The Signal, 1917-9-13, Page 1Printing THE SIONAI, is ready to handle your Printing work, Large or mall, and give you a satisfactory jou every time. Let us have your next order. Telephone 35 The Signal BIITY-2t;1NaTM YEAR—No JDi Id -Dortoton n DwtMvMaug 111 11-w mossesseemommisimmosereetemeseiseseeessets STERUNGBANK THE OP CANADA SAVE, Because -- Saving protects you against the vicissitudes of life. MUSIC. POS 4LE OR RENT: HOUSE TO klEN'1 -At L MODERN `' J. W. TAYLOR. OS(}A? IST fl convenience. . A very desirable home. l j. and ('boirma•tero( Knox church. Teacher Iunnepal1late Vr e-e..lou Mb be given. Apply to of Plano, Vocal sod Theory. Pupils prepare]lb AC Hlikit1N k SON, for t t y areae • u to road end t studio i Sout b et I set r a Telephone No. 7!'a*. sass IMABPL H, M('OIi.. TEACHtft OF Vote. Piano and Org»n. Pupils preoared )RS,n. sv.ri.URIIE Hritriuiirroxd.vv(7 at PUBLIC NOTICE. WARNING.-ALL PERSONS AR El herby w,-ned ..tau..( ere-poseLt mn lot In rear of Vlr:oria -rime( 1raspa•eere e pro.eouted eocordlts to law. W . A.• GLIf OT10E.— IT IS REQUE9TEPTHAT ll aseeonnte owlet 4 tee a erefaned paW at the Ste -ting H.ok br October 1st •sett. After that date all unpsid accounts will se placed lu hand• for collection. 111-11 W. HILI. t SON. Golericb P. O. CARD OF TRAM. MR. ANL). MRS ll. M. O'BRIEN wish Lu thank tt,• tr ne•ah r...and other friend. ler hindmost• extended in their time of bereavement I IABD OF THANKS.— I WISH TO menususium my vaenerenel l aelped me towin . pteud4 prize in iy l.eeMAdvert ser'. etre,latbo commaa. V FIR A O. LAI 1M ER. St. David's aired. Ooderlcb. A wise man never attempts to guess the use of fancywork made by earo- Man. • British Exchange Hotel a "The Ilou,a• SPECIAL DINNERS EVERY SUNDAY PRICE 75 CONES 8und'g Dinner from 14.30 to 2.30 • W. H. HATNES. Proprietor. 1IOUME F(JIt SALE OK TO RENT',-, 1 1 1NRP • A' mater onnvesiaoee.. AsppIr to RN3BT VULJJIXRJIR Je3.N, llruceotreet. W0RRALR.-ti1301CLe FARM MITU- l ATEIron eonsrwton 3, We.t Wawanesh, eonsi•fleg of fifty -nine acres. Suitable for crow or erre zing, et present all ander reseal lin the I. wises ere a bate aex.i/, a traare house.* w res -falling wring well, bison running rt re.m on property. f'onvenleut to chuff« h at school. W 111 be sold on reasonable tech,• YQr par- ticular. apply to PATRICK MrGUIKE, at. l] Augustine. ot. 3021 L1OR LE. -A MODERN BRICK 11• be with all wneeel.neea: laree re- ception hall. double patio's. dining -roan. kitchen and pantry down stair+ : front awl back Nairn A) four bedroom. leap cloeet and bat broom on rcocd floor. Abo:jell atter. large rea.en,ent with (prone. Electric Baht. an through the bougie. A large lean aid garden. ever no feet front, with fruit trees and shrub he Cash or talcs, Apply to MRS. J. H. WiLLIAMS, Market street, Uoaerlc-h. 11Flt ALCM FOR' BALE..—CHOICE 1011 - acro farm. about three -Quarters of a mile pep, ill. A ire P'. c dee Yond ransintc rest f tt ,. r(aad apply DEO. BROPUY, R.R. No. 2. Auburn. Im Have You Forgotten to pay youreutlrcription t,.r The Signal for 1917 ! W.• 1,0111:t Reed the money, and if ye11 ata• in tut -ears would a,.k you to make payment ptyquilt ly. DO IT NOW GODERICH, 1►N I'.ot ►e THVV ItS1), Y, SEPT. I. 141; XIOUMNED BY ASSOCIATE'S. S. shipment of gond+ tied otlar matt, a that ('arms to those In a n:araaei s position. The Late John A Cox Was with Allen Firm for Thirtyfive Years. Accompanying is a portrait of the late John A. Cox. of Chicago, whose death was noted in these columns two weeks ago. M. Cox was a sem of the lateGeorge Gua. of The Signal. and a brother of Mrs. Sindait, of Britannia road, Goderich. The Allen Monthly. published by the firm of )Deni. A.len & Co., wholesale jewelers, of Chicago. recently' have the following brie( sketchof Mr. Cox s connection with that Item : John A. Glx carne from his home town in 1ht('l, to enter the employ of Beni. Allen & Co. He started where alt men who are to prove valuable in a business house should start, at the bottom.' It is a con- paratively far cry from 18142 to 1917. and during this period 1* has sold