HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-8-30, Page 7THE SIGNAL • 0O15ERICH, ONTARIO all -avows unlight Soap '. The inducements offered with common amps cannot make up for the purity of Sunlight Soap. It costs US more to make pure soap. But it costs YOU less to use it. for Sunlight pays for itself in the clothes it saves. It does not wear and rub the fabrics as common soaps do. MOW teen se s/ parry meth event ass d s••l+aas Soap -t. COUII and DIST RICT Mrs. Robert Young, of H ucefleld, tiled August'leth after • short illness. Reports friew all over the county tell of splendid crops which are now being Ira• tiered. Jam a Wlillsnn. of Constance, died -on theJOth Inst., at the Rowe of his bete b. r. Walter Willison. (Mosey Douglas baa sold his fine residence property in Zurich to Wen. Lamont. the price being $3,518) Suss Alice Finglend, of Londeeboro' left last week to take a position a Toronto with the (.ieneral 1Sfrectric Co P• -ter Melville, of Hansell, died veru suddenly Wednesday of last week He had been in declining health to some time. Mr. and Mrs. Milne H. Minnie have agent been engaged as thou -lead' lot the county are busy with their crop Both yield and quality are re- ported to be very gond. -.Automobiles have become so numer- uus at Zurich that The Weald advises tbe village fathers to wake rules for parking the cafe on the wain streets. C. Hertlieb, of 'Lurid), bee taken his sou-iu-lew, S. E. Fust, into partner- ehip with hitn in the hardware Wei - nem. and the firm will be kuowo es Hartlieb & Faust. Mrs (3eo. Heeds, a bighly esteemed resident of Weevers:, parsed away suddenly on the 18tb duel, She had apparently teeu In bee usual health use to the day of her death. James Juhnstnu, a native of Stanley township, died recently et his borne et Sandusky, Mieb.. aged seventy years. Hn w fe, formerly Mies Mary Stoth- ers, of Dungannon, died three years egu. Mime Margaret Peak haw been en- gaged es teacher in S. S. No. 3. Stan- ley, for the rewsiuder of the year. She is the sixth teacher to assume charge of this school in the space of three year r. Mise Ma -y Ethel McQueen, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrw. J. McQueeu, of Uehorne township, was married on the 15th inst. to P. E. Bartlett, of Thawesford. They will reside ou the gr sow's farm et Thewesford. William Johnston, of Zurich, recent- ly delivered et Mansell thirty-two hogs, weighing 6,8811 o,uodq, for which he received the trice little sum of $1,- 159.M0, At Bluevale Alex. Heade de- liver.d thirty-seven bogs tur which be received $1,501.45 Rev. A. K. Birks, • Methodist cletgywau wbo tur some years was stationed In this county and who died recently at Niagara Falls, left an '.tale of $l1.1,807. Sons egglegeting $2.925 were bequeathed to venous re- ligious institutions. Di. E. Hagan, of South Dakota, re- cently visited bis mother and other relatives neer Bills Green. He hes jiined the United States army ae sur- geon and expecte to g., oversees short - Iv. Dr. Hagan was a school teacher at Zurich a Dumber of years ago. On Wednesday, August 'llud, an in- • terretiug event eerie place et the home t of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Aitken, filen- • annen. their daughter, Elizabeth, be- ing united in marl sage to John Wesley . Ansley, B. A., of Regina College Mr. ✓ gni Mr, Ansley will reside et Regina. James Reid, a pioneer resident of Hallett, passed away oo the 17th inst. ✓ at the hone of bi•. daughter. Mrs. and organist it] the Hensel! Presby teriao chinch. Onion -growers in the southern part Richisid Sanderson. in that township. Deceased was born in S.ntland seventy- seven years ago,but bad lived in Mullett An' Eminent French . prench-Canadtaas have al- ways taken a close per.oeal 10 - tercet in the fortunes of what y call for short "Le Pacifque. se the English have abbreviated the Canadian Paelnc Railway tato Vie more familiar C P. R. It is, therefore, only right that they should bei represented on the board of direr itots, and so more fitting reprsaenta titre of the raoe could be found than 