HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-9-20, Page 1Printing THE SIGNAI, is ready to handle your Printing work, large or small, and give you • satisfactory job every toot.. Lee us have your next order. Telephone 35 The Signal O M llurwn 1 sus 18 ab p,iittrn I3oulevsrd W ii md, Have You Forgotten bo pay your subscription for The Signal for 1917 t We need the money, and if you are in arrears would ask i►` you to make payment promptly. DO IT NOW aIETY-NINLTp Y=AJL-No ails TIE STERL1NBANK OF CANADA S LVE, Because -- Present luxury should take second place to future comfort. PUBLIC NOTICB. H AINES WILTSHIRE OIL COM- A' PAN Y. LIMITED. Hyuw NCasge ONS, uta:. A bylaw to change the head once of the lionpany from obs vii lugs of BI User the $,sero ie of O.tu4.. to tt« town of Uoderlob. lu the raid Province of Ontario. Whereas It 1. expedient in the Modest* of the Company to change the load *Moe of the t'sarpauy from the village of Blyth In m Province of Ontario. to the town of (ithoderioh. b the mkt Province of Ontario. Now, therefore. be 1t enacted ea follows: 1. That the herd Once of the Halos. Wilt- . Ire On Company. Limited. oe and the wan it hereby changed from the village of Blyth, In the Province of Oyu- rim to the tow■ ui God. rich, In the raid Frovltcc of Ontario. Enacted this Silt day of Juue. 11017. Certified a true Dopy of the above-mentioned bylaw J. HARRISON, Seri viten'. VOTERS' LIST, 1917_ llUN!CIPAWTYOi THE TOM NSBIP OF &OLBOHNK,COUNltY of HURON. Noris- la hereby given that I have trees milted or delivered to Ibe Armee mecUomed 1a eecUon. 1 and a of the Voile. Lirl Act the cops. required by ..id t eetrs, to be w tram - emitted or dell. Brad of the I et, made pursuant le said Act, of all pamper .ppearloe by Use last revised a.am uneat r 11 to be entitled to vole lu the sold erunietpali y at electiona for meinhere of the Legislative A-verubli and at municipal eieolMrm•apd that the aid (tet was find parted bias tinea is oke town.hlp et Colborne 011of September, 1A17. asd rese•kts ter I,wpeetloe.r re naked upon to eternise tbe said and Yaerror • are found therein to tate Uses tato possessings to bare the .old.exces eotd aoeor'alog to law. S. Id c • I LW AIN. rewrote') t leek, dared at NYe, We 15th day dWie.e iber. NnANO TUNING. -Tilt. F. S. CHAP - MAN. expert caner of the Miran & Maar o Oe., wilt be in Oodertob theeek of the IBM Orders left or mailed to aha brit eh Rx- isaa/gee hotel will receive prompt and careful at4.eaWn Work obsoletely guaranteed. WARNING. -ALL PERSONS ARE hereby warned aaatn-t trevpr.kg M my Id In rear of Vlc'oria school rrwpa..os will be proneouted according to law. W. A. CHIIIHOLM. 11.2c NOTICE.-IT IS REQUESTED THAT all a00000t• owlet' te the under.lgmed ie. Id at the Sterling Bank by October let N:t Atter that date all unpaid accounts will tea placed In hand* for collection. 61ItW. HILL k SON. Goderi''O. British Exchange Hotel "The House of Plenty" SPECIAL DiNNERS EVERY SUNDAY PRICE 75 CENTS Hllnday Dinner from 12.10 to 4.20 W. H. HAINES, Proprietor. P011 SALE OR RENT. 1110 RENT. -TWO ACRES OF LAND 1 eekebie for marker gardeolag,e 0neted east of the North American them. alWorks, and et present oc spied by Mr. Wm. Taylor. Pomoaauon can be given by November Iso. For Pert kola,' apply to MR8. ED. FIeHER, K. R. No. 3. Uoderleb, or telephone Goderich Rural to r 7 s23t OR RENT. -MODERN EIGHT- ':ItOOM mouse. with aloe barge back kitcb- en,sttuated ea Orldge street, near Grand Trunk Mallonkept na-onable. Apply to RDWARD REID. Elgin areaas, Oederieh. Gilt HOUSE TO RENT, -AI L MODERN eonrealsuoe.. A very desirable home. Immediate oee.rardon olio be given. Apply t0 W. ACHESON t SON. FUR SALE OR REN('.