HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-9-6, Page 4• 4 THURSDAY, SEPT.T 6, 1917 • •••••1.4vi•i•ti ++• +++•H•+•: -Fs• 7•-:•+ ++i•)+t•+++:-+ti•4•4 4♦+•4MN Bargains in Boys' School Clothing Good strong tweeds in greys and browns, just the kind to stand the usage a lively boy will give his clothes. Made in double-breasted style, bloomer knickers, •`' at a little more than half present-day value. \C'e can - 1.10t quote pf ices: call and see the''gootis and get prices. -Walter C. Prldham Pi-1O\E 5 2i)tle Century Brandt lothing Borsalino and King Hats THE SIGNAL - GOI)ERICH, ONTARIO © Store 'PhoneSTV STORE (louse 'none 86 THE COLBORN E =35 Held and although they were roux the next'tl:ay they know that they •,sated in .4 goad C41.1•41. Tux L. -twit Bow•Lsfts.-Three rinks •'f l',iutuu howler's paid a v...1. herr oil t 1Vedlietdsy of last week end pl Lyrd ,t. •afternoon end evening g trues will* the .L 1314.11 funnier.. 'Pile lural tail) %vim •j evoky•gnur, an eehlevewri' that (s a :1el edit t„ Ih•1>l, an it re'r, Purely happens that way. The saips, wltt6 their ,cures, torr 4 as Rdblws .. • ArriiltNla)Y (3.4NII K Clin'on HIyth 't .t. mu:risk-13 ti, B. Mc Pegg act -19 RV nitro eau mil t ,V. Grant -14 U. E. Mcrev/art-1b ;: ' t:. K.,li. >•t to -U) Lr. Mel'a1(,(41t --17 .i .1. 11,11 ,i 8 A. W. K .1) n, ill -1N y ' 1)11 F, idny everhut throe rinks went ;l; to Chti,oN, w11e14t Ur: M •Taggart .Lod . , A. V. Robinson wide „41.411 victorious •i 1 1y a „tail utal•gin, bot 6. E. M.tT. t "r• Irl ,sero mg nus: the rv0o surd is . t 1 , 11. . • 111 k dntl.was badly 0eats,'. ' I'Kn- IN \t AND (il•:NEKAL.-The ▪ li Tie A nc'd,uriLl ♦,•p•ry ha,Ij . 0.;.r.;:• ,1 tut Longs t roily and ;lieu, i {•anelmt„ 114 t' it t, 4) '.,od t. give au„pun-air eonr.'rt 4,' `'.1+•'int. rs I, 11 NK .i 1, 111 AK,irultural grnuu.lr 411 • li.0-1 c u".htof thle week. 1' 1, 4 •t. 44 t1 • 'eeenlly 1,,n>•ttt 1)t• i• .4.I •-1,I1y moo protonic.. 4)4e • , 1 ., 4. n 1 u„ doubt will get his . . , ....on,. . .. Mr. Ito. . WHEN USING \ W ILSONCS FLY PADS READ DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY AND FOLLOW THEM: • EXACTLY . Far more c':cctilc than Sticky Fly C„tchers. Clean to handle. Sold by Druggists and Grocers everywhere. DUNGANNON Vit. N. f'',.\V111-AEl) 1. the :i.aiNA1, 0-111!• r;unloo. 'elm foo .tite..rl)1Luu•. m1T,ril••,wnts Sok uhiunnR w,11 11' e .,a lumina A Tie lou. fricph.a,d 'Ike...Trick Ito all r: That Plumbing Job t'i.L1 11A:etilttitl:,h_ ""'' r}•' a..1 haler --.\O = .11•. '.i.. int-, I - ,;>rL 414 FRED. HUNT PLVMBER'': Na. • Street ' 135 0c1•.I. I, mother here Mr. b; 1 •l -n t' y nog eti.44 i' M.. _ : 1101•. hail h-411 b iAy Ker. For Good Reliable Shoe .' !4)n. wr. k. a\Ir. fl>utu»ra .; 11'41.e41 tile,rr.idrrrr.ileotipied THOS. G. ALIEN, • 4'4'Nt;.4N\VN 18.,1•)•:K 4Y M.414KI.40K I.1(1 ' I4F.4 4'0M)11#:•I.NEI4 FUR AFFID.