HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-9-20, Page 3-0, w THE Ot1OINIL INP ONLY IENOINE BEWARE OE IYITA TION8 SOLD ON THE MERITS ON MEDICAL WHAT IS MACK OF THE C.N.R. DIAL? Toronto %aturdey Night. By means of Government procedure greatly in vogue in circles teemed by Lyse Kaiser, the pacadltw Northern purcheae bill Sea bee° .bowed through the House. Debate upon the bill esu suniusetsly cut off by closure pro- °redia$e. We are going to arquire the C. N. R., which Iu eerie it all right, but we do not know what we ere going to pay for it, which is all wtuug. Why this uu•eenlly heats ? 11 tbers ate f4•seisl irregularities back of this deal, es so many seem to think, all the mote reeso° for taking our time over itsconeideration, Why are the peuple looti°g the bill Do entitled to the fullest information Fur two months or more the Nations Service ouse Was a cHill iewrs introduced fore e oducedt o bow Ihtouggh the measure, when u°ques- td abl roc • prfxeediug would IINIRD'S UNIIENT t P r have aimD the °O y public Interest . 11 was not. But when we come to the purchase of a transcontinental system we railroad it through at express train speed, regardless of ex pe nse. We do not even loquire what it is oiug act. We simply fay,"Send It W up to the house and charge It." The whole proceeding is so utterly absurd tet it seers almost impossible of Birhomla Id p- D - ate ill ou n• et red or u,. irh ar- THE SIGNAL - GODRRICH, ONTARIO •1111•• • DIDN'T CLONEGHER EYES ALL. Mrs. Garside Says Tanlac Suengthe°ed and Built Her Up Wonderfully. "When my husband e w him a bucks Tanlac relieved me, too, and it is doing,him as much good as it did me," said Mrs. R. Garside, of 3921 Richmond street, London, tn t..mwhose e hu works is employedMotor Company, the s of the Spray other day. rundown "1 had been in a dreadfully condition. for a year," she continued, "and my stomach wastite and what little con- dition. 1 had no apps 1 forced down soured to my stomach and d filled me with gas and my flutter like it would jump out of my body. I was subject to smothering spells that almost took my breath away and suffered agonies with a pain in the left side of so I chest. My nerves were% shattered would start with excitement at any sudden noise. i would roll and toss from side to side of my bed and many a time 1 wouldn't closet my eyes all night and. when morning came 1 would be so tired and fagged out it was all 1 oould do to get up and dress. i fee off eight poudds and was fast going down hill; in fact. 1 hadn't enough strength and energy left o do my housework. "1 think I took about every preparation there was on the market. but found no re- lief lief till I began with Taniac• The way troubles this medicine took hold of my1 from thelfirst and started me uphill again was wonderful. 1 am now on my fourth bottle and have the finest kind of appe- tite. - tite. I can eat most anything 1 want since Tanlac has helped me to digest my food properly i have been freed of that. awful gas and the smothering spells and the heart-lutterings have stopped. My nerves are in much better shape and 1 sleep better than I have in a long time. Tanlac has built me up so that I am heavier and stronger than 1 was and d c r - my 'tainly feel more like doing now than i did a few weeks R Tanlac is sold in GoderichR. by by E. E. i Wigle; in Seaforth by C. Wingham by J. Walton McKibbon; in Hensall by A. M. E. Hemphill; .in Blyth by White City Drug Store, and in Wroxe- ter by 'J. N. Alen. ADVT. PROMOTION FOtt GODERICH BOY M. A Humber. of Stratford, Apprentice Examiner for G. T. R. System. to believe that a man i D(iKli O. klLEIIANN, OBTSO White's business ezperrience w_ ol, PATH. epeciall.t in r{e.sts and of have been a party £clew Masser. acute. :beanie tato soirees ` tiir 1'howas