-HOUME and does, formerly aped a* a grocery. with one-afth-acre lot, corner Elizabeth •red Copley street. Oederich, formerly occupied by c 54el.eod. lmmedtare po.eeneion c1 t tto vers. wppb to ich. O4)T, KIL- I EA t (wog E. Oodorleh. 81-41 plikt SALtti.-A MODERN /SWUM 1' house. with ell conveniences; large re- eaptbn hall. double parlors, dlnlug-room, tteherlaand pantry down stair* ; front and Mkbathroom l w four bedrooms with closet•, and toed floor. Also an attic. large tramment with furnace k1ieclrio lights all through the house. A large lawn and garden, over 100 feet fiat, with fruit tree* and shrub ben. l'e.h or es mS, •. Apply to MRJ. H. WI LIAMB, Market street, eloderlcb. 714-11 ARM FOR BALE.. -CHOICE 100 - awe tars. about three -Quarters of a mile fit. Aprsttlns P. O. Gond Pansies creak ea Mem i Sara 14156: shed ?WS ; good frame levees sad kitchen For further particulars appy 0E9. BROPHY. RN. Na 2. Auburn. 11111 itt CHOi(jji FIFTY -ACRE FARM tontthiu one mile of Dungannon. g.. Everything In goal *haps. wen.sasion In Maroh seat. For particulars *poly rat. G U N INt Y, O.tlerbtt. TWO SP/RES TO RENT. -ONE lately occupied by W , H. HarA.on ani the mber by Jame. F. Tbomsao. Both on the Stream. Aptly J. P. HROWN. 101tf RMUSS TO RENT. -MODERN home Olouce.ter.Terrace, Aopl to OBEPH GRIFFIN, Gaoler. 71111 List your Farm and Town Properties with me. I have several enquiries for same. THE BIG- INSURANCE AGENCY Let me protect your home and content, in one of the following Com- panies : - Yorkshlre Nova Scotia Commercial Union Hamilton Sun , (preen Mount Royal CANADA LIFE Dominion Northwestern National Merchant, Employers' London A,sur- Liability ance Wellington Travelers of Mutual Hartford United States Fidelity Lenclon Mutual London Guaran. tee & Accident Co. J. W. CRAiGIE, INSURANCE ARD REAL ERTATB NUSIc, J. W. TAYLOR, ORGANIST C• end ('hoirma-terns Knox cbnreb. Teacher of Plano. Vocal and Tbeery. Poppe prepares for Conrervatory examinations, Studio -corner Hrftannle road and south attest. Teat sepphone No. M. 91:111to T ABiCL R. ROOM TEACHER OF Volae, Place and Organ. Pupils prepared tor Cen.ervatpry examinations. Apply at MR. P. W. CURRIES. Britannia road. a - gene • Required Large quantities of SCRAP IRON Terms -Casal batt delivery Please phone or wincb its and our wagon will call. The National Shipbuilding Co., GODERICH Limited 1 11 GODERICH. ONTARIO, THURSDAY. SEPT. 21►. 1917 maims WAMT!D. TOWN OF OOIDKRICH. B+UILDINO FOR (TALE BY TENDER. Tenders addressed to the under- signed wilt he received by the town council up to 8 o'clock p. w. on Thurs- day, October 4th, 1917, for the building only on lot It, Cohonrg street, com- monly known as "the Rookery," or McIver cottage. Teims-Wash upon acceptance of tender. Building to be removed from lot before December 15, 1917. For further particulars apply to J..1. MOSER, L. L. KNOX, Ch. Public Works Town Clerk, Com., Goderich. Goderich, 81.8t AUCTION SALES. CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF B N OOS OLD ►URNITURL AND FUR- NiII I N Oto. MR?. JAMKS TRURLUW will .ell by public -auction at her rerideoce. Anglers. Street, (luderich, on MONDA Y, 9EPTEMHER Nth. commend= at 4 o'clock .harp, all tthpe oonteota of the house. cyntl.tlrig of parlor, dlnlug-room, bedroom and kitchen furnit ure, Lampe. car- pet, curtains, blind.. linoleum- matting. 1 good coal heater and pipet, 1 kitchen ranee and plpe41 New Perfeotiou :tburner oll stove with overtigo]den tools, lawn mower and oumerouu other art icl. *. Everything moat be hole. a• Mrs. 'rburlow be. rooted the hover. Terms cash, TH08. OUNI)RY..Auctioneer. LOST OR FOUND. 