HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-9-13, Page 5• THE SIGNAL (OPERWH ONTARIO Since the very beginning of the automobile industry, when M.chelin invented the pneumatic automobile .ire, Michelin Tires have been famous for their durability. Their superior quality make, them the most economical of all .ares. You owe it to yourself to give them a trial. East Street Garage Owned end Operated by a Practical Mut" ARTHUR M. GLOVLR Goderich - - Ontario Michelin Casings are just as good as Michelin Red Inner Tubes, & are gfkn imitated in color but never bi quality. LOCAL TOPICS Accidental Lfeath. The coronet's inquest Into the death of til.. late Benjamin James Herbert Smith wee coucludrd by a sevvion at the town hell on Friday last. The re- port of the pxut-wortew examination was submitted, and theury brought in the verdict that "the said Hen. James H. Swish carne to his death from falling tutu the bold of the. steamer Paipoonge on the morning of August 26th at the city of Budge, eausitrg !lecture of the skull, and we believi from rvideucesubwitted that hie death was. scoudentsl.". Farms Sold. Mr. James Connolly,of town, has mitt hie two grass harms, on the 7th couceasion of Ooderich township, t/ . Mr. James Bond, of town. and hie son Iti.berJ Bond, of (ioderich township. 'These farms have been a cattle pasture for twenty -live years nr more and, should grow a good crop of anything. Mr. Richard Bond hes got pawsrssinn now and is prepared as soon as the old sod will plow to get a Targe portion of it ready for crop. This is cr1'teinly a step iu the right direction -greeter production. Mr. Connolly also hes sold his resi- dence un Quebec street to Mr. Albret Stevenson ; hut. we are glal t o know that this does net wean -,that he is going to leave town. Demonstration of Canning. On Taesalay afternoon. Sept amber 18th, in the basement of the public library, a demonstration of the can- ning of fruit and vegetables will be given by Miss M.ttherlaud, of Enthro, under the auspices of the \Vowen'e lostitutq, This is not her Institute members alone. but is a .,splendid op - pot tanity p- pottanity for anyone who is interested and eager to can surplus foodstuff. for the .tern day+ ahead. A cordial invitation is rz'ended to the ladies of the town and c000lry. Tim _Fink will comtnrncr" at 2.30 p. un. A special weetingeof the members of tbe Goderich branch of the Woolens Institute will he held nt the home of Mrs. Wm. Cox, 6n Britannia road, on Friday evening et 8 o'clock . The bus- iness is important and a large at- tendance is req rested. Death of Mrs. David O'Brien. The death occurred on Sunday after- noon of Mrs. David O'Brien. Trafelg:u• street, at the age of seventy-five year.. Mho had not teen in the best of health lor wane time, but her denth carne sin- extieotedly. B fore cowing 10 Oode, • rich three years aon, Mrs. O'Brien had been a reeiuent of Stratford for many ywsrs. She was a n ,tive of Yarmouth township, county of Elgin, h. r maiden aroq being Ellen Coughlin. Beside* r husband, she leaves one an/1. Daniel M. O'Brien, of town, and tw,, delight.. t'• : _prs. Geo.. Denham and Mrs. AA. J. F,geoii, b.1( h of Stretford. The renewer were taken to Stratford '1(11 Howley ".id the funeral t -tisk place Goer-. on\ Wednesday nun Hing (r the resider Requiem hi GRAY HAIR Or. Tr -ornate • Natural Man. Restorative, card ., d. n;ed. ,. ,use seed to restore hair u ,1 natural cusp or nun** refunded Po.,ti e., wry no, . dr ,e.d 4.n -into, 'ars Pr,c. 31.'.', pow -or Write Trawls eerier s+. Teee.1.. un. On ale in Cede, ch .r J A Grnefertt , Dna Suave. not NoohS,. midtown FREE Kelhs'e Trw eei 0e4. -.