White buy a trust coin oma. l • e ear, one wed tic es partial or %coolie a controlliDR 1 sea. Ins a r esaa� �r et a bank by d rheumatic c� flask A tory the ea mitt. roLaevei without the suer lerert to residence, corner Nelson sad l�xt-. Aedrew'e 1 mel�� ? vv out. he say.' We w t=oes. At home adios Mondays. Thursdayshich cod Batnrda"' ant e.notng bi eppelDir"". I take over theandItief rthe T DEDENTISTRYEY s ' 1H. H. U. INecLl1NELL-HONOR I have in is tate, we will just eppOint • few arbitrett to fix the pi ice," not knowiugwheth the price is to he "one dollar a 1 n 1 U dose Toronto Culverdly. Oraduel• Other COOrldr trllOnl," Or Ylxly os •Suc M'olleee of Dental Ronson+. possibly a hundred millions. mere equate to the late rest. Halo. Oakes p 7 no ryes l4Qoere site Wee( surest, (Mdar(ed icedProbehly therethe manner more rwh - Ifamrot than Bir Willie's Mackenzie prised man a AUCTIONEER thisbill was jammed through P himself. Never in bis wt est i rjtI1GMA8 GIINDRY of imagiu•tiou did Sir William AllCT1UNLr1t tieipate so favorable • deal. In pr Boa Of, Dederick. All instrsotloos by wail of this it may be stated with author er %aft el Blsnsl tate• row be ropily u that Mears. Mackeuais&M`e , .ad.d'' R»idem. telepbtiel. _ eithe inttreal' which they P rese • LEGAL would have been content with ni athan prospect b $iuaingthe hope of ancisl assistance from the Gov 'bent to tide them Over their mediate difficulties, Sir Willies Kenzie, facing the inevitable, w have deemed the deal satufactm y an "honorarium" of very modes mansions been passed on from Government into the effete. of ket sic & ?Manu. A few millions w bare turned the ttick so far as builders and nominal owners of C. N. R. are concerned. Under these conditions we then legitimately inquire it su as14 is. wouldsimple ve satisfied M as it is. Mackenzie & Mann and closed the wby the present roundabout int of inquirinN into assets whit Royal Railway Commission re ea loner zistent ? To put the frankly. who are Mir Thomas and others who engineered tht through Parliatneut working Ttenmaa W rUHONlll MAK&It'1'M. • TOILONW'U, Sept. lit. -The Board I. of trade omcl&J werket quotaUosa d for %ester nes 1 t ll *tom Ft Winless). • No. 1 wr4.e1 e. Nu. $ :tor • • • Nu. 8 ler:wro. »71.16. Manitoba THURSDAY, SEPT. 20, 1917 a •••••••••••••••••••••••••••1 • • • •• • D.NILLAR&SON 55nea un • - • • are Show Days at M tat.. Fat Wlttl*wt� . Exhibition Days •toe/ u 52.111. N Ne. 3nt�alws, nounnal. No C.W•, 66%c. • Aeey-•n Cerro (Track, Terence). Ontario Oats tactic..,ng to Freights Out- I • lett) an- oot icy and et, tach em. fin- erMac- ould had t di - the Mac- ou:d the the may ch a maid ears. deal. tbod h the ported case White s bill for P hate tio1.1CITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC, '�se-8tarling Baal Sleek, Hamilton B.reet. Marisa T..phoae 8a Reel Estate Loans end Diaereses. PitOU DFOUT, Yl LLORAN A GOOK E Nalot187xR8. SUWC1TORa. NOTARIES PUBLIC. CTC. °See on the Square, .eoosd door from Hans - ars AU sat. Ooderich. Velvets foods to loan at lowest raw W. PeOt:DYOOT. K.C. J. L. b.IL1Aaan H. J. D. Coosa L (>l. CAMIsHON, K. C.. BARRIS • TTE.B6 Wel eLowysy. ua7 Irebllo. (Mose a 6 Godetirh. t►bd door fr At Clinic', 1hervdsy ofa chlweek i E1 ea AtkeIt blurt oclup y Mr. . ua os boar, a a.m. w 5 p.m. QAli °ARROW. LL.B., BAR' xltt'1's1, *sterner. whetter. eta.. Cade - Mow, to Mad at lowest_ side). No. 2 .whits. $b , ...unmet .�u. J whl:a, fore. nuuo7nal. Ontario Weasel Oet�uN).ne to ',relents No. 2 win.sr. new. firs oar lot. 52.17 tY ga.2u. roes (Axordlne to Freights Outside). No. 2. r.oconit. 'army taconites to o 51. . Outside). KIS (A, - ret • sly u to Outside). Rye /Ar•COr'`S^e \o. 2, 11.10. M3nit0W Flour (Toronto). trot natenu. 