HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1917-8-23, Page 7411110SI•S 111111 W .lWu16.941 l .. lra■•n,ubor semeri•wamigos,
Everyone will
admire them
three times a
spotless dishes.
You know, if a thing is worth doing at all,
it is worth doing well. So, for your dishes
and utensils, use Sunlight Soap. Its soft,
creamy lather ensures a shining cleanliness
that will be a delight to the eye.
has great cleansing power, yet it never red-
dens or hurts the softest hands, being of
surpassing purity.
Mn. Xavier Uorrivesu, of Drys-
dale, died on the 11th inst. after a
short illness..
Mr. Toll, of Blyth, has been engaged
as teacher of Belgrave school for the
coining year.
Walton celebrated its civic hulid'►y
with s Red Cross picnic... The net
Proceeds were 9271.92.
Mrs. (iihson, widow of the late
Robert Gibson, of McKillop, died on
the 15 h inst.,in her utuety-third year.
Rev. James Abery. of Lnndeeboro',
bas been appointed Grand Chaplain of
the 1. O. O. F. Orand Lodge of On-
• The fine bank barn on the farm of
Ales. Neeh, two miles south of Dash-
wood, was totally destroyed by firs on
the 11th inst.
W. J. Henry was elected Reeve of
Kincardine by acclamation to fill the
vacancy caused by the appointment of
Reeve Hunter to saperiuteud the pew
county r, al system.
While driving home from Wingham
one night recently Councillor W. J.
Adair. of Turntwrry, hal a collision
with another rig. wase thrown from
1. his buggy and had bis collarbone
fa broken.
..-.. ..; �.. c.:..�..
1'HV1tSDAY, Ai'e,usr 33 1917 7
emir a- =min
Keeping Up With the Seasons
3 Kincardine Review : Mr. J . C. Wat-
son, has taken over the Kincardine-
! Tiverton mail route. You cannot keep
Mr. Watson out of the mail business,
3 no more than you can keep &duck out
of water.
'• Mr. and Mr.. Lorne Edgar end two
sons, from near Port Huron. Mich.,
have been visiting relatives and
is Mends at Kippen. Mr. Edgar is a
native of Kippen, but moved away
• thirty-two years ago.
Mrs. McPhail, of Porter's Hill, bas
heen at Kippen for several weeks in
attendance upon her mother, Mrs.
Wm. Ivison, Who recently met with
= an accident. Mrs ivison ie much Im-
proved and is now going about.
Gen.A.Willison died at Blaine. State
of Washington, on Sunday last. aged
sixty-three years. Thedeces.ed spent
his boyhood days in Stanley township
and later lived in Michigan and in
North Dsko'a before moving ten
wean ego to Blaine, where he estab-
lished a State hank and also owned •
ranch. He was for one terns a member
of the North Dakota Legislature. He
• was • brother of Sir John William), of
- 's
U A 55.000 gufearwn..../Y
t•• .f pant, a...r •
her of Saahaht Soap- AU "roc ors •og It. 1
a 'I,ul.-•^utl;l ..• ■ •nulla.-■wII11I4' .ilII i-■'•nllllb.■ .,ill!IUu-■••tulilnl•■-•rllillu••U
Often the heapest— t+
Always the Best
Furniture Dealer
and Undertaker
Nouse Furnishings
The Store of Quality
STORE 89 •' RFS 197
Ceen.r Montreal Street and Square
We serve excellent meals
a la Carte daily
Private Luncheon Room
for Ladies and Gentlemen
Our Motto -Cleanliness Always
OPEN 9 A. M. TO 1 A. M.
e • The Signal
Printing order.
would like to all your nex
Phone 35
Let us print your Wedding Stationery.
Latest styles of type\ Prompt service.
Tire Mileage
O M E motorists think
kJ they have tires which
are making great mileage
records. Later these motor-
ists meet users of Dunlop
Tires. Then they get a n e w
conception ption of what is pos-
sible in tire mileage.
Dr. Annie Ross has returned home
after attending a course of lecture' at
Chatauqus, N. Y.
The Misses Merrett hav t returned
to their home et London after a visit
of three weeks at the bonze of Coun-
cillor Cott.
Win. Taylor had the misfortune one
day last week to have his right band
badly injured while operating the
moulding machine at the planing mill.
He will likely lose the use of some of
his fingers.
The tax rate for Lucknow this year
is 30 mills.
A. E. Durnin lett last week Inc Sas.
katcbewsn to look after the harvesting
of.his crop.
During the severe electric storm on
Monday of last week a barn belonging
to G. Switzer, near Holyrood, was set
on fire by lightning and completely
destroyed, together with the season's
hay crop.