�. • r..-. .I:,r Inrnl: F.'•rl as w Rech: telly row and wl..rn •n inn eta kart and nap no we: aaiawY Tn Mew. nh'.wr.tnet.. ?tn... nista. .e.•,11 ''.Ir. Man'ger'sfoto Wrtso' .n'. .pee:a- nam's enhptirio. . 1,. .1 n.kw NeMw1 Raw ear RseA111 1s -est wawao« mua' ,>A awl aninrurlt r nee M aware WNW WAN) for ahww AearAn.•. . g vrm- aw does Wow, O vat t• Hallam Building, Toronto Olaruz:f tam-Buk'a soothing and healing power. - Zam-Buk has been our household balm for fourteen years. and we could not do without It;" says Mr. George A. Kilburn of Swan Lake, Man. For eczema and akin troubles of all kinds Zam-Buk bas no equal; also for old sores, ulcers, abscess none, pimples, blood -poisoning, piles. cuts. burns, bruises and scalds. All dealers nr Zam-Auk Co.. To- ronto. 50e. box, 3 for $1.26. an) Bu THE PATRIOTIC FUND. I Thoughtful Doctor. l?'.tlent-What do yet think of a w .i leer cli "mate for we l Doctor -That's precisely what 1 am trying to guard you against. 1 A woman who loves money doesn't i neeessardy love ,a wan ben aver he has t.. 1 Only a stall percentage of money 'raved up for rainy days is invested in (uwbieliae- 1 T Some Information as to What is Being Done by the Local Branch The regular meeting of the Patriotic !Fund branch executive was held on Tues - i day evening last, with aquodettendasie of the memyyg�rs. Cpmiderah:e husmes; was tran,.aetetr most of which. however, was of a routine character, dealing with ap- plications for advances from the savings account. transfers from other branches of the Fund. complaints of alleged grievances. etc.. matters which are inevitable with nearly 300 individual cases to deal with. A circular from the executive of the Fund at Ottawa enclosed a copy of a poster giv- I ink information regarding the care of returned soldiers, as contained in the regulations of the Military Hospitals Com- mission and the Board ot Pensions Com- missioners. Through the kindness of P. M..Galt. the local branch has had this poster trained and placed in ;the post - office. where it can be.9een by the public and all returned am or memPerd. of their families. The following figures regarding the aolmni,trdtion of the Fund through this branch should be of interest to the public in thus county, and it is gratifying to state that the last audit made at Ottawa reports that the statement of this branch from the commencement of the Fund to the 41st of agrees absolute by with fhe records of the office at 'Ottawa. The following is a summary of the Fund for this county up to September 1st instant: At the commencement of the Fund ire December, 1914, there were about a dozen names on the list, receiving a total monthly amount of about 1250. Those nxtribers were being slowly but gradually added to for a year and a -half until the early summer of 1916. when the 161st Battalion was organized and the list •jumped to nearly 300. with a total monthly payment of about 34,500. These fietres have been steadily maintained since that time. and today we have, in round • numbers. 