\Y I'f�, AND CIPNV$YANtER wn I IOtJaw., la okra Aural. A4•aat mE. Repairs, try \11 . Iteudet•, 18111! ,'t •ciug Into It• £IU.. c.Laltrl•LLr axLG4T.4 *NO • Smith & 031ng 3( fes: Sceet. . C.r;.rte Know Church Circ Cs a Trim • ' -Nit-. 1. McEIroya who recent]) Mu.zr 1(4erusu rug. ',der w tilt all operation 1'L a ret i.el+ MUgrgA411,1 .. at urr *1 St. 31 i'•hurps hn,lpilah Agent fo- Pry, \!•1.1d and Life 111-ursuce let 1. ,(14101;, 1)14)611.1W improved sufficiently o he at le to C4Nne to the .4. r• again. • .\l.s. Jes.ie H •Il,., 1 f To. otit', 114 h...Theru enendb.>t her holidays, .. .. 1.• 1'r, h.8. il•I Ilrt1ed to her position in AUStiP t.' • 1,1only Miss Annie . While.. 4t 1Vl.odstl"•b. Prat, h V4 LIlSE%uAl, Sept. 5. j her sister, \Ire. (L 41ptolelffnriol. hetesiday wit .I u'. • '\\' I , ; 0f ukori to, 4,4 1 , mother. \.4 4, .I., We)'r '.\:,, , !--. ,,.; , iced home .,,t 0, t 1 , tt ee4•8 ,4•44444 t ., rl K •gins. anent. the 11(41.1)4.)'A with h.!. 11t. 11,tlt \t n:if, town t, jfrit).4. \li.4 M. Mc1'aglra.'.1. . . .nisi • .1 -.4 V.I., ,L„ .. ,.., . • tc.th. Mr.- Henry! Anme Taylor let ' on 111 'Ad.'y for \\ ,;;., 1. -a' . '\V ,iket villi t'S resume her position as \L .t , In1u a...t , nil -daughter, pi I to alier.in the cuh..ul there The T,., „nit), np,• t ,It Ili,;it:;y . ttlLtlt ltle 1 1,1t•1'Lii.scllooi opened here en Tuesday p,R•t.l,. 'Willi' ti iota attendance' ill .elto; ,r., •l „,s1 \i r.. J ,40 Fr, y;(4 ..:1 hit 1l tt .d h.o1id) tats have h 441 .s1101 loug .. r ' t t• f 1 , • vis., i tilt .IL u 1, -Ido sow 1f1h Win 1 0 w' Y � at Mitlwll. • ( n-'tufttl 'lti work again .. Miss 1. ie 14,41...:, ,4, li., •1 1l•nr) , .r 'Fors. / \V 0udcq>.k of 4444 trlbWnoue at :ff. is. 14x1 ., - i, ... ..-.,' 1,••..ur.- c.44 14 l.t'h.1.81Ftet'tear 0ill...,. .\1• •' 4' i..11,new ,' a la rigger of the 14.n .u••- (.4.,. 11 ,,•:c 441!:'•1:eii+:ihlll,..'t'.ii'lnii14.11, 01111 hi, Gamily left on . 118, I4..,'s ,1. ,1, 1 - .,u 111411lay' 3)4).101.4 f„r., mit w1•rk.' v*Ctllion AI Mts. K. Longbow left this week for e .i•it with hr. -on, Peter. at H"milton. Mr... Wore*. vt, till1 watt net. d.wghter at li *bring low.. ie. nrn.41 hotup 1114.• Y. Allen, Ito 48,.4 t'um Wtule.'r, 0,11). WANTED s. Live Poultry -every week '!'hone the prices. • Harvest Help Excursion • Septemb-: lit•, I�:•.-:•,AU44;'1 .. ••i,l'.. 1'.ti $12.00 to Winnlpe I, . 1- 1,`.',\'F.',:1 Town Agents VISITORS Til Tut; WORLD'S RLD'S "c1tEATl:. 4 Annual Eahibi ion TORONTO !Aug. 15th to Sept. t tWILL 4)' C7�NADIANII PA IFIC the convenient route from -all points in Canada EXTRA TRAiN SERVICE t) wan how 4''rkd, If 14 'i•>n :,ud $•,J„ from Principal Point on Certain 11.1,--. Pot tient r: frau any 1'anadinn Pec (144 TI ket Asea', toe write W. tt. H•IWAlth. Dot 1...• rat' Ax"nt.T.,nndo. . t 4'. t • . -I'll••••11 :sound. 1)11410`' bin ..It..-n,tr Mr. 541 nt ., 1, 4.. , . I: .,,,1,..p,, 11,....,... "'4. 1 •44144). 1 f 'Le head 4434'•' 'duff, IM,. :and 314... J. IV,.,•.'11 , s . 