'Senator. tke Hos. Frederic Level Bb1que. whose career has been one of sorb dlstlDctloe in so many paths of 'lite lawyer. business than, and 'philanthropist. toterested in many ebaritlos, bl■ days have been, and /coattails to be. tall of useful labors ,tin the mpbulldlag et his native ooen• (try sic In pr enotl.g the welfare of lbw people. His Is one of those versa- tile natures, which, paradoxical as the iszprs.edoe leery appear, le only at feet lerken Is the midst of labor. t I. Beiges, the .on of Louis IBeigue. was born In 8t. Mathias, Rea- list County, Quebec. on May 11xk. /K Acquiring bis education at the de Ste. Marie de Moaner, be whose Isw for lots profession. mediator •F became an L.L.D. of Laval Unl- rutty. 13e was called to the bar to 68. and made a King's Connwtlor Ker the Province et Quebec in 1885, for the Domini*. et Canada is Eedg Aocurste knowtedte. sound meot and clear speaking made one al the leading lawyer el kis period. HL brothers In the istl•I pr- kessloa have reuoithized this. From heti to 189' he was Batonnler el bks ',Bar 1M the district of Montreal. SseatorBMaue las been engaged ooaassl In many celebrated mess repeatedly pleaded before the vy Council In England: ngld: be wail a of this Royal ('.eaemissien Is ri faatnas Wbelaa rase of 18f6: es icamesei far the tato Hoa. H. Mercier 4 ht- echo.reee wise were amend oaanoetton with the Bah dee Chs - Railway by the i lstlteemit- of Quebec, to 1111. he .was e weds r'ep•latdoa; in 111' and 181x1 'Saeneons'( for the Dominlen M Pere the Behring Sea Claims CeccsaM. wloa Per years be had worked is p with 81r Lost Jettd, and /see besiege' Referring to 8sanR.r Beiges et/e•l else" says: -Ls a Deaf 1lsserobil Meyer be W few if w Not ism s.00esd nl se • hasher - Visa. Senator Maus bas mesa erred - "tad with eah dI ea- lterprI a. With late David O prcolsaet part to goblins the Mo 1a4.s et the V. Med.. Cottoa lease pslay. the Hoc/Pelage Cotton Com L. the St. Ansel Contests Cemay. Cee.dlaa Colored Cotton Core 'say (now the (.+dtsn Cotteo.l. the Dgst.lea Crates Mills 0ompluir; M! ss lawyer for all tithes meowed Oa/ a 1Mteater se sages east thee. bis genas.'' bra bele "keep 1a palating Met the sbaaeei threi(k which bwl- sah tid be o".doeehL Aa b sem mel tic booze of , 6ts etara of. the 1111saWfd 0a.pe.r b. vas e at les. ries tgip4Mwe ed . fdr Its Re ge tram! 1 the =alielik1•.ew.rl-g Oe_M•1. sial web pt- Herbert ROOL war .amen sit *5 bet t• *berme We pew 1 ea M Ma b9'dr.aM. prow. . H..ia, :1111 .Mz Harbert Welt. bo w Pitt w se Po K OMPielbM led 1r; sear moat dsn.!wr etdwf. itiplitilti;Ca Al= Mad lit=t11.21;IMP Canadian fi SENATOR THE HON F. L. BZIQU9. Nzw Dlaa(yroa or 1 z CANADIAN( PAovic RAILWAY. ' ed Moss Careltss Deemilear satly occupying the position of di- rector In several ether (tocepselea it would be di Menit to .niouerate the different public welfare 'coatis which have benefited by his seal. Dense his preddency of SL Men B aptiste Society the Monutseet Ma- ttewl was tweeted In connection therewith. aad the society became a powerful. useful and leading social and educational Ins tttetlea It was also coder Ste pteeideeey that La Calms Nationale DN"-.— e was ee- tabll.hed sad tees sat tmpermat sad evergNwtag soristy. As a director of tllenesest Technical Sobeel tram Its blowflies s fire Mitifer Senator Hague kgs aeblev.d v0.mele t're'ks In the can et the midi he takes a deep Interest sad L a O n"- aer of the Montreal General RaspiW and of the Notre Dam. Bowled. lift w been a Catheter Sebmol Commie "'bear, a armeer of the Parke sad Pl*yg.ea•ds Meecfatls.. vloapreat- deet .1 Use 01mAty Crara.lslatle. S► day. and vtos-preeldsnt et the Lamm fob the Prevetio. of T.bereatelW. At mss formerly a director of the Meatree Cttlasese Aa oocisalom ►hi see Heard wMtn imw .ur►ti the pesltien el etialrmaa of the Rail- way Sarsmdt ba , Hai 1611Miteet O5 tats a Maass part tla we ft.BI...s perm* e ktowe sad 1• ab. -e OW mimes t• taatMtlee. ••w$ S*.Msr Demme Ms ate=gera believer le the Cam•dw way, seal bas eels.y years blit bass • hews eherebtYer et the essimisay. Oa the_►syr ha sass ellsAbt lits rable m asst MaeZay. 