300 dependents. receiving a total monthly payment of 34.500. Since our organization up to the present time we have paid out to the soldiers' wives and dependents the total amount of 3'7,163. In that period of time the committee has endeavored to assist the dependents in ' saving part of their patriotic fund. with the result that over 326,000 has been set aside in a savings account (or their benefit. ;The advantage of having money to their credit has been appreciated by all, and the extra savings have been a great help to i many who have, when necessity prevented itself. drawn a part of the money the I committee had held out for them. While we live. in a total, set aside over 326,000 in a dryings account, we have. where we I deemed it advisable, paid out about half hof this amount, and there yet remains some 313,000 to the credit of the soldiers' I wives in the county of Huron. Also it may be said. to the great credit of those who are receiving this fund. that a num- ber of them who have saved their patri- otic money have invested in Dominion Government war bonds. About 32,000 has been taken up in this way. I\\•illism Ireland, of the village of I At Thur, has heen sent up by Magi a- trate Mot ton, of \Vinghern. on a eherge of nets -cent assault said to have been committed p pon a young woman gaped Macdougall. it is alleged Oita Inlltad, on the reet'xt of giving the trite motor ride, took her fifteen MI into the country. The case comps before Jadg•e DC4/00 t.,ttQor- row: Relative* have money, 1),s11,reIntions ase always pool . he Business Woman. Toiler, more than ever --before, Is woman i opportunity. Many new oc- eupetions are now ope ied to her w hich,j,belore the war, she was deemed unfitted to fill. And truth to tell she has rieen to the opportunity, and now 'shares ruany bnsiuess responsibilities in former times confined t , men. Bus, aim women are subject to more frequent (luetuatious of bell' b than men, many wili be handicapped erriy, if they re- gard their health requirements too lightly. • The nervone rti'ain, long hours and prolonked omental or physical fatigue thin tbe t.1 .od and weaken the Such coediiIons as women are now c oiled upon to undergo can nnly be endured by a full-blooded constitution. This in as terse for men as for women, only weaklir women suffer soonest. The woman worker, in any line, n- gnirrr her Mood replenished frequent- ly. She needs new, rich blood to keep 1 her health und. r the trying conditions of business life, and to fort fy her system against the effects of nye,- work. This *petite also to the woman in the home, who, perhaps, has more wnrriee and anxieties than usual. So let ell girls end women take heed and renew their blood promptly at the ' fl-st approach of pallor, lark of appe- tite, headache or backache. Thio can lie best and twist effectively accomp- lished by takRrg Dr. R'illianin Pink I Pills, which quake new, rich blond and i thus help womankind so perfectly. No I woman need fear failure of health if they take these pill. occasionally to keep them well, or give them a fair trial i1 they find then, -elves rundown. You ran 'AM • William-' Pink Pile through any nrardieine dealer or he , mail at 50 cents a hos or six teexeo ter ' $2.50 (rem the D . Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Oat. The Ahmeek Chspt r. 1 0. D. E , will hold Its mc,nthly me, ting on Mon- day, 17th hist. at 4 o'clock, in the court house. A good attendance ie requested. - ROYAL YEAST CAKES Ir _ HAS BEEN CANADA'S FAVORITE YEAST FOR MORE THAN 30 YEARS MAKE PERFECT BREAD MADE IN CAN: DA L .yl ROYAL e of Mr. A. J. Pigeon. Masa* was cel-brated at the. church , the Immaculate Con- ception by Rev. D. J. 13geu, end Lire intense•' was *de in Avondale erulele. y. . The Advertiser Contest. Been. le of Thr Loodou Advertiser'* circulation carrsteat, iptithliehsdi ou Saturday, showed that Mien Vera (i, Latimer, of tioxte.irh, h1Fd won the second prig•-- a 341M1 Mason & Ri.ch piano -in district. No. 7, including the comities' of Huron and Perth. The winner of the first prise inthis