1848-49 by
all of Hie principal countries except
the United States. Sometime before
1857, the two leading aetteementa
split apart and considered them -
sakes two republics, Liberia and
IlaryMnd. Eniefeand and Liberia set -
led their boundary dispute, which
evolved the Slerre Leone -Liberia
f* la 1903, The controversy be-
weea France and Liberia over the
yory Coaat—Liberia frontier then
arne to the fore, with the result
hat in 1909 President Roosevelt
country real •ervice by preparing 10 po
tak• potritIonn In bank.. and butane.* %
efU,44.. i to
tset•trl Conn.,. e( training in flook• 1
iceet.ine, Shorthand WA All other l.:0(11 re
airri'i ii .ukireio now in maitre -
student. admit led any Uwe. Illiagrated fo
catalogue free I de
Northern Basins: College, Ltd. 1
f MO
I revg.N SOUND, ONT. to
l'. A. fltMING, Primeval,
lilted a commission to go to Africa
investigate condition.* in the coun-
re. As a result of that commission's
port, negotiations were set on foot
r an adjustment of the Liberian
bt and the placing of United States
dabs in charge of Liberish cue -
rue. In 1910, the Amen
ernmeat, acting in general agree-
ment with Great Britain, France, and
Germany, took charge 01 the fl
&laces. /unitary organizations, Agri
If you seder from Backache. Rheuma-
tism, Brick Dust Deposits. Urinary and
bladder Troiticke. or Swollen 1044.
write for free sample of Gin Pills es.
Time Walimal Drag aad CleamicsJ
at °m.4.. Limited. Twrssite
cirrsom or nitistax.;—
Vona is Wrote Applied to Great Moni-
tion (entre.
Spada*, the munitions factory
tessera ee Prussia, and sometimes
charactertsed as the "citadel of Bee -
14s," had hardly ever been heard of
la Canada berme the war
ft la, of course, impossible to sur-
mise as to the extent of the damage
caused by the recent explosion la a
head grenade factory at Spandau for I
e German censorship
on news of
such disaster le very rigid. There
are few richer fields for explosions
in the German Empire, bower*,
thee at Spandau, wbere, prior to the
war, there were inure than 200 acres
of Government arsenals, gun lac-
toraea, and powder plants employing
mare than 6,000 workmen. 'The ex-
tent of these military works has, of
course, been vastly increased since
the summer of 1914.
When the war began Spatula
a population of more than 8
having nearly trebled In size
388. The WWII is situated o
ally swam, ground, at Me con-
fluence of the rivers Spree and Havel,
the latter havine been greatly lin.
proved for navigation in recent
years. The distance by rail to Berlin.
which Iles to the south-east. Is seven
and a half or 11 miles, acoording to
the railway station in the capital at
wbich the traveler detrains. Aa a
matter of fact, the two oeities are
practically continuous, Charlotten-
burg forming the connecting Dalt-
Both the Berlin -Hamburg and the
Berlin-Flannver Railway tines pass
through Spandau,
Spandau's histftry begins far back
in mediaeval times. It received 14
civic rigbta during the first half of
the thirteenth century, and was
atrongly fortified in the si t
century, but was unablewithstand
an attack from the Swedes In 1635,
Durig the Napoleonic era Itmic-
a- combed to the French. After the
- War of 1870 the Germane thought it.
of I advisable to strengthen the fia
he tions, but subsequently many of the
- defences w
les 44 Waft, SoaartheifaseIvesif
"They break la pewee the pe.,
0 Lord, &ad aMiet Mae heritage.
"They shay Use wl4ow aad Hee
stratumaad senrilac tbe fatherieas.
-Yet they sap, The Lord Baal! aot
eace, neither shall the God of Jacob
regard it."
That is the Psalm or the Alike.
• •
belt , • jorvki
1.44i gl;
te8•' ii•P',411; , • •• .4/11,1,-"st
tor • r ett ' 4. 4,•,.iL3k41s 444'
iLliaaese Views.
Peera Inlagteu come two side -
Mesta sea tie Chinese situation. Thle
is what a "one -eyed, broway•-quisue41,
boregebended. Ill -smelling 90a1alle.