10 Jute segs, ►11.10. avcuod ra:.:nt.. to Jul' 4eae. 511. Strong makers'. In Jute bags. 510.60. Ontario Four (Prompt ornament). L Winter, ccutding w semp 6 bags. track. .'..mntu. MIINeed •.mar Lots, Deliverga, Montreal Freights, Segs Included). Brsn. ;er ,oto $26. ----- Snorts, pat u.n. 542• Mlddanrss, p. -r ton, $45 to 646. .... tyuod n 1 (Mout. per Oat. 53.25. May (Track. Toronto). No. 1, to v. pet, ton. 511 to $11.50. Mixed, •',w, tel Loa, pi to 59.54. Strew (Tract. Toronto). Car lots, let fou. 57 to 17.10. 1 IMAGER, BARRISTER. SOL- Whose set veal to Sir .--` weir 5bera Ictus. No�o s Public Aiwa� t.�si�. 515' back of all this III_ eFtrta •Oa-CDnr1 BORN (ladtrit Under thecircumstancss the amend- ment which the Hon. William Pogwu endeavured to introduce. which &I"LILI'JP MUTUAL 1'1R11, IN I to the eller{ that thecapital olilt stock kURANCYCO.-Fs sadIrelatsd nweldoftt arbitrators vas until he tawre .1U insured. Pres Oodoeloo LW.; (Memo- • a. + iestnly O b Parliament. would have met with INSURANCE. LOANS. 81C. WINNWES; bttALN MARKED. Winnipeg, Sept. 17. -The cash wheat market a lowers frI,u.om"1 n previous close of 6'!ta a%c r • cbarley 2 cents down from preYww clove of 51.24. and k((1 flax1 was • The.ioerket war dull, a -- good ietnund in spite of increased re- W ceipte Offerings were very light. • Tho rotor, markt for oats was duU and tbctted a decline of 1144 or1.Ytc for • i •• •• • • • • •• a • • • • ber, December vlonr clue': 62%c and 51 October flit lc en Dec inn tho p'tvlous clos and 53.19. teepee Oats., O^toLer ur \oveu:ber d tet for May from the pre- • prices of 67%C, 64%e4 • respectively. dro)•ped 1+,4c. November er was unchanged from • g prices of 53.1954, 53.17 hely. High. LO6% Close.66% • 6T 613i 16'4 December Stratford, •Sept. 8. -Mr. M. A. Humber, who has been local instructor of appren- tices in the Grand'Trunk shops, has been appointed apprentice examiner over the whole system, which will necessitate his making monthly visits to the shops at Ottawa, Montreal, Battle Creek. as r examinations. as Stratford, to His headquarters will be at Stratford. This morning he was efittinglywre timme- bered by the local appy in the mss room before noon. and pre- sented him with a handsome club bag, a fountain pen, a card case, and the follow- ing address: apprentices of the Stratford p1. the app you this small shops, wish to make dation presentation as a mark of our appy of your earnest endeavors in our behalf during the many years you have had charge of this work. On account of the extreme care you have taken in our tuition and welfare. we feel we could not let you leave without this- •token of our esteem and wish you the greatest success in your new position." The promotion of "Mail" is a popular one, though the local apprentices will be sorry to lose him. Among therm he has always been considered more one of the boys than an instructor. Under his care the local apprentices have been kepteup to the best efficiency tin the system. Het is an enthusiastic sportsman e G. T. R. in the forefront in local sport- ing activities. He will continue, however, to take an active interest in the local apprentices both in their work and in sports. Mr. Humber has been seventeen years in the service of the G. T. R.. all spent in Stratford. Mr. Humber is a former Goderich boy, He is a brother of Mr. Chas. H. Humber. of town. _ Y)c�Pres., tioeCSeafarth P. U. Y r approve of Uanadian• • see. Beat ,•�„ tb general app h t a bull head Tbc ee &. s1 Disuse, D. F. d ;illor. Rion. a • 3k. grieve. N Int broP ; N 110510 Rion. Coastaooa. John bon.rwsis, ltl»dn5150 ; Geo- MiCarteel. Seale'tb; Robert tent., darted'; Malcolm ■ckweu, Brumfield. Yeo Uodt rico : Msg. Agent.: Cil J• Wmliam Chesney. Seefortk : Leitch, bits. 1D : polder can pay . bin .srus Seefortb their o ted s..