4 44-4 -Oh P-onli•e \1 •. tens sa lc A. A - 4 4 44 4 if, i t1>, non ,.' 11 . . 44 .11, 11,44 have eilailio 0f4,40. `181'1•,, are r4ur�w�i4K 4. qN un ,., , t , 1 .•41 tit'411 - 0184.4• K)nn..F: fl w• t>14 tank ' herr .:Lor. wirer anIii , the 4111ali✓ 3y.' air .t,4.. „ t , •'' : ehr rrrrna•'t•. Al,. and 111 11, :0 . -. ,i , I ,. , t -,,gang oro, ,r1 .filly, t 40, .ut p••a 1:ec Weieat44' Ctrs ex•ui11Chgnt 1,111(11Ket •-A\; ./C Pile Tpe •iced the 1)4 114 0116413.4 t ., e . 1'. . .,i4', 1•„u.li1. \I.. .i.4y. ,.1 the 1)n•t ore* ,4, guests '.1 his rM xg-alu. o. 'h. it 1)IPad 1,18 the lnwn. 1 .l I, \VI ; • .. , Ino wyk•etri. ,t..41.Ct lei, Mr- 111'",4«. + M.. ami -. ttliicholson • S 1 '••'n, .'l1'd '• pare, 1. tin 4er'arlart+ rr , ....'a•, ; .1 . ,.. .4.-&,,lrt1& 4ih,1 lfl. •_ 01 All..ttnt, u40utled up „• 3 t. ,t;tv 141 1 4ah te. Alter 4':0111nl11, I,- 41 .r , r I J. 1t. Mt N.115tt, Dun,num,o. Telephone No.:34. SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Three dozen Bath Towels tu.l)e .old on Saturday. Thi+large• is a particularly good Towet to send overseas to the boys in the trenches, as they are not 44x) atade t't4n1 gotx1 stock 411th a linea top. Regular 2Oc each, for- Itic, Saturday only. When .etiail4 the Towels reunu11)etr the khaki Handkerchiefs. \Ve have theta here three for 2;x in a good large .lye. Two dozen tan cotton Hulse for sale oi,-Saturtlaj These Stockings were sold at 30c and the reason for the reduction is a slight discoloration in t4). leg. Beautiful Sills' Lisle ton Stock- ings, regular 50c, Saturday special 29c I Two Rag specials for Saturd:'y only. One nilly 3x1 beast quality seamless 'tapestry Rug, in a dark green allover pattern and perfect in every respect. Regular .4. 4), for s.17.50 for tier urday only. One :;x3ii seamless Tapestry Rug in good quality and iia•dd .hnl; design withfawn and brown colorings. Regulat'.$. U.Ot), for 313,:40 on Saturday only. We have nine summer Dress Lengtlik left after the. summer selling and they roust be cleared, as We will not carry them over to allottier statim. O:1 1•tttlr,I,i'v they mast he soli ;tut herr are the prices that will take them away gaickly : Regal tr 81.110 for u ic, t.gular 90c for ane, regular "3c for 30:,_ regular 70c for 21,:, regular •1•i: for :U:. Tilt+' tort , g,> 011 tiaturdu} . past 11 pairs of'tlte bargain Corset. still 4o sell... S':nr .t; arc lye l in front 18.1 .o:tt.t laced • -.in the hack. They coliiSin sizes 19, 20, 211, 2(i, 27, 21'. A real h.irguu. R_•galar t: ►: for 81.49. 11X4.4. Ve have just put 'into stock three sizes in 1114 .p.ltterns in Rag,,Rti ". iu ,ii • 36x(13, 2;x34 inches. They. will f>e on display iu the,:ore oil Saturday. • 11 Sole agent for D. & A. Corsets in all Oie differ•;lt style.' -roper-bone. a•it1rs11iral il,/uitf kedueing Corset, with alxlomival support. GODDIi'S laced in front. and La Diva. ,a ascs J. OLBORN 'lam, • shadIll'" t ,11111°11 , 4 reit') pearl81 1 '.w trra4i'tg the ..nvrr,ti.,nrl veil tt Allu1111111l111111I111111;Inu11141111iu11111111111111NI1111111111111! Orange t'4 ..oat•, el,t.