HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-9-13, Page 64 ' nntanaY, Sxr, . 18, 1917 ffi sate ,wv,<', THE SIGNAL r 11 iCHrONTARIO A NI The Saults Coal Co. woorr,siw te We lama" It Wedeln EXci.USIvE AGENTS FOft LE111O11 VALLEY THE COAL. THAT SATISFiHS We deal in Hard and Soft Coal, !Joie, Cement, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, alit Haid and Soft Wood, Maple and Hemlock Slabs. Fresh cars of Lime and Cement just received. OFFKE E PIIONH - - 75 N. ). Saults' Residence 275 W. W. Sault•' Residence 202 w r New Pod° ection Oil Stove Why not economize by using less coal or wood? The New Perfection Gil Stove is just what you need. We have them for :sale— three -burner and:four-burner Stoves. —Call and See Them - - W• R. Phone 14 [NDER ilton Street GIRLS WANTED For office work to fill the place.. of Mon who nave gone ot ere itoinK to the front. Young women can rends the country real u vice by preparinj to take position. In bank. sod bud \'Mose. ■Special Coutbsof training in stook- eepiug, Shot thand and all other Com. memo' object.. now in uroer r•e. St udent* admitted any time. imus[rated eau.loonte free. Northern Busineu College,Lid. OWICN SoUNU. ONT. (1.\*: F1.F.MINl:, Yri..cipal. 1R • PROMPTLY SECURE!) In 1111 count -lel. 4.k for our INVFN- DOW,$ ALYLSklLw lch wit! be sent fres MARION & MARION. 364 unlverrlto st.. Mt,ntr4a1 MacEwan Estate Exclusive agents\ for SCRAN1ON COAL for Goderich and District. Best Coal Mined. Any quantity heat all Maple Slabs, Mixed Wood, Hemlock and Kindling ICkdsr or Pine.) TELEPHONES, dice 9S rlr0d40j83te 7r 68 SATS IF BACKACHY AND KIDNEYS HURT Drink lob of water and stop eating meat fora while if your Bladder troubles you. When you wake up with backache and gull misery in the kidney region it gen- erally means you hese been eating too much meat, says a well known authority. 44est, forms uric acid which overworks the kidneys in their effort to Alter it from the blond and they become sort of paralyzed and Foggy. When your kidneys get sluggish and clog you mud relieve them, like you relieve your bowels; re- moving all the body's urinous warts, wise rill have backache, sick headache. dtzry spells; your stomach sours, tongue is mated, and when the weather ie bad oo n• he rheumatic twinges. The 1urine par cloudy, full of ssdiment, channels often get sore, water •raids and you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night. )thee consult • good, reliable physi- elan et once or get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Halts; take • tableipoonhd in • glass of water before breakfast for • tar days andyour r kidneys will then met Ane. This salta is made from the acid of gripes sad lemon juice, etinbi•ed with liter. and has been used for generatittes to dean and stimulate .114Wsh also to neutralize *Oda in WI urine so kidneys, DA losger irritates, thus ending bladder weakener. ,1a1 Salta is a life saver for regular [meet waters it is inexpensive, cannot injure and makers • deli hthtl, eger- RAMOi ilibla-wIWa flryk, A VACATION ADVENTURE OF UI A GODERICH MAN UJ Taking a few days' vacation, 1 decided W spend it is cycling and started out to explore the county of Huron. Owing W unforeseen cir- cumstance. it wee rather bate in the day afore I left tioderich, sod I had not got very far upon my journey when darkness came oo, but 1 decided to keep going until 1 reached the next town. When within • few miles of say objective, the darknees was eu intense that it was impossible to wee many feet •head and great motion was needed to steer • Weight couree, making travelling necessarily slow. After proceeding for some time in this manner I discovered that I was is a narrow tunnel and was just about to tura back when suddenly then appeared two height lights s little ahead of me. For • moment 1 Was blinded by the glare of the lights, but on recovering my vision I found they were held by two peculiarly dressed and dwarfed men. In one hand each held a ligbt and its the other a spear, and in imperative tones they com- manded me to dismount and follow them. I bad no other choice but to do es I was bid sod for some time II followed my strange companions In silence, until we came to a large Rua studded door. Upon this one of the dwarf* gave • number ot rape, and the door opened is few inches, • voles inside mskiug strange 'oleos wed being answered in the saute way b my two captors. Whatever was said 1 could not understand, but erect - witty we were sdwttted. On entering, what • strange yet beautiful sight met my gale ! The cavern, whlob was gorgeously decor- ated, was lighted up by hundreds of dltereot-colored lights in tbe shape of stare, but wore brilliant. Seated around so a semi -circle