HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-9-27, Page 4.; 11,1741or,,,
"44,14 4.
."-r; 4 TRUltspAY, Srt. 27, 1917
It means money saved to you.
Walter C. Pridha
Sole agent for
20th Century and Art Clothing
Borsalino Hats
Dr. Trismasn s Natural Hair itostorati•a,
wed as troctsd. n aneant•ed to resdont grey hur os
nam -.1 coke � mons, r•funded. rownvsly no4 • **And
nan-innrista. Pr., 11 (51 non -pant Wrist Trowels,
Supply Ca forsote,
On soh in Cddie/. J A Caoinielf Dna. Ses,
sou NorthSt and Spay*,
In al coustrtes. APk for our IYVEN
X01:4 ADVISRawhIch W41' be sent tres,
MARION 1Linorg.
age university It. Muntrial
Often the Cheapet—
Always the Best
Furniture Dealer
sad Undertaker
ouse Furnishings
Store of Quality
RIES 197
- The time is here again
your boys and girls fitted
Mitfor school. They will
need good strong serviceable
Shoes—the kind that will
stand the Most severe test in
any weather. In this class
of footwear you will find at
your command a very wide
range of leathers and styles
that will give the best satisa
Values were never better
and prices more reasonable
than now.
Monday, Sept. 24,
Mr. James Dyer. of Idaho, is splending
a few days with his parent& Mr. and Mrs.
Martin Dyer. His many old friends are
pleased to see him looking so well.'
Mr. Shaw, of Toronto, is visiting his
father-in-law Mr. M. Dyer.
Mr. Arthur Ferguson of Mitchell spent
Monday in the village at the home of his
Rev, Alexander McMillan occupied the
pulpit of Knox church on Sunday evening
and was
Mr. Jogrr7Evans returned to his duties ch
ted wit a largecongregation. g
at %i'innipeg on Saturday after enjoying w
Pus two weeks' vacation. ate
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. l'ungblut and Mr. sus
and Mrs. Geo Beadle motorecl to Tavistock awl
on Saturday returning on Monday we
Mr. John Ferguson is nursing a pair of M
broken ribs, the result of a fall.
Rev. J. E. Ford, of Goderich. occupied M
the pulpits of the Methodist circuit on M
Sabbath in the absence bf she pastor. an
Mr. Forest Carter is laid off work with Mr
an attack of mumps, Cu
Harvest thanksgiving services will be
held in St. Mark's church Auburn, on
Sunday, September 30th. at 10.30 a. m.
and 7 p. m.
— '
Tuesday, Sept. 25.
Mr. Wilmer Connelly and bride, of
Marton visited here on Sunday.
Misses Mary and Verna and Jack Con-
nelly, of Chepstow were Sunday visitors.
Mr. J. Bowler and Miss Bwler, of
Goderich. visited here on Sunday.
Mr. ann Mrs. John Chisholm of Gde-
rich, visited at the lady's home here.
Mrs. Ronald McKinnon. Mr. and Mrs.
McDonald and Mr. Kearns, of Parkhill,
were Sunday visitors.
° NE io.adoi;...1'04-4qtr. r44,020eltar'
if. 1.ifON
3441AlitN •
wheat, flour, etc.. that we may have surn*
tient supplies of these provisions to send
over to our soldiers. At this meeting
it was decided the work could be carried
on more effectively through the merlum
of some woien's oranzation Accord-
ingly an executive committee consisting of
fourteen ladies was formed. It will be
the duty of this coeunittee to make
houe-to-house canvass in connection with
• this work, distributing cards. which are to
be signed by everyone in each househkl.
TheGoderich Township United Patriot-
ic Skiety will bald its m inthly basinss
meeting at the home. of M,•& T. J. Johns
ston 3rd cin:thicia. on We. Inisaty -
October 3.
The Taylor's Cartier Patriotic Satiety
will hokl a sewing meeting at the hti.i a
• Mrs. David Rodies, on WedneadnY Clean to handle Sold hy all Drug-
gists, Grocers and General Stores.
sted of 17 pairs of pyjamas and 31 pairs
October 3rd. The August shipment con-
of socks.