11 Mob list /IMY111 aM''w WWI flatnlerMll P. L swam z1 sod vlsimm ins sea d fl#IiOil On 1941 owe' dab et Yeses at the la at Sleet= of Jerusalem he 1•tgt.al. who takes a promisent part in may sweat sobesea They Mae Tessa Mowed with a heel* et seven seas. wise are Livia" and two 6.15(51..... Captain Vietar Beispe, ear a 15. roma. set of the beyw. l..gsty stoped In tic rea.ttt.g of the OM PreaebClanse df.. B.ttMeea, sew ~ease. aad riapt•te Mae. h sew Sgltlsg in the madry hem which bis fore- fathers erlellpllIf mem. '► maY. std Vtaadles Wat ry.' That Is bow ea 'Meowed Herald' ire MaieffbarSar Mime. Tbe Metals's of the seAedywe year's et his tide base maid es 1lipbtly- goer 511 'reastaefisictiall ens woad tit *tat tbs# (shills Waddilrl taws a !Ig 1a a mita at ass lama. mMMsr n := ar a; 'sag a ig 1Ye mtMi.' ee11 WWf1 Y_- Ilnepiehly Mad his$•Is,..s at Miff sed 8fe[sbea ' The p•Mfty et bis Ammer makes the east timid a kis Interviewers IM at ease- He M ether totlsw's Mama 'Oda i• .e. ohm= M may feel It be Meg his k pepseibM tie WM =idol l ase. side ef salsa reLeltdeA. tab rM lmi 6 aMYfmr asbisiemeda Pima* la hi..'fiber led be wombs anima NM mho IIuNGIgjnu mlt jU,lq ) Barbers Itch Eczema BARRIIlRA' Itch is in reality • form of eczema. The dell- cate skin becomes irritated from shaving, a little Infection gets la, and soon burning, sting- ing eczema is set up. Fortunately, there as cure for Barbers' Itch and Eczema In the use of Dr. ,Chase's Ointment, and once you have made the acqueletance of this soothing healing ointment, you will always keep it on hand to apply atter shaving. Not every time. but whenever there Is roughness or Irrita- tion of the skin. Mr. Chas. A. Duabsry, Ms:ord. 0111., states s—"WMN out 1s the Northwest t rausht barber.' Itch, and snyoee wbo bas bad It will admit teat 11 to not at all pleasant. It be- gan on my neck below the rebs. and spread until 1 became alarmed. It ltebed w bad that 1 had to scratch It, and that Only made It worse. sA trItitid of mine told rax to sae Dv. !'base's Otatmsst, axed 1 did me. The application of this ointment gave prompt relief to the Melting. sad 11 was not many week' until 1 was eaUrely treed of this annoying ailment" Some of the ingredients of Dr. Chase's Ointment are very expensive, and for this reason imitation and substi- tutes are offered because they afford greater profits to the dealer. They will only disappoint you. The genuine Dr. A. W. Chase's Ofstment will positively cure Dr.Chase's Ointment 60e a box. all dealers. or Edmanaon, Bates & Co., Ltd-. Toronto. for sixty years. Besides his daughter, Mrs. Sanderson, he leaves one esu, Hobert. Miss May Skinner, of Usborne, was severely injured as tbe result of a run- away. She Wats assi.ting in the har- vest work by driving a field rake. The horse became trightened and ran away. Miss Skinner's feet were eli- tangled in the linea and 'she was drag- ged some distance. One arm was broken and one ear was almost tore from her head, requiring eleven stitches,. A former well-known resident of Fordwich, in the person of Louis Gibson Hooey, died on the 4th mat, at Asquith. Sask., at the age of forty- three years. A number of years ago the deceased corfAeeted a hardware hairiest" at Fordwicb, aft- rwardW moving to New ()uteri&& and later to Seakatch,ewan where be engaged in farming. He leaves a wife and three daughter*. The remains were brougbt to Fordwich for interment - EXETER. Mrs. Brook., widow of the late 0. prim Stook", died on the 16.5 suet. in her seventy-third year. Hite is survived by three daugbtere. Mn. Mary Sander+ fell in the boners one day recent y and broke her bip. On account of her advanced years the accident is a very rerioue one. On 8•turday, August 18th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Mack, their eldest daughter, Mary E.. be- came the bride of P. H. McEwen, of Toronto. The ceremony was performed by Rev. S.F. Sharp. Th. young couple will reside at Toronto. The remains were interred here on the 21-1 loot. of the late Mn. Kav- anagh. who died in hospital at Cleve- land of per topless. The deceased was formerly a resident of Crediton and wa. thirty-six years of age. Her par- ents. Mr. aoc Mr.. John Keys, are residents of Exeter. Charles H. Sanders, of The Exeter Advocate, was married on Thursday, 16th inert., at St. Paul's cathedral, London. to Miss Ida May Marchand, of St. Jacobs., formerly of Exeter. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Canon Tucker. After • honeymoon trip down the St. Lawrence Mr. and Mrs Sanders will take up housekeep- ing in Exeter, CLiNTON. Thomas Mason, one of Clinton's old- est citizens, fell the other day and fractured hiss hip. Victor French, formerly of town, and now publish. rof The Wetasbiwin (Alberta) Times, is home on • visit to nis mother, Mrs. Elliott Dayment left lot week for her berme at Boisaevein, Man., ager a month's visit with her mother, Mrs. Henry Murphy. Majer J. W. Shaw, of the old 33ed (Hue. n) Regiment, has been granted the honors'. y rank of Lieut Colone . He is now overseas with the Canadian expeditionary force. Lieut. Fred Chant, of Pittsfield. Mess., with his wife, vieiiM recently at the home of his parental. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Chant. Lieut. Chant has been in training for some months with the United States army. Mis. McGee, widow of the late Wm. McGee, formerly of Clinton, died on the 14 hinst. at Windsor and the re- mains were brought here for inter- ment. The deceased was a daughter of the late Obis. Cruickebank, • former merclaut here. The engagement is announced of R.the Irene, youogret daughter of the Lett Rev. G. M. Kitty and of Mrs. Kitty, Clinton to Alfred Merman, son of Mr. and Il ,a. Alfred Moreton, 01 Mere Heath House, Davenham, Eng- land. The marriage to take plans quietly in 8epeewher. Earl Steep, sen of Dgdd Steep, Hilton road, met with a palatial neck dent while working in 150.6. 1. R, /hops at tleratfoed A wheel street' hie band, 'flied,* it so badly that {be ends of his fingerer had to be removed.' Hs la now et hie hese Isere, and it all) be several week' Wesel he will be able to work swills. %itAraR'Ti,. Mrs. Casey, widow of the late Thew. Casey, pewee away on the 1415 Met.., aged eighty Ave years. Jane McFsdz+a., widow of the late Thomas oem.selt, died on Tuesday of lase week at IremonAvllla, in her seventy-ninth year. On Friday. August 10.h, at the hoarse rammumair=ramminumeamf Keeping Up With the Seasons Q of Mr. and Mee. Geo. McKay. Kincar- dine, their daughter, Mlsli Florence V. was }united in rnerliage to Roy Nelson, of Seaton b. The young couple will reside at Kincardine, WINDHAM. Rev. Horace W. Hnell, the new Anglican rector, will 1a inducted Sep- tember 615 by Rev. Canon Richardson. A creamery is being opened in Wingbaw by Mr. Ireland, of Arthur, as•branchoftbe Welliugton County creamery. A' • recent meeting of the high school board a resolution waw pasted that agriculture be taken Mt in the school 1n lieu s t bookkeeping. On the 16th inat, Mise Emilie Careen, of Wi.gham, wise married at Winni- peg to Robert Mclotosh, formerly of Wnwick town•bip. Mr. and Mrs. McIntosh will make their home at Saskatoon. LUCK NOW. Harold Durnin is homy after mend - Mg two months in Saskatchewan. Miss Gertrude Begley, of Ooderirb, visited her sister, Mr.. M. eproul, twat week. The Lucknnw Sentinel staff are baying their annual holiday 15xii serail and the paper will not he published. Peter Macintosh, of Lecknow, an- nouocee the engagement of hia daugh- ter. Eunice, to Henry Torrance, of North Bey the marriage to take place quietly in Beot.wber. Pte. Alfred Fry, who before enlist- ing worked in Kinkier' township, ham roturned wounded from tbe front and was in town for a few dove. He is undergoing treatment in the n.ilitary ho•pitst at London. After a long and painful illness of cancer, Mrs. Robert Durnin parsed away on Hnndey, 11) 5 inet. The de- cea.el IwInre her mai nage war Jane Courtney, et Anobetley. Besides' her husband she leaves an adopted daugh- teer. Dr, and Mrs. O. W. Mae(ire tor. Misses Mae and Dora MacOregor and NOT ENOUGH CHILDREN ever receive the proper balance of food to sufficiently nourish both body and brain during the growing period when nature's demands are greater than in mature life. This is shown in so many pale faces, lean bodies, frequent colds, and lack of ambition. Por all such children we say with unmistakable earnestness: They need Scott's Emulsion, and need it now. 1t possesses to concentrated forts the very food elements te enrich their blood. it changes weakness to strength; it makes them *tardy and .troag eel active. await Deenee. 