-led MI the tum = 01 her ori h.'. t the non -ie of t 1 Mend'-1-w'h' weddi ' owlet play e1 1 y \li.. Alnrn '1lI; ty, ill God, 14011. "'•- 11 ill' ntLrmlett by 114 .i -ter. )I1-. Moil.', ¢„+cord i4) what sierra. x'104' \V NDNtc-ItA Y. Sept.:, t 4,r 1'44Ir 4l .wrr-14irle,Ml4 r if atu'rr__ 11.11 curt it. pt•ug1. string VI, e 1 al. ,!'v •41 •N:ihh ..',.1 Genets. Al n. ht et .l the; e 11.17 `gays and 14114114 ,:r 1 :01 •111'111 t ill ptuk ✓ilk Empire- it an. toll of oral ly bi'. 1'.: ge p.•k'' hq•inet•, ,fold • cry iii 1 r 1 tss ' t I . 4 w .The The f /lloee inR ' I.t f •r I ,. 1 s' -set t .w eel bilks(,' on Tursdah/l 11 i• _ I w; a fitter de'd 1,v Mr. Ytiat!'s J It. McNabrl, .B.� J, C,...t.. , 1',. l re.gnr, .•(_ '1'llla•nMtlg rio' ebu . h Care and wit a a. Iwnutitul y d, c riled with to eh Mr. Lorne 11,•Kenzi•, it ani! Air., ' I "yrryreen thleicly 041,1,1.4 wi'h 411'k Frank Joni us .84(41.311.4 Kiln ,St4ti1.•rs '1 wii'( 844""4. wldlr' 611611.••ndr/i u,tttoted to EI .r.., 4.444. t ,•r .,-i„ t 111 theert•A.4441 At MIP- was a 411(4•" U.tv cl.it. 4R fri+n.. e. L4,r hull.- f!n•'Itr14 Il*✓=iityi l ,44.)4 I.. •-... i.. .' . . %.1 011 a N'rrli'- 1 1 ,1 n ItoIrlo4341414.141-. I^ I ,t,taret Jackson bas aC- .r, .. p .4tioi.•014 the beaching '.4.ff It 1 ". • ..1 - 4 nil lett 1 u rlt.n,tuv 411 tnh I' t.r1' W. ll:. e' 14. , I,. I>t-ru di', ,.11 1 .111141,14' 11.1' • 4).h\ I 4'It I.1e, JL. 111141 :111'-: .. 4'rhl, e"41 U... . >:,. .\atilt Xatg. 14 l•u'-y 1'-3).i11i114 • ' 1141 4,1 1(4 II 411111 1.:. 111.4 4 r,.d t• •. .�4 1.4 rr. Aping ,.401 14414,.11• 1• 1.IL N(ng. 4 1. ' 1 ,: 1.. 1 - •.i l'oy tint- {heir 1 n: T.- . IL.I :-eery ware#and til'• I , i'.,'., n. .':, ,41,• 10 14401. - tool ,ts/ _••• -1., t K „4 1 tug in tit grail). t „1,11 Fa40:1'Pon It ..n Finlay i .. 4r- tier dude• ,aK �•.•4ct'rr Iritis 444•:n'tord. She Was ac4 up4'.IIlyd by 4'e: .1•'er fi.ldie, Illi a *Vrcr, • visit, At tilt c4uglrgati4ti.aln ''t4ug of ! Kul x ehrnch 418 'Prior„114 unnui- r„ru..ea1i w'tt• lztrwf..rl to R'', K. J. 1 14'.+ ill lfaltuuo18', h t 1'hi, ...Ill • 'a•- r,4) ie o I a be n n .' to the Il* t t ill I 1 rl y IIor'11 8' Gliul4rl uu '111ttl.d.a)..Y••p tru't/rl 4l* .. 0+.1 .• lid lir•, Mayhew, of Tll'ou •.• •8I.YT H. i'U1414n.ty > ; t. 4 h. ,I•,. s: 1141.111.%S.�-•Laren 1,': w,es ••-, , 1 44 t quietly in 4'..'tr, .i•IingKll 1 . '4•'c erne tine. An net.. , 4111.. v. 1,,,,• n.' went away, 811111• t • l*,' T.,1 - t Exhibition. whit- .til •r- t • spend from S,n.I'.4. III ,.. Smile Of the I*'vn 1, rail'.. ,Aral 11, day c-ry lovely of the green•, 44 lino- aim,. 14.-41 game- were pi 141)1x0 ( 1,,» 1Vunk.-11re. .1,14.