were some more men similar to those who had brought me there, and at the far rod, wt • hand- some and luxurious throne with three golden steps leading up to it. was an old pian with a long flowing beard and a crown of sparkling diamonds on his bead. In hie hand he held a ere re from which genof all colon flashu ed rind pointing this' at me be commended the two dwarfs to bring me before the throne and addressed me thus : "Stranger, Lew happenest it that thou hast entered the sacred retreat of the Spirits of the Hasbaens ? Speak up, be not afraid. for no harm shall befell thee.” This last sentence esu spoken be- cause 1 had naturally shown some nervousness, but the genial way in which he said it gave ore courage and I determined to sae the business through and make myself as much at home as war possible wader the ciicumstancee. So I explained how I bed unknown- ingly entered his sacred domain and expressed my sorrow for causing him any annoyance. "Thou needest not feel sorry that thou came here, for erre our -art we ere right glad W web - 'oda re, sod thou art welcome to the best that our Spittle can provide," raid the old wan, and with that the other Spirits abused their as- sent bythe ringing of hundreds of small sver bell., wbioh gave out • sweet musical sound, much like the ppesaalings of • chime of church bells. Rstresbwents were brought to me and I was bidden to eat, drink and be &s77er1with the -Spirits of the Hee- haws." After the meal was finished, the King, for such 1 took him to be, called one of the dwarfs and told bis to bring the seat for the "Stranger of the Humane," which be explained was reserved for visitors like myself, although he regretted to say visitor-• were taw and tar between. The seat being brought proved to be shriller to that used by the judge in a court. and was placed beside the King, and 1 was asked to be seated. The King gave three rape with his sceptre and instantly there was silence, and ad- dresaiog me be said : "What news hast thou to tell us of happenings in the world from which thou comeei?" I replied that apart from the war which was raging in Europe there was nothing of interest that 1 could thick of. "But ls there nothing of interest happening in the community in which you live r he said. i told him that things were kind of quiet, but I bad a copy of The tlignal with me and if be cared to look at it sve ' . is `i 4 !f 4 i -to he,wae quits welcome to do so. The King said he would be pleated to see It, and looking at the front page he said t "Why, my friend, then is great news Lure. t see the town of Gode- rich has been visited by Bre-ons of ice best factories has been destroyed." Alter reading tke report be turned to me, saying : "I judge by this the Bre equipment ot your town is not in a very satis- factory state, or else tbe alarm system needs some attention, tor it says Mere the Bremen were unable to save the building, se it had got too great a strut How did the Bre occur:" 1 told Lim no one seemed to know, but it surely had got • good start before the Bremen arrived. "Haat thou • town council, friend, in ooderieb?" be next asked. "And are they not responsible for the Bre protection ?" I answered "Yse" to both questions. "By what meats Is the alarm given, and are the Bremen's residences coo - mooted with the fire station ?" was bib next question. I explained to him the mode of pro- cedure In t teeventof Bre and told his Unlit so ter as 1 knew there was nu connect on between the Bre station and the firemen's residences, "So that if a fire took place at the farthermost end of the town, • boure /indite inmates could be demolished by the time • person could get to ring in the alarm 1" be queried. I told him that seemed to me to be the cave "Well, well,"1 Me ;exclaimed, "thou 1 �T f• VisionYour Sons, Mothers of Canada! Vision them at early morning when rthrough the rising mists, there bursts a -hurricane of fire --- See your valiant boys ---calm, grim, but cheerful, "stand -to -arms" until the Hun's "morning hate" dies away. Picture them at breakfast, the meal that must bring them. the bodily sus- tenance to carry- thein through the' strain of another .day. Then think what might I ppen if, one morning, there was no r reakfast --no food, and word went d. the lines that Canada had failed the Vision all these things, and th --- as Women of Canada --- Mothers, f Men ---Answer thii Call to Service. Canada must send to Her Own, and to the Allies Fighting Forces, more wheat, more beef, more bacon, and more of such other foods as are non- perishable and easily exported. ^Rt. Canada can do this without depriv- ing her own population of a fair share of any of these foods if You Women will but help. All we