Mr, and M -s. Walter F. Hick, Chet -
nut Farm. Gaderich township announce COUNTI'ii DISTRICT
miller, the marriage to take piece in (kV- .
son of Mr. and Ms. Chas. Oke, of Ben -
Irene, to Mr, Albert Roy Oke, of Toronto •••••••••••••••••••••••••••
'1fret,•_ . Victoria Guenthr of Dashwood Elva
M. Heyrock, of Zurich and Nera Eileen
I McCaughey. of Blyth. are studlents from
Schenhls—Stevort Wedding - Win- this county at London Normal School.
yard Hall." Gfferich township, the
s the scent of a very happy event
home M Mr. and Mrs' John B. Stew-
art. waKirkconnell, of the Itith concession of Grey
Some. weeks ago Mr. and Mrs. John
on Wednesday. September III when their ,trnship lost their comfortable residence
daughter, Elva, was united in marriage to
Mr. Edwin Szhoenhals of Clinton. Rev. ...."
'' ^f na"7, whicTh was presented to
o fire Their neighbors made up a sub -
bride. who was given away by her father,
Macfarlane of Bayfied officiated. The au- -dress conveying good wisties.s
them a few evenings ago aloes with an
took her place before a bank of ferns and
Wm. Higgins has sold his Mein on the
stwshterite.asmtertss plamcaedryonsttehwe a/a yvnt.)ed
,tawyhile her 2nd concession of Usborne to ChasGod-
bolt end may go to Toronto to reside.
Lobengrin wedding march. The bride i There died at Toronto on Friday. 14th
was ,attired in her travelling suit of inst., a former wellkown resident of
Burgtualy gabardine with blouse of maize ' Wroxetr, in the person of Mrs. Miller,
crepe -de -chine and a chic black velvet hat ' widow of the late Thomas F. Miller. The
arid wore a corsage bouquet of sweetheart remains were brought to Wroxeter for
roses. During the signing of the register interment. Mrs. Miller was sixty-six
Mrs. G. M. Elliott of Clinton sang, "0 years of age
Pr Me." After the ceremony the On Tuesday September 18 the wedding
uests, numbering sixty, repaired to the took place of Elizabeth Florence only
rung -room, where a sumptuous repast 1 daughter of Mr. and Mrs Joseph H.
as served, the brides table being decor- Wheatley, of Hullett, to John Thomas
ed with White , streamers from a bell Knox. of the same twnship. The cere-
th sweet peas. Among those present
pended over the table and interwoven ninny was performed by Rev.C. C. Kaine.
re •Mr. and Miss Schaefe: of Stratford. Several farm sales are reported
arold Schenhas Mr. Lorne Becker and ''''''
essrs. Halta and Siam of Hanover, Mr. ,4,_.., has urchased the too. f
Grey township John Lowe, pth
rs. Frank Saunders of Goderich. Mr.
iss Flossie Becker of Kitchener Mr. and r_sideroad. e price was 8.
Alex. Mc d, seigtirated from his
d Mrs. Arthur Mason of Saskatoon, ugh Lamont has sold his 200 -acre
and Mrs. J. Sims, Mr. and Mrs. John near Brussels to his son. Hugh, for $10,
mmings and Miss Edna a Blyth Mr.Richard Jacklin has purchased Mrs J
an Mrs. H. Schoenhals, Chesley. Misses
L. and A. Dlert, Waterloo, Mr. Gies,
Kitchener Mr. and Mrs. J. Schoenhals
and Misses Rosa, Margaret, Dora, Olive
and Freda of Clinton and Mr. and Mrs.
scHahloelidanhay solfertBebylgrmaoveor. ciMn ri h and er h Nara,
1 4t•
,J;LItt -"""
4. •
e "
STI v r Cat (HIP
Silks are very strong this season and black is exzeptionally goad. We are in a position
. . ,
to fill your wants in tnauy qualities of black Sil, for dress, coats or suits, in Pailette Duchesis,
Peu de Soi, Taffeta and many other makes of black Silk. These Silks range iu price from
11.50 t� $3.00 a yard. Also Silk Crepe de Chine, Georgette Crepe and Ninon in black to go
with these Silks.
There is no cloth on the market so serviceable as Serge. This cloth comes naany
shades and qualities. All-wol Serge, 11.25 to 13.50 a yard.
Broadcloth in navy, black, tn, browu, wine and plum, in good qnality cloth. Jut the
right clOth for your uew suit.
The Food Campaign --Con September
22nd Reeve Stewart of Ashaeld called a
meeting in Lanes tichool house, in response
to a conununicatelsi raseived from
quarters, iequestiqg that every commute
ity take active steps in the conservation
of food resources. For instance, the
authorities desire that we substitute for
our household use as fax as possible
more perishable food for heel, bacon.
Underwear and Hosiery
Our shetvto are now tilled with the new fall Underwear and Hosiery. We have wonder-
ful valnesein Hosiery for you in all -wool and cashmere Hose, for ladies, girls, boys and children .