district wee Mrs. J. W. Manning, of Clif�o e. who gets a Chevrolet car. Miss Ma`1oeII Meakell and Mire Martie Was rener, town, received • bergs is her of es bur were not among the prize -winners/ Miss Latimer is one of the bright Young daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lstimer, S'. David's street, and The Signal total -'n it. congratula- tions upon her succene, • Mr. John Thurlow, of Kitchener. a son of Mr,. James Thurlow•. Angleees meet, tone, Wee the winner of a Chevrolet motor car in the Advertiser contest just dosed. He won first piece in distort No. 6, having 4.157,7111 votes, )lis Ooderich friends join in congratulating hitn on hissuccew: Huron War Contingent Association. The annual meeting of the Huron War Contingent Association was held at Clin- ton on Labor Day, with a gond attend- ance. The president, Mrs. Hamilton, of Goderich. presided. Reports were pre- sented and various matters connected with the work of the Association were d&cussed and action taken thereupon An interesting and encouraging address upon.women's work in the war was given by Miss Robinson, corresponding secre- tary of the Elgin county W. C. A Offi- cers for the ensuing year were elected as follows : Hon. president, Mr . Hamilton, Goderich ; president, Mrs. D. Fair, Clinton ; corresponding sect ary, Mrs. Fitton, Exeter ; secretary, Mi Consitt, Hensall ; treasurer, Miss Brown, Sea - forth. All presidents of organizations in the shipping centres are vice-presidents ; these shipping centres are Goderich, Clinton, Sea(orth, Wingham, Exeter, Blyth and Brussels, L COAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. The monthly meeting of the Heti Cross Social y will he held in the jory room of the coon t house on Monday ryeoina at 8 o'clock. 1 wish to announce that 1 have full stork of fall millinery and will h Soleaeud to show ft on and after kith eptember. Mks. P. T. DEAN. Mr. R. R. Salina I and daughter, Mum Verna, leave on Friday' on a trip to Algonquin Park And will be away e week or en. in his absence Miss Sw..fllrld will be in charge of Mr. HMllow.. studio. The horsemen are having a big time at the ALr•icultural race trap► these days Ws. Ing mut their hones. On Maturday last quite a crowd watched A. M. Poi ev'a Wilkes -bred "Walter Eddy" chap ate of toe te-t of his eke hen -it style. Prnapects are goal fora blg field of speed -re at the fall show. PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. Wm. Sharman way n . intro, at i.ndon Thi. work. Mr. Harry Hoche -en, of she trnton RAM staff, war moved 10 Weakens lk Chia ase,. Mr. and Mi". ,'red Roar. or h.a 'annoys. were week end feline" at Ina Aosta ot shale brother, Mr" O'. M. Ron, Her, J. H. ltaterhout swat laid, m Trey Oar aft+odlugk meeting of the AI•u Coheirs du'nu.er xrkuat saeeutive nowtah tee. Mr. Mai Pans*/ seed d.s.i hter, Mi.. Vaaula• left 1'd. week for Toronto, to .peed the Jewish New Year. They will be ilbrest fourteen days Moa Armour and daughter, Mk. Atte.... re- turned trout Detroit un Weluewlny owing/ t0 the eeriest* Wooer of the farmer- mother. Yrs. Welton. • Mrs In./ Patterson and Mr'. ll. McRae, of Lockuuw, motored to lioderioh on Saturday and were the quest. ot Mrs. C. M. Row, Klein crenae. Mr. H. Earl kiliult rettfrued to Toronto on We ,attar 10015 lit1K this moue" r in town. Mr Elliott 1. ou the staff of Upper Canada Puttees. Mr. Maitland Prldham has taken At po.lnoni st I'oronto h the issZne a of 7 -hunt. Munwilwd Howson & MacPherson. 