Ilaad: -Cbina has tea augers, let us
say. Now if the westera powers had
he.. content to lop off one ogle, we
could 'hare aaid, 'Bu yao ke' (It's of
little consequestee). .11 they want
lend a* badly as to go to the other
sthe of the globe to steal lt, we could
sea. 'Let them have a Piece:. but
Owe* la every Indication that they
west tea Angers. What can a man
de with ten flingers gone? 'La Dao
bar (lie must quit; 18.1 1. the end
of him). But Cilias will get back
what has beta taken." An old
Chrtstian convert put it this way.
Tim world today seems like a bin
et sweet potatoes that have started
be rot. When they start, they ro
very fast. The great powers are com
parable to mad dogs, snapping a
everything and everybody that gets
la the way. The world to -day re-
minds me of the big firecrackers that
we shoot off at the New Year festi-
val. The fuse has been lighted and
4 fast burning toward the heart,
when the fizz will become a boom!"
Farmers In the Army.
The Canadian farmers have done
their share in defending the cause of
the Empire, Sir Edward Kemp re-
cently stated that up to June 30
haat 45,797 farmers had enlisted, of
which number 24.392 came from the
western provinces.
SEVEI MRS Sly Fax of the ans
• `'' JTID
Among Cruel Bulgarians
Has Willing Followers
maims Heipea.nturryika.A.nuntovEr He Teas ••••••••••••••eassos..sse Need Only Trust to Lydia E.
RE sly fox of the Balkans,
as Caar Ferdinand of Bul- pound, says Kuxtzweg„
garta la endearingly called
In almost every Chancellery %moo, NY._-" My daughter, what*
in lEur°Pe' Is th'e evil "Ili" of a picture is herewith, was much troubled'
with pains in b•ir
back and sides every
month and tb•yr
Id sometimes be
bad that 18 would
m like acute be-
ffammation some
organ. She reed
adve gertiseinepear:
and tried Lydia E.
Pinkham's •g• -
t•ble Compotmd.
She praiees it highly as she has been
relieved of all these pains by its age.
All mothers should knowof this remedy.
and all young girls who suffer should
try it. " -hfra. MATILDA Kunrgirigo, 6230
High St., Buffalo, N. Y.
Young women who are troubled wide
painful or irregular periods, backache,
headache, dragging -down sensations,
fainting spells or indigestion, should
E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound. Thousands have been re-
stored to health by this' root and herb.
11 you know of any yonng wo-
man who is sick and needs help -
f ut ad vice. ask her to write to the
Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine Co.,
Lynn, Mama Only women will
receive tier letter, and it win bo
bejd lwatrietest conlidenott.
t Buckingham, Que., May 3rd, 1915.
For eeven years, I suffered terribly
from Severe Ilradaases and /*digestion.
1 had belching gee from the stomach,
bitter stuff would come up Into my
mouth after eating, while at times I had
nausea and vornitini, and had chronic
f'onctipation. I went to several doctors
and wrote to apecialist in Boston but
without benefit, / tried many remedies
but nothing did me good, Fiala/a, a
friend advised " Fruit-a-tive.s 'a I took
this grand fruit medicine and it made
me well. I am grateful to "Fruit -a.
bees", and to everyone who has alise-
ntble bee/ th with Constipation and Indi-
gestion and Bad Stomach, I say take
"Fruit-a.tives ", and you will get well ".
50e. a box, 6 for 17.50, trial size, nc.
At dealers or sen t postpaid on receipt of
price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
A Ter tide Loss.
5u,ohadoo, Those crafty German raiders bare
not all the world has yet learned. de -
since , clares the London Chronicle, A vera-
cic,us ar,d observant workman has
lima explained the position to his
raistresui. "Yes, mum, these raids Is
very corstly." "Very; roads and
buildings cannot be repaired for no-
thing." she answered, sym pathetical-
ly. "Oh, it ain't that, mum. It's the
ladles, poor dears.' They faints, and
11 takes a lot of brandy to bring 'em
round. And brandy Is So expertaive
in these "erd time., That's where it
comes in, inum," True daughters,
without doubt, of ladies whom Dick-
ens homed.
!tura!, and boundary questions
the republic. For the security of t
1114414444141•414.1••••••41044,04 revenue, a frontier police force sulti
lifacEwan Estate
Exclusive agents for
for Goderich
and District.
