HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-9-13, Page 44 THURSDAY, SHPT. 13, 1917
Our fall and winter samples are now in and ready for
t - your inspection. There are several hundred samples to choose
from, comprising the very best imported woollens.
;• Our clothing is designed by "top-notch" artists,
tailored by highest skilled tailors. There is a distinctivent .,
about our clothing not obtainable by the ordinary cUsttrnl
:: tailor.
:: We invite your inspection. 2 N.,«h Plaistow, Men -Rail hby.
i moved into !b douse pdepLased trip
Mr. A. King.
Mr John &rum of the Wtnnlpelt
taterltng Bank Watt ie epsndina two
week.' holidays renewing at -quaint -
entail byre. He look. hale rod hearty.
Mr. A. C. Jackson and family moved
to Godt rich on Ttw•day to reside. We
age sorry to 1oa fir f,uuly troll our
comwuuiry. iday erenleg they
were prerruted y their fi ferule of the
Methodtat chit' eh with an address, and
wit eay chair.
The following motored to London
fair : Dr. B. C. W -Ir. W. T. Riddell,
J. J. R,rhert.on. John Houston, J.
Arthur, Lloyd F. reason, Mr. and Mr..
Jas. Nich.d.nn, Mr. and Mr.. Robert
Rutledge. Ralph Mmtrn, dater Evens.
Miss Elmo. Tungblet. Miss Mev
Denstedt, Mise Ellen Philters, Jo.en11
Lawson, John Rwtbhv, Earl Rai.hby,
Waller C. Pridham
ff Sole agent for -i
.: 20th Century\ if
:i and Art Clothing
Borsalino and King Hats
iii -:-:-7•;-:-:--:••:.•:-•:..t• .:- ,•,t•.t-l-'.•i-i••t••D•-ht- •-2 :•;-i•-i-1-t-1--:•;••t l'
That Plumbing
you have been thinking about
all ;stuniner-NOW is the
time to get it done. before the,
cold weather sets in.
If .yott want a bathroom
fitted up, you .wilt find it to
your advantage to consult us.
Mamdton Street Phone 135
Often the Cheapest - - i
Always the Best
Nouse Furnishings
Furniture Dealer
and Undertaker
,The Store of Quality
STORE 89 RES 197
BAYFIELO. Little Ones.
1' LN[aDAT, Seps. 12.
Miss Part Potter is visiting nt
Currie. Gosling.
Mi. John Cox is attending the fair
at London this week.
Mrs. Melon Knight, ofGoderieh, is
spending a new days at Wm. John-
Alter Morri'.h, of (i.aterlrh, has been
enjaged•as teacher herr fur the oow-
Irg tr.1u.
A Marvellous Medicine for
Tt-esDAT, Sept. 11.
Mr. and Mrs B'ug. of Windsor. re-
turned n.•d hoot• this week.
Mts. J.A. Douglas. ea Hyde Park, is
the .gotta of her sister, Mrs. Jobe
` A number of ladies from 8r. And.
row 'e church at,' ended the Presbvt. vial
meeting of the W. 4. S. held at Kip -
pen on Tuesday.
Rev. James Hamilton, of Goderich.
took the services in the Frew:quoisn
church last Sunday. Mi. Macfarlane
t mule Mr. Hamilton's work at Leeburn
and Union churches.
WeDNEMDAt, Sept. 12.
Miss :Margaret Yungblut_ie visiting
at Clinton.
Messrs. JAWS H .watt and Jaatee
Match are attending the Western
Mr. A. Kingss moved into the
douse vacated by Mr. Jackson and
ha. the chopping mill iepsired and
ready for work. Mr. Forest latter has
The time is here again to
get yopr boys and girls fitted
out for school. They will
need good strong serviceable
Shoes -the kind that will
stand the most severe test in
any weather. In this .class
of footwear you will find at
-your Command a very wide
range of leathers and styles
that will give the best satis-
Values were never better
and prices more reasonable
than now.
Geo. MacVicar
Northside of Square, Goderich
Mrs. Delvina Pelletier, Ste. Perpetue,
Quebec, writes : '1 have 'much plea.-
ut•e in stating that Baby's Own 1'ab-
let• have been a marvellous wedieine
in the case of my hebv. i have been
using the'iableie for four year.; and
don's think there is anything to equal
them." In using . the Tablets the
wotner has the guarantee of a Gov-
ernment aurlyst that they do not con-
tain one particle of opium or other
harmful drums -they cannot possibly
do hare, -they always do good, The
Triplets are a•.Id by medicine dealt'''. or
by mitil at 25 cents as box from the Dr.