�meau and get D6 cards ntQu. K. at ( J. Mortise's Ck itiing Store. B •doh. of ( otos O14'.' U . Itineewa street. J. EL Reld'e Ueuersl Blore. Bayfield. t20,00PRIVATE FUNDSTO 0t°Ato O. CAM - N . aerator KeDlosweetOdere. WR. ROBERTSON, 1N8C1tANCt AOICNT. ryas aim Warrrepes : British. Canadian and American. •00rDlINT, e 0 5xaAOCidND aSOI � Guanuue Corporation, • :The Ooe•D 5Ll0.swr of 01400Lando°. bs rreetrer .ND OU•i.trTaa HONOR : The U.B. ridauty and Ons ;e.. (� corner of bio- Oaoa at residence, id's ' Pbooe 176. Ilseb 504 il. Dev1d'5 street.'. Patents, Trade Karts, Designs • R ed ineptte of the tact t • Government. summatily turned it down. if smooth corporation lawyers can- not justi.y very large money in return for the unknown assets and outatsnding stock of to Comedian Northern, we miss our guec . As before pointed out in these columns, the wyeteriou5 owners of these secur- ities get oft to an excellent start with one member of the atbitration board favorable to large idnd ebeial have pay- ments. meatc. MRainstthis wer. who with all due Justice Meredith, respect 11 neither • railway man ror a financial expert. And for the third member of the h0sid we will haves Government representative of one sort or 01 her. '1 hu board will he called upon to decide one of the most complex and intricate problems ver well put hefoie such a body. 7 have to appraise the assets and lia- bilities, finally and forever, of railway companies, ttlegrsph corupaniel, tun- nel companies. lumber et moonier, hotel companies, land companies. town sites, water frontages and priv- ileges, •nd whether or not the C. N. R. has a hold on the assets of ibis sod that and whether or not they are responsible for the liabilities to"('other and which " ,And all this tor what ? To protect the mrste'inue"pledgeei'of the Can - adieu Nero ht rn stock, whoever they may tit. But itis not too much to say that they will be found eventually to be very close to the administration responsible for this ot the ibiatnel hill and nd for the forcing arliament by meanie of the closure. And lastly, was anysuch measure necessary in order tat the (i.tvern- ment might acquire the C. N. R. • stem ? it was not , in 1914 when the Canadian NOrtbern, through Mac kende & Mann, ade d that ittc ," it wasspecificallyage e company could not live up to Rs agree- meoi, which It h•„ not done, the GRage given at that time foreclose. e mort- os • B ux- - Oc Wher November December IWO 64% 64fe • 316 •• .•. 316 • 312 MEET. • WUCA(JU IN M rt on ho Chlcaggd bard o Trade: J. P Sicked a: COC repo til! following Pore. �3 t Prev. Open. High.. Low. CloiS. Close. Corn- y .... 111'% 11319 1 te 112% 114s� Dec. 111 111 11411. 11514 1 6x. Jla1 e.... Ceti 60% 59% 60% $ 6$ Sept. ... 5714 SB~; 56% 56'% 57 I'ork- 8.:pt. ... 42 bre 42.80 42.25 42.40 42:45 Oct. -. 42.7e 42.50 -43.40 42.50 42.60 Lard-- $ept. 23.95 23.95 23.55 23.87 23.97 Oct .. . 22 .5. 22.82 22.60 22.17 23.85 I • .HONE 56 Sibs-- Sept. .-. 24.13 21.15 23.97 24.07 24.03 • I Dec. .. MILLAR'S • amteto• Jets Vn •• department is replete with all the newest merchandise for personal Every ptifying the hcme. Yes,every• wear and for GcderichbeaIndustrial Fair on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, and it will be • ing the • an education and a pleasure to visit our store and see the New Fall Goods. • Misses New Suitings • Coats for Women, and Children The newest of Suitings are here await- • ing your inspection. We would specially• We have no hesitation in Baying that draw attention tog our tshowing o f Broad cur present showing of the new models cloths, which • is the best we have ever shown. A favored material, in all the rich fall style to suit every taste, and at a price colorings. 