00wrt crest .'s oullt est.. "Maltt" r a boy of Thu right port and Will tunwad. Mr. 1). Macdonald has ret tamed froth a trip co the St. Lawrence and e5aqueney. Mr.. Mao- donldd, who aoco•u puled him un the Irip, res monied in Totw,to 'o anent a few day. the kuert of Miss Nurdh. Inter. CHURCH NOTES. The Bspllist Young People will hold their opening racial next Mon• day evening. A cordial invitation is extended to any who can come, Rev.Oordon M H doer will preach in the Baptist church next Monday morn- ing and evens"g. Theta lay schxtl will meet at lel o'eioek next Sunday and the following. A Monday school rally will be held on September 30th. The pastor, Rev. J. Hs Osterhout, will haveeharge of thea eervie.s next Sunday in Victoria street- Methodf t church. Morning rubj,•ct : "Hod's Chief Porpose in His Pruvidences. Evening : "rhe I'unurtenes of Youth.' Monday school and Billie claim at 3 p. tu Epworth L •ague Tuesday eve- ning at 8 o'clock. Toe union p-1ayer service+ which have been h -Id for *note t nue prat are to be continued, but it has been agreed th tt ..'to'her ep4cial s•rvace, with apre'al reference t, the moral and spin teal ,.,or. of the war. shall be held on the thin 1 4 eiltiedey of Peels month. and this the citizens are earn- estly inviter) to attend. The first of theme will be held in Knox church on Wednesday evening next at 8 o'clock. 'Tbe Presbyterian nadirs of town and vicinity were well represented on Tuesday Last when the.H',ron Presby- terial Society of the W. M. H. held its semi-annual meeting at Kippen, those in attendance bring: 1 Knox church. Mesdames Murdoch Macdu.tald. Mc- Urrmid. Hume, Malcolm Mackay. rl'uvitsnsv, icer. 13, 1917 6 J Thrift Leads to Prosperity via a Savings Account Check waste on your farm, In your house or your shop -cut down your self - Indulgences -eh for yourself those little jobs that run away with the small change -get full value for every dollar you spend - and depos:t the savings regularly In the Oaks Bask ill Canada. The accumulated results, with interest added. will some day mean financial Independence. Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOME3E, bL nager. Herald 0. IHewton ; rditnt t, Mary Barchler, Alex. J. H , Ennuis Wal- lace, Jean MaeEwau : piauirt, Jean Bogie : onuuoillnrs, Melon Cooke, Grace Pinder, Claire hays, The following are new students from out of tomo : Elisabeth R. Davidson, Hoderich township. Cora E. Driver, Hodericb, H. R. No. I. Mary T. Dalton, Ooderich, R, It. No. 1. Dorothy 4. Bichau, Haxierieh, It. It. No .2. • Ruby L. McLeod, Uorlerich, It. it. No. 4. Julia H. Young, Ooderich, It. 1t. No. a. Mawurl Si. Currey, Nile. Georgi E. Sheppetd, Nile. EIva F. Dewar, Hayfield. H, H. No, 3. Obelys J. (.inn, Clinton, R. R Ni'. 2: F'ank H Raithhy, Agfiurn. Hector Macleod. Alibtuu, R. R. - No. 1. Bertha Westlake, Zurich. It. It. No. ,2. Alberta H. Beckett, Litek . R. H. No. 7. Isobel J. Mirponc si. *4iittatl, Irene C. McDowell. 11rigravr, 1t. it. 0. 1. Edward OtJohnetnn, Detroit, Mich. ftrdvers Augustine„ Dungannon. Clifton. Stencheu, Kelly. Dunlop and Misr Nairn and Orais;ie : fr Ire-' ----- -Y- burn, Mos. Percy tit sweet and Miss Clatk and the president, Mrs. Hamil- ton ; from Union church. Mesdames Falconer and Johnston, and front Car- low, Mre. Henderson. Presbytery of Huron. etre Presi.yirry of Huron held n regular Meet lug at Clinton un Thu1v- dey, September 6th, and an adjourned our at Kippers out Sept -wort' TITh. The chief busurrss was with two calls -lone .f the congregations of Anhnrn and Smith's Hill i" favor of Hey. 1t..1. Rus., of Haiti uture, and the other from CarmeI chuff -h, Hrnsail, in favor of Rev. J. A. McConnell, of