Pte. Chas. Pinner. the first man to
leave Lucknow for the war, was borne
last week on furlough. Ile was
wounded in the first battle of Ypres
end since his recovery has been kept
in England, drilling men.
Mr. and Mrs Harold Best left last
week bee their new home at Moose
Jaw. Mr. Best has secured s good
position'', M•rose Jaw and is remoying
from Regina.
Owing to the illness of her mother
Miss Bethne has resigned her position
as teacher of the primary department
of the Seeforth public school,
An enthusiastic reception was giyen
Pte. Alex. Muir, eldest sou of John
Muir, G. T. R. section foreman, on
his arrival home after an absence of
two years. He was wounded in the
battle of the Somme, a year ago.
in St. Peter's church. on Tuesday.
1 tib inet., Miss Nellie Duggan,
daughter of Mr. and Mn. \Villism
Duggan, was wedded to Leonard
Bolton, of this town, by Rev. P.
Margaret Henderson, wife of Finlay
McIntosh, died at ber bonne on Thurs-
dey, 9th inst. 'the deceased was the
youngest daughter of rhe late William
Henderson, one of the pioneer resi-
dents of McKillop. She is survived by
her husband and two daughters, also
by five brothels and one sister.
PIMPLES and skin eruptions always seem to come
where they are the most noticeable, and consequently
most embarrassing to the person so unfortunate as to
have them.
The most satisfactory treatment for pimples and skirt
eruptions is I)r. C'hase's Ointment; applied at night after
bathing the skin in warm water. instead of clogging the
pores, as do powder's, 1)r. C'hase's Ointment cleanses thein
and promotes the healthy action of the porde, of the skin.
By Its antiseptic action this ointment dipntroys poisonous
germs, and thereby prevents the development of eczema. There
are scores of ways in which Dr. C'hase's Ointment is useful In
every home.
MIs. Carrie Alterater, Bittern Labe, Alta., writes : -"1 wail
entirely tilt red of pi mile-) .)d hl., 1.11,ml* Koine Ito, 'dila ago by
using Dr eliaae't lllntMent . AN 1 hate 'leo fou ud tale ofut-
meet • splendid treatment for 'unborn and rbapp..l bands. 1
s would not be without it in the house. It le the beet 1 ever ,
Dr. Chase's Ointment
60c a box, all dealers, or Edmanson, Rates & Co., Ltd., Toronto.
Be suspicious of the druggist who offers a substitute in-
stead of handing out what von ask for
Joseph's church will be held st Col.
itance'a grove on Labor Day.
A mass meeting of wnruen will be
held in the town hall op Friday of this
week to diecues the food conservation
Miss Sybil Oourtice leaves shortly
for Vanconver, R. C.. whence she will
sail with a party of friends for the
minion fields of Japan...
George Chidley, who many years
ago kept a drugstore here, died re-
cently at his hove near Winnipeg.
He was brother of the late Joseph
T.J. Managhan has received word
from Ottawtathat hie son, Pt-. W. E.
Managban, tad been admitted to
hoepital surfeiting front a gunshot
wound in the left shoulder.
Margaret MacKenzie. widow of the
late Roderick MacLennan, died at her
borne here on Friday, 10th Iner aged
seventy-seven years. She had leen •
resident of Clinton about fifty years.
Word has been received of the death
of John J %.lin at Virden. Mar., at the
age of eighty-five years. 'file deceased
was for many years a (dent of
Clinton and conducted the tumor-
Paster 11. O. Eastman has t`ndered
his resignation to the Baptist con-
vregation, to take effect Se-%tember
16th. Mr. Eastman bas decided to
enter the ministry and will take s
course at McMaster University.
Byerd Hill died on Monday, 13th
inst., after is somewhat lengthy illneead,
in his seventy-third year. Fur • everr(1
years the deceased cart ied on s grocery
business here. The remains were taken
t,; Olen Williams for interment.
Prof. F. C. Brietowe has resigned
his position, as organist of Willis
church in order to take a similar
position in Knox church, Kincardine.
Mrs. de la Penetieie .has accepted w
position as soloist in the nine church
and will remove to Kincardine.
Mies Katie MacGregor, • student of
Clinton -Collegiate Institute, has won
the Edward Blake sebolar.hip in
modern languages and mathematics et
the t,'nivenit y of Toronto. She also
qualified for the fleet Carter scholar-
ship for the beet student in the county
of Huron.