50 inches wide, $4.50 per yard. • Exceptional values in all -wool Serges - for dresses, in black and navy, at $1.25 to $3.00 per yard. you like to pay. Women's and misses' Coats, from $12.50 up. Infants and children's Coats, from $ 0up. • • New Coatings • The new Coatings are very rich, and •• Furs for those who intend making their own • r8 • Our st showing of the new Furse or their children's Coats we soul rec- sure to meet with your ommend our special Blanket Cloth, in • which a every wanted coloring, at $2.75 per yard.• approval. ' he' styles are so charming Rich Cord Velvets, all colors, 27 •inches • and entirely • Iferent trot i last seasons• wide, 75c yard. and the prices e reasonable. • Large Sto k of Sweater Coats and Knitted •Wear ever shown, • neater Coats and Knitted Wear • is the best in Monarch Knit, Turnbull's and Dr. Jaeger's. Sweater• its, Shawls, Infantees, ecotees, Leggings, Overalls, Jerseys, • New Silks , New Silks • •• •• il order store of Huron. Try us. Our stock of including all that is nt Coats, Hug.me-tights, O etc., etc. • New Silks •• •• • See Ou Exhibit at the Fair The leading 'phone and illars Secured in All Countries. Wrtte for free book "PATCNTS PROTEt% •rION• Tells all about •nd a ow to gee ►tit Seta. BABCOCK & SONS. li atlerll Poem l.filce gxamtner. Mute of Plit•Of Isw5, 1tut..tered Patent Attorney. eta.IS .. sad Bt. Wamessh h w frfytingtoo peptusestatives In all foreign oonntsles. Brophe) Bros. �M OUDBRIOB GODERIOH 77e Leading Funeral Directors and Embalmers carefullyattended � Econ, night day. 'rue Leading Funeral Directors aad Embalmers carefull rel lito hours. R Orders Orders at, all Military Cross Hero 11 The Beat Newspaper Value In Western Ontario the 1onbon Ithvevtiser sirstaryerto, Oaiar s' e Blit Cglalsercial Sebool (bureee are thorough, the Metric - torn are expetieheseig etnaea tgot ot tntlivtdoal attention mid are placed In poaitldae. During three months lets timed .downover 80 0 calla for tt%lned help. Tt1► the school Inc those who want the pFn Hal training and the good Pow COMMERCIAL, SHORTHAND and TET.RORAPHY DEPARTMENTS Get er free e•tslogs Intense* 'S9. J. Rt.1.1041, D. A. MOTeteuto e, Prewldent. Frinelpal. WVl1:RI410I. MARKETS. L:vei pool. Sept. Hams. short cut. U. -HAM'. - 14 to 11. lbs.. 137a. 26 to 30 lbs., Recon, Cumberland cut, 152x. 1Vutehire cut, uta. Clear bellies. 141 te,16 1De..2816055. 34 lbs. Long clear middles,light, 160s Look clear middles, heavy. 35 to 40 s.. 169s. Short deer becks, 11 to 13 lbs.. 128s. Lend.ehouirprimesrn tierces. 122.: Lard. ,refi western. AmeA lean refined. In pails. 1E55 3d; In boxes. 1245. Australl•n ` Jn London, 70s Tallow'. Turpentine. spirits. 6d. RDdn- car inion. Petroleum. refMed, is -Med. \lar kerosene. No. 2, 15 2%d. billeted oli. 59s. Cottonseed oil, 685 6d. tall Mail IdletsWe SF Per Veer yaiNara.r.�� CATTLE MARKETS • • otch Store PHONE 56 •• • •••••••••••••Wer•• •••••••••••••••••••••• NEW REPUBLIC FORMED I ensky telegraphed him that if loff was not surrendered within hours he would conclude that Ale 0 0 Russia Adop f Popular ieff was Kornlloff's prisoner, and would tate other mess • is Form O opo urge for the 1 GOvernmEt`� expulsion, of the counter-revolution- I that In view of the prohibitive prices fists from Mohilev. Mn In the meantime Government of tate, the meetololngook the Oovernr- (iabrlele as ° lllo•t troops were being capturing comes- meaty to repeal the law which pro- rati0oa d tJrar• crated on Jlluhllev, capturing troops, e{ otPs erderbignd hlblts the, manufacture of oleomar- dp garine in Canada. A second resolution requests the pro - Austrians. the rebellion; members of the Union Government r restrict the est se- t 18 -A Ruta- of the andofOfficers of the Army and ture of lee cream, except for tn- PETROGF.AD, -Apt. Irleet, other prominent ret rebels. ralids and hospitals, during the war. elan republic has been proclaimed:' Korniloff