Toronto. B•nt•b were sustained and transmitted. The induction at Hen•alt was net for September J31h at 7 o'clock in the evening. A deputa- tion from the Assembly's c '+s' en the coral wares. of the war... aneist- ing of M-y+raSedgwiek, nt Hamilton And Wooddide, of Brantford, was heard and a c ' tee of seven was ap- pointed to co-operate with the corn - mission, considering the whole master carefully and reporting at the next meeting of Presbytery. At that Inert- ing also a representative of the Assembly Sehbath school co 'tire is expected to he present, and all in- trusted in work swong the young are nvited to attend. THE OODERICH MARKETS. TmctusuAv, September 13. Wheel. err .......................1 to $ 2.311 Oats, per ba-li .... ..... .7" to 77, Marley. ler bush ."., 1.10 to I.2 Pear. per bush 2.011 to 2.2.3 Ruckwheat, per Minh. .... . 1.13 to 1.23 ,lour, f,apily, percwt 1.75 19 0-Irt Ilour. pateut, per cwt x11) to Gi than. per ton 31.00 to 9110 dhortx per ton .""" :49'11 t0 11.10) Hay. per ton 10,551 to 12.01 etraw, loose, per ton ',40) 10 atm Wood, per load 6.491 to 630 Thiry Rutter, eerie .36 to "NI Creamery Hotter .40 t0 .43 Rain. fresh. per doc ... .11 to .43 Potatoes. per bush ... ... 1,00 to '173 t'a111e, buts -her.' chute*. per COL 9.0 r 1.0 eon Cattle, btu cher,, medlum.terewt 615) to ant Hoes.. Ilve:welgbt, per cwt. 17 00 10 17 00 Hider. per lb .13 to .17 Tallow, rendered, per Ib .1n M 10 Voting sheep. clipped. ... 9.991 to 9.30 11(1110 11 p1 to 11.00 Sheeprkl..s. 2•1110. 3x0 Weed, nnw..shed. per Ib, •. ,.. .'e to '.S w.wbed, per Ib. ......... 65 to .72 G. C. I. NOTES. The enrolment at th- Collegiate in- stitute has reached 175 and several more are yet to moue in. The O. C. I. Literary Society iree orgeoized for the fall term with the following officer, : 44eus-.--- presi- dent. Dr. H. 1. Strang ; presi- dent, Frnest M. Ire : le vice- president, Leonard Macklin : 2nd vice- president, Agnee J. Maunders ; see- letery, Esther P. Hume ; treasurer, BACK- ACHL3 If yru have Rocltache you have Kidney Disease. If you neglect Backache it will develop into something worse -Bright s Dis- ease or Diabetes., There is no use rubbing said doctoring your back. Curie the kiltx•vn. There is only One kidney medicine but it cures Backache every time- Dodd's Kidney Pills Something Different In a photograph --that distinc- tive quality that raise.. it above the ordinary-: 'Phone t:s for a sitting. We make special efforts to satisfy critical customers. We have the modern etjuipn)ent that enables us to produce work of exceptional quality at low prices. J. T. FELL Photographer SUCCESSOR TO J. W. TRUSSILER, Y'.y u t'4: • 3a,,0e ' Id as your gla..e7 slake An Wear ' our int isible bifocal lenses for looks, convenience 1(11(1 COM fort. me iv onl to Nor iv iso about eyesight I:RVI'T()K (:111111141 un Iile lit , 111 i"C. Cr .• n /\ \ v • �.I •{/h 01" AND Mra' OP'OPTICIAN. NIGHT AT TNI Post cunt Porsv whet Gur.Lvrs. ONu,. s• PICKLING SEASON IS HERE We are headquarters for everything in SPICES, CORKS, JAR RUBBERS, Parke's Catsup Flavour, Parke's Pickle Mixture, etc. J. A. Campbell A Little Stick of RKLEY'S Makes the Whole orld Kir d This famous chewing gum aids appetite and di, gestion, quenches thirst, keeps the teeth clean and breath sweet. Fresh, clean, wholesome and delicious always. No wonder WRIGLEY'S is used around the world, when- ever and wherever people want lasting refreshment. ON SALE EVERYWHERE The Flavour Lasts I, rLs JAPANESE- 61015 'N TOPS* refire NE0Or11 aN *USSS1J '07", Sealed Tlght- Kelrt Right Mee(' IN roar Made In Canada 16 1