- Me. Ata; 1114' was on a Vi -it 111 her two nxllg ht✓1e nt (ir:,neh)' Ibis week •1'b.'," two girls with Iona Stott), went down 1h•'r'r two 1114111h. 8W., 4,. ),.,tea With t to fruit. '1'hev Pn1nje11 t' r (hoer 11,110111s and althl'tl14}i'n1.*' work is hard they ate nt-,dy of _the tight kind of .tuff and at4'"liu0nd tt, stick it out. H ARV EHTIYtr.-The fat Mer•. ATP get ting slung splendidly with their hArt*Pet, having had Splendid wenther. Although a heavy rein fell on snnday wrrv,ing it did not dej.,y svotk very much. as 418 Monday ntnl 44,44 Ie drawing in. As it was a heli lay rule of the pedp10 from the- village spent the day'aAa.1 1114 in the harvest Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with h'eJ npWleatJtu-. a. 1h.y' Cannot 448 h Ike .r a( of t d>wsVit. l;atarra l- .8 !widen - ...tow. greatly L•.daeurad by lou+tit'rtlona eu.ditiraq, And ID nnler. t,3 enr • it ICH! 11,11.4, take 88 4,14erua1 renteir. 1110." 1 ;•l o?I. cars fa 'tektn internally and Ac 1Mcu4I, •hr b .90 1 th'e-tunrou .prf..re, u the sr- ern. Hsi.. (M*rrn t'ule es. In ear el bed tit4l, of the hot phyla 'lens hl thte ,'.,00hs Peyasr.,, ttistempw,dM wine of rbeb - roo iC•k,ovou.OUS•hir.ed w1•4 .0111" 0114)• bt-t bid a . 4)411114 4. '11M p-tfc.'r enhlbi,:..t*on AV, and ware litr>;llr•t. • } 41,, ''L l 31 •. •e &Iht• McKenzie. They l.�h- t ,. ir,wr 018 310ndac. I 31' • . Oliver Kit kr, of 'lbront.', lir. and Mrs.'!•. 1. CL11ltb'4•u, ct DAT i". \41441an lii.•ke, of DAtenir, ..l d .\1r. spen4 a tew days together 11 .tae ,111 t .e hum# of th•ic p11r 4.4, Rev. F. S1*eKrus CCIi• 1)., preached t very accep:..bIy iu AM, skis chuff' -h r' t4). 1 est own San lay. Me. It. L. 4 the lttgrelaet.t• U. hail'. t atarrb t •un Is what Alda,'''.lI 4. t•.n"r, rfu! re•idt.. In t•tarrh 48/014411 !-. - .• -• Into. tat. tree. - •4$.J,i,Il' . •, 1':l»Nr'N,:TnledaV. Vie, e, "vet-' - t C'.ple 1111, ill Lurwnow, WI11 coudu41" 1 Il*• 4.rt•rlees next Sunday. . I Mutat 13atherhuld, of Eosin 0, will give a .4rttonsot viia>at 444 vertu4441 ID- vete 1 I outwit:rut of the P,rit,y:erinn ehurch i ' nn \\', dl.e.day aft.., noon,, bepleinher • ID, in bonne-'timr w•imh tae local tiYxi.rb 4- ill the \Volnen's Inst tote. - 'rn,. Coll ovum t-act'-ra left on NI.'n- ,lso' t r t ke charge ill (heir act 4.4441 ..tor, nsoation:111s' es PPa11 3Iacke1:zir, EU'el ('are amu Janie Stonier', 1.ulnto Ills. 1,114.8n Pentland:'to Lanes ; .Miry \Iv, tl" AHrn to -4S . 1, ('011x011.4 4 les 1.. 44 -nil*, to lbw - !,p ; . 1k.. K. Veal ai,dt int 41. Mr. It int. ,o,k zier .8nd Mr. lav,d J„hn,ton 4•tldtd the Mel - land Presbyte t LViugltaru on 'Wed- nrs4ley oft week t0 reprr.ent the e,mgrrll mss 01 O nl4an.lon and 1'• r. Alt ert in eunneeiiun with the 1:64#11 -faded to -Rey. M. P. Ura:�t, of Hot h well. SCHOOL SHOES Til t::ue is here again to get your boys and girls fitted out for school. They . will need good strong serviceable Shoe's --the kind that will "t .1„l�rhe tlbrlt severe test in any weather. 