goods in every department of the establishment and thereby gained a familiarity with fihe details of the business that has been most valuable to him, in his every -day associa- tion With visiting customers, a reiatton- ship (or which he has shown unusual adaptability. Undoubtedly there are few men with so wide an acquatr.tanctship with jewelers throughout the country as is his. When anyone here wants to harp the identity of a customer, he goes to Mr. Cox. A sense of loyally both to the house and to his friends is a notable quality of Xis character. About ten years ago he succeeded to the supervision of the business in respect to the employees and the details of the • 4 ca arm • n . x came Mame and /Ores. boo further particulars Goderich Orchestra wish to announce that they are open for engagement. Dances, Banquets, Concerts, etc. For special terms apply to C. J. W. TAYLOR. Cor. South Si. and 1lritarr+rs Read Phone !2). ACHOICE FIFTY -ACRE FARM for yN. wttbia sae mils of Dungannon. 'toed braiding*. Epv eryatehaltag in good shape. ' memeion in R For particniare apoly to T. OONLI Y, Gudertch. TWO STORES TO RENT.—ONE J. leMlyoloupl bLW.H. Harrl.nnani the Miser by Jams rt. Both on the se.. apolrJ.P.BHo'OWVN. cif MIST TO RBNT.-MODEKN hoot* ore 6ywce-ter Terrace. Appl Le US,EPH GRIFFIN, Uaelar. 701.1 CRAIGIE'S REAL ESTATE BARGAIS White brick, 11.2 -story. 7 -room house, bath and electric lights; -good barn, two lots with Volt treys, nit- nated on the corner of Cameron and Raglan streets, Price 11,1100. • Fine red brick bowie. Cully modern, ten rooms, full baaement, corner East ,and Victoria streets. This le one of the moat desirable propertlee in the town of Goderich. Price 93.(100. Several other listings can he had on ypplication at the office. Number of houses to rent. J. W. CRAIOIE, iNSVRANCE AND REAL ESTATE lie had lived in Chicano until two iters ago. when he movul to Wi:mette a north c lad 1 • u where h b of • ,r .arbor d l shore ag built a home. 1* is n'arried and ha' two sons, cite of who i • in thr diarnord de- partment here. Ir. the issue of T he Allen n Month:'- sub- sequent to Air. C t . (''.0th a the follow- ing refererce : It is with deep s roc, that vie an- nounce t'e detttb •,t -'An A. C •t. our be- LOST OR FOUND. ovY(1 n nage-, utt S rid.A. Auxuit loth:. for several Mylar . `its death came cute unexpectedly awl Sas lett us all wuh-a- feeling of gte i Isssavernent. He had been with t:tr tom cvntlriuitusl; sfnoar 1 +'l and t. as a t* thew• oI Mr- Allen, He was a tncst•c •n.( man with a statural capacity for making. gcocl and lasting Ler "Though r, Co: had ere been v.ell LOST.—GOLD WATCH CHAiN with charm* attache.•. between Pnnwt hotel and poor like. Reward of ton dcltars 11 returned to CHAS. LEE tardwere store. bl•ft FUR SALE OR REN -.—HOUSE and store, formerly used as a erowrr with onatiftb-acre lot, crooner Elisabeth and C'..y try slyest., Goderkh. former y occupied by cowl Al.x. l i.-Leod. Immedla'e po.-ra-ion can be given. Apply. to PROVE/FOOT. KIL- LORAN & CUOKE, 4ederiek, 81.1* AUCTION. SALES. THE LATE JOHN A. COX. TENDERS WANTED. TOWN OF GODERICH. BUILDING FOR MALE BY TENDER. Tenders addressed to the under- signed will be received by the town council up to 8 o'clock p. m, on Thurs. day,October 4th, 1917, for the building ony on lot E. Cobonrg street, com- monly known as "the Rookery," or McIver cottage. Terms --cash upon acceptance of tender. Building to be removed from lot before December 1b, 1917. For further particulars apply to .1. J. MOSER, L. L. KNOX, Ch. Public Works Town Clerk. Come., Goderich. Goderich. 81.3t rHI. SIGNAL PRINTING Cfl., I t vial. Ts, I i t i ^t • a The Shade Trees Menaced by the ussoc o . THE LADS IN KHAKI Th GODERICH FALL FAIR e 1 Pte, Vergie Gledhill. son of Mr. and k- rd W.antra Ilrr a ttHrtl . t J. t,.td tU fee Gs, and is justly proud al its shade at Akiiershid on July 23th for investiture trees, and they are threatened with ter- b Hip Alai( qty th! Kiit with thr.4h ions injury by the tussock moth. which tinguiphrd Cwitluet Medal. 