% ut.thione• Medicine Co., Brockville,
Far more effective than Sticky Fly
Catchers. Clean to handle. Sold by
Druggists and Grocers everywhere.
,tat flnish•d.
DALTON -GAKV EY.- A yviet brit
Pretty weJdiug was .olewn z•d et St.
Jo.eph'e clot' ch, Kiug.nridge, ou
I'ue•dry, t ter -Ch i i.., wh-•. Ali..
ewe.. Harvey, one of Ashfl-Id's most
po,wi.r v. 44444 lobo', Derwen the
mid - of Ni. Will Delimit. of Detroit,
formerly of A•hflrld. H•v. F.th.r
MoOorwack ul$,iated. The biide
looked cti.rgtittg_aa a"gown of white
georeet to crspe with wreath and veil.
end wa• atm -oder by lter blister, Mere
Nary Gervey, ., Toa'onto, while Mr.
Thuwes (hi vey war g. onmy11LN1.
1 hese preprint horn a distance were :
Mrs. J i.. Dannelly, at'., Senat w and
Nrs. J. .i. D.mnolly and dauttht-r.
Martis ; Ida. and Mrs. Richard Don-
ut -illy tied, daught. r. Nellie ; Mr. and
Mrs. M.har, Mu. Jo-. Chancey, Mr.
and Me, Geo. D. Veuehi and daughter
Bernice and Mr. Dan Sullivan. Tule
happy couple left ma the afternoon
11 train from (ioderich for a honeymoon
trip tu\ l'unuuu, Butt/3n, Niigata and
other test ies. at er which they will
I reside at Uri'. 11. Mi. and M.o. Dal-
ton cart), with there the best,'wi-nr.
of its it ruins. trends for is IJi K aid
happy veyage on the watrimouiai sea.
adtrrtf.emeutr or job pri..ting will it
elate prompt ettrptiuu. Telephone
(Goderich Rurall.3l
MR. N.,F. WHY AHD is the
a,..r.o.......GE areut for THE 81(3NAL nt Dungannon. -
TCE.oAY, Sept. 11.
Cold, isn't it ?
Mr. and Mrs. Simon riffles, of Dto-
'troit, are vi.iting in Ashfield,
Mi. Nace Dean, of Montreal, is
spending a few days under the par-
rn•al roof.
Mr. WiII Myers ba+ returned home
after *pending a few months at %Vey -
burn, Sask.
The Messrs. Harry and 'Thomas
Chirholut. of Lerburu, visited friends
1111.4 o0 Sunday.
Mr. and Mr-. Leo McGlynn and
faintly motored from Detroit last
week and are visiting at the home of-
t be
hthe f.trmrt's father.
The after -vacation exodus has again
t iketi place and Kinggsbt idge has tiepin,
taken the role of "Tile Deserted Vil-
lage.' as ell the teachers and studeute
have left to take up their respective
duties in school and college.
A Sao FAREWELL-\Vonldn't it
be more fun for us if those Solicitor -
Gents. .1
olicitor•Genrr.1 chap-, ere„ were throwing
*lam+ actin* the 11 or at each other
regarding the O. W. S. R.—.s. in the
C. N. R. deal -instead of watching
that sneaky -looking little locomotive
slowly hut surely tearing up the rail-
road and trying to make us forget
that we ever dreamed of living in
Moderniser? But let us be chalk -
able -even toward inanimate objects
-and hope diet wherever those rails
are relaid thee will "rest in pea.:*"
THa HeavEsT.-The hum and
pound of the •hreshing outfit is again
*prevalent sound and seen, farmers
in the vicinity have cleaned out their
barns in order to make ro.oni for more.
(Owing to the exceptionally large
amount of straw this year, and the
fact that many horn
filled with hay, grein.atecks are not
an uncommon sight and malty find it
necessary to make more than one joh
of threshing: Favorable reports of
the yield of grain are current, although
the barley is a small sample and there
is considerable ligta oat.. A week of
fine weetner will see most of the har-
as3 I
Where do you get your printing, Mr. Merchant ?
I)o ) au t►r(lcr it from city canvassers, and give
)our own town Printers the go-by?
You should bear in mind that your own business
interests are\injured by sending work out of town.
The S hal can o and does just as printing
as the cit offices, d can meet cit rices. •
Next, time yo
city house, call
with you.
are tem ed to give an order to a
t- ephone and let us have a talk
''T'he Signal
Or,itrm left with him for-ub-,riunon-
('OMMIssIO. K FOR AYFID.svirs, ETC.,
WILLS. MUMS, MoaTstoae.