'In this class of footwear you will find. -at yot'4 command a very wide range of leathers nd styles that will giv le best satis- faction. \lies were never' better' and prices more reasonable than now. -REPAIRING- Geo. MacVicar N it' .4 Ir of Square. (;u lerich ADDITIONAL EXCURSIONS FOR HARVESTERS TO WESTERN CANADA via CANADIAN N PACIFIC, September 10th and 12th From All "Stations in Ontario, Ottawa, Smith's Falls and West GOING TRIP WEST $I2.00 TO WINNIPEG RETURN TRiP EAST $18.00 FROM WINNIPEG Flirt he, particular% front Canadian Pacific Tteket Agent. W. A. HOWARD, Ilt%tr44 Pa*.a. Agent, Toronto et School opened on Tuesday, with 111., 4..3"1i'hd Nt1.. Ryan in .hire,. inspeett.r'J'd111 visited 131 the f,>t'noun of the oitrnittg day. urtking a purse= n uhu iris pett.lon of the schtttl garden, seventeen Candidates obtained high schuul cerullcate• at the inidsum• mel examivation.,.from our 8041,4=1. Tutt L.4TK JAtMES F. J'tW.:ATOM-The following Is fano Toe Maniac County kepuhih an, publish,•. at Sandusky, 111ct.: After fatting slowly for the pass sevrt•.I month, Jat,,er Johust':i'1, of this city, Aft. -ed law.,y at his honor ho•re Tuesday aftern44n. Death w•e nue to H, ight's di.ease. '1'l* ' death ,,t' Mr. Johnston was the poising out n` a good and nnhl# wan, who had. a went rainy 1! tots who admired hint Inv hi- watrn 4. 114,a -4):p .8''d (VP Iona qv 11i ice.; tb it ; tuade him • man much .dnt.te,r by hi. 88erci•tes, larger bold Johro-trdl wee b•rrn in Huron. county, Ont., May 12, 1847; Ile W,18 mat veil to Mie. 11a(•y A. Stoth era, who twei•eded hint m, .leant, .IAnnsry 7, 1874. To this union six cl>.ildren were M'rn-Ellzabrth,, mire. Art hut Parkin, Laurel; Ellen 1147, Urs. Benj. JlcCluie. of 1Va,e,t'an; 11 ,r,4aret, Nrs. J. \\•. MclAmd, Ann Allon; Su'..uinah. 1.).'irout; M..ry E ta, of Sandusky. and l'athetine, who died in infancy., Mr. J.•hn+ton nlcwed to 141k township on a farm In 1843, where he resided until he un,v'•d to Sandusky i', 11111, wher• ho lived at the time of his deft, h Beside. live danghtei s he is survived 4)Y ono sister and 1>rotber,• Mem. Ovid \Valet', of %Vat, rtown, sial tirirKe. of BayIleld, Ont. ThA funeral WA. cnnduelyd try the Masonic lodge, of which ho WAS a prominent and active mel,'hpr. and was held in the Prerhytvt•iatl ('howl* Thursday atVr- uo:rn, R.'v. Nagle of the 31. R. church ofciating. Thr remotion were interred 111 1 hot lirernwnod cemetery. Wiettzxa - ALLEN. - Dungannon Meth.'di.t church was the *gene 01 a eery poet' y wrdn111. Al histol nd1) 1 n't Ste en dA1, Srp rn,n-'r 1 t, vibe,' Cora lane, eldest daughter 41 Mr. and lltl.. Th ,w O. April. was ueited 41Altiaget.) Mr. M.11alchant WickPtt•. 1118Ager of the.MLrrlolig Hank of Can- aria A• >(rlf.nR•ill•, Ontario,. The eetruinnv W&s per'oruled by Row. I. A. McKelvey, pr• o of h•• rhuleli. The brltb owned u1 duchess satin and 1.• I.•.tivy rnItplw 4.'f by rr, •. , Su It ft C1%1' le Ill.'' anti ,'t4)t '.':