1J081% -GOLD WATCH CHAIN with charms attache', between Snood hotel and parlance. Reward of ten' dollar. 11 returned lb CHAS. LEE. hardwire store. SI -It WANTED. (,„IMART YOUNG LADY FOR DRY I.J OWDN.--One-wih sane expalfebee pre- ferred. Amity MILLAR & SON. GIRL WANTED TO LEARN TYPE- SETTING. Apply at SRONAL OFFICE. (1IRLts WANTED. -APPLY OODE- u RiCH KNITTING CO. Wanted at the Canning Factory Plums, I'ears, Apples, Beans and Beets. Highest prices paid. Come in and Ste Us. Huron Canning and Evaporating Co. D F r,AMLINK Manager FOR SALE Tit 110 PAIR NEXT MIRK.. • Goderich Industrial Exhibition to Be Biggar, Brighter and Better Than Ever. Preparations now completed for the Goderich Industrial Exhibition, to be held next week, promise one of the best fairs ever held in this town. Merchants and manufacturers are tak- ing a lively interest, and the main hall will contain an attractive array of special di aye. of the largest exhibitl will be from the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, under the direction of the Dominion De- partment of Agriculture. With the splendid crops this season, there should be especially good displays of field and garden products. The poultrymen are showing a renewed interest in the fair. and the new poultry house will have a great array of birds of qty. The -big special attraction will be the mounted troops from Carling's Heights, who will glvtdaily exhibitions of drill and manoeuvres & horseback. An official as- surance has been received by the directors that these troops will positively be here. Another attraction that has been ar- ranged is White. Lamart and Campbell, high-class acrobatic and comedy perform- ers. who will raise a gale of laughter be-. fore the grandstand each afternoon and evening. The speeding events on the fine halt - mile track will be the centre of interest for many. There are four races on the program and the horsemen promise excit- ing contests. Music by the Coderich band, Highland dancing and piping, the big merry-go- round. and many other features will help to fill upa splendid program. The frst performance before the grand- stand will be on Wednesday evening. Other performances will be on Thursday afternoon and evening and Friday after- noon, Be sure to take in the Goderich fair next week. It will be a hummer. Water and Lsght_CCommission. I rhe water and light commission met on Thursday evening and got through a large amount of business. It was decided to extend the electric light service on the Mill road to Mr. 0. M. Kidd's residence, also on Warren street, and to Mr. Wm. Swaflield's house on Palmerston street. i In the case of the Mill road extension. I which is estimated to cost 1132, Mr. Kidd will be required to guarantee a min- ' imum annual revenue of 120 for a period of five years. On account of the use of FOR SALE. --ONE HAPPY THOUGHT coal prange ; one R.pant Home cosi beater, BALB Apply to MILS. ER.NESr Vt./LUMENS- SEN. It I OMEAOES.-HAVE YOU CANNED yours 1 It's getting lace. Chane one. 30o a basket. Ide delivered. Baskets returnable. Roderich Po ltry Farm. Phone PLV. O. M. P FOR SALE. -ONE AUTO TRUCK, opacity 1j ton.. Suitable for stones deUvery or term work. Pneumatic tires in frau[ rear axle, the Rumell Internal gear -drive. Speed, 1110 tt miles per hour. one Jitney auto car. closed body : to retry . eight pae+engers. Pneumatic tires all round. I Froth can be seen at our factory or drop us a po«teard for fall particulars and prices of either. THE PAGET GRAIN DOOR CO.. LTD.. Sett Goderieb. Ont. Stock of Lumber For Sale Having sold our factory building in Ooderlch, and having no further use