HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-9-20, Page 8'ttitivasoAyt Sart. 20, 11117
Cheer the Boys
With some good Hooks.
Conte iu and look over our
special bur at 6(k.
"The Strauge Case of Mary
Page. " by the author of
•' Wht Happened to Mary.,'
•'The Flirt," by Boot it
Tar kington.
' Desert Cold," by Zane
• • Mr. Crex of Monte Car-
lo," by Phillips Oppenheim.
Al►utit 1000 other titles to
select from, all oue price, GOc
School of Commerce
Coarses it;
FPICIFNCY is the motto of
this:School and it is the aim
to fit students for positions
iu which they will do credit
to themselves and command
good salaries.
Girls may room in the School.
Fur partwrite to
B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts,`
Puma. 208
F'or millinery -444e Campbell, Kin
ton street.-
Ifwegrgtj ge,f w
say, some men, must live on
When Adam ar d .ve visite- d the tree
of knowledge they hardly had tune to
study the higher branches
1 uaJ CLast ace Had at K MO
NGR.at wippn Yattll/Icolllslt ROYl.
(„t "I uraday, September ""
annual conference of Ow Hlth. the warn
both mornmg church, Ki At
church was filled with women warhohoty the
It was a feast of reason"from y
Presbytery of the president, Mr +sort
McL. Smith, o[ Herman; M. Jas Ham-
chargeof tc h,elst viae -president, lost
serial Women's ural herby_
held in St Andrew's
Missionary Society was
I tura arnd afternoon Kipper).
an +nterrael stetted
ioesb Owurg to the removal 1 i'►►`►
tsar rinses, arta dung the
lettuce season
she expL*to the oun-
ing instructions were January to then inert -
tng of a letter to given for the aorta.
Society • eciatioI of her work offtthe
ttrk in
Society as president, and noting with
nal press secrher etary for The nt Me err
As Mesa McGregor, field arcretary
was unable to be present to represent,
the board sent the Provuscial board of management,
Mrs. MacKenzie, who
o1 vetha, veygraphic account of the work
ada. It ties] M.coincidence S. t Western ki n -
1 in !deli a happy maturer of the sPealurrg
in the Anna Turnbull nr work dune
i kaw. this hospital having hospital al Ma-
• memury of the late oo been hof v.
L. James Turnbull, beloved wife of Rev. ►
was Ill Ki xtse home church
tate tune win Rev. Dr.with
Turnbull . at
r. _-___--
ore in Knox co
-ch. G der the late .Dr.
lk. J. M. Waters. 'on ler.
India, gave an interesting fcc u nt from
medical wor oho wereerwnt of his
to listen wit/ Those who privileged
pious, he net (he forget the vivid
I of the gave of the terrible condition
native women of India. He made
a special appeal to the young women of
the churches to consecrate their lives and
to make Harm worth while b •
i women of India. S aiding the
At the Circle and Mission Band con- .
ferenee, presided over by Mrs. W. E. I \
'Kelly: reference was made to the articles'
in the Mrsaionary Messenger.\
the conference the following 3 shwere,
i brought out : We learn K ideas were
individuality and enthusiasm ardo e brought
out more readily in the graced t
1 in any other; one Band did r lsu
collection but ads not take b a
• and each child had the little mite ion '
Band day the childrenr: each Mission'
put their cOUtttu,o i i are t ihedrd W'
8o hc'me. fit' lx,x wfnen they
Thr question of (inner in connection
with circles and bands was freely dis-1
1 achcrrics 1 o y( ottuaconside!r nwneY•making+
aptly answered to and aavisable ' was
1f we had not used y a worker' She said, !
m •
much we would
not madehemes jor very1 ,.
ansa rule have very little mcanrytvgre b -' .
Y have their hands, their
their time. and 1 have a aand 1
turns sit youladvocated in,sme
of thcf •t consecrating 1f will, some
rine and ability to the work of
missions. You
hymn.•Take myMiss t them be
corisec'rated, hands and set them be
ren have to work(or sY to her. If the child-!
missionons Nbething to give to!
interest tothem. f couwill be rse the
more vital
we employ must be above suspicion mild •
Perfectly useful and profitable." Refer- 1
ring to the constitution it was found that
"no Mission Band shall initiate work
account, nor divert its fund orf
objects." iiia MICOMI3E BOYS.