11 (+ill tx Las gut the upper hand and is so-drstrUs remembered that some (tette a.o Pzitiale five in Toronto. buffalo an"her large ; Gledhill was nnntitl(ecd inzele+lxtt<hes for , ' csntresI ttaNantry. -At the time he was in the 1+t The citizens and town authorities ought 1 Battalion, with which he (vent over s. to bestir themse{vas tiUw'tu ptrvent the herr( atterttartls he ;became a sniper and 1•r of this in. tet d thusout the prat ere g \ravages of the caterpt xt year an slam . it gets headway. Aswith mist insects; it is in the Cater- pillar* larva stage o(, its existeiict that the nus the lege when N. tree .' its was engaged the several months zn this •k nes t -does the damage, eating of shade and fruit trees and umerous almost stripping a yes. t The.eaterpi • r, which is a very beauti- fol rote, is a t one and a -hal( inches lung when fullitro n, has a red head. and two small red spots n its back near the rear, has two long •tu sof black hairs pro- jecting ft.roaid from rt front of the body and a similar tuft pro 'tong backward from the real.. There are ur short den -e tuft. of yellow hairs en the + • ck near the front and smaller tufts all a ' the back and sides. In the latter part of August or y in Septeml'er the caterpillars •beccm fulls -grown and enter the pupa or resting St e, usually on the trunk or large branches the trees. spinr.ing ,brown silken webs or cocoons over themselves. In abouLiltn days the transformation takes place and the adult insects emerge. The- females are wingless grey plump spider -like -look- ' ing creatures, while the males are winged, three-quarter inches k+hg with wingspread of one and a -halt inches, and grey. Im- mediately after emergingthe adults mate and egg -laying begins. ch female lays about 150 eggs on the cocoon from which it emerged, covering them with a protec- tive white trosting, and then dies. •'The eggs hatch out the next sp(ing in Carly June and the caterpillars estour leaves ravenously, eating three or four times their weight a day. The females being unable to.fly greatly limits the means of spreading .of the pest and makes control and even eradica- tion possible with reasonable effort. The moth is distributed from town to town by the egg -dusters being carried in fruit crates and barrels, and in town by the caterpillars crawling from tree to tree where the branches touch yne another. or along the ground. There are two chief remedies: One is to spray the trees in July with a poison spray. which will require a large sprayer with long nozzle arms driven by a gaso- line motor drawn on a wagon. This calls for considerable outlay, and expenditure for spraying. The other is to hand-pick Abe busier, of aims NOW when they are white and more easily seen than in • AUc TION t3♦LE OF FARM STOCK AND iMPLx]IENit, The ander-igned eines not.oe of a sale of farm stork and implements. to he held ur. TBI; RBDAY.SEPTEMBER :ash. at the hour of 1 o'clock, at the premdse•.615 eoncewdrn d Ashfield. P .1 PENTLAND. J. PURVIS. }yoorl5Lor. Auctioneer. 'WANTED. WANTED. -CAPABLE GENERAL axed, a eo to Leedom. MKS. WILSON. A Required Large quantities of SCRAP IRON Terms—Cash on delivery Please phone or write us and our wagon will call. The National Shipbuilding Co., OODERICH Limited ( `t TRU; W A NEED. -APPLY GODE- 0 RiCH KNITTING (O, Wanted at the Canning Factory Plums, Pears, Apples, Beans ant Beets. Highest prices paid. Come in and See Us. Huron Canning and Evaporating Co. D F HAMLINK Manage" FOR SALE friendships end his ability in business was of a htkh order. His memory will 1 always live in our hearts. He is sur- vi.v'ed by his wiclou and two sons. line of his sons, Ben. N. Cox, is in our tha- mond department. The other, Geo. B. Cox, is with the First National Bank here. "Mr. Cox was a member of the Mason- ic fraternity and of the Methodist Epis- church, Of which Ste was a faithful attendant." The funeral was held on Tuesday after- Methodist it_ t1 5t. James Methodist (cFwrch, Chuago. T e 1 h the services were conducted by Rev. h..mas, spring when discolored, and then burn K. Gale, pastor of the Wilmette 