for the -stock of lumber on hand, we offer 1t for sale at low figures rather than have the expense of removing It. The stock includes a quantity of FINISHED LUMBER. such as hard and soft wood Flooring, Siding and instil. Finfah. LUMBER IN THE ROUGH consisting of White and Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, Birch, Oak, Ash and Elm. All sizes from 1x3 -inch up to 10x10 - inch timber. We intend to sell out this stock within a month or six weeks, and those who require lumber should apply at once. PACT GRAIN DOOR Co., Ltd., Goderich, Ont. -Jr YOi7ROSON, Manager. FIRST DANCE of the Season -at- Britislli 4change Hotel FRIDAY NIGHT, SEP'T'EMBER 28th Ged,rk4 Orclertre In el/endows Sc a dance a Lunch 25c p tn. to3a.m. W. H. HAINES - - Propnetoe sarvia insteadof water ow 'scene of the streets, the amount to be charged the town for this service is reduced from $9114 to 8450 per year., Mr. Wm. Gluier, of the powerhouse staff, asked for an increase 1 of salary and will be paid 82.50 per 12 - hour day. The Provincial Hydro Com - I mission wrote again with regard to the amounts owing the Commission from the local commitaioi, totalling over 810- 1 400, and the secretary was instructed to reply stating that preparations are being made for an issue of debentures for 110- 000 to enable the local commist;ion to pay off these amounts. A communication from Mr. Chas. Garrow, town solicitor, informed the commission that in the matter of the water rates against the former Doty house on Brock street the commission had followed the proper course in turning off the water until arrears should be paid. Mr. Cooke, in behalf of Proudfoot, Killoran & Cooke, acting for the present owner of the property, offered t 815 in settlement of the arrears, which I were about tttwce that amount, in order that the water should be turned onagain. The commission decided to accept the offer. The same legal firm, acting in behalf of Mr. O. E. Fleming, demanded that '200 feet of 4 -in. pipe removed from Ridge- wood Park be returned, or a writ would be issued. The engineer reported that the pipe was removed without any damage to fences or other property. and that it belonged to the town, having been placed in Ridgewood Park to supply water to the military camp. The matter was referred to the town solicitor. Mils Campbell invites inspection of the season's latest creations in millinery. The Industrial Evening Classes The Cooking, Dressmaking, and Millinery classes under the auspices of the Collegiate Board will begin -the first week in October. The Principal and the instructors will be in the room in the Public Library basement on Friday and Saturday. September 214 and 29, from 5 to 0 and 7.30 to 9 o'clock, to receive applications for member- ship. All intending members, did and new, are requested to register and pay -the fee of 11.00 nn these days, so that classes may be organized to begin promptly on October 1, with full numbers. All are invited to join who wish help in any of these courses. THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO.. I l MI1 1 D I t al :it la THE LADS IN OA KL IIARLY NEXT WEEK, NLCaiSt. ' On account of the Fair next week, The Signal will be issued a day earlier than usual. Advertisers in order to en- sure insertion of their announcements must bung them in in good time. Corres- pondents also will please send in their budgets as early in the week as possible. A warm welcome was given Bombardier J. Reg. Platt on his return home this. (Thursday) evening from the scene of war. He arrived by the 7.05 G. T. R. train, and was greeted by a cheering crowd and escorted to the home of his parents, Mr. anc1 