Ashfield __
Y interesting proLraal
"F -a-rhes" Made Mix Fist
As a walklag pa Air
OruaA, Owr., Nov. 28th. 1914,
"Pp over two years, I was troubled
with CeiIHf irow, Drtasesy, ,
40444 lea ffnadsotes. One
day your sign which read . y 1 saw
make you feel like g on air.
walking on air. ••
This appealed to me, ao 1 decided to
try • hoz. In a very short time, 1
began to feel better, and soar Ifeelf4ite-
I ha re a rood appetite, relish everything
enteral and the Headaches are gone
7. I recommend this wraal
/Fail ,aedtcsww to all my friends ".
Mo.* a box, 6 for $2.50, trial she, 25e.
At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit -
tries Limited, Ottawa,
Ooe of Tis•
G.gsnc► Pence w Adipes Yosuig Mew from
Accompanying is aytctureof the twoeol-
dler suns of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H.
the bettletroornbe. one s t in F givenf whom has A dy rat
e -
ted these As al
beaction (an theright)Pte. Samuel n
of August 21st. He was twenty years
r in July last and was a Cute sped
semi• He was a a }physically and
in student to and molt a prt at e
part activities. emecially in
nation with the G. C. I. Cadets, of
which co he was captain He had
prepare/ a University course, but per-
sonal ambition yielded to the higher call
to the en-
listed service of his country and he en -
m May of haat year with the
Moowittuited in October
at Hamilton. He went
ovelleascrossed f1ctober with a draft, and
probable imt ell February. and it is
ing at the city of Lents the 'arm Briati-
coenbe (an the left) is anrolder brother.
He was in the West and carne last
Rifles.year to go with his brother in the back
br.are titer, Walter now is sin Detroit. ArT ere
Mrs- three sisters: Mrs. W. G. Cook and
G Salke{d, of Richlea, Sask., and
Miss i3rimit,ombe, on the staff of the
its 9 10outside
mcetj 'ori of the General %qU The tSoWiay Jird Crisis
•to at Toronto Mayc
Ittt}i, was 15th to fully acknowledges Soldiers' Aid Circle orate-
rs. Wiz]. Stothers,
and w given hy Mrs. Jas. Hamilton for JWy, arum August: the following donations
of interest, masterpiece. Every word was Patriotic t gust: A
„Thr particularly the serol ea 10' M
as re_presentative w erians: 4 pairs Pillowtifi rye hvelyn Hayden,pr
Fast and West, women, from downw. ps Mrs. Hugh Stew
protes'sttY h against the the on entered sof r he A. Helm.rd Gardiner, 2 pairs pillowslips; pairs urs P. Mrsl
Mater >r Y Permitting work for Webster, Mrs.
Jas' Alton. Mrs, Robs.
production a( food; as women and E. Ritchie, W. T. Gardiner,
as citizens we feel that t Mrs. Jas.
Mrs. McWhinney, Parr each;
harm. will result from the Kara, but great M Rd m' hohm•Hyra 1
the bars. Righteousness
letting duan of rim. Smothers•M Y. 1 towels: Mrs.
but sin is a r ess any
e th a natic'n Stephen Slathers Mr• t tghertY. Mrs
"That, t. reproach to any ix•upte Mrs.
atsideri h los. Hackett, Jas Saunders,
we deplore great Mrs. A. rs. W. T Gardiner,
Mrs. Y. Mrs. J.
out delay proper authorities Alt; Mev Ernest A
"That we deplore the kiss of so many of
the bravest arta hist u1 our men and hays i•rn,ay Mrs R. Fitsg
who have gone forth at the a Mrs McCWloa Mrs.An
in the
' stress and strain,e this time of
rH definnr action has t,rcnthe fart that Hayden, M Gordon.H rs W Fmla
strict gambling and other taken t° re- • Miss M. Black,
Mrs. John
strict and we hie evils of the race Rd. Gardiner, Mrs S. Reid. Mrs
be taken h Way that such action tray Wm. Blake Miss .M• Culbert, Mrs
Y the o lake,
with- rt Alton Mrs ' Joh Mist
Leila Blake, Mrs. Thos. n Campbell'. Mise
Wm. Graham McDonald. Mrs.
Tau Cent •, Cushions
aad Scarf:
Tarr and ite Work -hags, i
Silksofor Embroidering. }
Pure wool white Sweaters,
tinted with pink and blue.