ask of you is, that instead of buying so much white flour (if you do your own baking)ou vary your baking by using one-third oatmeal, corn, bar- ley or rye flour. Or, if you buy your bread, that you order a certain pro- portion of brown bread each day. Second, instead of using as much beef and bacon as formerly, you vary your family's diet, by substituting for beef and bacon such equally nutritious foods as fish, peas, lentils, potatoes, nuts, bananas, etc. Third, and this is most important, --- positively prevent the waste of a single ounce of food in your house- hold. ouse- hold. They Must Be Fed Statistics show that, every..ey, in Canada. sufficient food is thrown into garbage cans to teed the entire Canadian Overseas Army. Travellers have often re. tarked that many a European family would live well upon 'he quantity and quality of food wasted in some Canadian hom,s- Such waste is shameful at any time; but in these times it is criminal. Woman's Auxiliary, Organization of Resources Committee, ha 0 e M. Our only hope is that with these truths before you, and in view of the vital issues at stake, we may count upon your earne4 co-operation in stopping this appalling waste; and it. substituting other foods for the wheat, beef and bacon that must be sent overseas. Next week a Food Service Pledge and Window Card will be delivered toou. It is your Dedication to War Service. The Window Cards your Emblem of Honour. Co-operation with The Hon. W. J. Hanna, Food Centrollei' Sign The Food Service Ple e iy ✓ `• r, AHLR SIX YEAR$ OF SUFFERING Woman Made Well by Lydia+ E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Cotumbus,Obio--"1 lied elm t ivew with tip, 1 bad been .ick ter six years female troubles and nervousness. 1 had • pain in my right bide tied could not eat anything with- out burti-lg my stomach. 1 could not drink cold waw at all tsar est any kind of raw fruit, nor fresh meat nor chicken. From 178 pounds I went to 118 and would get so ws•k at times that I fell over. I began W take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, sad ten days later I could eat and it did not hurt my stomach. I have taken the medicine ever since and 1 feel like e new woman. 1 now weigh 127 pounds so you can see what it has done know, for me already. My husband say like. your medicine has saved my Mrs. J. S. BARLOW, 1624 South 4th Si., Columbus, Ohio. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Cosa• pound contains just the virtues of roots and herbs needed to restore health sad strength to the weakened organs of the body. That is why Mn. Barlow, ow, chronic invalid, recovered so completely. It pays for women suffering from say female ailments to Insist upon having Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Co.m Pound. humans seem to be very slow. Dost thou not rbeogniaa this is a serious matter ? One of these days or night* Bre will break jut and people will buss their lives. and then what wilt thou say ?' That is a question I have often wondered about myself." 1 anowered ; "but the town council has been warned that the flan equipment and water service are in • very bad shape, but have paid no heed to the warning." **Stranger, dost thou tell me the people of Ooderich an not awake to their damper ; in face of this warning do they not urge this evtineil to do eomttbine for their protection ? How glad am 1 that the 'Spirits of the Na• been do not live there !" At this the Spirits rose up as one and shouted. "We are, were. As the hour was cow ver late, the King ordered more retrosbment and asked me toi rest there that night. 1 consented, hut before retiring 1 WAS given • drink, which bad such a plea - s:4 trate that 1"enquired what it wet. The King answered in surprise. Water ! Whv, friend, curtly thou k • west whet tir a is." i •Id hien 1 heti never tasted sueb eseei ret water before. "We " said he, "tomorrow you must tad e about the water you drink in tiuderi • but now. adieu and pleas- ant dre•uts ." So to bed 1 ant, and 1 must leave my story of tb - nest day until . ne=ts week's Signal. Hs Kn r. Judge—Madam, ou anything Proner's bushel)., .fudge,. is new you have done it! 3tarYa1' Corner Montreal Street •,.d square HIGH CLASS and SANITARY We serve excellent meals a la Carte daily P1ES TO TAKil. OVT Private Luncheon Room for Ladies and Gentlemen CAREFUL SERVICE Our Matto-fCteanhnees Always OPEN 9 A. M. TO 1 A. M. STOWE'S THE RED BARN, SOUTH STREET for 'Bus, Livery and tiack Service 'Buses meet all trains. Passen- gers called for in any part of the town for outgoing trains on G. T. R. or C. P. R. Prompt attention to all orders or telephone calls. Good horses First -clan figs r H. R. STOWE Telephone61 SucesseortoT. M. Devi* t' ' I