Best Coal Mined.
Any quantity best all Maple
Slabs, Mixed Wood, Hemlock
Mid Kindling tOedar or Pine.;
TELEPHONES, office 98
residence 212 'r 68
1 year Back is aching or Bladder
bothers, drink lots of water
and Oat less meat
When peer kidneys hurt sad ymir heck
don't get epee... Led mooed
to loud y air stomach with a lot of drugs
Chat ....rite the k Whey and irritate the
• ntira urinary tract. Keep year kidneys
• Ivan I,kw keep rut Meets clean,
11 Roan .ng them with a .old, hae less
mita which rernrivee the bride' iota
lrrucre *ad atimitlate, them t nOr"
MAI *Pei . The fnnt,o kid. is to filter the heed. nirs
-they /erste front it GOO gra. acid
mut Plat.,e en nen readily t and
'ha •itai imtvirtanee nf lesepi kid -
els aeries.
atettic Inle nf weiter-re rink
eais emelt aian get from at wiet
nevelt four nitwit of take
a Cahleatwvotfor ,e • glace otter
elefeee !wealthy.* aieh morning few
Aare and emir ireficen will • fine.
'TAM fitment mita ia Ina& ft this
nod roper en4 6/10011 i nod
with 1,11lia, and bee twee me. era.
alone to elate end etietelete 814
yi aise t.neutralist the . 1 s
striae to it ao !neva ie • annals of thus hiailalaw make
Jag flialte is iterepenaive; ea la.
dere; makes a delighthil ear coed
Hillis water drink 'chief+ ern -yell, emitild
take rare nog then to keep their 814.
mays cloan sad artive. Try ibis, also
limey np the debt drinking, and me
'doubt yon win einerlpr what became of
Om, kd.iy beable wed Imicaen.,
cLen or the maintenance of peace
Liberia was established. and Hi
United States designated trained mi
ltary officers to organize this foroe.
In 1912, Liberia had trouble wit
Germany, growing out of a ettarr
between German merchants wad the
president of the republic. Two Ger
man gunboats forced an apology
and the president retaliated by grant
Ing privileges to English traders, 1
1913, which were more favorable
than those enjoyed by the Germans
The country is rather remarkabl
for its flora and fault*. There 111 one
species of tree that grows to a /thigh
of 200 feet, and 22 'species of trees
shrubs. and vines that produce rub-
ber. Among the animals encounter-
ed in the wild districts are the pigmy
hippopotamus, the bay-thhed ieDiana
nionkey, and the zebra anteiopit.
The Governtnent of Liberia is
modeled atter that of the United
States. The /resident is elected foc
four years, and there iii a congress,
made up of eight senators and thlr
teen representatives. The judical
system coneists of local magistrates.
courta of common p1..., quarterly
courts, and • supreme eourt. Man?
of the presidents of tbe republic
have been former slaves io America.
Adniiral "Fighting Bob" Evana in
one of his books tells the story of
having visited the Llberia.a "White
House" for a ceremonial Coal, in tbe
courts of which, having been born la
Virginia, he, In a moment of revert-
ing to type, addressed the rife of the
president as "Auntie." The presi-
dent thereupon inquired what part of
the South he was from. He replied
tbat he was from Floyd County, Vir-
ginia, and the president confessed
that he was bora in Dinwiddie Coun-
ty, nearby.
to Spandau has been one of the mill-
s tary treasure cities of Prussia for
a 1 more than 40 years, a sum equal to
830,000,000 having been kept here
8 i in the Julius Tower ready for In -
'1 stem use in case of "military etnerg-
enry." It is a pathetic commentary
- that. this sum, wbich undoubtedly
, was Listed In launching the treacher-
- one attack upon France through
n f Belgium in the opening days of Au -
1 gust, 1914, was a residue of the in-
. deninity which Germany had cot-
e ' lected from -the French after The
j Franco-Prussian War of /870-1871.
t I Four or five miles north -oast of
Spandau 1.18. famous Castle Of
i 'Pegel, the family home or the hee-
1 tilers Huinboldt — Alexander, the
great naturalist and traveler. and
Karl Wilheen, the diplomatist, pinto-
' logist. and man of letters—beth of
whom are buried in the castle
Spandau Wlia at one time the fav-
orite residence of
the Hohenzollern
electors of Brandenburg. Ten miles
to the south-west is Potsdam, one of
the principal residences of the kaiser.