Mrs. John S. Platt, on i Victoria street. Here Mayor Munnings gsOMBARD It J. REG. PLATT. gave a brief speech of (welcome. which was followed by appropriate, remarks from Messrs. Alex. Saunders and Geo. Porter. , Botnbardier Platt had his lept fractured about the first of the year and had since been under treatment in England. He was at the front for fourteen months be- fore receiving his injury. • Mrs. Jos. Salkeld received a letter op Saturday from her son. Transport Driver Ply,* a717 i 5' .,, L,1 Jt7f Gocleric/i Industrial Exhibition Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Septemb 26, 27 and 28 THE BEST HOLIDAY OF THE YEAR THREE DAYS OF RECREATION, INSTRLOTION AND AMUSEMENT MOUNTED TROOPS from Carlini s Heights, London, in command of Major Osborne, will give daily exhibitions of mounted drill and military. sports. Eveiy oody should see the famous Musical Ride. NM& SPEED TESTS -on the best half -mile track in Western Ontario Green Race, trot or pati -purse $50 2.40 Trot or Pace- - Purse $150 Free-for-all Trot or Pace -Purse $200 Farmers' Trot or Pace --Purse $50 Music by Goderich Band. Highland Dancing and Piping by skilled performers. Alonzo Palmer and his Merry-go-round. Don't disappoint the children. Large exhibit from the Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, under direction of the Dominion Department of Agriculture. Displays of the Products of the District, in Live Stock, Poultry, Domestic Man- ufactures, Grain, Fruit, Vegetables, Dairy Products, Fine Arts, etc., etc. WHITE, LAMART AND CAMPBELL HIGH-CLASS COMEDY ACROBATS will perform each afternoon and evening before the grandstand. This com- pany was one of the attractions at Toronto Exhibition this year. Attractive displays by Merchants and Manufacturers. Dining Hall in charge of the Women's Institute. Good meals at a reasonable Price. SOMETHING DOING EVERY MiNUTE Admission lo grounds, 25c. Children under 12, 10c. Membership ticket $1.00, six admissions. The Exhibition opens to the public on Wednesday evening, when there will be a full program before the grandstand and all exhibits will be in place in the Main Hall. G. W. ANDREWS, Pres. DR. W. P. CLARK, Treas. J. AnKs FOWLER, Secy. aZW Thos. J. Salkeld, which showed evidences of having been immersed in sea water. The letter was posted May 27th at Sal- oniki and the mail -boat probably was torpedoed and sunk and the mail -bags afterwards rescued from the sea. Miss Washington, East street, has re- ceived word that her nephew, Signaller Harry Washington, is in hospital, the result of a dose of shell gas received at the battlefront. Pte. Robert Bannerman, of Stratford, is reported among the wounded. He en- listed with the 71st Battalion, but after- wards transferred to another unit. He was a few years ago a resident of Gode- rich. being employed with Messrs. D. Millar & Son a the Scotch Store. The following has been received by The Signal from the divisional military headquarters at London: to the halror of The Signal, Dear Sir: -1 shall be obliged to you if you will kindly bring to the attention of your readers the fact that enquiries con- cerning members of the Canadian Exped- itionary Force should not be sent to England. All available information is dispatched 'from London, England, by cable and mailed to the Record Office, Ottawa.. Consequently, the Record o(- fice in most instances is able to impart the same information from- two weeks to a month earlier than could be done by the authorities overseas. All enquiries, therefore, concerning Members of the Canadian Expeditionary Force should be sent directly to district headquarters and will be