'Moho- them. The clusters can be reached from dist -E scopal church. The body 1+a1 1 short ladders. Each citizen ought to be interred in Oakw ily lot. !There was an unusually large I community's good to destroy the egg attendance at the funeral and among the clusters on his fruit trees and the shade floralrofterings were those from his business trees on the street opposite his property. associates, his Masonic Lodge and the , The town authorities should take the in - Chicago Jewelers' Association. - itiative and dear the trees in the parks and cemetery and oversee at least the Eat Pure Ice Cream work of the citizens. The services of the r Boy Scouts and other active boys could fair rate da or r Edwards' is pure. Pbone 'lig). hundred. OR MALE.- HORSE, BUGGY AND bargain for quick sal RP. OMOROE GRAHAM. corner East and HARNESS. Rbar Albert Creole, It R SALE --A DURHAM CALF, on* week old R. J. H. DzLONO, 8t. vide street, 4edertcb. MOTOR BOATS FOR SALE. One canopy top boat, 31 feet lona by seven - ft. bests. assisted lout a four-cylindr, tour. cycle 'prey' motor. speed about ten miles per hour. Otte open rueabont, 23 feet long by 1 feet 1 niche. beam, equipped with a four-eyllnder. tear -cycle l:,-bor.epower motor, speed about 20 miles per hour. Both of the above boats are In Met -close con. slit ion and the former 1s an expellent .ea boar. well adapted (or antral excardoo partle. '• Also several other launches of different hepta ; prices very low tor quick +ale. J. A. ( SOAOEL, 7133t Boot Builder. ltttallaoebu. g. OR SALE. -ONE AUTO TRC"K, capaoity ll. tone. Soitabie for express slivery or farm work. Pneumatic tires in front rear axle, the Raw'ell internal eeordrive. Speed. 12 to Jt miles per hour. One Jitney auto oar, closed body' t0 carer • hog t poeeentera. Pneumatic tlrea..l1 round. Rosh oan be seen at our factory of drop um a poatoard for full particulars and prices of either. THE PAGET GRAIN DOOR CO„ LTD.. 364f Ooderieb. Oat, :sti..F.s. er 1'sµ•' . Stock of Lumber For Sale Having 'loll our factory building in Goderich, and having no further use for the stock a lumber on hand, we offer it for sale at low figures rather than have the expense of removing it. The stock includes a quantity of FINISHED LUMBER, "inch as hard and soft wood Flooring. Hiding and inside Finial. LUMBER IN THE ROUGH oonsiating of White and Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, Birch. Oak, Ash and Elm. All sires from 1x3 inch up to 10x10 - inch timber. We Intend to sell out thio stock within a month or six weeks, and those who require lumber should apply at once. PAGET GRAiN DOOR Co., Ltd., Goflerleh, Ont. J. YOU/mtm o Manager. copal dangerous tt,sis- dangerous because the average sniper seldom lasts more than a week. •1t the end ot+ the period he- w•3e - attached. t 1 the intelligence teem: of his battalion. l lure it +Iran•, ecessary for i tm to go cwt to the wire entang>rments.. 'try ood cemetery in the fam- sutilciently interested in his own and the and give your cnuar•n none ether 1 be secured at a per y pe The Event of the Season GODERICH 5.7 11 INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION 1 Wednesday, Thursday and Friday September 26, 27 and 28 Speed Tests for Good Purses. Band Music. Midway Attractions. Special Exhibits. • Displays of the best of Huron's Live Stock and Field, Orchard and Garden Products, MOUNTED TROOPS from Carling s Heights, London, will give exhibi- tions of drills and manoeuvres on horseback. For prise lista and other information, apply to J. ADES FOWLER, Secretary, Goderich night and often to go still digse enemy to see what they were the trenches. In his letters Pte. tells of many narrow escapes and o ing meetings with German patrols. to his nerves playing out he was sent. ''Blighty" about a year ago. and after rest he Joined the Army Service Corps, t which body he still belongs. Part i.f the time has been spent in France, but, at present he is in England He is very modest about his distinction and has not sent homte any description of his appear- ance befarfl royalty. but