Mr. R. F. Jones, of town, has re-
ceived from a soldier at Witley Camp,
England, one of the niedals struck In
Germany hD commemorate the sink
ingot the Lusitania. This medal hes
heen struck in Germany with the
object of keeping alive in German
hearts the recollection of the glorious
achievement of the german navy in
deliberately destroying, an unarmed
passenger ship, together with 1,198
noncombatants, men, women and
children. On the obverse, under the
legend, "No Contraband," there is a
representation of the Lusitania sink-
ing. The designer has put in guns
and aeroplanes, which, as was certi-
fied by United States Government
isfflcisls after inspection, the Lusitanis
did not carry, hut has conveniently
omitted to put in the women and
children, which the world knows she
did carry. On the reveres., under the
legend, "Business above all" the
figure of Death sits et the hooking of-
fice of the Cunard Line and gives out,
tickets to passengers, who refused to
attend to the warning against sub.
marines given by • German. This
picture seeks apparently to propound
the theory that it a murderer warns
his victim of bis intention, the guilt of
the crime will rest with the victim,
not with the murderer.
H. Pollock, of Montreal, stie•'eeds
Mr. Willis as °Ales manager for the
Doherty Piano Co.
A picnic uoder the auspices of Bt
farm in Grey township last weer, has
purchased the residence of Mr. and
Mrs. \V. A. Hrewar in Bruaeel.. The
Grewsr family u,ay remove to Tot -
At the borne of the bride'. parents.
on August 15th, James U. Pridbaw,
of Toronto. and Mitre Anna L.. poly
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P.. McQuer-
rie, Brussela were ted in matri-
mony by Rev. W. E. Stafford.
John Hunter. an old resident of
Brtsseele, died on the 9th inet., in his
ninetieth year. He was a native of
Ireland and came to Canada at an
early age. He farmed in Huron town-
ship, Bruce county, for a good' many
years and rause to the thwnsbip of
Morrie in 1885. becoming a resident of
Brussels in 1903. The surviving chil-
dren are : Rev. J. E., Charing Cross,
Ont. ; Rev. W. F., llawley, Pa. ; Mn.
W. H. Pet.ere, Bervie; Mrs. P. Arnett,
Allenfard, and Mises Anne, Meow end
Clem, at home. Mrs. Hunter died five
years ago.
Rev. Horace W. Snell, rector of the
Anglican parish of Ayr and Drumbyo,
has bans appointed rector of St. Paul's
church. Wnigbam, and will enter
upon his new duties September let.
A happy family reunion took plate
Net week at the house of Mrr. David
Campbell, all the ruembere sof the
family being home for the first time in
thirty years. Mrs. Campbell is in her
eighty-seventh year.
Mrs. W. J. Chapman, formerly of
Wingbaw, died at forouto on the 9th
inst., in her filly -sixth year. She is
survived by ber husband, two daugh•
tern and one son. The remains were
brought to \Vinghaw for int••rwent.
A former resident of Wingham
passed away suddenly at Long Beach,
Calif., on the 11 inst., in the person
of Mrs. Button, wife of \Vm. Button,
at one time a member of the firm of
Button & Ferment, chair manufac. ul -
ers, of this town, hut now of River-
side, Calif. Her husband and two
sons survive.
John Agnew, an old resident of this
dist•ict. who moved to Vancouver,
B. C . a year ago. died at that city on
the 3,d inst. The deceased was both
in Ireland eighty-three years ago,
came to Canada when a boy, and
farmed for many years in the town-
ship of Wawanoeh until he retired
and came to Wingham eighteen years
ago. He was a Presbyterian and it
Liberal. He is survived by his wife,
five sons and four daughters.
The Brussels Poet is taking its usual
holiday this week.
Rev. R. E. Page, rector of St. John's
church, who ie removing to a new
charge at Courtright, will connluds
his pastorate here on Sunday next..
The Brussels Choral Society ban
heen organised, with F. H. 011ray es
president and P. L. Mulberon as diren-
tor. The Moe,ety aims at • member-
ship of one hundred.
tlrussels else ric light plant, which
wits otfer'sd for sal et tryqptiuo l t
week, was hough( by 4 Wilton.
posedl for Thuell Breis.. who bays
had a financial interest in tba plant.
Teviaie Whitfield, who sold hi'
We are ready with
a new shipment of
These' are the correct goods
-and you should see them.
We have still a few
which we will close out at HALF-PRICEII
The Semi -Ready Tailors
The Square
Le 111111111111111.111111 _=1 —
Transport Dr.ver ' ,Orirdon Taylor,
who wee house fur several weeks on
fur lough, visiting his potents. Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. lnylor, lett again btu t
week for the front.