eurfendeled, apparently oe Went Oleoen*rg•rtne• PORT U.QPlt.. Sept. 18. -At a meeting in the Interests of the Ne- tleld IFood by the women of Port Hoon pelga carried to the effect His Recent Capture a µ One of and Hi, Opt among them Kar f and Bis TcooPe Are Cn3sbit1� the others who took prominent parts Brilliant UNION STOCK YARDS. I The Provisional Govern TORONTO. Sept. 18. -The Linton date of September 14 1 Live Stock Yards were yesterday Ole I clamation declaring that 1 the organization of st record run of change to a republican 1 ment under is scene of the greatest activity, aa, n en addition to an almo cattle at this season of the year, more ernment was necessarl. uanger e than 5,500 head In all, together with threatens Russia, the proclamation A G LF PORT, Sept. 18.-Cue- sh e0 bogs, 400 , the and 5'399 Ex- I eraf Kornfloff has faough the iled. of Gen- toms The plan 1 Spanish steamer here shorSaturday tly rbefore cheep and lambs, Horse , the vessel Was scheduled to depart hangs was thronged with buyers of a Russian rems of lc has been one port and. seized Dominion, acts d f the chief aims of the Radicals and for an Europeantrecret d in a barrel a pro- only when Gen. Kurotokof s fore to the strenState gth-a *ere near Whitey, and.after the de- feei on of his last supporting troops. ` orm of Bol - till Gold In Barrels of Pork. CAi1'. William Stewart MacTler, who was reported recently to have been awarded the Milt - tory Cross for gallantry In the Bring line, is the son of Mr. A. D. MacTler, general manager of eastern Dees of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Capt. MacTler went to tbe front with the first Canadian Contingent and bas been twice wounded, the first time at Ypres, and lately at Vimy Ridge. At the outbreak of the war. Capt. Mac - Tier was on the ocean returaing from u ops`, and jiiltnedlately on landing joined the Thirteenth R*ti*1I; '.G�- der Lieut. -Col. (DOW Rrlgrtd era') Loomis, 11.8.0. He went to the via W►s �t t'4 fottakl o It wen It(rove Ilvcw•totry at V 11"4 ,5tubert f• was then by ahrapr.ee-1 and ft-hire/0_1h LO Montreato rAt,Va1-esc (it. rAlttr SOT to The Irons Gs lig sits(hed to Brigadier OISfferel t.00tsls staff, be paving taken over the command of a brigade in In this rapacity mean ne. At the for a short a''i°t°g gave ont and an time one wt his beet Ra hi a w C n - O e from all over the Dom $40,300 n re - Ing the big Bale of the aviation de- the Councils of Soldiers and or • tment of the imperial munitions mens' Delegates, and was given top- i of salt pork thet formed a part of t vesUF.atio bo day for board. It was a big demonstrat- ed • Stock Yards, ed more than ever the Immense growth of the live stock trade of the Province of Ontario. CHICAGO W V E WPOCK. Chicago. Sept. 17. -Cattle --Receipts, 23,901) Blron6: beedes, 57.50 to $17.85; western steers. 55.70 to 215.50: stockers and fenders. 51.60 to t11; cows and heifers, 55.15 to 5121•; calves, $11.511 to 516. light, HOge--Receipts, 18.000. Weak: heavy, 90 1416.50 115.25;mixed. 5118.65: rough, 95 :to 518 80 6to $t7 556000r; $ f17..E6•to rt15 10 � 5%7.25: bulk of sales, heep end lambs-RereiDts. 20,000. am;l p1rm; Lambe. native, 112.50 to 518. 35. Judge Will ifaurtre. prove' by the recant Russian con- gress at Moscow. A Cabinet of five members, In- cluding Premier Kereneky, has been named to take care of all matters of State. The on* party meq are Pre- mier Kereneky ad M. Nikitine, Mtn - liter of Posts and Telegraphs, both of whom are including ocial Rhe %Min eters The others, of War and Marine, are members of no party. Although the position of the Kereneky Government appears to be improving, the sctlon of the Grand Councitreeing Oto surrender of e General in re- teeing their hetman, is ominous. The leader of d of complicity the he