Csaritusei Jeweils In Oermasy.
Mme, Nicholas Romanoff's intui-
tion when she saw war cloud* how -co-
las over Europe In the summer of
1914, undoubtedly has saved he
family $100,000,000. The Russian
royal jewels, Including the gems
from the Romanoff crown, were
transferred to Germany before tbe
outbreak of hostilities.
The then Csarlith. who felt the 1n -
security of Ruse's, and the cotnpara-
tive safety of Germany. Le described
as the "Woman wbo caused the
war," in the Chroniele, • New York
society magaelne, which prints the
story of the Ruselan jewels,
Thu, czarina, wbo, before he mar-
riage. was Princess Alerandri All..
or neon*, assured German frioni.s and
relatives that fluesia never would be
• dangerous antagonist. Her pro -
German intrigues helped to prove
her assertion.
Just before the outbreak of the
war, trusted meMensers carried the
family jewel. to the Csarina's bro-
ther. the ()rand Duke of Hesse, for
safe Iteardter until pesee should he
deelareds--4and tiers) they rental*, aci
far as ittasslans know,
The Chronicle story, *bleb has
been cortirmed by prominent Rua
Mans, at/aorta that the tale of the
tainting Jewels reached this conatry
r mesas 01 18* Russian conimIseloa.
Two halms and the Germane.
''The Lord on high is mightier
than the noise 1,many watera, yea,
the ighty ayes of the
(amens 93, 7. \tiuch was the text
on ',lath the Court chaplain Preach-
ed an edifying discourse in the Ber-
lin cathedral In the presence of the
Imperial Dimity, and of Hindenburg
and Ludendorff, the two lightnings
of war. The service "is said to have
been one of the most lrnpreasive held
In the cathedral during the war."
The Kaiser, Hindenburg. and Dr.
Michaelis were blessed In the most
affecting manner by the courtly
Not the ninety-third, but the
renely-fourth, Psalm furnishes the
right text for a sermon on Germane.
the 'wee( German humanities In this
"0 Lord God, to whom vengeance
6 ,iscnth; Q CV. to whom von -
son arc boffin gett'show thyself.
"Lift up thymelf, thou Judge at the
earth; render a regard to the proud,
"Lord, how long man!) the wicked,
how long shall the wicked triumph?
"Flew tong ithall they utter and
speak hard thinxe? and all the wink -
I AVAITIVIrtiiireinlr.iii.alf:lie 011
Sept. 27.219
Oct. 2-3
Dringannon Ot. 2 3
.001. 4-11
Brussels. Oct. 4 5
Oot. 6
04. 9.10
Oct. 9-10
Hayfield. „
1 N the supple-
ment te the
"tiondon Go,
tette," dated Aug-
ust teth, contain -
fug a cf
awards to omt'ere
and men for gal.
lantry and devo-
tion to duty, In
the Geld, the fol
lowing appears:
"Sec. Lt. (A.
Capt.) Douglas
/Harker Watson.
Middx R. --When
Acting Adjutant
he performed
most valuable ser-
vices to his head-
quarters, cross-
! ng a ridge
three times In
daylight through
heavy machine-
gun and rifle Are
to obtain ethet in-
formation as to
the 'situation and
.distiositions of his
!battalion. He suc.
cesafunr accona
lillehed his task
ander very diffi-
cult cirentn-
The gallant offi-
cer, who Is only
21 rears of age,
was born on the Amiss -Mesita W. B. WAvsow, W.C.
2018 Marc),, 1196, and educated at King Alfred's filehool. Wastage. ne Joined
the services of the Freight Dept.. of the Canadian Paettle Fly., Charing erns,
In Decevnber, 1911, and when war broke out be enlisted as a Private In the
10th Batt Middlesex Regiment He was gazetlied SecLt. on the 18th Sept. of
the same year, wag Mentioned la despatches amongst ethers by Gen, A. J.