Bonnets, Blankets, Shawls
en the Srmnare
cause of Cissa tea °f. Empire rows. Mrs. N. Braid. Mise M. roll I °at mak. rn tMernal reined earn rt
the freedom, and we woEd ask ' Kende, 1 Graham, Mrs. Jahr, Mc- I he rh the sr ra trim Intern e. an,i a;.1,
untied supplications oftCanadian
frau! towelseach; the •. stem blood oe lite muoou..arraeen nl
women for the our o l ads in Kin. I towel lots!! Lela Hi byBarr'. • e o. u r t
battle, guidance of all w q one of ihs beet er w reeerfhed
whether c land. who lad in Thanks are dire also the following for reps . tc L tr,erpsr o "„ t " ,"Oe h the
air, and we would cn at sea or in the Mrs. Thos Green, Mrs. John Mr -K. r „ known, tomb1n.d withor beat
an all -wise r»mit to the care of (Mrs. Phos:McKenzie, the ro verliyra, Tne ,,,,Ken Rome or ebe
Father nu our scddiers, !,rims stun, Miss Elf Dougherty, tom• Miss Hazel art nesr, 1 enmbinatfon or
airmen. doctors, nu. John- 1 mosso** suet w nor. t atarrh ours to what
aU other urs arta efts k M 4 ooderro
'wide struggle engaged in the f John A11ta in
have the
Collegiat institute. The family
Ympath of all their friends and
Gillies in the loss of the sem and
sib has lived so briefly but so
22 Turkish towels- .....
Ill day shirts ......................40.00
36 suits pyjamas ........ . ....... .
3 suits Pyjamas ................. . -_-74.M)
1 pillow. • .
156 pairs tucks. "................. 3.00
r ......••...•. 156.00
TOS *months ............. 5301.80
Catarrh Ca' • •'' -le7 Cts eyd
the newith at 1 aen M Xnt, as they cannot re, -I
t of the
ease, r'atrrra t. a local die-
wrest!, Aoin Eby a,natltetiooar
on m
s who are en ed P ins and e1,datttoa garments each:°pndtno.,a 1 re•nhA
woe/d- hello, W. J h Menary, J. Quaid. 1 roe re„rto Isla and st ggle fur righteousness and M Coulee, 3 garments A.
Pray that that peace, ordains W.each;
untie. W
exatteth a nation mace, which steno Woods Carey, W Stothgrs. Alex,
kin, may and prc,pefeth mart- J. Hayden, Wm.',Inlay,
Alton, John Campbell.
Ute God hof all comfort and speedily. May and Misses M. rola Cartiptxll, i
and keep our returned and grace sustain of j Niton, M r of 1• W. Stevenson, M NEW STRENGTH
their Physical litnem •• men, deprived of Misses M Ihckaon 2 s each
Y helpful paper on Idris and Mesdames
Tree, Ma f Saun-
read by Mrs. Mcl`hrmid, "Prayer" was Johnston,A. Finlay, o,od G.
nest and by Rd R Alt
raise► nos ellwal-fwry SW Newri
Off 73eir & p0 Pro .Til catarrh
e>" .Toledo, l).
Pills for eooetrordon.
Mrs. Strachan gave her Woec n
I iie Women of the it. i.. paper on
uses garment
ens A. herw
Gardner, Lock 1. a Andrews
Bennet, jr., 1 Cook, H. Gardiner, J. he
A btautifu Thanks of
t each I
i -sayer was offered fur the IinK knuters: Mrarclearedue the follow- (ta
Empire and for cause of the Allies b Jas. Sounder wo and
• Mrs. }{e Mae Saunders. 9 a Miss rn oat Jie1 ` a oonatant tired
A sen o of Smith's Hili. Y Blake, pairs each: Mrs. Wm. to At and I wry
Prayers tin Mrs. Thew. Ik,ugherty, H pa abtbto stand erect and seance};
close a `"5 profitable conference, to a each; Mesdames He.Johnston its 1Mt around. It rickld oeoatt
thanks of W M S (1 erence, The nin,JtB.Graham,7pairseach,Megja rmes of m• back. rank with crick is small
ennrebeon rsaof ardMner gbh' f McWhinney. W r Piercey I took one bo: of I
e • ib1. . of Kiplxn kir t pairs each Msurto Tablets
tY. t
aerial were tendered to them
Deer Mr, K .fats
ms breis Editor _ I angetd form
e o which the deed. • r herr hal>ttal- fins, Maraflame, R lft
Ur, Aitken. of the churc MesdamesY A. Argon, b rs each;
responded. h' 1 Thos. Blake, and cf)c'rtald peg
The D.
--- Misses G WT Teampleton.
K. ►J eneralaBrough Cha Maggs Glen, Haan Gardiner Melon,
day next, 24th inst.,monthly meeting onfMort Gardiner. amts Emma Johnston, 4F infest
court house.at 4.1,' p. m„ in the Jas. Cor* Sas. Hayden. Rost. ehater•
Hees to be discussedrar special hotfal_ Stroud, Attirrt each; Mesdames
.--. -
a full attendancelton, "ave
wired. 1 Wm. Smothers, JrJ, Sou Jos. llackett, trial.