Many grades in all sizes. Also good Stockings in all -cotton and combinations of wool and cotton.
The House of Reliability
3cil J. H., COLBORNE *CC
MN N. P. WHYARD is Us*
asreia tor THE BIONAL at Dot/Sennett
Order. tat with him for subecriptioos,
Own advertisements or Job priutloft will ,e.
200. esise .proasat attention. Tele- phone
fartn Goderiee Rump ou
. Smith's 155 acreson the 8th concession,
paying 19.500.
Charles H. Knight, of the nth conces-
sion of Grey, departed this hfe on the 17th
inst. at the age of sixty-one years, the
result of an attack of typhoid fever.
On WednesdySeptember 12th, at the
moon tnp amid a show te of confetti and manse. Wroseter vi Parr. of Grey
good wishes and on their retwrn will reside • township. was united in marriage to Miss
at Clinton. Jessie %inona. daughter of James Simp-
son, Jamestosm The young couple will
Baby's Own Tablets make their home on the Parr homestead.
Prized by Mothers. Huron Teachers' Association will be held
The annual convention of the East
., at Clinton; on Thursday and Friday,
Mrs. Henry Vonreader, Rodney, Ont., October Ilth and 12th,
writes: "1 have used Baby's OwniTablets : .11001Sffcox,
principal of Stratford Normal Sc
the Pas them t five years and prize em -be-present. and will give two addrease7al,
very much. They have proved of such ' ',
the day sesions. as well as an illustrat
to me that I always keep them in lecture at the evening session.
thetiouse." Once a mother has used •
Baby's Own Tablets she would use noth- BRUSSELS.
ing else. They are thorough but mild in
action and never fail to nuke the sickly
baby well. They are sold by medicine
dealers or by mail at 2.5 cents a box from
the Dr. Williams Medicine Co, Brock-
WILL.. Daatia, Ildard441, AtlaidWICATI4
Moser errrusu run
ilicorro MAIM
atrien to Fire, Wlod aod 111111111111wee In
the be.t Coinuanioll
Geo. Mac Vicar
!Cart It side of Square, Goderich
that chronic Oin diseases which
have defied all other tretment*
yield to Zam-Buk
It is because Zam-Buk 1. germi-
cidal. and also has such power of
penetration that it reaches disease
In the underlying tissues and cares
from the " root " up. That Is the
only way a pertzainent cure caa be
Mr. H. C. Buckley of 41 E. Broad-
way, Portland, Oregon, sass " For
chronic skin diseases there Is
nothing like Zam-Duk. For fifteen
years I had eczema, and 1 tried *a
endless number of so-called ' eczema
CW -ea,' but nothing was capable of
[IV ing me permanentiy until 1 used
7atia-Buk. Ten months' use of 2.ano-
t...A tiaa effected a complete cure"
For ulcers, abscesses, bolts, ring-
worm, blood.poisoning, piles, burn.,
scalds and cuts. Zam•Buk is equally
good. All dealers or Zam-Bult Co.
Toront. 60c. box, 3 for 11.25.
A Definite Object
For sixty-five years Ye Olde Firme has had one
definite object always in view—that has been to
make the
the World's Beet Piao. Those who know
thts piano best—artists, critic*, owners—say' that
the object has been attained_
ames F. Thomson
"tusk Ai
Mrs, Addie Wright is removing to Tor -
Notes. -Miss Mona Johnston is visiting onto, where she has purchased a home.
her sister.Mrs. Lorne Tabor,at Trowbridge. Her sons. Lawson and Byron will pur-
Mr. and Mr. Love and Mr. mar_ sue their educational courses in the city.
shall. of Wingham, spent a few days at
rterBlair s Mr. and Mrs. O. w, -Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
and Mr, and Mrs. Sterling Mc -
with 1°el aPP"Cati. "... °lathe iscaan7taearreili-
Lucan on Friday evening, to attend the : „ww",,.,
Phail and daughter Mary motored to th.:,:teretZtly influrced by oonsttiottooel
silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Barnby ! --a-i, muei lake an 1. '.r re1r4dy°411* it;
-atarrh Cure 41 Lakin internally s.nd &c -
Miss Pearl Potter left for Toronto •
the blood 0, the meows. surface* of
on Monday to attend at the FachltY of itshrl::ham. Rall', Catarrh ears was prose. meet
by of lb. brat phyoirlans in thl. nountrY
Inc years. it Iv comp° • I of snide of the heat
. tnnicl kadWn oombliird with .ome of the beat
blood un rine Th
. While working in the Carter gara
Earl Cunningham had a bone broken in
right foot by part of atirpe landing on
Mr. and Mrs. F altavelson and chi
dren.' of Flint, Mich. are visiting he
with Mr. and Mrs. D. Ewan. Mr. Davi
son purposes going to Florida to' enga
in orange -growing
Live Poultry—every wee.