seKornlloffcks is curevolt The Cossacks protest their loyalty to the Government, while Ignoring the Government's requrat for the giv- ing up of General Kaledines. rbe surrender of General Kornt- loff took place without bloodshed, buto my after prolonged negotia- tions, during the course of which a collision seemed inevitable. . When the Governmental army, under Gen. Korotokoff, was marching from Or- sbal OD Mohilev, Gen. KornlloR was negotiating with Gen. Alexiel, Chief of Staff, who had already reached Mohilev but was unable to effect Kornlloff's arrest owing to the faet that part of the locatl forces was em- phatically for l.orrtlloff and prepar- ed to defend him to the last. Kornlloff and Lokomaky laid down conditions under which they were • willing to surrender their swords, the nature of which has not yet bees reported. Both 'bowed considerable obstinacy and the negotlaUOns broke down. ked to Pre - Gen. Atexleft telegraphed description of the Pre- mier Kereneky • position at Mohilev. expressible the opinion that a majority of the local troops were siding with KornlloR. Keresky refused to countenance de- le7 and gave the order to General Alexleff to execute immediately the order of Aletieff battened ato provoke rest, and, asconfict. Ker - Justin has ordered aPARIS, Sept. IR h jude icial r in- quiry into tbe facts developed In the Tunnel affair. M. Gilbert, an exam- ining magistrate, has been charged with an inquiry into contracts made In 1916-17 by a business house In a neutral country covering several thousand head of beet cattle which It is supposed were destined for Ger- many. Deputy Turmal, it was an- nounced Monday evening. will not attend to -day's session of the eb amber. Yeessoky hk'marrles' operation was accessary. render torn tb the front on this occasion he was imposed1 YN1M1 was transferred to • Montreal 111111- Temperance Act la Winn PS* 'lava Battalion and promoted to his 1 STOCKHOLM, Sept. 18.-Refn- oes from Petrograd arriving here Rallorday bring the story that in the laald•t of the crisis, a few days after Ibis tall of RKa to be exalt, )(ergo- sky ergo skyyffouun�d� timeto re • Web � 13&m. .kt.rta4 bhang 1�, a all clever yongg t si the /Meson Theatre. _ off tIt t mtet�ng ee bear that intelligence thiskeen we antlsrvorable impression In Petrograd• he ship's stores. An n Federal District A orne7 was fol- lowed by the arrest o three members of the ship's crew, chs ged with vlo-- lading President• Wilso s proclama- tion of September 10, prohibiting the Largest Measure In History. WASHINGTON, Sept. 18. - The was credits till, authorising new S bonds1538 000 0 0. and aggregating hey Salargest measure of its kind In the world'* history, was passed asedt a the roll Senate late Saturday or dissenting vote. It had already passed the House. i1 conducted by the i 7 exportation tion of gold save under 11- ce ase Officials were Inclined to he 1•e - lief, they said, that the gold , ars some relations to reports that rer- many has received gold through- municatlon of her submarines wl neutral ships. The Clark of New Toronto was dis- missed en the ground that he had'? neglected his duties. A record fine of 1800 and Manitoba' Court captaincy. FALL, F AIRS -lel . Listowel..... ...... Rept. 20-21 Kincardine Sept: 20 21 I Sea forth Sept. 20-21 Iiipplrss Sept . 26-26 (isle4 0H Sept. 28. '27, 28 Luekturw Sept. 27-28 Blyth Oct. 2-3 Teeswater.. .. Oct. 2-3 j Unogannon ..Oct. 4-6 Brussels, Oct. 4.6 (Ins tie Oct. 6 WMgham... Oct. 9.10 : yfield Oct. 9-10 A Definite Object For sixty-five years Ye Olde Firme hat ons definite object always in view --that has to make the einizman & Ca. the World's Bast Piano. Those who know this piano best -artists, critics, owners -say that the ob3eot has been attained. J ames F. Thomson Altair 31►enitz GODERICti