Murray, C. In C., Egyptian Expeditionary Force on the 18th March, promoted
to be acting captain whilst commanding a company, on April 1018, and In the
"Gazette" ou May 25th It was stated: "Capt. D. B. Watson, M.C., to be Actina
Major, ',Mat Major on Headquarters of the Battarlea."
War Record of C. P. R. Men.
In spite of the fact that day and night the trains and steamers of that great
imperial oresabratIon, the Canadian Paribc Railway, have been occupied in
the transportation of soldiers &me war snalerlals, aasi that tbe huge work-
shops of His eoespainy have been turaleg out vast supplies of muntetens of war
Instead of enatose aad reliing stock. no Fewer than 1,014 Mae In the service
the eompany have gate to the frost In ~ET omit,* of war they are to be
found -in Prance Ray, Russia. the Bailsman limmawitunis. Africa Or these
8,000 men (apart from 100 who are serving 1* the Navy) LH* have been
killed or vrounial, among the killed beteg (pt. tha Hoe. A. T. Ilimoghneasy,
son of Lord Paseaghneeerpresideat of the C. P. R.
Grnumbered 213, of whom 179 were of military age. and .4
18... C. P. R. and rimainion lemperes staffs In eat laritteliefore the war
than 183 have Joined the colors. Among those who have paid the supreme
179 so fewer
sacrifice have boos Lt. A. R. Voyasy, Chief Assistant to the liturepean Manager.
and LL W. B. IlleArther, W.C.
The honors won by officials and employeee of the company make a long list
fa..Col. C W. P, Ramsay ULA been made C.M.G. The 19.8.0, haa been awarded
to ILL -Col. Ca 8. Cantlie, general superintendent of ear berries; Lt.•Cof. P. A.
Oseeniese, stpertateadmit of ear servic., Montreal: and Maj. J. A. lissiteth,
assistant engineer, Winnipeg.
The Military Cress has been gainful by Temp. Lt. C. r. ease, (kni.a), 18..
J. A. Hamilton (killed). It le Irvine, Regt-Sgt.-blisi. J. 3ellery If* W. W.
KIHrpatrick, Lt. W. R. btcArtanr (killed) IA. 'W. Pt. Weedesway, Lt. J. K.
ItatbasaaCo.-Sat.-Mai. 71. Neigabour, Lt. A. hf. Rebertseni. Sgt -Wal D. Stuart,
Capt. L B. Biewin, LA. W. B. Women aad Lt..0o P. A. WIRilas.
Tbe followlag bave been awarded the 1).C,M,: Opi, A. P. Hamm, Pt. R
Jobila,. Pte. R. R. Jame. Sgt. .1. R. lAngford• CpI. W. N, Loam OIL A. Mac -
Rem. 0o.thrt-Maj. H. Neighboor, See. Cat J. P. Wwwtea. Oar. S. ikekatkalUt,
Pte. S. A. Stile.
. The Military Mode/ has been wee by PM. A. Asillersea. Rat R. 1 Cemphill.
P1.,?. Ciulepbell, Aret..4'01, 0 S. Charkwen, Ma T. C. Christie, Ott
rettetney. Got, J. R. Coeds, (Dar. S. 4 Sot W.
Fonieth Pt,. R. Esser Ont, A. P. Asserd, . • C. K. C. •
atittehlminn, Pte. 91 11 Wannedy. tlept.41140. R. Kennedy, $tEllast. W.Spr. tram
r A. ).1ccready, L -Sgt. C. Weer, H. Wariaa, 111, R. G.
tIgt NnttMl.. Pte. R. 0. Dite, Pee W. G. Paver, Sgt. P. T. lksharlil Pft•
L. Rutledge. Pte. J. names, Cpl. S. W. Slisebeill, Pia RI Slaimy, See*
13 Stuart. Pt. J 14, Thrasher. Act. Co. -wat. w rut. PI
W-lhame. See 24 Ir WtIit, L-Cpt. P. H. Vty PM, J. Ina Cid,
W R. Wright and alK. Yo
tterIterinne Medea
t. wls. Stt.-Sgt. C. A. Hmeet hap tem peperitea
9urnmar'-,Ir v. we Sad the toted ham?* wmit mat as Sillapia: CAS 1:.