transmitted to Ottawa immediately for attention. Your truly, WALTER JAMES BROWN, Lieut. -Colonel, A. A. G.. M. D. No. I. . London, Ont., Sept. 15. Women's Institute to Serve Meals. The members of the Women's Institute will serve meals in the dining -hall at the Exhibition grounds on the fair days next week. The proceeds are to be entirely used for the Red Cross work of the In- stitute. Members are requested to meet at the dining -hall at 2.30 p. m. on Tues- day next to help in decorating. On pleading guilty,to the charge of in- decent assault William Ireland, of Arthur, was tined $2 aad coats by Judge Dick- son on Friday last. Several citizens of Arthur were in court and testified as to Ireland's previous good record. A special sale of matrons' trimmed hats from F2.75 to 13.50, (rum September 22nd to 29th. Mist M. E. Cameron, Hamilton street. There are so many remedies recom- mended for the cure of every human ill that 'the purchaser often,hesitates in mak- ing a selection. When called upon for advice in such cases we usually recommend Df. Brown's Preparations. We do this because we -know just what they contain. All of these remedies are prepared from proved formulae. The ingredients used are fresh, pure and potent. and the results are almost sure to be as stated. E. R. Wigle, Druggist, Goderich. Eat Pure Ice Cream and give your children none other. Edwards' is pure. Phone A)0. Empty boxes (7 -Ib. and 5 -Ib.) for over- seas parcels, Ick each, at the Rexall Store. You are cordially invited to attend the exhibition of fall millinery at Miss Camp- - bell's. GUNURY'S SALE REGISTER. SArt'anay, Sept, t1 -(Tearing auction mite of honer and lot and general hnu-ehold furni- ture. property of Mr. KTll'am.McCreatb, el. Ihvld'. street, troy erlcb. MONDAY. Rapt .24. -(leering .ale of bonito - hold furniture Sud furulrhiugr, property of Met. Jau,ee Thmrlow, Angteees street, (lode - .rich. l.verything to be told, lin Mr*. Thurluw to sIvlig up bon..ekeupiutt. Mlrv•uar, Sept. Ills -Auction *ale of about forty head of «ter+., heifers. much cow.. and calve., ,proper y of Mr. John Cartwright, at LOndeaero'. \YRna e, be t'. Oct. :I.-- Auction '.le of about forty heed of cow* and heifers from the welt. knows herd of Insect Bro... at bait tot d Height, 4.lry, Tt'teDAY, (*et, g, -Clearing auction hale of s herd of purebred Shorthorn-. grade cattle and farm Implement*. property of Mr. Hobart Davide ,n, at Meadow Htouk t'drtu, 11 miles west of Duoganuon. Ev;•rything will a dis- ported of, an the farm 1. sold. \\'KnsInl,Av, 51. l',l le5 of Mrnr -tuck .o•rt imlpleme-nt.nrfn, proponcterty10no •aie f Mr. J. T. l'rleh, ounce. -Inn 1. H.K it., ruekrr.tdtk, who is 'riling every) hang. BORN'.' .\NDRLWB.- In Uoderlch, on Wednesdal es R September 1V, to Mr and Mn. therl. Andtuwr, a non. MARRIED. RLID- WALT►:RS. it Knox chnrch manse, Uoderich, on Wednesday. , September 114, by R Rev. . C. McDemW rAlmaMay, dan` Itter of Mr. sod Mr.. Charles Written., of Oode- n.-h. to Hort T. Rota, of ( Tinton. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Sept. 20. Paas luetlon Rale -Mrs. Tburlow „ 1 Tomatoes-Ooderich Poultry Farm. 1 Render -The Rexall Store- Piano Taming -F. J. Chapman 1 I Ten Acre. to Rent Mrs. Ed. Fisher Millinery MIs• ('ampbell. . ... . SSSS . 1 Bylaw No. 1 -Haines WIltahlte 011 co.. Ltd. t Young lady Wanted --D. Miller R Sou Indnstrlal Evening ('irises -0, C. T. Beard1 House to Rent- ►:',ward Reid . 1 Dance-Brttl.h Exchange Hotel . - 1 Range and Heater for tale -Mrs. Vslltaatl► barren 1 01.1 Wanted -signal Ogled . ..... Fowl Wanted -Mrs, R. K. Mallet, M. Magill • Voter. LI4-R Mcllwaln...... 1 ..Sir-F.a.. .r...-.. AFF.,