ETC.. CAagr('I.Ly gxkceTEI ♦silt
Hussy eurruau ria
Agent for glee, Wind and Life ln.unuce in
the best Comi• uuer wily.
Live Poultry—every week.
'Phone for trice's.
J. 11. McNABB,
Telephone No. 3S.
W-t*DNEIDAY, Sept. 12.
Three will be no service in Er-km
ithurch ;;t Sunday, Sept enter 10th.
Mia. n••c0'Iue
:•, of L,trknow, i,. tis,,•
ing at the home of Mr. and Mts. g.
Mrs. McRae, of Locbalab, and Mrs.
Patterson, of Lucknow, spent a few
days the guests of 'Mr. and Mrs. F
Last.9unday Mr. R. D. Cameron, of
now, dei+vr, ref sees abia_ad_
dr wises in Dungannon and Port Alpert
Presbyterian churches on missions
and the budget.
Mr. Lorne McKenzie left this morn
Ing with an auto -load tor the Western
Fair at London. The perry included
Messrs. Belt Treleaven, N. F. Whyerd,
J. C. McFarlane and Ceara ConConstrain.trine riosi OP HEY. M. P. (`RAw.-
Induction service will be conducted in
Erskine church on Tuesday dternoon,
September 18. at 2 o'clock, when Rev.
M. P. ()mils. of Bothwell. will be In-
ducted into the charges of Dungannon
and Port Albert Presbyterian
churches. Rets. R. McCellurn, of
Lucknow, C. M. Rntberford, of Reid's
Comer*, and Little, of 8t. Helens, will
take part In the service.
and Friday, Oct .her 4 and 5, are the
dates of Dungannon.'. big fair this year
and preparations fur the eveut are
now well under way. For the coocei t
on Friday evening. the well-known
and popular entertainers of Toronto,
Messrs. Brazil and White, have been
engaged and Mr. Raymond Redmond
and others will assign in the program.
Look for further announce-oenus and
peen to spend a pleiaent die at the
Dungaoonn (air.
A HAPPY EVENT. -A very pretty
wedding took place at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. D. Sproul, Dungannon,
on Wednesday evening. September
5th, when their daughter Mhoily
Pearl was united in marriage to Mr.
8. Arthur Elliott. of Dungannon. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. i.
A. McKelvey- in the presence of a few
relatives', The wedding march was
played by Mies Clara Sproul sister of
the bride. The bt ids, veining the
room on the arse of her father, was
attired in a dress of white silk crepe -
de -chine with a very pretty veil sod
orange blossoms.ms, and carried a
bouquet of bridal ruse. and fern. The
bridal pair stood under an arch of
evergreens decorated with pink and
white asters mud n barge whiteb-bl in
the centre. After congratulations
had been extended those parsons pu-
took 01 a sumptuous sopburger. The
Presents, which were numerous and
creole, betokened the widesp rad
popular ty of the happy couple, who
are now residing nn the tnw
ro's farm
on the 3rd coneeasion of Aahfleld. The
grouse'.. gift to the bride was re pen -
ant nt pearls and to the pianist a
antero ring.
Store hope T 11 E COLBORNE STORE lime 'Phone
Early buying mails the first choke of a range of g.aods at the lowest price : the b-st
styles to choose from'and the best similes and colorings. We especially advise people to buy
early this season on account of the uncertainty of the market. Let us show you the fall goods
now, even if you do not intend buying until later. We like to show our large and well 4sorted
:3.39. Think.of a Silk Crepe de Chine Waist for $3.39, ie different colors and with a
large collar and the newest trimmiugs and designs. On Saturday, or the first of kite coming
week, we will put hitt, stock a large number of Silk Crepe de Chloe Waists to retail at $3.39.
We want everybodx to have oue of these -Waists, forthey ale real values at u' low pent. Re-
meniber the price $J.39.
• WE SPECIAALIZE IN SILKS. Our Silk department is most complete and we have a
large range of Duchess, Taffeta, P.tilette, Silk Crepe de Chine, Georgette Crepe, and all other
wanted Silks, such as Coating Silks and others.
Duchess Silk in all colors, 30 inches wide, in a very heavy weave, iu all wanted shades, at
41.50 a yard. Silk Crepe de Chines in all the newest and staple shades, at $1.65 a yard. Poplins,
Georgettes and Taffetas iu all colorings. Burgundy, taupe, green and nigger brown are the
best shades.