Jas. Al 'yrs• R. Fitt ean,
I F. tar, CasaAndrews Ben. _ gra I (Signed) A. G.
— -. Betuteht, wttst,r, lam. Johnston.! R. Henry, J Damen.
and Mi panes I.acMaize. M Black. f Ella has nnst ie•dr on this time,"Armies
renis . Roy Maize Tope G by the Persil sale to the Peents bus and
trod my back
martins wait
themem. soon after
haws to doubled o
before using the 1Anaric'a 11 1 did
beat remtedy 1 hare It is the
what it is intended to relieve. for
1 brit, tboao who relies,
a' remedy
will give t rs in Anode
' Phone 138
Ilv y esdamew o p
ildrt'• R• Nixc,n, Chan Mci{eior ' John the itremased demand kir this wonder.
rrOf4 and Misses M McKenzie T era}; ealin` tablet I)c,et„
1 tort• M Cunningham, b ' McKenzie, T. stet»), 1 y dot id.d to pet ft
ere tlnne tan plentiful, but we
11Are arc a new lot Of tate i (grey,
very heat grades in the popular
heights and fashionable models.
There is a fine assortment of
various fib,-ir5 and leathers.
We are offering these shoes far
below the wholesale price to-
day. If yoe wan a pair come
at once' The quantities are
limited sad cannot he dupli-
cated at
' price.
Wm. Sharman
Goderich, Ontario
Cook, Mary Cook M Ramsay. M.
each. (Warearv'thi), 1 pair
August patrioticta as hrld
the home of Mrs. Wm. Blake, Ath conceit-
aren, and was the re a rd
attendance being ninety-three ander. the
the home
omen. The either tea was held at
12th inst.ofThere Mrs. Mehra Gardiner on the
fifty-three and the 1el• an ntpt 16oe
was .
July Shipment_•
2field ashira .................. 120.00
h•: ... ...,...._4.60
ptAugust Ship _ 144.6o
32hurAledt+.:.fi.t9....t, . ,Aoo
e.. :.5 .1 0.60
stormof the exro into the drug
ate marsh ° within immed
im°f all snsneerer,.A
ask for Doctor Piens'! AmideEvery paThere { an be no imitation.
6e Doctor Pia 'Annric • is tan b
drnatore no the •peek as a will and the
do on Dr. Ptoses'! R rOe/to Prssscy
nt, try, ever-famnms friend to ailing
ywomen, and Dr. Pierce's Bolden Med-
„ des `soy, protea by yeah bo be
Dr. V. .tent ooka kinks.
tort iMore trial package i o
Ai any ray don't give ■
&Ong malady enrol et your al a et
Mat ew dome of r• Amide" hav ud loaf
t win
d111bwut pa maka you flat CI
Ile -
%mitt ittN sellar d
pretmy bad shape da
ahtcllJa t at
" Nwienio immruumoumuumuoMrrur inumli ■
the New
Saiurda and Fair Week
OUR.-Millnery rte4t is sera
oily fall wear, rThe im sea Y with a display of charming styles for
reproduced in the showing we havneweprst epa most Everything
We cordially invite you to visit the show-rroom whenever gcon'venie t
and study the season's
beenER taken to new styles at your leisure. Particular
make the display one that will be both interestingpainspro t-
able, and we will be glad to have you see these new styles at
venience. profit-
.... con -
1 MMrMMMmmMrmmrmrrMurrrMMirrrrroMMrrrMruumorunrrruorm
A M. 4G1V1F10ENT
Never, we believe, have we started the
a showing of Suits and Coats for ladies that iso so abso-
correct as we are showing this season
handsome garments that are direct copies of News Yo k
models reproduced in Canadian factories and the
are decidedly ewer than the imported
Of most, we showPrices
but one article would be,
guaranteeing that individuality inned of any style, thus
desired. There is t dress so much to be
lcr Suit, and that is one 'best time" to buy a Fall
Coate case this EARLY. More than ever is this
scarcity of desirableomaterials ase he indicationsoofv a marked
season advances.
Tailored Suits for ladies, $25.00, $3o.00, $35.00.
Tailored Coats for ladies, 512.5o, $1500, Seo oo
up to 5Q0.00.