P ear, 1; rilltary Crow'. 14, D.C.14.. 9: Wintery Meal St; illimillariame
Medal 1. 11 p abert14 elm he evessittened that (8. Mar
R . i.e. cnt fl 'area Illreien, Imo bees sawidaSed al Allbenem
(unpaid) at the War Office.
Pinkham's Vegetable Com -
simple and kindly peaaaot people.
Tbe London Daily News, to com-
menting on Count Tisza's fel) from
power in iduagary, prophesies a re-
volt of the Bulger. against their
king. it tells us that "tbe heart of
the Belgarias people has never been
la *81* struggle," and that thee were
-Jockeyed into it against the un-
doubted will of the majority ot the
Bulgarians by the purely dynastic in-
trigues of King Ferdinand." For
‘holding such opinions The Daily
New. conies In for the scorn of that
brilliant weekly, The London New
Europe, a paper iengular/y well In -
/armed on foreign affairs. The New
Europe tells us that the Bulgarians
are In tbis war heart aad soul, arid
that, while they ere not overflowing
wttb love for Ferdinand himself,
they are devoted to Ms sons Boris
and Cyril, and his dynasty is there-
fore safe enough. The
optimism of the ritisb Foreign Of-
fice and the press regarding Bul-
garia is rebuked, and The New
Europe remarks: 'B
'The ulgarian mirage' is indeed
a wondrous thing, and the Gladston-
Ian tradition, as to the childlike in-
nocence of this simple and kindly
folk, dies hard. It is impossible to
maintain a sentimental distinction
between the people and the Govern-
ment of Bulgaria by any criterion
which cannot with equal force be are
plied to Britain or Gertnany or any
other belligerent MOULICbY.
"That tbere were, and are, 1
victuals, *ad Indeed sections of o
ion, In Balgaria opposed to the
00 one doubts. The point le that t
have never tnede any effective or c
eerted protest, or in the slightest
gree Influenced or endangered
policy of the Government."
Head there been any effect!
Position to war with RUSSIA,
savior of the Bulgars," It could,'
are toki, have made itself felt:
'Bulgaria enjoys a dernocra
constitution, and not for one inotne
since the beginning of the war
the Radoslavoff Government bee
without full parlianseatary steppe
The Sobranje has sat throughout t
war, and, curiously enough, the 0
position has not even thought
worth while to reinsure itself by th
most moderate criticism till quite r
oently. Some Opposition speeches a
a recent sitting of the Sobranj,. o
the way that the Germans were suck
trig the country dry, drew fro
Radosiavoff tbe not unfair retort tha
-the speaker* apparently thought tea
It was time to pare the way for COM
Ing into power In case all did not g
well with the Central Powers. Sim
Harty, on May 6, .he NaradnI Prava
the Government organ, commentin
on the sympathy shown by certain
sections of the people with the Rus
able revolution, remarks that 'the
time has come for (be rats to emerge
from their hiding-ho)es.' Though we
have no witch to discourage a death-
bed repentance, we 040.4 admit that
the sneer is not only justified iit.
self, but important for us to bear In
mind when framing our present
policy. The frieada of England and
Russia In Bulgaria lack emirate as
well as etrength. ft la Ufteleas for Us
to Imagine that they win ever free
themselves from the iron Kelp of Ger-
many. If we wish to realise by con -
train what a strong aid virile section
of a people can do against 'dynastic
hdrIgues,' we need 011-17 tura to
119ealselos and the 80.010 Greeks who '
are fightlne by our side at flidonica.
There hare been revolts, it le tree.
kat they were In that part of Bal-
ogh% recent'', slammed as a result 01ibe war and inhabited mainly by See -
Ideate In a caustic paragraph
Maw Europe says:
"How can we think that there in
ma a change of heart is Helene%
Steen we read of (8* bearffises
apnaer with whAch the last Beretta%
remelt was staselped out as bete as (Ms
Peirnary7 The prewinces which had
rovestod ars claimed not only by
Mfmg Ferdinand. but even by the
Ilbelansts w_her . have gone to the
111oehhoim oPenelpeas, as inhabited *
in that to ride&
pin- I
on -
has ,
D -
o I
Roasted emit* sad
belies entree with eaaeral:1161111e Teiephcmefil Succemor to T. H. Davie
restore horses la Oerraany.
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