Arto Mee bad a barn in his wrist
broken by the bsek-firing of his mlgies
when be was cranking the mite.
A postcard add.eseed to Miss J.
Pat kinson. of town, by her sister at
Granton travelled to England end
bark again before being delivered.
The postcard in some way landed in
B.amnholt Crane in Englund and wee
returned from there in an envelope.
Che card was posted at Granton July
41h. and arrived here August 7th.
Edward Hardy, of London, a lines
wan in the employ of the Bell Tel -
phone Co.. was instantly killed here
Wednesday ate, noon of lest week by
coming in cun!act with a live Hydi..-
electric wire. A (elephcne wire, with
Many people suffer the tortures of lame
muscles and stiffened joints because of im-
purities in the blood, and each succeeding
attack seems more acute until rheumatism
has invaded the whole system.
To arrest rhentnatism it is quite as im-
portant to improve your general health as
to purify your blood, and the cod liver
oil in Scott's Emulsion is nature's great
blood -maker, while its medicinal nourish-
ment strengthens the organs to expel the
impurities and upbuild your strength.
Scott's Emulsion is helping thousands
every day who could not find other relief.
Refuse the alcoholic substitutes.
A car of Old Homestead Fertil-
izer just received. it will in-
crease the productiveness of
your land:
Half -a -dozen Buckeye incuha
tors—to be sold at reduced
prices owing to the advanced
Are you interested in the new
system of lighting for farms 1
All kinds of WIRE FENCE
We handle the McLaughlin and
the Gray Buggies- -nene better.
a rope attached, was thrown over a
Hydro wire carrying horsepower,
and in reaching fo • it when it des-
cended Hardy, appal nt unmindful
of the fact that the Hydro wire waft
charged, grasped the telephone wire
with broth hands. The current pro-
duced instant death and the holly was
considerably burned. The young wan
was twenty-seven years of age.
1n nil collnirlea. Ark for our INVIN.
TUIi SnLVISER,whl-h wd1 be sent trim
564 University at.. M..ntr6at
Robert Wilson
The Massey -Harris Shop II
Hamilton St. Galenic h
e PTw.tt ■
BUFF ALO—Daily, May 1st to Nov. 13th—CLEV ELAND
1.... r.'..0• 111: Le F. M. b r.A.r..a land, Duey.uw. . f M
Arrl,e / IM A. M. a
Tom Arrtv.$verat. • 1 M A. M.
Uoonr,-%Ions t l'Ieyel.nd nor Cert., Pohl, Pat la e.y. 'Toledo, Detroit ..d .11 p•1at•
w..t.W�oo oi4ddathwo.t Railroad Make.. reading eaters.. sisao sod 1'1w/eland•reiirket.,t. n. alt 14,...
.nTI i.•w.tl4• M-4iN
:.kH .gni.
wlthl .7. ,urn 11 . 1.. torero., whaeowlba.•..
A'.atifvll, ,-.lore( ...M"..1 puzzle churl of'rt. Areal -nip "a....c..a t ,
"...Virg of e,e rent.. AI.,, ..k for our It -p.,, el.torl.l .. d
d ..rrtrttre 1...”1. Int • fr, p.
T • land & Buffalo
Transit Company
Ile,.l..., Ohio
Th. &reel 1110...11E181411•111'.
t.e secret ems .rt eerily
,".neer at..... •. ImIW
t....1 t.. world. 11W,ing
opelty, 11-.. premiers
Are you going to do any fencing ? We have
several tons of No. 12 coiled spring steel wire, which
was bought before the rise in wire, which we will give
you at the price of No. 9 wire,—that is, 5c per pound
and a pound of this wire runs 32 feet. This makes a
good fence and cheap. We have a quantity of No. 9
coiled spring steel wire and also barbed wire. Call
and see the goods and get our prices.
Time to Spray
Now is the time for spraying. How about Lime
Sulphur at $6.00 per barrel ? We also have a'
new preparation, Cooper's Fungicide. It prevents Fun-
gus Diseases. You simply mix it with water. It is
put up in 25c packages.
Bicycles, Lawn Mowers, etc.
Does your Bicycle require overhauling ? If so,
bring it in and it will be attended to promptly, as we
now have a man on that branch of the work.
How about your Lawn Mower? It is nearly time
for it to be used. Does it require sharpening ? If so.
let us know and we will call and get it and put it in
good repair.
We do Plumbing, /leafing, Troughing, Electric Wiring.
All work promptly attended to and fully guaranteed
Chas. C. Lee
Phones • Store 22 The Square
House 112 Ooderich