'leeente. OM. We are ready with a new shipment of FALL FELT HATS These are the correct goods and 1 you should see them. We have still a few STRAW ATS which we will close out at HALF-PR10E McLEAN BROS. The Semi -Ready Tailors The Square V' — Milli =IMIND G Codericli Mies Catharine Finlayson motored and a -halt yeare and ibis is the SM from Chicago and are visiting the time he has been wounded. Doctor's sister, Mrs Catharine Mac- (4regor, and his father, D. N. Mac• Gregor, of Laurier. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Towle have re- ceived noti(tcition that their son, Pte. Sidney Towle, was dangerouely wounded in the recent fighting in France. Pte. Towle went ov. nese with the flat contingent. arid bad been at the front for more than two FERTILIZER A car of Old Homestead Fertil- izer just received. It will in- crease the productiveness of your land. INCUBATORS Halt -a -dozen Buckeye Incuha tors—to be sold at reduced prices owing to the advanced season. DELCO LIGHT Are you interested in the sew system of lighting for farms 1 All kinds .i WIRE FENCE BUGGIES We handle the McLaughlin and the Cray Buggies --none better. sir••••..r... Robert Wilson The Massey -Harris Shop Hamilton Si. G(.Irnt h l In all countries. Ask for our INVMIIF TOR d ADVISRR,wblcb wm Le seat Gm MARION y MARION. ON University IIB. Muetrdel 88 DAILY BETWEEN BUFFALO &CLEVELAND INC • 3 — MIA 1f NIFICENT STEAMERS 3 TM Great Ship-sEF.A1 1 9EB'—'(.TTY OF BRIE"--crry OF BUFFALO' anew■aa BUFFALO—Daily, May let to Nov. ISth —CLEVELAND LOAM/ axes Orr'Ano • N , Paa a. ARaea.e 0..r.n a c • tie C. Y. Arrly. (•,.Aldan 1 MA. Y. Timm J Arrl.e ?VIVA Le • 1 WA. Y Coanerllons el Clavelsad for ( ar Point, Peal* -gay Toledo, Detroit end .11 plate West aN tlowlewest. Railroad s.kea reading belwe.n Bohai.u,.1 el...l.ad vs, roo4 for tr..sport.tio• on oar etesaen. 4 W .5 your ticket ..I ler t elide a .ba C. a s Line. New Pewee IW..alt. ear.-N.M •...17,11, with t day. re W ro limo. for ..r.not e t reed(■a eras I n w bee Iba... ileastlfally 0*105.4 aeetl, o.l psis(. Ola i 'fele (creat Ills " Itat.ens•. " .eat oa rer.lpt Of ere cents. Mao sae for oar 1•-p.re pictorial .ns, d...rlptire booklet /re.. The Cleveland h Buffalo Transit Company M•.lum, O►4 TI...,., at11 •r'ert ...1.•' - Ile I.,- .0 ..d . t *wily premier Idiowmor so Woad wed., a lb* world. Olooplog .(whys tt•* par lore, •••V - FARE43W _ ALT .,r.ei• . , FENCING Are you going to do any fencing ? We have several tons of No. 12 coiled spring steel wire, which was bought before the rise in wire, which we will give you at the price of No. 9 wire,—that is, 5c per pound and a pound of this wire runs 32 feet. This makes a good fence and cheap. We have a quantity of No. 9 coiled spring steel wire and also barbed wire. Call and see the goods and get our prices. Time to Spray Now is the time for spraying. Flow about Lime Sulphur at $6.00 per barrel ? We also have a new preparation, Cooper's Fungicide, It prevents Fun- gus Diseases, You simply mix it with water. k is put up in 25c packages. Bicycles, Lawn Mowers, etc. Does your Bicycle require overhauling ? If so, bring it in and it will be attended to promptly, as we now have a man on that branch of the work. How about your Lawn Mower? It is nearly time for it to be used. Does it require sharpening ? If so. let us know and we will call and get it and put it in good repair. We do Plumbing, Heating, Troughing, Electric Wiring. All work promptly attended to and fully guaranteed Chas. C. Lee Phones. Store 22 The Square House 112 Uoderich