Beautiful Sample Blouses
Just received about • 5
Blouses. They beautiful sample
Come in fine embroidered and 38only.
de Chine and Georgette am Silk Crepe
very stylish, no two all eTea Very pretty,
afe samples selling considerably because they
ular prices. Y h ss than reg -
Handsome Silks for Fall
Special showing of handsome Silks ill all
bthe new fall shadings, such as burgundy,
rown,, navy, gin, etc. Taffeta and high
qualit • . Per yard
=1.50 and f2,go,
\ Fair Week Exhibition
P Spatial exhibition in all departments • for
air k• Showing of new
Dress wG s, Suitin s,mats Suits
Millinery, One g Furs, Coats, Suits sad
Fair ery\ will of the big attractions for
Fair Week he this exhibition of the
neva wearables at our store. We in-
vite you to make the store your head
while in town at the Fair and will be g1pd to
have you leave your wraps and parcels. hey
will be taken care of.
Ladies' Cashmere Hose
White or black, soft finish, seamless feet,
• splendid wearing qualities. Per pair 75e.
"Nemo Corsets"
Now Made in Canada
The famous Nemo Corset Co., of New
ave ve best opened up a Canadian factory and
models of these world-famous
Corsets are now being made in Canada. We
have just received our first shipment from the
Canadian factory and call particular attention
to this model. Only the best
used in the manufacture of materials are,
pertlThey are scientifically Nemo and ex -
Pertly made. constructed ex-
modelLadies who once wear their
be in the Nemo Corsets will not
can tell persuaded to take any other. We
you exactly the model that will suit
Tho nimo prices are from 12.50 to g5 ;;o per
The New Model Now Made
The style number Canadas
average figures, has confining5. It is made semi -
elastic Lastikops webbing bands ( semi -
A stylish and durable mat back ° f, skiay
hard wear. Made of whiteodel for every -day
to 30. Price Ter coutil. Sizes 21
F pair 12,50•
HODGEADiret Im rBROS.Po tors
Around Town.
which v broken and leaving big holes
T danger spots
dangerous to pedestrians.
''attention d n spots should receive the
our street inspector,
Still D. ing it.
Next week is Quite a number
when the bust fair i b s bnner week, over and cultivated vacof ant have had
Be sure to come county takes a large quantity of their
a l your friends a ge of end bring stolen. This ie a d evegetaeles,
theousoldier boys a andig don't'for.give especially at a titM when so many
a y theve
theyhem how Goderich appreciates Justhpart
the greater
hard on their lots to inn , Y have
A going play m this war. i Jong gI tof production law
campaign The along I
ave You Signed?
fthieves and show themshould reach utero
This week the ladies are ar
TThis we to the foul arra getting'
must realize now that 11 ,. pledge
bon int (prod w tl nearly half of the garden
"• to carry out to our utmost the 1 WALKER ROI edge that we take. TheND.
our sacrifice n
Oe ed Cross Society.
Hurhe jail -road
like. Aone
inside of
,ad nes the
res mains more to f se1M
xu our lips! our soldier some'Mall d R
*to never were ask to afoford
Tse motile, SocieThe Saltfcrbranch of t
welt not have to be taught dory without l september packed.f the tnonthe hdtndt
A Step ie the Right Direction
trench shirts. The sors cks of socks and
the following" Mrs. Gold knitted by
Mrs. Bourn, 6 palm; Mn Connell.4_ pals s;
Mrs. G d Graham.
w Mn Kuru
S. Bisset, An Bi 11fcJntrxth
At Last the town council Is beginning to
make a move in the matter of
tion, plast romo.
ing, to conn the fire at
with th
fire alarm ben by dirt
G Bisset, Mrs. J. Walter. M' e..
Gird -
an t iertric hammer rfc ty and taking r Mrs. McE
mendable articxt, and n iahe bto the s °om-i T re, Mrs M . each:
men much needed reforms i e to bet MPP" Racks "in
out. But one at a time is artvll. Ila ' Aima,
M 1\,1 • s.
Florence Shwas r
other A Sad gems) fishing. Mclean Alice McLean. CArrreli Mr W
Harbor Hill footpath Is in a very had b
"oath hes rte a bit of fixing un. shirts: biro roti Mrs.R. Walter, 4
and needs tthis Ja the carry quite a kit wtlp k M traltc Cliddon,Mra,H`rtif0'► 1 ee•a Steep, Mrs,
Margaret Bisset, Floe Mrs. J. Bisalt
r each. The trench shirts were thade
the following:
-. Mir. in'°ide,ta` " "]hilt in btr "e Soma
k The til
4 Tues.
The yon-------- j
various churches people'sg societies of tett
union c he town
next. rally In September church on Tway •
talion is extended to all. A cordial incE.
Too Good
for our customers• --that's.
our working
g principle.
not extravagance,
the truest economy, whew
you are buying clothes to 1
get Material that will wear,
Workmanship that win
used the test, Style ib
*Win make for a good appear_
e. Your good do ;
are well spent in1ea .
the garments we to 0