The first 'showing of the heavy wool Stockings is 9n our tables. We have values iii Hose
that are real. Boys' heavy, medium and light- weight all -wool or cashmere Stockings i11 all sizes,
from 40c a pair up. Girls' and ladies' , cashmere Hose in all sizes and a range of qualities.
Heavy cotton Stockings for early fall wear for boys and girls, at 25c and 35c. Tiley can he seen
on our counters at any time.
A real Corset, with fit, style and finish, means GODDESS laced -in -front. A style for
every figure. Goddess uieans Corset comfort. This is the leading Corset at a moderate i'rkv.
Ask to see these new corsets. -
London exhibition.
Born -t, Mr. and Mrs. %VIII Humph- =
ray, a daughter. on Tuesday, Augo.t
Mr. PiitcharJ, cf the 12th comes-
iu ii. had a successful balm' maim( last =
war k.
MI. Louis Wert herhead and daugb• iE
ter Lulu spent a few days at'T000ut' I=
last week.
Messrs. James Aftcheson, John
refit sed Victor Ewwersou have lett .
for the. W est.
Mr. W. J. Humpbte) 1. under tie ,=
doctor'. care. We hope W hear of his
speedy recovery.
Mr. W. E. McPherson and family I C
motored to London on Tu -•day W at-
tend the exhibition. .�
1 'Misr Gladys %Vebt, end Miss Mary
McQuillan ere attending the COILISti. C
atom' class at Lucknow.
The anniversary services will be held'
in Bethel church um 8inday, Septa'.-
bar 22.ird, Rev. W. Latle will preach , _
h to afternoon and evening. Music
will be furnished by the St. Helens
Presbyterian choir.
The St. Helens Woruen's Institute
will hood a meeting on Friday aftei-
noon, September 21, when Ali.. muth-
eib.,d (Ewh,mi• (.f the Lrpartulent
of Agriculture, will give a et'
titration in emoting fruit and eve- W
tables. Allithe urewbrt'., wuwwii easel a.
' girls, ate invited.
MapiG. ALLEN. t
JUST ISSUED—Most Complete New War Map
of Fighting Area in Western Europe—a marvel
of detail; of special interest to Canadians ; every
point of interest easily located ; size 2 1-3 x 3 1-4
feet, in four colors. Map is embellished with a
Nn quinine pill ever comrlains of its =
bitter Int.
- Each map in cover of very neat design The =
TUESDAY. Sept. 11.
\ Mrhnol has opened womb !tun Garrett,
' . : x,Iraa arelet,:;tttrtse...ear • -
The nervous system is the alarm system
of the human body.
In perfect health we hardly realize that
we have a network of nerves, but when
health is ebbing, when strength is declin-
ing, the same nervous system gives the
alarm in headaches, tiredness, dreaaful
very map our Canadian soldiers will endorse,
= - and the map that makes the war understood. .�
= Progress of armies easily followed. Could not
be produced under two dollars a copy. It is =4.--
sleep, irritability and unless corrected,
leads straight to a breakdown. _
To correct nervousness, Scott's Emul-
sion is exactly what your should take; its
richanutriment gets into the blood and
rich blood feeds the tiny nerve -cells while = scription price, S I .25 a year - -Every home in
the ideate system responds to its refresh- a
Ing tonic torte. Free from harmful drugs.= Canada should have it. Don't be without a a.
soma Bowes- rarest oat_MN=TI/ _ Map—without
Free with the Family Herald
and Weekly Star of- Montreal
-72 Canada's Greatest and Best Weekly—new Sub -
For Good Reliable Shoe
Repairs, try
Smith A Ring
30 Eau Street. Opposite Knox Church
Give Us a Trial
Hern's Grocery
N Schneider's Meats
for Saturday
A Fresh Pure Pork
L Sausage
' S Bologna
Back and Breakfast
A Bacon
L Cooked Ham
O Smoked Ham
F Pickled Shoulder
A etc., etc.
We have our full
stock of Cana-
dian Cheese
in and it
is No. 1
Corns, Hamilton et.
and Squer.
Phone 43
= --
The Signal's Clubbing Offer
The Signal, The Family Herat.. and
Weekly Star—both for one year—and the
War Map all for -- -- $2.10
Send all orders to
The Signal, Goderich
is Lighting Units
We specialize in the
very latest styles
• and Iamp:Shades.
Alas a FaiI Lime sf Electrical Supplies and !Sundries
Robt. S2 or 193
Come in and let us figure on wiring your house,
ing the most up-to-date fixtures.
Don't Wait
Just Phone