'Phone for prices.
1 -
Wednesday, Sept. 26.
ge All roads lead to Dungannon Friday,
October 5th.
Mr. Thos. Elliott has the contract of
papering and painting the interior of the
Reeve Stewart of Ashfield was in the
village on Tuesday letting a contract of
some repair work on the Disher bridge.
County Clerk Lane, of Goderich, was
h in the village on Tuesday of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Loynes and little !
daughter Betty left last Saturday on a
J. R. McaABB,
Telephone No. 35.
}fern's Grocery
Schneider's Meats
for Saturday
AL: Bologna
hmaPgeure Pork
L Cooked Ham
0 Smoked Ham
F Pickled Shoulder
A etc, etc.
RB We have our full
stock of Cana-
dian Cheese
in and it
• is No. I
Mrs. Whitmore. who had been visit- torodness such tog' ediento in HAwonderful re,olts in catarrhal
he W starrh curet. wh"
ing. her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Robb, rotall•leas. Send for teallmo lal. Iran
left on the 15th for her home at More, lltriitY (0 Prop...Tot/3ft 0.
Sask., accompanied by her sister, Miss Alt HAW. Family f r oonstloet t
Jessie Robb, who is taking a position in oo•
a bank at Morse.
Scott, formerly of Seaforth. was in town
Corp. Clarence Scott, son of James,
Barber have gone to Strati where they
Misses Christie Robertstrd Florence
last week. Grporal Scott enlisted in will attend the Normal Schol:,
the first Canadian contingent and had !
Two members of the iVingham company
been in the trenches from the beginning
of the 161t Battalion have won honors on
of the war. He is horne now on furlough.
the field of .battle. Sergts. S. Foster
Mise Margaret Cowan left for Toronto
Ferguson and James McCallurt) were
:nut% roftik.ce o( thehahsouacsecheopitdscienceedaposia
awarded military medals for conspicuous
''`" gallantry in the battl
Inrtivtheeesintt yin connection with T .
On Tuesday, September 17th, at St.
hers of Fichtlity Lodge of Oddfell
At a well -attended meeting of the nwm- Andrew's manse, Besiie Bell, eldest dugh-
ter of J
, a. o Hullett, was marned
Monday evening. 17h inst, Bro. Nelon to George Franklin McCall, of Morris.
Govenlock of the Aviation Corps at Camp Word has been received here that Pte.
and an address. .
Borden was presented with a signet ring : A. L. Poslff, late princal of Wingham
public school. and Pte. T T. McDonald
Miss Ada Maud Pethick, daughter of ! were slightly wounded when a house in
Mr. and Mr. John Pethick, of town, ; which they were was badly shelled. Both
and James Wamsley were united in mar- : were able to remain on duty.
riage hy Rev. J. H. Osterhout at Code- Mrs. Maxwell has received the sad news
rich on the 12th inst. After a honey- that her moon spent at Stratford and London the •
son. Pte. Roes Maxwell has been
young couple will reside in Snforth
A pleasant event took place here on
Saturday, 15th inst., when the boy% who
have been assisting the farmers this
season in the fend production calve
were presented with medals. laby
Stewart presided at a meeting held in
Cardno's hall, and speeches wire given
by W. Proudfoot. M. P. P., Thos. Mc
illen. Corp. Scott who had retu ed
, gassed. His many friends in
Wingham trust he will soon recover.
John Clegg. of Morris township, has
purchased the comfortable cottage on
Diagonal road from John Mason and he
and Mrs. Cleo will remove to town to
occupy it. Mr. Mason has purchasedfrnnn .
the J. Wilson estate, the house on
is street now occupied by W. E.
from overseas the night before) and Pte. Wingham horses were much admired at
Rolph . Seventy boys were presented the Mildmay fair, taking the following
with medals pmvided by the Govern- first prizes. - Catrriage team R. A. Currie;
Usa red
Currie also carried away the sweepstakes I k
beautiful chestnut horse "Tim" carried off
tkket Inc %male road horse Mr.