pictures since re- ceived from him show the medal on his brotest- A casualty list published about two weeks ago contained the name of Pte. A. Stead, Guderich, but no trace can be found hereof any such person. Special inquiry has been made of Postmaster Galt by the Militia Department as to the next of kin, the father of Pte. Stead, who is supposed to reside in Goderich or Gode- rich township, and Mr. Galt would be very glad if he could learn anything about him. Lieut, Reg. Elliott, son of Mr. a Mrs. G. M. Elliott. Hest street, arrived me on Wednesday evening. Lieut. Elk t went overseas as signalling officer of t' lath Brigade, C. F. A. In spite of the fact that he has been away more -than a year, he is leaving again on Monday for Calgary, in which district he will have charge of some branch of military work. • Mrs. L. M. Smith. Victoria street, re- ceived official notification yesterday that her son, Pte. Leslie C. Smith, was wounded tin August 15th, but is remaining on duty. Pte. Smith enlisted in the 234th Battalion at Toronto on August 4. 100i, coming from Salt Lake City for that pur- pose. He went overseas in April of this Pyear and crossed to France a month later. te. Smith has not resided in Goderich for several ,years. Two sisters and a brother reside in town:' Mrs. John A. Harrison, Miss L. M. Smith and Mr. Norman Smith. Another brother, Sidney, is in England, having gone overseas with the same battalion as his brother. s 'Aga Shaping • foe a Big Event on September all, 27 and a8. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Sep- ,. s trnilrrr _'ti; 27 and . +, are the date.. u! the t;oleruh Industria' Exhibition, and, with good weather- thew promise to be red-letter days, ' ` The -farmers will soon be through with the harv'4at-o( -1417. and atter a long sea - tinct of hard work they will enjoy a -day '.r tci•tyritl to see the sights 011(1 talk with their friends at the fair. It t-• hoped, tisk. they. .will take sufficient interest in the Exhtbioon, to,bting nn -their choice live stock and other farm products fix •exht- hition'un the various classes of the prize 'list. The half -mile speeding track is in ex- cellent shape and the horsemen are hold- ing daily. matinees to preparation for the ; fair. A big .-string tit horses is on the track fir) these "work-outs." and ties I speed events this' year ought to be par- uculart'' grad. - A star attraction Will 6se the'mounted troops from the military camp at London. Bttltts have been arrani;ed for the men. aid their dally performances will be one of this blest features of the"show. It is costing the Exhibition board a large sum Gi brig; thrse`trtvops. here, and as It may be the hast opportunity foxa long time fur the people of this sectitln to see a military spectacle of this kited everybody should make it a point to see these mounted sten in their manoeuvres on horseback. -Merchants and manufacturers desiring to make displays should arrange for space at once. There will be. a number of new exhibitors this year. and this feature of the Exhibition promises to_ be unusually attractive. Prize lists. entry forms, etc., may be had on application to the secretary, Mr. J. Ades Fowler. FOOD PLkD3H CARDS. - Goderich Housekeepers- to tie Supplied with These Cards Next Week. In connection with the campaign for to the the conservation of foodstuffs, pledge rig in „ ,lcdhill cards are'to be distributed next week in excit- all the homes of Goderich. The w k of ing distribution is to be done under the 'reel- 'a Auxl r W tion of the Women . War y Housekeepers will be asked to sign the( pledge in duplicate, one copy to be left in home and the other to be sent to the oce of the Food Controller. The idea is no to pledge housekeepers to do any- thi more than has already been asked of them, art rather to emphasize the im- portance of care in the use of foods and also to XiSty the Food Controller an idea of bow massy at behind him lathe campaign ftg,lttod conservation. Following is the pledge on the cards which will be distributed: "Realizing the gravity of the food