1 ment.
rood team W. G. Gray; while L. Lott's
A walking club has been oltranired here forM
and weekly walks sill be taken into the
Mrs. Wm, C.00pr, Miss Olive
Mime Alice Rance and Miss Della O'NeilNI
left last week to spend the winter in Cali- j
Cornir Name/Son St.
and Square
Phone 43
Means city comfort
and convenience for
- the farm -
,-, 6;1
When you are in town for
the Fair next week call and
Let us show you how you
can have all the advantages
of electric light and domes-
tc power at small spin.
Many up-to-date farmers
are now installing Delco -
Light and find it a great
Robert Wilson
Tho Afaosey-1,rrio Shop
Hamilton St. Coderich
two weeks' trip to Toronto. Woadstock.
and other points.
life are pleased to see Mr. and Mrs. X*Ckini48:C4542a5C5C5C11445*{XMOCCOCIMICX
Geo. Jackman back again, after a month's •
visit to Tor onto
Mrs. B. J- Crawford is visiting friends
at London and Exeter this week.
Rev. Mr. Allison, who has been at Pet -
a wawa camp as chaplain for the past
t wo month, returned last Saturday, to
1 farewell before leaving for overseas.
He leaves here Thursday morning and
expects to sail in a few days. Mr. Shaw, 1
who has filled the charge in the Anglican
church here in the absence of Rev. Mr.
Allison, left on Wednesday of this week to i
resume his college work at London. Ont.,
Mr. S. M. Wickens and bride returned(
from their trip to Ottawa and other
points last Friday. On Saturday they
1 or Sebringville, where they reside,
Mr. Wickens being manager of the Ster-
ling Bank there. They carry with them
to their new borne the best wishes of the
commuity. Mrs. T. G. Allen and little
daughter Dorothy accompanied Mr. and 1
Mrs. Wickens to Sebringville, where they
are spendinga a few days.
Dungannon's Big Day--Flemember Fri-
day, October 5th, is the day of Dungan-
non Fair, the last great outing of the
season. Look up the program for the
day and the entertainment for the eve-
ning. Special preparations are being made
to entertain the crowd. Meals will be
amply provided by the Women's Mott-
ute: 'Wing Your friends and entertain
them also.
Be Sorrry
-4,115 if You Miss
Dungannon Fair
The Prize List Has Been Largely Addsd to and Improved
Special Attractions
Open to all, Trot or Pace purse .................. . $435.(X1
2.40 Trot or Pace
GRAND BAB; • 65'00
Friday at 3,14 p.m.
Admission 25c
tion of her aid in church affairs.
LePebetiere will be soloist in the
Presbyterian church at Kincardine.
On Tuesday, September lth, the mar-
riage was solemnized a Miss Gladys.
youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Frederick Cook. to Guy E. Routley,
G. T. R. agent at Bright.
The well-known Ratteribury hotel has
been purchased by S. S. Cooper, Pr(
or of the Hotel Normandie. r.
Cooper will arrange for both hotels to be
ePt wen.
Mrs. Sadie Johnston and daughter,
iss Isabel, leave thrend of the month
• Goderich where they will make their
Many a grafter has built his fortune on
a steal (oundation.
Once in a while the voters get busy and
elect an honeat man.
Moat men would rather lt* 110 on a
horse -race than pay a 11*) gas bill.
For Good Reliable Shoe
Repairs, try
Sm1th di Ring
le Ems Street. Oppose, Knox Church
Gies Us a Trial
home for the future.
, . Grand Concert
Friday Evening, October 5th
Lyric Baritone, winner of the Earl Grey medal.
Scottish Dramatic Vocaliet and Elocutionist Toronto.
• The well-known 'Violinist of Westfield
Soloist, Wingham.
' Admission to Concert 150,
The fail fair ISA week was very success-
, the receipts being over $600.
eine* Kyle died on Friday. 14th int.,
the age o( seventy-three years. Be-
coming to town fifteen years ago the
aged lived in Usborne. He leaves a
idow and one son.
)n Sunday16th inst.. an Honor Roil
iled James oreet Methodist
rch cantaining the names of forty-two
ngateri who hive gone frorn that cos
John T. Crick 01Tuckeramith. hag fore
sold his farrn and has purchased the dece
house of Ernie Jackson Isaac t
roll take profession next month.
Mrs. LePrietire who has herr, an a.
tive worker in St. Pul's church choir,
was nresented %with a nisrme of gold b
church egambets as a token their gip -
grevition to engage in military servic.
,Pres. Vice -Pres. Sec.-Treas.
4144'1 ' ., Nu -ZS rt, go f Lit
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