situa- tion. and knowing that Great Britain and our allies look to Canada to help shatter Germany's threat of starvation, I .pledge myself and my household toa»d cardirectry iout ons visite food - port to the Ytxces scut tions. conscientiously the advice MILITARY SERVICE TRIBUNALS. Judge Dickson Names a Member for Each board in Huron County. His Honor Judge Dickson, who under the Military Service Act is required to name one of the members for each of the tribunals to be established in this county, makes his nominations as follows: Goderich -Judge Dickson. Clinton -Wm. Brydone, barrister. Seaforth-John M. Best, barrister. Exeter 'sac R.a Carling, barrister. Wingham -Dudley Holmes, barrister. Brussels -W. M. Sinclair, barrister. Worseter-Wm. S. McKercher, inssr- ance agent. Dungannon -Thos. Stothers, postmas- ter. Thew eight nominations are equally divided between Liberals and Conserva- tives, Judge Dickson also has been re- quested to none alternates, in case any of those nominated should not be required to act. For each board another member is to be nominated by the central hoard at Ot- tawa, and it is understood that a third member is to be appointed by the two other members. These tribunals will hear applications for exemption from military service. of the Food Controller that r stuffs may be released Inc e Canadian divisions, the British people and the allied armies and She -You don't even dress me deteptly. I am going home to papa. He -Very well; you might say to him teed some clothes also. He can 'phone Pridham the Tailor and have him sen me u a suit. hur Circle will hold a salad tea \ rch basement, on Thursday (ember 20th, from 3.30 to 0. The A in Knox t' afternoon. Admission fens- Everyone invited. Ho>fwMAlR I tricteEa-Many fam- ilies still depend tion the old, relict 1e honnemade herha remedies fnr the We should be for such ng of Iam- b us and ork we ctery R. curing of eons admen like to furnish the h remedies. The compom. ily recipes is a specialty w when entrusted with such tan aeaure you of bath esti' results and reasonable prices. W lost, druggist, Ooderloh. A Coming Event Mr. W. H. Haines, of the Btltish E x - change hotel, 1e arranging for dance to be given at the hotel on the last night of the fair, Meptemhel 28th. Mies Cameron announce.* Matmirelay. S.pternber loth, and Mnnday. Sep- tember 171b, as the dates of her mil- linery opening for the fall and winter. It quality taunt«, use lilaeketane's delicious ire cream in bulk or bricks for all r/etxuiona. 'Phone 2441. AUCTION SALES. SA7e'ROAv, Sept. 22,—('le.ring auction .ale of house and lot and general household furolte urs. property of Mr. William Ml'('r.atb, St, lMvld'a et feet. Ooderleb. THUMAa OVsuav, auctioneer. MARRIED. ELLIOTT.—JORNSTON.—In Otderbch. 00 Sep•eurb r 3, Rtixebetb Johnston, of (lale- rich, to Wilfrid H. E111dtt. of Utdetiob tow nehlp, WAM0.1CY—PIETHI('K.—At Vletoria street .pnn r.nege, by Rev. J. H, t -ter mtrt, Wednesday evening, Septembrr i(, Ed• we'd James Wamaley Potlatch,, both of Seafnrtb DIED. 8TRACHAN.—At Sault Ste. Matte, Michigan on September 7, Arrhiha 70 ear., brother of Wi tioderich. I r$RIK' .- I, Ooderhl', on Fnnday, 8e•p tem• bet en Coutblln, wife of David O'Brien, aged 7S year.. ern and Ada Maud Id Strachan. aged Ilism Strachan, of & Wen NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -Sept. 13. Pate House and Store for Gale—ProMfeot, 1111 - loran t c•ooke 1 Complete Service -Ford Motor Ca elf Can• Mn . Gold Watch Chain Lot—C. C. lee 1 To the Mother, of Canada—Graanlsatlos of Resources Committee, s Reader -The nosily Herald and Weskly Star 2 Tendert) Wanted—Town of Onderkh Auction Pale -8. J Pentland. ,.,, . .. 1 ('alt for Pale --R. J. H. Del.ong - Home to Rent --W. Aehesol it Son.. . ,1 Millinery Opening -Mesa Cameron ...... ,,,, 1 Salad Tea- Arthur Circle 1 Horse. Hum and Harness for Sale—Mr.. 1 ten. Graham . 1 Card of Thanks—Mr. and Mrs D. M.O'Rrien 1 Warning W. A. t'hl.hn(m 1 The Rvent of the Season-Goderich Indite Ir1a1 Exhibition ... ... 1 Notice W. Hill k Son 1 Card of Thanks- Vms O. Latimer .... 1